and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly opiffr pkr o t b t m d i c 0 by e j barker m d vol iii the british whig k sfml journal levoi to gommrfctft nd political illmimunii is pilblinlttsd every m outlay tliuiftlav cvriri by i uarkur ktlitor wid proprietor nt inn of ficc in roar 8tiut ncxl doot tothtf coumcriial imcl ttftw fw the british wiiki wytiitaen ami fa- sence per annum if pid ifiailvanct ur within hirce nvniim rotn tlic receipt of the first number and one pound if col lected at the cud of the year eulwivtuf puftligpx nohtihscnulioii received for ljs ttiai fit mouth and no paper discontinued until nil mreamjjoare paid up except at the option of the publisher qirtitttcscments six lines iml undterfbttili iiriinertion and 7ld each ubmoimnl inttftloa ten line and under 3s 4l fir t insertion and 10d cacliubctiint insertion abe ten him 4u pr line for the first insertion and id per hue for arefjriuhqtientibmtiion advertttctnenu without written d trwitoni an inserted till forbid and charged tacoidinsly order for discontinue advertisements lobe in writing produce of every kind received in payment 3ia letter taken itl ceejit from agenu unless por paid letter press printing doctor barkzr bavins nbivmeil mot iiperir prew and an jteeltottlawtrtiiwirt f jo tvpiis ftimbld to exculr rert description of job pkintinu wish ne uu ss and ex pedition upon term hitherto unprcedeuth low in upper canada kixgstox v c mxda febitlaky 9 1s35 wholesale yvareliouse- ko 3 new fall goods jvew goods willum r bartxst respectfully inform i inhabitant of kingston and the midland district tltat he tuts late ly returned from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which lit is now telling lor cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the siure lotely occupied by messrs parker and benson in the centkh of vtore itu set the stock consist of west of england and york hire superfine fine and common uroud clothe flushing petershams flanncu i5uir3 carpet ing and carpet bags serres tartans kombu- sine norwich crapes uombazdts irish scotch linnens stram loom and urey cottons kusshi sncettiii4 otevav ma mnw 2juii aw a hi t corded muslins itovct unci hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a large and well selected stock of groceries has betti purchased by the advertiser which will be sold qt cat uc exchanged for produce on the lo eat pos sible term fur caps op all descriptions kingston nov atth 1931 33 the su33criwes rkhmctfumy acquaint their friend and the pub- y are now receiving their uual supplies tic that the for the fall jixd winter trade comprising mi extrusive anil very choice assort- mem of treasonable goods illr whole of which will le found of superior quality and at exceedingly puces o among their leading articled will be found a great variety of broadcloths cashmeres flushing ivtewhunwi satinetls and liiot clmlis blanket flannels huizts and serges worsted and lambs wool llositry shirts and pantalorm drawers rev domestic and steam lnnm cottons printed calicoes tut key stripro and scotch tiitig hams ladies and children shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos ltnmbazctls camlets and tartans hmlii7iuest crapes arc carpeting scotch irish and iinitntiotl ssheetings 1 1 i k i linen sec c c c- c a general assortment ot fashionable furs mulls buas tippets and stiahdun rulls oafs gcntlcmcns very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1831 87 for sale 300000 of well burnt red bricks bv timothy ciialma thk nim riskm ofkr for gale at their smiics- store street for jprily occupied by leslie sons the uuderuieii- mined ioods rouiiiiic unuulie madeira port and sherry wine lieiicrarlo and spanish red do mnsruvidn e india and ljmiitiis sugars mimch miikcttlvl kuisinsainl illi4l filliurts li india cmitpv ivpni r 40v 1 12 lbs cassia chnci fig blue salt pcttci and epsm salts hipaii pints j d and pati japan tiuans phlu ilalf glassware assorted casks winiirfti ailjjt32lt ox tftimi lliiher up id ruuie chain spitlcs illtrii is mid fimiii pans stove a 0 in lnulre casiiu 0iy si martins pintvand iastc d uu va si k cralev and lljvter ssirh pain irons l tel lloie nails soiled colore putlv lutinir and cod et iron is oi and n few cases of superior champaign alldloi brando window glass assorted size turns voder xk cash 35 to 50 three ipjihii 50 and upwards six months credit t i niching approver endtirhfd rioictf- hart brothers cn kingston 1st xm ember is34 2gj0ts bv ah kinds 4th co of country produce taken in payment errestowu dec 22d is31- 40lf notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out lritorst of administration to the frstate of the late htnry w vlkiao kstj all uluc wllu are indebted to the snrnc are retspectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and thoac having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on of before the 17ih day ol may next thomas smitll kingston november 17 iftm i6m york papek mill wakehouse- neiv wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser bcim leae to retuiu hi3 vlllftmv vlaoktu hi fiieids for the extensive support lie hn rrettived since ins cinnmenceuient in business am iionns them that he lias removed willi his old stand ti thai large and commodious brick vtnre lately ii the occupation of messrs rose a cameron and s uated liext duo to mr oicous taeni ill store he now oilers for sale an extensive assortment jf the very best liquors consisting of port mtidci- iu tencrifle and itenccailti wines in bottle and to let rila p excellent stone duelling house in best part of siiivstreet ration f m s- bidwell e fur terms apply to abraham kinirshui on fi 1331 situated in i lately in the occu- tiuax or henry cassaov is cash vah for wheat h i- indian cuim n oat and auo for sale ai all times good did tt hukev- vk garratt kingston 21th nov 1331 320w fuk salc bv the mlbscriber q 40 uoxw of best lierpuol soap svmukl 1iiiitex keic5in january kill isjo 4g store is sincere thanks bj e i ti e r the sulwrilier returns his sincere thanks to his friiuls and the public in ceucral for the liberauup port lie has reicivotl since he commenced business and iissures thrill that no exertion on his part shall be ftoiilingto iiiurll a continuntice of the same lie is now reciivjiu a kirle quantity n sole and upiw ltnlher vvm mnrut e linmlj and uindmg ikuii lie has now on hand juo sides olc leailier s2lk tfuich tipper do 15u calcutta 300 call skins 20 dost lilazed morocco j do uttlhued do 20 do- lining j do- h t morocco 30 do hindi skins which he assures the pubhc are manufactured of the hrrt ninturiultf ik t milling low as any uthcr use in llit trade lie has also on hand f0 do stark a cuv double refined axes 20 dol do do do cioad do ar wantedy an active lad about 14 or 16 years of age as nn apprentice in a grocery store in llih town apply ttttbifi office kingston january 23rd is35 40f uaxted a compositor wanted a smart utith as compositor in the office of the british whig oe who has been a year or two at the business would be prefer- rej kimwon ja 30ih 1935 200 yards domkst1c vu x xels a cuplltll article for warmth and durabilii v just re ceived uud for sale bv the piece oi otherwise bv k uartleti stores kingston nov 2tth 1sj1 32 for s vlc by tug si bscltibilt 20000 segars 50 kegs piufftobacco 20 jars superior maccaboy snut 20 bl rosni 0 d k tar 10 bags reppur 10 da pinientoi w b hartlet storefit kinirston nov 2th is3i 32 this establishment if oow in full opemtion and the proprietor u resolved to spare no expense to ren der it worthy of public encouragement he trusts thatasto miiterialsand workmanship and variety ofchtstinfftf the kingston fmnom will be found kcond to na similar c3ftublihhmht and thai therr will herafcur be no neceily for msndins to the united states tor uaaiiugsi when iheyumybe had in this province there will be kept on hand or manufactured to eastwood and skiwer paper nanufatturtrsi printers and tlftf or der al kinds of mis castings for sttc milts and fiuur the establuhmeit is now furnished with patterns of the oswezo and rochester plans and persons building mills can be supplied with cood oasliuc on as icaonuble terms as they can be procured in the state of vwyotk saw mill crunks fulling mill cranks mill screws nt 3 lighter screws and ctothiurn screws die stalks tap and dirs for screwing units on the best plan sleigh slined and fas nin mill irons four different kinds of ploughs wagcon boxes pipe boxes and axletrees or carriages screw tops made from 4 to 20 threads to the inch letters cut for brands and stamps brass castings made of every dimension cai sfctt lx whole sale or retail all kinds of iron finishing done in the best ntanner- 1 1 addition to the present conveniences for cast ing the proprietor is now building a cup di so a to be able to make a casting from 1000 to 2000 lbs weight the public are invited to examine the works of the foundry and judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any other establishment of the kind c a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make pattern if required also burr mill stones of every size and bulling cloth of the best description folly as cheap is can be pro cured in any part of the united stales the for mer manufactured here by mr l- ltoslwick- kinrrstou january 1 1835- bttlie iijiiowui paper belleville lnicr cflbuwb 8ur port hipe warder aad bruckvillo itctordit will ffiv the above three tnertioits sending their arcount tu the chrun- cle gazeno olbcc the subscribers will pay cash for pol and pearl ashes bart bhotueks co- kihgmon jan 3d ism i low respectfully inform di chants of upper canada that they have opened u paper ano stationkrv waftkhotsc on the east eide of the market square toronto where they v ill keep writing priming and wrap ping paper al0 such school books as are or may bemanufucturcd in upper canada for ale on liberal terms k n bought and taken in tvment toronto nov lsh 1931 not icy the subscribers havmg been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by thu lust will and testa ineuiof the late robert driuimioud respectfully request that all persons having claims against the relate will present them to joseph bruce duly au- ihuiir td for rljisti ndetcd to it will lav cdiuiitfl 5iabgarbt drummoxd executrix joseph brug13 euatur kingston 21th sept 1831 15 candle manufactory coiutejrop icc su nn sriuurfr ii and mt ii- t nakc payment i uitu rtuhamd cognac and spniih biandies nullands tud english ctin sctilcll ti anil cnnadiau whiskey jamaica and other spirits iirub ami peppermint the whole in well worthy the muyiiuiii k private families tavern kccpei and count i shopkeepers his stock of the best groceries is also lant- com- prisinirall kindbof lireen ami blaek teas krlined in j muscovado sugars spieos rice rafein cheese butter srarch table salt saltwater ftuh if sundry descriptions pork e- e also chinn glass and ettrtlieimare sole and uppci leather hollow and hinivo blnkiit pruht ci4ic o qm onj cvrii mj kimir wild iariety of other arlicleis to which he respectfully mm ifcs the attention of the fnriurn coming to toui i ivilh their produce ivr which he will puy the hi cl price jrain of evrry disrription boiisht and od 100 barrels salt s r caldwell market square kinsstcn october 25tll lcji 21 x b cah paid for hide and flax seed s r c notit rtu l nsh heretifore eat ikhv iiapit will hi fuluie i ued no in the nam iv inula ictid ntnlei haui buotlllhs iv co uv of the the i ufllllc anil btl ol uiidert4gned a w llut ik iuut u 1iakt ps all pereoits iuilelited to tlie mibnerihit ere rvipictid lo ftjtth ilfir rtprciive accounts with lain ind tllose hho may lue any claims against him are reo nested to tend in the mtne lir lttiida iin it hart i fftililiw tll lvl 46 kiiuibtoii due is i w i cook to shop keeplilttf th ii subscriber has couslusiily on band a qnanii- patent pails t lip sold whol ll f pin- v mtil 1l iatif mnnnri mwiibhriifilw kumi ciuirc ii ili ii i ia rtid lii lixci-l- tlliv tb- li uti tioii io 4 1- tin tan pi tow die iniaitfl oi fj hoi yrr i ifeiit m piociieu the in licc icaxe lo it toe iulkiilan of kra- cauidcn poij- and louffhbtrfoutfu lllttl he ha taken una uuniit reitlrncc uvqi sinmoti milu erics- ii win i ttpp hebh iiiow ill be lia v tu attend to anv nic- iv f i t m samuel piiipfen returns thanka to the in habitants of kiiuston and ita vicinity for the en- raursgement he has leceivedance liin eonitiicnee- nent ill thr above business and befis to inform hem that he is dailv mannlurttuin movtid sf dip ctfvls iiflhe very best pialityand has on hand at the present time upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for salu to the trade on tenna un commonly low private families supplied by the box or otherwise kingston nov 23th 1s3l 833m ll persois lnuimr ehiims f land ami intend i n settle in the township ol llichuojroki vaa strly lho who havo civtii hi then uuimfnr tl are nt vt d lo iii- u ahii lm aiurdv llb fchrnarv for the pi n uu ii it tii v ii i i u i 11 v n i i r i i 1 iv r it 11 d neailv wiili lit ir wmk rr u ed uial nid it 4ft kinton on tfaiurthiy i lb february fur the pur- pn jj no of concerting ineitircs to hlae a road ibronh j j m day tin iii ilarrli is35- at tic the wnshipufporilauduthat uavti al mls mid to tin hiivxt bidder the lhiiir witlnut a cuide jjui market esq will attend ond cive u kcitb of te road in couleuidation kision fib oil i43 american leather store iu3t received and fur sale bv the subscriber at bis cheap gaah store church street one door smith i ok sales 1v tjiij 81 mt iivmitl skin idsou twankay v chofim teas muicovodu ewtliultaanj rellncj aififtr pnirtu harkv nar hi1 shiiii nuu blimu mfiiatcl atnl suii kaiiu bhk vincr inil moianj almotted wusl india pulk- very tupciior ftljdcira wito hi pipe ltlid qr cahs and buttle slicuy ii i old pun tciivuikz and bv uvl of mr palmers druggist store market the following goods viz sides best spanish sole leather tuare slaughters do do upper leather harness bridle calcutta do do do da do skins do pork mackarel sait- 500 300 do 300 do 300 tlo 100 do 200 do 800 calf 200 kipp io0 bbu 100 do 100 do also 20 boxes of starks ooa iest uroad and xi i row axes a varieiy f ftftovtf of diflcrenl st md patterns a large ipmntity of lamp oh i retherwtth a variety of other necessary triis iih line of inismrss the whole ul ihc above conds will be deposed on unronunoulv low prices trmftt highest i rice in cash paid for tjidl stilys william foim zinstttnim decern er 11 is3l 37 common shek3v pipes an3 opt vfi2iesj ictior and wtll known h1c4u2 iaruot sf- iicore md all her appiruuncrs inli u ill obtain rw eiiforoitiiou and hntu x ooti nnchaser l opprtu ly j tu siih aiuii tiiiii lie stihxrih to lake p jc mr sir i tiic lout d furniture 1a apply noorcd ce on board the boat iigr s whurf david john smith hinirstnn jui 17di 18l forwarding thrtr tub not tk or ra klurav caxal tirmej that t btniccarlo ttlm a 1 ctinae ijramly hi tillff and ipcs ii ii llhitiik ton sitmfiur vlnihimi iii cticit itmfuluii pntet3uil bftiwn st k il uj llii wliwtry vry sut trior siji ut miimrw til ul dil in kljk vrr mipcrtr k nd cuidtilltt sftoltfft lcs4ii 1 limfi uftth tit tu itf ililivrvntfftifttfi iiiltl crmki ri mdutm jlttwicuahdabuuaiird pa a i as c ac t i 111 4 laau- ll huyt ftf rliir tit mil middlius i im cm tiiii u sifi siiirtiu tli in iky intilip niiiniti winli w s l utlll t liiiht i iii isi tllut tilllllr pi im ithuh itnut- s arm lluttt vlatt sirli in i vrllw 1 iimi i4irhniit nf 1n f tin y pinj- uu ii t mitiii anl a iirtiiplhi aiitnniii l iittitl ul will be fiiil umflli tliu thomas macxiufk 2tn 22d oiiuscr l stkavkd from ihc nremiscsul mrd viumiwmiaiall rl cow iilihhiiii hiwutiil shon h rnivuw mil vyhooii ill return her 10 her owner will be nwuidnwu x l r liis iroaik 1 v ah the fn i- lilt nfin i frois ha nits rliihiw ie bratiiiiiin pairikul or iv hara iiuisiftl cn ulllllliirih itllil ii re iiimii- 1 m ehauin anii ilic relate il k tisil ill lilt rri ilarir eii0iiiiii1 r-ti9- ilfli e m ti iile im hi if a r irhvina iiiiiirmcd mat lle lnvi uidruu loi ailini uuinpany are now tnnkiig cxietisivc imiwommeiiis in ihuiliue liiving iijilid w ti ii uiuj ioii iul earners larue decked iiargis arc na hi no lie euilliol and icanagc- niii of the whole line from montreal lo kingston tirv ill liavc extensive lores at the alove mentiolkli places and will be prepared at the opeu- hiwf ilie naxiualiun to teteivc and forward all goods that uwy te cansigiiwl to ihennvuh safety ml di siiull ijie filw in- papers w0 rrilusi1 lu inmit rfltr llirrv w aiil ir tnwunb lo ibn ottawa and kiifmu p comirtiiys 0m m kiiiu nw jfic htjuymtr il- fit mir did l3 rirt v caarjian vowirt il uimflm jr iri xiiijptrh keparbi an ihuufa wt kjxgstv brewery mpnt mtlirros iwjffluave to infonn the in- liiirht4u ivilifitutt and the public in general tllst tliey i llolisi iiieix miivu i al aw 0htietl a ciute liie iiecupivd hv a aeiii where hi ma il ajiu5irivt mtlltt k imu emj u kni- kivt cuiuiutly uu luind ilicy mjiiurrluiv i stock of ul tltcir own ale hluskw ol a superior quality and where oidcrsnill be iliank fully reecived mid punctually attended to lali v ill iie paid ui die above store for kij iii liii der if31 41 kindlon jan sotll e llh jtlv lji iiiuuiiliite pjvniimt i j s250 i iaiui liip aiiuiurvr oh sale v th3 sub30ki3b inih imiiiuu tttxoh ijina k ia11n1l1 markismft kin on jmitnnr 3rd 15