wmm ffitaawa and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly opipek r onus m dicor iy e j barker m d vol 111 kingston u c most dat m mic it 23 1833 t the british whig a semiweekly journal duvtiled to commercial iml political infos malum is miuihiimi uvurv monday thihlm wnina by doctor uukcr editor and proprietor at hi of fice in rear sheet ni dntrf tothn commercial hotel tkku for the british whig mvwitmt aw- mi- pence per annum if ni i n i ivanrc or willin three nmntli from tho receipt oftlii fir iiumhcr and one pound if col lected at he end ofthc year exclusive uf postage noojbacription received fir lea tltai six month and no pper discontinued until nil aireanicsarc paid up except at tho option oftlic pol liticr xttberttstincnt si lirutfaud umtartfctfdi lirtincrtion and 7u eicli hillmnilwl inserting ton linos and under 3s i fir1 incrtinn and 10l eaehsubcpirnt insertion above ten lines 4d per line fir the firt insertion and id per line ff every subsequent insertion advcrticin t without written dircrtions areincrwd till forbid and charged accordingly oidci for ducontinutng advertisements to be in writing produce ofevery kind received in paynwtt letters taken in except rain agent- unless pot pa ip jbeiter ffyxs printing doctor hrkric bavin obnined a mort tupartor prw and an excellent uwirtffteni of jon tvff i enabled to exciu very dcwcripiinn of jod printing with nenlnwsand ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprceudntly low in upptr canada cheap goods for cash vtjeu goob8 william r bartlet respectfully informs the inhabitant of kingston and the midland district that lie has late ly returned from montreal wilhan extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now selling or cash or prom ft my wholesale and retail at the store tutely occupied by messrs- parker and benson in tltk centkk op fcffobfe strekt the stock constats of wesl of england and york shire superfine line mid common broad cloths flashing petershams fl ieu baizes carp ing and carpel bugs series tartans bntiiba- norwich crapes bonilnwett irish scotch and jrey cotton ruaii stripe hook jaconet zincs mm iiom id ijinnetis sheeting check corded muslins jlovesund hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a hrm and will aelecied stock of groceries hap been ptirclitirad uv rite wctiitoji jant to hm for cosh or exchanged fur produce on the lowest pos sible term fur caps of all descriptions kinsmon ov 2tlh 1931 33 waited an active lad about t r 1 y apprentice in a grocery store in at ihi olfic- kingston jminory 33rtk 135 patt nf age ihi town ns an apply 49 r jit kecu1vkd and pou sale by the kibncuiber garden secd of every description tinwhv and clover seed kgatff market square march 2nd 1s15 rags c ftr patrick euan will pay cash tor rairs iluck horns c r p eg an market square march 2nd 1835 for sale by t11u 81 us riber 20000 e mrs 50 ken 8 pit tobacco 20 jars supei ior miiccaljov snuff 20 bis rosit i 10 do tar 10 bug s pep ut 10 d- piuies io w u rartlet- storest kiiiffton xov 24th 1831 32 kingston foundry this establishment if now in full operation and the proprietor u resolved to apare mo expense to ren der it worthy uf public encouragement he trusts that as to materials w1u wnrknmuship and variety ofcasiins he kinoftton foundry will lie found gcond to no similar etftttbhbmch and that there will hereafter be no necessity for sending to the united stales for castings when they may be had in litis province- there will be kept on hand or manufactured to order all kinds of castings for srto mills and flour mills the establishment i now furnished with patterns of the oswpffo and kocliesrter plans and person building mill can be supplied willi good casting on as reasonable term as they can be procurej in the state ofewyork saw mill cranks fulling milt cranks mill screws at m lighter screw and clothierv screws die stalks taps and dies for screwing bolts on the best plan sleigh shoes and fan ning mill irons four d liferent kinds of plough waggon boxes pipe boxes and axletrees foi carriages screw tops made from 4 to 20 threads to the inch- letter cut for brands and stamps brass castings madeof every dimension- cttst steel axes whole- tale or retail au kinds of iron finishing dontf in the best manner in addition to the present conveniences for cflrt- the proprietor is now building a cup dn so as rasuui from 1000 to 2000 lbs igi to be able to make eight the public are invited to examine the work of the foundry ami judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any other establishment of the kind c a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make patterns if required also burr mill stones of every sie ami bolting cloth of the best description fnllv is chrflp as can be- pro- cured in any part of the united states the for- termnnuraciuredhere by mr l- bust wick kingston january 11915 ettiiciiallutvell paper bellmillt iniellioncer cham bur port ilnpc warder ami bwfcefln kccohr will jifs tto above three mcniuits hcnding their ucciunls to the chroo us sc gaiwtte- olkco or sale b7 the subscriber fcftoop rubber shors wv s r caldwell market 8uar kingeton januory 3rd 1836 avid williamson befis leave to return his guileful acknowledge ments to hi friends and the public furihe liberal tipper t he iihk received during his residence in kingston he now begs leave to inform ihem thai iii consequeiice of having formed a partnership which will commence on the 1st of may next and having determined tu remove to more exonvivc premises he will dispose ol his present new nnflex- ensive stock of goodsat prime cost consislinr of superfine and lieline black blue lliv and bb cloths reershain vestings cnnb- let- mfiinos bhtnkets flanueln and bizes with i general usonineut of winter tioods nida mm extensive assorhneut of staple and fancy ioods to answer the present and approatllio seasoim u- w has alo on hand young hyon tw nifajsolieh teas and a quantity of loaf and covjo jsugar a he wdetermined to diajose of lhewhule of his stock without reserve the public will find it their interest o avail tlicmncfres uf the present htvonhle opportunity kingston feb 12h 1835- 43ts slander whereas several evil designed persons h originated and basely circulated a srurri tous ha false report in order to defame the reputation ol misse a dhiv daughter of p daly esq ofur- nestown the following affidavits are made that the public may see the absurdity of such a report inroilmation any luluriimuo rrspeetiuj left lo igford ireland in the in kllightiin lit jiliip rj3 left mid when last heard njl of new brother york fi wanted paikk tiinil h yrnr ii i mil nrrivil ufatdi plafc he som tttih hi oxford sun wj f he tjmkful y received by hi mreii apply hi the wihfl oftiee kimrstofi mai tingtttot iitrl di 1835 larg affidavit of dr percy moo r this deponent being ssvorn saith that m i i- a daly lias been his patient duiiuirthe pre winter he has visited her frequently and that itere i no ground or cause for suspicion or evil sui nlw i die report concerning this lady being absurd anjlto- lally false signed j p moorf sworn before me this 9th of march i83 signed thomas sparmam j f affidavit of dr beamish w115 depuutin mtuguuutv cifti ww feu m re quested to examine miss e a dalys case ad dm there is ilti grountl or cause for suspicion wr evil surmine the report concerning this lady bewg absurd and totally fde siened william beamish sworn before me this 9th of march 1835 signed thomas sparham j p tlic editors nflltc bftlttilt whig and chronicte ft gottin will plcaie togive tho abovo three insertions in their repeilie pnptjf nod send their to i dily ei ernestuwn notice is hereby civen that the undcrigued has taken out lcture of adoniibtnuiou to the estate or tne late henry w wilkinson esq all those who are indebted to the aame are respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and i hose having claim to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the l7ih day tit may nest thomas smith kingston november 17 1831 3 pot and pearl asub the subscribers will purchase any quanti ty of pot or pearl ashes and also will make liberal advances on produce consigned to their house in montreal hart brothers co- kingston feb ii 1833 kwgstojy brewery hunt morton beg leave to inform the s habitant of kingston and the public in general iff they have opened a store in frontstreet in ff house lately occupied by a manuhan esq as erv ffraur a l where they will have constantly v hand of their own immuforture a stock of ale whisky ifn superior quality and where orders m fully received mid punctually attended to e cah will be paid at the above vhcut rye and barley kingston l9ili drcj93i i be than store iv nohce whereas my wife jane having left my in- and hoard wilhoutany jtlht provoration this isl furhitl any person or persons trusting or harhoridr her on my account ns i will puy no dcbs of hv contract ingf after this date james mcauley erneslown march 8th is35 1 american leather store iust received mid for sule hv the subscriber is his cheap cash store church street one door sou of mr palmers druggist store market squirv- the fallowing goods viz 500 sides best spanish sole leather 3lm do do slaughters do 300 do do do upper leather 300 do do harness 100 do do bridle 200 do do calcutta 800 calf skins 200 kipp do 100 bbls pork 100 do mtckarel 100 do salt also 20 boxes of sarks cos best broad and nt row axes a variety of stoves of different si7 mid patterns a large quantity of limp oil w tiether with a variety of other necessary arlicles h hi- line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed c on uncommonly low prices- ttthe hiffhet price in cash pid for bides calf wool sheep shuts william ford kingston december ii 183 l 37 for sale by the subscriber a quantity of prime smoked hams kingston march 4th 1835 w y cook cull and sec- the subscriber has fur stile at hi store juauttty of clover seeds mackerel corn brooms garden strrtls 600 pair indian rubber shoes siarks and co axes warranted a lso a good supply of sole and upper leather cah a of which ill be sold at low prices lo chi or hides tt0h paid for hide calf skins wool sheet and unmhas v ford market sqnniv kinston march 12 1835- 12 money lost lost on tuesday last brttn the commusariat office and the burrock in fn til street seventeen dollars in cash whoever has found the nibv and will return it to the wmo office shall be hand somely rewarded kiiiirston march 9th 1835 11 information earnestly requested jam us elli who culiw to this rouutiy from ftbgu durinsr last year and is supposed tube living in o near kingston is requested to make himself known at ihi office the said j e is lame in the knee and uses a crutch kingston feb 10th 1s35 right e teas by the chest j- d- brvoe co gkfe have on hand a quantity of superioi twaukay and souchong tens wliivl tbaj for cash l b retailers can be supptiec ttitities at the same rute rv 1s33 6 i p1uwh with smaller q kingston i9th fehru notice this is strictly to turbid all persons from purcha sing he lense of the stone tavern in ihe vilugroj waterloo near kingston lately tenanted b ruben edgar an in eonsequetlcti nf his absconding ih designed is answerable for the rent darius smith township of kingston frb 20 1835 7 l utl london edition of the penny magazine published by ihc society fbr the enffltfea ofvsafai koowledf c uomuirrre chairman tae ut hon lord chanunr vu chairman ttu lit hon lfinhjhn russdt m p p paymaster g hcral trtasvrer wittinm toota esq f r s this is one ofthc most useful and interesting- periodicals that has ever appeared each month number is embellishrd with upwards of twenty elr- kint engraviue and is moreover the cheapest pub lication in the world they have upwards ul 200010 subscribers in england subscriptions received b the subscribe arnt for the uhove work who hav on hand a few complete sett in numbers and hound kington feb 5th is3 w r uartlet- forwarding the ottawa tkamboat company bavin in qmaiwii iheir cwxhil skk fc jy rile purchase ojshm steamboats on therideau canal in order to com plete and extend their line to kingston will here after transact their business under the n une nf thk ottawa and riukau forwaroino company the undersigned the ronnuuiee chosen to until age the affairs uf siid compuny are rleierroiiter to use their best endeuonrs to secure the couli deuce of the public by having n sufficient ifumlie nf sieainhuais and other i raft on the orra inn ittoeau waters suitable stores nud kieady rapal oul attemive tgetns clerks and roudtic lopei form the forwarding business with tidehry mfen il despatch although the committee wmtm not wi h to no tlerrate thendiantusres of any other route thev run fidently solicit the encouragement of the public ii eenerol as iheir charges will be moderate ovtd ihe irust thai losses and ypxrtiom distnioinmi tit caused by delay mid ohtnaiff nmy hfaoidel liol upwind and downward hv haiua their person and property couveved oti this limit for 1 lints this liie of comm urcitioo is pur tinilnrlv adapted s ihey itwy eiohark iji their lim ijte along wiih ihiuseueh m board n covern hoit and coniinue in the same t e whole irnif h the hoe to kingston being towed the entire d runce the rommitre consider inurnnre unncerann from the superior nafttf of hi rtmte hut is ncc drnts ennnot silwny he avoid d any pcrvnitu con fiding roperty to their cire are pm liiulai ly request ed to order insurance if ilhy inll it to he rfthv on the opeiiiuff of the navigation the cnmnmi will be ready to do un extensive business nun tin following hofluf the shannon receiving two new engines of 41 horse power each ajtncboit building to receive the shannon ermine 56 hois power the ottawa vhh n 50 linm piiffine and ihe st attdrti together with five stetmzn mi lie r dead canal and a competent number uncovered bursts peter m cul joii nrnrath john voiron jon tmm s pllkmm john fkotiiinnilam chairman emery cusiiinq ajrent all persons indebted id the otltwa company are railed upon to settle their accounts wiih as little de- lav as possible feb 21 1635 uttiw cohour star aiul port hope wsrder will cacli eive tho above adtcruaeroeni four inttrtiunt and g6od thur so counts to the company agent at kiojetos so 15 gmioe no8 tailok bhatbfulfnr the pirn mage he has received espeeiiniiy beglac to acquaint his friends and ne nnlilfc- ihut he cotuiuues to carry on thetyilnf s i vr v i oltl jwtt mr htnj- k daveti store in butlu done iliiih mrch2ud 1835 92 fish just received and ill be sold low foi cash 10 hlsclnununi buy herrings in prime order 20cwi f cod kinb 6 krgtf cod sounds 4 cuplin 30 monh shore herrings 20 buses digbv do m l o trt patrick egan market bqmtre march 2od 1835 a card he ahtov ha- taken ins permanent residence wiih mr jame stalker 2nd concession ernestown wlnre he will be alway ready to attend to profe- sniiit iis emeioun feb 23 1835 2000 yards domestic flannels a capital article for warmth and durability just re ceived und for sale by the piece or otherwise bv w r bartlet r n siore3t kingston nov 34th is34 32 to let thatexcelleiusioiedwellirg house situated in ilic best pui of sfiiestieet anl lately in the occu- jjintiiii oim s riduell eyq for terms apply to abraham trnax or henry cassaoy kfngrtnn oct 6 1334 is cash paid for wheat rye indian coin ud ont and alo for sale at ull times good old tt lii-kt- v w garratt kmeston slab pfov 1s3 3220 jbeather store top sttm muw vhi- iu iive rht m frintl nnd llie politic in general for the liberal sup port he llml received rinca lie commenred biisinem nd iissmc- theni unit no exertion on his part shall lie uiiniinirtn meii h continuiince ofthc same he iirvr receiviue a large qumitiiy of sole and uppe leiiher cull morotc lining and binding skint he ha now on iniml 3jo ride sole leather 2jo fides upper do 150 calcutta 300 cill skins 20 toz ulazed morocco 3 do unsized do 20 do linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured ortfn best moteriiils he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 50 dnz staik cos double refined axes 20 doz do do do broad do also 150 barrels salt s r caldwell market oct n b qnnre kingston her 25ib i34 cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c 24 for bale bv the substlber j oo boxes f jjcht xikvtbtptui iu samuel ph1ppen kingston january igih 1835 q for 8ale by the rucscriber qiiiiiniiv til the h si uakljn stlius raiaed i ciimlirithj y by f cnsbv nud wnnanted lyliim hibeifnnrl v p cook kiiom miiri 4th isj5 fob sale by tlie fseux huiii qopiity 1 luths bhnufles bohnls uml 1- loor ilaml v p cook kizrmii march 4ih i3 1 b buown taitok e leave hi inform ihe inhhbilttltm of liath and n xiciniiy iimi he ivtite orden in liia lumiesa i his liijj in this phice surh hs rtvir linn will fhrir work shall find it hujnrfiiilv and newtlv exru td birth- il ry23nl 1s15 49 porwardikg tffrtf the route of the rweav canal otuhvq and riijn frw- i tr i n ii r office k in ju 811 iso i he poihilc are resnretmih ihlnttied that ihe tnin rulrm forardrnff ctihjtniiy are now muk i a exiewivv imiiroveiticnu in that line having fhleil ut ii nc uid punennl eimer fartre decked iihmifk stc uml hnve no ihe iwnrol and atmtgo ineiil iif llw nluie line rrum mhtlnftl to kilipttnii they will liiive enri stitlvt ftl die above uptiolid 1ior nnd ill lie prepared jit the opeir- mux of iwviirnliiin tu rerene and forward hii tfimilital maybe consigned fo them idi safety nnd d pteli rlliuinpipri arc request eil r inwrt the ohor 1irtr lint nwl uriid their n miitit- hi tin otuiwn ind ridenu pkwwhidiiv comanyk 0its nl kinrmuto tha rduritu ittbitigtnm tlit catwrg tr llii port hpe warder th titrtn 4 gaanfit i h until the httmiuon fret press stttufa rtftaio nl dm das po9t information wanted mauy an kkaj a tutgto woman over 0 vriirsnf uce mid luniimly a storekeeper in king tni u c disappeared fitwi ier friendv in a mya iriona inninier mid they are unable to obtain any intellfwnce respiting imti whether dead or alive he ial fall addrfesed a letter to her nephew jqhn ft pnker of kincston hich wai mailed it ihe prt oflice in waiercown aince when oo intelli gence from her has reached her friend anyin- finnn reapecting her will he thankfully receiv ed by her brother tuom a a bkaj 126 fottrtb atratl tray