the british whig i and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly oirn pra oibh dicor vol ill by e j barker m j- kivgstoy u c tuesday may 5 1835 the british whig a scmiwefckly journal dovotr1 t commercwand rnliliesl iiifdimatiun is published every tuesday st- ftidny evening by doctor barker ediigr and 1roprictor it bit 01- rc- in rear shrwl iuil tlxr lo thi commercial hotel tkrmi fr the huiti31i whig seventeen and su- stow per innum ifpid in advance or within three months rom the receipt ditto first number and one pound if col lected at the end nllhc year ciclnajt i mi no suliscriplinn receivod for wss than six months and no paper discontinued until nil aircrugenore paid up exeepl at the option oitlic publisher bo1etttsfment si liflt and under 2s 6d first insertion nd 7jd saoli subouenliuriion ten lines and under 3 4d firrlitierluininl lud raci inertion above tea lines 4l per line for the first insertion and id per line xot every subsequent in vr lion advcrii i s wiihout written direction- m inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing ailvcrtuonicnts to be in writing produce ofevcry kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agents unless post palp better press printing doctor barker having outlined a most superior press and an excellent mnrtmcdi of job trr is enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatness and ex- jjadiyoo upua leuus hiluerbtiutprocedcully low uppor canada j d- bryce co have removed to kingstreet next door to mr r jackson auctioneer kingston april 28 1935 252 from kingston to toronto nlagaraj etjboybabr imtmjj so wtm 0tbas etfce splenlrfa airt sut jmuttj packet couuucrcinl bank m i the annm i nicotine of the stockholders will be tield at the office of this bank in this town on monday the lirei day of june next at 11 oclock w fiyt ffcf rmryvwr of rrwrntr directors for the ensuing iwel ve month 0 b order of f the board f a harper caihier kingston april 23 ltm 25 i- m agency office the subscriber will locaiq and sttttle land for u e loyalists and military claimant office next door io hid former shop in store street o hatch kiifptnn april 27 1833 26 to let the extensive premise aitunted in store street opposite the commercial lintel utely occupied by mr- w k bartlet ajmlv m the editor or to smith bartlet kimpton may int 1835 st george lieut harper it n cominonder will until the 20th may run as follows to leave kingston april 1ft 23 8ft may 27 ii to leave niagara apiil 20 20 may 4 10 is touching at couoor- port hope and toronto alter the 20th may she will leave kingstoncvery wedncj day and saturday niagnra every monday and toronto every monday and thursday touching at the inter mediate hstti this very superior and beautiful steam boat is propelled b an engine ol 90 horse power she is the only lowpressure schooner- rigged steam vescl on tho lake anao a teaboat there arc none to surpass iftu equal her the st george has accommodation for upwards of60 ca bin passenger and her cabins are well known as elegant spa cious oud comfortable no lmgsacor pared taken thnrgt of uitlew booked m paidor aufrcigkt puyttu onddioery kingston 1st april 1b33 the montreal gazette toronto pruriol and cobourg star will copy tho above advertisement unnl further orders 1835 lake ontario till elegant mtali boat bunk of upper canada public notice is hereby eiven that the annual election of directors for the bank of upper canada to serve fur the ensuing year will be held at the bai k on monday the 1st day of june next at ten oclock in the forenoon as the act directs by order nf the butirri tho d kidout cashier bank of upper canada toronto april 24 1s35 26 editors of tho different nowspipen in tho province will be jpuaveti to eiw ih notice one incnion and cead in tbetr ac rniii in the bank or its otficr the mansion lloihe ki5cstu5 0 c- the subscriber continues to occupy this extensive and well known establishment as an hotel for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situated in stoc street beine the principal and most central utreetin kingston in the business part of the town is convenient to the dif ferent steamboat wlntrvet and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlor bud bed rooms all of which are furnished in the very best style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im- the subscriber having kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the comfort of his guests he will continue lo merit pub lic patronage in the rear of the mansinn house there is a large taro and extensive stabling and where a livery stable is constantly kept tthe mansion house carriage and porters will always be in readiness io couvey passenger rand luggage to and from thediireretit steamboats s carminq kingston may 1935 25 oswego captain j t homans willplv nn lake ontario and the st lawrence kiver as lulluws leaves chdcnvlfurjrh nn friday weninjr kuigmon u siiirj it rooming saekelu haibor siuirihiy nooiij oswego saturday ewmng rochester sunday mornins toronto u- c early mondoy morning reaching lwinton in time to enable possongors to visit the kails and return by lloat sune day lcuves lewiston on monday evening rochtrltsr tuesday morning oswego tuesday ahemoon sacketts harbor tuesday evening kingatim u c wednesday morning and arrive at odensbtirgh same evening touching at french creek morristown altxftiidrtu and brockville travellers intending lo visit tho falls of niagara buffalo or the different place on take ontario will find tho most phaunt cheap and eicdttious routi by taking the steamboat at oswego and rochester passengers leaving lewiton in this boat on monday even ing will arrive at montreal on thursday evening pacing the hon interesting pari tfattbl lawrence river by av liht n bthe oswego commenced hertiips on tliosth april april lc5 24 laxb ontakio arrangement far 1835 2227 iirrf dnu second uay the steam boat william avery fnorslled by two low lhk3uft imuibl j i read aasttr will run till the 1st of juneon the river st lavrrence and lako ontario between ogdensburgh and kochestera follows leaves ojdousburgh at 7 oclock a m april 15 20 20 30 mav5 10 15202530 loaes rochester at 9 a- m aoril 17 22 27 miy2 7 t2 17 ok her trirs up lit aviso kingston sackets harbor oiwego sodus arriving at rochester lli same evening 05 her trtps dowff leaving firsf day sodus oswego second day socket harbor 14 kingston arriving at ogdenslmrgh tho same evening touching at morristown brockville alexandria and french efbfcfc btldp war tin and down 1 rti- if ttsii ariry has undwrgono a ihorougli repair ana no pain nor eipenso have bevn spaied to fit her up lor tlio ac commodation of passengers april 13th ihiv bay and r1vek ii as 8 p 7 a 5 p 9 p m m m 12 m 6 p m- 1 a m 7 a m ttkt fans sail l uk me jhis is to give noiio- that in cnnequetrce of the absconding from my bed nd boftrd of my wife eh- zabelb counter line elizabeth wbitcombe widow 1 will be no longer nnawernble for any debts she may contract euzabetb counter left her home on the 16th of april ult iu company with a young man named frederick thomas and a female child about ten years of age the parties were last heard of in wfltertown n y and are supposed to be now tra- elling towards the citv of new york gborge counter waterloo u c may i 1835 th new york cuiitiuucial adeertiscr and iht albinr ar eas will please to givo tho abov three insertions and ensrge liis oflicb lake ontario arrangements for 1835 o the steamboat will nin america cnpl jociz f tvletl two irips weekly between rochester and kings ion via sodus oswego and shekels harbor follows coming mvtst leaves rochester monday aud thursdays at 5 evening i i sodus dn do 11 evening ontviko tueaday and fridays 9 morning sackets harbor do do 5 evening arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock ootkft or leaves kingston saturday 4 uilerooonwedneday 7 am sockets harbor sunday 7 morning do is norm si oswego do 3aftwtioondo lfl ovening soiltif do y evening thcnday 5 a m- arrivink ai rochester monday at daylight do 9 morning intersecting with the great britain at oswego on wednes days and the constituljoji at rochester on mondays ard thorsdavs on their upward trips to cobourg toronto and niacara also ihn daily boat ai kmgsion running to ogdena- burgh and on the bay of quints iltdcck passengers ffoirig west can by taking this boat ai kingston sackets harbor or oswego reach buffalo for 2 50each by way of the cjuqi from rochester children biw price iwal mcmj 2qcalber downwards will leave the carrying place on monday and thursday mornings at 3 oclock touch nt the ri ver trentt anieliasburgh belleville sophiasbuigh culbertsonv scaulans wharf hallowqll adou phu8town fredericksburgh bath to kingston will leave kingston same day at 6 p m touch at painnaus liauanoque brockville and arrive nt precott in time for the stagea or steainboat for montreal upwards will leave prescou every tuesday and friday p m immediately after the arrival of the stages or steamboat from below touch sit brockville french creek and arrive at kingston early next morning will leave kingston every wednesday and satur day morning at 8 oclock touching at the interme diate places and arrive at the carrying place same evenings in time to meet the stages for cobourg port hope and toronto after the 20th may passengers leaving montreal on monday and thursday mornings can take the kimgston at prescott and will arrive in time for the st george which leaves kingston on wednes day and saturday mornings for cobourg port hope and toronto all packages and luggage at the risk of the own er unlffis booked and paid for every attention will be paid to thecomort of pas sengers and the boat is well adapted to take freight horses ac- kingston april 1835 23 turkey lvdedv the quarrel of thee two power appears to become moie ixncurous every day ne causes of dbputc have occurred from lliedelay on lf of mehemet ali to pay up the arrears of tribu tables are now turned and the sultan is tli p who appears most anxious m find out a plausible excuse for a rupture he continues to strelw hi forces in asia and great bustle is observt at llle arsenal on the other hand the impolitic management of the syrian provinces by ibrahim is estranging from his father those conquests whicj his military skill had achieved a difiturbance ls reported to have bmken out at jerusalem which w no repressed till the place had been partly bunu down by the egyptians ibrahim himself is understood to have sailed for alexandria where hi father had not juat recovered from an alarming indi the last ireaty between the a an russia con tinued to be the subject of nejfitiou between the turkish english and french mefa a prussian diplomatic agent had also arrived either to increase or disentangle the embmgtio inferred that rus sia is hard pressed when slierhft for the medi tation of prussia the treaty question is that which gives to the czar the kev of the dardanelles several fires had occurred atcoihstantmople olwj a ctrtaiu type of the more dang which was mouldering in mens nw- some mitigation of the very injurious custom ittfse regulations was hoped for from the rem oust rnnv f the english and french ambassadors a ktfm in the hamburg correspondent states that the ri of the english fleet from malta to its former nation was a matter of course after having completed its refitting at the ibruur jiluce sweden the king has been alarmingly ill from severe spasmodic pains occasioned byeout lie was how ever quite recovered on the 2sth feb the date of the hint advices burnadotte appear to have sjc ceededin conciliating the good wishesofthe swedes lor the piogress of his dness is iud to have been watched with unnlftctetl public concern he might have done more but we believe sweden is rather his debtor for some benefits which he has conferred upon her mr daumont gives a most flattering picture of sweeden and her king bernadotte is 60 but al most unaltered by time still possessing his noble expressive features bhsxk flowing hair and piercing eyes full of animatirn when conversing of his campaigns in italy fie is accessible to all and much loved by his peofie he has vastly improved agriculture almost annihilated the taxes and ha an army of 120000 men oscar is 34 a swede in every thing from his birth upwards fond of chem istry and mathematics and especially music the right hon james abercrombie m p for edinburgh city and speaker of the house of commons is the third son of the gallant sir ralph abererombie who felt in egypt in 1801 1 and brother of the present lord abercrombie he was bred to the bar and first nat in parliament for midhurst in 1307 he afterwards sat for calne and other whig boroughs hut never represented anv large consti tuency till his election fr edinburgh for which he was elected in 1332 on the passing of the reform uill he was absent from parliameot during the agitation of that important measure having been appointed by the duke of wellington as chief baron of the scotch court of exchequer almost a sinecure office aod one which he was greatly insiru mental iu abolishing retiring with a pension of 2 000 under the short melbourne administration and after the succession of the stanley party he held seat in the cabinet with the office of master of the mint he has voted for triennial parliaments is friendly to the ballot and is opposed to the taxes on knowledge and to the present corn laws alarming pire at the new house of commons wllltlli ilia um iiiw m font farvthehewhoiiw off commons has bad a narrow escape of afinring a similar fate to the former e- some workmen employed in the building we passing along the corridor of the committee rotftw when smoke was observed issuing from underrtith the door of no 12 committee room the dtfr was found to be locked and some time relapfd before it could be opened but an entry having wen at last effected a vast body of smoke and flartm rushed forth and the interor of the room was fomd to be completely on fire the canvas hangings bog actually blazing and taking his place further back on the third row behind his former position some p feacisi too tlmt considerable change had taken rlace in tbew adopted by the lion member these cir cumstances have caused credence to be given to certain rumours which had been current in the day ufa rupture having taken place between the hon and learned member and his late associates on the front benches morning past miseries op emigrants a talsofthb sea- five young men named richard elwood thomas kenny patrick connor john jameson and john hennesacy applied to the sitting magistrate mr broderip for his advice under the following very peculiar and afflicting circumstances elwood sta ted that he and his companions left liverpool on the 26th of october lat on board the henry hull bound to new york there were 12s passengers in all many of whom were women and children they had pretty fair weather until the beginning of november when they had much foul weather and in a gale of wind the vessel was dismasted at this jwriod they were within 300 miles of the american shore but after they were dismasted they drilled above 000 mile and according to their reckoning were approaching near to the south american coast when hey fell in with the sarah an american ves sel captain cornet commander who finding them in the most imminent danger took them all out of the ship which was left to drift on the occean or sink into his own vessel and behaved most humane ly to them captain comet made sail for st johns newfoundland aud in 24 days fell in with the ge neral hewitt eastludiaman a freetrader in which hip part of the emigrants among were the appli cants were placed the sarah taking a portion to st jufms arid other co lwrni whence thev had embarked the applicants had landed at black- wall on thursday wiihout any articles of the least value and without a farthiug iu their pockets in answer to questions by the magistrates the appli cants stated that they had lost all their little proper ty which they had embarked with at liverpool when they wrut in search of happier climes and attribu ted thft loss of the vessel to the drunkenness preva lent amongst the officers aud crew after they were tuken on board the sarah they were exposed to the inclemency o the weather on the deck night and day there being no room below as the ship was almost filled with cotton the captain of the sarah behaved in the kindest manner to them all but he had not provisions for the supply of such an increased consumption and during the twenty days the applicants were on board the sarah they much from hunger and thirst being allowed ouly half a biscuit per day and a gill of water there was plenty of salt beef but ofthisthey could not eat as it only increased thirst one poor woman begged for a draught of water which however could not be spared and she died shortly afterwards two other women and three children also died in the sa rah in consequence of drinking salt water and three children perished on hoard the general hewitt the sufferings of all was must dreadful and some became quite mad the applicants here gave a most heartrending account ol the horrible condition of the unhappy emigrants in consequence of the rant ul food and water and their exposure to lie cold mr broderip said that all lie could do for them was to order some temporary relief for them from the office poorbx which he would do he trust ed that the case would become known to to the pub lic through the medium of the newspapers and he had but little doubt that the benevolence of the pub lic would afford them that assistance which the ur gency of the case demanded the unfortunate ap plicants were then presented with a shilling each and withdrew thanking the magistrate for his kind ness one io seivice from the flooring to ill ecen g and having already storage anil wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he lias rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire at the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals iu town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavors of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fined up for the reception of baffiage- barton phillips kington april 23d 1335 communicated to different portions of the woodwork the hanging were directly ww down and a ready supply of buckets of water bemg obtained the fire was prevented from spreadingnd eventually extin guished wirhout doing any considerable damage it was most fortunate the ditfovery was made at the moment it was or otherwise the lapse of only a few seconds would in all probability have produced a repetition of the late catastrof he on the same spot in what manner the fire originated has not been accounted for but a rumour is strongly circulated ascribing its taking place to ht overheating of the flues to warm the house ltmdon courier the discussion which took place last night in the house of commons on mr odyers motion for the production of a private aud confidential order issued to officers acting io ireland in the suppression of riotous assemblages is remarkable chiefly for the conflicting opinions it elicited from the whig and radical sections of the opposition it is evident from the difference of sentiment expressed upon this occasion and not expressed without some degree ol acrimony on either side that the members of the late government and the oconnell tail are not held together by any very firm lasting or kindly ties alter much mutual bickering between these partita the motion was withdrawn at the suggestion of lord john russell and on the understanding that so muchof the order should he promulgated iu ireland as in the opinion ofhia majestys government is expedient with a view to warn rioters iu ireland of the decisive ctfurse which the military are ordered to pursue when brought into collision with them had a division taken place upon the question it is evident that the two sections of the opposition would have been on opposite sides at a meeting of the shareholders of the thames tunnel held today it was nnnnunced that the com pany had received a grant ofj 16 000 on loan for the purpose of completing the work mr brunei the engineer has commenced the workings after an interruption of seven years ma ocomcmit- some sup was created in the house of commons last niyht thursday from the circumstance of mr ocontielp changing his seat from the front ro on the opposition bencher- extraordinary robbery a robbery was com mitted a few days since under very singular circum stances at the shop ol mr capell n pawnbroker in old street a handsome coal worth three guineas had been exposed for sale but nfterwards upon examination of the different pledges that had been received in the course of the day the identical coat was found amongst them pawned for xi i lit shopman remembered having received it iu pledge from a smart looking young man in the course of the afternoon upon inquiry it was ascertained from an old man who keeps an applestall hard by that he had about the same time observed three young men standing about the shop door but they appear ed to him so much of gentlemen that he hud uo sus picion of any thing wrong it appeared clear how ever that they were some of the swell mob who having stolen the coal at the door immediately car ried it into one of the sideboxes to borrow a aove- reign upon it from the pawnbroker himself entitled in cam phrase their uncle atnone the numerous anecdotes that are in circu lation relative to the wholesale bribery practised by the tories at a certain infamously corrupt town in kent the following may be relied upon when some of the reform party found they were likely to be beaten through the system of buying votes thej resolved to fight the devil with his own weapons accordingly seven of the precious freemen were ga thered together and promised 20 per man per hog rather for their independent suffrages the terms were agreed to but the whole seven polled for the tory candidate when remonstrated with upon this breach of engagement one of them re plied lord sir how could we help it tother side m kiv d us five tenpound notes apicce the plan ofbnberv practised by the tories at this degraded place was as follows each of the swinish multi tude received em he went to the poll table the halves of the banknote which would make up his price after polling lie repaired to a certain bank and exhibited tltofc halves le was thenasked did you vote fort he named the candidate sw vou vote was the next question and who who if the reply proved satisfactory the full amount of the scamps bribe was handed over to him wiihout lur- way three voters shared ther ceremony in this 300 between them a waggou load often person was bought for 700 weekly dispatch the people of the apostate times have gone ra ving mad because mr e j stanley at the nomina tion for south cheshire charged that journal with having prostituted its powers- the 7ym sapient- ivinfunns us that prostitution means the commis sion of crimes for hire and it very courageously dares mr stanley to prove that its conductois ever received the wages of prostitution we have clearly shown that the times folks were no great while ago bribed both by place and pension but the present apostacy of that utterly degraded jour nal may have been mote snugly managed and there fore it raty nfcly pwbot the impossibility of pro the m stone of readet m dc igitototit of the comminrion of the crime but let thai pass the times has always been addicted to bullying arid to calling names and how bavin in its rage under the hi of deserved instigation exhibited the sore place shown the raw the jarvey tribe expresa it 7te times has fixed upota itself a title which will not soon be forgottea thi title is varied in words conveying the same mean ing according to men ideabof politeneas ttlua your mincing fine gentlemau calls the times the lady of easy virtoe he who speaks rather plain er terms it the courtesan or the flarlot while saucy newsboys and unwashed artificers franklv style it the old w j the duke of sussex was to undergo die opera tion of couching in a few weeks mr alexander protiise sure success buteix weeks must elapse after the operation has been performed ere he will be allowed to read or take his pen mr hume having in the course of he discussion on the irish tube bill imputed conduct to sir r peel inconsistent with the feelings of a man of ho nor in adopting a meure which had been opposed by his party last session sir robert wrote a private letter demanding explanation which was given on the pan of mr hume who denied that in what he said he meant io impugn sir robert honor as a gentleman he had no intention to make any such personal charge the new speaker has had the splendid mansion assigned to him by government of the earl of war wick in carltoogardens next door but lord stanley s he will a have a new ofplate and the expense of fitting up hi ne niwi- ion wh be defrayed by the treasury the lord chancellor of ireland sir edward sug den and hi daughter miss sugden have arrived in london it is reported that he has returned in great anger the rumor goes that his lady was refused admission to the viceregal panics because she lived with the learned gentleman in question some years before marriage the husband resent this exclusion as a groas insult extractof a letter from toulon dated march 11 the squadron of the united states which is at the balearic islands u composed of two ship of the line two frigate a sloop of war and a guo brig this assemblage of a naval force in the me diterranean is symptomatic of a rancaxous feeling towards france this conduct is occasioned by projects which do not escape the notice of our go vernment since a frigate has been dispatched to mv hon in otder to watch the movements of the squa dron and report thereon this vessel la bellone has orders to remain at mahon until the departure of the united states fleet such a demonstration on the part of the union considered with reference to its claims upon france is a sort of threal com- mercial people are a little uneasy in consequence of the presence of these vessels and the americans soy that more are expected westminster sir francis burdstt thisi day ut twelve oclock a deputation from the parish of st anne westminster waited upon sir francia burden to request an explanation of his conduct relative to the choice of a speaker and lothe amend ment to the address to his majesty in answer to ins speech ihe deputation consisting of a number of most respectable electors in the city expressed tiiatr extreme regret and disappointment at the count which the right hon baronet thought fit to pursu on these occasions and stated that their feelings oo the subject where shared by the gieat majority of the electors sir francis said that he bad acted and always would act according to his own judgment aud lidded that if he did not so act he did uot think he should be an honest man he was reminded by the deputation that he was elected to represent the interest and opinions of the constituency of west minster and nut his own exclusively aud that they looked at his conduct on the questions referred to as likely to l uotucuve omufc 0 francissaid he could not view the matter in this light and again repeated that he must be allowed to take his own course he further added that lie did not believe that the pretent or uny other government now the reform bill had passed could endanger the liberties of the country and he considered that measure not as it was in cant phraseology represen ted a means to an end hut an end and a very great end too in answer to a statement by one of the gentlemen that a requisition calling upon him to resign was in course of signature he said very well let them send it to me with their reasons and i will give the best answer i can bull will not allow this place to be made a parliament to discuss subject which would require a weeks debate the gentle men then withdrew you have no doubt seen a rumour about tha condition of her majesty in relation to a much-to-be- desired event as the cant of the morning post m fashionable tcortduzd it now this alleged condition was a mere speculation of the toties to get up snn- pathy in her majestys favour her popularity having suffered of late owing to her marked leaning toward the tories the spec did not answer however instead ofbehig overwhelmed with loyal delight the loyalty of the people took another turn they worn the king had been cheated that the qeen had not been to germany for nothing and so forth ribald jokes songs and caricatures bearingalluston lo the event were heard and seen at the corner of every btreet so that a last the rumour wascon- tradicted thus all that the tories have done ia they have injured the reputation of an innocent person but they care not rau h for that they are a selfish crew aud quite unscrupulous as to the meanm by which they attain their ends ajeu tptsprit attributed to lord alvanly pointed at the supposed favoured noble in the following quotation oh lord how wonderful are thy works the following synopsis of sir robert peels mar riage bill is taken from the leading article of the london time its provisions will jar awfully against the superstiou notions of the antiquated and illiberal the right hon baronet then proceeded to de tail the provisions of the bill which he asked for leave to bring iu they lie in a very small compass they compel all persons dissenting from the estab lished church to enter into the contract of marrigu before a magistrate making marriage therefore ia their case legally a civil contract but the parties are of course permitted to go afterwards to the pa rish church or to their own places of worship and fulfil the religious cerehionies ordained by the spirit ual authorities who preside in them thus tho form of marriage with regard to the member of the church of england remain unaltered with regard