lake ontario arrangements for 183 5 the steam boats obbat britain tjwited states prom lit juna to 1st september the two bonn will incon- nexion mlwtn tlireo trip in cadi week starting from hiag- ra anj from ogtlunvburuh antl prescou very other day ox- cludicg sttndayn n follows the great britain capu j ivhitxey coiko or lnni pncgott tuesday evening brckvillc u kindlon vulneslty ii oclock omego g evening toronto thursday at noon and anires at niagara thursday p m coming dmth lwm niagara thursday t 10 in the evening and arrive at opvrego friday afternoon wim vr ltatm oswego friday 6 in the evening toronto saturday i noon and arrives at niagaia ia the afternoon como drtwf leave niagara sunday 4 p m owogo monday 7 in the morning kingston monday bf m brockville tfeanmo evening evening and arrive at trcscott thb united states caps j van clevc coifixa oowk- leaves levi4ton tuesday evening rochester wodnesday morning oswego cveninf saekeln harbor 12 at night kingston thursday morniug and arrives at og- deuiburgh thursday p h ooljg cf leaves odenthurgh thnmdiy evening kingston friday morning mackuta harbor friday noon and arrives at oswe go saeia afternoon com ve dovry leaves oswego frilay at 6 p m mkei harbor friday 11 p m kingston saturday 7 a m and arrives at ogdens targh saturday afternoon ooifto cp leave odcnsburgh 8 saturday evening kmgiton sunday nvrning backets harbtft swlaj rtntn oiwego sunday evening rochester monday morning toronto monday evening and arrives at lcwiaton any tueadav oinrmnf and after the firat of september tho respective boats will presume theirtrips as first before advertised ww carditis 4 doth brcsshig the subscribers inform the inhabitant if erneat town aid its vicinity ihnt their machine having undergone a thorough reja now incomplete order and they arc therefore read to receive wool for carding one of the subscribers having had a long expe rience in the above business the three last yenr at the woollen factories in wnteriuwn and brown- ville ihcy feel confident of doing as good work as can be done at any other county hop n- b carpet yarn orany ether woollen goody colored to order damages macle good by returning the goods to the shop most kinds of produce received in pay menu zjicharlih keller john watts ernest town 4th en june 1st 1335 35 rrospecttjs of trk farmers joint stock tlaniuxc company at toronto capital 500000 in 500w shares rf 10 cara a h in v k uacoftluglobi terms under i vcartifac above diito weekly oottdcfft day botttdccs the langtuwea drawing fifc dam huic t ing tiriii i nkinr compitr tirtbcnprflvrj jf iheir greal r vsrioos puts or ihe 1 oiioj kingdom cw be of o most i public utility ittstftafle of this description have ebcl in skotund for mwaijai of iw yiw and che experience of tliclr hncrtls nmply provtri before a i litr- i i house of common iruuktl he lcqivlniurir in tbc yrnr l v to pnss nn act etprfmy tttr hrir rpronrafcmtmi in kngltntd it is suw nn ion r toubu ihitl bimkiuj eoinpftnirs poetrswing o ftje- qiiito rspuil muftncrd by oo inflocntial and nuwm hotly of pfopfartori- nrs r i idmimhly caichmcu tonviuiii puhlu nmimtiec in inn- i it- acuity nwt to confer rirniraktiti ppabtiw xjimwm ituffffi a svch cwhiikim company whose njbdfa arr cuwriy ittfotmeaml iy a board oruirector nnri the rclli hnlf yrarly syhinifd ia ihr proprie tors win never he injured or iwonvrnirncr m the vrry worst limrs to the same extent that private cmlistnent may hi for the known fibcl thni ihcy posehs a wril ecurelrjipitnl i hncftmprrfcjmiros would rjulei the apprehension ofiimld ttwnors and prevnt the necessity of i sttddeo or illtimed conlrxction orkttilimnte diycoltitt to the proprietary of the propwl cptterrn can ftajredv foil to prove nfcqunl rulvonuc as may ht incrrcd swtl ihc iires ofothrr coiu u ofeorasimllarchtiractrr the hicli premiums lroc without atiy known cieepimn hy ilieir buiv aflhrdlhe invterimtsnnwrilw jtwi ualiiy ui i vc prnmrtbk iwrtnff ofmki a nim nb4 nuituil ptywm uroankin many trrnilimen have ion tcn ft ophuoii uml n eliche opening presents ltelf ft an mtl usnlj inlhh province the eomtncrc lntovp popoluimo and vcitth ofwluch imve ohnte years hrcn advancm wuh such a resly progress nl imvin cttttsvdf coj the ibfe- iroinf facts ilieyorilecwtedtvoftpnwnthalit hoiildtwctubtiliin upon the inneipe of a joinl ahxk company a fioln the bcm iruaranloe forpennnncmrtcces- the oricttihowofhii tahiimion wih it how ever to be clearly onmrflool ihsm m w euimhimtl uiry ore noi aeiv aie4 by any mrdcvdly fcelioc towards eillscr orihe respectable bottu ex isting in imfdtorin ihlttvltmlf- the louovvini outline b ubmitieil to ihe eon icier minn ofthe puhlic ah orf hawof slehnnesnarjlihmem stivjcei lmch inoiiftvmow un the proprietor may hercjiflrr drteminem at a nvctmj uem hltho ar- cnttnml buill in the city of toronto oti ihe2ua day of apnl is35 dr c doaroiiilh m t p toth ihair i that the bwfc olioll be cmmi the fanners joint stock banking com pony i ththe capital he tfooom oh- rnielii50oo0fiharesorin each a thotucallof 10prceiitmuilldemde obmat p np ibjsowsi- vji pcrcem on subrihinr 4perceotonopninir 4 per cent in two mnnti if nirthrr eaji toom tie fminl ieiontmt they rhall lie miite as the directors may appoint na cxcecjiuc cve per cent every three montl 4- thatnsoonnsiioofjshare stall have been smheemmni for a tje- oeral mccliajq of the shaw shall be called foe uc purpose or jl- polminya boa nl of directors om n1tin other reqoimle nrrancement preparatory tothe openinc of the bnnfc hul tlm the provisional rnmint lee altall have power irthey think proper io penmi han trmicr to pay up the last instalment sooner than the period above limited and to attow 6 per cent tntcr thereon arl m thntejwe aoch meciius shull be called ns soon as 30000 ertn be reulired as a starting capital 5 that the superintendence of the concern shall be confided io n hoard oftwelvc direcbrs o be elected by ballot by the shareholders and that nocreditahhluieven or continued contrary to the advice ofamajouiy or the hoard ororrtora that the directors asnll from amonff themselves elect one not en- ejced in bonnes wlto m conjunction whh the president and mannerr or in his absence a sahmaaaer hn11 have the casmly or the jtnnk cheaj eoaliinlnie llie sorplna enh nt required ibc irnmedtate ttse and the ctiiefmtpertuteodence ofthe more private part of the concern espe cially thoe relatmc io bill tranociion and appucaliofh flr credit 1 that the order in which the llirccior elavil stand in the hat jhnll he determined in the flrl instlinee by lv and tie first three on the list shall co out nnmrdtc by rotation but reiy lie reelected s thil the director shau appoint a president and nvmajer one or more uh- ni niters the clerks nnd the other ofileera of the company inclii h ivi f broker nd afevm in london or elsewhere and require 5ecunt in uch cnea am m fruehexientaily may iteem need ful aeeordmc io their respective mtuatmim and aha ttavc the sole pow er of removing ony such oanicjf or officers 0 thntnoperjumahau be elebte aa o director who is not a stikrrl- bcr fr sod aflerwurds an actual tiotilcr of at least shvtes and that everymanarershallbeaholderofat lessi ao shsres and every subma najrer oral least boasarea 10 that no person shall be allowed io aabscribe for more imn 400 shajs i ttiatthrealeforreotins voeaat general ineettnes shill be 10 shares i vote to liarea votes00 hnrea 3 vote 100 shre 1 p iminnrliilelv haw 1 vote- rraprirtorresidcftimoreilwn w miles rrom toronto mav civc iv hrjf eoe prvv ihtoawh f medmm ofanv airtlfflhl haerhohera i srnit1lnrtf iihl fhriw i t al ftt ioicr lae boofc ot uie iii nr a vr 4iv mj aiii hwtov j pr i u lie- whlrh mav nafstlirotiffhthc5nrne fthe mncctton of vie f rtiristj abolition boarding school gloucester house establishment poft vooko czxtlkuvy ctpton jj 1lfar jjortst sal issstf cidcttll by m it h a u l t the domesplc itrrangemcnk of this kvab1thmcnt are upon tho moid hi every boarder is avconimojaictl with a single bo vrihioul any extra cliarc and a slricl alien- iton paid to his niforls health and morals the course ir ntrtjcliuti iuclutles eoyiih elocution the iikidv nn j practice of arithmetic mcichanis laeb ontabxo eeiiiiiq mnuiaiion algebra ueograpliy k history c ftr onitttn h gtiineas 24 dnto 18 ditto is ditto- prr cwcrrr 1 t-il- 1 ditto l ditto respectable ritercnces will lie given and rtapiftcdi the vaelions are utrce weeks at midtintmrr arid fortuizlil til chri4niafti accounts sotilod qnartoriy th charter to com mcnci on the day ofittranee a quarter notice is mmcfcd the fastsaiijxw steam packet st george mcut hanrek h w commander tvlfx until the 1st september leave tlie ditfererit ports follows vrwaavrv kinjinn every tuesday and saturday morning oswego tttesilay evening wednesday morning saturday evening 3i it jun ctjlkitirffj port hope m and arrive at toronto on wednesday afternoon and s day morning powswwnns toronto every thursday montin and sunday etcntng potthopo thursday evening and monday morning cobourg l and arrive nl kingston in time fr kivcr boats for mnntroal pjsin2rrs le iviiig toronro by tlic above boat on sunday n montreal on tuesday and satur- passengers to talto the arrive its remaining c ircous to lite removal ufa boarder v seltiiil during the va ations are charged 4 guineas extra per annum the fren h language ii taught by a nalivc tf ian4 karl boarder is expeetcd to biing a stker spoon knife vt fork and six towels tbi iituatiun is cxtremcr liealthy and plrmant with ex- tensive jrouuds ftilerciicesmiy he made to t h- prior em of quebec for further particulars apply to the editor of the whig 37 fim day and 3- river the fast sailing stcameoat kingston w carter faster downwards will leave tlic carrying place on monday nnd tin vist rsilnv mmiiitit nc3 may p director am carding r l lake ontario arrangements for 183 the steam boat 5 vmri 9 oclock- am america capf joel f tyier will run two trips weekly bettvetn rneltoilor and kingi f rui sodus oswego and saeltets e i v r aa follows comix0 vr l ivns rochsstsr monday and thursduts st s evening wco tuotjay and fiidays 0 morning backets haibor do do 5 arriving at kingston tuesday nd friday evenings ootxa ur taris kinxetorl rturdavs 4 twoonnu 7 l- backets hiffbor sunday 7 morning ho 12 noon oswego do 3 afternoon ho 10 orouing 11 sodtis do 9vanittg thursday 5 a ah arriving at rochester monday at dayiigh do 9 rnni ning- inierseciinff with the grw briuin at ihireo on wedos days and the constiurton at rocliester on mondays erd thursdays on their upsrtrd trips io cobourj tnronin and xugara also the daily fijatt at kingston running to ogdens burjrri and op the bay of qutnte idcck ssengerseig west can by iaktn this boat at kingston fiktfl harbor or oswego ranch 2 50eich wf tvayoftho canal from kochsster half price buffalo for children arrancremcufi will constantly kve leatmeu the subscriber having made with a tpauufacturer has and an extensive supply uf sole zisavbbb hultuc and biidle lelther upper leathcrj calfskiiw patviakips morocco linings bindings c which lie wili eell wholesale or retail as low at dan be obtained in the province dealers nnd manufacturers can be cupplied at all times and with ariy quantities and probably on better terms than can be obtained elsewhere cash paid for hides and skins tallow and flax seed c 100 barrels salt store opposite the market formerly occupied hy s r caldwell johjv murray kingston may 26th 1s3 33 4th of july excursion the steam boat oswego capr humans will leave kingston early on saturday rooming 4th of july next forsacktts harbor and thence among the islands adjacent in the forenoon on a pleasure excursion a baud of music c provided for the occasion inhabitant of kingston who imy desire to lake the trip can return in the steam boat america capt tyler the same evening june 17th 1835 fttf jlmvs book ninth volume 0 btpoirftt2 un jhuiif flhgnmnflb wook culv poftby andpbobe y the most celebrated adthoh6 published at 3 dollars per annum by i- a uudey athonlan bttudla tioahlla pint philapklphia rtny bu f h -n- nr nnil rrtkfs nfthr csthulisbmsnt imitlitx ift j by ilicm or other pf rortt duty upoinlrd fir a special rmrpor in npilcr lm 0k credit nrth prirnte trnosactjins of irtlo11urs nay be preserved in iolnie 13 thnt the btroums nf imcoomiliy sltnll he midrrr hnlfyrnrly find n chrrst summitry ofttmtn wtthnm nuy pcriftrt rfttiniirt nnl mlvmsil crofitsi shclt wbill ucfrrcthc nnprifln itiiirnnlmt inffulifn teqvmfddf frtmjrd rn ctti1 prnshnrtbrikcpftrcsl it thfti bigssnums and stall be provmnlti mmtii rtirnnuno jo3 or rmerfcjto by uppotiwnmc l pert nf tlir sjrimni prniitbc- vnn1 s irr ent oo ttic psit up espflil n my hsfftiiff bs hbfffj n is thatinlhoevnioi tht u of the pttrtrtht fltnd in1 5 pcrmtl rfthe sklhcribc4f cspttaf it slisll be in the power or any shnrelmmrr i- rfifsotve tbc company inlevs other stain- hosiers think proper n roniinne thecrtneero in wtiieh ease ihey stall roy the ilinnem the then value of ofh or her shre to be seeninel in rne ofihlfirrnee by nrbltrttidll ll the capital orthe company hsloot in any rase be lafsjstal info reirn onn mining insiitulions or merchorue 17 i i a i1ed ofeuietneot anli r prepared f intainui all nrresa- ry rtsuses fhr the proteitiiinoflhe prnpneifir hod civ to ihr eonpanv a lieu upon the shares ofsny proprietor r whoe vcsoorxbihiy the hi- rcjclorsi may ha reltlhemseuesjn5tjftedin nkmc any ndrnnce tliicoipsiiyeonteinplateihcesiwtshnieoinrbrftohhinik in other lliwrkw where pronitiitcp nines msy prrsem thonschea m soon lit it may be be termed advisable c11arlk6 dunoondc 5t- p p- in ih chftlr thni n pimiionql eommitire he nwv frnird coaisiii oflhc jollow- if fentlemeo with power to nw t their number z the sktnbefs eflbt house of assembly the ptstmattrs hjcttfiu snrtrt the flhcrfj- the clerk ofthe frocc in the several puvfeffi n thin pntvince aii llc cor respond rm- of the agricultural tlnk that the nbove fimimltlcc le ecnpowerrl to reeeive and report nn flp- plicatiinh ann persons wishing io take hrcs to eolkrt fiirthir ininr- rnoioti nnd to rrportlhcir proeeedinai li leei trueotl green v co at toronto r them to submit the sitmc to another meeting to be cutkd a soon os it my be deemed expedient thai orsnbsyrjptton smljm opened in the several oiinrts of this province oa the lay nf mny next nod closed with the monh nnd if more than the whole stock shall itrui nhi ir ussoll he appro printed n the snc monncr ds the slock of the commercial bank ottho midland iheirfel cmaiilks duncombe n- p p chairmon iwfvllo ailll a u the 3iasio iiolsb tug ptiberiiher courtnu8 to occupy ihisfxtensivf and well known esuilishiiiint ns tn hotel lor he accommodation ofthe pulilic- tiie mansion house h plmmiiily 9ituapd in stoc street befog the principal and mostcwttml street in kindlon in tlic uusiiicra pari of the town is convenient to the rlif- f eprr sfm e tmi t mfflii 1 ii r ol the kind ill ho province curt surpass it in the ex ccllence and comfort of its apart ineiii in regard both io parlttra and bed moms all nf which are fnruhlltfd in he very hest siyl the hotel has heen recntlv painted througliuut and ulhciuje im- proved the subscriber liaviitg kept a public hotise ftir many year his acquired experience in itni line and he trusts that willi unrcmtttitic attention to the comfort of his guests he will continue to merii pub lic patronage in the rear of the mansion house there is a larce yard and extensive stabling and where a livery dttible is conmantly kept t7thif mansion houm carriage and porters will auvtyt he in reodinew io convey passengers tid from thedtlierenl tainhoats 5 carmlyo kingston may 1s33 25 o dock touch ui the ki- ivent anuliasburgli belleville 3nphtaburh chson scanlans wharf hallowcll adol- nhustown firtleticksburgh baiii to k illusion will leave kingston same day at g p m touch at fairniaiist itananoque brockville and arrive at prescolt in time for the stages or steomboat for montreal will leave prescott every tuesday and friday fter ihe arrival ofthe stages or intirh it brorkville prenrh tigbtou early next tnonnng will leave kingston every wednesday and bator day tnnrning at 6 oclock touching at the interme diate places and arive at the carrying place same evenings in time a tnect ihe stages for cobourg port hope and tonrtmo after ilic 20tfa may passengers leaving montreal nn monday and tlnuday mornings can take the kingston at ivescntt and will arrive in time for the st s corgi which leaves kingston on wednes day and saturday minings for cobourg port hope and toronto all packages and lwgnge at tlierisk ofthe own er unites booked aid pnw tot every attention wl be paid o thecombn of pas sengers and the bo s well adapted to take freight horses c kingston april 83 and thursday wil dv oreahic no lu3gc or parcels taken charge paid for alt lrtihrpornhlc on dtlircry kinssttjn june sh ltf35 of uolcrs booked nd the french manguftge mr burke having terminated his engagements with mr jennings begs to announce that he will open his french classes on monday next june 22nd from his peculiar method of instruction the en tire course will be completedjin about three months though the time devoted lo the language during that ptrriod will not on an avemge much exceed two hours cadi day mr li will receive his pupils at mrs douglass house in store street next door to dr armstrongs oflice kingston june isth 1635 40tcc london line of packets- priulor- of this linotrf packets having increat numb r of their pliips will hercalw dcpau of thcin from new xont and from porumoul the 1st loui utul vdlli nnd from london on tl 17th and 27 ill of every month ihioujhout tlio year viz from new york 1 ship samson d charlwick macr 10 sliintoronto new r grifwold msstt 20 shin ontario mwitr i ship westminster now ii l chsmi 10 ship st james now wn s svbor ms 20suip montreal c h- champlainajter- i ship canada thorna dritton master 10 ship new 1 master 20 ship hannibal f h hcbard master i ship philadeumma t e- morgnn nid6t4i 10 ship president fcore moore nw tcr 20 ship samson ik clmlwick mwtcr rnom toxoox 27 philadklplli lenvw porlinonili in jun- 7 president tmm purtsmoiilh juno 10 17 samson leaves piirmnuih junc2tk may may may jtuta junu juno julw jufy july aag a us aug may june juno june july july july aug anv aug sep sep 27 toronto leave rmnvulh julv 1 7 ontar10jcavmpfirimnuthju1v 17 westminster leaver porwmouth july 20 5 27 1 neir icavofl purlntnouth aug l 7 montreal haves rorumouth auf 10 j 17 canada imvm porbanoulh aug 27 27 nw icivci poruniniitlt srp i 7 hannibal livr porhmottth sep 10 17 philadelphia kaven portsmmith sep 20 rags cc ac patrick egan will pay cash for rnrs t3uck horns c c t egan market squnre march 2nd 1833 gale of crqwjv lands coroiniwiodr ofcmvn lanasp office l toronto may 1 1th 103 j the public nrc infortned hint there will ben sale of crown lands ly auction in the town of chu- tbam in the western district on the first tucaday id juuenexi anil adjourned sales will afterwards he hdd at the same place on the first tuesday in the months of july august september and october following sales will also he held in sandwich on the first 1 ucsday in tbc inonihof july august september itnd october following the numbera ofthe lota to be offered and fur tow particulars may he known by applying to hen ry j jone esq chatham or at this office jpeter robinson 31 commissioner of crown lands 1835 lake ontario the plewawt steam boat these riiips arc ill of tho first cw ahout coo um btirjlii and arc rommnnjrd hy ttdi anl ixpcticnrcd nayipi67cv great care will be takon that tho horv stored c art of ac host dc fiption the prirc rfcihin paurcoutvvnrd i now filed at 140 tnclttltti wiiir anil ktquor or 120 wrfhouf wtnef c poscnicr iyin the last mentioned price ex be supplied hy ihr tttuord it tho printed roic wliielt will br umwed on board jvuirr the qqptalnfl nor owners of tlm j packi will bo fftfpohfihk fitr aty letter pinel5 or p sent by them aoic99rrgalal lmis f lattiusato signed tli apply to john griswoip 70 smith rt dicreafl 01 or uf nftw york grinnell jiixtirn a co 131 ontsl l geo wildes a co no i9ciqitmii t london n b stcarnhot run daily torn porlsmonih where ths paekcuwtop lo hind find iceuive pnotiger to dnlrivi of england and to the wftluiiunt evcrj infitraiathm niitivc to ihiitlino orpacct slip mnv he obtained hy apilieatmi at this tilllce rrnni n-ii- qfrfimiltta fit il ariouk tubjeci of iatj tte rorffi tcrcat mitt i hie 1 1 mtmny fle ihiyctvr jtyfavih wit rtirti r 1 l i hfi trp jfi work ml his majestys receiver general of the province of utp caiwttta give notice tint scaled tenders for jiis of exchange on london at thirty day right be received at his office on monday the 29ih dv of this present month for any smill from one hundr- ro thirty thotsnd pounds sterling expressing r highest mtc of excliaitge vcumw baof paper ill be taken m pay- toronto june stir 33 and luggage to a stage house stea3icoat hotel the subscriber respectfully io- f2h forms his friends and the public that he iim taken that well known tavern and hotel in the ilhne of i5ith for merly occupied by mr v davy and earnestly solicits a continuance of patronage every p uthte actenfitm will lc paid to the com fort of his ttocti and a selection ofthe very best wiuei and spirits will be made iil 20 bofmrs mleivard whereas on theht ofthe 3d uf june the premise ofthe sulp were feloniously cittcr- td and a hearse in lis possession together rther articles hid prop forcibly carried off and whereas ibc body of hearse ha since been pound on the premise f one george mwlnhon a carter of urn town ih w l0 notice that a re ward of five poinds will be pnd to any per- a n cm ti iir imiiimi t nhall lead to the dicucry of the place or places wheic the real of the stolen property is secreted or to the detection ofthe felons on conviction of anv one oft he uflciufan wpcook kingston june 8th i3-5- os w ego captain j t homans will ply o lake ontario aird the sb lawrence riveras follows lcvo osdcnburli rn friday evert inf kingston u- c saturday morning ickctla hntbor saturday noon oswego saturday cvonmj- rfrchcslcr sunday inorning toronto u c early monduy morntttg reaching loiritrton in time to onable pasdcnycrs to visit the rails and return by boat rno dy banvoi wjaton on monrliy evening ruchostqi tuesday morning owm0j xpwdu aficnioon sarkirtu harbor tuerliy evonir kingston u- c wcdncily morning an j arrives at odensburgli same nvrning tgncliin at french crok morriitowo alexandria and hrockvillt travellers iiitcmling to visit the kalu of niagara rititjn or ihe different place no lnko ontario will find tfarj mini plouint cheap and oxeditiousroutn by likin j utc cntboats nt oswesn ami roehei4rf iaeiigers leaving irttviftfto in tins boatnn monday r-d- iii will arrive at montreal on thursday evoniiw pavintho taottiaicivstinsj parts ofthe st lawrence kiwrhv day itglil n b tlioojwcsocuintncnced hcrtitpsoa the llt april april i83r 4 alkxit theflratorjnury 1 li- rammntt1 in fillliadrl phea r new prflinl lvirtnth ttioe riinnrheh lt i i traw will he carcfiliv tntapri a u ihv wiiil uf iku rninn nfthe ibh wmi pfltrftnije die t atic li riciiatcilk im tcrf ttfort irvgnnlthr kasiihs ivont ttn aj wrfttlhaiml tncrrniitf populttirvn ftfthr uliilh hp nul iw urnr naminitntia nf tbf nattt i npltetltc will wtmtrv r pnnqifm rotlniiiil ktcrrmiiiw f iifr it promqiou tfcll this itijriinl rhinp the pry rior of l wilt nft mean a to ilivrrify if c mrl ij ruinatirwt n rentier kent n1 m i vteniio the thnnnit t f i 4nrrmifcihilnnh rvtiv ivlun u nd- in eanurti itiilirt mi witti i i iti hihi rntiiamr miprrt fvimnsa rnliehtenoit cthfiaunlty mvi iftkirlrr if die rnuitry the ofnetchine out mirin yiuttu nilgai j mneffljt tue rliurnw frnovrjv roi r it ifiriiy in i me not th lvnl ctnnarriiih ntimaite uu ulhr fft to finrntoiiat in iiv iieei4i ivflintf ioiitt1ititly sriirecl hnw rr ikiy over tltitnioft ri lmvint rrrel reiilariikp ui uteltt pcleet ed ivrtii ncrlojiriklajfim in tiwriu mmenau irtirohunni it iii ant nlinrthcr fiiite vlcn a nw nmriifm i rnniiilatrhr to present in ttit ail totvinilie taijiravperfivitltrmclfiifm juv nerrwy nevenaen that w priiiirfil ftvitra lnum te rlravn nm ns it in uf ihern thai ii merits iri husitny lim liejtuhlcrf thst w hit morcren ilify accamrlifuril pnllitr im in- 4itrd iliat hmrvrr iiitjtrv ana a v wi eal ran iwt in fotiiitetittj w flliine up v ill lr dnne arnl thl lliey ncr v ill in ifritvl ithkrriii r necirul in ihe firnkrrnuoa bfdlh ttrttipito hii a etvlnlqprolec a lrbcnjiaj anil ptofcblc ro- aait tn hrmr1vts oat m aider- tik dhama will crn a marerjal rrtin afihr caikmen vaje blcttttli it j iiturhef1mpuh firnntrly every wrrfc a tti lire ptay and iarrc in le 5lecol with a incie r rii ttn if nertls nlnnc a preicrenre howr r ivilt be rxfi wa in iflcvr lukrlivc phhsn tjna when they cn lnu fte1- jnpmnirni rjietn rofoity eltplag all iiiviiimim tirrrtiinmrnnihuftmvtl hyibrlr trwvjhr wilt he wuterty in vrntlew hucniplileal wtncv an nuka t i am 3hl ila mut orpniniti tjicdii nili ptvweni vlnrs rnrr nthl lttrhmitite cumtwi tiftn i in e tiik tcrtf a lunufut rreard trf- k- pi l atl lae trolling wlrtrfcfwlnlhta frtihrt nun ktlmd uiritit ponrait afwfrlnriift tsr iid lrot mnyi vrtltlm pi month kmyfiitl rvhiflit i icfl bnvpmr flttwucemitail lhraueaueftin v inilvrvjii- i v ii p priitclifcty valuable in z farm bithmav 1635 ashley 3iii auction commission business thomas l woods the siitacrilicr ounouiicc to hi friends mid the mlilir that lie lias opened nn auction mrl in those iiremthe hitely occupiwlby dn pccffuwns i the market square next door in mr uihwfa ilt sloie where ilc will receive cor tle every dewrip tion of merchandize w well aehouwiioid fmni- tnre c from his cxpriicncc in ihi branch ol blminew he cnwislvqialtl he enabled xo give general tikflit tion mid obtain a shan of public patronni which he respectfully solicits all kinds of cattle ami lrnd sold on the mubl rcasonublu ternif t l wood amtlorutr e broker kingbtnn mnv 13th ivi 30ifd dihkoiutio tiii ovprtjirffchip lieritoflrc ehoag trftwren hie w ritrrk i ato day diolve1 17 mutoui roaimni the orilr afihe i lc rrtim by george tttdfdevooi ho iadutv author iird 1 wttlttir inr nstiikpuvant tm btiilncflb will hrmitnnrd by ike imbrrllir wbrre pa til n rv v r jifpfifift will t r eulf r asadc t9onkr 6a the 1irnet neiice irtrlrmauadon nrrteoo tanl t fc m storage and wharfage the subscriber bey lcrte to inform the public thru he iiaa rented the well known siorchnuses and whrf formerly occupied by mr- john maguire ai the foot of store street as to location they have nut their equal in town tliose who wish to store properly or dispose of it by consignment mny rely on the utmost endeavors uf the subscriber to ffiv kttfelbciion for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business n 3 for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room filled up for the reception of baggage barton phillips kingston april 23d 133 observe any persons deirons of leaving the town or otherwise wishing to dispose of their furniture immediately by private sale will readily meet a purchaser bv applying ro the subscrtkt j linton auctioneer kingston april slhi 133 a for sale in a well settled neighborhood being tlie east half of lot no 1 in the 2nd concession of of loughborough containing about 105 acres there are on the premises a good frame house nnd a good frame barn with sixty acre of land cleared also n number of bearing fruit trees of riffle rent kind- and a living spring of water nigh the house for further particulars enquire of mr da vid purdv wuferloo or of the editor juiics 1635 to let 1 he extensive premise situated ill store street opposite the commercial hotel lately occupied by air vv b bartlet apply to the editor or to smith bartlet kingston mav 1st isj5 jtt of rnontivml 1 ami carrcci sppnli nh t ir riij- ratuit vilj iii ratnirnni1 nfcuwlii o sliaotin malcilc pcjt triirt fchi cyitmuimk lxrrcii a fli- curpnr piliia iwiumjif uiili aif iavtaifil uixm grxtlkmkns lamno a qnantfrh rwnrwwih lc prtv cariilvprminirj iiir irih4 niprviittffnttf m taiicc walsli c ioiiich worn ia lirl if i riifttv riirly inlr l wurh it wb tc rcitiwh nit tfuymrsi ar ihri nrni ti6niu it iiiureta mi ikrtrcoslritarrvwlt tin tntaniivf rviairlianiuni style orilra atlhernrliemrmltlr paritr pfevttin kmthr rt rttctiw w bctrivrn hy tlii pip n pi1fir ctu toilrnrjvii iu atfhciarn wihitkhr irpiv1 m ftiuwhil ml7sciltlii vaitliwgs fir prn i fieri raav ipprar tab eaafi i l the itr irfdfllq itiv wwfjt ur tvrn uwiivr mt u prrtjr m n ihut in n u itj in it milin r uioten craiikmllr rparo itrtct br at l cell jiii ou iftnkr rewrite lift yale iwtry an krtoa rrck fimof lli- inliwiiiy aa1 phtctii ff jtllhliiit siti- mctu- f train marls t avhvlitrrr prcrr stack trt uf broken bnkitmiitrwt xotta pttttar nut alt oisrr iniiuro rrlilinf which all uimlskt fftfiy k tiippoicvl irnit at liaauic alirwl thii work then aa will t fwit h flw rlhkc trsjilwattssi f teprrw bome rw rnr kinivitafiviiiviicilftiii comiianinii lor the ptuwaa ojrir turfi tlir oritina snrtii 1 r kmlart ftc tl lll pwr ntsrakmt itpittnsmhri fir ivitl lie antjioair renty arriconl fr kefitnie girtumwnff laincit nt hnou comrflnfatn be keihin ivriy uaicnn iur i rnol sin ititwotlftjr otltrttivi tml fta paiiiitinthiraiifmnrmjrar marc fiirnlflnluili fiuvv rp- ietr pjtiyi nml tarrr tr iriiiiivi ic rpara rlr im tipy oflf malt aufrvmtpmbem kai tmncvu nir jicrninrr faa af4an nalns 4tv9l -ill-ip- ittli7 nfji irctr-jmr- liraratttic rlbrary tn ipt juttt iv nil impr ch mm tirij miht m taklnj iaifi cmasjirj ntim ihr amlitptnl virity wldrli i- 11 nramiiait it vtaoit nd cliarorl jttliim ttlmuwl pvnimiiraial orrrct itaafato hrvit or blmltcrln ilrrff viil im tfii an invahtnmrc amc- rhk nrntlkmils a11k ukt til ac ftillm pntifd ewry suimlrty oit rj nacntl lpff oflimr larwt cl ut thror jo tiit prrnhnat ptiv tiv urilvny fly lwltimn t ihr itiilnr irnu m tlm- rmwwtwr ramnar cim two ajj ortiie pfjr will t ihrwanlnl i aiy nirmhui mtrrftl sr m jr it b rtweetqilly roiw i thai dufrwta lrireift tuicn tttia jaantal will arvranl i imci rtrliat1y tlir tinn w t- irici ry aiiaerril to amhntfsmitii ft auxanieri aftmfap buiijia frtiiiun tct t5i ulrlphu tacrolliicrfiwiiirscjiut- uirhrny rjlarir coantrr llrrtliret xvo ouhjri timn with n ncrmilmktl inrrlton nfihtf mlvt ru irr with tim subscriber begs itftivs to inloimi hts irieudb and the public that he him relinquished the business of liar ri rare merchant in this place in favor of messrs hill utiggs bo will continue in tlic old tumid in store street g w yarker kington 3d june 1835- 37 3w hk310val ti16suuscr1beu hreinowd hisclicaf and fahi0ablr boor s- etftabwshmest to tllfi market square where h- tt always keep nn hand a large assortment of the v heat manufacture at tho following low prices- for ready wosfiv only lidic rmiiullo and leu plimpi 3 6 do- suptiiur quality ftwg coloff 5 0 eo suliri ilti do 7 0 do fmc itjflit wilkiih show 5 0 rlu stout smliiblc fot ounlfy wear 0 0 do riimollo duvm 0 do gutuhttd opcrin fi g do irviian ir 0 0 do pint liglttloatli doota 6c do suiul 4i0 fit gwtleimn stout vaikg show 81 do vory do fj 1i0 7t dn pegged boot 100 46 00 80 go 60 80 100 in 0 80 7fi g3 80 tine a3u a variety of bov and bills boots siiocb cry low prices hoots shoes made t kington miy vmt order j murray kingston mrciccry 4 mhstulerpj the subscribers have recently erected and have now in full operation a patkntcopprr rec tifving apparatus for the manufacture of pure casabian whiskey being the only one at present ofthe same con struction in the two provinces customers can be at a times suited on the shortest notice with the va rious strength from alcohol to common retail proof of a quality superior to any other manufac tured in the province they have now no hand and ready for sale from oto20000iallousof whiskey au from 12 to 10000 gallons of superior s u pi m u ii ale warntcd that by using proper attention to ir to re main good throughout the season payment cash or approved endorsed notes ai month v wanted 30d0 bmhth of hardwood clluicoil kingston brewery ii may 1s35 hunt morton fitllcry ui sale of crown lands uonun j the p nfcrawu lv0ujll iii ulifp i tuesilay in juik iic loner of crown lnmla tnroiim jmiiy i lib arc informed that ihcra will lu n snlo iiit liv auctinn in the lown of poler- ie aciccatttc district on the first xt ami aifjourncd silus y ufivi wridit be licltl hi the nme place on ihu first iui- in the mouths of july august scntcntbci and ocioher fullnwinl the number of iht lola to be oflercd for sale and further pjirucuuru may be known bv applying to alexander mdoiielt en peterborourzh or ui this oflice ii peter robinson cummhtioner of vrewn littitih valuauiii pkolkktv foh sale four acres of land on lot street wert on which has bnn erecicj a three story brick house wifrmhtd front ft coinmandiuir n hoc view ofthe bay mil- lake and the oitv the garden occupies i 12 acrs i i fci u c1lli ration and well stocked itl a variety of choice iruit trees this property is situated in the mo pleasant and honuhy par of the city and irom the rapidly incrcains value of lands in its innncdiutc vicinity would make a capital investment also for sale or to let one force brick build ing on king street north west of yonee sheet 50 feet by 00 and four rtoneajiigli this building is situated in one ofthe ural parts of the city for busi- nessofany description mid itm stores and oflices in every icspeit well appointed it is particularly well adapted for wholesale business also a quarter of an acre on the angle of lot and peter streets nn which is erected a brass and irow louvdby frame building 101 feet by 25 also two lots on spadimiavcmte one 19s feet by 100 ihe other 193 by 1s6 alsogooircrcsollaudloo in the township of reach 100 in eorgina with 1 acres clcaredand 100 acres in the township uf mqlaliide in the lon don district on the cathah creek 35 acres cleared and 11 miles from lie flouiihing village of st tho mas the above property will he sold below it first value for cash or onctlnrd being paid down remainder mav beheld bv the purchaser at in- years as may be y tercst for a term of from 5 to 10 agreed upon application if by letter pnt paidtothe subscri ber joseph tuuton lot street toronto may 0th 1333 29 london taikoh j h hooper from lointou renwctfidly in forms the inhabitants of kingston audits vicinity that he has lately removed fiom the head of stoie st to no 3 counters buildings brock street where he hopes lo be favored with a continuance of patron age gentlemens elntli made up in the most fash ionable style and on ihe must reasonable urnis kingston june loib 135 istii aciulcmy the public arc respectfully informed that tin above classical academy will be reopened on mon day the 22nd june under ihe superintendence of mr john mackintosh principal and his awietanl for terms a bath june i tply to b 11 iilstces 40w