Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 5, 1835, p. 3

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oiiifkil strrmtlv msrks in a nations nn j nntllluti trial point of icw thtoilt thst nui i ever wiili ivm the ltisutiv mtlkiecutivrunrliiiiiibrinr nnicnnlly rted in tkt saaiu mfnofin in iintlarfiuimlv i cw in ihiv province wlitre ihc majrily ki r mivi council t- iilinnsl wholly eumpnsod of llit lisiano lhnlv mil tombting nnly of ihedepuiy super intendent lih injian pcnmlmml llio itocoivor lionet ul and inspevtor isntril i m cluofjualine tlio skkir uf tho lr lmtfrfl council and the hon find it chaplain of that li a conv of ili jlr was tmniiihucxt to mr llalton iho provincial agent and ns lie nod tbfl dritisli iu eroniit cry well knew tml there wes neither patriotism irtue spirit nor intelligence enough in llo people oflha colo ny to induce them to lwick tlnir nprtsnntalivai in taking n aland agjintla pecuniary aristocracy no unsicanca rtturncd i hope it nover wilt bo sad vfthis house that thoy were n ft iid togtvo their opinions respecting llie composition of the legfiduin council weuri now urouht to the point nnd 1 hope the vote to be given lhinint will ho nuchas llie people eipect from the members of 5 reform parliament uiiing any or slngllait aovkxturk ok a fkmals sakob the following adventures of a young female the subject uf the present tirade lire so trulv genuine and so extraordinarily marvellous that we cannot refrain from recommending the persnaloftheintothe attention ol our readers an incorrect statement of the facta appeared in the papers during the early pari of the week hut the anucxt d account beine publicly adduced before the lord mayor leaves no doulit as to its authenticity his lordship having read the statement directed mlean the inspector of the city police lo make inquiry into llie circum stances in order that if the girl required assistance it might he rendered to her without subjecting her to annoyance lean thought that the best ill nig lie could do after having iieurd the story ef the girl from her own lips was to bring her to the mansion house and introduce her to his lordship he ac cordingly appeared before the lord mayor accom panied by the girl the captain of the vessel in which he came to london and several gentlemen ft ho felt an interest- m the remarkable details of the fact captain mentirtf of the sarah from belfast sta ted that he met the girl whose name is anne jane thornto to st andrews in north america she was dressed in sailor clothes and had all the ap pearance of having been brought up to that employ ment he engaged her at nine dollars n month to act as cook and steward and considered that she was what she seemed to be until a few days before the arrifnl of the vessel in th part london it ap peared that some of ilifi crew had suspected her be fore stie was seen washing in her berth from the cir cumstance of her having repeatedly refused to drink grog the lord mayor it has been reported that she was ill treated by liercapiainand the crew 1 wish particularly to be infoihiid upon that point captain meiitire said that he would call upon the girl to say whether he had not uniformly treated hr with kindness and whether when her sex was gliwitwrwl hn rtii uf fci iimm and care was not increased the girl declared that nptain m entire had acted towards htr with humanity and luri desired her to complain to him if any of the crew treated her harsh ly she had been in the couree of the voyage wrack by some of he sailors because she could nut work as hard as they did a thing she found it dif ficult to do in a gale ofwtitd hiu ahc did not tell the captain as she determined tu endure as much as pos sible without grumbling the lord mayor is it possible that this mere girl for she cannot be more than sixteen or seven teen years of age performed the duties of a sea man captain mrufirc is it my lord she per formed them to admiration she would run up to hand the topgalhuil sail m any sort of weather and we had a severe passage poor girl she had a hard time of it she suffered greatly from the wet but she bore ij excellently and was a capital seaman the lord mayor- is the account of the romantic pursuit of the person she was said o he attached to correct i is it true that she went lo america after the captain who was mid tube hcrweethearr mlean said that the aceotmt she had given to htm corresponded with that which appeared before the public but she would herself mention the partic ulars captain meitirc stated that he had no doubt of the correctness of her statement she was not given to loquacitv on the c mtrary she did the di- ty of a seaman without a murmur and had infinite ly a better use of her hands than of her tongue this description of the female sailor seemed to be accurate her hand appeared as if they were co vered with thick brown leather gloves and it was by repeated questioning lite lord mayor got from her the facts of which the following is the substance anne jane thornton stated that she is in the sev enteenth year of her age her lather who is now a widower took her and the rest of his family from floucestershire where she was born to donegal tofkjitfic wiai cuieuttl ik tlu ftwhtfl l stoics in that part of ireland nnd fugood circum stance- aud was always aflecttonatc to her she regretted that she had quitteu her home for her de parture of which she had given no previous notice to her father must have caused him many a sorrow ful hour when she was only thirteen years old fancied the sailors dress well knowing that by as suining the appearance of one you pledged yourself to krlorm such terrible duties the girl i cntiidm think of any other way and did the duties os well nft i could underwent a good deal i ravelled from east port in inorih america m st andrew hy myself a distance o seventy miles through the woods i walked all the way the lord mayor and without susta injury i the girl i received none i knew the a clothes would carry me through safe aud at st an drews i met capt meniire capt meiitire it was hut a few day ago i learned that we had a girl on hoard i was the last person in the vessel who was informed of the fact and i could scarcely credit the mute when he told me ofit i can bear testimony of the extraordina ry propriety of her conduct find j ask her again whether 1 have not acted properly towards her and particularly from the moment i became acquainted with the secret which she was so anxious not to have disclosed the girl said that she was in gratitude bound to acknowledge the kindness and humanity of the captain who instantly paid her all that wad due to her the lord mayor i shall give directions that you be taken care of until i hear from your father to whom 1 shall write tonight you have done him great wrong by abandoning him under any pretence but you have suffered bitterly for your disobedience and i trust that you will by your future attention and care prove to him that jour filial alfecton is as strong as your courage in such circumstances of danger and toil as you have been placed in has been so immeasurably beyond that of the rest of your sex in modern days many gentlemen to whom i have spoken on the subject looked upon the case as the coinage of the brain but the investigation has if possible added to the interest of the story captain meutire mentioned lo the lord mayor that the proprietor of the coopers arms in lower thames steer where the young woman was lodged is a respectable person in whose house she would be properly taken care of and his lordship desired that she should remain in that asylum the git i then retired after having gratefully ac knowledged her thanks fur the humanity and solici tude of the lord mayor she is of low stature and her limbs are very fumly knit together her face is comely her eyes are dark and brilliant and her teeth are extremely white the hardships to which she has been so long exposed have completely tan ned her face anri neck but the sailor who acciden tally discovered hcrsex declares that the natural color of her skin is as whitas snow tins flfflwie mfftth aftii tlmniiwt wtmpritntn tic history has appeared in the papers is all the gt in loudon the proprietor of a minor theatre hat offered to pay her a guinea a flight to appear in u character got up for her in a piece already prepared r representation a celebrated artist also appear a wrll roalikiej compaar tomnlthm ara closely jtivfualcd bv i f itm mimnh at v ji iwj of ixrcoora ow i rrs mp y mim km i ii iv tne prar i r dwcontewi in iho mr cm nercr j nr focooicniniawo th vary worn hua in mu vt ijl ruw wm pwddy subsiding when hi if to moke aurancc dtuiblj- pure n c moro l ofam- rvcm l iuaie awafflahnrthi m i fcr the l lus foci my pmkh i whl woml eaafat awi haw ample rvtcumb would nulri ur pppmotjojyi oftimkl iepaataw 0iu i ibe aceeaahv or a jjdcn oe jtu eoiitacooit otkeiohite datcovsati ttt i piopcidafy 0 llhf pf opoacil eortkm ji can acarccty j i to prove qfcqa aijyajnagcj aa may lie inferred lhho he ceepa ofouicr compa nies ora i i r chit raetcr llie tittpla prrrthium borne viilmut any kn n exeeptlort lij htir atiaret afford ihc urrion ofuc exierimv ibothearcavma fo edto bealloycd to take her likeness and tnanv proposals were made by persons who ofltrcd to pay largely to exhibit her london paper british whig to correspondents in ilia prcaeoc ilcnrta of ratfabfr commookaiion- h is with nact rciuctaacc we place jajw letter oo cite lite of in ad to liable vtoxi i d exaeuy tloaufcl for public rmkvte au mjh m referred lo no 2a vat a of ic ute whig fa an answer to itu quejttjoo t utllrty mw otoch a jatol rt nititaat fyfim of ban vine mnnr gftfltmen have long been of flpwfc on ehjiblo ocnlng pkants lbnjr iw an nddilioanj bank frfttt iirovlnce the commerce tfsde iojittllilioa and weallh ofwmch cflnlc ysmbtw advuoeini wuhfiiejiaineadyro5tc and iwvlojf mieotively considered tb iore- toing fjcta they arc decklcxtly oropiolon i i oold be ecijiuwhej upon tbcprtociplcora jolmoekcorop4uy the ben pjafoc for permanent jceeft tr in r oflbla ifirlilulion with it how ever to be clearly umlemooo ibat in it stalllf timcnt they are no oeto- nted by any uislllrfully scwtoe inwards e rtjij-l- i r ri iaiiiig in tlila eif or in hm vkinily tbr lallnrbig onitice l aobmlited to eowklerotion of the hiblle n uicbaaiorkbnneatabbmimeni tot w eh raodificaiioiw p the proprietors wy beeofirr driermiae on m tocebnj ltehl at the agri cultural fw in the i i of toromo on ili j f april 05 dr x duncomb m p p mijic cbak 1- thai ihc uaok atjaji be called t fanner joint stock booking company t thatibccapiulle5w0o0 i f in 3o0o shore of ici eacl 3 tliot ft call of 10 per re frhull be t lo 6c ph p follow vli i per ecu on aubcrbioc 4 per cerr- renine aud llie remlniny 4 per rur in two month if funecr f lxw be fimud desirable ihry s an be made aj the pireciorv mai wppoiol not exceediug flve per cent every ijiroc monilui 4 that fta ooa as 15000 shares fcmf l b bribeil for ft gc oeral roecijo or lw iareboitera ahah ttttol fo the purpose ct np- perititinea qoordof direetora and aouh other rraisue arrange mcrts preparator nnn5 of the bank brt ural lhc kovawnal coflhaft- wr alull have power ifuicy tuok prope l0 penmi lareljcjjen o pay op ie lust iftrtaimetii sooner uiaa the ped above lipiiical and to allow 5 per cent iateivst ihereon iih m that t eoeh nvectios aliall be foiled as ooo in 300007 can be reahxed aa a parting copitah i tlul uaperiweadcnceortheec ton hoard oftwelvc difeetore hy bmt by tsc sbareholderwaid tlial no creat ahull besvea or coutiuucd com tothc advice of a mavf ty of ile board of director c thai th direetora nhall from amoi ttienwelvea setrct ooc not ea- gifted io buainca who in conjunction w e president and manaer of -i- abpeoce a aobraanager afeaal thi costody of the honk chesi cofibiiainj ibe eurptus cash not rfuired for tntmcdiaie uae nnd llie criicfmipctniendenec of ihe more jrrjvaie pana of the concern epe- dally uttm relating to bdi transaction nj applicaiions nvettdit iltai the order n which the nireew wi tond in the hsi a6ui be determined n tfie firtl iokacce by lut a tle first three oo the lii shall go out annually by rotation but may be reelected 6 that the directors shall appoint a president and manager one or more iob- managers ihe clerkn and ihe other officers of the lvnttny including baiters brokers and a gtnb londnn or el4e where mid recjuire securiiy in such caics and to aoc lent as they may deem need ful according to their respective mioauot nnd ahall have ihc sole now er of removing ony such panics or oflkcr 0 that no person shall be ejble as diroetor who la no n fotri- ber be and afterwords on aetoat hotocr of at least 30 shares nnj that ctcfjr ronnarer sball be a holder of at w khore nod every sobma nager ofst lejwi 30 shares 10 that uo person hth bcejlowed to sntseribc vr more uiaq 40u shares 11 tlioitleiealcforrcjuuufrvoet prnerat meetings shnll b jo slmres 1 vote 30 shares vote ft shares 3 votes 100 shore 4 votes propnciorsirsaexftmoyctooatmhes rrom toronto maygivc ther vrtes by ptvxy ihrotuh ihe cnodosi or any m- shareholder iii tiiat neither deuruk of the bank uctoib nor seuri- ikh which mny puss tliroiiajh lle same te io pection of any 1trt diredor and oflkrra otthe ctot w them or other perton doly appointed for a speew p le h the credit ami prtvah irunsuetioii of individuals rri percd laviolate 13 that ihe accounts of he company made up bfjf yearly and a general so mm ury oftbem withon fcfrfosi of name sm mitkmsd crediis ssll be ii before the proprietors at an anuunl ouet ro fffj proposed drank in bum ittf the proprietor on lionid gave tlie signal fyi the corttpsn to repnir to thcpfeatcnliin where on clcganl cold cnlllttjn hastily prrpinvl regaled tlio eye itnd temptel tlio appetite oven of iho w i hod previously dined the prostfnee of cipl sinclair linp rifnircd on declc tlie had of the tablo was ta ken liy john strange etr m p p wliile mr john counter oflieintod as croupier dinner pnssed off ligblty the gcnlle- men look wins with llio ladie and llm ladiej itobbd nnd nnliljri wiili the pentiemen and hnrring an awkward miukc or iwo vmy thin was comme xlfuut before ihc ladtfi tired success lo the commodore bamt from the chair nnd need w say tho coast w per with three times three ns ffm alsn iho csffl with the health of 4tpi gildcrslecve proposed hy mr counter and ftt which ho woflhv capfin returned his thank in a neat nnd appropriate speech t was fivn oclock exolly when the steamboat passed carlwrihts wharf and it liad hardly reach ed lo halfpast six whan sht arrived tbalh distance ofmore than eighteen miles staying thert about an i pony rccmbarked nnd nfiei in the hapc of tea nnd supper were landed in safety long era ten oclock at llir plsec of stortiiipp highly delighted with the unexpected pleasure of ihe rip with the attentions of the pro piictors with the boat and witn thcmselffs and when john gitptn rides again slay we be there ioxoe hour the com- in partaking orrelrcslimcnls will be rnrnmil reprehensible and ordors i low the state of trade in kingston imperiously demands from every journalist his most strenuous endeavors to induce the ohubiianu to regdthcridcaucinal will the importance it de serve as thconly means to prevent the towns ruin ani bank ruptcy to patronize any other mode of receiving tneichan hire fom licloir than by the canal ling nn act of suicide as unprofitable as yet wo grieve to say wc have already heard of several given to forward the spring goods per the stlftwrencc ever it may suit the present convenience of those kingston merchants wo haveslluded to to pander to the prejudices of lllfttr montreal correspondents ws feel persuaded lfc on calm reflection tlifiy will see ihe necessity of eneomanj the iti- dtau navigation and tate an early opportunity of counter manding fa route of their expected goods no mm wlm has the smallest desire to seo kington become what nature and man intended the site of the forwarding trade will liesiiato fiir one moraeiit to contribute all h can towards so deirubl an object ojfidatcazfttecolnn dircatng an alteration in the tn recrivd cn 4 fjltnwn cannkfrotn nnd nfier tho first of7tihe next the new tnriltir ns follows i- bargee pawing ihroogh the wlioieoftltecannu upwards 8k currency diirhnmhoatsdog0s inroe mutenii fortytwo leet ion nnd towards do 35 mail bdiieau do 25s- akistn or any m rtnaller man i small bateau do 12 6j 2 burgee passing carillon and chute a clondeau or tirenville lucks inward or donwards 40n durham bosr do 23 large batteau do- 12j6d for every skiff c do 6a 3d 3 barges passing through the whole oftlie canali downwards 56s dtirham boats do 35s 66 urge batteau do 25 small baiteau do 17y um skiffs c do 8s ild i0d 4 barnes passing irenville locks down 35 durtam boats do 25s large batteau do 17s 6d small batteau do 12 gd kiffr c da 6s 3d 5 barges passing chute a blondeau and caril lon downwards 10 ridrlmin boats do 10s 8l large batteau do 76d small batteau do 5s 4d skiffs c do2i6d 6 barges passine chute a blcndeau or carillon op or down 10s durltam boats do 5s 4d laree batteati do 3s 9d small batteau do 2i 8d skiffs c do u 4d 7 steamers passing through the carrillon cannl when empty or employed in towing boats upwards or downwards 15v and pawing through the chute a blondeau canal do do 7 gd man herald tacts and gcbapg bxnll dtrkhakdful in consequence ofsomc private intelliiiiic received from head quarters a strong muster of the leading turies of ienoi addiugton took place in town in the early part of last week rumor sav a dissolution of the present house of assembly i contemplated and will lako pljce as soon as ihu approbation of the uoyal commissioner can be obtained while theres lift theres hop says the adac and so says john solon on cartwrtglii esq for lioth ntdwtfl hp lfy arn to gu nut to adond eertaintj this time t the preliminaries rind to makr choice of another and to arrant fitting candidate wen ih objects eontrmplatcd and diklttisd wbeo a dlurm r i- cn tittual whp ml be icclrj lose fall ier re- she met captain alexander burke wl sided in newyirk and wm ihe owner of vessels there and before she was fifteen they became strong 1 v attached tu each other soun after alexander burke was obliged to go to newyork and she took the resolution to follow him she quitted her father liouae accompanied by a maid seivant and a boy aud having procured a cabin boys dress she exer ted herself to obtjiu a passage tu america she succeeded in her ubjecl the servant maid and boy took leave of her immediately upon her embarking the latter being charged with a message to her father informing him of iter intention by de grees she became reconciled to the labors of her new employment but she beheld with joy the shores of rifewyork where she thought her labors would terminate the moment she landed she went off in her cabin boys dress to the house of captain burkes father and said that she had worked under the captains orders and wished to b engaged by him again it was hy the father of the vounrfineh that she was informed of thecvent which placed iheeternm barrier between lliem and she re tired from the house disconsolate america was howevec no place to look for sympathies in the belief mamhe sea which no doubt iter affection for burkefecoinmeiided to- her was a more probable mode jit existence than she could adopt in thedress of ber iw she applied for and obtained a situation as cook and steward in tlm adelaide and subse quently in the rover in which latter vessel she sail ed to st andrew wheic she feel in with captain mentire the captain of the rover had engaged to taktfher to belfast but lie received an order from theownersto sail fur the west indies aud as she was resolved to return to her father as soon as pos sible she refused to accompany him for 31 nionth9 she had been encaged in these remarkable adventures and participated in the most severe toils of the crews of which she formed a part the lord mayor are you not weary of so har- rassing a life the girl yes i am anxious to get home i hope and believe that my father will forgive me for the sorrow i have caused linn i have bad my own sorrow too copt mentire i am anxious to pay her the wageslowe her and i neer had any idea of pivinjj her less than i agreed io pay the loid mayor how- did it happen that you to pruschtorcrts la compliance wimhe cxpreso wish of a number ofour u r i u wc have resumed our origin duysrtf publishing and m tlie same time- re turned to ottr ok j aa oiwhssf a full stiect on tuesdays ami n halfmbert oo friday the latter being almoin ruurejy uc voted io the r- ol oor numrrous ndvertiiers our lit i ii vijlctotfkyilieatxiveunlerstand llalllccovn tltv paphkwitloe n j ii asaueaflasj was unrcmune- rmive ai0 cadoot be reissued we haveprotii4c1 puuctaalhy soofieo that wcdareihx say nne wnrfl iit- j i l j i office worknl io ct oa om fall iisibe uftl- tlrfil w jugs aod io a town wtterc eitra aid raonol nlway br pro cured it often liunoeo thai a more tluuiuuat supply of job work will re- uini ii- i i j fi arwspu per many bvurs id sucli eases the will rni uc taken r- lite deed ie35 kingston tuesday evening way 6 the following we have reason to believe is spu rious as no mention is made of it in the new york paper 4 boundary gazette office 7 calais me april 17 by he brier mtmgi which arrived at st andrews on wednesday last from liverpool we learn that the french chambers of deputies dissolved with out making the appropriation for payment of the american ctaim the mungo brings liverpool dates up to march 29th albany journal nip it thm siuranifuidbjulle jro ret trie extraordinary lrjrs orcincrjere by apponioomg s wi of ifc annual profit be yond g per at ai hie paid up capital u j hantfttf pe agreed oa is thai io uie cvcoi ofilc tassj ofthe ftwt ftinj and a pcrcrm of the subscribed capiutl it shall be in v power nf ssqr sharehoer to di5otre the cniupsoy tnes otbrr sharr proper to connnue lliecoocero in wfcwl cajtetlkysjialt pay p uitseniieni ltc then value of oflilsorlier sliarrtf to be ascertaiocd in fw ordutcrcnce by nrbitrauon ifl the capimtofihe compao shslirrif any casebeinscsted ia fo reign loons mloirr iostiuiuoos or mcfth i that a aeed oricttlencni shall be ptrej rontainio all necessa ry clause for tlie protection of ihc jroprie ftikl giviiu the company a lieu upon t3e unft of any proprietor o whose responsibility the dl- rectors may have frltthecaaelvcjijurtifled making any advance this company contemplates uicwiahlivatofuraecji banks mother ntmricis wbttc promlsiinoiicnor may present theaisclvcs as soon ns it may be be deemed advisable charles duncomcf m p in ihe chair thai a piovisional coxdmittce is- oow iwrrncd eonsisuns of the jotlow- inj scotleroen wiia power to adit tn ilii 4iumber vir the members ef the moose of assent the iosi masters the trca- mjrers the sheriff the clerks or the pea in tbescvrnu disuicta id litis province and the correspoodenu orihe srirulioral jin thai ilc above cninniiitre he empower receive and report on ap plicaiiocis from peroos wishing io take isluucs u collect funler ialbr- otauon and to report llveir procecdinjs ia wesars troscou green co ai toronto stir then to submit the same i another mceihie io be called ns soon aa it may be deemed expedient thai books lor subscription shall be opkoed in the several districts of this province on the day of may nesm closed wiili lbs month and if more than the whole stock shall be subscribed for it shall be appro priated in the same manner as tle stock off ihe commercial baiuv of the midlaojdutricl charles dlxcowde w p f chairmoo toronto april h 1835 at the late meeting colonel c clark is said to be the oth er man viover despair tvts tho muttuoftlic old torieint home and ncvr despair of tlieir distple in canada lliey are licked we hear again is to be th mnttd nome people never know when wc shall oppond to a tow umarks wo intend to mako the prospectus ofa new 1anking association about to be formej in toronto wiili a capital of live hundred thousand pounds tliu scivrnre of banking is not one to which we have devoted much attention but m shall not on that account abstain from gmnjr u our opinion that provided tho proposed great undrtakinji be conducted with ordinary ability and discretion it most not only provo of pecuniary beocfil tu the shareholders but lend lo promote llio prosperity of the provinco at inre in the i lie- states and in canada it has boen so much the custom to regard none but chartered banks with a favorable aspect that the idea of a prlvato bank with so large a capital as half a million of money will jar against tho prejudices of our readers but let thsoi calmly consider tho subject and they will bocofno fully persuaded that the advantage is entirely on the part of the public in ptivato banks like other private commercial undertakings each shareholder being a partner is not only liable for the amount of the stock he may hold but to ihe whole eitent of his private fortune while if through culpability or negligence either of ihe two chartered banks choose toclose its doors the public may wbiailoin rain tor the value ofthe notes it has out the only security being in tho honor integrity and prudence of llio directors chartered rights therefore arc not ao advantage lo the public but to the banks in great britain and ireland private banks arc established in almost every county and almost ovary town aod although fuur chartered companies arc to be found in thosa kingdoms still no preference to their notes is ever exhibited unless by travellers or for the purpose ofsending to a distance in eng hod owing to the monopoly of the lhnk of england no more than six partners arc permitted to associate together for banking purposes and yet with this limited number it is rare indeed that d failure is heard of in scotland where no limit is placed to he number of partners failures ra heard of with still great er rarity nay to such a degree has the scottish renown fur safety spread itself over the faco ofthe globe ihat banking on tho scotch principlu has become a byword tur sccutity both to the shareholders and the public upon tlie scotch plan tho new bank is proposed lo be con ducted and we say again that if common discretion be but ex crcised it must not only prove profitable but of national be nefit rnospkcrrs of the farmers joint stock banking company at toronto capital xmoooo it 50krq shares of 10 twfc the estnbushnwot of joiol suck banwiru companies lia- been proved by their great ioceevs in various parts of tlie imtod kuigdom to be of the most decided public utility institutions of this description have exfclcd in scottaaj jbr upwards 100 years and iheeincrieiue or their benefits amply proved bejbre a comrohiee ofthe mouse of commons induced the legislature in ihe year 19i6 to pass an act eipressly for thdr encoorssemcot in england it ib now no loarr doubted ihsi ranking companies pospcmn an adrv auic i advanced by en lactucniinl anj affluent body of proprietor arc most admirably ealcolstrd i utiiln pubbc congdeoce ia trmea of dif- heui led irxoorrr cihami udvjtwje dpm tlie country ullffti stamboat escoslsiuon sstuday allcrnoon a gay party of lades and gentlcnsen assembled on board the beautiful steam packet commodore barru to enjoy the delightful recre ation of sailing round kingstbn hartibr it being ihe day ap pointed to try ihe engines of the boat preparatory to tlie aa sumption of heriiar business fur the season before we rv a word concerning tlio excursion it may not be improper to n fresh the memories of our readers with a slight mention of ihr capabilities of iheveei the commodore barttf was buil last summer in kingston by a select number of stock holders under tho immediato superintendence of capt gildcrslccvc 0j late captain of the sir james kempt in frin sha ijjymaoetry pcrsonifieuvligbt graceful and elcant in size she is snm what smallor than the st george but her deficiency irt bu is amply compensated by the admirable ar rangement of htr cabins and the comfort and splendor of her costly furniture about filly cabin pwsensers of both scies can be entertairsrd without incouveuince to themselves and her n i ii i n for deck pasicogefs are on a par with anv of her coropctilers in speed the commodore borne takes the foremost place among all the steam boau on lake ontario the greflf flrifuwnot excepted she is furnished with two low pressure engine of 35 horse power each made by weird co of montreal rvbtah considering her fciu ivc hern reat prepouderancn io power over many of her rivals of these engines we should observe ihat they were taken down last fall and put together again this spring in a most workmanlike maimer by the present engineer a self taught mechanic and the speed with which slto cut through the water on her first trial with but two inches of steam up and ihc cae with which tho engines worked are promising indications of the future fame of the workman if wo remember rightly wo were shown last summer a model of an improved stoam engine made by this young man while asittartt engineer on board lha st george a modd which sevcial moro competent judges than ourselves pronounced to be highly ingenious the com bttrru will bo commanded by capl sinclair a well known veteran in the service whose leturn to active life is hailed with enthusiasm ascir as we can learn the ar rangements itkiov for ihc present season areas follows viz to leave kingston rcr monday mirhtn for niagara touchin at oswego cobmjrg tort hope and toronto to leave nia gara on lywottdajn touching again at all tl c before mentioned place to return in kingston on thursday nights on friday luorliag tu start fur the head ofthe bay of quittte and return on betortfij evening icndy to perfiirm the lake journey on ihe blowing monday this route appears well adapted tu the l and her probable success has our best wishes now for the oa the intended trial rous and cmisislvd of about thirty centh men w utsion as few persons had knowledge of ihe company was mure select than numo ih part of their w wilson othc enterprise capt rfefards arrived from dytown on sunday nocm this boat is tho first that has made tho trip from bytovvn thiisoason bj a private ofthe ggtli regiment by ihc name of wm tanner servant ofthe ufgimoiitrtl quarter master was un fortunately drowned at mr cartwrights wharf nn sunday evening he was attempting to gt on iward the gt britain but unluckily fell into the water and perished before aiistancc could bo frocurtd o on saturday morning the body of mr a j ferns one of ilia oldest ahd most respectable inhabitant of the town of kingston was found in tho water near strange wharf a cap and ome papers having induced his fi tends to search for it ii appears from tho evidence bdforeihecotoncrand f other source ofinfirmation that a variety of causes had pro- dnced a temporary aberration of intellect in he deceased who after writing several letters to hi friends and family commit ted hi body to the water on friday niht or early saturday morning mr ferns has left behind him a widow and two children a coroners inquest held on saturday afternoon returneda verdict uf insanity t7 on monday april 27th ft heavy storm of wind and rain was experienced in the citv of new york which did im mense damage to the shipping in the harbor ict hofl of the now york paper of n late date have con tained variegated at counts of itus late pile on ialce ontario together with the destruction ofthe 67 britain steanvpacketl it is somewhat singular that events of such magnitude shuuld occur undrx our very nusc and wc bo nme the wiser it censure is a lai which a man pays for bcin eminent if bcin- blackguarded by every vagabond in upper canada from tom dalton down to the chronicle buy would render dr barker eminent lhre would be few persons in the vincc on a par with him in dignity ict we hear nothing more about ihc rifleman fame says but then she is a lying hirsey that the intended editor having danced the bays about ton has now danced himself off a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse ct by the halifax ttmrs of april 7th wc pcrceivo that the election of mr aberciombie to the speakers chair was not known in nova scotia at that date cthe april number of ihc ladys book wan average one the seeeyed arrfe ere n ffoorf ird orte of mw of he original pieces have considerable merit the laor book is so pleating a periodic j that wc feel somewhat sur prised that copies ofit aro not more plentiful in kingston than thoy appear to be wm ball be very happy in receiving orders for the enterprising publisher by the bye what hns become of the kfficttmbacfttt 1 surely our criticism of the february number has not been the means of its non arrival as heretofore tt tu iirtorthe harper have in pre a detailed and accural history of ihe impositions of tho villain mathies not matthias prepared by a gentleman who has amplo means of information post offic rohper detectkd in the month of dtceifiber last the sum ol nineteen hundred ami thirty dollars was enclosed from the lewi county tank nt martinsburgh directed to hiram norton eq- of prescott u c by mil which never fm received- no tiding was ever heard nf the money nnd suspicion was firied on no one till lately when from various circumstances suspicion fell on paniel c payiw formerly nnd for several years a clerk in ihe post ollice nt this placet hut at that time not in the regular employ ofthe office but nn occasional aq sislam payne we believe during his whole term as clerk had enjoyed the unbounded confidence ofthe community and in all his dealings sustained a char acter for honesty above suspicion so much so that when the loss wm made known no one we believe even suspected him of the theft he left here about two weeks wncfi for somerville in this county with tlie determination or soon leaving ihr michigan to speculate in the landa about to be sold by the gen eral government from these and other circumstances suspicions sufficient ro justify hi arrest came to the knowledge of oishop perkins esq district attorney for tilts emmtv who took the tfeam boat united states on the j9ih fur am harfwr mhenbefimnd pbrn waiting to take passage he was immediately ar rested and examined nnd confessed he had tlie mo ney but that he had found it in the back yard ofthe office buried in some chip- during his examina tion he implicated a brother welcome payne as a receiver of nome ofthe money living in antwerp jeterun county who was arrested and on the two was found one thousand and eighty tteven dollars of the money- they were both fully committed and are now in prison at watertown they will be tried by the united states court one for takhtg th mo ney from the post office and the other for receiving a part knowing ii to have been stolen- qgdens- burg republican pro emancipation op the jew a pnmphlet has just been published by richardson in which the au thor mr solomons places in a striking point of new ihe disabilities under which the members uf the jewish persuasion labor the author makes nut a strouc case of grievance on the purl ofthe jewish persuasion and it is nnly necessary to place their claims for redress prominently before the pub lic on their just footing to ensure their ultimate success exntaorptkafty incident a male convict has been living for four years as a ladys maid with a fenihle of rank in the vicinity of piccadilly the denouement arose from thearrtval ofa superintendent of police at the mansion in question wheti the do mestics were all examined except one and that one was the ladys maid tlie very person i want s id the officer for the ladys maidisa man families inrhuli- messrs slranp ywker kirkpatfick ocu tiildcrslccvc and vihcr shareholder atfimroojork uu bot ft tlie wharf and math svcraleiflco- ful nvohllarwtod the harbor and reiurned to her plat vf starting with an ap of lying up when to the consternation of s the approbation of nany uid aimd the trued the fair scx i gn to 3eek in heaven a socic sly laughter ofihcitiaj wof xvu pas5d in ihc helmsman iv whom my aspect will not annoy for i imagine and engineer toiu f bt of their way lo daih thecw i that freed from it carnal covering my soul will aingwaff ovoljihardiyaucatiiof wind could be felt and not disnwv the inhabitants of the other vorld the usual coldui a canajuft prinr reemvj ciiiiand fur i signed j f two sisters born near st pol in the pasde ca lais france took ihe veil together before the revolu tion of 17s9- on iwttg driven from their convent they continued to inhabit the same dncllinir having bitl one wish ihat iitither might survive the other they had hnih passed their 80th ear when last week both were atlacked with a mortal illness on the satnedny hnih received extreme unction at the snme moment and in u very short time afterwards they both expired a suicide ofa novel kind has recently taken place in the mot populous quarter of paris a younz man 22 years nfage killed himself by taking poion anil irlt the fallowing singular letter on hi tabic 1 die in the catholic religion i leave my mortal remains to my father and mother regretting that they should haveuowed the growth and deve inpemeut ofa creature of so disogrceable a confor mation as their son endowed with most expansive and the tenderer feelings my face line always fiigh tc toront we visited yesterday the new splendid ship toronto wliich is to fake her place in the london line of packets on the 10th of may proximo it is indeed a noble ship being of 650 tons burthen length of deck 142 feet 36 feet breadth of beam of beautiful model arid sitting upon the water like a swan the interior arrangements are ofthe most convenient description improved in va rious respect ovtr those of any other ship we bftffc seen the staternom are larger than isusual and communicate with each other at pleasure by inuer doors for the greater convenience of families and parlies of friend they are also mi off from the sidesuf theship which will render them cooler in summer and prevent any disagreeable odor fiom hilgewater tlje draperies of the staterooms are in excellent taste avoiding superfluity and extrava gance the dining cabin is one ofthe most elegant apartments we have ever been in the doon and pannels are of various woods rose satin mahoga ny birdveycf and curled maple inlaid with veneera ofthe root tastefully distributed and all highly polished there is no gorgeous display of gilding and every ornament seems just what itahould bp a very rich bofa covered with crimson figured plush crushes the heftd of this aloon and at the other end stands a finely toned pftti0 ft be frf nmf manufacture iffte iaoies caluu h more richly fur nished stilt chairs centre table ottomans ofa all of splendid material wnd workmanship the ar rangement of pantries and closets belu and all the conveniences of life is most complete and perfect there is ample room between decks also for a man to stund and walk upright without the danger every other minute of experimenting which is the harden his own cranium or the ship timbers on the whole the toronto may well be pronounced one of the most complete specimens of naval architecture whichever floated beneath the stars and stripes of our country she is to be commanded by capt knbt vriswold an officer who is not only well qua lified lo govern the ship like a sailor but to treat his passengers with the courtesies ofa gemlemau jst y commercial advertiser market price i klkstoxi tues day nay s 1535 s r v d 25 0 do at tlie stall por b n 4 a 0 itliitron hy tiit fehcep per lb i 0 0 a 0 3 a 0 5 a 27 6 a 0 v a 0 0 a o s a 0 0 a 20 0 a 11 3 a 3 3 a 0 u a 0 1 a 3 3 a 2 0 oo a s 6 a 0 1 a 0 0 a 00 n 0 4j 2 0 a a 00 a 0 0 a 0 0 to the ladies just received nnd cor sale by the subscriber a qutinllcj- of ttarden flower pott w p cook siore st may 5ib 1835 magistrates manual the provincial justice is in ihe press and near ly reudy lo issue including the acs of ihe last ses sion communications post paid addressed to the editor will be duly noticed w c keele editor toronto april 23 1935 37

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