recovery til ciploiion was heard at very contidtjrald c dttlftlkmri attkmptko burglary on saturday morninjc early an attempt was made to break inio the print ing office and dwellinphouseof dr barker- before daylight the family were alarmed by the loud hark ing of a larce dog who sleeps in the printing office but as every thine was immediately silent and quiet no notice was taken of the matter on entering the office some hours afterwards a singular scene pre sented itself two panes of glass in the back win dow were forced out and marks were seen inside and outaide the window of the dog having forced his way through the broken panes and of having afterwards reentered by the same aperture upset ting in hjs progress several of the printing materials snow having fallen during the night the imprint of several mens feet were observed under the window and along the yard to the palings in the rear with tracks of the dogs pursuing them whether the dog or the burglars oroke die windows it is hard to say but it is evident that the house was saved from robbery by the courage of the dog who by the bye is the same animal who was advertised for so many months as being lost and only recovered a few weeks ago the boll of the back door having been a we have one more question to ask before we part h w isi pious jfvncaw that your fichu achates your brother npubtato mr- cornwall havm followed your example in threslning us we nertd nol have asked that question wc presume he has rniorc sense we now our stormont 8cluainj t0 dl gest what w have said to him humbly triistiiphat the next time he speaks of an editor he su hae the prudence not to call him ugly names incc two persons can play at that game on saturday afternoon mr sheriff sherwood who as returning ojficer at the leeds electiui had been summoned otoiontoto givr evidence before the house of assembly passed through kingston on his way home we converd with a gentleman in his company who gave it as his opini on that ike late of messrs jameson rowan was a settled thing the evidence being so eleh olid de cisive againai their legal return wc are stfir for the attorney general sent to a smith for repair nothing hut a very slight resistance prevented the thieves entering that way p p foi and mr donald biiena mcdonald m p p stormont who in future for the sake of brevity discrimination we shall call apneas i piu the mcdonalds in his part of the province being too numerous uot that we mean by any means to in sinuate that there are many such as he to he dis tinguished from one arother unless by the adoption of a sobriquet baa been guilt of a very great oetbtt in addressing our yankee contemporary on the 3lsi ult had j5neas simply complained of being held up to the scorn and contempt of all reformers we ahould not have further noticed him but as in ad dition to his pitiful complaint he has had the impu dence and folly to bestow a few polite epithets up on us for exposing his tank apostacy thereby be coming himself the foul calumniator and his friend yankee hill the vender of calumnies and has even ventured so far as to conclude his arrogant pistle with something like a threat of personal ven geance we most indulge his insignificance with a few remarks on purpose to shew to such a bluster ing hector we hep pardon we mean jbrhmuo hat we do not as lady mary wortley montague once aid to horace walpole value his threats three kips of a domestic animal with which like her re nowned ladyship we make no doubt pious jeoeas is equally well acquainted as the subject of our notice like many of lira brother lories has had the misfortune to batc his education neglected in his early youtfc and has never dipped so deep in the mysteiiceof modern poesy as to have ever heard of ihe epigram mnde upon this occasion we shall iquoteit for his especial instruction safl montague to mc nmj in lwr own itfutt i do no care for yoy flm friij of a iotie egctic h for vvkuca h wc wc well brc 1 vvdl still talk i wjiitti ratio moei in itirir he io now addressing ourselves directly to the worthy jeneas let us sec what he has to sny for himself imprimis you say that the observations made by us are a foul calumny your voting against mr bid well j or your being returned by lie un- mh iious and tooconfiding reformers of stormont on account of your pretended liberal principles which is the foul calumny tiousjeneas bui perhaps the calumny consists in asserting that you gained your election solely by fa or of dr bruces permitting many of his voters to vote for you mr mclean in order to keep up your majority is that gj we publish today a communirninn signed isaac file which we refused toaccep of in any other way then as a paid ndvertisemi lit it re flects upon the character of a mr henjaiim file of whom we have always heard a favorabb account and against whom we feel persuaded tfiwl no pre judice will be excited by the perusal of a document nff which to say the most is at best but ail expurte statement 07 for the last few days the weather has been cold with occasional slight fulls of snou and the sleighing has recomuienced with redoubled activity ffyon saturday evening about six omock a lire was observed near kingston on point lhnry hill thck v piie company with their small engine instantly proceeded thither but were too irtte to pre vent the destruction of the building which wasalaiffv slitd or carpenters shop belonging to the engineer department q7 the attempt of yankee hill and mr c sewell to injure the credit of the proprietor of tins journal has wretchedly failed note and took the hor wfiicl 1 kept in the condi tion before named a few days previous ro llrad- mlqwtj return a friend rninc to borrow said iiojm which affrr much ptifbihmfoll and fair promises thai he would return him the next day i let him have the horse 1 waited in vain for his roturu until three or four days had ulapsod at which time i went 10 pursuit of said horse utwr getting some intelli gence concerning him i found him but in a dille- rent condition for he had been shamefully used contrary to my expectations bradshaw came in a few uavs and demanded the horse or the pay lor htm but ihe horse had beel abused and conse- ouonily he would not take him btit immediately de manded pay for ifce uotc as it was then due which demand 1 had neither the will or power to comply with i endeavoured to persuade him to buy the land but all to no purpose he at length said that he would give me one hundred pounds for the land in cash w inch offer i was compelled to comply with he would not even take mv bond but compelled me to give a deed and as my deed was not on record i was compelled though with great reluctance to give the deed to him and take his note in paymrnt but knowing hid to be in possession of a good faun wrt- writings winch j file hud against him whirh tliigfl i saw iu my satisfuctiihi but to return to the injury done to me by b kile it i with the most div nirreeable wfiamionsof mind i view my own unhap py situation yet notwiihtttaiiding my mifort and the injury done me by u file i trust 1 at possess a principle by which i am taught to do wrong to none and this principle i trust will ever remain unshaken by the shafts of misfortune or the more uiiioying pangs which unjust censure has or may nceasiou the above written assertions though strange they iny appear to some yet they are true and should i he called upon to make oath to the umc 1 would solemuly iu the presence of the searcher of all hearts do so my friends i do not write this out of any spite i hold against him but feci it a duty to bring his mis conduct to light for the safety of all those who like hie njay confide in him- i am conscious by degra ding his character i run the hazard of bringing a main on my own but i am resolved to release the hmoccnt from uiust censure and let the guilty suf fer that contempt ad disdain which their crimes have justly brought upon thpin s i am about to take my departure from my na- u thtjrlow nd supposing bin to be at years ul i live country all i have to say is to caution the youth bgc 1 considered myself still sale fbr the payment that ibey way refrain from my errors lest they may jtuftfefe oo thursday morning by ihe venerable the arehfau ofkinum mum rkfirktiricli ft barfetter oriyterborooch w llcnrivtn third dugtafcc oi utc alexander ftwr bwutre aiakkkt ricu the fact lious say that the vjuln i tli second pin c von juui observations deserve only icorn and couiempt how comes it then thai forgetful of your high and mighty dignity as a pro vincial assemblyman you deign to address a let ter upon the subject to a place rwo hundred miles oistam iruiu hie sctjik uj your pauiunciitaiy gtoi v u c silent voting take our honest word for it such is not the mode of expressing scorn and ton- tempt in the next place you say vou are not called up on to give any account of yourself who asks you pioiik apneas surely not the of an bjivi- pijr whoh s no st bcliuvo ob ul not no honest man will tumble him- elflo avk uny questions obont you or seek to re move you from your natural iusignilicauce you haw sold yourself to the action and your doom ia fixed you further observe that when the period shall again arrive thai will place von before the good loy al and respectably freeholders of lb coun y ol stormont they will be the bet judges of your con duct we will foretell to you what will be vour re ception you will be ignomimously kicked out are you so vainas to imagine that if your constitu ents would not put up with the services of on honest and consistent tory like mr m lean that they will tolerate those of a paltry timeserver like your- eelf one who crept into the shoes of a better man by the utterance of promises which were broken on iht first convenient opportunity we have now arrived at the last and most foolivh part of your redoubtable epistle and that is the part in which you hold out a threat of bestowing upon us on some future occasion 4 token of your remembrance are we to experience in your va liant self a second edition of the perth bully or are we to be knocked down cowardly rnd dastardly be hind the back as w were by young henry smith or is your threat like yankee hills mere lalk ne ver to be carried into execution expound to us pious jeneas let us know what the meditated evil beef by the cwt do at the stall per lb mutton by the sheep per lb do at the stall per lb fresh pork per cwl fresh duller per lb tub do k american mtjur per hrl canada do do do do perewt wheat per bushel rye do do corn do do itarloy do do oats do do puuloc do do hay per ton straw per imndk fire wood pei cord soup fowls couple pork nicsi bb do prune ittttft ice mommy ft 9 35 s d k d 12 0 a 17 6 0 3 a 0 i 0 0 i 0 2j 0 3 a 0 4 22 c i 2r 0 0 0 i 0 j rt n t 1 ii 24 it l 0 i ti t yo 0 a o i 10 0 3 3 i 0 0 2 j i 0 0 3 8 i 0 0 2 0 t 2 3 1 fi l i tf 2 0 i 2 u 3h u i ii i o n a 0 0 b 0 a 0 0 0 4 a i 14 1 0 a 1 ii 80 i ft 1 0 ttj 11 a 0 u retaliation to be som the stock and materials of a watchma- kers shopi to satisfy a demand of five dollars one ycaps subscription to the british whi ap ply to the bditor kingston kehoth 1835 to mr charlie iviij sir as i m iifrtturcd ti inw rih lor a jn press wlwch the proprietor of the britikii v litts i in want of to perform the extra work of his ollice will vou do the favor tu inform me where the pressand types which you have advertised lor sale in the last chronicle are to be seen and as i ituvc some doubts relative to your authority for the liber ty yon have taken 1 shall feel obliged by your lea- inj iinv l uninn in your pnsosion at tin l itk vvoiice that tin public may suu u problem whether the most lennh man in kings ton has any just claim to superior wisdom tain your humble scn t david williamson llmifslon tfob jul itfw- the clirontclo i requested t50iye theabovq ono inriiv and suiid thu account w ths adwrtuvr ol this note but found oftwtvards that hn w8 not as fur advanecd in years as i supposed him to b and he refusing to pay the note 1 was uneasy and went to a lawyer and found that 1 could nut compel him to do so i could now see but one remedy name- v l0 8 t man i purchased the land from and take a friend with ine and let him ghe a deed io this friend and then let this friend give ine a deed again before isradshaw eot his deeds on recoid 1 was my determination u let bmdsjluw have tliu land should he pay me according to the first agree ment j accordingly confided iu it file as my friend to whom i related the whole alfair he with the utmost willingness promised to assist me in the performance of my late adopted plan wc cone i ed our plm from the knowledge of any other per son lest biadshaw should be apprized of our pro- ceedingv and get his deed on record lirm jj file got the deed and got it on record i asked him to fulfil his agreement by giving me a deed but alas to my great astonishment he refused telling uu that ik would give me eivtytwo pounds in stock and could allbrd to gue no more at the same time saying that it any one would give me mure he would permit me to let them have the laud j but this he again refused to do and vou may judge of my feel ings at this sudden and unexpected denial filled with grief i sold my larm which i bought from daniel perry and look my departure for a distant land when i was about to take iny leave he again told me i had belter lake the laud which olter i would readily have complied with had he been rvu somibli but he wanted liftv pounds in cflbh fuj twenty five pounds in stock which i imdcejened iiim i 11 ii i did iimi ri hiihia ii lit then told me that he wuuld not take any advantage but that 1 might sell the land to the first man who would pay ine the money and pay me ill mure than he had done being rather suspicious from his late conduct that he did not intend to allow me the privilege which he promised 1 said io him dare i venture to sell the land and give my bond for u deed i he then solemnly promised to perform ins agreement upon winch 1 sincerely thanked llltn and took mv leave souic lime after arriving at consccon not being able to perform mv journey being disappointed in getting money which disappointment 1 tulil 1l ltu- i was pftrful if i there tuld wai toud to w m- vvhielkr io which he bound himself to pay me one hundred p hi iu0tiey and 1 in return gave hlilj my bund for a deed then wrote immediate tu 11 pile to let bitn know the fttiuir but i was told that after receiving my letter he immediately sold lh land ut all events htf fiirfrhrt ii frtiincil bj selhnir the land at all to hr smiiihi piuuhd i- wllllltl ji i ol in- llo uuj ol u 1 i d itifil i i i llr id ri ipitii u uill suiter the loss ol ix piopert will the unjust censure of base tilluuy mi saw j kile and h file rrpretcntcd mc in hoin no confidence could be placed tnt ium liil ijlikeix is a man and tohl to the puisuc my friends 1 hope you will pardon me with i invite your attention to a subject which every prn ike in the country riploof honor justice or fticmlnfriii furbitte me conceal notwithstanding it is with a mixture i shame regret and sorrow that 1 pen down tit is sinking tran action yet u limy not only be satis factory hut useful to all and especially to the inex perienced youth while i am conscious that lvy revealing the truth 1 must forever blast the fame ul one who may now be looked upon by many as a siraujrer to such inhuman behaviour as thai which i am about tu declare him guilrj i rust and re- njize myself under the eye of ihut being befupre whom i will shonly stand to render a jus accotut for this and all other deeds which i ime or mauy have performed while ft sojourner through tlila va a of sorrow about two years aeo i wi the sole owner ofa mot of land situated in the township of reach pfor which i bad several good otters but was prevonfried from occepting of either by benjamin file wmlo used every exertion to prevent ine from selling t it in the mean time i had purchased land from daumiel perry and my object was in dispose of ihe land i in the towiitfhip of lfeach and by so doing i wuuuid be enabled to make the necessary betterments on the farm whieh 1 bought from mr perry but uivw prevented as 1 before said or niiher persuaded i h the above named itenjimiii fib not by any una n to dispose of the land without the inone down ome time after this event took place james rntud shaw came lu my place and tillered me an tint un horse which oiler i declined aeeepthnr unless h he would urclutm my furmintlie touuidiip ut uintenrh v pay me one hundred ami fifty pounds which pi ru- posal he would uot injrt e tu accept hot said il f would come up to thurlow m one lultiiiuht he wnuld rive lilenn answer i accordingly tttlt at ii that we may be guarded against it if the former t u mi ted to fee bin lie toid tile u he we must procure the constable a tittle earlier if tile had concluded to puche said laud this mlimue second we shall prubably have hi the course of uiirl home bu turned me tutuke give my inue lui til ifi mm thot i uad sold the land without his knowledge which news he told to m vvhicher who listened to the narration witluhe utmost surprise at the con clusion of which he undoubtedly exclaimed base liugeneoun illain llnw v itn have iron llltki- lyimii lips ye friends ul uiuh will ou ur pathie with me and bear willie humble part iii ha affliction 1 no i dare not hope lor anmhhie but hi he treaud with contempt by all who already know the former iittuieliuib liieh imvis ikmi pk- tti the fmnily 1 would lain slop here hut i feel k in dutv 10 relate a similar transacuon which lately tuuk place part of which mr davie i not a stranger lu though i almost forgot to mate that at tile tune i bought the horse from itradshaw the tteeoild time 1 paidliiin loudullarol the stock which i received from u filci whieh 1 considered to be the full vu- lueof said hore but he still insisted on having 112 10a mure and 1 to get my deed from lum pniu agreed to comply with ins offer upon whieh s file said it was too much lur the hoive ulld said that as he could not read he would write un unlawful nie which could uot be collected and gie it o hull in exchange for the deed which he according did and obtained the deed unidssaw soon louud the defraud and sold lht note vo it wiiliams for a verv be brought jo experience those heartrending repe titious of whfch mn the unhappy ictim dare i hope to find a friend whom 1 can confide or who will lend the least relief to my afflicted heart will ihe voice of approbation no more meet my ear dare i presume to solicit lb friendship of any who arc acquainted with my misfortune no fmustex- pect to be treated with contempt and disdain and bear the censure of a spendthrift and one who dis regards every thing that would lend to my present of future happiness while he by whom i have been defrauded out of iny property by whom i have been bereaved of my character and all that would render me respectable in this life may be looked up on as a stranger to dishonor while sporting on loo of that inony of which i am forever bereaved aud i lament a loss which neither lamentation nor regret can restore i am now resolved to go where my misfortunes are unknown and ever to brighten that character which is well tarnished by unjust censure and endeavor to seek for that unlading treasure of which it is not in the power of man to bereave mo while he by whom i have been treated with suchin- hturianily has no other excuse for his base conduct i ban that his father did not will him as large a rum is be willed me and consequently he considers him self justifiable iu taking tins money from me but iitcthinks conscience must teach him to the contrary while he may perhaps look back on his past conduct with a sensation of borrow and deep ngret mourn the loss of fame a loss nhich wealth cannot icstore he must auo look forward with more dread emotions of borrow tin his inure ami eternal doom lu my conclusion 1 would uguhi caution the youth n1 i i lmu ll llu ml hi mlllll ihil i hiv done lest ou like urn inav he ujought io experi ence what l have and like me be compelled to seek lor sah atton and protection in a foreign laud isaac file fredericksburgh feb 2d ifcss qavttwqtt njf for rut british wiluk mr editor- fr nuuy yearaptotll have belonged to the ui iclj ttfthc ktimiil sluilft iti llm pruvincu nud sinc ill- late cliaii-i- in the pnrftl bvdv efuttrh iiiethudistv 1 bsvo r uiid ut rciimiiko in v old uiinioii and have remained an inctipal k tii j ill as lulorc many attempts have bcn niailu iiju v un tu confirm lu duj nuiv opininns butin 3mx ill mvtnln jari ijlli lilt iv mr uliituirv railed upon niti rn licrn- a wfjltjatl mutlmtlitfl ltil i nwel v hen in injuir of in j vottlmuucy i wa ivarjijiit uj ih siwivly itiiipfjitcltlirrlial wutviloo on the sunday fulluwi nvw lr i wwli the iublle bikhdw that 1 tunidcr it uujut and uin hntiuiliij h read a man ul ofa rsoeipty of winch ho ww not i uienihcr and ivkicli uk hud uo wwh or tutcntiori to joun grass t s nivb t- x0rcdoxt edition i ut fit imuhii leiul kuuwkjje iimvinji amrmrt 7 at iu httk ijtftl tmfttlir iira vluxirmajt tins i mid o the tuol useful and interesting periodicals that has ever appeared each monthly number is embellished with upwards of twenty atnl enaravinjffi and i mui cover uu eri i mii- hcarinninlhe world thevhavcmk w small sum tt vvas void however iu my abenci 1j willful soul the note to ij file a fjiort tune ago jj fiie and mvelf ftcre disputing about the said itoie in iliefienriiig of mr uovies and hn told iue ho would compel me to pay said note w inch i de clared i would not do he tilid thai lie would bring it against a note ufxw 10 imm had against lum sutiicc it to suv that wc came to no seitlement but ended as w bcaiu and t told lutn 1 would sell lib note he went to his bid m a rage a few days al ter i had occasion to look in my poekuluouk ami to mv itrtjirt btiruriac 1 could n iireui tturpnw editorial duties to record your name great and graiid as it is among the thieves aud vumibonds tu be sentenced by his honor the chief justice at the next arizes but if the latter ne iball think less j at that time if lie did not take the laud he h of you evcntlian we do uow j filed his agreement in thid respect and 1 gave u pnuutu in paviueiit or him and u that lu wctn lo hefoie witness and there aiive io tuku hack ll innve if he did not buy my land and i vas to i inm have the burse iu u l eoutliliuu r he v tin uld the let rt u luu my ot iud his note bu increuiu his past conduct aud the note behuj gl- veil to mc ulote 1 have my own upuuot concerumy the loss ol tins note though willi this note there was ultfii aivceipt aud hutli were lakeii together hut neither of ihetn was ut any uc to any one but it file therefore yiiu uiuy juilgu wah me wlieiv the proptrtv went a lew dwvheluicl lost mu pripeit i tmimictltitl tuuk lae which continued mc in the belief llml i file was iu puestuu td the tiuaie which lidded xio h to the um he ituu taken fmm me iicuuc u iruiwirturtl wlneh i would mil uinke known ad i nut been accused u ihellliv ik flits and 111 illutbrmulaw uul ihe propeilv liny accused unrol uiluuif ww llm unlawful note im- fmv spoken ul whn h he utter wanl fuuirilill his pus- ip u l i will now nunlion the ttausattion before hjiukvti ul john m- file uma absent hum home im mittic business aud was absent for about two or three days during ins absence is file rose eu- lv in the morn nig and withdrew lie ruufueu m alknttuu hour uud i uupiuvd where he had been lie tuld me he had broken into john fde house utid had biouaht a uoteuf xji0 afid nl0 boftw idijwtmu ulscthhtu ii imfulml sidiseilpli- i ftctvrd hv di subscribe atfmit for the abuv ork nhohag mi hand a lew complete srtu ill nuinh atlil liouiid kinvutk feh5ilu 1835 wu bartlbt iu l ivjii ltnlllivti ah lasb aiilstti pub abstract ul the herald being now cit culatcd lf the muhiber of more than wo hundred copies iiuioiiff the emieraut agents of the principal shipping mr1i and in the various sections of england soot- killdnml iivltunli forms the best medium iu hritiah america fur druwiitij the attention ni lutendriugeuih rniuts to the hum eligible settlements terms for nuveitisinu tame as inthe daily or scmiivveekly iinaul x v the froptietor takes this opportunity of apprising advertisers that no advcrtisemejit can be received from the country without either cash or a reference to a respectable house in town montreal january 21th lsjo architectural drawing rill subscriber having commenced 1 vaulting ar chitectural drawing an evening class will be be- tfutt from six to nine oclock likewise a limited number of pupils will be taught the drinciples and practice of laud surveying and making finished plans- for particulars apply at the schoolroom north west ctid of hrockstreet alexander dawnew kingston tnmarr 19th i 48ttf rksictroftiiktluivllmkoptfk t m 1 k vx t iiu jiwrnal i iiahmi to hie dttmtttn- mij foral miwiwrw ilvm kimlamicutlaniiiiihl 1vack it utioultl4litlituurut urnjv umj tu- unro wlttine wtu tc flu wild i in ycat l ihavkwihv bivn jnmy aubaiv and folly iiiltr tin rvrutihtiu tmsc lrrii ti kmiuuanti hiviuuj lir lw urflbe ttunntu i iihb iiihp ilu imuiiiriii u jiliijtiiti rl iticlncal ww iini kiitirtntit tin uunwnni kvrrtn r- m vr viumi af niuliiml niiimiiiiaiurn limrvrb riiaiiicimimy witromml of tok ktiitl rhr tatavimt iiuifmirwtfirm nr jut ii promtogy ur ih lhitmhiixmiiiliarairkijrjvtii aiiifiahrgiij rccikd ip- iht sihufnifi luthifc1 tct mti t uh marklv lim ill u mkrupuj af j lnhii vnils a afll irruirnl untlcf4iliirf wau uuo uuowo it rttfh lliiilfc nti in ilninutrv u4aiioltilui ki ij the eii- tfc hiiiv4r ti hmitiltant n kbmj acj luifattiul una not wurmmb urix iwlw rjhif h int wliwicvcfi lr iiimjn1 iit iduoiui j nl nit ig cedar street sew t ll t i ne llilif rr iiiijlljfu i itltlr it inkiiinc mkttiiimvvi the kllltikan i urjkxrc fvoplr froii ih pimhi vunvvtiiii iiikkiimuuii lak ini urnvrl in una vuutry l- vi li aluion i butdmi4 suurii unil iir bulgrant mi wtiiiwi thr ivi iipti rrtivcy wihcifriiw wbosuwcribo in buili uu new ivum llufe iwx wwfc anl tetidtr uh inwllmc cuuiltpvai uriiitii imnmi trry 1kcioi hnponocciiijicrurkv tiit ir locnl wi i-har- l vitf or uic ouucf ot lhc very lll i fvlpri jthlfhul hs5- hatch 4 rj chair maker kingston v i