tinunw iit the following pongnuh iiteatnei from itih closing peecli the probability of improving revenue from prrxihtmghouritiiulna me to believe that the ildituinul duties now imposed will be found wiflj rwiilio effect n gradual extinction of tbc treasury notes lift we icnrn from ihe kingston chronicle that mr daniel junes of urockvillc a about to proceed to england with a view of urging his alujctty to pan the reserved loan company bill into ft law imve repeatedly exposed the inupiitiiua provisions and themichicvous tendency of dm bill and thiuhi some of its section are afer lllitn the correkoondm sections of the original draft yet we imitate not to denounce it as being on the whole more iniquitous and more mischievous than ever without enter ing on o minute nualysi of the objectionable provi sion we offer mm following summary of them a capital of 300000 and contingent deposit in trust to a much greater amount arc to be control led by ten directors holding stock each to the a- tnouui cf at least one hundred pounds but as bu siness may be commenced after the payment often percent of die nominal capital die interests of the stockholders and the property of all depositors will be at the mercy often men having a joint slake of one hundred pound in die concern as the mortgaged property is exclusively liable for the amount of the loan the directors may with impunity utoffgnge their own property to any given amount the directors thcmselvea or their sala- lied agents being appraisers of tbc property offered in security may easily evade the provision that smelt property tfhall in every case be at least dou ble the tnlue of the mini lent or charged thereon the exclusive liability of the murlpiiged property- may enable the directors to oblige themselves and their friend at the expense of the stockholders who are liable for all the obligations of the oompany to the full amount of their fortune the mortgaged in default of payment of the prin cipal or even of interest may he sold without judge ment of court or any legal process and what is the worst feature in the bill may he bought by the com pany this provision is admirably adapted for transferring to ihe company any given quantity of lauds at half price for die widely ramified connex ion of the company mtiftt in many cases succeed in stifling all competition among private purchasers we have not yet done with this infamous bill it undisturbed progress through both houses only hhowri how useless a legislature or a public press may he cor the protection of the rights of poor men smonrirtg ucrald one of the most numerous and respectable meet- inj ever held in the niagara district was convened unlteho wife wiitln u iniuuato tht tho vhnh hous waa orsctod within a tag jhiiii m uio oonm j in man honest tim luikstt plagiary if not of words of idus mid stylo i uibiuhin display w give the fol example leaving the read low in tin- reader to find out die firuilar qui agc li till- deserted villi i t v an on the current our esteemed friend d thuiburn e m p p was present apd re ceived from his constituents fresh proofs of their eonfidenee and esteem his conduct dining the late session of parliament was investigated and ad itv w fttt mmi r hi 1 would be welt ihat other constituencies sliould fol low this example and bring their representative after everv session to the bsir of public opinion were this course generally followed it would pill an end to base hypocrisy similar to that of certain members in the western district w bo went into parliament prctimdul reformers and came out in their true colors the ihbrad d slaves of perverted authority when will die western yeomanry learn u lesson of experience 1 they have been most egrc- giously deceived correspondent a man oonrovrb niagara falls two men o were attempting a few days since to pass from uruld island to the canada shore wore forced into the rapids near the great cataract and they both jumped out of the boat one of them was rescued by the people on shore but the other a mr braily was hurried over die falls and was seen no tnoretf extraordinary ykrdict a case of assault bud battery has been tried at williuinsburgh viu where the jury returned a verdict that die ptainttjf should be taken to the public shippingpost and there receive thirtynine inches on his bare back and that bis hawytr should pay the ot of the pro securioii although this verdict is a novel one in the hisiory of litigation yet we venture to say it is just what it ought to be british whig to conrk8fondsst ifnnrcnrrrjtoddcnt ai lltuwn will ptrrm tu tbrvtri the xar side i l or kt u know whurc it tuny br found we au fcet r jj inserting ji vvc lift turf uke fl wz all oft i r iatti woceiitntqftoormeiril whlmw wsvubc ui jfhc wisuto have hi- h rcc published hs luuimnn h nullul our competitor mey read jl uehtiyefromcikuigcl9c tu jo ubu be nmkiog dr copy fitf tle krruliifn inlem t whig lo thrlcdnf antcle fir rrtftin ihcir ti mtti mduiuci iu ntaiter xcttd vcv 1 tbeir cmim uiui lanucoeeiii dutrfet fatter lloro the broad innrli extend- its open plain until iu limit touch the dibunt inoin ttwfs verdant rnead4 along the upland iprny arid grftteful odor to tho btttflsi flin- here crops of groin 111 rich lnnvm riio and wve their golden itclick to tho tkvti there rmiling orchacd interrupt the scone or gardens bounded by tome foaco flfjpsip tho bmsr ovttago hojeojood mtff 4bs ireo wbofs iproadinj tranche pliellerfrom tho brvezs tho windinx strmrn uiat ttirns ihe busy mill whoso clacking eehoea oor the diiaot lull tho neflt white church taido whoc xnft are apread the grasaclod hillot its ofthe sacred lcail where rude cut stones or paititod tqhtitl tell in labored veiw how youth and beauly fell how worth and hope were hurried to the grew and lorfi from those who had no power lo wo this mimicry of goldsmith is observable in other respects in the dedication whit h is addressed to hi brother hcmy and in the ctmstant inlrrloijatiun and quotation of the poets language wo think lite descendant might bivo ilunu hotter iflutally onshflcmedby tho recollection of hisanccsuy the other poerns in the volume are pleasing productions but give no promise of anything bter ram the author in the kfjnr he has turnod court putt hut hj not been very sue- ccsttful hi- h m- tor being but a very sneaking fellow towanu the conclusion of another tale he throws out a hint if kid belonging to the physkking tribc which hod we sooner uwcived tis ton to ouo we should have written wlat we have tiik liars book the june nuraberof this entertaining periodical dues not please ua quite so mueh as usual tho se lectiuusare not as good and the original matter with the ex ccptton of a ebfoy on doncslics isuboiiunablc we speak from compqijsoa with rr r nu n 0- 1 r tor of merit even in lliis there is enough lo please thfi most gistidiou it cortnins three ungiaving one of fashionsand among others the fol lowing tile and short pieces essay on domestics by m carew esq satire and senliinent a sketch of fashionable life interior of thn catholic cathedral at baltimore irih characteristic an evening with madnrns campan village choristers the peasant girl of tha alp tho exile of dun luce ihe inn at upton tho physicians visit besides so in finite vatiety of poetical and other irpaller places we were highly delighted 011 being presented with a large and well executed engraved map of tho puirict of prince ed ward not so much so on account ofthe intrinsic value ofthe gift a of its real utility to us and every other person who has any business transactions with that rich and flourishing por tion of the province- this map has been draws and compiled by mr p v elmore s surveyor of hallo well and is execu ted with much neatness and apparent accuracy the engra ving which wh done at new york quite equal to the best of tin mud 00 ibi tide die atlantic l and the coloring mount ing and vanishing c equally pi ojsc worthy although done at homo w are uniuforincd of the success the spirited au thor has met with in ms own district but we fat confident in assuring hitf that provided ho fulfil his promised intsu tion of executing a map of the midland district he will be no loser by thn unittfrttiking no exertions of ours shill be waot- ing togive publicity to so laudable and usoful aprojecl the sizo of tho map of piince edwcrd is 84 by 38 inchss and its prico k7amnnth colonial extract will l pund swunuinta n mntr luraui sninst ihenatlahlislunn wrjm ntea tw ivl t av hiaxun thn dthn day i m nght u in o you poking well if h hut ajffi sff i m s a wntal iiuiiiicm of our mmpipertio who w iy on tiirh a day an hiin or in ui aiiiw a ihom htlaka wow of u n of uopfabtphhc u of m w nved xm uonmn murderio b rtlb veoibr wsket ix grm lul nu jcitahoebank 9j privnie rj q premium imkvl many of our rubr traders are tahing ui timber bidbau oaal aivru crr rosses nitutiyir thitf work which we unnnon- cdon uninvv oj forthcoming on samrdsy ha tint yel rjn ptttaklmd in london it saemii or leam had not been m ihe 4ih of imm month tlullrtih puhltc were growing 3mte impatient for it if we may fawh f die follooinod- ioss copied son tbv court jofvwp mf hsl date p odetocaptain uoss olt captain ftu tliou great north pole start ttwsl transcendent heto uf thirteen degirvs btew zero i ttiou second noah old noah yon know went out once on an arctic ipcdiihm when are vre to get liolo f fur edition of voyaos nud travel tlic snovr promised tnngmgol when du yuu mean to cias our inngin on flb oro of what you iboro in the north se you and your tittle band wfajm refugees im at a i toknow what keep vou bok itseems to joe to lie as r- ni to vape those iborrid printers a arctic winders wetcally ought as enghswoen and frogmen to have some niceew acl neat and rtt for prtssin jesunen come come slf john pray pray mf 00 i consider sir whatancuu legions arc waiung opcnmouth4 hear you tell about lake l l and all thoso lakes and bays and creoks and islands nics all made of that you discovered in the polar regions thoso regions where die days and nights- are six monuis longn piece ad dumpy esquimaux uve upon snow come come sir john without more noise ud clutter gis us some of your northers lights upoalliif matter i itanowsyear and a half sicca you were found in lancaster snd by captain humphreys who fcy chance wv ailing that way and atopt your weeptng with hi- mkokng come sir cooie out at onetl or i assure e that i aodsll tw nation shall get into a pasvion and you well know what tis re be sir in a fury ome out i say ouca mnr can no longer wail no cant upon ssy soul fofcthcstfcte june 14 thosioamer ridcav bowen with passen june 15 the steainor enbrprii richards with and uaasuixors passengers ery goods i kingston tvehday hveniso june 6 1835- the sews we have from eiiglmd extendi a day 01 two la ter but is virtually uo new we have looked over our new- york exchangee ami culled a for paragraphs but they con tain nothing ofthe utightost impartanefe the drrcatentd oppoiinn of the tories lo die return of such of his mjjcstyh new imuuterssi vacated their seats in parlia ment turns out to be the feeblest of tho fecblcn no single instance have they niade anything like a mand sir john cajnpnll walks over the course at edinbur fill mr p thomp son does the amo at manchester and lord john russell u doing the same in south devon the minds of the pcvpu of great britain may readily be ascertained from these facts there exists evciy probability that mr grant the new co ionial secretary will be elevated to the peerage it does not appear probable that lord brougham will hold any office in the new administration lord denman the present chief justieofthe courtof kings bench will be the speaker of the house of peer until a lord chancellor is appointed wo look in vain for any confirmation of lord amhersts coming out to canada as lord high commissioner all the english papers are filent upon the subject we bavo mode several extracts upon this matter from die lower provincial pa pers tbey appoar howcvci to have nodmig but conjecture to work v h many of our interested readers nu doubt are all agogg at the ides ofa war between france and the united states by reason ofthe improbability ofgtn jacksons making ihe apology de manded by tlc freocjt we beseech ihem to banish the idea ss conveniently can neither natioi aro tools enough to fight about nothing at all general jackson will say he never mant to offend uic high and mighty dignity of la grande nation and the fiench ministers will put up with the smallest appearance of an apulogy and glady pay the money to prevent its being asked fot in anodier shape this affair will ceitainly end in smoke th rfslsg vlltaotfi ftd otukil pucxs st otlvxn ooldsmirn st john n b pp 1441634 a protly duo decimo bearing the above tide has found iu way to our table by tho bye it is not a hide surprising that works which have become ours by services rendered should be so dilatory m making their appearanco while others wild wlioo we are in no way coiiwsttud sliould be the first to visit u mr oliver sjqjdsntitli tho autheruldie trifle we are about lonoljce is a descendant ofthe great uoct of that name we wish however we could say dial any more resemblance exists between thcrn than that of nomenclature tho rising village is prettily written but that is all uic author appears to have studied the pleasing versification of his ancestor but in doing so he has sacrificed every other requisite essential to poetry take an ifiatadtc beneath the shelter of a logbuilt shed the country echoo rwwc nvxttrccb ite hcad facts amd scraps xfthe amehiciei ssassxput ljki qurutlo our otfiec has been fivorcd with a visit from capt abijah kellogg of the schoonei polyihtmus tsacketts arrived this morning from rochester 1 his gentleman has related to us such a tale of wonder a tale so incredible that we scruple ome as tha yankees say in jaying his narration before uur readers lest they might think it but the creation of our imagination lapt kellogg suites 1 yesterday cvetfiig june 15thabout oven oclock as ie was making for kingston harbor the duck- bearing n by w utbmt 9 piss he saw something lying atitl on the weather bow that looked like tho mast ofa vessel observing it moto attentively he was surprized and alarmed to see it in motion and steering towards the schooner singing out to bis hands to take care ofthcmselves he put lire schooner up to the wiud lashed the helm alee and ran up the main rigting wailing for die monster to approach tho ser- pent for it was no other than an immense snake neared the vessel fat and pascd itnmeitiately under thestern taking no notice whatever of the schooner or those on board but afford ing to every body an ample opportunity to observe and note his monstrous dimensions in length ho was about 170 feet of a dark blue color spotted with brown towards either end he tapered off but about the middle his body was of the circumfe rence of a flour barrel his head was peculiarly small and could not well be distinguished but from the direction in which he moved he swam with an undulating movement keeping hesl part of hu body under water but occasionally shewing his entire length he was in sight full fifteen minutes and when last seen was making the mat of his way down the st lawrence onboard the schooner wero two young men ihe vessels crow together with three passengers who are all willing to be qualified to the truth of what ha been here staled it mftsm d swell kingsmill of port hope touched at thui place on friday last on their way to the eastern district on business of the hew farmers bank they give very flat tering accounts ofthe exertion ofthe friends ofthe association in ail paro nf tho rfovuabo uiav aflnaaredhowavar mirnri sod ui the mril quantity of stock taken up hy the kingston a ns but attributed if to the interested representations of the bank directors and otluts thst their new rival would lie a radical afljit the public should be disabused in this respect so far from tho majority of stock holders being reformers wa learn that the contrary in the case or at all evenly dial there exists anequal balai- of parties we ate aafurcd that every effort will bestrained to keep poll tics out ofthe new bank by an advertisement in this days paper it will be seen that die sob seriptioo books willcontinuc open at the office of mr p t clarke front street until the 1st july tcwefaave published lists of those boards of health which concern our readers they appear to be nearly die same as last year a degree of carelessness is evinced by the govern- ment whicii shews the importance that is attached to these of rices two gentlemen are cominued in the kingston board wbo have long left the town also the name of auother who refused to accept the sppointmenl the same errors may doubtless be seen in the other litis for in that for bytowu we observo the name ofa gentleman who has been dead twelve months et a few days ago the steamboats william iv and six jamts kempt came accidentally into contact ut kingston har bor and did each others cliops some mischief tho caroiu- cc calls this a uoncooieauble accident but for our part we consider the term muipapplied font seems die boats were uoineatablc a little too much to suit distaste of ihcir respec tive owners ctll was rather surprising the other day to see die caroiti- cu laughing it militia musters it was mill more surprising on saturday to suu it praising tho farmers hank one rem eon may be iis new editor has been a good deal at tho whig olbce uud may have learnt 4 liltlu cooiiiion eensu 0a powerfully written letter lias been addressed by mr mckcnzic to the methodist conteiencc now assembled at ha ujiltun it is too long for our columns hut our readers such wish wilttiiid it 111 the corrtspondwwijuuc j lib 971 f our lacujiud sciaps are worthy ot quotation let them be acknowledged render unto cssay th things dial are ctcaars vabttm sup j 1 1 1 nu utbcial gazette we seo no confirmation of the re ports now turreut dial certain geuderpen uee been called to die legislative council of upper canada on die cuuirary in die list of appointineuts to iu various boards of health da ted june rilb icwo we see the names of jcsswurs macaulay alorns mclean fraser and others vehavtutluueduot that an iucrejo will be eliordy diode and that most of the geuueoieii id to bo elevated will be promoted 11 tho go vernment possessed otte grain of sense u would call jvuu kolph to die council maaothex toitor floggld dr o cajgiian the edi tor oftbv viwbcatvfi was severely maltreated 111 montreal on the 6tu insl by a sir a doyle who justitics and glories in the deed through tho columns of the iruk adoowtz no doubt uhs mr doyle vho is uuable bodieo inau uniiks it re bounds to ins rcpututon to attack a man o pttottauy luforior to bun as lr ucailaghau the loctor suonld engage one lflns warm hearted countrymeo to avenge hui injury iuiiv a delightful little abusive skhfuic has ukeu place at montreal between the vvernmeni m lnroula qui june ulib the lieut govemor has been pleased by and with the advice and consent of ihe executive council to appoint the following persons to act a health officers for the undermen tioned towns and village and tlicti vicinities batii messrs laacpraser messrs william j mckay orion honcox benjanin sevmour wdliacn fairfield davis ilawlcy belleville iffm james h samson messrs henry baldwin thomas parker john turnbull charles willaid pr george n kidiey dr anthony marshall brockville ilonomue charles jones messrs jonas jones r d fnser a1lid june i 11 the steamer tfet mr chambers with bare trader in tow j june i thesteauiar ridiu bowen with passengers jhe trade hj lliia route is gradually improving passengers living qn the lno of communication speak highly ofthe ficili- tie afforded by thn ntimerous stesmbouts constantly putlog and repussing n travelling diis eocuoii of die province in d summer season which used to be almost totullv intestable eicepl in very dry weather the boat unless when towing generally perform die distance between kingstmi and bytowu in shout 3d hour it is eipocted shortly thst arrangements will bo iimde for ih variout blobmboau leaving on atiled days port of quebec jkhhivau june 8 brig iadiuir 19tti april beirut 63 njcn ship chtn 3ulh aiwft iivrpuol ba k coimopulu 16ih april nowcuiu uk huvcry zilli april livcrimol bru cuopaira isth april liirwriek bnj allms 6th april scaiuro bii aira i8th april mary port btig ord illh april sundrund brig eden 27lh april curie bug urania 3nd april leiih t gcbr- crtnjre 2d may halifax juoa 9 ship u uinrluo 6lli april hull brfc nurrall 2i april priamn s38 clliori big trade 94a april dublin 24 ialtw bark hy agn j9lh may newynk oflk athcbtuo cih april stktn bri tbmpmm sslli april jamaica una upcr sunderland 5 collcc 9ih may halifax juno 10 brix alia 20th april nevcailc brig marvand dorlhy 7th april sundeland baik da jeraey6li april jrr 2 do ship bntwh lhruinc53d ap il nar 1u9 do bng ijiomu tyaun 27th april vltsju i44 grig rimultt will april grrmj brig redbreast 25ih april nw york bru ehwitd i5h april pmton ship lla mth fehuraiy rio janeiro ship hrtwtkar 13th war mobuv ship john 27ih april livwpool bark dihdn 19th april liverpool bark armur 29th aprl livcrpwil bark alked 2d april allot bark john j mary kftli april liverpool bak subcrh 22d april sundrland brilalciin 20th april london bng camdoii cth april sunderland brig kenuvalion hi april newcastle brig naid 28th april halifx bn douglas ji april halifx brigpuiuan 15th april nuvamlt brcmitiiiiiiin 3j mv sligo 224sttler bark rrii 13th april hull 64 do burk ioflua ari may now vwk buhouner bntiili tar 23j april jaufca datid j one daniel jonea william hayea henry thombill dr jaoiwa campbell mcrs henry juuca henry sherivood alexander grant jiisepb k hnnnvll dr edaionda bytown muar cbarlei sliirtff hattr daniel mckinnoo i le breim john low g vv baker matthew coqooii daoiel fiiber gananoque measra john mcdonald messrs joel d carmentcr alexander auchinrolt william g puller william s mcdonald epbrsjm wcbater hallowell mcsan simeon washburn maura james doueall benjamin hubbs richard bullock william rork david l fairfield thomaa nasli david smith james cotter l p macpheraon kingston lowrr ato towmhii rillaox or bac- riefield hd teiitt hnn john kirby hon charles w grant meaara john macaulay xessts john 8 cartwrtght james macfarlane thumas kirkpatlijt d j smithr w h grey a truax w wilaon juhn mowatt twkobiwd jxhn marks jubn duriuar john strange auiander pringle henry smilh w mecuniffc j g parker john coyiitar oenrebikr jutepb br ulc e w armstrung dr james sampson napanee messrs archibald caton bialtket piucls iviqston igcsdaj 10 1835 a d a 1 27 6 0 5 futron by the e3hecpi per do et the nlttll per lb 0 3 t 04a 0 5 fresli perk per 100 lb- 0 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 0 22 c a 25 0 14 4 8 30k 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 6 2 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j3rt lo ihe klnf s rmmy trelood in utffeh inrtjosily roirretietj unhft nc fni mr j i v ti ifnkf vpedei ycurrh trwm rprcrnr1c fmrruri tii miii irrn1 lr i r l rr h r f r f m 7 3 orogrke lue jruli cbtunpiotia i 3j t ij vtio ihe pre pert deorcs new york harness laqufactory the subscrilier respcrtfully infnrms his cotintrv fi ietida that he cotitliuw to innnufhcture hnrne of every dncrf iiiun and the very best quality rt tie ne ynrk prire- leather trunka and valises kept for sale and made to order produce of everv description received in pavmejir ii maiht bmrk street kiaomon june lrih 18 39 meshs allsn mcpherson g- h ditlor archihid mcneil david alien john benon tbumi- ramsay aloitader cempbell meurt hiram norton messrs alplieui jones jehu patton alfred hchker ssmucl crane alexander mcmillan scotl d murchiion a e brewter semuel s kmght daniel stewerd john v dellnr plnlioj hum dr arrivals at the commkkciai hotel nurlng tltk wbeci c- haneox esq bath f l lorhrop broekvime j d judikn offdemlurch mr w wlolmhi do om walton rin p andenou charleson w 3 mcdunttld ganamcue mr it simpon montreal ur g buchanan awprufr li forbea bytowu saml hall jettrron co n y jubn s simmint new yoik w 8 cnjer montreal mr cliee- ney montreal mr morgan napatiee d taylor eq ji da eldridgo port byron n v- mr hooper kingston arrivals at ti lutifoqn holse june 10 ri norton preww wrn bacon ogdcnsburgh joehua knight john jfouqn hamilton 8 benson betic ville ii s wilmot tobourg a mcneil napanee 13 c reynold lock port bcv mr follcy u 14 p oreilly dousell beftmile 16 rev mr harris perth the awinclauoi t colobrmtam ui euevejre eagerie aviary from their zoological mjystmtute mw vonk the subjects of natl ral history as exhi bited at thatpopular and fashtona tilc place of resort during the wlwter of rjlile proprietors rcapectfully inform the iiihabiiuita of kingston and iti vjcintry ihit thev ttjll exhiliit their ntrc colltrctimi of living gni- mule in the open iftacfl in rear of si getrges church and ihe court house on friday and saturday the sblli and 7th day of jttoe innt phis tnivrhinff woilh o aniinwe cuihrttutt contih- tingiif wild beasts and birds tbefincat ierimeti9 tif thtir vniione genu will be exhibited under two bfmcnt pivillions eich iuu vt in dia meter and sufficiently large to contain 4000 tatnr for whose convenience eligible ueate aro roiisirucum on n afe and improved plun and to which ladies nnd the juvenile branche of familiet are firdt entitled inc bleihant w providrd mthh pudid raddle trhnmedilecnrntcdufier the btwtemtvle kimibr to the print here reprencikcd and of suui creilt capacity to contain six persons ho miv rido upon his back nidi tufety aud pleaaure to tbcm selves moifthcil vhuiudat evtpaino jane ii asnct ire till in demand although tlie lranacuon imi week have not beon li anv eiurnt tlie iiijuui are 31ti 6dtciv ou and 32 6daj33 pearl wheat wc imve not a et itfmnft pcofnvsevaral extensive salet of fine plmjr kkt been made amounliig aioce our iac report lo several thousand lur- reu at prices rangm from 14 to 24a 6j jw dayju tlte principal pales were fccd jt 24 4jd tjiis demand ah rnobt wholly arises fvin a diftirerrce of npjnioo as to iu future value therefore it may beootul ai speculative tlie receipts are daily becoming snmller pro v jit ok pork is in dcound some lota have been n- on speculation mess at i7a dollum and prime mess 15 flollars cash tor tbe purpost being reuuletl to coosotu- we have not heard of anv tniimction m either beec butler or lard 1 u it 1 w i of west io4ia produce mih ofthe eoies havo been by auatr- proprietor ot uio herald and the j lionjauiflica itm i a lj il a 1 4 6jd a 4 10jd 20 managing owner of uiecouiier the gruatguu wbo w in tbo oatne moss himself a bliort tiinu aince appears to be it- uog calmly sixking ms fingers and enjoying tbv fun we tuvo utnrerved once botoru there oru mure tuob ta tho world puns of another vt i a 2jtfclit 4 lod some dcinrrara 1 a 5 s 5jd and 1 a 6 3c id 1 a 7 was withdrawn at 3 3d 20 puns jamaica rum mnged hands 1 a 2 at 4s lod in there b not iujwi doing good cognac isluh el fc 3j losdos tailor j h hooped from london wapecriuiiv in- forma the inhahitanrs of kireton and its vicinity that he has lately removed from the head of store 5f to no 3 counter rntldin rrock strrfer where he hoper tn be favored with a continuance of patron age gentlemens cloih innde op in the most fash ionable style and on tlie inot reasonable ternis kingston jiine ifttt j83s- removal the subscriber respectfully inform faia friends and the public that he h is arnoveil his candle manufactory from the corner of brock sheet tn the corner wm street directly opposite the ca holic ihurch where all orders io his line w ii he iitjitmiily artmd- edto samuel piilppen kingston june 16th ij5 at a meeting of the shareholders of the farmers joint stock banking company held pursuant ta public notice at ihe cuy of toronto on saturday the 6ih nf june 1835 john hrowne esq in the chair resolutions weie entered into the following effect that froir the large number of shares already taken and 1 1 uiti the imreasitig popuhiriu ofthe in mtiiutinn the 15th of juv urttube lixed upon for coinmeuring blwillttm the arrangement dreviour ly made for obtaining an iunnetlnhc supply ol notes were approved ut a coimnittee a then aiipimnteil fc lookout for suitable premises luf the bank establishment to take such other steps n iniilube deemed necessary md inake a report to b ieoeral meeiiuir of the slnueholder to he held on saturday the 13di instant at ihe agricultural bank toronto at 10 oelork a mi fsigned john browne chairman b the bonks will remain open in the difle- rent districts nil ihe 1st july toronto june 1334 etthe subscription boofc of this institution will be open until the 1st july fcit the office of mi p t clarke front street where turtlnir particulars mav be ascertained kingitoiij april 10th 1s35 the gnu ok iionttu hoke from the cape of inud hope so extraordinary is the struc ture of this animal that noahs persons have doubted the realjty of iu existence and have supposed it to be a creature ofthe imagination nature though regularly and systematic in nil iter works often pus ztes human systems of which this hnimftl affords an instance in thehapeuf its body it evidently partakes- of the horse the ox the stag and tho antelope it i fierce vicious and upparently un- tameable the condor this bird is a native of chili and the adjacent islands it is thelargest bird known ihat has the power of flving a pair of white pelicans theoeucthe real white prlicans from the wihu of africa black tinned cape fion a bxvvirvh male zebra from asia 4 pair of african leopards a shid aad uitamtable n w a pair op btjsthbn oakels oriental crested porcupine a zebu this niml is ihe onlyoncof iho kind elnbitfd on ibis contjntnt a pair of a rm panthers angora cioat a brazilian tjger n ttfxna buffalo a pair of peruiin foxes at mnnmonkeyi talking parrots lnd a variety of otltrf aniumlq not enumerated during the exhibiiioii jack downing will he introduced mounted on n shetland pulley who will perlunn a number uf whimsical us well asauiu- sins leata the keeper will enrihe cage in which the a oicftll leopard and leipardeas are contined nt 10 oclock a m md 3 oclock p m the inmate of this etige form a most gigantic and imposing spec tacle this group the most formidable and uutain able of all the natives nf the forest furnish to tho mind of the spectator an insuperable barrier to the lilif ifmi thv r of nittn ehmld rtd9ntm irt hi fjl and control these wild and lerociuus antuials yet his credulitv l be dissipated when ha heholdsthe keeper ju thiscage playing and frulick mg wihcheiru and enjoying their wild praiiks with ast much seeiiiug deug t and innocence as children their holiday gaiplmls to render the whole more attractive the propri etors have enguged a baud of musicians of appro- ved talent who will execute favorite national aitv marches overtures c this menagerie aviary require eighty men and horses including the musicians 10 com plete its operations the elephant will be appro priately ctipafizoued six musicians will be seated in the splendid saddle upon the back of the ele phant as the grand possession passes through the uu hours of exhibition on fri- i v from i toovlncfc p m on suturdy from 9 to 13 oclock a m and from 1 tu 4 oclock p m admittance to each exhibition one shilling and three psnce each person children under ten years of age half price will be exhibited at the same time and place a must splendid collec tion of paintlngs iu a separate pawhinn con structed for tle purpose the paintings comprise views ol different cities in europe and america katlles of waterloo tfahiinuueu uud eworlemsj fail of nntanft j regent tttvt london uud new london uridge w ib numerous others also the boa constrictor is the largest of nil hmd tierpeuls being frequently from 30 to 40 feet in length ami of nropnritoiihtc tlckness they prey upuil tigers bulfiloes and all the beils of the furot fl before them they are entirely destitute iff venom and kill hy prekiire liming li i 1 upon their prey they wrap them selves around it and presit to death crushing the hones to pieces until it is reduced to one uniform mass then unwrapping itself it swallows its prey whole at its leisure the anaconda is a native of south ainmca and nearly allied to the boa its habits and disposition being ihe same only var ing as to color the anaconda being a shade darker admittance to this eshihiiinn sacn tpeoct halipeony caclfperson children underlet ycni l of age half price j kingston june 3th 15