Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 1, 1835, p. 2

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for sale a new frame house and ihe interest i n mwxpired leaw of t years to come to bookbinders- a complete et of machinery for the performance rtiho ahoveftrt iili rutins machine dad a copperplate press or rollins mill with steel rol ler fgoofl security be iffordej a reonoble lime mill he ilven for payment of the above for particulars aaply if by letter post paid to simon harrison rear 8trcet kingston aprils 1333 20 observe any persons dctirous of leaving the town or ntiierttuc wuhiny to dispose of their furniture c immediately by private ale will readily meet iih q purchaser by applying to the subscriber j linton anctwncir kingston april sih 185 5 dollars reward v i10kver will give such information to the sub scriber as shall lead to ie discovery of the person or persons who destroyed iskifk lying at mr farleys bench on saturday last will receive the abojc reward peter lenea jun kingston april 20 js35 33 for sale by the subscriber a quantity of prime smoked hams kingston march 4th lb35 w p cook waterloo mill- the subscriber hiving leased the mill seat belnnc- ing to mr mienjab pndy in the sllii conreaaiun ofi the township of kingston near waterloo hjn erected a substantial grist mill with two run of stones and a bolt capable of maun- acturiitj flour of the best quality and hopes by ihe steady attention he intends to pay to bis business to merit ihe patronage of the suroundin neighbor hood richard tuffley waterloo march 25 1s35 1 5 wanted five or ix u e rights for which cash wi paid on their passing the hoard at toronto quire at the british whig office kingston 28th march 1335 ii be en 17 robwardiko i 15 ottawa sz kideau forwarding com- v h 3 ml ur h re o ii ak n at this place drummoiupa wharf narelher with the new wharves and tildinie by mr kirkpatrick which wi idy mi the opening of he navigation at which itme thcmniauy will be prepared to receive and forvard by good snbstantial dtcktd vessels any freight thai ni y oiler between this and montreal jv i the rideau canal upon as favorable lems ai b- taken frnm riyscott to montreal as e c i ktnve freight barges hill v i ie wliole distance there can i ii i v tnli virui i b- towed no du- feillmufe- ov alii r i c t n e iill here lw any delay to tin lake steam 4t and ho mere discharging freight on com- ponys wharves intended for this une geo brush drummouds wharf kingston march 23d 1835 c5the patriot of toronto will for three months agent insert the above 15 teii ponnds reward qj a reward of ten pounds will be paid by the undersigned to any person that will give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the perpetrators of the brutal ouirage committed on his person on the morning of the 23th inst e j barker m d kingston march 30ih 1835 just received and for sale by the subscriber 10 bales new liid rope 1 do sale seine tw 1ie a lso fresh uardes seeds gbokub armstrong kingston april 1st 1 835 18 cvmrail -r- c- lands i t jvr- ttth march ikii public notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at this office un- lil 12 oclock noon at which hour they will be opened oi the first day f may next for a lsafts of the right to fish lor three years os the military reserve at the rapids of the st clair in the township of a t ifiuiiiutltr wjiidni district the persons proposing muse tatc the sum annual ly to bo paid aud furnish the names of two aecuri ties for the due pnyment of the rent the letter to be directed to the cmnmissiflnfr of crown hands and endomed texdeit fur tub fishery at toe bapids of the st olair peter robinson 13 commissioner of crown land by auction on the firt day of may next nil bo sold without reserve by public auction miles previously disposed of by private tsalc the undermentioned two story frame house vith lot 110 feet by 51 feet appertaining to jw thomas webster situated in dame st leading from the scotch church to the new hospital consisting if parlour dining room kitchen and 1 bedrooms with a good well and sink in the kitchen linton auctioneer kingston april 7th 1335 20 for furthers particulars see handbills hereafter or make application to the subscriber albo 200 acres of land no 23 in tho 11th con cession of the township of pittsburg j l ceokge moss tailoh grateful for the patronage he has received lospectfully begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public that he continues to carry on the tailor- vj fwiness at his old stand iwt door to mr ecnj f dav sore in bath cutting done bath march 2nd 1535 removal mrs smith midwife in returning her sin cere thank to the public for the kind patronage she has met with since her arrival in kingston begs leave to inform her friends tliit she has removed to that house in brewery street lately occupied by mr shaw coroner kingston april 6 1p35 19tf patrick egan will pay cash for rags hock home c aec p- eg an market square marc 2nd 1935 notice is hereby givpn that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late hksby w wilkinson esq all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested 10 p i v the nnumit of tlirir accounts without delay and those having claim to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the iih day ot mav next thomas smith kingston november 17 1s3 336m large call and see the subscriber has for sale at his store quantity of clover seeds pork mackerel corn brooms warden seed 600 pair indian rabber shoes starks aud co axes warranted a lso a good supply of sole and upper leather calf skins e all of which will be sold at low prices for rash or hides q7cnsh paid for hides calf skins wool sheep and lamb skins w ford market square kingston march 12 1 635 12 just keceived ami foh sale by the m list ieimiii garden seeds of every description tiinotltv and clover seeds p egan market square march 2nd 1835 shoemakers wasted- employment will be given by the subscri ber to 20 journeymen shoemakers applv early john murray kingston march 30 1830 l3w tlte montreal hirilil will nleaoe to ropy this for one month ami snrl their account to the whig oflicfl boots shoes gloves c j perss pirt nnd hourly expects tlie re- a has received a maituler of ins fall supply of lndies and misses london made boots shoes all of the most seaioniulf kiiu viz lrnnella slipperp hlack nnd colored shoes and root cloth boots iiotoifheil do fur boots and shoot carpet slippers carriacts snow and ghs- ler isoolstlcane of iadtes nod misses extra made fancy and oilier boots and shoes nueh as arc made only lor retailing in the first shops in the city -also- 12 grost of boys and childrens boots and shoes ladiev kid and other gloves gentlemens buck and kid do of the beat quality and being imported direct from the manufartory can he afforded very low lamb skin wool stocks best london made portmanteau large sized brussels travelling bags moose deer hiding boots and a large assortment of ladies gentlemen youths and childrens superior india ftobhci overshoes london drcswd koan and suiver russia leather shoe thread awls black and magpie binding galloons hand punches size sticks best polished lasting tucks shoemakers kits and watchmakers files hall steadt patent heel spvign shoe buckles slides ladies shoe li for harness and ornaments lot nor london va vki leather igsley s supe- tnd shoes ii patent leuilier and patent leather straps aud kinds of manufacturing materials in thetihuc uni also a verv extensive aesurtm nt of a eit u i it consisting of best philadelphia bend new york best inspected rood and damaged spanish sole leather 20 doz new york calf skins heavy and middling buenos avresverv heavy do upper lea- thes and kips lining and binding sking black goat morocco buck and doe skins a large quan tity of his own manufactured boots and shoes con stantly unhand making his assortment the bctaud most extensive he has ever oflered for sale- all kinds of work made to order as usual at the shortest notice- a liberal discount to wholsulc cus tomers n nit km iyw jt4 fkomthk pkrth iiotki respectfully infornm ihe in- llaiitoiltm of kiiilionnml v etravel- lingr community iliathnhiu eeed that extensive and commoilious house of entertainment known by the ininie of ihe kingston hotel where itu his intention to devote the hole of his time and study to the comfort and convenienc of his quests the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough tepair has been completely refumished and painted aud is now one of the handsomest poblic houses in the province is ndmirablv being 92n fisu just received and will be nm low foi cueh 150 hlschnmont bay herrings iu prime order 20 cwt fresh cod fw 0 kegs cods sounds cuplin 10 nnnh shore herringe 20 boxes digby do b u patrick egan market square march 2nd 1605 to let that excellent stone dwelling hnun ttituuled in ihe 18t nan of smri mireet tnnl lately in the oceu- putiuii of 51 s hidwell eq for terms apply to abraham trnax or tpij v- lv 0t 5st vi well situated fbi the convenience of travellers near the lake shore and commanding n full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the houe the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment i a large altd capacious vard with excellent stabhng kingston may 9th is34 27 medical card dr percy moork member of tin rnal collcce of burgeon in lo don having received his excel- lency the lieut lovemocv license to piaciice the three branches of the profession begs leave to it form the inhabitants of ernestown camden poc laij and loughborough that he has taken uo a permaucnt residence near siuunous mills er ies- town where he shall be happy to attend to any me dical applications simmons mills dec 26 193j 41 3m foii sale jy the subscriber loo boxes of b liverpool soap samuel piiippen kingston januaiy 16ih ij5 4g for sale ftv the sv08criber quantity of the ust garden selds raided in cambridge n v bv f by him to be good kingston march 1th 1s35 crosbv ind wairiinted p cook for sale y the subscriber a quautiiv of lath shinnies boards and floor plank w p- cook- kington marehlib 1635 2000 yards domestic flannels a eapif1 nrticle fill warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale lv the piece or otherwise by w k bartlet storcst kingstm nov 21th 1831 32 kingston foundry this establishment i now in lull operation and the pioprietor is rcslvediospare no expense to ren der it woity or pubic eueoiungement he trusts that as to materials uid workmanship and variety of castings the kiobtos foundry will be found second to no simila establishment and that there will hereafter be n necessity for sending to the united slates for cst wkh they maybe had in thw province there will be kert 0n or manufactured to order all kinds uf castings for sw 9uu and flour mills the establishmen l now furnished with patterns dfthe oswego olid ochester plans and persons building mills can i supplied with goud castings on as reasonable tcr9 as they can be procurej in the state ofnewytf saw mill cranlf i r ulling mill cranks mill screws at 3 jigbter screws and clothiers screws die stalks taps and dies for screwing bobs on the best plan sleigh shoes and fa- ning mill irons fi different kinds of ploughs waggon boxes pp bo and axletrees for carrtaees screw tops mafp frn 4 to 20 threads to the inch letters cut fir brands and stamps brjjfs castings made of every diinet si on cast steel axes whole sale or retail all j- of finishing done in the best manner in addition to the present conveniences for cast ing the proprietor i now building a cupola so as to be able to make a casting from 1000 to 2000 lbs weight the public are im o examine the works of the foundry and judge for themselves the proprie tor think it will cd in finish and cheapness with that or any oth- establishment or the kind d a pattern m ke al lll foundry to make patterns ifftweot also f evcrv size and bolting cloths burr mill stones of the bestdcscripiif- fu as cheap as can be pro cured in any part o be united states the for mer manufactured hi bv mr l bostwick kingston january i 0the iiallowl rip bclitillt intelligencer cntmhin star port hope whnrt inj brotkvillo rccordor will give ihe above three mscttuua sending their account to the chiun- clo it gazone office new wine nd spirit warehouse the advertiser ivffe leave to return his sincere hanks to his friend- for the extensive support he has received since bis nm men cement in business and informs them that bas removed from his old stand to that large and commodious brick store lately in the occupation olmessrs rose cameron and situated next door mr olcotis tavern in store street he now offers fif 9 an extensive assortment of the very best liuors consisting of port madei ra tencriffe and nccai lo wines in boitle and cask coanac and spanish brandies hollands and english gin scotch itish and canadian whiskey jamaica and other spirits shrub and peppermint the kle well worthy the attention of private families tavern keepers and country shopkeepers hits stock of the fcst groceries is also large com prising all kinds of irecn and black teas kenned and muscovado sgjrs spies rice raisins cheese butter strb table salt saltwater fish of sundry descripti pork sec c almi china glass antleartbeuwarc sole and upper leather hollownn- hardware blacking brushes cordage oats oniand corn meal flour with a variety of other wtf to which he respectfully in- vites the attention nwmere coming to town with their produce lor which be will pav the bub est price grain of every description bought and sold kingston dec 9 s31- w p cook just published k hiw asd c05cise svsinti or ahitmwitic calcultd to facilitate ihe i- h y i r r l ii- it h i this arithmetic inn been published under the pa tronage of his exiitlency sir john colbome k c b the hon and venerable the archdeacon or york thekev dr flan is principal of the u c colletre sec price ten shillincflper dozen half bound eastwood skinner tnrnntn nov s am 32 j b iiumyx tailok efis leave to infoim the inhabitants of bath and it viciniiy t his niioo that he irei in this phce res orders in bis business s uc li as favor hiw with their punrtiiallv and neatl exenued bath january 23rd ffls work shall find it 49 the maps book ninth vol imr sx icposilorn fov ittustc 13nnribtnb ftoo cut poetry am prosb bv tub m08t clxkchatjju authors published at 3 dollars hy l a uubkv a flu fiimii ihhuni i laiimln ilitfi philadelphia a nivican leather 8lore jut rewivrd md for sale by ihe subscriber at his cheit cah srni r church street one door mumii of mr palmit dmggfat store market square the following goods viz sides beeihpamnh sole leather do do bluugiirrti do o do do upper leather do do ii r n tts do do bridle do do calcutta calf skitih kipp do bbl pork do mackarel do salt- piiospfotxjs of a work to nt prblisiibd by j mackintosh in cimphftnr with thr rniwi ftf mmffoop ftietuim ihrcojihaht iowpr m ltpwr canndi n n nir i hnvr nw finintu mv work ion mssstd tor antiuctlv oftiik iiabl of alx n an erin a vindication of tub national um- ac- 1h oftjih uabi anda rrammaltokthk cab- lic lanouacsk which will bernl i hie pnv u oooo auib- clciii no ml v orulmcnbcra can tr procurfil part i in ftmpll ihla lnrf vctth ofihe arnkjohj ofttw oaa i have col krtaloiy motrrinui fft uk mo vrtrvcnol iiniingiirku ibo hove i- curiiinr outcci a frw prquoiccil wriurn ure lb only hunorinflff wtolnw qurithm1 he liijtm nittioiiiiy nrutir nnd cartycivllitnlion or ihr until wh dooi grtki oj ifotitkott tinvr left dtnple tcntimonk itchmd na which luicnilv popml ihe prcimionri or the gael tbiinnornocr ofwculwwcvct it umt bf fimrtl was owtn lo ucir iiiutkilfulncp in tur uintktc lit which ihe mfocurtu or the im- iinvcn anoually rtxonlcj or ihcirfii i have ari- irn ffurti national jciiloiy ntenirim n rival tt3tinfi whilm perotnbuta tine uirctili a 1ab noih orolicjirity ami aniiaully t have not referred to ontl irohuon nor lo tlc udoviafal nhntioii ofliic flurtn ami kcnacrnw nor biwititc5jiottroicd in naiiuiiiiiiiclbcprfina of imtf nution flit llv conirnr- mv whiuw mr f ihe ml omnpcqctahv ehnrac te hilr grrereotul koittt lw jiusriit miiivtiary txaiitinl spncr uw hlmlnoiitn rnihe venerable ucu aevcral ooicr outbenue iiiii r- iiij fuvorabic to my pcrtitioir part ii lhccrcf1panconmofnvlni1tcatiinofilenattonauhrflrtrortle oticlni i lbvoaid woks fratp ue raise ana prrjudkil rfmrgca ofpiiikertoaand other whohove many dieiplcsto rriteroteuwr oen- tiinriw the celu ihry awert were ofall lirttol ihe mowt deficient inuflficrttnfiiliogt awl totally unable ioraicthcmwv to the oje of kkiriv toihefinrtlreph- jnthenirtrmoue ir irarninc bravery an j hospimiiiy iflayarty to their lawful sovereign anil fidelity to tficir friend betheconmiineolfwrwortmrbariiy- to ihcseeondl hvewm reply in le uinrrantive ir be wtuibietoraieilremelvcii in the acalcof ie- tyaamh in aiorniitfr the senate or ahloias at tle bar or m dcckiaj their browaintheocldofalorn with never fiiilinc laurel jhc lolly aotioiw ofmtrar whbeji tmbuol the roinds of the ancient celts nnd nwed hero to deed or admirable ticrounn and ttrilcmg gctieroaiiy is u proof or ekvaiioaofmlod and reflqcrocntofaemimeol part iii thuhirrl part consiaw ofa gaelic fraramar m frarolait which i have spared no pain wits hopca that ll ivlilvcqd in sonic rucasiire to pre- acrve inla aocieat language from perishing n the revoluiiooa of novelty andrwuoo to prove the anwfluit of this lanenage and to show how highly lojrmfid the loneaogrs ofckero anil ucinoatbenca orcto the gae lic ftr coplowni majerty and melody i have dilicemly coiiated tlie gaelic with the latin greek and several other ancient and modern lunrtjactsppokeamtheeamand west being influenced wnrely hy a love arthe task without refcrcjice to pecuniary cocsh lent lion it is to be thai all the gar who eitlier ropect 1 1 ictq selves tfteircountr uaetr tanruage will ahow a spirit o rem u lotion la cnablice this work to oppftr tlir miowine papers are most respectfully rcqoesiecl to copy the above prteetu and by sodoingibey ahaji receive a copy ofihe work with ti hanks of the author tercunsnd gazelle quelle vindicator gaxeuennd herald mon treal patriot and correspondent toronto cor nwoll observer brock villecoptibtutioa coboos rta the tmth teller old coontryrnan sod trmrraot new york thelucrary and catliolle seutiae boston kiii april 7 l prospectus or a wohx to k estltllo the milesians or sin inquiry into ibe origin and history of the irish bv robert jbffer8 10 the public some or ihe greatest and most important nitmcoveries bad their riic from apparently trivial or occidental circumstance oneoiuke most diminfulshed members of the hiehlnnd sorieiyof kinsstoo io a company where the author ortms t was prsent listened that the irish had 0eir ornrin rrom the llkbland or what he enhed celtic scots and that the progenitarsorboihthe one atvltlie oth er hnd come acrosm the t3trat of dover from the continent oreurope this simple occarrence determined the author to iukitote this innuiry h4 hopes to prove bemud pqsvuuty of successful eontrmlictton l thatute insh arc prognitort in ihiacase ami u jccnjsij ii that all who have rightful claim to the garlic and irish as their no- rte tongnftffchad onienmmnn orisjn- si1i that their firtraihersdtt not eninoacrosa the straitor dove nor from the ijotitiocntorkurope- iv that although geocruphrol awl pi ovidential elreamstancecnntc he u iri to be awsi coisi1ered as pnrt nnd pareel of the scottijh niition their natural eonuec tion at with ireland and that as to oefjra and hac n nore eonnecuoa wlihthe bsmsjssj scuts thytt tticv have with the t0iuviiilon of ifwodrsi or km in the prosecution or thi work a rattf will he thrown in towards that most desirable or itttk thme vuiow ann tht montmf krin if- wellnso kindly feeling lctwecii iheni oul allotiier nutiiia it nto honed to remove jun ground prejudice againxi the national chariici i and by wlnsm fattae tarnish ol unjust mirrpresentationlo eahibiiilie pure kmkrald ia all its native latr o outt it n hall be proved on honor utnl not nlsrraer to be connected with irelantf in floe the anllvor i euhndent he can prove that the mil mi iihc mot fthetfiwiar eabtcd on the race of the earth conditions the work shall come otitic numbers price one smsfffr imint each and as the author doen not expect to pn except m ms atoualru- oeation so ho cannot afloe1 to utt it u there sre expected ihatcach sun scriterwill pay lor ox number in advance on puitiiutdowo his name to tlte author or to mr david 1cahy orkinrsfoo with whom the amount will be deposited until the number are given inn- his hands far delivery public spirited jnd influential irishmen in montreal quebec toronto new york pihlsdclihia baltimore ii c ore recjucated to aid in the suhiirhptioojor undhaleoruas work when any amount wortli lornrdiog issubacrtbed ihey will please rft elctrotiaoney directed to arebibnlcf mcdonnell lri not mcdonnm haic bank kineston who sbail retain it until the namlsrra ore deliver ed to him to be fbrwanted t aa there is a fellow citizen of cork with ihe author who nit u hiph situatina in charleston s c iif- is hcretw tnot respectfully solicited to aitift the furtherance and sale of this ikmi work all editors in canada and the failed stutcs who ieel lytendty to the irish will pleaiemiriertthmprepictne mswtlafl e i r r l to a tepy nftht watt kitmfwn feleunr p ikli n h taoe who wu to act as agents for this work on their ibr- nrdfejjj the phec of 0 iiumhers thy swll have foewardr to them lu for i6 laey slwillbiivc 19 a for 23 they shall have 02 ibriheprkcoral they hau have forwarded 63 forwarding the ottawa steamboat company havinp in crcatied tlieir capital stock by the purchase of three steamboat on the rideau canal in order 10 com plete and extend their line to kingston will here after transact their business under the nmeof thie ottawa and rideau for warding company the undersigned the coniniiitec chosen to man age the altuirs of aaid 500 3im 301 3011 100 2im 800 200 100 100 100 per annum at tiif blpnk ovcd fob salk nntrish nine k omen memorial- also 20 boes of siark co beat broad nud ni i- row axes a variety of stave of different size and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil to- fether with a variety of other necowary article in his tine of business the whole of ihe above goods will be disposed oi on uncommonly low price ttthp hiirhrtl price in cash paid for hides cjilifxt wool sheep skin8 william for a kniqpton dercml cr 11 1931 37 iron sale 300000 of well burnt red rck by timothy chapman all kinds of ruuiniry produce taken iu pnyment 1hvn errctftoti q3i loif company are dutermiued to use tlieir best endeavours to secure the confi dence of the public by having a siifticicnt number of steamboats and other craft on the ottaa and liidfair waters suitable stores and steady capable and attentive agents clerks and conductors to per funn the forwurding business with fidelity safety and despatch although the committer would nrtt ih to un derrate the advantages of any other route they con fidently solicit the encouragement of the public in general as their charges will be moderate and they trust that losses and vexatious d hiap point men to caused by delay and damage may he avoided both upward and downward by having tlieir persons and property conveyed on this route for emigrants this line of communication is par ticularly adapted as they may embark all their lug gage along with themselves on board a covered boat and continue in the same the whole length of the line to kingston being towed the entire dis tance the committee consider insurance unnecessary from the superior safety of this ronte but as acci dents cannot always be avoided any persons con fiding property to their care are particularly request ed to order insurance if they wish it to be done on the opening of the navigation the company will be ready to do an extensive business with the following boat the shannon receiving two new engines of 40 hone power each a jvvtt boat building to receive the shannon engine 56 hoise power the ottatca with a 50 horse engine and the st andrews together with five steamers on the rr- nrau canal aud a competent number of covered barges peter mcglll john redpatii john m olson jun thomas phillips john frothlxghamciiainuo emery gushing agent all persons indebted to the ottawa company are called upon to settle their accounts with as little de- lav ar possible fwb 21 1s35 notice circumstances having made it necessary fur the subscriber to withdraw from the business of chair making which he has followed for 20 years past in this place he would take ibis method to express his sincere thanks tothe ladies and gentlemen of kingston aud upper caoada generally for that sup port and favor he lias so long received und which will ever be remembered with gratitude the business will b continued in he same place by mr u ygckley who is pially recom mended to the public as a worthy mechanic and by whom nil previous contracts will he completed it in scarcely necessary to llintu litems indebted u him that he must collect bin debts immediately and will p as soon as possible c hatch kingston march 31 k3 15 tondotf 1ine of packetgti prieiora of thia liticof packets having iocrcssetf the iitimhr oflhrir ship- will hereafter despatch oa nf them from kow york and from portimiutli rn ihclst loihandsoikand from london on itic 7 17th and 27th olevvr month ilnoughnut tlic year fix from kbit york 1 ship samson d charlwick matter 10 ship toronto new it gru 20 ship ontario ma ship westminster new h l chnpli 10shipst james new wm8 sebor 20shjp montreal c ilchamphin may mnv may june june june julr july july aug an aug j line juno juno july jul july aug- aup aug sep sep raasior 1 ship canada thomas britton 10 ship new master 20 ship hannibal f fl hebarrl mwtcr lshippiiilairelpiita e e moimrr master 10 ship president genrpe moure mastrr 20sliip samson i cliwdwkk nimer from lqxdox 27 philadklimiia j ivr portsmouth im juic 7 president imvus pirisnrnmh june 10 17 samson istivu pomkmjurh june 30 27 toronto leave purtrfmnui j l 7 ontario umvoporismiuih july 10 17 westminster leaves portsmouih july 20 27 1 uciv haves porumouth aug 7 iovriell6ovr portsmouth aug 10 17 canada invcn portaftoulh aug 27 f new leaves portsnioutli sep 1 cp to 7 hannibal iravc portsmouih 17 philadelphia leaves portinomh sep 20 these ships are all oflh- first clns about 600 ton- burthen and arc commanded by able and rtpcrivtrcd navigators great care will be taken that the ked4 stores r oreofdii best description the price of cabin psssajc outward t- nosr fixed at 140 including wines and liquor or 120 without wines c paifsencrs paying the lusi mentioned price rui be supplied by the cuard st lie printed rate which willbf furnished on board neitlnr iho fitplatu nor owners of the packets will be responsible for any letters parcels or pmkfm sent by them unless regular bills uf lading arc signed uicrefur apply to john oriswolarosuuthslreel new york or grixnell mintlrx a co 1 r- front t do or h geo wildes co no 19 coleman st london n b steamboats run dally from porimniifli where thrt packet top to land md receive ptkencr to different patlt of england and to ihr contencut every information relitive to this line of packet hips may be obtained by application at this omen qentlemens vade meotjm ensbraclnfr pramatlc mtcraturr sportinff- ihe tiirfniihnvmikl urioua miijk of jo tercat and nimicmnf a hunt llrnrtofjnaniry wa will ur cemmrarca in ph1l dii phi a a new perintkil iaine li titiair ronprctrni iiti jimd tents wiltlve carefully lapitl 10 te wam of ritat ann afihe pnlil who ri v- dramatic litcfta it rk the tlrf p4rt ino sad thr rashhs ivahi iic crowing wrnhi and lacrrirf populitijon nfllie 1 nil i r 1 1 1 ihr iirar nhiauliliaii ofthe iijiir uai nppetitt viih wltatcvrr -r- r rniiannl krrriionv of liie it is prcmuned thut lliis jotir ocstia n ite pnerfer of it win riif le mans to diversify iu occ mil a itrvrimimtioo ffwi r thrm sbcr vlcntto the amaiion ofa correct lac in nil mnllcrf rrtnttnfca irsee- iv i iuiir- futl to nuct w iih a hlt nod trcdlials ippjrt from nn cnlrtfhtrned cammumi loeffrry jinrlcr of the eoiiniry tut nitfeokt orskwhiti otit mich a phm it miht lv fancifull lrewj with any sf the charms of novelt toethtore n pepmlaril anj rnroursjrrrarat hm lcfb not ibe leam embarrafioe obstaeje which ilc prvfrxbvseahi frort hat to surmount in its iitrvpliin iyii nr eoql irtc otly n howrvrr last its success is certain when it r intruder ttertnoch proprrly lnovso iscy have already inciirrej conmtlernltle cnnp in ermine clrtrol1lflu over the 1 and iinic riannjrrd rrttlirsiipplikr- ai tlicltrm mjrtt ed kngtinh rriodkalh to 1 f fa inoinri iantcrst- lf t column it is not altogether firtih1r ut oa new pnmkaimn 1 citnieioitinrnf is prc5cntmilnail tothf mihlic iu propeciiv hltrwutssa li u hrcersssti nevenhde thatus prmripal leatnreit honl1 be draw nmh ns 11 i hf them ifcslbs inerithif it imtruiy nhill henhlced this 1 ihe marrres silly moitnilinifl thi piimipwrs hriit- iiinnetj ihnt vhjrorr nliir tio1 a watchful yen cm rtiivr in rompniij the linmtf up will he dear nnd thai llicy never w ul l- rimj i1rl inrt or ncvwifol tsi thr rercuica ofihli eatrrpnve and ib strhlng lopfrahsv 6 beftrltcial nod prefiuinlr rr- suit to ihcioselvcs nil ooilir tiik dramawui ana a rmirfbi porlisa oftttr nrwkinftri ydc mecurn hi mtoiwhit 10 hrumi aerostrlj ccry week mcs tire ifuy nod fiircr u he selected w iih n mhcjc r ito iheirieeriis ntis sfttsi nowvw vvtvewnn sjflswii janabie arsst tion whcnuiey cau beohtaincd hulepentleiitcnurinh mrrfoilra rlixline all invidious roiorarifea- and rrcemmnded by line o-m- will le rrvnilarly incrird hcl- hiotrsphtrm skeirhit- anokss iii lum m ofprominent cvmrdmn ofihe prrsrat and nnnt njes 4 which h rrr nod nctirtlmiblc eetan1rlhin ls io stare tiik ttiif a irttllial neomlwilllslcei nfaii tlunuiriss troll in lonldich m thii couoiry and knliind llokrnolor- nnd tvmn portrtii nfcelebrnieil thuronfth dreil llssscs ai be pumirlurct loonih eery fitel rchiiive in thr hrrrdin niniiacrrihui rrpire ssj thediwnwr 1 r ihi in tlunhle nniionl will le particularly rlrrud wpnti7tjtnhr ifi tpifhi will lie r numerated accoanu t msnoiinc afatehesj f peais gyqiaastk ptirrrffrr flrsjaticfti cnrao- rsshter nnndirsti e unit aarmrfiiesrd 10 obntububns fxsimsa iuafterl rrvirwwffl be jt cured explanatory gfuw vnrioii- fcmpffovenietth- ntnl ctaotftcm whichc their costanwrn with the most npprovnl cofor 1 u lulrrn w omrrs at thr earltesl possihle period- providmi uitirientcornrievntrnii6il be eivro by this portion of the pnhlieit foil knsthcnrjvittf of ihr vnie 4 ill also 1 rrpired mvl pnhhhrd mfckttanv ahhoupii 1 thrrhirniveofourherimay apt- coirfinej to the liir icadin snhjv whch liae hern miiedwr prnjtt to ay ilik w rr w it he ia addition to thr n rinmiri- rw allowed tttr miftccltarirnn sssjti 1 xichn t i lwtr an tjtinm of xcwa jifi o hoirl- in thi- ciiy m1 iiaccs of anmciitetit sfss iks tin grain mnrld aerie ulliirr price of stock lnl of uossi banks conntcrfril note letriior and nil otlnr r regjotsj whirh no interest may h svjppois4 lo eiit at heme or uhroivl this work then ss will brsrrtl by ihe ntawe pyplantlml nf iupav luihle ehsevctcr in paruciiiarly designed n a eampimoa f r ihr wutai ofihe turf the drums spordsjt hie kothioo te c h witl wr otso ssau its public 1 ian of ftets will 1m uuthrnitr n ready elleetst if ifefercncc ibrtrnvethne tirnheiocn uil rdiestw caftntsjtsjrf si kept in every horclin the tnited slue itiswnriry of ami e thai a patrons in the eoure of one yeir wdl he tlirniphrd w ith a4ssfl rr inr plays nnd facc the price of which scpnrwtelj at any of oune stereo wotih he al liil thirtrrn llofltrs here wcr 1 ah ihsusj shvlat aften ilollarf in hie pureliasr rtix w elliored urnnimlir lsbrtfs to le hud omn unprecidnnnl snmll sum net illing into risssmrflsss hie mnltipliel virieiy which is to necoioptiny it widiont sswlm rtarve twlnfs who desire a procnreerly nod correct iiiftirntsiiosst hieehsnce in ireerts wll funl thi- nn invtihintdefohle tiik 0bntimijh vai1k mktm 1 ac wlllhc smm every jsjitiinuy online imnerinl pajcr ojlhc laifcffrt clns- id three s lars per annum payatb- inijvsnce by rucloeine a vrldlne nole lothe piddihers pnurer puid twac nie of the muief will he oi worded lon 1 directhm ordered rencrst it is respecifnily rcrp tbtd tbrw wlio desife w mdeerae m ff jonrnal will forward their name iimnrdlnl1tcicru will besiria ly ndhercdla addeesmitii a atkxandrjit athenian duildinpt krssls rtaeeriiilmtelpbm thepumhers wilt rrfeinr mithrov ofihir tonptri ilrethrrs sssifl tdtitrnr whs aiiii n prospectus oftiik irish atlvncatn consti ttttt al lerpntlx kk and ciimmbnclal advbrtmkr touk pubi4sh ill j hicil umkr- a ivrkk in monthkaualthourt wt the pormlauoa sncnklo ihr entlih lanconee in tiwrr linn ad scs pocd of natives of ireland and dependents of rihmcn 11 1 n sftirtct rcret ifnot f inocikvnlion to many oftheio thsl no pros fa this pts vinee protects their national chnmctcr from an re pre- cum lion sod jl suit or serves ss the accredited nrsati of ta ir pohiiculneniinieois j remedy this cil ami to reive to irihmn that inhicncc nnd power t which their numerical irencih their repecuihiliiy and eroin wcsl eruiue them a number of irirhmen in montreal iuw resolved taetssv tivha paper to be railed the irish advotatc on1is llount itefforiner nnd onimerclal advertlasf tolte puhlishcdin thcuyoa the monday wednesday d friday of enehwecw as the irih advocmtf will r hie irishman v paper nnd a it will spurc no pms to renter ttveirss thy of this honorable rtilmetion it roust mninly depend on the ins sssji lationof both provinces for enrounipemeid nrmetmnon itraides sssji intc such information on the subiect of polihcs commerce nod lilrrtsft as may be attractive to jeneraj rcodcrs ihe irish advocate vtllnss lnrt lay before itkpjuotis hie inomtntcreminc portions or irish isjaa eence altnnfh tronwhc nature of our msmoll ia hie present chsv hie energies of the irish advcwak direciid tow srds thepnv ductin eoucord amonc all rnrson- from great nmitin and ireland rss their descendants yet ii will neelcci no til opportunity of udvocauafil reform nf abuses under which oiclaitci country has so hv ucnvsi deeply impressed with the convicliou tbutthe speedy developemin a the resources of lliis province isofparunnunt iinponatice the lria m vocite wiusireaooosly eitcoiiraec lnroiirmion ami cheerfully oocjaj columns to the inserunn ojmtch nnitieraa mav conduce lothe crtrt welfare of inshinen und uritou ami promote iiteirsetflemeni under present eircimwiances theirih advocate wiftrvxr itold in view the counteraction ffiiy attempts to pronuce itrevajnuas sever tlds colony from the mother country or 10 elieci achate jag con eti 1 111 on upon whose inteeriiy it ts now plainer than ever that lj npenkioe the knplbh lineueec in ihls province mut rely for tlieir cisj- eie nnd prosperity from the tone and si le in which lac papers conchkied ineehnnical nealncss wttb which it wiluc cxresv ed its friends feel assured tkat it will bear companion with the luoetrc- spectjble periodicals in north america the proiirirtors will ue their iumot endenvnm lo render the rw iicfila- r mftaumof cominereiiil inielbgenee and lhv lherelorcssr they will receive rtic import of the iiitfoeiitinl ticsly ol merchants tp bdiiorialnvpartmesl will be enirusied to an lrrh rniiitm t il g itemsa of ability uftd chsructer in politico the insh advocie m support tlteeanso of conetiliinonal iteform- il will opjwse m snd condemn abuses and will mm it oworf edort a the rcrwm acknowledged enevancc oitnfl oecnmonsihi jovrnal will dispu firm and putnofie dctermiautioo la advance the prcsperiy ot old cmmo- tneo snd particularlv of irishmen thellttsh aivoc ate will be printed on eoel ratyoffas v now used bvihe enghbjournalhof this cny and will b charged ws scribers at pour dollar per annonjexejueive of postage semlaqaually in adviuwe poitmancre counlrv ncremlsts au-lomcrr- m txnh provinces w may feel an intercut io the 0ccem ofihe paper are nspe tnjuy r ed to use their beatciertions lo promouo5 us circulation in their rcjfo live neiehlsrhoods any eewheman who may procure suberilnrs and vouch ronfcert pecmhihty ofihe psrtie will be emitted to site ajr tor every k j ecibers so njunloed sntserilhrs nanus 10 be tor warded to cither afus atcnttnthrseiiy on or uf re the lat of february next sjuliscriptiont wilt he ieeeive1 in hun ciw it tin boovtfiorea of j campbell und il mclrjor pfwccss xamcr rltractp und aitbcs chnnge news h montreal jan t 1sw tumes wornia the fash omn bte circles eotitautly undergo b wjikkiivft be rerse red an easy mk pr dntpew and uuiorint a lanrc to h dros tsisl rtobs c i nlw prill jcation the provincial jl8ticf ot maow i k ates mam m one volume is now hi the pre at ihe tprr canada osictte offltr the work contains besum ihe law snd duties appcrijintti 10 thoj iko ofjuticc ofllio pcact vanoty of usefut prucucl terms bhe maclsiracy and a cmprclirnmvc icwol the laws of im vihee eakvlatnl for the ci ursl render also d correct list of the jflp iracy anderther public ihbctfl throujehout the prnvincc a llt ari sehhers wttl stsa bo rumuted wukqu work- 1vk losubscnbcts blue board- if 0s cm bouod and icoervd 0 11 od loiters ia editor krl pulil will be duly iiotccd 8ubeerbrrs names taken m vpper cinridn tavrtie oidn toeoi4o ij h deeintf ism kdiinre of th colriinrv mar ihouniv ltbefnl trtvint t nwnermeni pw oih rlstnr th unhlimihtn will w mhtal a t ilw v uivor vti uiiivl iv v kkflin kaltv nl cassfst he im papers kuiifstmi cheomvle ilrnwi x plrnrihs pelfcmnrs reponrr nnd tilsonrr jvj nleivint thof ndrruemenl u frw noerljous j

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