s33kh qui whites and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly opipek pkr 0 k i t m ptcoa by e j barker m d vql hi kingston u c tfiuhsdiay march 5 1835 the british whig fnhiicil ingirmamonii ntimnfil vjry mcuvatimilav vnin by duem ihrtar klinr and jvi hi of tic sin kv siiwi htimmihecimnttttiid hil ivrims fir tlm british wiius eytmteen mid ii sncpir annum il puj iuhvrj nrwiuuo dirw innijf rms th receipt uf ih rntt rmmw utnl one pound if lected at ilio id of the vnr oxcliwkf tr portage ni almcritiofl receive i for ics urn stx month f nw pipjr liwdiiiiaiiod nril ill u rearigu are puidup qt tho option uf tin puminlifr j heap goods for casji elubrctfjeincnts sx liaop ml uidr ridiminrtrtion nd 7jd imcii sulweuunt insertion ten liiievtu under 3 4d firtiiisertionanl lid nitrlihihrr imnliilmerfn aovtr ten line 41 per line tor this firt insertion nd la per line lor u very subsequent insertion advertisement without written dirrtion are inserted till forbid und charged accordingly ordcrc for djouunuiiis advertisement to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters uktni in except ftoin agents unless post jletter jpress jrttiftng doctor bltveii having obnined amosl superior press end aa excehentewovnmiiit wjdi tfrar enabled to uxecui every dchcriptinti or jdb printing with ncatneaml ex pedition upon terms hitherto iinprcccdcntly low id upper canada jvew goods vj xzzzaai n bahtlbt respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and the midland district that he has late ly returned from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now selling for cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the store lately occupied by messrs- parker and benson in thk centkg op store stkt- tlie stock consists of west of england and york shire superfine fine and common broad cloths flushings petershams flannels baizes carpet ing and carpet bags serges tartans bomba zines norwich crapes bamhaxetts iristfjc scotch lumens steam loom and grey cottons russia 61ieetines checks and snipes book jaconet corded muslins gloves and hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a ittisjv miii ftto 1-l- j tiiek nf scacwc hs been purchased by the advertiser which will be sold for cwfi or exchanged for produce on the lowest ps- ible terms fur caps of all descriptions david w illiam son ietisleac tu rmiim hi uru inl naknbwcdc rnentftiobih fritmla and tb utitllc forilii libe upporl he inik received durig his reimme e i igyu ii iiuw lucicaw- titintrui llltitn tul n coiuteqjeuce uf hami formed a piiiribtj hiih will cinmiuv oi tiie 1t m may next hv frftving determined to remove to ittunj extendi iremilh lie will dinpoae nl his present new nde- ensivt- stock of gcwdvaibrm orftosiliinjff superfine and i celine black bine uuve uid dwb cloths ivtfrshains finhiii4s vrminifs crnvtv let- miinon blankets fhunieu and haize wh h general as ornnent of winter goods an a nost extensive asornnent of stlple aiul fancy goods to answer the present and approach reasons d vv has also on hand younhynn twrlay atld boheateaty and a quantity of loaf and m- covado sugars as he is determined to dwmsc uf the whole of ins stock without reserve fee public will hid it their interest o avail dwowelm of the present favorahle opportunity kingston feb 12th 1s35 jro 10 wholesale warehouse t1ik snbscntdkits ffbr fur nl llwtr 8urtm stne atrefrt for merly k ctikd hy lttttfjt tons the undennen ioneil imou iojniiic bmidis p mu i illflla ra ron mtd shrv wiiwn irl and janih keit do milvnvdi k inla and afttuitmh tinr spimih filberts in 43s new fall goods- kingston ivov 2ilh is3i- 33 wanted an active lad about 1 or 16 years of age as an apprentice in a grocery store in this town apply at thin office kingston january 3j 1835- 49t just received and for sale ry the svbftcriber onrden svda efqvury description clover seeds p kga market square march 2td 1835 thi subsoribcbs respectfully acquaint their friends and the pib- lic that they are now receiving their usual suppitfs for the fall juvd winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of wkch will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices among their leading articles will be found a great variety qf broadcloths cassimeres flushings peterhane satinetts and pilotloths blankets flannels baizes and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts tnd pantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes furkey stripes ami ftiotch gutf- hams ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos bombazetts camlets mi tartans bombazines crapes c ccarpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c c c a general assortment of fashionable furs mull boas tippets and swansduwn ruffs oafs gentlemens very superior south sea seal armstrong greer few- kingiojujahjitosa rags tc c patrick ega will pay cash for ras buck horns c c p- egan market square march 2nd 1835 for sale by the subscriber 20000 segars 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 jiirn superior muccaboy snuff 20 bloi rtieni 10 do tar 10 bwga ivppct 10 dn pimento it hartlet sores kington nov 21th 1331 32 kingston this etahlihi foundry full operation notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late henry w wilkinson esq all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the i7ih day ot may nesl thomas smith kingston november 17 1834 336m ijnnrh mcateurniflnmaiid e hidifl cuuins pepper 40 c 112 cusm clo fig blue salt petre and epscn japan pints do and paste day martins japan qnans pints half pints and paste do warrens glassware assorted casks also hfg wu air 32 ox tvace ialter and rigging chains spadeft shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in dundee casting cat crnwlev and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and horse nails paints assorted coltirs putty whiting and cot oil and a few cases of superior champaign ancho brand window glass assorted sizes tkrns under 25 cash 25 to 50 thret months 50 and upwards six mouths credit b furnishing approved endorsed notes hart brothers co kingston 1st november is34 2630rs new wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser begs leave to return his sincere hanks to his friends for the extensive support he has received since his commencement in business and informs them that he has removed from his old stand to that large and commodious brick store lately in the occupation of messrs rose cameron and situated next door to mr olcotts tavern in store street he now offers for sale an extensive assortment of the very best liquors consisting of port mudei- ra tenerifle and benecailo wines in bottle and cask cognac and spanish brandies hoaud and english gin scotch insh and canadian whiskey jamaica and other spirits shrub and peppermint the whole jkj well worthy the attention of private families tavern keepers and country shopkeepers his stock of the best groceries is also large com- prising all kinds of green and black teas refined and muscovado sugars spicks rice raisins cheese butter starch table salt saltwater fish of sundry descriptions pork c c also m china glass aod earth sol and upper 6trertrerf7rolowandirkr3ware st3cotfrgttrtjsrre cordage oats oat and corn meal flour with a variety of other articles to which he respectfully in vites the attention of the fanners coming to town with their produce for which he will pay the high est price m grain of every description bought and od kingston dec 9 1851 w p cook pot and pbari- ashes the subscribers will purchase any quanti ty of pot or pearl ashes and also will make liberal advances on produce coosigned to their house in montreal hart brothers co kingston feb 11 1835- a card this hitamiliiiient now in lull operation ana aahu the proprietor is rcved to spare no expense to ren- ur ashton has taken his permanent residence win der it wuriy of public encouragement he trust mr jame stalker 2nd concession brnesrowiu vaneiy jmtasto materials and irkinunshii and ofcnsiinirs the kjgston focnorv will he found second to do similar establishment and that then will hereafter be no necessity for sending to the united slates for castings when they may be bud in this province there will he kept on hand or manufactured to order ill kinds of castings for sow mihand flour mills the esniblimient i now furnished with patterns ofdwoawtsonim rochester plans and persons building mills can be supplied with good uandogt on as rrasninhle terms as they can be procureu in the state of newyork saw mi cranks fulling mill cranks screws at 3 lighter screws screws die sudks tajis a bills on lhe best plan nine mill lwmj k it i mill and cloihierv id oiis for 3tnviiig smsrh slioesnd fa- iflrviil kinds bfploiighi wnere he wi simial call- eruesiowi be always ready to attend to prolt feb 23 35 candle manufactory corner of bbock ad rtar strfctts samuel phippen returns thanks 10 tlie ill dolman of kingston mid ii wcinhy onile eti- courageiueiil lie has eceived since ins comreuri neiii in ilie nlnive business mid bees i them iliai be is daily iiiaiiiifiictiiiiig oeobot mos8 ta1lob grateful fur hw jwirnnage lie haa receive emieciliijly bep itave lo hcquaint his friends and public ihit he oonluwm to carry oil iijc taiior- ib uuines ii bis old stand next door to ms owj f dav store in batik iiuinj done hth march 2 id 1835 92m fisa just received and will be told low for caah 150 hlhcbaniont uav llerrioga in prune order 20 c i fresh cod fifth 6 kega coda souuda 4 cuplin 10 north shore herringa 20 uose digby do patrick egan market tqgare march 2nd 1635 v ed a compositor ated a smart youih aa compositor in the office af the british whig bo baa been a year or two at the buainess would be prefer red kingston jan 30h 1s35 2000 yards domestic flannels a capita article for warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale ly the piece nr otherwise bv w r bartlet storest kingston nov 24th 1834 to let that excellent stone dwelling house ailuated ia he best mrt of storestreet and lately in the occij- paiion of m s bidwell esq for terms apuly to abraham truax or henry cas3adt kingston oct 6 1834 18 cash paid for wheat rye indian corn nnd oat- and also for sale at all times good old tt hukey wk gabratt kingston 24th nov 1834 3220w fob sale i v the stjbschibea loo boxes oibeat liverpool soap samuel nams kitigstoji january 16th 1835 46 information earnestly requested jamks k i i is who came to this country from shgo durin last year and is supposed to he living in o near kintrston is requekted to make himself know at this office the said j e is lame in the riglr knee and uses a crutch kiiwatnn feb 1 0th 1835 6 teas by the chest j d brtoe co have on hand a quantity of superioi y itwaiaay and souchong teas which frfish lhev afe 11 ijv me chest chear t for cash h3s n b retailers can be suppliec with smaller quantities nl the same rule kinffston istli fehnwry 1335 6 lo- wrtikwi ors pipe boxes and axleircca carriage scruw top nr tl from 1 wsffl thread to the inch lcttets cut lie rrtx an i tump bris3 cjsnxsss made of every diuenio c j ale or retail all kinds of i run finishing dune in the best manner in addition to the present convenience ror cast ing the proprietor i now huimliiit n copi i so as to be able to make a casting lioni 1000 to 2000 lbs weight the public are invited to examine the works ol the foundry and judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any other establishment oc the kind- 07 a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make patterns if required also burr mill stones of every size and bolting cloths of the heit description fully as cheap as canbe pre cured in any part of the united slates mcr manufactured here bv mr l boslwick- kinasion january 11835 ettlia halkfe1 paper belleville intelligencer star port hope wtitjcf il rbovcthee ifwtmm ela gaiotio oihco for 3a1e b7 the subscriber 2000 uf india rubitek shoes s r- caldwell mark square kirajaton januvy 3rd 183ft orin mould dip candles of the very best qualityand im on hand at the present lime upwards ol five thousand weight vliirh he offrre ftr sale to the trade on terms un commonly lw private pnmlhea supplied by iiberw rxtensive salb ok paper stationery c will sold by auction 00 thnasday march at the sulwcrhiei long room square ihe follow iuc good vias 1ie 5tl market til- hx lv riffatim nv vkh 131 313 auicrictia lliltkc stoit e iv l iv sabsci liter me dxti snili the for- cihourg anj brockville riicordar will give wnding iboir accounu lo uia chion- i1jst recrived id for lie cheap cash store church irect f mr palmv- druggist swrft market apun flu fiiwnriiig iovh viz dea best 3nanili sde leather 500 l 300 300 100 200 800 do do do do do calf bridle calcutta 200 kipp 100 bol 100 do 100 do do do do do do skins do pork mackarel salt clu llipcr lenthir harness also 20 boxes of siarks coa best biwid and nf t row axes a variety of stmt ol diflenm uid patterns a large quwiiilv of lamp to in of lamp oil ceiher with a variety of other necessary articles his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed ot on uncommonly low price umfs ttthe hlsneat rftce in cash paid lor niu calf wool shbepk kino dewmbw 11 1684 w lot keinns wrappliur lttitrr 100 povi unci foolscap an a lantitv nf kulid and drauins do a ivfge pmiiiiiy of laicy colt red do 1000 supe idt rlaritild uuills and pens g i ink tfnnnltf 10 liitinuonie ihjio ltilleh 15 1 viiu clairal and oihir rooktti 3t0 pticks ptaving and vntiiing cards also inrot sortmcni uf pen knivta pencil trimis phii1ia ilrnslien puckrt noitk cases nul ituxin wufcp stuling wax ink ink powdl lv-m- made known at ihe day of sale- c7ae at elevrn nvliick a m hugh3calav klnrnoi 10 pi 135 jfattfaeer notice rills ih strictly in lurbtdall priwrna from purclia m the leae nlllns stunt tavern in llu- vilagtri ahttrloo netr kington lately lenamed by ruben ivdffwr- h in cronflcqumcc f lu absconding he uiv derailed in anwerablt for ihe rent darius smith to iv ri hip nfrinuton feb 20 1835 iod02t edition of the pexxy magazixe gosullttsb chairman the rt hon lrd chuncrlfar vu chairmn the rl hon lord j an resell m p p paymaster 0 mil trcasvreruttlrt 9- f- r tins is one of the most useful and inicrektine periodicals that haft ever appeared each month number is embellished with upward of twenty ele gant eperaviiilnt nnc nmreover the clieapept ptth- hcation in ihe world they have n wards nl 200000 hubscrihers in england snhscriptiom received by the subscriber agent for the above work who ha on hand a few complete sett in numbers nd bound einpton fb6h 1836 wr bartlet jleather store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the liberal a up port be has received since he commenced business aud assurer them that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the sme ht is now receiving a large quantity of sole and upp i it t her calf morocco lining and binding skin he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather ahomuiiptr do 150 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 dos glazed morocco 20 do unglazed do 20 do linings do boot morocco 20 n binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of tin iiest ruateriata he labelling as low as any other ue hi the trade he hasalw on hand 50 dot siatk cov double refined axea 20 doz da da do- broad da also 150 barrels salt 9 b caldwell market square kingston october 25th 1s3i jj n b caah paid for hides and flax seed a r- c medical card da pfrcy moorr member of the roal coltef h sursenne in lo don hamhj received hm excel- ency ihe lb ut iovernor license to practice die ire branches ol the profession begs leave to ir- h ni the inhabitants of ernesiown camden pot laud ad lnughburough that he has taken ud a pertnuiicitt residence near siiimous mills er es- iwn whfiv be shall lc happy to atteud to any me- ileal npiliratiun initnmi milu dec 26 183j 4 3m j d bkottk tallokj egs leave in inform the inhabitahth of bath and it iriuiiy thai be reeeivea orders in his business it his riloji in this pltce suh as favm- him with their work shall find il punctually aud neatly executed stub jammry 83rd 183 49 fohwaslinc tffrr the route of the riueau canal 1iri cr- rkkid fnrwrtinr conpoiri oac 1 jempioajeu tttitt 1 the public are repecituli utiurmed that th jnawn rideau forwarding cnmpany are now ittaki z extensive improveineots in that line having nhled tn it new and powerful steamer larse decked tanj c and have now the control and manage- inentuf ihe whole line from montreal to kingston they will have ememtive stores at the abov menuoued places and will be prepared at the open- illlc nf the naignttuii to receive aud forward all irouds thai may be consigned to them with safety iutl ksjiatclt the following pper sro rcqimfsd j ths sbov ihreu dfm4 nnd end thir acouau to lhe ottawa aod ridau ftrxv ompanys orfr at kbmak the iwimfl todjkr the cobtvr star the fvrt hope mur the pmtritf guardian turonia ths tumttivm fres pnm sutgttra jlqjortrrand jhtadas po klytittby brewery hunt morton beg leave to inform the ia- habitanu o kingslun and the public in gsneral thfc hev have opened a store io frontsnt in tha house lately occupied by a manahan esq as bmw srant asent where they ill have constaody 00 hand of their own manufacture a atock of ale whisky of b superior qunliiy and where orders will br thank iv rerri wrl nnd pucctually attended tu 05 ch will be paid at lhe above store ft wheat rot and barley kinaton 19th da 16m u