Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 13, 1835, p. 2

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phovinciai parliament tho dead the house of assembly faiftaf march 27- the ileus in committee of un whuto un the question of rods sod tin if thecornismitit rot find rrporttrf f tiiaiu retoluuoni teporl wts received vi3 nit ii ths resolutions wptc read 0 follow rie1fcri that lhi be jrrtd fi im msjcmy the sum of 251100 for the improvement of reeds ifidbittlge in tin pro tiocq fleiolved thst th bov uid ho diijtfd in the jrsl us tricu fbllowf wdiwirt 13fh in snno do 3ono di 2350 du 2wk do cm do sfto do 260 dr 9350 do atfla do 650 do iftmm visiting were physicians ir pent for who as thomas and u it us their o- otuwo tester bthurt juhnstowrv- midland priece edward newcastle home gora fiiajira london weitern in i-i- th i jl0ft resolution thare were of on the question ft passing ti36ti ii rcsofrfrf thai there be granted to hi majesty the sum fsouoto tmprjiva ihe mvfrtl post t adi in tlti province iiibjsrt tg ihc rratd lv suri means at tlio pulinrnril of rhi protince may think prir m its qnm ifttttoil to lie divided betwet ntl lral districts of litis province a other niuuiesi f- tmc by thi house have been this resolution was put and uftlvtt 21 xiw w rcsotctd that there ww ftnodier resolution tcsubitinir h dimributton ofthelfisi sum of ftirt tvbivh was mnrndori by a resolution to go iitn into reuimitu- wiuti the house re nay 43 pas but be rr solved tteelf into a committee on ihu eubjuct 1 cfre tilt- limise tha committee rnw without adopting any resolution fur to- waiving die rprt cm 1 nay or duncomhc of oilml moved vecondd by mr cms holm that a commute b- ippuiiltc i li brfhrt cmiful of eleven nwmbcr to rofftrt by lull or oilier wim upon the rnrntury ot tin province- with power in end for prvinau paper und documents mid lhat tht rale of ihi house lie dupchwl with for lhit tuipoi- whivll ww curried and tin billot leuiuisidr ihe following bmiw were chtwwil viaj dun omho of ox- ford thorboni m kkviiit tvrrv uellf bruca water dutind chiaholnl and iilchriri 1 1 satcuut march 23- tha committctt appointed to try iho poiitioo aaint the un- du aiactionof lavid jnntv rji reported thu the 4ail david jonas esq- having ft majority f vuia on th pollbuou i tharafore duly el tod to farv as iha ropresonlaiife f r th town of brotlcttllo in this prheni psriiamctit tha commiiteo on jrievau reported an addram to hi excellency requcming infoimation ctmotmiflg tbetalhol m- tlaraonl the report wa recivcdand tha report resd twico and eonrorod io and urdcrai for a third reading tluf thiy afr d e mrdtnwt frim ihaeumtnitteeon m aaavmenia of the iru diirirt presented a report m which it w complained thai ihti tltsorar f lh intern iilrirt had re fused to attend th- home tdv4s tin rconirvd iufornialion r pactilue cartain affirm in ih said lttnrt and a motion vvas made that ihfl tnauror of tho kateru district be ordered to attod thit hrnie ftrihnih llorinc th- dl ntofi il wa sutj r i i l iaiit atn of tba kitvrn imn l hal met and paed aeraril multftirtm ditiyin the right of the llousie of asjatmblv to rmluim any information repcling the attrir of tha district and an imendmenl to the following efivcl tvl than earned that icsjr itroceand shaver lies committee to draft and report an address in ins etcellcncy that tho ma fiilratei who attendad the meeting ailed by tho t insurer he diimisstd from thtniagisiracr of titirn iiff i-l- ltf 27nays2l tha address to his exchloncy for inf rwiflon concerning tha tilbut setllament ffainu a third time yaai 40 nayi 3 carried by a majority of 37 tho committee on tho pennon of tho ror attrui mcdonell reported a bill mr vesting in truitoei a caruin piero ofground in kingston for tho purposs ofa roman catholic sandnary which vras received read a first iron and onleed for a sacond road in 5 tlio sou5e wont into connaitfea of lh whok on ihs subjoct of common schools whan ihe following resolution was report- ad hjolrtd that lhare be granted to hi hnjotty the mn rf r0oim aid of tho present support ofcnminvii khoula in this province for tho yar l3t and lcc to bo diinbuid is for th two 1 mine year and mossn dunconibe terry and walls wore appointed a committee to orart a mil iii uiu of the forogoing resolution mosbat march m the bill to inako good crnio monies adamvd hv hi lis rallancy in compliance with tho addrf jm9 of tlita hmn during tha lst and present aeavion wa read a lirsl and bsjcofld llilttt and onured for a third re4dtug this dy- 3ft tftitnttte saconded by di- tihhril md that the clerk bo directed to order from the ii at x vtk ir ihtnios ofthahouie tha li- horning iafirnirfc w ijtutuh a- 53le of his kxcidlency rtutina in school land reported n trv and have cranlcd to m unfit ctlllibrl un htrtwinrommutw ufihwboujn uw bill to ament 1 ma u tkntl some unit ihc chiller of kins acolhfife the cwnrwik rose and a ported tho bill as amended report reread and the bill ux dred for a third leading tomorrov m- tja v thw llfkjft on motion nfjflr macnab wfotalona hm- discussing tlio proprietv of rolamini the crvcs ofttrtu boyd a wrvuit of the lltmae who und been dinuwstd for m planer rondu t tfurmntimn wash the llo4l went into coinmitteo ot tin- whotu milhn liilhi bill whii h after a nhflrtdmimi n wsseirntm hie t ban man rpnrtid the bill and on the qutmuirfl br receiving tliw re port iha mouse divided vsjm srayl6 the report was received and the bill urdttrw lor a third read morrow iha limn wciuinlocommitlec ofthc wiimic oh the intei cours bill the hill vvm rcpored and on ihe juenm lor tho third rtwlhm in- morrow mr ivrry moved that it he read uffstn a third tuns tins div winch wv oihrud and i tho tit tion fin panii the bill mr kylcctt moved a mutton la allow mericaii piodur tnuhi ihrougli uu iwviorc lor export 1 tion free id dutv fresh beef pork and lie slo k excepted i mr mclean move i n motion to the aamevfltict with the ai dition that eii h arhclc in hulidtd vwas 34 mr mcrnlt moved that hill do not now counnitted ul consider the fdlowin reason- thai it would dnvcoor ihhtilllttrcc to the amen an wde a they msv carry it thruuih lhfu own watch l thj montrt il inirket tllw driviin fiom our shtikj employinent for our vv- m- it will ehtaa our canal and other avenues of euuniuitu- ration lor produce from amerv ui stales linllt lir the montreal markfft uih also for th nvw york nmrm by way of 0w iijuiv those work aid our w reliffiaus tenets and say if it is mention belwcim the rvrtvtnrsj ami the uclsjllbiinng miles b j pieveulio traveler twd others from mfwlg lhruh a illy doe not provide for lln rcniiion iif duin hfl cairi3jet and horses ami it ivnvm he n injury 1 onjigmnti b untusccau ry deljvsni kttidiuje th- question ww lut yeas 23 naja 85 whto tho loll wa urried- vea3l nays 18 the qncstiua was carried and tho bill passed the llmitltou hank bill was road a second time and or- dured tor a third roading fntnit april 3 addrhss of the i efilslatlve council una fouittil judge vfcr on tho question frtrlho hihhld readius uf the address or- uorlwui milvwin amendment e- ouded by urbnicfl ml tbttaddttiu to his exclllicv tho lieutenant goyernur nut down from the fbmoiablo iho legisutiva council be raau second lime this day t rea moutlis on wbieh the yea and navs were taken v follows ytosw nay i l the coroner being opriwd ol the unfmtttmrtc irvent early on wrfowdtay roormtig emimietued the rlllo ips ttspoctiimojmy 1 coluicsperrie kteiirr 2 ebcnezersvmson irish merchant j william fearmun kii imotmakero 4 dllvor inudiai swrkeeper 5 thomas wiumi finals hotel kcfper vvillium llanljs eiwlnli carpenwr 7 ruftis smith american contractor s alexander unuetiter canadian tinsmith 9 wtlhtm scobelt knglih baker 10 john kennedy irish turketpet 1 1 john smith cnglislu tavern kcfparj 2 willisim ciitrmoie enghiilli hnul keeper- l3chjtru durvtiuu catiidian ivarrisut 4 reuben a lirfcer american merchant 15 janus utiycr english we have been thtis particular in describing the jury as we have heard matiy idle reports concern ing the vmlict which they agreed upon and we ask anv candid person to look at the list composed of szotcli lrlhi english canadians and ikuvcm ol cite cnited state and uf various political rhat they chsiom lint nion their tiid unpreji bank of upper canada report of coromiltaa on trada on tha uppar csoada baiv bui tha conimittaa on trada to whom was referred iha bill for increasinj the capital stock ofthc bank of upper canada re- specuiillv rtjport tint ii vmvi tn thern to be inaxpcilient tt increasa thcca pilal stock of that bank they therofora reconunond that tha furtlkt coiisidaration of the bill be dfrrrd till tha thirtrfirst day afaugutt next james wilson chaiman w l mackenzie gilbeitr wnmlckwg jihks in kaap peteu shaver mr wakenxio seconded by mr morriion movas that ths report be adopted on which tha yeat and nays bttinj tnltan feil0wj vsa w nays fi- the tpivstion was cartkn in the af firmmlvaj by a majority of ic and tbo ilous rcsoltod ni to ultkam tho stork uttlie bank frovinoxal dflkadfttt arptlr the toll of lliuiillton and itjt vicimty have been greatly excited rfncctuewttj lat from the circumstance i jam a qvrcu thr convicted murderer huving been round tlead it hi ceil this nnforiuiiaie mun tgeiherwhh hooney mh1 been lying in our gfttll inr a itnifih of time ln dtr resjite fur the murder ofa msm of lite ri3inu ol rrm uit suinmtrr and on mnntluy last had re- treivetl ihe news ul the commutation ufihe semenct- into baiiishineut fur life frnm the i ryvinccs und wor t ivn lagnitliii ihtf liy aftci ihilr and exncerail imtf i nth thin sod bukiiteftfl anrt ironn mate of thr public tllilld we ivcto induced bi dela tlieordhuiry pnblieaiioti of our ftper in the hop tabled fa lay the ttiirt nca ike would have cmne to any other mn- ihit wliiel must have been forced rnnviction hv an attentive deliberate ulieed consideration of all the circum- nances oidueed on uaih before them the jury vere mpanellrd from 10 oclock hi the morning ill near eight oclock at night when they brought in 1i1 rollutvma verdict that the aid jumeaoivene came to bis death hv di4cqe cf the heart acted upon by violent ex citement caused by the keepers ofthc gaol forci bly pttttmu iiiuis upon htm in cons quencc ol abu- sne in ffuae eaid 10 have been applied to theffuol- rr and hi family and threats aaid to have been made against the life ofthc gaoler the body ul the deceased when viewed by ihe jury presented a hideout spectacle the none was cut and completely laid open there was also n wound on the side of the head iwq cuts on the handa nd a wound in the thigh the uody at afterwards delivered to the wife of the deceased and was interred on friday we have heard various reports as to ulterinr pro ceedings but have not rcccued any information in that authentic form which would justify our publish ing it i it is due to mr- m alone the gaoler 10 state that rte ta uiotfi aiijliutit mj itttvti tile nflltitoll ittitj in vestigated before ajudicial tributtol the deceaseds real name wa james owens ma- earth vi he wia a native nf dubtiu and a tailor by trade vtcxttm swcmiry acciofvr two men were dreadfully manclcd bis morning at the government work fori henry by an unexpected explosion which louk place wf thcv were enged in ramming a charg iuiothe roc preparing for u blast the life of one of ihe man patrick foley adtscbrffed soldier of the gsth kegs- is despaired of ckromcu lkeds blrhtiox mr knell arrived in toronto on the evennlb of thursday the 2d met and on tin following day entered into bndv to prosecute tie 1 petition of malhew im howard and wil the mi uuch various tcruing iih ofowirlis f f nnt enii- the ridint- igainst the silling mtmihcrs t cotnmittec was drown and otanixd fihr ibllowiiigmvmberst meure peri at tlie petitioner on the following day litest before the public tu isnrth hwfon sptfttiroru imsih vtnmtnet tho ruriiitf nffjin hrtiisk ftrruir i nuwvitrk thi nfufvifl bmgrtnt the ffomrttl hirfictlfor ani tin mnming f i- rtrf tha qttcfati ctffifrtxwtaaaitfl n opv wfowili oawspspr printed in lppnr trnln mitn un imit r iiil tint tlic said journals lid filud iti the etuiuuitlti rihhil mii hut lltinr undar ihc rare ofthc huae msvnor nwl tint nnuitrh imv ccsj lf- exrry wik aiy from ten nil kir aul buauiliiiiiverl lo introduce stranger bv eiit 111 their uattm in n bk ui b kaptuy tht niviuvnei fr lltat umi iht ilwuis 0 saiion 1 piroilicisl be uudur lht cuilul i- i if 1 1 in ihe library for daily reference in suncmlmertl mr gowan seconded bv mr- ittbinon uiovimi thit iha motion bv amended by tosertin the words tho dahtn huit lhc it tfdit gttiiriianthe jdon ftttnttfte j hn 01ilfadti txin- don timfjxfa montreal wuittu yvtt tj naya j- wr marhifiixt ittondtd by lr oibon rlnived that the words lvzklj despatch ho struck out anj the wofdatafl standard incrttd- which was rltj on thaorifjmal question as amende j iho jcasaad nays were ukan a fhilutr ycisl9nt4 tha original question a amrnd- mant was carrte 111 the affirmative by a majority of fivi and fit it we bndd have hrei vlence nivvn on ih in in this urluve been di4iiuiimttd ltf on onrnpdy- iiim die cofthierfmibeawlry ro we the depot- tittllflt wf wfl told that ihtfv had been returned to the muijhiraie und w had no meati tif obtaining iiie ntuired nformaiiin fioinlhein we have not- wnlmiriitdrmfi hindis every inquiry from lhoh wm bad tin b l mean of knowing the stct und the re ifottr iiqiiiries ban brrn the following state ment wbieb we believe will be found to bo mihstan- ti4ill univtl on tuesday evening about six oclock the 1 i t 1 ordered accurdinglv tvudtf marrh 21 tha common school bill wm raad a third nine and paed yen 33nays3 ona motion of mr durand the house went into committee oftha wbuw upon the report of tha select comunttea on the fatitionof thomas crooks and others for a further ranted or the detardni l cjanal mr ihtraud entered fully into a detail of thv affairs uf the eanal sine lu coinniencemcut and pointed out the advantr0h which would accrue to that section ofthc prof inca by riiithh inc that wtif th j gaoler denniii maloiip went as usual to lock ll the tells and on pausing lhat in uhich rooney and ouetih were confined the latter used aty abnsiw i and irriiatin language to tin gaoler and threatened i him with voilence a thi lime the gaoler was in the hall nd the prisoners were tit the cell wbirh as locked a great deal of abuse and threats were who wan tn a voilent pas ed to by the ganlor who made npe of by owens ion and htcb was repli appears to have been grrfllly excited at tbmtime rooney called out that owens bad a razor and he was afraid that murder would be committed the i gaoler then said that in consequence of the abuse which be had received and the threats which had hen made he would put owens in irons although i it ww the inst nirrht he ww to remain in prison he 1 arcnrdittiy proceeded to the shop of mr jame j btiiwh wlio is thcmnhh to the giol atid also a mttklmmtu uf police for tlic town thtf stllitllv in ironsiiiiii oninee kobinon fioiniiioe for ihc iling metnherk hubbncbairtnan rymnl mc- otiell ol totiiiuiu cmihmii 1i tr liibloy sirunect chisltolme and small the committee met at 1 1 ovinck and entered into a resolution s ro tlic method of proceeding in the case mr- hu ll then 011 toe part of the petitioner very brief tatcd the cadi observing tlmt theprownd on which we tt were set forih in the lvtnion these he hoped to ebubliwh satisfactorily before the commit tee hv the witnesaei he should brine before them- ii succeeded in this he conceived that the prayer ol the petition ought to be complied wlili by giving iiiiuself uud mr howard the teats but il tluv did not eomejto this eoncliibiou they could uol but declare the flection void- adiel sherwood lisrj ih keturuing olficor was then sworn and his ex amination continued till the hour armed at which the committee desired to adjourn the committee accordingly adjourned till monday th gh at oclock the case on ihepirt of tin sittinu mem- hera conducted by mr uowait the attorney general does not meddle with lite matter brock- viiu recorder uzxrn 1 1 hoe torleaol bltt mr bnglikli bring otwawd at jtitr to cntble him tolusn thr liku hiii of ituitivv t tin dm itraisni l jnil company ujion the security f the iimihi mimi hie titne khfte delay look place und about twenty minutes elapsrd before the gaoler accoillpailied by lr liiliiish with the irotkt returnetl to the pritfuft on tlnir way they were met by mr deputy slterifl t itvirfainitig their busuit went with jtrdisni cui compay ujion the security ftlio v of tho stid comjinv and ofinh other real anj per sonal security at the lieut quvvrftur fir tho mno kom with tho advice i m4jcatys etftcotiv tuuil shall dtinii suf ciot to intttrsi ihenuul pnjmcntof itttoroilupolliocli losii and rntually to iedeni the princil j hwih iii tho chsirman rcpnrtd the imolutlqq whivh was airod to i jmiiu k t yms23nays 3 mmn c duacomho thorbtirm and rv the uppvarance of lie tfanlcr dursnd irr appointa a cottiniuico tj mpuitl bill puuatit t 1 a x to the tajplflfl swlutian 1 oulniaeou o the bill to ttmnd ihc court of ttflnumi law wm read n l jutoihtv cantioued iwc pirty to kfcp back ted to try has been tavhir oliver all tin w they were tb re one of ihr tonike bun n ed by mi and opening imia tnn went into crr outi tims and nsspd tss x nmvh 7 on the ipn for tho houso m o int tootrnittee f tho rholo on un suhjrcl of the vvarlusen the vas and were taken yu21 nsplb- tho hota 0iilte mr mimtckingm thv chair d dnomhe proptsed that a grant of i0000 he granted from the revenue of th prormce fr th pavmifilt of the war- losses it was lopnorted by the sohninr gcnejal oufiornlip and merntt and wasoppird bv mit-r- lvnv knlihn ami mackenzie and hi asiduavsd3 mr perry propped a nsohitimii tlut u war losts iimiiiii be paid oil t of th0 casual mu tvrrumi urtiu will h m being at tho doposil l th lihturr iln hid tmt tho jw r to upmd it fir th pnhu aiksintiijt this was ntoo last stid ihv rhiruvm riii ad riotfd pru- aaiu ivliirh wu cttrnimj rsin andaskvd invu ti mr perry hrotjht in a hill tu rapistl tne law auliiirinj tke iijr of evidence ptf the rial uf tofiufttcil vltr inhr b fcre a commission appoitilkfl tn lhat purpose whicii was rmul first and seconded tune arid ordered firf a third icuclin lu morrow ivsmmrur april 1 the bill lo repeal the uw authoridw the takifuf tif n b conuited eleetien iralf hyconimi abi r was read 3 lncn third omeand paied ys nas 4 the 3t1 t com tn uter ippoirduj to rtfua ofs rwolutton ofthn ii ur pfrariung utnvr him of 5ftv for ths purposeorcoiiitiimii s lirdv hpirtvd a hilt reeeved fd a rirsittnic and of d r- d tor a ssnond rvetllfljl the hill authorizing a lose 10 lh dtjaidiire caoal c ssiteeo war read a first turn tfce hrote wamr mrrrwffefe f rjie whle m rtesn- n piirnsorr who h wtt- m- as k iivciih sftnn d uctei mined lo di mischlel unci re sist hfiiup the irmus put on him oens at this time bad i bottle in one hand and 4 razor in thr other the lpiulurand msherry wrreanned with daecvn ulueh appeals to he the usual manner hi vthieh the tvi iti hrek up ihereiu ituonry uattalarmed and eqtuled 111 he ntnnid from the cell tlw depu ty bejv ihffli nnleretl ivtry person out but k two eonviets niidcillimroueiih to hie nieket de- ithitrlrd the weapon r him wutrh he iusnitl m ult in abotm tiw niliuite thr plirtv lfail fl- rrd the nil nln 11 0eutok the ihmis whirll huii ben i nd nit the llor hm struek msiirrrv on the hmtd with them mr kelly um bidding i be earn lie all icuehsh arid deputy rhenli oliver wrix present sitiir eniicd betrcn owens maloue and vr sherry stnlisaud hruvts ere given owrciid rilhd on the deputy shrriitfur protection who re plied that ur would not interfere between the gaolei and his duly tlmt i lie maloirr infringed oil tin law owens had his remedy owens w lung o the bed and finally ironed and the party left tin cell in about three truntitee alter alalone hainc been told that owene bad a pair of shears in bis luoitjon returned to the ceji and on gainst to thr where the dtfcmttwd lav he tdinerted that h him brought out and laic when he w f o b ib uhcc where the did tint move and be had m thy middisifff th floor lreds etfxttonthe commiitc appoin t rattan and jamesons second election struck the inetnhc are cornwall strange mcdonell of stormout kvmal cuisnuim koblin sbibby and small the tirt four voted afiahiat mr bidwell as speaker the uthet five for htm perry and robinson are the nominee row an is sent to coventry he lias made several in milting gttltblingw wbtch have not been answctei even by a hiifs- this self convicted libeller and prostitute of the elective franchise is bneatlt and heidrthe notice of every honorable man coottrg jtjomur ve must own that we are considerably disap- poiuted in tb complelenrss of the statements ub- ut by mesi trucott tirrm a co lo tin uie coiliwittec of lilg upper canada house ol i pou the first tnootinc of this ljume ic unfairness of pntidiiin case o1 t bank hut the published evidence of the partner thcnieivea will umvsive further conjecture and at the same time itionul means of judfflug f rhe eharacter ol l cbingly unbitsi- nrsfiike we ran hardly taippone that the wiguf- ies ol these fftalettlente arc the effect of a vloven- lycondueicd wtublisbinctlt or are intended to mis tily ami deceive it is certain however that the private meirlwul whose cashbook entries and bal anees exhibited entiling but estimates would add hide eiiler to his trains or bis riflhltntiun tin extreme deheary of the committee ill their 1 xuninitiri nf the ukiunirers of tl lucly hilled in eliciting ufunuat whirh it is of ihe highest import fully tt ililderblvtlld- it 13 staler emite of lite copartners ifl at least not however evctl hinted at 111 w peny this estate eonsibts or m whit patl ol to be loiind eimpiinc il in evident string value t smmbv we objected to ned m sllcr- j kiicsti delicacy its the stability of lis party the dnor a lord tlie lnouud on which they at present eta the document alluded to ta btr st francis wi giitul up to saturday cvcniiw seve ral loaded ihiehs having crowed that day on frtdav two hluntnmw lol thoir iire3 a trnhw betwlett montreal and ln prairie and barely saved ihctiiwilvcfci in thmhiffhho uiond of quebec by the att cotmis little gun v lud disappeared a the foftdd vcre nearly un irood v iti th middle of winter several floeksofthe canada goo w htitl wen wjtn purauiiw their flight to the river aed iutll ii we uitdeivand that the new hank of meson viirer de it v oo will jjo into immediate oper- ntion the pubjuined ebuie rtfail act of ihe pro vincial parliament passed in lsj0 must he a great drawback to the circulniion of the notes of the new esmhliahmtu we can imagine how that part of the enactment may be evaded which provides that no note payable to bearer shall he issued by any o her than a bank incorporated by law but it will we think require mhitt ingenuity 10 get rid of the clause nor any note under the nominal vfclut of five dollars e thin apjiearsa complete bar to the issuing of notes of less amount than live dollars at all events it is quite cleat from the ttmorofthe act thai it was the intention nf the legislature to prohibit the circulation of bank notes by any per- 50ns except those upm whom is imposed ihe duly of making an annual expose of their affairs extract from tte lairs of lotctr canada vo 13 page 570 ii and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that after the expiration of three months from and after the passing of this act no bank note orother note whatsoever made payable to bearer nor tiny note under the uominal value of five dol lars issued by any bank or joint slock company or persons trading as bankers save and except only such bank notes as ninny b issued by any bank incorporated bv law in thin province shall be offered or given in pavment on pain of for feting the nomi nal amount of suich hqttj which amount shall be recovered on information a conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction in this province march 26 1330 mcmittg courier on saturday mornine we attempted to defend the noble st lnwrvnce from the implied caluunue of theaaff050f maine and we now proceed to shew that tht st lawrence compared with some other american riters laonrh under less than an avefgc ihare ofdisadxnntages it is imtienwhly closed by she sevciiiv of be pinnate for four or five itiotitbn of iha year and ij so far iuaccrssibu to fowijftl commerce ne severity nfciimaie rvvemi with uatu- rbtvrtioni but tllc a tm hiilrii and mifiiril ra l however applies wrth almost equal lorce to tta iunt formidable and mot sncccsriil rival the erie ca- nabasano to the projected ship canals round the falls of niagara and from oswego to albany sometime aco we published a leter of the distin- vi vibt confession that ihe cuitfhed cninrer jtldg wrlland canal must be fortnight earlier thna the erie ting neariv the anu advantage for the opi lien can on an actge a d and iiuiinpa- t lawrence irfori of an amtri arert that producs brie at lrabtassoon there should be any rhi regard lotimr red by the cumpariuvc catul on tho authority tlw ran enffinenr we nmj satvly ran reach montreal from ititk ik it can reach albany if difference against thr t luwrv it will be more than bulau- economy of thr route the t lavrence in not only open at an earlier dau- in the apihkts hut it i alo open to a utter dat in the fall whit ranals are jremraky closed bv the fintf frosts te tnpid current of the upper st lawience recording to report of a committe of the assembly of lower canada has been known 10 wa piuducc tn turbine te xw end of december but in truth the objection founded o the de lays ofa irvere winter ought not even in m most unqualified rrltltpc ic cxi ife either dispair m tf in the friends of tbe uanadiui the state of new york hears the same dittsi- vnntsgcnntf relation in ivwylvania that candit heanto the state of new york und yet thesuts of new york secure a much lager portion of die western trade than fetuiylvania the analogical arciument become much stronger when we conii- derthftt new york overrome the disadtantaeet not only of climate but of a greater distance by what meant due nr york achieve such resuhtj by dstrinffentetprise nuloirutabie peraer crnuceand enlightened skill by sbiibir mentis may the can ada come into aurcewfui competition with new york nullum is impossible to v11 directed in dustry vyeshttll proeruro the important eubjca on an cary day- montreal ihraltl the toronto recorder say that the clergy unserves ae acoin fo rrvint to the crown fur indit- piikil the recirdtr does not give the debatet in the lcftfrdhtive timuril but we eannot urolr- tiiid ho any pmcrvn h of tu leehihsivc council could prtdir e tin rwi it mm it tl e council have s auctioned th- bil ufthe sm ilhlv ibr reeall stated cannot bt crr f il rb inn rii hh rrjertfd t the rfvrjpy rrt 1 ntfm rt vr t w tre riumi br its iliitft l hul ail 1 crrilin lie f h hd bv the krowz v i uvc 1 r li a protcstm t ci- rry 1 s en point te linn h in on iin nee ibr the public thai tin mutual tmoooo it is tai kind of pro- 1 evi ny tl the vtorld that have a close bearing on ihe existence the available nature and value of the estate itself in utuklrtg these observations we neither menu to dis credit the hank nnr i impugn thp veracity nf the gentlettien composing ihc fir in- morniig uouritr the roads round montreal torc never worse than hey yrc at present the tpper tanatlu mail due y evvriingi did not arrive till funjay about one due on saurday reached the post- the tc 07 lake extiaci from ib k 1 itfthe cotttmi te ofthc firantl orangtf lndire of irela oited committee- rooms 9 vetjorchuid street dublin 17th no- vemhtt l your committee have received several comnru- nications fruu hfittall north america vraeiv raiigriiimccnih greatly on the incrcuee bulare sorr to learn thit n mr ogle kobert towan b persfou well known to this institution though not hilnuginir tn ir nor holding any office in it iras rtproentcd himself m cnula to hich country ht ih4 emtirrated as our deputy grand setretuiy and by such reiireavniatlon procured himself to be appointed a deputy t iraud master yotsr commit lee submit thai a rormnuniratiou ought to be made without delay to liritmi north america matitif that mr ogle robert gowan is nota member of the orange liidtitutiou of ireland the following resolution was passed unani mously that this grand lodge has heard with extreme surprise that a person called ogle r gowan hm declared himself to the fraud lodge of cnnadam one of our secretaries wherens the said ogle ft tmiwau is not even a member of this institution this resolution to be comnnmicated to the grand ldge of catnida n sneydi chairma w r ward ix g s ec 71 k recorder un frid noon tlie office only yemerdoy oftfrnoon a purse olc3u has been raised on the britivb side of ihe ntngnrafttllai which will be paid to any individual who mii accomplish a voyage fromlcfr isioit to niagara kulisi opon the river that gi- guiilic ktrenm lows this distance about iev miles between perpendicular banks of solid rock varying in height from one hundred and sixty fert upwards the nish of the vast river tlirough tha darksome gulp it is frightful the whirlpool so uell known to visiters and many other poinb iluuft the dilanci have at least the appearance of eftcitl dangr fmni the brink above still c dow uot the jmrstlioldit mil find hi matt in the pf on ef pomeadventuroua yankee

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