Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 13, 1835, p. 4

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boots shoes gloves c a j f k it k s has received a inr and hourly expect hie n- mftiiiler of ins pll ftlipillv nl lailics ami mimhw london maic hoots shoes all ofttieaum uaionabtc kind viz prunella slipper macfc and colored shoos and snot cloih boij jrfiiil a fur nt and show carpet kpki carniie anl uu ter boor- i rase nl i lit- d m we v a mad- fanrv and mil r hb iiwf madcoiilv for rvuilmt h itie lit rtnps m llw ci 12 emb of royaam c yimivv hunts and stow- laduk kid and ntvi litvf jeihlmicnv bin snl kid do of the ltan piiiy md biiiiu imimrit d direct from the uirtoofaiory can lit aftordd vei low lamb skin wool stocks be lnjo mnclr portmanteaus force aizetl ttrusel9pratruiilg b moose deerliiduig boots and a larsc of ladiebs gentlemen ymnhs and ci upcror india ruhliei ovemluc lniulmi roaiib and skivers kiwia luaitlc awls black nod magpie ivnnlms tahtns liim punches si srihis best polished lusting lurk shoemakers kits and walrfiinakcrh files hull tead patent heel sprig shot- ruckles slide ind ornaments lor ladies shoes kiiijkv sllh nor loudon varnish for h muss leather aodshn- patent leather and patent leather siraps and al kinds of manufacturing mfttctiub in the shoe line also a verv extensive assort m nit ol a eitltt k consisting of ihi philadelphia beid new vorl best inspected good and damaged spauisi s01 leather 20 doz new york cllsuo luyand middling bneno arrtmvery heavy do fpper lv thes and kip- lini and binding skng mark goat morocco backend doe skins a latetiin- titv of ilia own inuiiufactnrd boots and shoes ron- tuatly on hand iiiikintr hi itssti itiient ihe belaid most extensive he has ever offered for sale all kinds of work made to order as nsuil at ibi- hnrtrst notice a liberal discount to wlrolsalecute- tomerp kinirmon nn ember 3i 31 nltt prbmcatiow- nil pkoviscial si sticb or mauwrhatimi manual m one niiiuw mm m nw pm la nwe i hie ttw writ mntidiks liir ie lnn in1 j apr ue o flee otjii-iiri- aft pmrr vnrjci nrfol prawtaiil rrm rcnoire lyihc mutlracy intl a omp-t-licoxv- lwfws pm vilif c rfllctilnird for ue men rcodc i ip en l ofhr ml irao inulftihrr pultlic lllbcrp ihfaofhwh tle iw akitfllb ericrvillnliupullid wifttl w0t vtr miucribrn iliw imttftk ii 0 01 domvl nnl utl w 15- 00 lrcrkin tv flil tpom pom will 1hiij ntvttcj sitlfnwrs bumv lit tea nllh- leper inimrn clntttte o0 vv ktxlh rem i iii o timkr iit bto cduiptirt mitr ti lite i liowioj prt rimmab clirorto brinu rtlilf cittmm riinhts poo mvri bportbr wdt oknacr nnj b tliwvi ljlfittivir twn iilwtlisemeiil a frw bmcnimw ami atlvet liam- lit- rulitkji00 wilt be cbiillh w cllif work mij ciitfr iivnr on idr i liiit iitiiren f drcasrd shoe thread team iv rial- cukst j d ervce co ewj have cm hand a quantify of uperio s tanka and sum hung teas wbic yaifp3bsjf j an filing by the chest cbeti 83i forcall yi 2 j x b retiera can he sunplic with smaller qua- litis at the same rate kisio 19li ivhruarv l35 g taart iifohfltation wanted maily ann kkad a i eh- woman ove 10 mirs fuse and lit iih ilv a aturrketi er in knn ion u 0 utmlml flllll ml u iiminti manner null ilirv n i- unavo to iiijhi pilomtlik pkbti1 hotr1- ulrectfully mfmw o in- hn uniithiifkinfftonaml t tctravi- lin cuaiimiititvi ilmthtlma c hcii ihit pxtoiihivc ami coiiinioilitiiiv hoiiw of intcrhiinineiiti kion i iln iminv tif the kindlon ilotck where ir i- hi imemmu luilevtitu thd whule f ins time and uilay u thu cmnlurl nnj cuiivcnicnc f the kingston lintel lini uticly itiuhrtimi thorouk iiiit it- ijiim itif tv i l and puintcdt nid i now one ufihc hhitilmimv public house in the province- h i acliinnibu well situated lb ihe convenienccoftravchcwi bcitij near the lake horc and cnuhiiaiiding a liil ic oflhearriwiu and liinriurrs of tllu stimw lt from which pa aners twtyiffe will bccoimycd in porters ativiidtn the uiiri ptirpiltic- to the inniesttc priamrenirnth of iik house ihi ffreatest aieu will he paid n firrt rate liihle will be kept ile liecln will hi of the bust iltcriniihi nnil tht wines and spirits nf superior qimlity connectetl ilh ihlfl etnhltshmiml is a larct and capicioih yard with vxoellcnl uhl ng khlton miv 0h ism 27 ltd linnet ivst inr lif whiilur d ti r su st fili nddo iwil i irihi tn lur lkhv iibhii g tiiilcr if kinimaiu fthnli u tmuv ihr pi vct il aifnmif miuv nhtii 111 uiuih imin- iron ik lr renlid ikt tnuiu any iiriiiiiiitii nsttitc her will he ihqikln l h i hy ititr hrirthri tltoma kkau 1ii futllill bin foi sale 30oooo l kwl urtrk hv timothy ciui01 n aii kinds of coitnrv pr tir tiki ii uvtiwm 4ihem r itr rhhf xsrnv unft op m jjjin brnana stdhk ktori trbct sbihlv orrosrrig tiik romirrrul irrci the snhscriher bew leave in inform the gtne mn of kinircnit that he has recumnienced thr keeping of homes cutlers sloiifhs c- and iruts by the a tent ion he will pay to the lmme lenif- the hurwa are of the inont kmperlnr desrription and the cutters ami slettrhs will he furnished nih excellent hartffw aid mountuisn of in rt qua lity ttrint cj1sil joil mckay kininih ov wi 111 lordot edition t7f iwfi pfiavavf w0izie pulahf1 by hc society lr n ultfiin ofuwftil kwwhjc rifr7tfi the r flan chtutrtlhr vite chuirmm the lit on ufil john ultsutt m remaster of nrrnl ttmsvftt ifltfltffu vy f z si thi i oiw of the moti uwlhl ami mteretinc perifiilieals lltftl haft ever appeared earh inontliu itiniher i emhellihtd with upwards of twenty elr ipinl flicravinep and is moreover the cheapest pub- itrationiiirhewmld they have upwards of 200000 iihsrihers in enfilatul suhscriptinus receivetl hy rhc suhsrrihe acutforthe above work who ha on hand a few coinplttesrit ill nuinhrr andhimiml khff torn fel 5th 1s35 vms uartlet slander wheueas several evil dnigncd persona hav origin icd and bttwly cucolated a srtirrilouh and iuimu rtntorl in order tndcjhmu the reputation tt miss e a daly daughter ol p daly esq of en ntshomk ihe lolhiiinr llidilili are inadr that tin public may kc t lir ahsurdity of such a repott- all luavii oi uk pekcv mou k this depuitent being woru faith that miw e- a dalv has been his patient during i he pfttit wintitj he has visited her frequently and uihttk is no i omul or cause or mispieiun or evil sunio he repoit concerning this lady being absurd am to- hik false sijziitd j p moorf sworn before me this 9th of march is4 signed thomas spabham j t prospectus or a wokk n vk wmtlkd til k 33 1 kks i a ss or au inqulrj into ihe origin nm ifor o itir crili bv robert jeffebs 7 0 tir prsuc kj5s5 i nnny ulrv lt uthf of up nqry lir4 criuc scoi imo iimrhv pcrmttoi lda v llr horn io nnvc ivui pcwiwwy ztz it tm mu i ihiy rmfol dm v ac cjkk nj irwfc aclff wv liv- 1 i i nciirr ltft1 onfminmi ocio- a- louvre nir ffm ti inmtni ntf ktirpr iv ttiln1lllnnitedlu ik hiemrtrmcn ta br oir iwtf4lrml h p ixl parrl or uw8j2 nanlhrtf aimlftiiiirctiun town lfrtat vjsset niui i4jniriijrtf dm hnvrnii innreroftftwdon wrfliw ipirjaii flin iho lftr with thf wttllioii of swrorn r llvff ia in ilieiruiion r ai wwk a ghrtr w ill i uirpwo wtfg wril t- ft kintllv fmiik hwitsi tlhoi h nllfivrr nwjij v lli4f timl tnfrmoirjiimftfoaftilmwjiiilrtcivgnuwnirt v ctuimclii i mm hv wiptuc oirilir irriiiii oj imii i iwpriiluniiv rjluhnmc tmrf imkr ako mnlla- mkf iwwr m imi il kjwftlk nrv- iin ivr hihi im h rtornwr ift be rofntnil with jssk 1n nni um author coitaivtu utkm pniveihuita hclmf hnnp mw t i1 imfittfl vwilon tiie jcwi nm excepm uhttlmfl f xiatfti un ihe fctfl ofiiw cinli covnttlonfl tjr wort iipllconif mlfal nnter- price nc fiarlr tfinr nrh xrkavw amnnlfnftirxiriin 4iii rsett4 in hm jmmwpnlrriwj flr lirn xnecnnjm ijtriunr-inhercirmjptviciiniracaeiti- rilrwii im ftrtne itiiiitlnf n n1vinrr iki pimiiic lov n iiimiwiiicw iv -rtn- nf in m ihivm lawtiy irkwun with whainittf niiioum mlif r iai miihibriiamiirniarimriunllitirtomr grtiwry- ritwimiaiilniltmmnl lrimc in montrf tlw twm w vnvv v t eummii hnlfliaim ac ic or rcqurim 10 mm ihe i i jfiirhn inliitofliin wnfk iv rtonj iuiiinixvttnliftrftltiiiintwnhwiiicrwwc 1-fpr- ntvlirvulio aihuikiii lnoniell iq iwi hebnmh ii hrfjl km wtiowllfftiiiiihimnlhiciittinlfaareisciufr- rlifts iftlw inrwnntoii atblsfi rlmv ciiizn fcork criui on author m nim rjjph runtfan i outtoion c u r i herrly irot rwciii mkttra w viineltri1rrnec cinil nh rrtliih irtlfell wwk all tmtnr- 11 cfhadn nui the tifittnl siir5 who ftvl rriemhy in uw irv will ptmoiitmrtihiirripfiii kn ii frlmirv 17 itn n tl riinewlio whlmftaci m agem for oiis worlc on iheirkir wflfthlk ihe fic of 0 i untlicr llj gnall hftvc lorwnlrtl ui ihem w for ifi mtrj wjnil hnvi it lor j iticy shiill hftve 3i fir llir price of m ihry rilillltaforwnnltil63 sew wine and spirit warkhoude the advertiser besa leave to return ida sincere hdnlchtn his fi iends for tin extensive support he ha received since his commendmeni in hnsinesp and inform iliem that he has removed from his old stamh io that large and commodious hriek store itttrh in the occupation of mcwr uose cainercn and situated uexi door to mr- oleotta tavern hi store street he now offer for aale an oxtenstvo amorimcnl of the very bear liquors cnnsiming of port mttdci ra tenerilve anl itenecailo wine in bottle and cask cognac and spanish brandies hulnmr and english gin scolch iuh and canadian whiskey jamaica ami other spirits sllfub ami peppermint the uhour in well worthy the attention of private families lavcni keepers and country shopkeepers his fttnrk of the brht groreriep i also lartr font prihiiicall kinds of urocn and itlack teas kefinetl iovdon line of packets tv mil thk first a ittth or omh- th line is nt pt0int einipwd nf laslit n wlneli will heroalwf wll rr4im nftw von and london on the istanl igtii and from pirtinomli wmlw rlh wndvoth o every sltttithnnie thedrtv mwdinj dicmll fall un sundtjr in which raw it will bedeftrrrd till next day from kmv t0rk jn 16 sliin prkldext tfwwci rffhin mmter wl i shin i txtar i k w h schor mal feb 10 ship sioxtrkal l iichqmplaid maslor mar i ship ana1a tlvffltau rtirton master mor 11 ship sovkuew5s krarmv mnntar anrtl t ship hannibal f- if immh itusten april 1g shi- philadkumha r- r mnrpon master jf 1 sliiji samson d rbtttwiek matcr from loxdux dee ifi canada kavis prtsmoalli dwrntthtrso jon 1 sovkrekjn leau pnlmouili jan b jan in hannibal iiv4n pormovlh jan 80 piiilmundihaiiivrprhmoutli ivbv 10 samson leave pimtanontlii otu k 1 plirsiisknt ivm hrtiuniith nov 5- lgtntakioileflvel i montremjcav pnrinitmii dcrembe affidavit ok uu- ream1sh thi- drponeilt hoiogbworn paiih that he vu m pnsred to examine miss 15 a uajys cpt i ill llinv in uo irroond or caue or mittptclofl ur tit unpm therepuri emiceruinc thit nd li ibnurd and titiillv laue simwd william beamish sworn before inc tiis 9ih mmrli 13j ijifi j lilomas siakiiwi j i to i oeo irorutc ions i the alistmciulihe ilurihl mi w to 1k- miioher c ntoc limn tm huiflrvd ronii- mn i the nniirant acins if llu- priiihpil liiiiiu iris and in ilic va sections of e sliiifl sror- uid un lrtlainl jbriim the best incdiiiui in british aokrira for drawing the airctiiion of intending eini- raiits fn ihe most eligible seltktnents terms cot arlvertising same as in the daily or semiweekly herald n the proprietor itilcen this opportkniivof nppnwn hdveniserh thai no advcrtisenieirt can in received from the country without either cash or a rerence to a rcpectahle house ia town monireil jaini iry 2mi 1835 fur svlb uv tiii si jk uiitit 3 oiirs 50 ins plnu tohacco 20 jnm superior mnccaboy sim ii 2l uirt itowii 10 l tar id hap lupper sroreet kincston r w r bartlet 2lih is3i 12 mbdtial card tn prrct mooitk member of ilie roxal collein- o surjeoiiii r don ha- ins ntiivcd his exc-l- leny the lieut iovernorn ltceine to pmc ire lh- thre- branches of the nntfiinn brfti lcav t i intro the iihahitantsnr ermstow ciiind n p an a id loughhorodgh that he has taken un n permanent residence near simmon mill er ftlvrn where he shall he happy to attend o any me- iii application j- mill dec 26 1831 1 1 fortjy will be pisliniikd a coinivhmhve mew ofih ln old w rthe holy ghort with thu powir if lirtffin eiuja plan drawn from and snjpojtd hv hoh tit according to tbettmiiein prealud of lld hx the aposheb ofoor l and sawonr jrai dmhese latter days revixe1 and prnomlmd by the rev edward irving i iwiunand hv rev meeers w r cuinl amminrge rvrtm in tin n rovmce a minister i the cov- co ulenpnink rl he received in tooto in meaare h least sr sonacharlee ual bowhand ai ihe poet office hv mr j bullaxn roronto 6th december is31 not ir l iirnim ami i krwse lint il tao kivgsritn folxorv i his eia dislinieiit o now iii full operation and he riofinetor resolved to spare no expense tor- ler it wort ty of public etiiiiumifcnieitt llir trii aii us io inieriils ami wnrknmilship and vara i csiiiil ihe kimisron focndrv will he fouid ieoid to no simitar establishment and thai th ill hereafter he no necessity for sending to united smtea for cnatinge when they maybe hid in this province there will be kept on hand or manufactured to order all kinds of castings for saw mills and flour miis the establishment is now furnished with pattrnis of ihe osvejn and rochester plans and pereiia hiildhv mills can ne supplied with good catuc in as reaoruble terms as they can be procured the site ol ewynrk saw mill cranks fulling mill crank vh cres at xj lighter fcereus and clothi screws die stalks taps and dies for scream holts on the best plan sleigh shoes and i- nng mill lion- four different kinds of ploughs vugguii ituxts pipe uoxes and axletreua ii ijariiage screw taps made from 1 to 20 threads to v ui ch letters cut r brands and stamps brass castings made of every dimension ttsf steel are wh-c- ile or retail all knnu of iron finish ig dmi- in ihe bei maimer in add it inn to the present convenience fare ii the pruprietur ik now imj a cup at n be ulk- to m ke a v isiing iroiii 1 000 io vcigln tlpiniiiear- hi iieilio examine ihe or pounlrv iiii udg or iiiimiht the im r ihios it i i iisl j milnhit nf any oihe iwiitlii4i i nili r i j it a pineni maker kepi at the fuuudrt make paltenis ilrequu d burr mill stones of even ieand baiting clth iirthuhtderiplmin filllv asehap as eai be io cored in any part ol die tniied slates the or mer inanuiactured here hv mr l boslwicfc kiiitsioh january litj5 sv i 1 01 but rn wsnter and rokvno reimlr will by margaret lrcimmod psctutrir d11 ash mr jai a card rin taken his ermaneiil residence wdi iiim maikei 2nd ontieeesion emenioi where hr will be always ready to attend to povh- feb vvk shir mar april i muatufc leave rorifmun ncrrmoer thwe ships ro aoriticfitvl claw ftlmnrtftlh inn htintien ami arc p0 landed hv able and cprirnrel navieatort grat care will ho taken thai llq bcdi bltta r ari of h hwt derriptin the price ofrnbib passns outward and an urecinanl entatwl inw in anjnnctmii willi the propriamr nf huyuverfil ijwpool parjcpl linnet i imw fixed at 120 exclusive nf wine ami liaumf which will lie furnished each padt nt uieefuuilnlifd raten thai am liurd to the printed rann that will br round nn hoard tftcll of the uliipn fur ircislft or naesnm nnnlv u cither of the cmnmandcrs cq board tin jlilp5i or in ofo wildes a co- no loxilenun t london john firiswoli m anithslnt nvw york grinnell mintukx co ks4 fronlstrcet n bi steamboat run daily from portsmouth where ilicsa parkcttop to laud and lomlvc pasfvengers tt jiltvrcnt put uf fnrlnd and to ihe comenent kvcry inlonnflion rrlativr to thtslinc of larkct may bo obtained by application at this utfie- gentleiffens vade uecuu iiurnoinjt rrttlttfttic rilrartirrsporliii itio tirffnikbiflfiikaitl ariou aiiljicc of in terest qlld mhuvikill a1nm hc6rlofjjftwf 135 vill c emiiicnrd in nillanel- piiia ainwivrifvltro iteruictnavemiirelinhivrtille vhtn tcow wth1c fatfftihv mlnnw to ihe muilhhr ltmlaitn rfth puwtc who shthm hram fflc mtkkarvrki ar tuiif spiirt- ingamllhr kahius vton lw crtuvin vmtlliabtl incrrpmnj papulation nfihr rnitrvl pt mtvt ih iifar nsiiniliiifiii ofltw nnuaniu pplstthr utth whrfrvrr proiiloir the rniional krfreiuolhi f ithf it ii prr111 llial thi ftiroa1 prthcmrir nn ihi prftjirr f il will amplv rnran l ilivi rfy t pnc nnd a dtwfmtntiuou i rrmr tltrm itjlit-cr- i vip pi in ihr ihrmniltmi era crrrfi tumc in 11 whirf rrlaraf to jtcjv klfcrn rannoi twi i men with a ibrl ami rmlimm jppori ftom ua i cniiffhimrii inmtinit iacvcry ipimitr af ifcj caaiwy- tu utrtuuj arkavhl w wit sdhi a plan as irujm in fnnrijb11 tf v wiiunny of ihf rhfni ornftvtiu l nsnrr it j im i if iiy tini nnnfflhii lit lini trcq i am ihe lflhm1ibmi1flg rtumfti wlikh in iwjivi rnofiim wrk snd ir viirrnoiint ui iia inrrpun line onliilrniy amirr httwcvrr li tm iirr if prri vru iw rhri cr lirvoiirhprjvil known ihrf hn i mrtilv irirrtl ftwiili rmi vjii ifl fh iitinfi frrr pvrrihi 11111 n havrnntrlrf4m mriilnf mpp1lfar tlicltrt rkct rv 1 lirli prrijiirat tr vab it jmcmn milti ifttn at i rolnrbn h i no to pt friv wltrii i trw piiluiiti if ritr u iht in ilriail in lh militr trt proprruvr inriiona it ncrkary nrvcrhiv isii pnnifal fiaum mianlil lu drawn tttu a in uf d musi ro n fiiriri hi r tni xhm it i iril ut aiiy 1 vfeai j 1 llircse if titter starch lab is it saltwater fwm 01 sundry uenctiirtkhwi lorki ssc 3br alflo chiun glass and eartheownre stile ami uppci ioa ihcr iiollovuid hardware hhu llrubhe corlifo oats out ami corn i 1 floor with h ariety of other articles tn which he rmectfiihy in t hi attention of the fanmrh coming u town ivilh their irajticci for tvliich he will pity the high et price m untin of ovcrv neaenptton bought 011h aolil ictittittou dec 0 3831 r cook jlol p w jb o ok ninth vorrmr poktrv ajffl pbosgi bv tin host cklkrratui al rnons published at 3 dollars per anmtm bv j- a tloliey athenian uuiltline frunulin rre imll la dklimi1a la i lltr morr rri y acvainpuhrii iar ptiwiwr bfiax wnww ii ffhaiwr rmtaatty nnnl n wwllfiil rml att rfiivi in cmnfliat ihr 1iv up wll jr drnie find thai ij ii- vii w sxmij ikiri tf ircliuf1 in the prwenunft rthi rqwfptft ltn1 in miivtoq 10 produce ci luii irijl ah piogiauc r- nii in ihtnrhr ailoohrr- tut iram vii firin a r atrial r rihi firntjeinrn vurl mrrnu hi hlbmlfilm piw rhtalry txry wrrk an r- ffr plrv p1 i t fcr ss j- y ij ry r lt tkf pflsnaar ii a ill in 1 ntlrr liiitiuivr tolt- liniii wan isy m li tifh tiht praviic trtiriwna fafffiillt ri hlpj nil invi v j r iir n 1 rtmiifrinyil hy ihcir hrtitr wth rtntat inm t lik-fipsw- fkrlrur aircl mr hu nn mt i pi f tr whirh a rrt4 fiil ifir fntl tv fittipil till tfht- a cntu rr 11 wi troiunn uitirh in ihu rrnrrv tu kitrtititl itifvaitf i i pfril tf jsim aufa ol ti n ufr vit l ffmtllm ritnnrnf and nt errci york preh mill wake house eastwood axd skinner paper mmnjii flams j respectfully inform iw printers ami mo wont o v pper canada thftt ihcy have oponctl a papkr and 3tationfrv warkiiolse nu the east side of the market acjimrof toronto where they will keep writing priiuing ami wrap ping paper alflo utn scliool books as arc or may be mauufuciiirccl in upper canada for sale on liberal term rags hooeht ami taken in payment toronto nov igih is34 33 frosli teas wines e c- just received and for aaltt by llw sobscriber jddition to his former stock 40 chesta very superior tnankay ten 10 young llvson 5 old do 5hllds bright muscovado sugar 3 double refined lonfdo 3 pipes fine old port wine 2 very superior old madeira- 5 qr casks l r teneriflc a pipes cognac brnndvj 2 hoilandjin lire rixcfeoxs of vert tttrosa jamaica spirits 25 barrels u ti whisky 60 bosca mould candies 10 4 spermareti do 50 hard soap 25 kegi sweet scented virginia tohacco hands 110 hoxes cigars 20 kojs rut and wrought ivaila stale tarred rope 20 hoxes pme apple cheese 10 kes cod sfhilld 0 i canlin 2 boxes mosrntrl raihina o hum is fivh z iiitf cunanrs irask liquid and pusic ulaeking rftijs cash or approved endorsed jvfefc al george armstrong mqrkerftqoftre kington jn 4tli 183 l caxdle aianufaut0ky fritnfca op nnrtrk hu iirar ititkrtl samuel imiirrkn return dtank to the in- liiihitnnift of kinssion and it vicinity for lie en roumiremeni he has lereiied kilice his commence- inenl in the ahove buiness and heja to inform ihem that he is dnilv innnnaefoiiu mould mp cjlymef of the vervbcualitvaid ha 4ii hruid il the pn ut lone upward nf five thousand weight which in oitei lor sale ro the trade on terms un commonly low v private familieft supplied hv the hox or raiorwraf imnrit afcckitaa ilmniiei hwl nrt will ii ilitvlieilfwca hjomk nj fi r fkrli r ufrtslhrt mamis ii ir 1 tirilirtooiu in iinmr rsi will hr pirnrtiru iircir spllrtints rillf th i wif i iitniifr vrl tiftnram shaoit tfrtirv plijr fia lymmtir rwia aquatic ex ruron fi u nintt a vui m itoiri tlmi- ilr gbtlnmr i ashimv i iihtr rrfcfi mill l prw cimsl rplryoritni iikpr inrnthn-ir1iiiic- htttf ll himr worn ir h fau n r r r- nntinit umpvm us a hh n itl rv rrnfifril rn f ry nk gr ttrfpcrnril ikltvni n ilmpc4r utl ihrir cnnknw- w la ifci lawapprftvfsj rrr miiinni ra ptlrat4rcaaf iiihrtriaijmlrfiiu patiiniirflriiira nipm ham v cv hy i nn o tir p imir a mt kflfh rfttjin y ijumrduvo fvti-d- ml rl iitn il r i piiit4 mjsc11i in v auavaiffn ilpnifr rnitrrmryrrrtot toaflacl io tin pmr irmlin hiiajrcla wincu kavrhnu hivri arivid u proper tovthhtftftv uixr in nrldilhia i lhrw fpati nllowfilratrrhnnrinhnnmi rc pocir an epitome rnc lirt fti hokvn uibvrhfi hi pbraaf aiaannai ttalfn ikuii- grm ylarv- jrrltitr lvifit n miihh- lii or umhrn nriv imihi rfrti nimi hrivtor hinl all uehcr inattesv rtatrlinf which ra inif r l ny h nppr i t i5it jo liiif or ittircu thi- wartv ihin i will in n n j- hv nivvw espifiaftllna nf iupro- hahie hjrvrti p iflirrttntly iten m n n vii trior jr lh patrooi of tic titfil liif nhmv hflinc iukskin jfcf a i will lanftyf lo n k jhjrtiih tif rt vil 1 climfri rf ofkoror 1 ff ltclirriic luf tiavi 11 ti tt mwm i rlil viniim fnti ctrfliy kpi in iviiv hil ii lilt liutl s il irif- irni ifiat ili phtntn in ihi ftmrx ttorrr ymr will t ifriflv1 w bfl v ppn lar playamstl faivra iv nnvnfwijf rparimy al anj nfarbni ms woum b- ru t i tift n uosmiv ustre i wi alam mvintf nltaa loii n tn tw pwhrnn on vvlumftfri liratiuitat j mrj io h htt sir na napfrrt ii 11 raw am irwi jnm rtaipuaraiswi t miiltiplirl viriily vtinj i f ncrompany t wuhom mluvot rharsa tkllara wtia -i- i praftti raiy nml vrrrn niximirion 01 linffr m tfrt wilt liut lm iuiiiviuuilf inilr tmk grnnkmias iaius mkflfl fte wbtla pauuwi vrfv suurlv in fi pivluiv llotfi rlisl three tlaj jhwranariairayaifr injni fly nosxmn i fitfi ilanlir uidr ir jt pim1tf m waj pail two fa iimotihf ptrf ui h- araarwtniii jirrcion 100 rit ihroarycir tt is rpcrtiy vvqnrfenl dial iir wli hvirlo rwla this jnrnnl wllltrwint id if lumm immc luuy tle ctttu ft ill te mrio- lyolhfnmia amrrsnsutri jc alexander alhrninn blllmnwa ivaakha pineplvhmphin thr nublhtvssvillrkimc uiihrny ofibrir country rrhhrm whs will obhfc twin wiiii un acraannial minion anu wlvrrtiwovnt prospectus hftiir irwii advur ite constitutional hfifor x- rr and rioimkiiclm atlvkutiskr to uk pi huhh- kdthrtu nvjkrt a wkkktn montkcalaliho mi the populnktin upralildf th rnlih i tntinr in lower canari 1 glm- iwscilornatocorirclnj nntl ilescajiitaaa ofirwidien 11 ia mrreoi rr-ctfi- iflmc rmrniliiiiih ia ninv ntlliffin itiat n fmn in tlih- pro- viirer protcihrir nihnil cbanklcr chilli inirrprreiilaun nnd io- nilf o ntiw n ihr rrrrrlitr orm ftlir ir plnii1 niimrol to remedy 1 u fvil ann to civeto lrihmrn hin i und power to which thiirnunutupircitrihihrirrtp4rintmjiiy nn4 ffoiinf ueatth eatltfc tkrm a anildiit rtrilimcn in lontrcol uxsr rrotvird to cmab- lih a paper in lie cftllnl thr irwii atvocate onrjfu- imrifil hnci r nd ott uirreinl i rfmrl ui hi- pnmmicriin tnsctiyrm lite mommy wepnioay unct friday at carhwfck anth iria aflvacaup will lx sneniiiiiif ihe ihimanv pnpr ntt1 it wilt mrc n pmnfl tn n hlt it-rlfwor- itiy oitmti ihwralhn dmiatdaa it rrtnm mtitnty iirpcniion tut uo popu- blion otmih province far rnrountciinrnt uml fnppoo rjilii aflnrd 1115 froch lasstawfaa an tihtuyccioriotnr ttenmcfmajmillbefaiiifa ah m he ittrnciivrtit ucnl nrmlviisc irtsli adnr av witlreo- urly iny tiriiir hpainmipihc mnrt intercom c ponions m irinh mtclu ncr- adhnifh from dr nnture eivur povllsn la ihe prrscni cfmi ihe enersic ofthe irimi adncnicnmm ue uireclcj uawami ihe pro ilticiint ennrofd limine il privaw from lireiil britain and ireland ud thfir 1 trace m hint yn u will nccltci no hi opportunity nfmlvifaiinr tho rtsarw ofiihunr tjmlcr whirh the latict ounlr hns so innc lubbrei oerply imprr5ol with the conviciiou ihnnhr pcety deyrlopcnient 01 llti rrxotrrcevftfihiiproviimv ir of parainounl iniportfincc tiie l rih ad- vocmic will sirrnuoily rnroiiragc imniijrmion nnt eherrftdly open ita cobjmaaia ihciohinonojucn mnitcriut mny eooijuce 10 uie girecrst welnnre oflrihiiirn niiti llritnnt mid promote ihrir el ileoirni aiooiif us cmlrr present ciniiiliitcc hie irish advocatk will ever i hold in virw lhrcouiisrnrtionofany j t li pnmiitre llevoliiofi to never inib colony iroin lh mother comry r loetkri u ebfllucc in the l n umn whose inieeniy 11 i now plainer uinn ever that lhoc jiprftkiiv the ilijih imiiifte in uiin province nit rely lor ihnrcjjau enrr un prosperity rrmii ihr lone mlmkiri which thr iier will be condtscud nwl ie intvliniiiil nrniue- with whkh it will te exeeot- vrt w lrienl lvl niifl tlit ii will lnar comparison u iih iho mortre mpactatuv iviiailknh in orth america tie jrijintf will uevhtir ahno i uk render tiie paper j ocfila a nrntini tromuuerenillnti ihtffice autj dieyilicrerore iruet litry will receive lor hominrl ofiln inltumtinl ihviv ofaierctuidu tlii kililorinl depruneni wllltie entfuled to ail inxh hmifi unthohe ej- lleman of nlxtny juid clurtcir in imlttir ue truih advocate will support ihreaioe 01 conuntnonnl jcelstrtii il will oppose deprecato and condemn oue aihtuiiju t nimoi ejbrlh ftr daf pcmihal ot irvpowuhlccd clevnnee on wit occamonf iwi journal will display a hmi and painnltc deterimniiion to mhaike the proiwn y oi vm country incn ami ntiritrulafiv 01 lrimnen the iuish aivicatf- will be printed on eood paper of ihe ize now neij hv the kmnli jmiroau orthtn city and will in clmreejl id bab rrimt nt rtkk ix ill a ft ptr aiinnnickcltmivc olpomnie payabjtt cmiaonmdly in advance pntmatrr conmr merchnnl and other in uolh ptaflnecv who may fill jn imere 10 thr jeucee- of ihe pipcr are respectfully frqaotw el 10 um their he excriioiis in pronmiitii in ctrrvlaiton in tlkir repec- ln e nrhhorhoot any fenlleamn who mny procure nkc ntiern ami vooeh for the ttm- periuhmt oftlte partie dj lie eniitlej lo ar paper fiir every tn iub- krlsefv o ruined nfoirititr aiacfl la ui forwanlrd to either ilan afeni5 in ilii ray 00 or hetiire ilie 11 of lvhrunry next sufitfopiinn- will te ieeijvil lulllhi city ai ihe nookioref of job caninltell ntiil ii trltrenor si 1 n xvirr tuect und at ihe ex- cliinir 4 itoihti montreal jan r 135 just published a rvr ivn eoricisr hystvm cr akithmetie cilcctana ta faciiitats llir improvfnkst of tuitii w t c1mm tiii ariihttieiic ikis been ptdlihed uiuitt the pa- ironapc of ilis bxcilleney sir john cnlborne k c- h- the lion ulld venoiahle the archdeacon of york the uev dr harris principal of ihe u- c eire e li ice ten sliillinc per dozen half bound eastwood ft skrivxfp tnrom v 18th r34 3 c

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