Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 15, 1835, p. 2

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vrtm the n v cmnnrci arftsitimr dreadful earthquake in chill dkstrccnuxop till ctt ok conception m m p0pttalcahtanay anival of the ship coral at new brdfortl from talcaliuana lutein- pence has been received of the entire destruction of that port ih- city of conception and more thn 30 viluges wins between the pacific and the andes by ft succession of earthquakes the first of which occurred on the 30th of february the number of lives lost bad not been ascertained when the coral sailed there were but two other american ships in the harbor at the time nomely the milton and the nile a small schooner was driven from her anchorage and drifted over the town the sa rush ing upon the land in great waves after the first ihock rising 25 or 30 frei and sweeping away ihe ruins- many lives were waved by the nctixe exer tion of the crews of the three american ships the com wiled on ihe6th of march up to inch time the shocks continued every day but with diminished violence- from four to five hundred person were believed to have perished hi the village the following letter written by n gentleman in talcahuana to his friend iu new bedford is copied from the gazette of that place talcahuana march 1 1835 on ihe morning of friday itic sutli of februa ry 1835 about twenty minutes past eleven oclock we were visited by one of the most awful earth quakes over experienced by the inhabitants of this place the firt shuck lasted abojt four minutes tnd a half rousing the mountains and valleys to roll like the sea during thesuerily of ihe first shock which was so great that a person could scarce ly keep upright i looked around for a moment to meet my ftic but am spared to bo thankful and iimy consider myself one of the fortunate in making my escape fromthe falling but now prostrate ruins conception a city containing twentylive thousand inhabitants is one heap of ruins being built princi pally of brick there is jioteven one habitable dwel ling left standing within the limits of the city ur for league around the shock came in a tf e couwc prostrating every thing iu its way a number ol mall towns have been heard from in its course chillian talen arredan congas erras peural st carlos vailoga atid angles have all met the same fate talcahuana the port of conception is completely demolished it was nut only baked down but thofragmeuts of houses 6ioi c were afterwards swept away by the sea which retired about fifteen minute alter the first shock leaving the shipping then lying at anchor iu the haibor en tirely dry it came in rising to a height of twenty- live feet above the level overwhelming the whole place men women and children fled 10 the moun tains but many were oveituken and iwept to the ftceau by the returning wave which completed the destruction of ihe town depriving lorn i red of fumf- jnmiiof iaerntuijttniuit niwuv mf wuuu itmajii good circumstance but are no destitute fumh ture of all kinds was swept with he houses not even leaving a vestige to inform the owner of the sittia lion of his former habitation audit would require an eyewitnhks to he convinced of the immense de vaatatiou it has caused the following additioual particulars are from the mercury the inhabitants when the coral lefi were in a moat deplorable situation captain paul delano who is known to many of our citizens and to every tone who had visited tulcahuan has lost his little property and was compelled to take shelter oil board ihe shipping his beautiful resideiee the home of our countrymen whether in prosperity of edvermy is completely swept away and himself and lady narrowly eaped with their lives tvo in dividual not holding an official station from our go vernment ever rendered more substantial benefit to his countrymen than captain delano many of the perplexing and useless revenue law ol the country have been repealed through hi instrumen tality mr andros an honest utd honorable gen tleman who has done the supplying agency busi ness of late years for whale ships lost ins pro perty straw communication wtrn new- york we onderstand that a project is either on foot or has been talked of to start a line of steampackets be tween the ports of liverpool and new vork it appears to us that the t- peculation if serinusly con- templated cannot be profitable- the outlay for the purchase of steamvessels would be immense and the advantages would not be corresponding the steam packets of course would chiefly depend on passenger and even if they could monopolize nil wfaitow pse in vessels in and out of the line be tween new york and liverpool the aggregate pro fit would still have the proprietors in a pecuniary minority but when we presume as we safely may that the americans would naturally continue to make voyages by their own vessels and ihat one half of the english voyagers to and from new york would do the same from choice and custom the steam packets could not pay again the line of packets gain money by freight while as the seam en would chiefly confine themselves to carrying passengersi this source of profit would be cut short in a great degree lastly the steamers would he established for speedy communication between the two countries it i speedy enough with little risk at present the napoleon arrived here on satur day made the voyage from new york in little more than three werks and it is nothing unusual during nine months out of the twelve for the new york packets to make the tojmgu iu i or 16 day on many accounts therefore there is no necessity for establishing a line of steamers forced se curity and superior accommodation the line pack ets cannot be surpassed a letter from parts dated monday last says a circumstance occurred yesterday at the gaden ol the tuileries which at first led to the idea thut ano ther disfurbance had broken our many thousand persons who were walking in different directions suddenly rushed to one point and considerable agi tation prevailed for a few minute fortunately the cause of the excitement was soon discovered an individual dressed in a very curious costume was parading about he had on a ve y odd looking cloak which had a side pocket in which were an enormous large handkerchief and two pairs of coarse knitted gloves he had a number of very large rings on his fingers and in his hand u an immense whip one end of which he kept in his mouth in spite of the crowd which pressed around lum he preserved the most importurablesaiyi it ap pears that an individual dressed in a similar style wasat the same moment attracting t e curiosity of the public in the palais royal it is supposed that these individuals were deciding a wager tut fjfttfly we are pleased to learn that the reported losn of lieut mcdonald commander ot the late schr firefly is incorrect that gentleman has escaped with hi life his preservation was al most miraculous his sufferings intense for after ten days exposure on a reef lie was fortunately discovered and conveyed to the balize we can not refrain from expressing our sincereregret at the loss of mr- lockyer first mate iie assistant sur geon mf mcrae and 6 seamen as also capt west his son and servant who were takinff passage in the firefly when she was wrecked mr lock- vcrwasthe son of capt lockvcr late mayor of plymouth ettgtaud aud has tao cutae j8fc w his majestys service dipt west was of the royal gueiiieers mid had been ordered from ja maica to honduras on duty and was on his return he is spoken of as an officer of much merit as hav ing served with great distinction during the peninsu lar wart and during the attack on nw orleans where his conduct was most particularly mentioned as a zealous officer and one of promise- bermuda gazette may 29 nkw counterfeit a new emission of coun terfeit notes hap been put in circulation in this city within two or three days pat one of which hns been handed us for the purpose of cautioning the public against them it of the denomination ol si on the bank of geueee at uaiavia n y payable to a c stevens dated 1st sepl 1333 j s canson cashier t cary president a fi gure of franklin i at the top of the bill in the cen tre seated ot a marble monument on the side of which is the word franklin- in the centre of the lignettcat each end is a head of lafayette the vignettrt are entirely different from ihosc of the ge nuine bill the engraving and signatures are well executed paper very light and thin the readiest way of detecting the counterfeit is by observing that the genuine bills are engraved by kawdon clark co albany whoje names nwy be found at the bottom of the bill immediately after the sig nature of the cashier the counterfeits purport to be engraved by a b- and c duraud wright co buffalo com advertiser the fate of mrs- alston the accomplished lady of governor alston of south carolina and daugh ter of aaron burr has been shrouded in mystery fir more than twenty years occasionally indeed some gleams of light have been thrown around her me lancholy end and ihe belief i that she fell a victim to practical atrocity some three years ago it was currently reported that a man residing in one of the interior counties of this state made some disclosures on his death bed which went tot confirm the confes sion previously made by a culprit on the gallows that the vessel iu which mrs alston sailed wis scut tled for the sake of her plate and effect the fol lowing article which we copy from the alabama journal goes lu throw some additional light on the subject the facts mentioned in it are new to us and will be probably to most of our readers conphssion of a piratr the public tin doubt remembers the story of the daughter of aaron burr who was the wife of gov alston of s carolina on the return of her father from europe about ihe yene 1812 she embarked from charleston on a visit to him at new york on board a privateer built ves sel and was never heard of afterward it eeema that her friends at first thought the vessel had fallen into the inuidtf of pirates and afterward concluded that it was wrecked and lost it appeal from the statement nf a respectable merchant of mobile that ci iiutntjicmiii ihhiivjuuiuks wm0ulllfi iii bin physician on his dying bed that he had been a pirate md helped to destroy the vessel and all the crew and passengers on which mrs alston had em inrked for new york he declared says thu gentleman that alter the men were al killed there was an unwillingness on the part of every pirate to tike the life of mrs alston who had not resisted them or fought thein- and therefore they drew lata who should perform the deed as it had to be done the lot fell on this pirate who declared that he ef fected hi object of putting the lady to death by laving a plank along the edee of the ship half on it and half olv or over the edge and tnad mrs alston walk on that plank till it tilted over into the water with her the dving pirate requested his physician to make this story public but his surviving lamity will not permit nr consent that the name o the de- castd sltoufd he known the above tale was repeated over and over by the merchant before mentioned in ihe presence- of a number of gentlemen whose names can be given he i 1 he received it fron it physician himself with no other injunction to screcy than that he should not disclose the name of the physician for the pre sent on being asked if the physician wa a man ut veracity ynd respectability he replied jiere was no one more so in mobile the merchant was warned that his story would get into the newspapers to which he made no objection mobile register a party of pleasure including the family of col walbach commandant of fort severn embarked on monday last mid after spending a delightful day upon the water rambling over the beautiful gteen banks of the severn and partaking of a repast upon the shores of the round buy the sclumner was re turning with lbs parfv in ihe evening when a oml- deu flaw of wind struck her the mainboom jibed and carried one of the yo ing ladies overboard quick as thought lieut j s b walbach of the united states navy plunged into the river to save her the spring by which he designed to throw himself m near as possible to her oing to a sud den careen of ihe vessel was the means ol plungm him to a great depth when he ruse the object ol hi anxiety was no longer to he seen n earing the spot however she was discerned sinking below the wavee on being brought up she very narurally cluuir to the only oject within reach for safety but unfortunately in such a manner as to deprive him of the power of motion necessary to keep above water in a short time both sank together rallying his strength with an effort he rose again with his frir charge and not only sustained her loiiif enough for her to breathe afresh but with the utmost presence of mind made dispositions to keep afloat hut entangled with clothes and disabled from morion hi buoyancy soon of conrsebeca me exhaus ted and both again disappeared it occurred to lieut w as he sunk to endeavor to reach the bottom in order to obtain an impetus lor reasci but the dejith was found too great tluve being 24 fte water it was probably with the hrt remains of strength that another exertion ena hied him once more to gain the surface with his fair companion but they soon sunk again his bro ther lieut augustus b vvalbach of the united states army who had been at the head of the boat when the accident occurred on perceiving those o verboard sprang into ihe river and reached the pur- ties at thiscntical moment in the act of bringing them up to the surface the ynuiig lady insensibly plac ad her hand upon his head so as to effectually keep him under water in this position however he retained his presence of mint and by swimming under water with his brothers hand upon bin shoul der contrived to sustain both cur a considerable time and to them all a most eventful space all three however became exhausted and had sunk a full amis length when the captain of the schooner having succeeded in rouudinghis boat to and launching a small razy punt fnun her deck arrived jut in time to reach one of the party aud bring them all uj to the surface the first breath of returning life iu the young naval officefi was to sing out a direction to the raw hands thus ltf to ma nage the schooner which was now at a considerable distance to aaut that gib to wittdard and put down thekctm one of the officer laying hold of the little boat nn one side and the other on the other they contrived to steady h ho that the capwiu could draw the lady on built without eapsiziug it and in that posture they were phddled to the schooner aud received on board in our paper of the 19th jttny we noticed a com petition between the steainliis united states and oswego from morristowu wdiil place and that the former gained of the latter ainut a quarter of a mile in the distance a similar trial took place the fol lowing week with we beliew about the same result on the first trial the united states was the leading boat and on arriving at the lighthouse vaa about twice as much ahead as sic was at morristown on the pecood trial the osvego was the leading boat and on arriving here tin distance between them wan reduced to about onehall what it was a t starting this result we learned from persons on board both boat the distance of section iu each case was variously estimated but of die gain of the united states there was no dispute ww each tune it was cohiputcd to be about thesatte- we should not bavealludtd to the subject but for thefact that we see ilaiated iu oswego observer that the oswego claiufe the jctory on the latter oc casion and to doawav ihiunpressioii winch the oswego article is calculated ente that the unit ed slates had sought the racv ho instances it has been wholly forced upon the oswego ar rives here on wednesday alfl docs no lea a until friday the united tes comes down on thursday iu each case the 03 lia3 on thurs day stripped heelf of her ip an r cum- brances and cone up to mofl pp red cedar melted tallow epp of turpeiiiine c with the intention of awaiting rival f the unit ed states determined to out her m ler jy down she being incumbered ier 5 burden passengers c wool giw her opponent a decided advantage aud imvlw ll previous notice of their intention ouldbecolp we have no desire to sav w4 y thing ta dero gate from the character of tlp omgo or her offi- rsbutifanvtbingisto bef either boat from the reputation o sebf think thatit isdue to truth fend just statement of the faca should be published lhat e fastest boat may enjoy the benefit if under all the circumstantf of advantage on the part ofthe oswego she has tf been awe to coin- pete with the uuied states ft t0 be that she is determined to awi wemg and it issubmitted to ihe public to c racter she has gained for fairrtf f ld pd by the maimer and success with whi 8w lm p thin furogdensburg rcputfe european iwt it id farther asserted hy the iaris opposition jour nals that the amendment of general valnxe had caused dissatisfaction to mr livingston aud the courier franeais asserts ns if says upon mr lt- vtngstoirs own authority unit the arrival of thsit gentleman at washington will be the beginning of hostile measures against franc the loudon papers in which we find these statements discredit them entirely but they arc strangely corroborated by the letter of one of our paris correspondents the writer is an american gentleman ottutclligencei who has kept us regularly aud most correctly advised of the whole french history of this mutter for the last six months the american frigate constitution which had been represented to have proceeded to oowes to take in water for her homeward voyage hud gone to cherbourg and had displayed more politeness there than at havre for we find that she saluted the batteries and kings ships ii the former harbor this circumstance is put forward by the ministerial journals with an air of importance which clearly shows how seriously the american questiou continues to be regarded at the chateau some noise is at tempted to be made about naval armaments said to be ordered at toulon and a levy of recruits actually in progress for the navy destruction of gkkrk pibates the following is the copy oca letter from the agent of lloyds at salonica dated april 2d i be leave to state for the information of the committee at lloyds the destruction of 37 greek pirates by the turkish troops of which 31 were ta ken in the vicinity of cassandria aud the remainder atthercaly the heads of these malefactors were sent here last week and publicly exposed three days it is supposed that this summary act of jus tice may be the means of deterring other pirates from frequenting those parts for some time to come for the capture of the pirates we arc indebted to our governor ibrahim pacha who deserves uip qualified praise for his conduct in this instance 1 urn sorry to have to report the existence of the plague here introduced by a passenger recently arrived from alexandria an we hear of only four deaths out of seven attacked and from the vigorous means taken by the consuls with the consent of the turkish authorities in subjecting all arrivals from kgypt to a short quarantine wp hope the dis ease may be checked from making further progress provincial captain charlc mcdwnmg hubohavuj sdinimbly throughout uot ofths n chuoiwr comet a cajcr ovn tittli ef ubeat bblf xln there is no english news 0 moment the re- elections of the new ministry in progress mr thompson will be returned w manchester by a very large majority a veiyf opposition is making tn lord john rusaelv devonshire and inubuinhuuiaye ffltilhg nvras fo sus tain him by subscdpftioa ahpartaoftbecouutry and even in ireland the following nomemcn are in the arrangements for filling up bin majestys household to be lords of the bedchamber the marquis of toeensherry the earl of fife lord elphinstone viscount falkland loid gard ner and lord tnrrintfton mr more 0ferral appointment as one of the lords of the treasury j fixed county ok inverness mr charles grant will undoubtedly be raised to the peerage but whether under the title of lord grant lord amisdate or lord glenclg we cannot yet say it will however be be under one of these titles mr grant of gleninorriston is invited by several of the influen tial proprietors to st3nd fbf this county he is at present in france bu his friends arc zealots and enthusiastic a better representative could not be obtained for invemtssshire than glenmorriston he is a large proprietor of liberal principles and possesses an active well inform d mind glen morrtstofl is daily expected in iiivcruess- iitwriiess courier lord mulgracehh lordship may be expected in dublin by the 2d of may departure or lotj haddington his excel leucy the lord lietrenant accompanied by the couutes of haddinoon will take his departure from our shores on ttesday next we are author- ised to stnte that his excellency will hold an un- drcas levee at the cosleatji oxiockiuihe forenoon of that day evening matt some of our cuiitenporaries have been specula ting as to the prubahihy of lord drougham being appointed the speaker f the honmof lords whilst uthetrt have positively announced his appointment u will be found however tliat according to all the precedents applicable to such a case as the present mi is high honour delves on ltord denhamthe lord chief justice of euglautj acstrm the runaora tt disagreement between the new emperor and prince merternich are revived aud the french papers on the authority of private letters speak of the dismissal of the prince as likely to occur at a early day we doubt it much the health of the emperor is said to be reestablished but heremaiusuhject to nervous attacks which have lately increased iu violence in consequence it is laid of his perpetual altercations with friuce met ternich spaix the latest advices from madrid this arrival are to the 22d of april they contain nothing of great importance as relates to fact and speculation is so very contradictory and uncertain that no reliance is to be placed on it the latest tidings of zumalacar- reguv were that he had captured on the 17th ber- gira a small town of the province of alnvn on the great road wjttn ten leagues of vittoria and twenty live of bayonue but the report is contradicted iu the part papers it seems to be admitted how ever that the carlist general had possessed him self of the town alter storming its outworks but the citadel strongly fortified and sufficiently gar risoned still resisted his assaults general valdez the new commauderuichief wasrapidly advancing to the riief of bergarn aud it is stated in one of the letters that his approach was likely to raze the siege and had much deranged the operations of zuuialacarreituy lord ehut the mediator from england arrived at lecumberi the place appuiutcd by don carlos for his meeting with the junta of navarre on the i8th and with the junta proceeded to the head quarters u ihecrltaenn the following day where his arrival occasioned irreit enthusiasm the belief that france will interfere by arms to effect a termination of the war in spain appears to have gained ground bwll at madrid aud pri in the latter city a lull in the funds was ascribed to the increasfug certainty of thut course on the part of the french io eminent thk fagncii lnomivrv the subject of the french indemnity is ntjh of chief importance to the american reader and there are indications that the question is by no mln8 as nemoa pacific and final adjustment as ittfe been supposed the bill as it passed the chamber of deputies was brought before the peer- on te 27th by m de rigoy minister of wer in tqfe absence of the minister of finances it had beetft supposed by some that the amendment of the deputies on motion of gen valaze would be disco byiheministers and rejected by the po jut it appears on the contrary to have been expressly sanctioned by the miumeifi monthly report op the uoaxo of directors of the welland canal comrany- the increased interest manifested by the public in general regard ing the wetland canal renders it necessary for the diffusion of correct information to give a brief month ly extract of the operation of the canul and the mtesfibemk before proceeding to detail the operations of last winter the directors have to premise that the wea ther proved very unfavorable for the progress of the work the severity of the frost wa such f the earth having been frozen from two to three fvcu that it was impossible for the contractors to proceed with the excavations or with the quarrying of stone for the locks from this cause at least one month was lost to the contractors the spring was late and wet which greatly impeded the operations and al so caused some delay by the breaking of dama ad ded totht a scarcity of laborers prevailed one con tractor being obliged to pay fourteen and even fif teen dollars per month exclusive of subsistence when the wages heretofore in the same season of the year never exceeded ten dollars per month these untoward circumstances the directors re gret to ay prevented the opening of the navigation so early as was expected while on the other hand they are happy to announce to the stockholders that the several contracts enumerated in the heport of the 7th january last have been nearly completed and the canal put iu an excellent slate of repair and by the widening and deepening of the feeder an abundant supply of water has been secured the dam at grand river has received no injury from the spring and fall frcsluts and continues in good and tuihstaunal order the culvert at broad creek has been finished hut on account of the bern bank not being yet completed cannot be used this season the widening and deepening of the feeder and the guard gate at the junction have been finished the deepening of the rock excava tion at ihe curve on the new route aud the guard gate at port colhornt have been delayed in conse quence of the anxiety of the directors to complete rufct caitofcliou ot riucdiook attfort aolbomc which has been done the canal has been widened from the junction to port robinson aud deepened from campbell locks to davis basiit and from marian to thorold and the culvert at hall davis com pleted the bocks requiring it have received a thorough repair and such parts as it was found necessary to remove have been replaced by stone walls eight feet thick m bottom aud six at top secured by counterforts of six feet square aud five tier of bond timbers with coping at lop nod it is proposed to make all future repairs of masonry now that the necessary materials can be so conveniently brought to the spot the contractor for extending the west pier at port dalhousie commenced operations as soon as the ice broke up aud the work is now rapidly pro gressing theditectorsconsider that those several improve ments will he viewed by the navigators using the welland canal asofgreat and permanent utility aud they have met the approbation of such captains as imve already passed the premium offered by the directors in their last report to the captain ol the first vessel over fifty tons burden which should arrive at port dalhouie with merchandize direct from new- york market for cleaveland or any port on the upper lakes has been awarded and paid to capt d howe of the schooner winnebago of osweco that vessel bringing fiftyfour ions of mer chandize destined for richmond ohio the win nebago was in port ten days before any arrival from buffalo after discharging her cargo she proceeded to cleaveland where hc took in a full cargo ol wheat for brockville and left on sunday morning the 10th of may and was at port dalhouste on lake on tario tuesday evening the i2ih the premium at dunville was awarded to capt thnmu of the schooner britannia from kettle creek this vessel having arrived two ur three days before the canal opened the canal is now in full operation twentyone vessels have gone op and twelve have come down the amount of toll received to the win int is about isuobeing a considerable increase over the amount received laai year to the jint of june the above information is given after a minute personal inspection of the entire line by tte board of directors by order john clark scetetary welland canal office st catharines 15th may 1835 the arrivals of emigrants at quebec by the last official atuteinents are 2m9 last year tame time 10266 the good people at quebec who are inimical to emigration have succeeded to a miracle in prevent ing it by way of their port anless some very active nittttrurcb arc taken by persons who arc interested in that route quebec will indeed become the d ted village unfortunately for the provinces for the people of britain the conduct of certain sons at quebec not only prevents emigrati that route but directs its channel into the un statesa course proved by experience to be eq disadvantageous to british settlers and to the vince toronto courier oo saturday evening as mr boyce jr of mr boyce and mr win johnston of a were on their return from this town in their the hontes took head going the hill at thi mr hunts mill aud upset the waggon m weslighlly nut acrosta the forehead and mr boy was so much injured internally that he was ubl to betaken into the house ol mr t williams he still remains under medical atiention he however much belter and no serious npprehens are entertained lor him mr johnston suffered injury though he had a narrow escape being cau by the wheel as he who leaping out previous to j upset and his boot pulled off which no doubt savej him from serious consequences london u c pi triol yesterday there was a partde for the purpose c drill of a portion of one ofthc middlesex regiment ofmilitta as a body of respectable comfortable loot ing fanners attending a fiir or market ihe bppeue very well but few persons iu their senses couu have viewed them a a military body there wer some who cut a scry conspicuous and truly rtdicu lous appearance with wni belts and ahres and a few with old military conts caps and leathers audi someother remnants of old military garments of va rious colours nod nations but no more than live or ix thus ridiculously aud tudirmusly attired in har lequin uniform they did not perform unv evolution and if we are to judge from those who seemed to possess or titsumt authority they were much more in want of than capable of affording instruction ii from what we see iu the montreal papers nndl from what we learn from private source a dutrctl ed state of thine- fceeilrt to exut at bytoun and along the ottawa river in that neighborhood al band of lawless desperadoes if appears have united themselves under the title ofjafncfft and make it a point to assault all the canadians that come iu their way whet their superior numbers allurd them the certainty ofdomg o with impunity besides the riots mentioned in our extfhct at uytown in which one man was killed several desjwmt lights we un derstaud have mkeil phice along the river and re cently a puny 7 or s men in the emplov of mesgn wells and mccrea iroiug up the ottawa for the purpose of bringiugdortii raftf were prevented from proceeding and compelled to return among other things it is a practice with these shiners to form themselves into imrttcs emer public hornet with jj r ij huuu i ms wi clubs in tnuir hands and comel the landlord to fur nish them with liquor whether w is disposed to do so or not we understand that to so witt an ex tent has this system prevailed that 6orimtkeeperi along the ottawa have bucn obliged to abandon the sale of spirituous liquors altogether brockvilk recorder no account has a vet been received of the arrival of lord alllherst hi quebec and we very mud doubt if he come out under the present ministry- the tories of lower ciifada have however been holding up the idea that he wuuld be sent out and dote a puragraph in an english newspaper of the 3th of april which wld tlml he was to sail in the fique uut this vevsel by a subsequent statement appeared to bo unprepared for a sea voyage aud no mention u made of hi lonfchip iu any of the latest english papers which are to tlicsgth of april the dksjardins canal company and a ft mcnab em the case of the drujardiim canal company bgafrisf a mcmah esq was referred hy the court with the consent of the panic tol li sulliran esq of this riiy and henry sherwood esq of brockville u stanton exp ofihiscity was chosen the third arbitrator the arbirraiors have returned a verdict in luvor of mr ftfcnubjof 16 2 6d guardian we are happy in learning that jului macaubty esq post master of kingston has been called to the legislative council of lpper canada mr mac- aujay is a umll of superior talent and extensive mformationhi polities are of the true nwf mid his appointment may he considered an acquiitinn to the body of w inch he is now a member quebec men rrv his stated that mis excellency the governorin chiefhas received a despatch from mr secretary grant dated as laters the 22nd april which while it says that the melbourne ministry hac adopted aud will follow up the measure of sending a tempo rary governorin chief aud high commissioner to quebec does not mention lord amherst a being the person named although this would indicate that his lordship had not been finally selected bv the ministry it seem probable that he will be the nobleman sent out upon the whole the commis sioners arrival may be considerably delayed the instructions of the late colonial minister and seve ral other matters mut be revised and adjusted be fore his departure- captain mfickiinnre arrival with the result of last session may also cause fur ther delay ow quebec gazette during the thunderstorm of tuesday night while the canadian eagle steamer was passing through lake stpttcr captain vauglian perceived a large quantity of squat e timber c which he supposed to belong to some rafts wrecked by the storm au- ticipating the possibility that some unfortunate per sons might be castaway he with his usual humanity kept a look out in case he could be ol service in preserving lives exposed to danger though at the time the lighthouse schooner moored in the lake was driven from her moorings and had taken refuge between the sorcl islands mrvaughan was fortu nate enough to tescue 7 men in astute ofgreatex- haustion from some loose sticks of timber and after- treating them with every attention landed tbeni at- sorel the rat was a very valuable one and be longed our informant mentions to a mr grant from the ottawa riotr who himself was one of die seven taken off the wreck montreal gazette lord amheiist is gazettedas high comrnis sioner for the redress of grieveances in lower ca- ada and will receive the lucrative emolument of captain general of the provinces lord aylmer goes home the hahfaz jontnt says is rumoured that lord amherst is to have the assis tance of thclieuienant governors of nova scotia new brunswick and upper canada in executing the important commission with which he has been charged by his majesty and it is expected they will proceed to quebec as soon as hi lordships arrival sit his destination is announced this circumstance shows additional anxiety on the part of government to conciliate all parties in lower canada colonel brouge of the royal artillery commandant bt rhis garrison will we understand administer the government of nova scotia during the absence ot his excellency sir colin campbell according to in structions received fiom the colonial office fl times the legislature of newfoundland was prorogued on the sth instant the lieut governor seems fulhr awake to the eviu which flow from an irrcdeemoblp paper currency and has placed his veto ou its con-

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