Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 16, 1835, p. 1

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wmm and general advehtiser for the midland district published semiweekly vol iii the british whig a semi wemcly journal devoted to commercial an rolincal inloimuiion la published every monday thurgd3v evening by doctor barlcor editor and propriotor at his 01- hc rcar a noil door t tlic commercial hotel fsbm fr the british whig soventeen and pence per annum if pud in mlvnncc or within three months from the receipt of he first number and one pound if col- lected at the end of the year exclusive of pustago no subscription received for less than si months and no paper discontinued until all arrcaraes arc paid up except at tfw option of the publisher kingston u c thursday april 16 i j- barker m d atbertfstn nits si lines and tinrter2i6d fintinsertion aiiu 7d cdchstiuseouuiitinscrtiun tvn lines and under 3s 4d firtl insertion iind 1 oj cacliulutiucnl insertion above en line 4d er liiif for the fifii insertion ad id- por line for eerysub3qucmifrlion adverti in- without written directions arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisement to be in writing 1 ocwecyjiiod recaiedjii pay tfc- letters takon in except from agdrsoinur pbst jvo pud mrs smith midwife i returning her sin- cere thank to the public for the kind patronage she has met with since her arrival in kingston begs leave to inform her friend thai a has removed to that house in brewery street lately occupied hy shaw coroner lake ontario arrangements to mr kingston april 6 183 19tf f just received axd por sale by th 81 list id io it 10 bales new laid rope 1 do sale seine twine also fresh garden seeds george armstrong 16 cootrtkijtmoacr public notice is tteyst scaled proposal will h ssj9qn th ul 12 oclock kingston april 1st 1835 metier press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior- press and an eicellcntassortmcnt ofjoi trrm is enabled to execute- every description of job printing witli neotnessand ex pedition upon terms hilhcrtu unprccedcnlly low in upper canada volf goods william b bartlbt respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and the midland district that he has late ly relumed from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now selling or cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the store hiicly occupied by messrs parker and benson in tiif centkb of stoue street the slock consists of west of england and york shire superfine fine and common broad cloths flushings petershams flannels baizes carpet ing and garnet hags screes tartans bomba sines norwich crupus uuntbaaetia fffati 8tttitb ltunens steam loom and srcy cottons rmssin she tins checks and stripes book jaconets corded mushus gloves and hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a large and well selected stock of groceries has been purchased by the advertiser which will be sold love sh or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of all descriptions kingston nov slth 1331 32 caution this is to forbid all persons purchasing a note given by uic in favor of juhiet llnvley or bearer for pound dated april 1832 payable lowing us the said note has been paid a reward of ten pounds will be- paid by the undersigned to any person that will give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the perpetrators of the brutal outrage committed on his person on the morning of the 29ih inst e j barker m d kingston march 30th 1835- the steam boats w1txted states tfiu run asfottqu nntif tht ut of june q the great britain cpc j whitney commencing on the 14th of april going up leaves proacou tuesday evening wednesday noon evening kpv- turontt- friday morning ud un- forwardig the ottawa 1udeau forwarding coim pany have taken at this place drummonds wharf and store together with the new wharves and stores now building by mr kirkpatrick which wifi he ready on the opening of the navigation at which time the company will be prepared to receive tmfl forward by good substantial decked vessels anv freight that my offer between this and montreal hy way of the rideau canal upon as favorable terms as can be taken from prescott to montreal as the companys freight barges will be towel by steamers the whole distance there can be no de tention in forwarding merchandise by this route nor shall there be any delay to the lake steaffi uttfitb ttud imltmnvrp ilipcliiiyffifip freight on com panys wharves intended for this line geo brush agent druinmonds wharf kingston march 23d 1335 c5the patriot of toronto will insert the above for three months 15 same morning coming down leaves niagara saturday 4 p m toronto evening port hope sunday mormns cobourg bl oswego sundav evening kingston monday morning arrives at niagara opened on i tfzg of the right to fish of three years l on the military reserve at the rapids of the st cl- a samia j western dislricv town6bi jlicpersonsproposmffrnustbrafpii ly to be paid and ihff2p2 annua s waasws s 19 ri r comm of crnm land by aufctfost brockville monday afhrnoon 14 noon and orrives at prcscott the united states capt j van cmvi commencing on the 11th of april going up leaves odensburgh 8saurday evening kingston sunday 7 a m hcwi harbor sunday 1 p m oswtgo sunday 10 p m rochcuter monday 8 a m toronto 9 m tlie evening and arrive at lcwiaton on tucuday morning early cominu down leaves lewuton tocsdav 7 a m rgchutcr wednesday 8 a m owego wedncday 6 afternoon sicket ilarhor wednesday i2at night kmgttoq thirrfav m ilic moui acnl arrive at ogdenshirgh in lite uflemoon previous undermentioned lead consi bedrooms kitchen the sum often in january fol by nie in full 4th con ernesto wj iote james lake 3rd march 26th 1835 15 just received and fok 8ax bv thfc subscriber garden seeds of every description timothv and clover seed p- egan murket square march 2nd 1915 k s iffu c patrick egan will pay cash for rags hack horns c c- p- ekan market square march 2nd 1s5 forwarding the ottawa steamboat company having in creased their capital stock by the purchase of three steamboats on the ridkac canal in order to com pletc and extend their line to kingston will here- tualul iivftvii v- l nndir tfw rttrrw ot tiik ottawa and kiokau forwarding company the undersigned the committee chosen to man ace the affairs of said company are determined the confi- fosalsbytpetagcriner 2000 p of india rubber shoes s- r caldwell maria square kingston january 3rd 1s35 notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late hrnhy w wilkinson esq all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and those having claim io present them duly auihenii- rated fitrndjustineut on or before the 17th day oi may next thomao omith in con- from 1st june to lt sojteintcr the two boats will nexton eritii i thrco tripii in caih week starting from niaga urgn and preacott every other day ex to use their best endeavours to secure deuce of the public by having a sufficient number of steamboats and other craft on the octawa mid rideau waters suitable stores and steady capable and attentive agents clerks ami conductors to per form the forwarding business with fidelity safety and despatch although the committee would not wish to un derrate the ad vantages of any other route they con fidently solicit the encouragement of the public in general as their charges will be moderate and they trust that losses and vexatious disappointments caused by delay and damage may be avoided both upward and downward by having their persons and property conveyed on this route for emigrants this line of communication is par ticularly adapted as they may embark all their lug gage along with themselves on board a covered boat and continue in the same the whole length of the line to kingston being towed the entire dis tance the committee consider insurance unnecessary from the superior safety of this rotogsbm as acci dents cannot always be avoided any persons con fiding property to their care arc particularly request ed to order insuranceif they wish it to be done on the opening of the navigation the company will be ready to do an extensive business with the mowing boat the shannon receiving two new engines of 40 florae power each a j boat building to receive next t kingston november 17 1834 336m notice- circumstances having made it necessary for the subscriber to withdraw from the business of chair making which he has followed for 20 years past in this placche would take this method to express hissincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and upper canada generally for that sup port and favor he has so long received and which will ever be remembered with gratitude the business will be continued in the same place bv mr l yeckley who is specially recom mended to the public as a worthy mechanic and ty bwf all iwpiis contracts will be cranpteted it is scarcely necessary to hjltl to those indebted to him that he must collect his debts immediately and will pay as soon as possible c hatch kingston march 21 1535 15 ra and front ogdunitb eluding sunday us follow the great britain going or leaves prcscott tuesday evening brockvillc u 4 kingston wednesday 12 noon oswego 6 evening toronto thursday at noon and arrives at niagara thursday p m m comtxo dowtt leaves niagara tlmndw 10 in tho evening and arrives at oswego friday afternoon come up leaves oswego friday 6 in die evening toronto saturday 12 noon in the afternoon p iimim down iavc niigaia sunday 4 1 m- qjirfwi mead 7 in the morning klhmoil monday 2 pm and arrives at isiagaja brockviue the same evening ii evening and arrives at prescotl waterloo mill the subscriber having leased the mill seat belong ing to mr micajah puidy in the 2nd concession of the township of kingston near waterloo has erected a substantial orist mill with two run of stones and a bolt capable ol manu facturing flour of the best quality and hopes by the steady attention he intends to pay to his business to merit the patronsce of the auroundintr neiehbor- hood richard tuffley waterloo march 25 1935 15 the united state8 coitlltg dqwni letves lewiston tuesday ccning rochester wednesday morning oiwcgo evening sackets harbor 12 at night kingston thursday morning and arrives at og- dcnslmgh tliurday r m goirg rjf leaves ogdensburgli thursday evening kingston friday morning sockets harbor friday nooo and arrives at oswe go sano afternoon coming dowk leaves oswego friday at 6 p m htmiw tutlitir frlhuy ii p m kingston saturday 7 a- m- and arrives at ugjcns- burgh saturday afternoon golso up loivc rilenibur5li fl sntiirdav evening kingston monday ritirmng sackuts harbor sunday noon oswego sunday evening kochctfcr monday morning toronto monday evening ind arrives at lcwiston early tuesday morning ard after the first of september the respective boats will rcsurte their trips as first above stated on the first day of may next will be sam wtlout reserve by public auction y dsposed of by private sale s two story frame house with a good well id inkint w j linton auctioneer qston april 7th 1s35 mawwwr nf- r funhe funiculars see handbills hereafter or utake application io the subscriber ucrearar 200 acres of lansno 23 inthe 11th fw cession of the township of pittsburg gfsonoe moss tailor grateful for the patronage he ha received jjj lc l his frfestsd p hat he continues to carry on the tailor ing business at his old stand neat door to mr enj f daveys store in bath cutting done but march 2nd 1635 92tt fish just received and will be sold low fo cash 150 mschanout liny herrings in prime order 20 cwt fresh cod fish 6 kegs cods sounds 4 cuplin 10 north shore herrinirs 20 boxes digby do m a patrick egan market buare march 2nd 1635 oo yaftoe domestic flannels a capital article for warmth and durabilit- mat re- wived and for sale by the piece or othrmi by storest kingston nov 24th i88i the shannons american leather store just received and for sale by the subscriber at his cheap cash store church street one door south of mr palmers druggist store market square the following poods viz 500 sides best spanish sole leather engine 56 hotse power the ottawa with a 50 horse engine and the andrecs together with five steamers on the rr- peao canal and a competent number of etnered barges peter mcglli john redpat1i john molson juo thomas phillips john frothimiham chairman emery gushing agent ah persons indebted to the ottawa company are called upon to settle their accounts with as little de- lay as possible feb 21 1835 notice this is strictly to lorbid all persons from purcha sing the lease of the stone tavern the vuage of waterloo near kingston lately tenanted by robert edgar m in consequence of his absconding the un dersigned is answerable for rent township of kingston feb 20 1836 7 800 300 300 100 200 800 200 100 100 100 do du sloughwr do do do do upper leather do do harness do do bridle do do calcutta for sale a new frame house and the interest in nn unexpired lease of 17 years to come to bookbinders a complete set of machinery for the performance of the above art with a ruling machine and a copperplate press or rolling mill with steel rol lers if good security be ifibrded a resonable time will be given for payment of the above for particulars applv if by letter post paid that excclle the best pan of storestreet and lately i to let t stone dwelling house situated in pmionofm s bidwell theoccu for terms apply to abraham truax or tr- e too bensy cassaby kingston oct 6 is34 jg cash paid for wheat rye indian com and oats and also for sale at all times good old whiskey wm garratt kingston 21th nov 1834 3330w to simon harrison rear street kingston 20 calf skins kipp do bbls pork do mackerel do salt also 20 boxes of starts cos best broad and nr- row axes a variety of stoves of different sttm and patterns a targe quantity of lamp ol to gether with a variety of other necessary articles in his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed o on uncommonly low prices- trmrs tthe hiahest price in cash paid for tiiunv ford kingston december 11 1834 37 aprilft 1635 wanted five or six u e rights for which cash will be d on their passing the board at toronto en quire at the british whiff office ipaid on their passing ire at the british v kingston 28th march 1835 17 shoemakers wanted employment will be given by the subscri ber to 30 journeymen shoemakers apply early kingston march 30 1s35 173w the montreal herald will please tocopy tins for one montli nml send iheir account lo di whig office mjetither store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and ihe public in general for the liberal sup port he has received since lie commenced business and assures them that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and uppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skioii he has now on haud 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 doz glazed morocco 20 do unglazcd do 20 do- linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of the best materials he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 50 doz stark cos double refined axes 20 doz do do do broad do also 150 barrels salt s r caldwell market square kingston october 25th 1834 24 n b cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c for sale by the subscriber 1 oo boxes of best liverpool soap samuel phippen kingston january 16th 1835 46 for sale by the subscriber a quantity t2w82wtf8 kingston march 4th 1s35 w v wanted ilv triive lad about h or 1g years of age a althis office a kingston january 23id ikte call and see the subscriber has for sale at his store a large quantity of clover seeds pork mackerel com brooms garden seeds 500 pair indian rubber shoes starks and cos axes warranted also- i a good supply of sole and upper leather colfr skins c all of which will be sold at low prices lor cash or hides id for hides calf skins wool sheep for sale by the subscriber a quantity of the best garden seeds raiwd in cambridge n y by f- crosby and warranted bv him to be good p coo kingston march 4ih 183 a qn plank kiugstoi for sale by the subscriber ntity of laths shingles bojnrdsjindjploob u march 4th 1835 w p cook w fori 49if market square kingston march u 1k it j b brown tailor regs leave to inform the inhabitants of bath and its vicinity that he receives orders m his business at his shop in this place such as favor him with ther work shall find tt punctually and neatly executed bath january 23id 1935 49

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