Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 5, 1835, p. 3

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f j 5 v vviiucii hilt rf the newspapers aay hundred this return the conservatives the liverpool standard of the 20th tory paper my the reaction in ire- land hus been to nn extent beyond our most san guine expecirtiiou tlie stale of thing is moat gra tifying ocomieu and rntliven nave been return- by u majority ol about two we have r aeon lo belitfte will be set aside the london morning herald of the 19th says tiie elections proceed more slowly than at first fcut tlie results still continue to be satisfactory oil saturday the conservative or the autidestructjve cause obtained the following accesiona essex sotuh 1 cambridgeshire 1 surrey west l since then south hants has rejected lord palmer- atoti and sir g staunton and chosen messrs flein- ingand compton two conservatives in their stead east worcester has returned one conservative holland vice russell the latter of whom did not even ventjre on a contest- but without pretending to enumerate the different advantages obtained we may observe generally that the cause of good go- vernraemand safe reform looks promisingly not on ly in its ascertained results hut in its prospective appearances as an instance of the latter we may direct attention to south lancashire where the no mination took place on saturdav in that country there were twi conservatives op posed to two whigs and such was the feeling even of the multitude before the hustings that the two conservatives had the majority on the show ofhaud but when we say that things are going on well for the good cause the cause of reason against violenoe the cause of liberty against licentiousness we do not mean to deny that in some instances the issilq yias been unfortunate it i enough to mention ierjh thire and the defeat of sir george mimay to show that in certain places the constituencies are not ashamed to answer their sovereign appeal by an endeavour to frustrate convadict and confound it at every outset the dtfeat of sir george murray as an important member of t government was no doubt a severe bio hut let not the whig not doubt that witle france professed to blockade nw york or anerica havre britain would raise twcry of a me e paperblockade fuuteven if bttain were not dragged into the war uanuda would mfler from the interaction of her com munications by he wav of new york a temporary inconvenience hat would be h blessing did it draw general attemicnto the state of the road between quebec and hilifax all these chances ntfd disadvantages however would be balanced bv i diversion of a vast portion of the american in into the channel of the st lawrence this ihhhitm advantc we shsill discuss more full o an early dav mon herald 7bovinozal mr georck cooper this press triumph too much if sir george murray has been vanquished in one quarter so has lord pal- inert t9n in another livcrfoul jan 20 athkt per cwl montreal pot new prl u states pot purl flour psrbrl of 19g lbs united slate iftbd do 32 33 d 0 0 30 0 i 33 34 35 d u duties free sweet ntv do old bo jr do 27 canada wcef free do four do gnu wheat per 70 lbs english red irish do old netr canada red while foreign in bond oat lnh per 4o jbs 25 25 6 g 4 5 5 3 2 0 a 28 none none 0 percwu 25s 6d per brl 0 0 6 0 9 0 6 6 to a 27 26 7 b 6 fi 7 4 3 0 0 g 0 0 8 0 9 3 5a per qr 18t 4d indian corn per 480 lbs 40 0 a 41 0 j the late news from france the washing ton globe in publishing the foreign news by the sully announces the periled by its editor of a pri vate letter from paris one day later than the advices by that ship the j lobe wiys there i now iheatiresi prospect of a speedy and hpiy 4jttfir of our rt tjtitilf m with france we have perused a private letter by an arrival a day later than the sully wyich brought the news given in the last new york papers which says there was no doubt entenained among the well in formed at paris but that ihu law for the indemnity would be parsed in the course of four or five dayst this letter comes from a source which entitles it to great credit mr livingston will not it appears apply for his passports but will await the action of the chambers in relation to the law proposed by the ministry the private letter seen by the globe by an nr- rival a day later than the sully must have come by the french bri of war dassas and must have of course have been received through the medium of the french legation at washington the globe further says we believe all the difficulty in the matter has grnwo out of the intrigues of some one on our own side of the atlantic originally opposed to the treaty who has acted through an unsusperted channel upon influential members in the french chamber of de puties cot of this hereafter how will the present relations ol france and the united states affect canada an charity begins at home this is a most important question if harmony be restored canada will remain as ihc is if an amicable arrangement do not take place war or a ctmtttion f intercourse will inevita bly follow nonnitercuurse if it would nui last would be highly advantegous as well to britain as to canada th2 commerce must still continue though indirect ly and great britain would secure to herself the carrying trade of the two pouting and sullen beau ties canada would of course enjoy a ahareof tlie benefits though the consequent rive of freights might mfiowly affect the exportation of the bulky comin idities of the country- nonmtercourse how- ever would not tend to bring down the st law rence anv considerable portion of the western trade for hardly any part oftltfl provisions which form the staple articles of that trade is exported to france the consequences of a weraic far more complex in the first place britain if one experience may reason from would soon be in the thick of it nd the circumstances that would lead her into it are neither few nor secret to illustrate this position we must remind the reader thai the war would be chiefly a naval one and that america would direct her first and most powerful efforts to deprive france of all shelter for her navy she would therefore attack guadaloupe martinique in the west ijdies and st pierre and miqnelon on the coast of new foundland would not her success rouse to a war like pitch the jealousy of britain for in the posi tions mentioned america being so near her resour ces would be a far more dangerous neighbour than france nor would france be less likely to provoke the jealousy of britain in another quarter the ame ricans have unfortunately a permission to fish it die very gulf of the st lawrence and were a single french frigate to pursue her prey into that guit would not the maritime honor of england be tarnish ed 1 but there is still a third circumstance that must almost inevitably drag britain into any maritime war we allude to the tight of search which bri tain has always fiercely maintained and which forms the ground work of the present differences be tween france and america britain would soon find the exercise of this against herself as iutolera- le as other nations have always found it the system of blockade would also tend to the same point the law of blockade or rather its practical application is so vaue as to enable either party to employ it in it owi favourj and one can- dkatu oar ticorcb cooper this young gentleittpvnon melancholy case we briefly advert ed to in oalwt died on thursday evening from the effect of the wound received in tm late me- laucholr rencontre persisting to the last he hav iogfgfenin a duel and that every thing was fuir ndi00ra6e and the distance 15 paces bui abstaining throughout from mentioning the names ol mfy of the parties an inquest wa immediately summoned which continued in deliberation and in the examination of witnesses until about 3 oclock on friday morning when an adjournment for a few hours took place when the jury again asscru- bled and continued the examniation throughout the entire day when a second adjournment took place to 8 oclock this morning this case appears to be one of the most mysierious and up to the present is involved inclouds and darkness and a respectable juryman yesterday pointedly observed there h an evident dcaire on the prt of certain witucsscv to keep back the knowledge of ceriain circumstances connected with this lamentable affitir a gentle man whose name for the present we shall conceal had lo be given into custody of ihe high sheriff previous to his delivering up for the inspection of the jury certaintf tiers then in his poscssion written by the deceased similar to the rest of the testi mony they threw no light whatever upon the case our worthy mayor high sheriff and some of the magistrates are most active in their exertions regarding this most melancholy and regretted trans action the jury have just decided that the deceased came by his death from the effects of a pistol shot fired by his own hand toronto recorder the report on the expediency of establishing a provincial bank in upper canada to which we yesterday alluded is on the whole favourable to the formation of the projected institution it recommendsa main bank and districtbranches with separate capitals the stock in each establish ment to be held by the province and by individuals in the ratio of three to one the main bank is to have a capital of 500000 so that the state will hold 375000 and individ uals 135000 in the provinces share of the cap ital however are to be included the public deposits to the estimated amount of 25000 fair play is a jewel and the province ought to have only the same advantages as private individuals if depos its are to bear interest let chose of all depositors bear it but nothing can be more unjust than that provincial deposits payable on demand shall not only bear interest exclusively but hal receive an indefinite per centage of dividends and bonuses vuktf jnillli ijili llottljeclj i i iimutulol the districtbranches wilh a capital of 100- 000 each are to be gradually established the who capital therefore will amount to 1600000 and private individvals 400000 the management diwded between the pro vince and the private stockholders in the ratio of the stock ihe province would appoint threefourths of the directors but the committee report assigns to it only two thirds of the whole or ten out of fifteen if these ten all emanated from the same source the private stockholders would become a political en gine but to protect the interests of individuals and to shield the public libercy they are to be divided between the governor the legislative council anjl the assembly his excellency is to appoint one the council three and the popular branch six this division as well between the diffident branches of the legislature is dangerous and unjust the committees report by adopting qjie ratio of stock and another of management leaves the dis tribution between the first to parties open to dis cussion and wc cannot but think that the private stockholders are entitled to such a number of direc tors as when backed by any one of the three pub lic delegations may outvote the other two it must be remembered that the delegation of the assembly would be virtually elected by the people voting not in proportion to numbers and might emanate from individuals having not i proportion to numbers and might thus emanate from individuals having lit tle or no stake in the bank wfl would give tlie private stockholders si directors and the three branches of the legislature nine as to thedistribution of these nine there is little room for doubt the constitutional act recognizes the three branches as coordinate and equal bodies and in the appointment of directors as in all other matters tjwy have coordinate and equal rights each of them therefore should appoint three direc tors it seems necesary to provide that the assembly shall not nominate any of its own membersas direc tors for an unprincipled man might commence busi ness as a demagogue in ordemo make the floor of the assembly a stepping stone into the snug re cessed of a bankparlour and anj a bankchest thte private stockholders also would require as security a solemn guarantee that the legislature us in mondays postscript we hve made copi ous extracts all idea of a french war is banished from the mind of every rational man france and the united states puns tidviccs are to ihe 24th of january inclu sive the american indemnity bill was still pen ding in the chamber of deputies the loudon courier of the 24th states that on the preceding day risks were effected m lloyds on ships and cargoes for french account whic nave previously been insured as regard the sea risk only in france for the term of three month to come ai the advan ced rate of three percent premium and yet the pans correspondent of he same pper writing on the 20th affirms that it is now understood that mi nisters are sure of a majority cm the american ques tion when the bill is brought forward for discussion indeed the idea of a war with the united states is not seriously entertained in paris on the policy of such au occurrence the journal dt dtbattz a ministerial paper thus expresses itself we do not hesitate to say that of all the wars practicable or possible for france the most foolish the most gauche the mostiinpolnic that which would cause the loudest laughter at st petersburg berlin and the hague and which would most afllict all the friends of liberty in europe would be a war between france and the united states only conceive the cries of joy which the men who labor to resuscitate the party of the holy alliance would utter when they aw france employing the forces and the powu which she has acquired since the revolution of july in a struggle against the re public of the united states wiien they saw these two people who in the old and new world re present the cause of liberty stupidly warring against mi oihee wbat intrieus would be ct on foot against us at home whilst we were occupied against brother freemen abroad from the language of some of the ministerial or gans however it would appear that their employers entertain apprehensions of another majority declar ing against the bill in the deputies the hostility of the opposition prints has been aggravated by a letter fivirym hyde de neuville published in the echo francaisf in which he declares that the treaty is prejudicial to both france and america and ad vantageous ouly to englaud that it never was agi tated either under the empire or the restoration that he will publish documents on the subject and ihat his correspondence as minisier at washington published in that city and submitted to the senate must be laid before the house of deputies in reply the debats announces that all rhe docu ments promised by ministers will be furnished to the ii uu on wednesday and that they will not only refute m hyde de neuvilles statements but also make him repent the publication he has ven tured in ihe interest of the royalist party the spmioffi al journal de paris enters into a long vindication of the negotiations carried uu with the united states and of the course adopted since the reception of the presidents message and de clares tfjut h question is one of peace or war i ittbats beseeches moderate men on both sides of the atlantic to set aside all passion and ofclaniqf lo ull in securing the pacific of the inulmcn interests of two nations that have reason ti and none whatever to hate and com bat each other the t koyalist journals the quotidicnnc and la frat 0 ihe 19th were seized on the next ihv aft iwr for fi article upon the american r livingston remained at paris ac the last ad vi5 letter had been received by a mercantile house 0 liwpl from anothef ul jan 22 stating that it was expected that the iijimber of deputips would make a report on the xmnity bill in three or jour urcekx and tho mi- niv we zealously engaged in trying to carry the bi through great britain s7he elections are almost over hut it will be diffi- to pronounce with certainty as to the complexion ie house ofcomuions until afier they shall have mbled the ultrawhigs maintain thata very e majority of thoroughgoing reformers have jn returned and are already demanding ihe re- jecv of charles manners sutton as speaker and l displacement of ministers on theuther hands u conservatives keep up good courage in south cashire lord molyueaux and mr wood re- f had been defeatedf and the result was con- ffired as important by the friends of ministers sir i jjert peel himself feels confident of being able to xv on the government with the house now elect- as will appear by the following summary of a in many tween th in scotland parts of lancashire the snow bfr ree and four feet deep the fall of snow lto has been verv great leeds rltu anoih proustnd wtioo plaoe on monday maroiog tft bttirfj a four candidates messrs jameson nommiuoo of gmtm buel and howar wo made and after considorabla pahir both aides lh polling commenced and the two erorm caodidaua tooo shot ahead as soon as this was observed h tins most dreadful p quell which riots comraenrod the oppoeit p m kriattorioft mr jonas jones got severely handled the next morning polling recommenced and a few votes were ukea ly messrs buel and howard but the riots being renewed with greater violence than before the contest waa abandoned after protecting against the leturn of their opponents which took place at 12 oclock the numbers for gowan ew i jame bonatthe clow were 115 109 it does not sppeex that ei ther of these gentfeineo encouraged lb outrageous proceed ings of their detinue there will bn do doubt another elec tion but ii mul be held et some oiber place besides beieily h is singular ihat after the returning officei had oo oath de clared behy to be an improper place to hold the election in that his excellency should havepersisled in ordering n to be held there in apue triumph zuolers cu5crthis the first and onlv public enter- tainment of any kind that has been gweo this winter was at tended on monday night at canninoa hotel by all tbe rank fashion and beauty in the town the concert being ooderthi pa ronage of the officers of the garrison nearly all the milita ry gentlemen were in attendance including colonels nichol wright and mitchell slott of the leading mtllamand their families were also to bo seen amid the gay assemblage aa were also a number of enilemen and ladies from bath and other counlrj placet the elections made for the evenings performance were entirely from tbe higher rjtogef musical compositions and ahbough highly gratifying to vrid0cated ear were not oft description to give infinite eatisfacrioo to the company in gene ral something more simple would have pleased bettti tbie says nothing with regard lo the execution which was at times equal to anything of the kind in europe played by a military band two hum solos were performed by the elder ziegler wilh good effect but of the masterly performances or the younger ziegler on the clarinet we cannot trust ourseitea tr ay anything since our praise might degenerate into xtrm gance a concerto on the cornu bssaetto was also played br ziegler jon in which a duet with the flute waa introduced with happy effect we aro pleased to notice the patronage whicb the exemplary conduct of the ziegler family continues to receive the vail bag lotion the 17th ult wasrestored in a mutila ted condition to the post master st cornwall oo the 4th insl it appears that die bag was picked up tn the road by a man na- medcook seventeen mites this side of cornwall who took it home and deposited it in the care ofhis wife the bag wasi then opened many of the letters burnt and their contents ab stracted 4000 in draft nn montreal and quebec hare beta restored together with all the money excepting what was ap propriated bycooks wife amounting it is said to 113 we shall give further particulars as we learn them d hut the cu of as since the puliation of tlie lat whig wc notice hat both sir himcbrand dirty jack have taken up sauid quarlvl by publishing hie lettei n the herald and spectator with regard to our jewish acquaintance we drop him but as our brother jour- nuliato have chocn to ninuse themelvee by med- flling with the private transactions of their neighbor we miih see how they will take the matter when on monday wt amuse the public by dilating somewhat on a lew particulars that liave come to oar know ledge respecting each of these two worthies o the extensive sale of the stationery ovc lately seized by the sheriff in thestore of messrs jucfarlane co will tmrtnotooffwcaoitnogaretetewoelck arscaahuis auction rooms inconsequence of slight indisposition on the part of mr scanlan afresh hand at the bellows o tbe person of a mr jenkins from london officiatedas auctioneer today we should noj have alluded to this circumstance had we not in common with threstof the buyer been struck with the tact which this young gentleman displayed in tbe disposal of the goods he offered for sale unaccustomed in canada- to aoy thiag like the london system of auctioneering we for the fim lime in kingston saw an approsch tier and wc make no doubt that should ho scanlan or commence on his own account liecorae a favorite with the public eo it in mr jenkins man remain with mrw but be will soqq shall not directly or indirectly ux the stock or tbe dividends or take bonuses of the bunk according to the most approved fashion of the united state for such a tax would be utterly iniquitous as falling only on one poition of thestock montreal herald yesterday the attorney general was suddenly called away to quebec from his duties in the crim inal court speculation is busy the arrival ol the halifax packet of january is supposed to have led to the event 16- the vindicator of yesterday states that roe bucks salary is fixed at 600 sterling with a sum of 500 for contingencies mr roebuck must ac count for the latter sun roebuck u a lucky fellow if he get paid i6 ca ojech he has just delivered to fan constituents at iii ii worth sir robert peel barl addressed his constitu- en at this town on friday in a speech the delivery uctuwll ccuitd au uauiu fcu weut overall the chut poinu of political contention with his usual tad and talent he expressed his firm conviction th he should be able to conduct the government ol tht country with a new house of commons on conservative principles and in the spirit of ulott constitutional reforms on which all reasonable and retlctin men were agreed he appeared to think little of the paraded returns wivkii were made in certain list and related a story qflbne tailor who heretofore met in touley street in tbe borough and commenced an addre to the throne with we the people of england tec- he glanced at the slight shide uf difference which existed between the constitutional whigs and the torieq ihey yp called and the dark gulf which lcwsiew all classes of constitutional ke- fomivrs and those innovators who sought to break upthe whole ibundation of government he said that the late ministers were indebted to their opponents tor the necessary support on all oo cations where conservative measures were lo be carried against wild and visionary speculators and in a like manner the new ministry had 9 iiht vo look for a similar suppurt among honorable men ho appreciated the advantages of a justaiul power- in qythive or fiitir numbers of the old country man published at new york have lately reached us a very considerable improvement in the gene lal appearance of this paper is visible and what pleases us more is the total absence of that spirit of haired against great britain which used formerly to disgrace its columns uuder the management of its present editor mr pickering we have but little iluubt that tbi journal will prove an agreeable and useful miscellany in the hands of every old country man government la contradistinction to a weak and vacillating authority which was perpetually driven lace ttfrtfr on moetfey thcdd inst mrs ohvcr mowatofa detbttr market price kisgstox thursday march 5 i83s s d d beef by the ewl 12 6 a 17 6 do at the stall prr lb 04i 0 5 mutton hy the sheep per lb 00a 0 2 do at the stall per lb 0 3u 01 freli purlc per cwu 226 25 0 fresh butter per lb- 08s 0 9 tub do do u 0 0 8 p eggs per dor- 0 10 1 0 american flour per bfii 24 9 25 0 c in i do do 17 6 ft 20 0 do do- prcf 10 0 a 11 3 wheat per bushel 30i 3 3 rye do swsv corn do dftwirtm 29 0 0 28 i 0 0 barley do do h 20a 2 3 oats do do i 6 a 1 8 potato do do 19a 2 0 hay per too 30 0 a 0 0 straw- pc bundle 0 1j a 0 0 fire wuod pai eord 80a 0 0 soap fowls couple pork mm bb 04 a i 10a 80 d a 1 6 0 0 do primo ioe 70 0 a 0 0 british wjbugf to curflespondentrf oiw stall have an early publication any one orilic genucmen wb requiwuen to publish in ac count of ill ball ac camden is requeiod w call at the ofcc g- i advu is taken kingston thursday evening marchs 1835 by the arrival of the packet ship independence from liverpool at new york wc have european news seven daya later than that acknowledged by lium pillar to puai in search of some renting p dtath ot- dr kelly thin distinguished man recently died of a malignant lever and although less than forty years of age had risen 10 the rank of primate oi the catholic church of ireland a a bishop anl head of the irish chuich his conduct taaaid to have been characterized by mildness and prudence and though constantly obliged to mix in public he led lite austere and mortified life of oik cloister it is reported thai lieutenant general sir henry fane ie likely to be appointed governor general ol india it is also reported that lord sandon is to be under secietary of the colonial department u room of mr stuart wortly who has lost his elec tion for forfarshire tbe standard publishes an outline of a new plan of church reform which the ministers are matur ing to be submitted to parliament it is understood that the bench of bishops will have a thorough re form of the tythe system for sale bv the 8ub8cbiber a quantity ol ihe beat garden seeds raited iu cambridge n y- by f crosby nd warranted bv him to be good w p tuoh kingston m 4th 1835 fob sale by the subscriber a qmntty of laths shingles boarde and f look plank me w p vvuk kingston march 4th 1835 for sale by the subscriber quamny of prime smoked hams kingston march 4th 1335 w p- cook information wa1jtiid any information wi left longford ireland i the year 1633 and arrived n kingston in june 133 whtch p ace he left and when last heard ol was in oxford state iff new york will be thankfully rtceivod by h- krother francis farrell apply at the whig office- kingston march 6th 163fc

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