british whig to rtmiusrokvrs if ihliat will nuikr imnviriiiihlljiwr vv ihi1i taro nolucim- lojthr hi rimmnmkaiiim lid iiivnitun lum v rnikiibusikii ip rvnitttm ihir rormpntwl bilk hcj m ftw mirlriiic i1mi aviimed imp i ir mw ilkrly hi mxi ahih iiacl ri plmtfef llr hla own tmnt jiivrni ruimol br irrri t mofr vutcar illllwrl m loo common plnce iftbcrirml wtilioroitmry umint linldi which we intend to hove ft ty ml 0 nonic ofihc lyr officers cwwlvf whii in lh namrof iwt wvil ia m rrwan by mttluflf ot lib mohnjf 0rpvmlp le pfci5 11 fim m ui be not know we publish no mtiif bail vrr imi our own 7 june 9 1833 kingston tvesday erexlxg a pnrmc letter from londim lately received by tlio editor give the following diea y picture of the male of tilings al homo limjon april 24th tho country i in i fmrfil jute nfcwiiemciit the re-clcc- lion of luo new imniuih lo tlw wlltf tllttf havo varied in consequent nf their jirjctaiho nfrfllco ure expected to be cuiitelid with innri thin usual rancor and pvly leclinj utn ttniegha fiif pnwer hetweoa the whigkwifitw and tho toywhiju t one for life or death the latter hy the aid nfihuir w nllfa endeavoring lo buy the vmt whilothe for mer rry ahuiu on the country to mp forward and save tho na tion by their free imd tmtaptndcui wiffragc to nil appear once the wingradical will gain lha my in ever reaped except in securing a yen for poor cupid p lord pulmerstou who is i ill by every one the king is vw unpopular and ihe people aro highly exasperated apuinst tlie queen 10 such a decree indeed is this the ease that oh a m which llf mujetv lately paid lo the surrey zoological gardens a mob ot blackguards surrounded the royal eerriie ami iltrcilcnrd w do lu r ome bodily in- jury as it wms the carriage and riutiltm were covered with mud and filth- a dad do wis thrown in aton of the car riage windows and hit the lady in waitin in llio free a party of polie came up at die lime and secured the ruffian the eauv of this popular feeling i wctlbod lo the influence which the queen is supposed to ffietn over the mind of the kiu god knows how imug w ill end wiehuid ik hotileriug on tho vurge of rebellion the late lithe massacre liis enfuriaied the pvonle to n ttlc of madness and iht il mica are ciurly finned pj the dcsiiong demagogues who liiivu brought these thing lo pwfi thotlowapnpengivo hut a faint kctithltlt if the open vilatiim of the law which arc btiujc diily pirpctrrudthey are afram lo pptik out sime mv return to england i never saw the cimimry in such a slate jf alarm i should write von more folly bit doubtless you llcu ffun more able correspondents than myaeir the law which prevents tavern keepers from recovering dchte coniraeted nt their bar or in iheir parlor it unquestiona bly good iiimaiivrcpcct it rctrninsilic parent from pledg- itig the produce of his labor to the detriment ofbis mutmof family it restrains the tmdcsiiiufl fami kpcniuog his time in tavern when at home ho might he bettor employed nnd it restrain the too fivqucnf indulgence in the use of fermented rod tpirfturnu liquor but altlioih it dues this gxk it alsr doc some injury it renders the atufu keeper a prey lo that ndy and greedy sparpor iputiger piofliolc and spendthrift ihe canada armoccm of thtc charavtcrs the towns and tillages ftfcjiper cnnada are full ton idle to work too proud tube they ihink because hftv tfo prun2 rtnnj or connected with good provincial fimilie they have a nghl lo be main tiiucdattiikeiputmc of others indutiy they enter lliu ho- utu rail pr what tlny want tt a hmi a diuy like and ilk oil without cuittcv ending v uo lo nicnitun tho wort paynient lhcv know thit the dlvtiuded hmdlord is fcnrful to ahvoot or refuse the hi credit lei hy doiu au he tuiht twand tlio rrktites of ibeee vagalonds ihuslhcy go from in iio i iuhjmj and from town x0 town daily incurring debts they have niithrr means nor inclination to pay many a lime it a ulicfiplim dinner ball or other party proved whollv iinprodoeuve by region of mnuu half doen of these vampires haring put down their names av nubscrilvre and many an hiuieal tuokecper ha been reduced lo beggaiy for having treat ed them itte gentlemen from he ilnat ufwwlli no legislative interference enn pro tect the landlord the remedy mut i- in himself lie mut invariably refuse thorn citdil and lorbid the in his house t nor ihiak br reluin to cnemirau tli idleness and dniukennes he eau pussudy gain ihe ill will of either their ftthers brothers or uncles their own indiidual enmity u haruiicss for hen oner a man knows that surlm character has been refused ailuiittatiee i mich an hoil he will give tho full value to any oljccuiusricd ajrniiit the hous q its keeper by the reject ed individual we mention lllotfv matters generally wc hope to hove no occasion to refer iwlirutuatty we had partially prepared a inn article in ridicule of the militia muicr which upon eonideratioo we have destroyed- the reinieiil whoie grotesque evolutions ire witnessed on the 4th of june is officered and manned by at least one half of ihe adult malu npuliiun of this iun and although wo know that many of ihein enjy a good bmgli at llair ucighbor ci- peuse yet vu fear they are too thin ikimicd to indulge in the same risible faculty when il is fijic ted hahial thcmvelves taots amd 80rapi n sftt ih lwi1 iweill of tho m iu h canada in place nf cul allan who ha- ifl- urtd wd obero the name uf air j cawtbra among h new direetun ij what can that desperado tom dalton epcct us m lav to liirn alter lira blaikguanl duiim in the xouimun swmt journal of the 2d iiiml docs he think we shall ccnidcccnd to mnjy wurd- with auch nn illiterate ruffian i can w touch pilch and lemuii uudefiledt no contempt i the weapon we shall use tom an a jooroallri is held about as much esteem in the province as the injured friend kmgste ed man mo ice follow eulato mr coustuble nicboljil orc oa me miurcii irieufl u m dr lliobjro iliot projiiy oflitluril uio tiirtlour- i- favoring the good folks ofkiiigton with his ah- li u possibly do ilium a fiteator kiudiic than a example ofhis friend and companion iho iuuna- cau li 40 etfbe advertisement ofn london boarding school appears our columnd lonlay the advertiser whom we have known many years has been lung enned in the instruct ol youth hi ethiblislinicul j healthily situated alwut four miles from london on the esaex load and within lllo reach ofovery provisional teacher ctwe lately louk some pleasure in walking over ihe nur- ril years practice liud nevpr scry grounds and market garden of mr jas wadworih tu the suburb of kingston called sluartsville this industrious citizen has about fuur acres under cultivation part of which is appropriated to the propagauouof that uselul shrub known in england by tho vmious names of hawthorn whitethorn or quick woud when he left his home two years ago mr v brought willi him some thousand year old plants together with about 30 bushels of haws for seed the former were careful ly transplanted and are now from 3 to 5 feet ir height the latter were sown a year last ipifllf and the products are al- ready noirlf a fool from the ground mr w has planted all round his tenciu with this useful shrub and is of opinion that in live years lime ho will be supplied willi hedges strung enough t turn a bull an opinion is prevalent that although the hawihurn will mw in uib climate for a few years yet it invariably dicf altlie age of live or six years mr ws la- bors will sot this ipicsliun at rest ave should mention that yrullemeii can lw amply suppliel with plants or scu at tlie nursery crwt were led into an error the other day when in noti cing the intended alteration of lha trips of the gnat britain and united stats we said their vii a lo kingston would be iumcwlmt irregular during part of the week the boats in conjunction make three bipa round the lake every week two trips at ihe usual tune and the third by meeting at oswego and exchanging passengers wo dare say our readers under stand this matter belter than we do ourselves a iilcr mutbc ery popular indeed who would nk thcof- ivndtng of half a town lint lor ibis n collctiion oh ye podst what a lauli cur rcadeis would eojoy for ol all the sights jflofbl man ever beheld the militia mustier of the 1st rcgt frontenac waa the tlrollcfrt- uh liir the pen uf cer vantes to have described it properly and iiouintorested read ers to have jniruscd the desi riplioii ju nun should he ridiculed for hi niisforumo the laborer the mechanic the tradesman the hflall shopkeeper may all be too poor to pay the fine for iioimiuemlmcc to laugh at these for the luditrnus figures liny cut while attempting to execute military movement would be unjum but ihe opulent mer chant or trader who posctcb the lliennft to sin away for him to make himself a laughing stock to save a paltry fine of a few shilling there is ard can be iiooxcikt uut ifthe wealthy private is so reprehensible what shall wesay of the officer woo voluntarily drcc himself up like a merry andrew and courts iho ridicule he is sure to receire foolith boys may be pleased with the glitter nnd glare of a military dfcct but for mtnofseime to array uiemsclveioflhtair own free will in red cuaut cocked jiats feather and long swords is so inconceiva bly ridiculous a to be w holly imredible if not witnessed the pcnsimcoflicfirs appeared ht bo of this opinion for they were plainly attired in common frocks indeed did they think otherwise bcight of the adjutant and other youths skipping to and u lrtc so many monkey caused no other feeling fl thrrir minds liiaji jjjsi of incoiitrolablc laughter tlicy enjoyed the fun as much as the bystanders were these exhibitions attended with any d vantage to the country we would be among ihn tol to treat thetn willi deri sion if calling out tho male population uf the province in a lime of profound peace anil parading them fr two hours with out arms be of service let il be o shown and we shall be among the concerted in our eyes lift whole appears to be too absurd to admit of defence if an effective force be wanted ci ther fur offensive or defensive purposes let each county cm- body a single regiment and let thai regiment be armed and drilled in a useful manner lcl the men w ho are to serve bo drawn by lot as in england and compel each person who re fuses to do duty to funiub a aubflltutc- a body of 30 men gould thus be raised who in lime of danger would bo in finitely more useful and taluable than the multitudes now cal led away from their labor under ihe present militia laws and to officer lcm could be considered no dishonor our newb orns in the slates tn to have opened their eyes to the absur dity oflbesc lawsthc journals f all panics unite in turning them into ridicule and our readers will perceive in another column tfat the situation of offcef in the militia is held ao low and disputable in norfolk i npcl a company buy ulc services of its command newspapers m pay of the pruvi to even iu canada the rial ioveraineol are dariog tooual farces wilnos cc enough tocall these puppet ahuws ai tlie chronicle of satoday we might go on nd infinitum in raising oljectioo lo these inockmiliiary displays but we forbear we have said enough lo shew tliey are ultcily imlfltff j m the same lime highly ridiculous wc do not go the length like dirty jack of as- aeiling that they arc encouragerf of diuukennctt ainceif wc mav judge from what wo saw nc body of men eouldbomore frei from inluiication than iht w r frontenac il is true there was a drunken quabblc after the review but thai did not tike pi ice among theuicfi nor on the ground etwe offer our congratulations to the piopnctorof the chro- nicu on having emancipated ins journal torn thtf yankee thraldom under which it has suffered during the last two ycirs a british newspaper has essential need of a british iubjel a conductor and could no other fiull be found with its iik- editor his american citizenship and apostate politics were insuperable bars to hi being trusted respected or be lieved wo war nut with private individuals and as this is we hone the last time wc can havo occasion to notice him we cannot avoid bidding him contrast the treatment he has had at uur hands with what he might havo roceivod had he imitated the conduct of his late senior partner the deduction may be a useful lesson shutild he ever resume the editorial quill iptlic body of iho late thomas mc vie hni been found an inquest was bidd yesterday and a verdict returned of acci dental death kton the mnrtiinsofihe 15th may at new orleans ihe entire fabric of the planter hotel fell in with a most tremen dous crash burying all the inmairs 70 in number under the ruins about 50 escaped wiih life many oftlicm much injured tho remainder were killed or have since died of their wounds xton ihe 13th may the stnamor majestic exploded near memphis on the mircissipi forty peisuus are supposed tu have been killed principally german emigrants trthe captain nf an american vessel has been held to bail in a jeaw amounl lor haying unpuitej into new vurk iwu female iutiut slaves ctthe master of a salem coasting schooner together with his male and two boys have severally made oath that on the 9iat ufmjiy oil cape cod they disiinclly saw llie great ea serpent for the space of nearly three hour his smakeship was joufiicyinp slowly in the same direction as the schooner and had hi head above water almost continually m length was estimated lo oxeocd 400 yards our yankee neighbors consciences sometimes bticich as lung as the snake t7em ties agai thi redoubtable fighting person age is writing in the cornwall obscrccr like one posscd it kcecns that the dose lately administered by mr mclean dirt not lie easy on lusslomseh and he has therefore dkorjred it accompanied by all the filthy biliary matter contained in his victualling box no small quantity full in the face of ihe hou cxspcafcur unless a imnwriwa fhimnecomity ait editor or ajiewspaper firt instance we opite that he should know and pay some attention to the laws of composition and prammir mhvs about which our fighting friend is utterly regardless we must mind what wc say concerning this man nf valnr else wo shall have him here licluro wc can say jack robin son blustering bullying nnd swaggciing again accompanied by all the blackguards in the province ittwe urn i hod to mention in its proper place that on the training ground of the gallant 1st tioutenae no office ww half so well dressed as cant c as mr jeffeis said 4 cant think how well he looked in his regimentals lctcouid nun what should a man rake for breakiast on a wet morning to keep himself dry all day t pyu give it up eh a red herring 17 mr barber bourne our worthy coundyman and very excellent subscriber wbdies us to scold mr jackson the auctioneer for having abated him in the sale of some razors the merits of the case appear to bo these mr barber borne having need ofa freh supply of eutthui tuou and knowing iluit at the sale of mr b brennais effects some nizura would be put up polled himself among the audio c i and waited pa tiently lor the luoky minute to buy cheap il cantimhe lot wha it very fine uue lontiuuug two dozen of ihe veiv te londuti made sharps that is lo say ifthe whole pruned like the sain- te mr barber bourne hid handsome v and the lot beame is at about one quarter of its value lloiijewcut our lucky shaving friend with his puiehasfl bultuilckly ho reiiwncd for to his infinite amazement and dimay he discuvct cd that one razor in his newly acquired properly was not of so high n po- lisb or so lino a teinfier as the othcisthis he moisted upon having changed a demand that would ondoubledly have beet complied with had he not unfortunately been the purchaser ol all the line one himself 1 thisilemiia he applied to us for help and it must he confessed by this plain relation ofhiigjjc- vous wrung we have helped him amazingly ict the evident in the case ufj lyons for arson wa re sumed yesterday betoro a manahan lq nothing froli ffll elicited and the case rrsts solely on the threats made by the prisoner to mrs p when in a state uf intoxtcati n tie was remanded until to day oejfipriratioir lord 3lio governor of the cayman clauds as well as jamaica has issued a proclamation declaring the slaves of those islands unconditionally free these slaves not having been registered were not subject to the apprentice ship law nor are their masters entitled to any share of the 20000000 appropiiated to pay for the inanonussioii of staves in the british west india islands ct dc gustibus iton dipuumdum editor of nu a merican paper in eiving an account of ihe execution of a mur derer remarks the day was pleasant and passed off without impropriety et midnight doigt an unsuccessful attempt tyas made in the course of saturday nighl to break into the auction store rf ml james linton some of the burglarious implement were lell on the ground whence it is suoposcd the ruaues were disturbed in iheir amusement on the lollowing wgm the bar of mr mcguw iin was broken into and a large portion of iu conteots abstracted st yesterday the agmultural stkiely of the midland dis trict were to have held a meeting at bath but owing to tlioab- sencofi2u the officers il was postponed until the brat mon day in july then lo be liolden at the aine place itaner a long investigation befoic a uuaheit q ml the lizht of ownership of the hearse stolen from mr iv 1 cook premises it was decided this day thai die hearse do re main in custody oflhc convtablo until furthei orders oeoige mcmahon was acquitted uf any panic ipatioo in the burglarious act ct the hon peter meqill and the hon j ma have been reelected president and vice president of the muntienl bank john frothingham and john molson junr lsqmres h a e loen reelected io the same oteces in tlie city iank rojal enyiacera ihbce kkleaa canal 1 jane 33 public notice is hereby given that mr adams has been du ly appointed to act as tho government aibirrator on claims for damages sustained by the construction of the kideau canal and will commence the sevoral arbitrations without loss of who witt nb ax orncbitthc norfolk ail- i vcriiavr mou tlmt a miliuiry compnnv in ihe neiifh- hurmg town having icl to cliutmj mi enoigit could not prevail on my miotu accept iht coimuiwion ivlicreupoii they resolved to oiler the uffico lu iho nmn who would take it fur the lowest um thu iihio cuimiienced at fifty dollars and the office w tttntck down ui ttn anil n niilmcriiliihii was iminedi atrly innde lo my unfortunate incumbent arw lurk tornmcrciul advertiser a ftlijtetmfc tree was recently cut down nnd sawed into boat plunk in ilieton oi newark wayne conn tyniidu block was taken from the centre of the tree ulnch bttamtlie marks of nn edged tool from the wound io thc outside of ihe tier were 4g0 grains much allow ilnii a many year lmve elapsed miict ihe unknown chopper peiioniied hie work wa- tertown eugu cheap curr for fiver a german doctor du- cure in termittent fever by strictly and hterallv starving ht patients for three whole days he allows them only a lit le water and after ihe fast accustoms them io food graduallw public smavjno on sundays in the bailie conn of dundee in august laai a complaint was brought by a barber against lira apprentice for re fusing to shave his customers on the morning ol sunday when tliu inugistraieeilecided in favour of the master the case for the apprentice was ad- vueated o the court of sessions and on the lltli instaiu lord jeffrey altered the intercolutor of the magistrates nnd lound the apprentice entitled to expenses in boil courts extraordinary fkat a late london lates the following which may fairly be herculean task t it coated pedestrian undertook to perform the following extraordinary feat a pool on monday last for a subscription purse iz io walk forward one mile wheel a barrow one mile run one mile draw a one horse gig half a mile run a pair of wheels half a mile hip ne hundred yard jump over twenty bundles tf sticks of au equal height each 25 yards apart aid pick up fifty atones one yard apart iu a straight line and put each singly into a basket being t various feats all within one hour the nmiflh took place upon a paper re- termed an le piece of ground near lie bank arms hoiel half mi about 3 oclock ill the after nout and he accomplish ed the whole of this extraordtiary feai in fiftynine minutes being one mitrite wtltju the iven time toocaucful a few day since an old man called ai the bank of the u states and took away a bag containing a thousand spmish pillar dollars be deposited for safe keeping sevuteen years ago at ihe time the deposit was maib the cashier urged dimt he should be allowed to hun the money on bond and mortgage but the mat said he believed it would he safe in the vault ofi it habbeen tafe for the old man finds his dollars jim as he left them but if he had permitted the muney to he used it would have beeiiq as safe and the cashier ivniufked lllrt uuio tu ur- uuc l had full bur atmaw itollitr to pay him the old man bus now sf u m resolution and parted with his lonv dollars at two per ceil premium journal j commerce itn elitorediturs wrile itdligihy vu dertecatrbitiua p hc arintr in whicb you spcuk t uur gunl vilblh uf 11 iin s w a biguapo vou unc for induce y say b j nul a bui not thriving villae undyetilicfci ti vsh d ll f bunesdooc in it quite lu- gical mr editor and s nicrtliaiiti ore nurueroun and opparcnily wealthy v p dieir well filled horsi ai any liiuc and nut a mh of a can be n vuur logir berc proves that uur inev do east wif with tnvoi bu customers i could r ou j p obi your article ra ther more lugigally ilian wiiiten it that your trip to bald has turned vtkif hc inije uui but enough ha been iaid lo show that you rec e damage from the 4 tnrni and i iuspecc it vvil in lc w story- i woum preeriuea shflvihl riowa md alkrwaid fin yuu should bu ituttud lu u rc in uiujuite ifyou will hjo tho oolnei to insn us which you inleoded tu etfmtfti- mmt or atoac u you iiui ul011 fi frum i atm bttlh june 4 1835 bamai ntkdid w lot know to the contrary we should imagine the ubovc lo be l produetion of ionic chuo boy the bstth btdddot pcfwo who ftneying he had detected mirue error in auolhci pcr i snxious to display hia learning iu sspofilu it the jn inlunistencios of thia mare nest of bhiht aro taiilt reconcileable that bath ia not a thriving village is prord frum the noncrcetionof any buil ding within a long ptrftm- that a vast deal of buinos i dune iu it is proved irom rg shipments iuaiomicji made b iti merchant nnd ih equally large importations that m ttnfcbttllla tiro numcruui and appirhtly weallhy s hicltoo well known to idmil of doubt and iheaeeniingiucoo gruity of obsermg that their thopf appear deserted is explain ed in uuoilior part of the wime article wherein thcii quiet un- oslentatiou muiuier of doing buinc i alluded lo the con cluding question u so wholly uncalbd for that wo cannot re ply to il alllllvals at tilc commlkcia1 hotel dubinc tub week rev mr givin napnev samuel ujl jrlterinn en n v r mclean ualluwell o a lacy gharlmte n y mr collkirnc iulbkesti lienl llrnwn james jack ncm monlrciil cttlin mekeuxie bath d cameron uelle- villu u c skinner auburn n v capt avjmcr k w slmw heieiboro j h hart montreal a d eldridge port byron nn micol quebec muvals at the mansion house june 2 mr 6c mrs patcrson providence l mof- fatt colhiur 6 iv kay london rev charles murell mount sl bernard switzerland a m mcfaul wellington 7 mr harvey brorktilla d mckenzic peter or btdfevitlas k mathews wellington ii mcalpino pennsylvania s moffatt dubl reilly in j arrivals at tub kingston hotel june3 ii d wilion john morris trontfv 4th cadams j adams h- gahjm silmter j s m m v ivnli m mtgart btuwn j ukmzis cobnurg tultah brllevillc mr mrs davy family bath mr oarv scjmour gih ao mdtar oghmburgh 8th- col ni- clmll r e captbolton r e bjiuwn wm adamson cohiiii commttcfal ami uqic sijjncd d boulton senior royal engineer bmcsq a ottawa canals tite thames tunnel the most active exer tions are in progress at the thames tunnel to recommence the work or carrying across the bed of tho river this great structure upwards of one hundred workmen are engaged in a potion ol the tunnel in preparing for the reception of ihe new shield and oilier nperations connected with the work the visitor arch however is still kepi in the most clean and dry stale and such is the increa sing interest taken by the public in the undertaking that upwards of uue thousand persons inspected the runnel last eck mo5trcal june -i- asnrtaremill in demand 31rf6dtur tingle hills ot ptb wax repeatedly mvcd ami relumed aran auction wle oftta yesterday the following prices wtffpj obtained o0 cheats twaiikii- 3 pjd 33 do ilvsunskm 2s 814 a 2 64d tt boxrf do 2 8d 19 chcn lo 2 r4j 9 boxes sotfctmojc 2s od stibosu babn u glllm rideau caijat akttvedi june 5tb the steamer entcrpriu cupx richards 8 thu steamer rmtett cr do wen with ham carrillnn in tow u paencrf cvfim p f j h grcor j rrver r mcgill f kirhy kinton a uttirio a chndy u slcconuiik co vm allan turoii- to j aiefarunepirl robinsan mkaatie cubourp o lluncox bjth howard i i n port hope a d fcrricr tuelph the flwfftj bfubtthe barga kiligilolt pmbihftr udiibl rprfrutcftg offiavw il the bwjwwmkiiib to the kideau lake wi mcw f perth sailed june 5 the btottobr thomnsneh ww bn li ih in tow wheat and p itytiiwu poianh wilson muuro kivhirflujp oimliet flour gillispie co montreal forsyth walker i 7ih rtiesreimermjrgrir capt owe with hare emigrant in taw biavwand polash li hunter cv co- richardson forjih co tiillupi- ii fl q prfw mrgilkvcu monlieal 9th nmslmmormrifaffir c lmimto pea lyrvn i sbutei a wjfuin mnlrvjl- rlin liargu mavflowbt in astinctiinl from llallowull touiiht with 5000 buhtdhotwhtflt rw t atcknu uvtown tho st cerm dihhftrgftrf a heay lading of rf tor montreal ncr tiinal hiii cvoninc per ran fort of dusbbot may w ahkival9- bark pollon 4th april sunderland bri sarah mary ann 16th april maryport due prorumn 5th april liverpool brie london 10th april indon juno l bark sr hilda ifith april lndori biig gmj itith april lottdou brijr margaret 26th march p nrtwcasiu brig loyal briton 8trt april dublin bris cadmus i6ih april london if iir baltic lolh aunl yarmouth bark cecilia 24th apiil london blrk abeonj i9th april liverpool bfis cintun 24th april greenrrk bnz morrory 3d april watrfiird hug bolivar i lilt april abtrtjeon june 1uarkgt pricl8 kitfoltu tuesday jane 0 ie35 beefhy the cwt 1 d 25 0 s d w7 g do at the stall prlb mutton by tlm sheep per lb- 0 4 0 0 o 0 5 0 3 do at the mall per lb 0 4 a 0 5 fresh pork per 100 lb 30 0 0 freh butter per lb 0 7 t 0 8 lub do do 0 0 t 0 0 lzgs per doz 0 6 0 7 american flour per brl 0 0 1 0 0 canada do do 22 6 n 35 0 do on percwi 13 9 a 14 6 whcqt per buhol 4 0 4 6 rye do do 3 0 a 0 0 corn do do 3 3 a 0 0 dnrley do do 2 6 a 3 0 oats do do 2 0 t 2 6 poluloc do d0 0 0 a 2 6 hay per ton 90 0 n 55 0 snow per bundle fife vuud pei cord 0 1 0 0 8 0 a 0 0 sop 0 4 a ft 4 2 0 fowls couple 1 0 pork mess lib 75 0 0 0 do prime mcs 65 0 0 0 dn pump 55 0 0 0 dirt on sunday morning hist ai taylor tavern in rope nflera feff day line kobfri cnermao evj ngrd s3 a rjntivc of lrfcelcrmluro io ii intnl bul fir many ycora u wchkrotto rrmtlcruofthu produce the kciiton ot lift cotcinaaa dcalli wmfflmtflty n ibmrcbf mb about a week oco hrticmlff peneturrdthr um nf uiuiab bcaediti thenuil iili okuitci hirlnmnauun enaucd bul thinking imeofll at ifec lime from ihe am1lnea of the woim he unhrtuiaiely allowed h to prceedifrorr hefote npplying to ij medical adviser illh at knth cuoru6caiioa placed turn beyond ide reach of uiiiiunc 07 star 20 dollars reward wheara3 on the tiiglii of the 3d of junf the iremisi o the subscriber were burglariuinly entcr- ed and a hearse in his possession together with other articles his property lorrihly carried off and whereat the body ofthcaid hehraehas since been found oil ihe premise of one ieorge m a carter orthis town tiny is to give notice that a re ward of five pounds will be piid to any per- son or persons who can give audi information as shill lead to the ducurrv of the place or places hue iho real ol the stolen property u secreted 01 10 the detection oft he burglars on conviction of any one of the offenders w pcook kingston june sth 1s35 20 dollars reward any person who will give such informaiion as will lead 10 the uppreheiimon dud conviction of the persjn or persons who on saturday niirhi or sun day morning hy means of a three pronged dung fork now in my posesioti niteniplcd to furcc open my auction kouto duor shall receive ihe ubovc reward j linton auctioneer kingston june 9th is35 37 the subscriber ben leave io inform his friend eutil the public that he ha relinquished tlie business of hardware merchant thiy place in liivor ot men hill brfcrga who will continue in the old stand in store street cj w yarker kingston 3d june 1s35 37 3w sale by auutfotv onvtdnesdjyjuue i0ih will be sold by auction rtilhoutieserve at ihe subscnberai storey n quanti ty of dry goods groceries c the balance of sundry loin liclomtinc to the edtatc of the tfl kohcrt ituo 0 id en yjg tic durham doit alararot and ail a it of tijili and uigiiijf spara v a irun crib willi slieortf a quantity oiwlintr tools about 10 dozvn of bottled alo port anil mutlcru vin a potali ivulo and 2 cooler horsehair maurwsta cloatiing shiwlt c jewelry llnrjwrc stationery crockery c 4lso- aau3nhlrofiandsiva roipiii ilouks garden rakes and hoe fig blue ptiot about iso itwru wmppingnpti a ijrfie quantity ofunpiy buttle and a real arieiy of otjiei jrtkles too numtrroud to itiwlioflp sale ta commence ut cloven rchtbk a m hugh scanlan auctioneer kiiirton june 6th 1s35 a valuable fa km for sale in a well settled neighborhood being the east half of lot no i in the 2nd trnceiou ol jfloughhomughi containing about 105ure there are on the premises a good frttne house nnd a tjood frame bam with sixty rcftm of land cleared iw number of bearing fruit ttew of difltfstil kinda and a living spring uf water niah the house for further particulars eoquireofmn da vid portly waterloo or of the editor juies 1635 london boarding school gloucester house establishment fok voog 0tljk bpton lacr nrat forest gait easry conouctkd by mr h a v i t thc domestic arrangement of iht ematdithment are uoon tin niol hliirral acih every boarder i rceuittiaiidam with a aingle bed without any extm charge ami a itritl altcu lion paid to his cnmfom health nnd rjhml thocoiiraeuf intniciin uruunh ktihsh encition the sciitniitii oriociplcip and pracitcv of anthnictir mieliaiti ace kirtw bowkhecpin meiwuraiion a lbc uf thcglobci iliitory at cbra gocgfripby t khtvt s per aaaant under 12 years of age 22 guinea above diito 24 ditto wtwkljt bnaidrj 18 ditto day boarder 12 diito thr lanpuajs coeh 1 ijiiuum drawing danciiird 1 ditto mtbio i diltu 1 in aaoclituona celebrated and ixtcnau mlviiisii av1a1cy fro tueir zoological mvstmtvte hys yoak the subjects of natural history a3 xw- diteo at that popular and fashioxahlr place of resort uurtsq the winter of 1631- rplie proprietors reiicctfully inform tho b inhabitants uf kingston lm its vicinity uut they will exhibit their rare collection of living ani mals in the open bpttct in rear of st georges church and the court house on friday tnd saturday the 26th and f7lb days of june inn this iryftllitig world of animate curmnitievit const ting of wild beasts and birds- ihe fine afieciinens of their vnrloul genus will e exhtbirad under uvo spneinus pnvillions each 1c0 feel iu dim meter arid sufficiently g cnnlain 4000 cc titura for whose convenience eligbe aet urn roumructtd on a s a nd impi l j plnn nnd fo which indies otid the juvenile brsnch of fumilict ate firdt entitled the elephant id provided willi apkndid saddle trimmed decorated after the eutenmyle similar to the print here represented and of suffi cient capacity to contain six persons who mny ride upon his back with safely and pleasure to them elvesi rcpctbte reference will be given and required the vaciitmii arc three weeks at midsummer and a fortnight at christmas accuunu sclilcd quarterly the quarter incom menee on the dayofeiitranee a quarters nottcu ia expected r- 1 to the removal of a boarden pupib remaining at school during die va miotin irechried4 uioaa extrn pr annum the french language u taught by a unlive of pm eftcib dtiuidcr i expected lo bring a silver spoon kuife fork and aii townli th aituaiion is cxtrcmoly hcallliy and pleasant with ex- tcnbive oroond rciertocwbiay be uiadctot ii trior eq of quebec tr fiirlher articular npply tolbu editor of tltc whig 37 hn tllo yic hhc tvnvxvflbrvnss lfhu nlo- cape t goihi hope h mr irdinary is the struc ture of this animal thtit onie peronr have donbted the iculity oflla ex i stance and have uppocd it to be a creature of ihe imagination nature though regubrly and systematic in u her work often puz zles human sytern oi hich this animal aflbrds an instance in ikeshnpeof iis hodyi evidently partakes of the horse the ox the slag and the antelope it it fierce vicious and apparently un- linneahle the coxdor this bird 19 a native of chili ami i he adjacent island it u the largest bird krom that has lha power of flying a pair if white pelicans theteare the real white pelicans froni ihe wilda of africa black lltut cape jlion a 32vuhpul maiig zebra prom asia a pair of african leopards a spotted and auiamcabio hycnu a pairor bjiathun oameij omental crested porcupine a zebu thisimiitml is the only one of the kind exhibited on hi- continent a pair of ameri- rm panthers angora ioat i brazilian tiger n iiv il lilaln a pair ol peruvian f4ixes n mrtilmonkey tnlkin purrotrj bud a variety of other animals not enumerated during the exhibition jack downing will be introduced mounted on a shetland ponty who will perforin a uuldhtr of whimsical a well as amu- fflogfratft tlte itecpor will eirirf ifre in tihku ihe a- frican leopard and leopiirdera are conrued at iu oclock a m and 3 oclock p the urinates of this cngc forum most gigantic and imposing pec- lacle thi8 group ihe niot formidable and uutani- ablcofall the natives of the forest furnish to tho mind of ihe spectator an insuperable bonier to the belief that the art uf man could subjugate lo his will and control these wild and ferocious animals yet his nedulity inubt at once be dissipated when he beholds the keeper iii thiscage playing and frolick ing with them and enjoying their wild pranks with i much bccruing deligi and innocence as children their holiday gambol to render the whole more attractive the propri etor have engaged a band of musician of appro ved talent who will execute favorite national air marches overtures c this menagerie sz aviary require eighty men and hmes including llie musicians to com plete its operations the elephant will be appro priately caparizoned fix musicians will be muted m the splendid saddle upon llie back of the elc pliant as the grand possession passes through the town c7 hours of exhibition on fri- ihi front 1 t 5 oclock p- on saiurdjy from 9 to 12 oclurk a m and from 1 to 4 oclock p if admittance to each exhibition one shilling and three pence each person children uudctf ten years of age half price a will be exhibited at the same time and plicc a most sjileudid collec tion of paln rings in a separate pavitlion con structed for ttiepurpotfe the puiutiogs coiujimo views oi dilvereui ctes in europe and america unities of waterloo snlumuneaund neworlems fsills of niagara regent street london and new london uride with unmeious othev mho the ban constrictor is the largest of alt land serpents being frequently from 3d lo 40 lect iu length and of prupnrtiunute thektiesah thy pre iipmi tigers buff iiuee and nil ihe beis of the fofwt flj belure them they are entire destitute of veiiuiu and kill ly pteshure iluviug darted upon their piey they wrap them- wlvte around ir and pfet it to death crushing the buiievtll piece until it is rtducrd lu uiitt unilunu muss then unwrapping ilself it swallows iu piey whtlc ai its leisure the anaconda is a native of south america and nearly allied to j the uoa its habits and disposition being the same only varying to color the auaconda being a shade darker admittance to this exhibition seven pence halfpetiny each person children uaduten years of age half price kititt june 3ih ljlv