the british t- w hig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly vol iv o p i f k i teh q h n f m con by e j barker m d the buitisil whig semiweekly journal devoted io commwcwl and 1 oliucal information is publulicd every tuesday and friday evening by dr baikcr alitor uid proprietor at hi offiic in jlcar street noil door tn ilic cnmrrtorrinl hotel psbiu for tint british whig noventeon ilnllingt and supertco per annum if paid in udva or within three months from the receipt of the fim number and one pounds jfcollectedat the end of tho year exclunit of postage no subscription received jur less llun si months and no papor discontinued until nil orrcaiage nrp paid up except si the option of 110 publisher 9tttrtuffmf tits six linos and under 2s 6d first inser n and 7jd each subsequent insertion ten lines and un- fiist insertion and i ok each subsequent insertion kingston u c wednesday august 12 1835 lake ontario altnaxqkmenta for 1s20- per line tor it first insertion and id per dm 3 ii above en lino 4d line fur eyory mbeqiieni insertion advertiuncnt without written direction ire inverted till forbid and cringed accordingly order for discontinuing tdt r rci meni to be in writing producp of every kind received in kiviiienl no ieeis taken in except from agents unless post no a valii immediately a maltster noivk need npjy w cannot procure tcstimoni- ills as to character bbiliiy and temperance hunt morton kingston brewrn lisiillery letter press printing executed with ntatnef and dutpatchjupon terras unpreccdcnlly low in upper canada all work to bt paid fur within three monlhi after exe- eolmik kington au itl5 the steam boats meat britain united states from 1 i june to 1st september die two snalt will in con noxion perform three trips notch week waning froin m ii iftaiidimm ogdmuburliand proscott every oilier dav fet- eluding sundays as follow the great britain up ty evening ti lake ontabio the fast sajuxq 8tbau packet st tlokil jiwu haitpek 1c commander will until the 11 september leave llie different ports a folio w kington every tuesday and saturday morning owogo tuesday evening itobourg m wednesday morning saturday evening port hope m i m and arrivo at toronto oil wednesday aflcrnooo and sun day morning isowwajft torrmto every thursday morning and sunday evauiog port hopn tllurwuy evening and monday moroing cubotirif aji v if kingston in lime for fommgom to take the rivrtj fioau fir montreal pjntongers leaving toronto by tlic above boat on sunday and tbjjraday will arrive in mtrniral on tuesday and satur- day evening no lugogc or parcel taken diftfgo of unlets booked and paid fr au frrivht pnynhr m drtrlry kiujptlftu june bib 1835 lake ontahio1b35 thb eieqasv ytejm upif lcvc proscott tueda brockville kingston wednesday 11 oclock oswem jfotwr any person itnws claims against the estate ot the laic tlifhims ash of loughborough are requested to present ttiiir counts for adjustment on or be fore iiil- sdi scni proximo to llio subscriber p madioan kingstoik atierwsli 16315- 2 in n moinrnr nutl the next jiscsiilaiv- seafight norman scott w8the sou of a wealthy ntid res- res pccthhle fjinnn dumbartonshire 3nd early in life after 4 toronto tliui thuraj p m ffcninj aday at noon and arrives at n agar vfivu at comura uqws leaves niagara thursday 10 in the evening and uwcgo friday ancrnoon going or leave oswego friday c in the evening toronto saturday is mod atid arrics at niagara in ibotilerauoq coving dow 5 leaves niagaia sunday 4 p m oswego monday 7 in the nlornin kingston monday 2 r n brockvillo evening and arrives at prescotl hie satno evenings one si rejioatt excursions in si small kilfon of the urge l ol l western highlands together with the iwowl of robinson crusoe and cooks voyages e ibibetl an ardent desire to visit foreign counfo be was of a worm andge- iiermis dinposilioi m enthusiast in whatever he undertook lie 0i nt the ngeof lfito llvcr- oul vthere be tr1 employed in the cotintiughouse of a inerchanti a ivientl ol his father and his proficiency as clerk induced bis employer to offer liiiq the sirr of supercargo in a vessel bound on a tfkui to la pnoyii an thagena and olteip yn spanish mum he there succersfullvl vocation and reali- e were all flat npou the deek and through a scara in the aistboards i observed the smoke hcldi in one swelling volume from the side of the brig and the thunder of her guns came simultaneously with the crafli of our slender bulwarks shattered by the shot a groan from one of the crew m my feet and the sin ill pipe of the firftt officer raised me in h moment i look ed around and saw oneor the colombians stretched on his face mortally wounded butbiffbs were near ly cut oil by ft shot he dted instantly in my arms without being able to utter a word i felt now that the first broadside was over as if a load of anxiety were removed from my breast my heart ceased to palpitate ftilb more than ordi nary quickness and i felt the feeling indeed op peared tube general that i could stand and fire to the last there was another man killed near to the hows of the dolphin nud three shots bad passed through the bonnet of the foresail our spars were however still standing and we were not long in g the ore of the enemy our posts every sun pri- tody the brig had become hogged in the wind in the confusion of firing n bad scarce ly peerage way upon her our eel of a craft was still creeping fthead and the captain seizin the riller kept hw full for a moment and smciilff out that every nerve in out limbs seemed to have acquu red the strength of iron and thrilled with an eagev- nese of revenge a bloody contest ensued seve ral pistols were simultaneously fired an two qfour men fell lifeless into the boat alongside- cutlasses then gleamed on high and the captain and oplinn who were yet unhurt seemed lobe armed with a supernatural strength the latter laid about him in every direction and cut down three men in as return if we were instantly at mod and the united states cpt y rlv cleve coming doyyrr leaves lewiston tuesday evening rochester wednesday iiurning oswego evening shekels harbor u 12atmglt kington thursday morning and arrives at ojejaqs burghthuisdayp m colltg t v leaves ogdensburgh thursday evening- kingston friday rooming sacketi harbor friday noonandarrivos at oswego sano afternoon zed a cousiderabiv for bisemployer and bimsel inch he invest iu indigo and specie and shir fc go th tftay and took aback in lis eh powtyc powa 0 friday at g p m oswego j t ioians lnkn ontario and the si friday pvening lawreocfl riveras copt will ply on fdkm leaves oajanihoal on kiugmon l- cm tunjay inornin sncketu harbor saturday nucn 0wcgj saturday evening kochvlcr sunday itmniiii turmito if c curly sfunday fnnrninp nciehing lcwitnn in time to nabe pattunnil 0 i j the ftdh and return by boat sujjio day leaves lcwiston tin monday evcniiij itiirlioi tuesday morning xlvwo tuesday ircrfipon saukctu harbor tuemhiv cvenittff kingston u c wcdnsday oiornins lcavcaoswci sackot tlarbor friday ii p il i w kingston saturday 7 a if and arrives at 0dni burgli oi i iiwhmuii cuimc vf leaves densburgh 8 saturday evening kingston saturday morning jackcfs harbor sunday noon oswego sunday evening roehcsler monday morntnp toronto monday evening and arrives at lewjioa early tuesday morning and iftar ujo firt uf september the ropccltve boat will reriume tliir trips as fintt before advertised g touching at and srrivss at oylciisburg mine even french creek muifjrtoivn afosttodrla and brock villa traveller intending to visit the iv- f niagara buhalu or tc dirtcrent plurte on ljku ontrioi will fmd the most pleu- ant cheap and expeditions vut 1 lading ihp steam pou aj oswego and kitrhtiet pa5ciiglt leaving ltrwiton in this itunt on monday even ij wdl arrive at motitrvsl uu thuntdsy evening pissing the i i interesting part fifths st liwrvncr kivurby day fight n b the owcgo cotuniciied her trip on tftc tirt 4pfm- april isli5 lakh ontvriolkj3 the steam boat the stem boat sir james kempt will until further notice perform her trips up the bay of luinte on tuesdays and fridays and return on waincsdam and saturdays will lows prescott for kingston and tilt bay on monday txtid thursday evening after tbe arrival of tho lioats from below will leave kingston fur prescott on anufinud irtdntsday eveuinus passengers for montreal leaving kingston by tin boat on sundy evening may be sure of meeting the montreal line at prescott on monday morning as the boat leaves xprxsly for that purosc at 5 oclock p mi kingston june 27th 18 ped on board of ociioonm bound for jamaica in tending tosail theip t0 kugland with the nexl heel he was captured tl1 voyage by a siwiisli privateer and self ft prisoner to santa martha where he vra tirr a dungeon but by the kindness of a feni and an old fisherman he escaped in astnall arrived after numer ous peri la and priwdona at canhageua his for mer friend received him cordially and a letter awaited iimfroit liverpool requesting him if there to trturn toa juayra to dispone of a lother cargo shipped to h address as there wis no tra iler then bound to wintlward norman wfta indu ced to take this parage in a private armed vessel which had been enged by the government to convey dehtalchca to puiocabello nhall now supply rit the worefs of jvbmnon 8cat himself a description of tbe vessels and the engagement tbeliolphm was a handsome swift sailing pilot- boat built schooner of about 70 tons carrying one eighteenpound gun n midships upon charged raked the could plainly perce aa1ekica caps jocl tt tvcdbrj two trips weeldv hetwrun rocinusr and stage housu akd stpamkqat hotel the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public iimi be has taken that well known tavern and ho tel in the village of bath formerly oc- otnted jjvlka dttfth ondmrneatlv solicits a cotitiuuance of patronage every possible attention will be paid to the com fort of bis giteslp and a selection of the very best wines and spirit will be made a ashley bath may 81835 53i iv nctwcuii itocnterano kjng dsekvtts harbor as follows 9 9 14 will iu via sodus oswego an leaver rocltemer uomltju and thursdays at 5 eveninp podup do do ii evening oittrdve tuosjyand fiiday u moriiug s harbor do du t evening arriving u kingiion tuesday and ividay evenings 9 o clock going u leaves kingston srturjaysl jficrnonu wcdftttdtff 7 a h 44 saekef llarborf sunday morning do 12 noon 11 ofwgd do ssfteraoondo 10 evening 14 sodtis no 9 evening thursday 5 a- 1 arriving at knchcxter mumlay at day lihl do 9 morning lotcsectinp with the ircal untain at owefio on vvcdnes idays and the constitution at rochester un mondays and thurbdayp on their upwmtd itip to cvbuurj toronto nud niagara alco the daily itoata at kingston running to oldens burgh and up the bay of quiute passengers uingvct cet by taking thut boat atkingston sacfcotti harbor or oswo reacb buffalo for 2 50 each by way of tho canal from roclicmer children lalfprccc bay a i the ejt s41usv stjm voj7 kingston jiuil caluert uiu r powwakds carrying place nn whi w 1ric carrying place on monday and thurday homines l 3 oviotk touch it the river tront amelias- utahi belleville bophiwburgh ulbertu scanlan vharf hallowell adolpliubtowu fnderiekhurgh bam o kinfttor will leavu kiogftoii same day attip m touch i fbifuians gananoqun ilrnckvillc and arinc at prescotl in line for the slas or steam boat for montreal m vpwaam will leave phwcoll evory tuesday and friday p m imme- lately aflr the arrival of urestajnior steam boat from be iw touch at ttnefrvltlej freneh creek and arrive at kings- m early uet morning nvilt leave kingslonovery wedne- kf lii saturday inoruin at fl oeto k tauhiitia at ihe inter mdilte places anlar f time to meet ihv tasu lor cobuur kingston brewery 4 distillery the subscribers have recently erected and have now in full operation a patknt coprer rfic tifyino apparatus for tbe manufacture of pure canadian whiskey being the only one at present of thcsarjio construc tion in the two provinces customers can he at ill times suited on the shortest notice with the various strengths from alcohol to common retail proof ol a nuality superior to any other manufactured in the provjtjce they have now on band and ready for sale from 15 to 20000 gallonsof whiskey also from vz to 15000 gallons of superior sxriazutbr ale warranted bat by using proper attention to it to re- njaju good throughout the season payment cash or approved endorsed notes ai 3 months f wanted 3000 bushh of hardwood charcoal hunt morton kingston brewery distillery may 1835 3s a swivel car- wge four carronades and a suflictent quantity uf muskets cutlasses and boarding pikes she was manned by only 32 men her commander cap tain m waa a native of france a low stu tured young man of good education a cheerful companion and a fearle and able seaman he had made several successful cruises and was dread- cd by the spaniards who regarded him though be ever treated his prisoners with humanity as a sort of invulnerable fcea marauder he bud so often wouijded their pride by defeat and had cap tured so many of their vessels that he and lib crew expected no quarter if they chanced to hill into their hands of this we were all awaic but a gave us no unensines for we did not expect nor wish to meet with any spanish vessels that miybt delay us on the voyage hich being to windward would necessarily be tedious we were however mistaken we were next day attacked by the very schooner which bad captured tpy vrcl and alter an en gagement of two hours succeeded in capturing her without any loss of lite litaugh several men were wounded on both sides the specie and good were still on board these were transhipped sent tllu prrae to ftutthtgcmt s- l crew the longboat stored i t provisions direct nig i them tostecrto santa martm- they woudeiedai our generosity for they hi tieclared capt m to be a ruthless pirate on tbe afternoon of the fallowing day we saw a briffio windward of us which wc atlirst took to be a inerchantman running westward under full sail as soon it appeared as le observed us she rapidly iuik in her studding wails and hauled her wind evidently to intercept 118 before she got tou far to leeward when she rounded to we could distinctly observe her rig and her build and to tell tbe truth did not half like the look of her she wits q long low black iurphuilt suspicious looking vessel of nearly twice our tonnage with sails of extraordinary breadth her masts raked so much that a plummet dropped from her mam top gallum- masthead would probably have fallen clear ol her stern she was indeed a rakish clean tailed roguish luoking craft altogether showing six large lt- a e jibsheet p we were immediately twi across her hawse sis the head- the mate stood by the long gun nil he priimd nnd pointed with inusily promptitude mil blowing his match tbe phtue lizzed out or a tiioment tlic next the report shook uverv timber in the dolphin and ihe double shot with which it ffftv spaniard fore and aft and we e when the jmuke dispersed had inoucd down nt least a dovtcn of the crew and thrown jpr yet crowded decks unto cenfu- sioii- the dolpliin was pierced for only twocarronodes ati well side of the quarter deck but oflinn with the arms ofa hercules bad turned tbe muzzles of tbe whole four upon the enemy firing them suc cessively two of them through the boards as we passed the bows of ihe brig the moment her lar board side opened to our view our marines dischar ged into her a well aimed volley nnd the cries of her officers which were mingled with loud aud vio lent oaths were drowned hy a second discharge from sonic of our spare firelocks that were placed iu rea diness on the deck the others thanks to birmin ham would not go oil tli liriir lluil now tuilhrtuiiukvanumrnihomfil mi lltq staiboard tack so that her larboard broad side bore partly upon us she fired it off and follow ed tbe discharge by a volley of muketrv our lee rnuin shrouds or nt liter backstays our only stand ing rigging abaft were carried away and our keotuckian was painfully but not dangerously wounded in the knee hy a halfspent ball from a grape he instantly limped up the furerigin and standing on the crosstrees singled out the commander uf the brig who wore a blue uniform fiiccd with red the nlle was deliberately taiscd it went off with a smart but not very loud report und i who was watching ihe resuh in a moment after exclaimed uy but be has pink ed the skipper the tall of thccoinmunder and the rushing ul his officers muml him on the quarter dick too truly told thut the red american had taken his stein revenge 1 could not help thinking there was something savage in thus premeditatedly singling out an individual as if for martial execu tion and 1 looked upon tbe face of tbe perpetrator as be descended tbe ratline to observe if it bore indication of any contpuuetuoue vlftuinff within bur saving ins restles eye that seemed to gleam with triumph and his lip that slightly quivered as in contempt bis aspect still bespoke his usual apathy and w ildncss he was iu tbe act of spring ing from the shroud to the deck when a shot whist ling over my head struck him 1 know not where and bounding backwards like a bow as if in one many blows the captain with more of skill and less of fury wielded bis sword with the ecienceofm master and though lour at one time strove to des troy him be forced bis way through them and encountering the lieutenant- who was animating his men in the assassinlike attack by exclaiming mcurte a fo yiratn after 9 few pannes be sheathed bis sword in the heart of the faithless spaniard know not exactly what on this emer gency were my own exertions but they were cer tainly desperate and i believe more than one receiv ed bis death wound in endeavoring to deal me mine it surprises me to this tiny that we were not all cut to pieces in five minutes and double that time elapsed before our party of whom four were killed and four only remained were reinforced the mate of the dolphin the moment he disco vered thaitrtachery was on foot steered the schoon er plow alongside the brig to which she vm in stantly grappled her crew were armed with cutlass es and boarding pikes and three of them in boarding fell overboard with mortal wounds the rest headed by the sturdy frenchman gained tlic sir of their commander on tbe quarter deck ot ihe brig and a conflict unequalled iu the annals of tticil warfare continued for upwards of half an the enemy i w t- if vi ivsm n 7 xftrtvjvjl a rope was instantly procured but be had sunk and fffjin the whiteness o his clothes i could dis tinguish his body quiveiing by the undulations of the wi brl ives until he disappeared in the depths w by ihe powers for a momciil over bis old crony as he the side ami blowing his si said otiiuu pi sltch 10 lire the nng ins eye gazed over onggu lust a man but well pay them i ioiuc imlri oflkr sales will of lake will k ritt iiimi at ihe it tliccarryin puci idine ewming lurt hops and toron- all tack ad luggage at the mk of ibc owner unless ojctd and pitid lr every attention w wlheutiswc kingston apru liw i be paid to tlic rombftf pdnge5 loptcd to ukn fn tght iiuimjs c bags c iktkicii egan will pay cms c c rjlorkel square march 2d 1835 cadi for rags buck sale of crown lands commissioner of crown j toronto jauv lui the public are informed that the crown lands in the london district place as follows viz at london for the coutitv ol middlesex wednesday 29th july thursday 27th august thursday 21tb september thursday 29th october at snjcoe for the countv of norfolk friday 21th july friday 21st augui friday 13th september saturdav 21tb october at bland ford for the county of oxford monday 27th july- monday 21th august monday 21st september monday itfhh october the number of the lots tohcoqeied ami furthei particulars may be known hy applying to john b askin esq london or at tins office peter robinson 42 commhsioiht of crown lands portholes at a side painted inside with red and shchad moreover a wicked way uflier own jike our schooner indeed of dashing oer it or through it like a dart from a bow without making much noie about the nose or leaving a whirlpool in her wake her decks too seemed to be covered with men the crew of the dolphin vcre of n motley des cription is regards both colour and country they consisted uf nineteen colombians the greater part of whom were colored men sevet natives oil he united states kventl of wh ad been bkippers and were accepted as prize m inters ami one a black two english sailoi who had left a inerchantman at carihigena for wbal lltcv u j a ate cd cruel usage a little hickset frenchman tn ulliecr urn who was tbe ceptaiusprmcpo confidant an liub- man who was second oftice a line african ne gro the captains steward ail servant and a intllutto boy there wis also oll board a youth ul color a native of jamaica tbe spaniards lirjt aitcmjj uas lo r0 to on our weather quarter and the witul to il broadside ihuu 10 boxhaul give us a diago weve for it from the towness of the dolphin she was bard to hit and the enemy at lat changed bis mode of attack and evidently lired high with intent to dis mast us a shot carried awny our tmsign halyards and the flag upon the deek one ol the euglish sailors instantly took a hammer and a few pump- iacks and ascending the bare stay nailed it secure ly l the lopmast and regained the deck unhurt though marked by the enemys murines who did their utmost to bring hull down like a crow from its roust at length alter a long running light it was evident that the stcuring gear 01 the bng was de ranged by a discharge from our lung gun and some of ins braces were shot away she went up in ihe wind and to our infinite joy stuck her colours and ceased liriug it would have been well for us bad we left her battered us she was to find her w ay home with the news of iter detent but the honor of rapturing au enemys man of war of so superior a force was more than captain m- or his crew could relinquish there was a jabble ofa sea at the time otherwise 0 should have run up alongside her she bucked her main tup sail i token of sub mission and her first lieutenant hailing us with a trumpet as we neared said he would come on board uf us with hie officers and give up 4 diift and the uanuei and ruke us with ttw hfo in in shook tbe diiijiii lay iir other lur a niomei lore than pistt ii lip it uk i t parallel m shot tbe we could dimi the brig giv sur it wii id mg wicidwaid inauder ol pie i have but a confused rcc tioo of thut ummeut utuspi den from the btig iu spam ami our captain waving ii down down my lad s on receive his fiit btoididej at captain however lie luffed we too d so that we both a distance of little brig being il litlle to uctly hear tc cufli- is orders to ins uct llection oflhn use i heanl sit fii hand ixcin tbe deck we l then to our p seusa- ttni or- logetherl uied must ir whji mm officers and give up his sword hill lie had not a boat that was not smashed by our shot o ir own buat was perforated ill many places but the holes were plugged up and filled with tal low and asdics and inning launched her over the utmwale the captain ofliun myself and live men including tbe io englishmen all aimed stepped on board of her to take possession of the prize- wc were met at ihe gangway by the lieutenant ami invited to the deck wc were surprised to observe only four or five men upon the blood stained deckhand ihe sound of voices from the gratiiils over the main hatchway roused tmr suspicions of ibul play nor were our jippreheiihuiia without foundation a shrill whistle rang through tbe hold and ere we could well grasp eutlase or cock a pistol a crew of at least men sprang up from the lorecasile and as- 11 hi every side our situation was as des perate as the stags when at hay and though it may sem strange hopeless as we were of escape with hfr we were so much stung by this act of treachery hour we were but sixteen in number several of whom hi been below at the commence ment of the attack were more than double our number on deckhand others of them fired upon us from between decks in a cowardly manner through the grated hutches in a short time the decks became slippery in blood and were strewed with the dead and the dying i here was scarcely a counte nance without a frightful gash and few could boast of uninjured limbs during a breathless moment i locked overboard upon the deck ol the schooner the young surgeon was binding a tourniquet round the thigh of i he black boy who bad received a severe wound and as i turned rapidly to resume the struggle my eye caught a marine taking a deadly aim at the youth with hia carabine his purpose i could not but consider murderous seeing that his victim was enga ged in ufftittol irtmtaihiyrand urged by an uucon trolluble impulse i clove him with my cutlass to the deck wlhiehelay the blood swelling from a fearful wound on his shoulder the reiribption was however loo late tje trigger was diawn as my weapon descended and poor j falling upon ins patient both of them vitally wounded were pooii motionless in death our parly overpowered by number and many of them stabbed from behind at length thought of effecting a retreat to tbe schooner they made a desperate effort to gain the gangway which was hemmed round by tbe spaniards who strove to cut offall retreat we mnde a bold rush gainst our unequal foes but though many of them were wound ed we were foiled in our first attempt ard in the closeness and heat of ogr struggle the stilettoes of the spanjards gleamed on high the cutlasses of several of our men had snapped from the badness of the metal but they armed themselves with rhe swords qnd pikes dragged from the stiffening clench of their dying foemeit one of the englishmen was severely wounded on the shins and was unable to keep his legs he fought upon his knees until he received a deathblow on the bead from 4 sabre the remembrance of tbe conclusion of tbe strug gle is to me as but a dream the brave french mate wasjun through the back by a pike hemade a dying effort avenged and not in vain for itreili- lifeless upon the deck a last fearful effort and we gained the gangway over the bodies of the dead and leaped on board of the schooner u- let go the hawsers ibat bound the brig and slowly drifted from her to the leeward it wok only now that a sense of the danger i had passed rushed upon my mind i felt my arms and lege fc though to convince myself i was still corporeal i gazed upon those of my comrades who had escaped good god they were but four iu number namely captain m l patrick ofliuu severely wounded and bis eyes flashing with indignation at tbe treachery of the foel and the faithful african tbe captains servant wo stared lor a moment upon each other as jf wc had unexpectedly met in some knowo country after wc bad passed the portals of death the briir now got ahead of us on the starboard tack we set sail as well as we cqujd and stood directly in her wake they had still we conjectured eighteen or twenty men left yet we resolved to seek our revenue even against so fearful an odds i nr- captain sat a few minutes on tbe trunk of the cabin vuh bjs eyes pensively fixed on the bloodclot ted deck and then calmly rising said to his black servant antonio wash the decks and then make a strong lire in the cambouse heave on all the fire wood yon can find and break up the hatches and washboards for fuel if you have not enough rig the windsoil to blow it and fling into a dozen of tbe eighteen pound shot wemust warm these mis creants jackets for them before we have done witty them these order were instantly obeyed and as we sraduallv neared the brig which was under easy oflinnspunged out the great gun and load- ou thirty tailed sti ed it remarking wc might as well tratc him t a cold shot or two to stay his stomach till ihe cook can serve him with a hot one by this time we were close upon tbe brig which again showed the spanish colours and hoisted the black flag at the main she fired upon us her two stern chasers which wounded our maintopmast just above the cap and before we could take in our galtlopsail which was very large the pressure uf a passing squall carried awny the spar- oflinn soon cleared it from its cordage and observing the columbian colors still uninjured nailed upon it we erected it as a flagstall abaft patrick esclaming as wensoured it be handy my boys or the gentle man may be after thinking that we have struck but by the powers we must undesave him and do our best to give him what paddy gave the drum in a few minute we were close under his lee quar ter ofltnn who bad considerably elevated the great eun stood stood hy with lln match and watching his moment it went off a ith a report that started the blood front one of mv ear a crash was heard ojf