the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly orivii pbi o ft p ft dtcot voi iv by e j batteb m d the british whig a sewweekly journal dourf 10 co politic infoffauitn i publihed tvy tuesday nl fridsv wfuinti by dr baiker editor and proprietor at ilia otfice id rear street next door lo lha commercial hotal r if british whig setaoieoo ikilfiop tad liiptnca par annum if paid 111 advance or wicmo thro months from me receipt ofiha 6rt number aad 00b pogad k it wd oflh 0ica of postal iweiithroiplion received for ml than lb month and ptpur dicmjnuedyntilall aireaiage art paid up the option oftho publiaher wwttatmmii sis lines and under 2p frl tint inter oos and 7n ocheubseqiioaufistrtion tan lines aad un der- 4d first iimrlion end 10 each subsequent insertion aboreten me 4d per line fur the first interuun and id par hot for every subftequont insertion adwlisment without written directions are inserted till foraid and chajjed accordingly orders for discontinuing sdverlretmenutobein writ inf produce of every kind received in payment no letteie taken in except fioinagenia unlets post no except al kingston u c friday september 11 1835 no 13 lelter press printing exacaicd with nearness and despatch upoo term unpreoedently lew in upper canada all work to u paid fur within hree months after ctffion km n aug 1 s33- axe the subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he haa removed to those very extensive premises in front street next co the building formerly occu pied by the commercial hank where in oflersfor iale a very extensive aud ceneml assortment of british and foreign staple faxcy lijy goods an well a tlic f aiiowiup groceries c vlx 100 chests tr vaiious sorts 20 uhdtf refined tsugfir 20 muin ado do 50 keg plug tobacco 20 uoxes cntndlb do maccoboy and bftppee smuts paint and cod oil snlrpcu fly imueanj starch white and colored putins ami black lead mumaid in jir spermaceti cnndles tallow candle spermaceti wick liverpool nfitl montreal qj1p rioyenreoil olive oil in hi tin md pipes mmcfcarel and herri tiff 30 witt- cvmhc tlraudv nvli ii pruof otiid dupuy co and tic lifuim bordeaux llrauriy irchifiliiit ienrva suid hamburg tu pomticnns juiiicu spirits prool 1 to j upper canada vhisky nive av iro uuorter cqks uf old madeira tipprovrd vinta ges ihacklnirii ohvicro cus uimd xerxes sherry london particular tencnfie and llto imm huov mve and cmeral qvmnmllc of red snd ivhitk h7vks worlliv thu uaeution of new i rticle a mdier strong fkvor vunnirv mn li nm i- d tuvfro kpw bottled w13tes eitst inditi jvladhri brovn and sold siieity genuine old lnt sparkling champalguc tuiiio uiand r o it t e it uibbrrts ami dunbar hrotm stouf lu pim and ciuatu- cpms of scliiidain iiti t 0 pjs s 100 2i to 3 feel swum coikiig stuvetff 200 boxx window ias varioo3 iiu5 shovehh cnl and rought nails uoxc t c a 1 x tin the goods enumerated and all ills importations ate peroliarly dcseriiigf the notice of ihe public uiidthc advantaged of the wlinrve and premises lie occupies lor the general purpose uf tiade and the terms upon uhich hit tnek ialwaya ltil in through his frtetidl in montreal enable lim to sell us low as lnt muii a hiwn advance ill htr made upon all conmnient of produce fur bale here or forshintem loliis friends 2i montreal tiie charges iil b found moderate thomas mjcxider kingston aitut 22 1833 7tf probpectu8 for publishing a oorpbiiuplate map of tlte midland district 1e subscriber propose should sufficient en- couragrment be given to publish a map of the mirilaad district including one range of towoehipa in the newcsade district on a scale of 150 chains loan inch exhibiting at the mail roads cross roads rivers rivulets lakes churches meeiiog nuaea saw mills grist mills towns villaaee wharves steam boat landings c c by lot concession and township the undersigned being about to build a cop perplate printing press is determined to prim publish varnish and mount the proposed mapin his own township and therefore looks to a gene rous and enterprising public for patronage and sun port the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will em brace four ranges of townships from the bay of quinte back and will be executed in a style equal to the authors mop of prince bdar4 it will be published on a copper engraving coloured vsr niahed mounted on rollers and delivered to sub scribers ot four dollars per copy payable on deliv ery p v elmore haltawell september 1835 ir sale by public auction on tuesday the 29th day of september next at 12 oclock at noon at thecprt house at pictott to the highest bidder that beautiful property known by the name of green point consisting of 343 acres ui excellent landof which a large ponton is cleared situated in one of the finest part of the bay of quime being the residue of a reserve left for mili tary purposes and afterwards granted to sir john harvey on which there is a ferry crossing to the six nation indian tract in ilie neighborhood there is an extensive settlement of respectable far mers the premises and the vicinity abound with game and the bay with fish of every description peculiar to lake ontario it is particulnrlv suitable for grazing and is within 40 miles of kingston which is a never failing ready mooy marker it is in short one of the most desirable and valuable pro perties in the country the steamboats navigating ihe bay pass a distance of several miles round the game daily these valuable lands will be sold either together oi in separate lots to ui purchasers a plan of the property may be seen by application to louthcr macphersoiip es of hflllowell or to lite auctioneer j linton auctioneer kingston august 7tb 1835 dissolution of partnership the copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has been this day dissolved by mutual consent all business appertaining to the late firm of bradt forsyth will be settled by robert forsyth to whom oil debts due the firm are to be paid and who will pay all existing engagements james c bkad1 robert forsyth kingston august 26ih 1s35 81 m white 4 blade smithing and farriery fhe subscriber hereby gives notice tat the above business will be continued hy him in all its various branches at the old stand head of store st lately occupied by brttft forsyth where he hopes for a continuance of patronage robert kingston august 27th is3 forsyth sloi wew groceries c just received and for sale by the subscriber at his scores hi front and store streets the following goods viz 10 cheats twankay tea con it sale of crown lands in the western district uaanlaiehfr0rcfrtwii ijnu ofic t0fciic3li attts4 tc5 do do midi do dn do pun do do casks brown 2000 coilons canadian 1 4 g 3 i i q 2 young hyson hyson skin bright muscovado sugar refined stiffr irmiiv fiollhiids iiiii jamaica spirits old uations kunii moluswsi inle sherry whiskey notice is hereby fiven- ihat on thursday be rfdy of ouqbr m there will be olleied for shic by public auction at the court rousts ii tlt town op san2vtich at jo oclock a u a tmct of lawtj in one block mdpruing the 7th sth and the qumtcr pan of the 9di concesiioita of suruin and containing 11777 crc6 at the udmt piico of four shillings and eloven pence currency per acre payable one quarter down and ihe remainder in three year by annual instal ments of one quarter with interest on each instal ment as it becomes due the purchaser will positively be required to pay tlie firat instalment on the day of ate and in de- ftolt thereof the trart will be again set up to auc lion on the following day at 10 oclock a m a plan of the intci and the number of the lot qy ba seen by applying to henry j jon esq chatham or in the surveyor jcueral toronto a copy of which will ilo be sent to the editor of the emigrant sandwich peter robinson 0 commissioner of crown lands at the sign of the illir tlfe subscriber respectfully inform ins frionds jwd the public that he is now mnnufauiuiing and for sale wholesale retail an extensive as- wrtment of tin ware which he will dlspow of on i most reamable terms ic hasauo for snle a large quantity of cuba st uuuui segaift do do uosion made wbi of all kinds do stune ware best qudiiy b phillips markei rare kington sept 4ih 1835 10 1 ton prime cod fiji c wis salt witter herring 4 do no 1 mwckarei 2 casks warren paste liquidlllakuig 20 do cut and wrought nitfla 20 boxes window tilaaa 10 do starch 10 do bloom o muscatel raisins 6 do eoglih pipei 2 uagb softsherd almonds 40 reams wrapping paper 20000 i an uuill 2 000 lbs first quality american cheese james williamson kingston september 1 1835 sale of clergy reserves in the eastern district onnfertom r of craw itdf offloe jf o hereb s lh the undermeniionerf cleniy rciierves in ihe easiern diatricu will be of- eee bv publrcairction at ihe court house in ihe town of cornwall on friday ihe 23rd day of of los currency per acre upon condition of actual actileroent the term of payment will he one- tenth of the purchase down and the remainder in 9 equal annual instalments w instalment as it becomes due townsllllopruxouroucii 1st 2 5 6 7 6 iih interest on each the heat and hay cropa were promising and ex- 1 library was sold for three pouxdi and the kmora in hi cellar for ihret hundred and eightyfair mai fifteen ghilingg the letter killech but the tfmk 3d 4 b 6 7 s 9 10 ii 12 con no 39 ii 38 i 7 it 3s ii 7911 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 26 2s30 3234 3c38 ii 57911 rearis 12 and 13 14 15 16 ir- 20 22 24 2 28 30 3234 3633 townsuip of pinch con lot no 2 16 n 44 u ti tl ii 14 44 ii 41 it 41 it 44 44 4 h 3 10 2 16 317 2 19 22 2 3 10 22 2 3 township of keugox con lot no 20 toivnshipop ossabklcr m no 1 peter robinson cmnuiborr nf ci uwo tiands h editors of papers throughout the province will please to insert ih above uniil the diy of eale 9h 9th u i caution notice is hereby given that the suh will py no bills contracted in hia name vitfoiit an ex prna order given by mr adamaon or himself wm adamson eciintkfcin spltfi 1835 ilrw wanted a respectable youth as an apprentice jm dry goods store in this town one from th country would be preferred for particulars apply at this kingston sept sth 1935 the british whig to corrkslponilknts mt a it it an prltoiva cammtinraiioo on ihr pirtjttf of mrl nahpwftiitiiin v l jrtf 10 hi i oaftliltient il bunlf of cppcr caaudn lirfwcn kixgsto frtdai evenixq sep7 n lflk fori days i i ik from evc ii y thtr vrritat rih pucarl wp pl arrtt capi- 1 cmcf- dsy from liverpool ibrctlilofw of ih c4mamffcm ajvniaft huvc r chrd fvi taff lvn nrilmur j-ijr- the lifiu lobrle nud ihe i mi r to ifi 3feb oi july jhe municipal corporations lul a passed in ihe houc of commons was brotictrt before the upper house on the 23th but of course no tntimitation i aflbrdedon hhich rcliancccan be placed asfoitsul- limntedesiiny a motion was madeby lord strantt- fiird ihftt the corporation of coventry should be henrd by counsel against the bill which was object cd to on the ground that if the privilege weie allow ed 10 onn corpnrate body nil others michi demtnd the remct whtrh would create art intolrahle it as fluilly ieitlftl iliht two or three day should ht- r ieoed for the 1ierintr of pouitttel wfter which tlu hill should betaken intoconidrratiou hy ihir lord- rilip a petition cnntiected with the bill gave rine on the 27th to a remark tvotnlnd melbourne which appeared to create some sensatim he aaured thetr lordships tlat he held them in the utmost respect that castinr asioe nil idle cla mour hi- believed and knew hat their authority vih tw sxd lnif liffifltyiiw b tnr tiin i powers well a v li lt-v- urptit and uimv milftm w ineir dufniiy rights and uthoiir it wan ini- ld he so lixid thai tltey could altoid to tritlc with such a subject lord wliamelifle the follow- pected to be abundant the sum dnvwn by madame malibron during her recent engagements at the two royal theatres ra ther exceeded 10000 out of which mr buon paid her for herssrvice3616l canaoian arpatas a london paper of the 28th mentions that the scrip of the new loan for in ternal improvement in upper canada has just been reported it is in debentures of 1000 each at 109 payable as follows 300 on the 23d instant 200 on the 15th october 300 on the hth janu ary and 230 on the hth april with interest from the lsttnst at the rate of 4 per cent the iljsv is in ireland we regret to find con tinue and the british house of commons wax doing all in their power to relieve the pressure but it wu feared the session was too far spent to fiord any immediate relief the advices from paris are tothe27tb the pa pers were much occupied with descriptions of the ceremonies attendant upon the anniversary of the three days of which that was thefirst a grand funeral service was performed in all the churchea in memory of those who fell the second and third nays were to be devoted to rejoicings the trial before die chamber of pcera had not yei terminated hut a new turn bad ben given to the speculations of the press and the curiosity of the people by an un expected nroceeding of the procureurgcneral who on the 25th announced that he had abandoned lite prosecution of some of the prisoners and recom mended the others to the mercy of the cowt the sentence was expected to be declared about the mid- dj of august the latpsi advices from madrid were of the 19 th july via paris from the seal of war no later than had been previously received disturbances were expected at the capital on the 18th which was the anniversary of the tumult in which several mouks were killed last year but the measures of the go vernment wtrc to cnorgetic that ilie day pacaed ofi in uiet couriers who had arrived at bayonne stated that they encountered no difficulty or obsta cles on their journey from madrid melancholy account ire given in one of the french papers of the ravages of the plague and cho lera in 8yria and egypt fourteen thousand pit- ctloi are said to have died in cne day at mecca of cholera but this i probably an immense exagge ration the situation of mehemct ali is represent ed to he very critical between the plague and pover ty his treasury hemp almost exhausted but we do not believe il we happen to know something of the real state of affairs in egypt and perhaps we may give an article on the subject at some early day the fame paper alleges that a firman of admission id the block sea m nol refused by the porte to the french brig of war having on board m tcxier the scientific traveller neither do we believe this stuamboat explosion a shocking accident attended with lamentable loss of life occurred hi greenock on the evening of the 24thofjuly the eurl grey steatncv was tying at the un nit wv from rothsay to glasgow the steam it is said was forced up to prepare for a race wjih the clarence steamer when the whole roof of the boil- he fttuttfi eftliittt ij dcx w uwat u and the beams planks and fragment over the quay and into the river there were about forty persons on board at the time if the accident and the papers give the names nf 32 who were cither killed or injured this melancholy occurrence had created n very great sensation in glasgow givetb life to the at scattered i eve tlnir powers then possible that in ih isurrd and sculi wlh then ot in trv this drew froif liflrd whar serened the expressions rli iiik noble i d melbourne had thought pro- it of hear heai per to address to rtvtr lordships lie would leave to the noble lord hnclf to consider if the result was not a threat ogiiuc liiantly and jor il- by the subvri dupuy ccft tost received a ltrge supplv of oloids mgltte brandy very low w t macn1der kingston sept 4th 1835 take jtoticb s axb or puopetv by auction will positively take place on thursday the 44th inst if not previously disposed of privately that most advantageous property situated at the corner of frmt johnstone streets nearly opposite mr counter establishment the extremities are 33 feet by 66 coniaminz als dwellings and realizing ai least from eighty to nine ty pounds per annum also on the same day nil be aold fifty acres of valuabl land eligibly situated in the fourth concession c kingston contiguous to powlcys mill and only six miles from ihe principal mart the proprietor has resulved on mil purpose leaving the country the sale will take place on the premises and com mence precisely a 2 oclock james linton auctioneer kingston aug- 27 83 ivajteot at the office of the british whig a lad about t r ii years of age as n 11 buneas bwrd anj lodging ould be funnshed to a boy from the cou otry apply to ibe propria cior kidgeton sept 81i1 llw what fell ftom litin lie taid thcit dieiiy nghwnnd privilege authun- iy were mw firm e i wt ho you nill- j 1cn w n not io trikeeven body tfwre who beard it fjieor liearl ia ht fer- il wmild spw p l every body lo t ebewliere hear hear the irish churc uili was siili under discussion in the lower linuc nmhiiidwamalcphc from hirfi an approach ing dhnnlution of parkameni could he inferred the bill io abl impriwointnt fir debt has pas sed the committee of the house to which it was re ferred but it was cxpecwd to come beorc tlit be i icseim sehun hug c of it as he iouycouiing tuc m london july i6the monetary circles were rather taken bv surprise with the posting of the fol louiiilmciwroulibaiikoreiiglaiiij rcllor of the eshll on the subject or the w cm india comnenf utiiin loan winch was teemed shorilv iifierone oclock tl communicated to die membero of the stock exchange hfrejuttry chambers july a looo genilemen cg to inform you and to re quest that you will make it known in theusual man ner that on wcdneadoy next at 11 o clock lord melbourne and i will be ready io see any genile- mil who may be desirous of contracting for loan under lbs plwwona of an act paed third and fourth y of his majestys reign abolition of slavery we vhnll then inform the parties of toe amouni ii he reoired and the time and manner oi and i hpc it ill be convenient for you in the for the facts and sohaf3 cthi- ldybmk forseptafdbercofitaina ttsutual quao- tum ofifiicrielnin matter cordwll houac ttsnioni the uct of it kind w notice in this number a very uniniare-t- ins and tolaoms notte of a very unimportam personage j clspt nathan c- brook lha author nffroma wietched poetry framing peculiar manner in which lh articu written wc should imaiiia it to hac bo furnished by hiimeul the number i alaoenricbad with aoengrared portmitof die same canllamatt ca vary able cummuniealion upon the cauiaa of want of vifforintho trade uf kingston appear in the chronieu of wtfmsday the writer retucrt the oibar kingston papers ti enpv hia letter a raqumtion with which we should hove tpt tiijun in etiitinvii were it made in a rtvtliil rics wih it riuuuwhat vfn threat i cn uf tkiol on thk arromtl unly we l ill not publifh hi uttar we- um hnw t ver jay ihe wriur i higher compliment by enibtidyii sovnjnil of his ides iti an article of our own upon the sum subject next tuesday tjridcav ronwhnito compar capt bruh iho a oni fr thia company at kingston end our indefatigable inwmmajt mr john counter rtiimed homo in the early part of the ttetk from un fatftftve tour in the canada lakm rela- live to the btuluem of the company they visited in sucost ion the amincaii tultj of oswego roclntfttr buffalo crmttlandsad uttroit wheie they cstabthud forwarding agent and returned io kingston by way of sandwich lon don st thomas hamilton toronto pot hopudrid cobourp their labora at the pljcrhive baea hiphl j auccemful amo period were die commoicial prospect of th town ni a for wcirdin depot in a mom satisfactory state than they are at nrosent wnuld the wealthy townspeople but aid he offort of this public spirited company alt mihiyei be well xxmuiorn two men father and son by tho name of ftfibt and william watson have been lodged in kinton iaililii week rharged with ihe murder ofono jacob caldwell vf belleville from what we can learn it ema that the el- ov primim struck the deceased in the sueets of belleville with a cane whn h ibe deceased laid bold of and attempted to force away whereupon the prisoner drew a small dagger and cubbed him m tht hi woe part of the belly- the son of the prisoner itaied v have agisted his father in the commission of this act the deceased lingered unul yesterday when he died the prisoners won apprehend by warrantor iir har ahall and coimmtted by him for trial- v thi l4tk rioprv some considerable mystery hang about the fete of mr- wilton the ndicidual who is stated to hate been robbed by mr currell of this town mr whoo has never been heard ouincc his departure nom kingatoo ka waftait b ponoup tho country in die cofovrg where as the clerk ofihnt boa affirms that no euch person want up hyuiatveeh mr wium miosan appoinuorol to meota hirularfrwndatnaptneoonuiefirsidat of ths ute fair l did not fulhl his promise wo recommend the iotcmga fthujdark affair to the attcnuoo of the town inatraia d a now montreal newspaper to be called the thu bri ton is about to bo published on pura tory principle ilia u hon sir charle grey kpt nd atlfaj rous arrived tbi evenm- from toronto in lha s intend to proceed down the st- lawrence unday morning they are staying at iho commercial motel who an act of the legisliture of ihe state 0 new york prohioitirsg the circulation of small bunk bills after the 1st instant it published huhe papers late ly received what follows i ao abrkkemeot of the principal clauses of the law no person cao receive pay or offer a one ottlw note after the 1st september without ueiag ymbli to a penalty ocfive dollars and the costs of suit to any one who may sue for the same no bank can issue under three dollars under a penalty of one hundred doliars for every note ao is sued no broker or other person can buy or take at 4 discount any note under re dollars of ugr other slate under a penalty ofyy dollars and do bank can receive such in the course of business under a penalty of forfeiting its charter aa much inconvenience would result lo the public if the requirements or thia act were complied with it appears to be the opinion of a part of the new york prees that no attention will be paid to them and that small bills wil continue to circulate as rea dily as if the legislature had not interfered we have been informed that there is not one sia lic person on the sick list of the president the forte has only an officer unwell she put herself voluntarily into quarantine on arriving at halifax having then only a few convalescents from yellow feer on board and she remained fourteen days in quarantine nfter all the sick resumed service i she had a total of eightyfive cases on board with five deaths one officer and four seamen by a melancholy accident mr horace mann the mate of the pique lost his life on tuesday eight in ao act of the most noble daring and generosity one of the eeymeu having fallen overboard mr mann tbrw himself immediately into the river dvr ring a stormy night aud had nearly succeeded ta saving the life of the teaman wfco appears in bis struggling fo to have seized mr mann sstobrnnt him for swimming aod both were drosfnfi hfls 6ec gmzette democratic psacticrs twopersonbhnviughcen detected in circulating abolition tracts at sl hele na louisiana were immediately tried by the citi- zei nnd sentenced forthwith to be hung a lyneh club has been established at charles ton with a complete organisation the club noti fies that persons not leaving the city when ordered will be lynched and that if any member of the club be wounded or injured in the enforcement of the or ders of the club the author of the injury shall be hungup as a public example st louis was the scene of frightful disturbances en the 30th july the people having assembled in a large number commenced an indiscriminate attack on the house occupied by blocks loraaoy instances the inmates tnade a vigorous resistance one houee r set on fire for the purpsjm of burn in out some uerjrue supposed lv be in the chimney the firemen htstciicd to the pot but were or- dttrtd by the mob not to ly now the the shouts if mre hid he cr f atti 5 ns some erinmtc fnr all pmmtited a setae equally singu lar nud teriifytng several of the washington rioters were penonsot high standing in society among them is a magis trate some of the constables are also ttroogly suspected irish advocate a yahcpc blacksatttft professor henry of princeton it is knuwn has made some important discoveries in electromagnetism snd has pro dticed a magnet to life 250q lbs it being however siill a desidcrutum how to control this enormous power so an to apply it to practical use by the subjoined note from professor eatoo of troy thia desideratum it appears has been attained by a new england blacksmith an obscure blacksmith of brandon vermont south of middlebury college happened accidentally to become acquainted with professor hrnry- dis- covcries in electro magnetism possessing one of ihose minds which cannot be confined to the limbs of a blacksmiths shop nor any shop less than the rrtrfy it hm he 0did thltt pftnpf to the tfiintluneui oicientific mechanics he turns threti honzontnl wheels around 50 times per second witli this power the wheels and shaft weigh 11 lbs he has convinced professors heory and bacbe that the power is sufficient for strong machinery a detailed arcouni of it will appear in the next uum ber of sillimana journal the hon stepheq van keutetaer has purchased his first constructed ma dune or mode for the rensselaer institute tit troy 93 a piece of school apparatus no chemical nor philosophical apparatus can hereafter be con sidered perfect ithout it whatever may be its fate in mechanics it will cause the name of thomas davenport the inventor to accompany that of professor henry to the ends of the earth professor bache of philadelphia and professor tomer ormlutiteoury yctiuott have given bpin ions in writing tlit mr ds application of professor henrys discoveries may be made to move heavy machinery for useful purpose according to tlwir views another livingston might make another ful- ton of the brandon blacksmith morning cottr jbarttrt this aa h- ihe reeiob machrjnrciipsue4orhoaircai mil tion oi nr capt tr thr gtore they imnd v y par st- jarus kempt on bv which w lidding or one of you to meet ihose gentlemen here at the appointed hour i have the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant j signn t spring bt to the governor and deputy governor of the bankofeoiflajvd gtvuioab wit- dean cooper of durham was very saving of his wine descanting one day on ihe extraordinory performances of a man who wa blind remarked that the poor fellow coul more than uhut bottle si replied mr drake have seen no more than noon clerical provision at the sale of a clergy mans effects in the neighborhood of hereford bis hideau canal arrived sept 80s the rtcamer ridcau capt bowen with bbm trader iroquois foods and snpjj f r ifekusr j mftrlarte 9 moruy b 0 ned hill abnma m rqurke g w yacksr i mccaulty kingston shawr paterson w wrr ross toro jamas lawless grafton e clarke clarks howard cfc thompaoe port hope ba wallsr crjryidg pltet j youdj niagaix sailed sept 7th the steamer tnomas ivky chambera with flfwtr pork 4c bytmvn t sept 9 the ataamer margaret moorhouae withwhaksy poik for perth end bytowa bml 10 the harps iroquois aod traoerwryt lawrence with naolstorw 103 bib aahe and 467 but flour for h b smith d carfra snotrr wilkiw p megill cvco for syth richarder a co giuespi mofiatt a co i do not wonder at it a minor canon for 10c that bottle all the after nollce- this is to caution all persons against buying of peter althouse or any person than the subscri ber lot no 15 io the oth concession of caniden eaat as i am the owner of said lot by a g66d and sufficient deed and aa any person purchaajfl undef tuch circumswncftp u liiible to an setton iiiiawr jqhn kay camden sept 10 188b