lake ontario- abbasgekbntsfor the end of the season ontario the new steam boat the steam boats qb1at bkitailf united btatbb o tiie great britain j whitney going up leaves prescott tuesday evening drockville kingston wednesday noon oswego evening cobourg thursday morning porthope toronto friday mcrnmg and arrive niagara same morning coming dot- leaves niagara saturday 4 p m toronto evening porthope sunday morning cobourg oswego sunday evening kingston monday morning brockville noon and arrives prescott monday afternoon commodore barkie capl jaihem sincla1 propdud fry ueo igints at at pnsnre e will iacobdseiionwiihih stem boa oswego leave lhodifftrni porto on the lake aa follows urn a kd leaves kinglon hoodr m owoo monday a thursdat even ibg cobourg anj port hops tuesday fiwsy morn- totonto for niagara twsday and friday evening dowhwarp5 leaves niagara wednesday and saturday at noon porfhope ftnd cobourg wednesday and saturday evening ul uriviw at oswego on thursday where the moeuiho sttsm boat oswego and airiveft it kingston oo horeshe moett the steam boat sin jamii kkhft whcn bout will leave immtdietely for precouand ogdenburgh the commodou barfuk i one oft beat 3eft boata on itic lake and commanded by eno of the moat experienced navi- every attention will be paid to passengeri auo to properly regularly ahipped london boarding school gloucester hou3s establishment tor touso gsstlxus spton ware near forest ctc bsstr cosdoctid bv b1h b a v j- t the domestic arrangemeote of this eattbliihrrrnt in upon ihe most liberal ecala very boarder i kfomiorltph with a single bed without any eitr charse nd a rtrid atten tion paid lo hie comoro health and moral- the ware of instruction include english eloruion scientific principle nl pmcuos of anihmur medanh acoounti bookkeeping mauuralon algebra gsurnphy use of the globe hutory otc or literature iflujopb a immcnn on ihc firal pill lydlmwecthsawiubof inirlwioai auppiy more ren ceded ksmffasmsatrtmw p ilea or bonk lire people a taw t lvr ndielml tayoqu pohlle crave rte rj c of mefrpanf momorilr not to mssglmtvs ey to caltfy tam etioei icaimm eve inea- the ssmfull brklire anye 3c pt sel sept ocl oct on p iv a under 12 year of age above ditto wekly boarder day boardert the languim- orawing dancing music each ptr annum s2gumm va ditto 18 ditto il4 diuo ptttortr 1 tuinen t ditto r ditto 1835- bay a r reapecuble rfcreneea will be riven nnd gojj ere three week at midiummer d fv accnunuaettledquarlerlya thequarmcom jday ofenlratee aouaitera notice previo io the rtnioval of a boaraer ftipili f2s vacations chritnat mence on the day of entrance rovioua to hool doring the vacation annum the united states cap vau cly going tip leaves ogdenaburgh 8 sturday evening kinctnn sunday 7 a m sacked harbor sunday i p m- oswego sunday 10 km rochester monday 8 a m toronto 9 in the evening and arrives at lewislon on tuesday morniug early- coming doicn leaves lewiston l 7 r- m rochester wednesday 8 a m 0ma w ittawfettj larwifwlii sackets harbor wednesday 12 ac kingslon thursday 7 in the morning and arrives at ogdenburgh in the afternoon septemlier 185 faivcy biscuit baking thomas moxet from london reiurnahis sateful acknowledgments to the inhabitants of ingaton for the encouragement he has received since his commencement io the above business and bega leave to inform them ibat he keeps constantly for sale every variety of fancy cakes axd biscuits confectionery and other article in ins line of he very best quality wholesale and retail chriiteninr attd bride cakes made to ordsr t- m hns on hand andis constantly tnanuhtc turing ginger beer of btrperjor flavor which he will sell whnledle and retail at moderate pric muffin every wednesday and saturday even iags store street kingsron june lt 1s35 356m kingston uvoh auia neater dowjuvards will loave the carrying place on monday and tliurday moroing1 at 3 oclovk touch at the river trent amehaa- buch belleville sophiaaburgh culbertaonfl scanlan a wharf hallovrell adolphiifttown frederickshurjh bath- to kingator will leave kiogaton aameday at 6 pm touch at fairmanf gananoque bmckvills and anive at prescott in time for the stages or steam boat for montreal upward will leave prescott every tuesday and friday p m imrne diately after th snivgd of the stage or steam boat from be low touch at brockville french creek and arrive nt kinga ton early nail morning will leave kington every wednea- day and saturday roorninga at soclock touching at the inler- mediate plaeea and arrive a the carrinff place sama wmn to lime to meet the siago lor cobourg tort hops and loron to all package ioj luggage at the risk of the owner unless booked and paid for every attention will be paid to the comfort of paaaeogera and the boat la well adapted to take freight horeea ac kiogaton april 1635 m thl french language i tstifhi by a oative fpri each boarder is expected to bring s silver spoon urn fork and six towela the eitialion u extremely healthy and pteaaant tensive grounda r refcrencea rmy be made to t h nsor q for further particulars spjjf to the editor of the wwig vith m- i 11 rtwavt ivw ibr iet of f alknrnt it the m oru pa imiicultice itdioriiftwcrvrry prroihi mri i rthttn fir or rnsttly vawide rwj pnrni r fttomttirr iul ihi to urm srtjeiarsi tfh r h whs omic ll rr rfld ctinr in vii psgis rtflheineal exccpvtod iton when cifvurntnancr m th rotf g sslvs hr the imrwy orca of crwaeoiiil buroor and msstnen nwao ttu frrnck italian or cercnaft nc cw rabv pv i truwunoo f p tbobivrary frrtjsjj complete on miv-frtwbe- ofu elliitle4 loiaieeemiortwthc ami jrood fgrci bnttlip io ajl it f atrottade- der dec- eara of butmshy wmtstijrj livjiu wit urnlstr camrrbotifrrt with rboiffiw h tntsndei io rive enure the work which ibn b hat ndcwin ntswaa of sod uimn jjad a ofwvrt ragtilnraepnly ofl htm wslj and 4adal joo nar brtiii ami lreuil in d4jtu to hmc penoteata fttnpic micriiu flr ibifl part efoot weru litucenriporulcraceefihepobf brrta mnf f qil to pro vr tire rrreuf rn a lull and ttar ishertu tire the trow ivr it lucrary btc lands the crow i sale of crown cammiwiiqcr of crown seals orke j torooio jnfie lsth i public are informed that tlie lands in the london district sales of will take with doubtr col- octavo pwk wit i be lake on 1635 u steam boat ton storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave tn inform the public that he has rented the well known sforehninjca and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mgufreat the foot eal store street- as to locaiinn they huve not tbeir equals in lowif those vih wish to store property or 6ta o n it kv consignment my rely on the utmost endeavors of the subscribe u gie satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted up fur the reception of baggage barton pttllmps kingston april 23d 1835 cjiutiox this is to caution all person from making bar gains of sale or otherwise with james schroder in my name as i have at present no connection with flwxtthytfuu alw mycutoirter nreroiiurjtrl to notice of whom they buy the articles manufac ture as some perone are vending them pretending to be sent from me hejvry bqlte kingston august 10th 1835 3 america capt joel f tvlebs will run two tripa weekly between rocheater and kinga- via sodu 0wego anl sacketta harbor aa follows touttfo dowtr leaves rochetter monday and tliuradsysat 5 evening sodus do do 11 evening 0wdt tonaday and fiidaya 9 tnorning u saekete harbor do do 5 evening arriving at kiuiton tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock colrto cf leavwkinriton srturdaya4 olleinoon wedneaday 7 am 14 sacked llarbor sunday 7 miming do 12 noon u oawego do 3 aflernoon do 10 evening sodii no 9 evening thursday 5 a m arriving si rochetr monday at day light do 9 morning inieraeeting with the great britain at oawego on wednee daw and ihe onliiution at rochtwter on aindaya and thursdays on their upward tiip to cubonrg toronto aud niajrira auo the daily boats at kingston running to ogden burgh and up the hay of quinte 1 1 r- vf mwm car by taking this boa atkidrhton sacktjt harbor or oaweco reach buffalo for 2 50 each by way of the canal from rochester children halfprice place as follows viz p at london for the county of middlesex wednesday 29th july thursday 37ili august- thursday 2lih september- thursday 29th october at stok30b for the oounly of norfolk friday 24th july friday 21st august friday 19th september saturday 24th october at blandford for the county of oxford monday 7th july monday 21th august monday 21st september monday 26th october the number of e lots to be offered and tvther particulars may be known by applying to john b aakios eaq london of at this office- peter robinson 42 ctrmmmiotur of crown band mwm arrwvticj reader wlla i hoprf morthnecice obtained their ft vera blc nnagcator uifw the werkwia 1 pebliaked in weekly nnmbers in iiichd eni each number eefamnin tinriir ipttel atsasmfa x fnroiaticd with a hnodtttroe iih pojc wd w tatcomtw gt2 s sritwle vear wh nwj5 forty rmmrikceofnaveuti enjliah duotfwtno toh the co- oi whkh 1h be at ki un liir hie pnw oi a yfa fbggbv rtfine 8ne for t rjtcti volilitlc aod not combrs the pr oftta librao will hefirt uomtfo spiral pawe in ad a7emraiit0 of pr eeat will be allow c to arnt ssj m agent or nrnflrrtter omliusi five obsrlbcr od ti tr nrhjonahol1brrnuiledlotbeommiooorircrc nrncep of london link of packet6tb pro- tors of thta line f fncketa having incteased the number of their ship will hereafter despatch one nf them from nev york and from ponetnouth on the lat 10tb and 90th and from london on th 7th 17th and 2tb of every month tfuouchout the year viz from newyork 1 ship toronto r gruwold master 10 3hip ontario jia kearney matter 20 ship westminster h chstnplin maaur i ship st james win s sebor majiter in shin montreal t h cbamphn meater 20 ship canada thoroaa britlon roaster i ship i 10 ship hannibal hebard maater- 2t ship philadelphia e e morgan maater i ship phiiadelphia e e morgan maater 10 aliu president gerge moore maater dc 20 ship samson d chadwick mailer from losdor au- 7 montreal leave oiumouih ux 10 aiif 17 canadai leave pommmtfi ati 20 au- 27 t new leave porlamuttlh sopt i ssut 7 hannibal leave portmnutu sept 10 sepl 17 philadelphia leave fortinwilh sept 20 gpt 27 president leave purlmtwaoct 1 7 samson leave pommnuih 10 17 toronto leave porwariiith ot 20 27 ontario leave prtmmli nov 1 7 westminster leaves pottamnyth nov ia 17 st james new leaves pwumouth nv 20 these ahipa are all of the fii class ahoot 600 tons burthen and are commanded by able and rjfkriented navigators- great care will be laken that the bed store 4e are of the beat description the priceof enbin panae outward i now fixed at 340 including wines inj liquor or 120 without wine ic paiaengors paying the hiat dtlftuomd price ean be auppltef by the ms who si the printed rate which will be fijrnihed on board neither the raptiins norownrra of these packet will le responsible for any letter parceu or parities vent by them unless regular bill of lading aic signed therelot apply to oct ha oct nov nov tht paper tipoo which ihe library will be prmiml fill pauv uol or bookwrk aod ofa iic adrairnwy avss a ihe tvoc will be eaurcly new end ora net urncfinitkc wikeubouml will ferniali a hwubniee ns well afs voliiawe idditoqio the librario or those who pattwv tnc john oriswold 70 beob- will lake ontario the fast aiuxu steam packet will 1 iii it- st george lieut harpjglt r conimnuder until the 1st september loave the different ports m kingalon every tuesday and saturday morning tuesday evening it wednesday morning saturday evening i jtrotice any person having claims against the estate ol the late thomas ashe of loughborough are requested to present their accounts for adjustment on or be fore the 8th september proximo to the subscriber p mad1gan kingston august 6th 1835 2 the mansion house kingston it c the subscriber continues to occupy this extensive mod well known establishment as an hotel fur the accomodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situated in store street being the kncipal and most ceutral street in kingston in the noess part of the towo is convenient to the dif ferent steamboat wharves and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlors and bed rooms all of which are fur nished io the very best style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise impro ved the subscriber having kept a public house fur many years has acquired experience in that jine and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the comfort of his guests he will continue to merit pub lic patronage in the rear of the mansion house there is a large yasd and extensive stabling and where a livery stable is constantly kept q3the mansion house carriage and porters will always be in readiness to convey passengers and luggage to and from the different steamboats tf- carmlyo kingston may 1835 25 cogunianoaeorcrown laoda offica toronto july xfrd itrs j jvotice xs hereby given that unless francis le rocqne or his heirs do make any claim they may have to lot no 13 and the south half of lot no 14 in the 5th con cession of the towwiaip op nossaiiro if tbi home district within three moniha from this date the same will be otherwise disposal 0 1 peter robinson vowtmtationer of cvoaw landg oawego cobourg port hope and arrive at toronto on wednesday afternoon and sun day tnornio dowkwiudi toronto every thursday morning and sunday evening port hope m thursday evening and mond iv mnrnin cobourg m and arrive at kingelon in time for paasengeia tc take the river boats for montreal passengers leaving toronto by the abovn boat nn sunday and thurtday will arrive in montreal on tueady and salur dav evenings nolnggageor paiceli taken charge of unless booked and paid for ah freight pnyohuon ifrflpaimj kingston june 8th 1835 the steam boat sir james kehipt will until further nomce perform her trip up the bay of quinte on tuesdays and fridays t and return on wednesdays and saturdays will leave prescott for kingston and the bay on monday and thursday evening aftei the armalof ihe boat from below will leave kingston for prescott on sunday and wednesday eveinn patsengers for montreal leaving kingston by this boat on sunday evening may be sure of meeting th montreal line at prescott on monday morning as the boat leaves exprcaaly for tht i- dj t atg k p m kington juneotth 185 01 sale of crftvn lvdb comidiwr of crow n land- oflcsg toryw 22od jun ikw the public are infumed that the sales crown lands and clergy curves in the midland district will take place aebllows viz at belleville for the townships of hmiingdon madoc hun- gerford kaladar rawdoi richmond ami tyen- dtnaea monday thursday mnndy tuesday friday 21th july 2hh august 3at september 2jth october- 2tli november ativapxnee for the townships of sheffield and camden thursday monday thursday friday monday at hhcbtoif for the townships of poland pittsburgh hit linhronlc bedford and lmeh borough 2jrd july 2lth august 21rh september 2jrd october 2ru november i u1 mti saturday tuesday wednesday monday itotfa july 29th august 29h september 28th october 30th november tho numbers of the lots to be oflered for sole may be known by applying to samuel s willmot esq belleville or aiihia office 42 ibe vrorlf ibr ea year a nrincn ofihc workerrry informayeft rrprcims ima taiorj ty aildrcvttsifc ihe piib1icrs rt paiu bditors of neu pcn i- whon the ifospe c re wwww pkac ibpen ihf atvc otf n a eoa viaimt swul a copy dturaj porr cooiainin the ailvcrtjsetnrnl rnarkeit eo oniitle tbenteeh ra to a tree ex chunc lt one year mm a snlu sl- pgdwltpkfa jily i7tl 19 m ltfjwsl book roa jui v vn pnbllmtird oil tlao firat lust ihtsaomhcr cmhmedn new vnmc aivl centsh one of iln nines of taeliiotij hlch ha rrnctrrw this work o cotclmtrl alaoiherauhijesoriheomrn timr five lroiliir ptmca will iw tca lh pavablk is advance even oembcr eotfaios a hed engravlnr rr plate of paahtirns rmtycol iflmpami dthhic i wo fcnjravinyd ol srunsuiantt otori taobcithoicowofjcniiic tbjvcu or icwi of rabvuht gallery of portraits dttte w heart will be pcwihed likcoe of dimiajriiabril nniliore inthiacouoiry and in enrope ahndy havrtcn iistlbs spftty n aembuwoeof qolvrer brougham m03 uml cunnnigbatrand ihe tnu fowint arc now ready for pre and will be pnblsbeil two in w uuoi- her qniil e whole 1 comnlrted shrllcy lewi aloorc covrrr kodscradjbrulnevlomiuldn 5iahjare porter uainpb it koa coc alec iimiteof wasbinsiona knod vrmmmu w biactflont5 willbc ibaml in ihe p ecu 1 number auo sir el tittrj- vtiefthepirnnffhoiir iiliiinued ly n c urooka a sft a view orpstft plnrn nvw vorh excerpwr anuioiogia by hi- curvy eq kmbronury mmk ac the ptfaaulay of iliittitiairlietl citiitcne will becotlnuetf inshorr iirfniiim tvuclio render uib vrit paramouiii 10 all other of a sin titer nature i a nddkv tlimuhrr no a pntntiliii purr philnthna 1tc enbenber 0 cim inr ttieae pcrnnj- wmlinf l vljirrile for lle ladyaboovathat there i ro deeepinvn in tfe workvrtl fttwari any roonoi onrndr as a tpecimrii by injiny inn i irurr rot pnta lfaoyofeerajerilishoiilflharrytranoniiiror volume jo or hand thai oicymtnet uev ibey will cenfrrftperticntar favor on jtanmiamr by returnlnc ttiem iinmediaiely aecomjaaiiicd witu a note matin incotjin- ber neni and who they irr from we are ae nearly 001 ufvotuoi otbatwc with to phaidea supply fncaou ncipapev rtxrhanprtrifc wiulbe lv nook willennftr a fuvor on the vubftchl cr by qivlaf ibe abovr ihrri or four stitfcntova the entijbmak8 oil the sporting and dramaiir coinpnnioti ivtkrkrsfd willi k multitude of engravxtfgs isrciswlko houses philuitophitnl mitt ntirul riinoiucim lescrlcmaliis g it 1 now ay tnnth sin ili pumiah4l wt cnmmrnrril in phila- 1 iiiu pii uiihmieli ihe pnblhriliar urd m eatrniienvmfib8 j to c 1 rrul mr kuowlrdv l it lhcrib jl sftiili ih the fnuf1trioii mam- wfltcn hy thai positron oiib jmibltr ln hxr lsi inl ttrfiiiintrtl wild i nxrharartrr unit eratenx ibiil brt art pitioi onfim orrtnilv a j i fiyfmt tviii r uaui i i iid h ui tik t un i iml ati r it ifiifv uv rceetvcil ihul it will eventually hreoois rmeoftho mot ihoiyr nmon- ibe nniikroaw cxeettcnt prnooval whtrh utjr itom thi ami e in oivjm no cxeriioiia wblbdspstvd toejubtlh it- prrminaa njniffttn rrwirc ctteoaivrly ard iltb itbeno aarktion of thou ito wfaon it h canrtiiilly teitie al warruoi it mws iidprovrmlol bfth hn rgirrl lpo- graphical soheegv od embellmhmeni vtili mulcrially alvimnd the differeni pbya and farce that will apprr in 1 he otirn of a year nt imiaselvii will be worth more than rova liior the uiiksant of ubf crip toij the tbllnwles ia a list orthoc vvbtcb have ajrcudy ap peared lh direct new york or gitlnnsrl minturn a o 11 front si do or to geo wildesco no 10 coleman it london n b stcamboata ion daily frfm portiirmulh where these packets stop to land and receive piongeri to the continent and to different parts of engtaml any information relative lo thi line nf putkot ihips may bcofitained hy application m tlino evans treatise on ajoicultnrc x few copies of the above work may he had at the hardware store o messrs hill ilaggs or of the subscribers ga vv yarker kingston atiif 2lst 135- me of croivy hjyds rm tmii ioty kll 18w notice is hereby uiven that the lands now under survey adjoining the towx8hipr of eluon fenelox itoath or tvs balsam lake will be offered for sileu public auction towards the end of the month f annst next the usunl nnticc detftttuig the nuiuhers of he lots as well uic conditions uil place of sale wilt be given as soon as the mirvev i completed 1 american leatiwr store just reft ived and fr sale bv ilu subscriber 51k sid of sole jcaihcf do harney dti do bridle do oalfsktna kip skifhh dozen morocco skins lining toh binding skillsj 2 barrel sale m bonos starke a cov axc fih supply of isttt nnd boottrccs- five dollar per wt puid lor hides rind th6 cash patl lti 210 km j0o 100 u 20 a 2 marcct plap calf v sheep skim wiij 1i tokd kin39mm jnlv l 1j5 sale of crotf a l1vds cinitniaitif r r flvocri ivhk oitcc loroiito mi- the public arc informed that t crown fjrnds hv auction in r rom day sale of crown com bajws office ieooer of crown imdn torooio may 11th ltt- the public sire informed that there will be a sale of crown lauds by auction in ihe own of clia- thmn in the wctrm district on the iwt trwowjnv in june next and adjourned nles frill hflerwhiw be hld at the aame place on the first tuwday in the months of july august september and octo ber following sales will also he held in sandwich on the first tuesday in june nest and afterwards uil the thiitl tuesday in ihe months of july august ifejitcudrer and october followinp the numbers of the lot to be iteiede kind fn ther pariiculnr may be known bv npikins i hen ry j jones esq chatlmm or ai ihia oltiav peter robinson 31 commiioner of trorrn ltntfa ih 135 j ieic will hca soco e town of peterbu rough in the yucratu dmritf on ihe ltrt titey itt june next ntitl adjourned sales will nfier words in- held at the sarlic dacc n the first tue- day in the inontlw of july augim tfeplenibcr and october followh the numbers of lint lors to he uhered frr ssahv and furtttpf pnrtiriilnrs nlov he known by applying tn alrxamicr mcdoneli kt peieilorutil ur at this office petkr robixsox ier mir tmrom ir p tfnrut j s know lr j r ptunche r reynold a sonvfrrl t morton it p smith jjs kimok- thnrsa kotortifl wtilittu j ilofion mr ineham -i- welter f fl itisww- pjisnchc a ouaco w t menerifrt at g twi j itpiaihe m h miner mr inchlial lake ontario 1835 til zleqaxt stzjmboat oswego fpraptluj bv ss pawrful tov pntnrt tafbunfn hern pt capi j t in i- will make two trips oh lake ontario in each week in connection with ihe splendid steam boat commodore barrie leaving ogdeneburg and prescott every wednes day and friday evening at 7 oclock for niagara touching at the intermediate porta on the american and canada shores passengers leaving montreal on tuesday or thursday mornings reach ogdens- burgnrpreacott in time to take this boat the fol lowing svenings july i 1835 hl4 old rat ions rum for sale bythe subscriber a ouni- 7 nicl warranted seven years old a desirable purchase for tavern keepers v t mjajss iuumsom kingston july ui 183 45 ras rags rags the highest price in cash paid for rags at thia office britiili whig office kingston july 21 1835 irish pork just received d for sale bv ihe subscriber a quantity of irish prime mess pork a very superi or article t macnider frontsi august 28ih 1636 kingston brewery distillery the subscribers have recent i ncry have now in full npitftltful i patent cwrfer kk tifvino appabatl- for the maiiufacture of juirr canadian whiske v being the only hienr ppientiililiesaiiifci tion in ihe tr provineei- cnstoineisnm he ntnl limes suited on ibe shnrieat notice iih ihe vurinm eirengths from alcohol to cntuftttin retail niodl ul a quality superior lo any oiher manufaciuied in lli province- they have now on hand and readv for gale from 15 to 20000 gailoeisof whiskey also from 12 to 15000 gniioob of superior s o e w e n ale warranted that by ttsmg proper attention to it to re main good throughout ihe season patmbnt casln or approved endorsed notes at 3 mouths wanted 3e00 bttshtu of hardwood charcoal hunt morton kingston brewery distillery msyisao 34 john a m acdoiv a li has opened hm ufficc in the linck buildinar be longing to mr colltar opposite the shop f 1 pm- dk hcwil1 auc on the duties or the prrofeaaioo kingston aucunt 24th 135 rharlcn he firi lr ahn i bricand the hwdaak the op pcrp sta ohrulmnjc shakprartk uirty ptijr uwt qoanr hiiiir- rr ilir onirihinl grfm han aflvn i1wkutm tih svdlr itn rtrtvii vih in tw immin rsirmcr hpsklrhllmi olvmpir iu rn ltrthnn tit jiadjin wwfcjpvm c frtivl 1 r kiim kuillnit ai frw ur qgavmof v klatlfgfi throiiiriiw lu tsr krikw th mn hrif j jmnkrney rii rw b tymnt pmvit ift onmtr intwiio m limiir nih itru occunira a rnnifff nwr 17 j llstt mtul i imjylm fr hie ml milliwc m kvi m of lratfit ivmntt horse vuch liavo th a itfcah lmiifi hw- row in fmkktst tjitlririrl r jthtttv mtsdextjr ihcfv fhruvr 1 nd ler fflaaib hini rurifvn li miahk 1h y i n i tl t fm- ims imvrfrl ur jio fjl atbavmarcavx thy wen town bpjcrifft it hoa- touthtfi omi tin tjtrtl uwkorae mundig jnnt mm rarva variety nf other enihelllmicnw nfltfikctt of itlfcncai mrfhiivr pumnhrd lire he f uowiftc tiiivl mdino vcu fouhern jltlstra t nf lasiltwid ihai inosvi or m r the subsckiulsu having iimde nrrangemeots wiili a nrnnucturvr bud and will constantly keen an cxteumve supply uf solblbathsr lltintcatid bridle leather upper leather i rntna kip mortwrn linings iiindhi which hewii hr obtintrd arc i ttcll ttlioimlu ur retnu as low as cart n the ivfttince deuftn mki nmna- mirtuitre can he hippfiil at nil times and with any praiwbly on becilt terms tluiu can 1 h feake hnfyroire tiaiiiitos mid prafitiblv lie oliciimd eueuhere cash pitld fur hues flnx sped qy loobinrcis salt ejlfifv ftppimie the mairkci r lajdwcil joha k mnm 21 i 31 and skilly tallow and tfrnerly occupied by murray 33 hy btliphe iknllmi ihe winner ofitie derby 8iakea in ti he st kktfoval dhckier has rciiuved hia ciieaf fuk irisirr naelk liuot a iii slwivs in lac keep rkw qnrp in- iuit a inrgc surciunr nf ihe very ben manu- lureit ilu fiilloiii low ric4s for ready movev onlv kxpunnlonofifie avtqmatiun i j j f iniravinus chess plaver illatfaird tp auhjeeu vhicf fcpanicolarlyttlfacctlliilu- vademfxiw l l more hiky unwsloi 1 com tin fulowinr hub man- ri il re rnrranu 11 mkm roimecwj htcwiih on ih hiriklorr nnd chvacicri ihe hoi pbis- liniirovrtnnl ofhoraed caiik kul- fix noviec- tn siwilnc m ihri fet fmrtlus nitl truinins doe- ilumli fishio fonin apkovwi gnrnc r msyto nnd mhere crurihmea pj m acim the mftsi poporot soiue ztl to mux tl atlol ldfnin llliimfatrd a jiyofcpediptfjtoomik economy poinc il ifipcirl n tk vt skstt ltkw orihf fnk-non- bojxjr s l es fln far imperial ppffof a teauiiail zzrszhj jrtsaea every tfqrr ith 0ian p ettsfzvsf arderfteabroas pmufie pu be pmb by s wwaram ps spmavkgnffstseg iahie pninello am leiilier pumi du cio d ho d do h do d d superior quality lancy colours kit in ilu du fine light walfcin- hoej stoui ku liable for umifj wear prunsuo bhim guluhsri supvtlfli quaktr fjiccin do fine light icotlier dwr slijt ho mn siont walking shoti very do do do pegged boots aiso a variety of boys and cinls liuois shoes at very low price hoots nnrl shoes made to order j- murray kfngttnn mnv25th 135 3 6 5 o 7 0 s 0 5 0 7 n 8 6 y n c fi i6 g 0 7 6 10 0 4 6 5 0 8 0 6 0 6 6 8 0 10 0 10 0 80 7 6 6 3 8i 12 6 33 mtun h 4c flaii 4r market sruar ftu fd 1930 jirr plas farcbs fcrwakl p in sovado 1u flmw eov an-pon0o- dtwr l lhreojollirapayhbie fs2i ls v l aleduci qrmram reial he itartflhivroecivcd ltf wnrkfrreeal mnf iima iitliit pjiil u voliinifh ooopucrncli iflhf novel- vlj ssss r hvhllrfgeu nl- i uc araooni ofonr yea- aaertstii for bilious pilis a safe nnd valuable medicine for family use in nil bilious dnoidersand obstructions of thr bowels to he had at dr adamstiaa surgery in kingston with proper directions hlinifston july 9 1835 46tf r eia wiir ise ihukmly l t g- antte hy locloaioan tan ifcl 0utar imj rom vllur- traok- ftteoofrs for sale al the suhciihcr leacher siorc 51 doz flat and mm 1 corn brooms 10 do superior tints a cradle syihcs 201 bit sail ftedi from ihe woiks 50 do maclcarel cash paid for hide sheen calf skins william ford market riser kingston inly urb igoff t7