Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 2, 1835, p. 4

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boots shoes gloves c a j- k k it xs has reccicd a pari mid liourly expert rtie rv- niiinder of his full im flodies will mt8m london malc hoots s hes all tp- inl seasonable kinds via prunella sliijrrs hlaclc unci colored ninra aiirf boots ci01i1 itnois fiituishctl 1i0 fur biiola oihi shnp carpel supptty tnrrwps snow ami ilus- it hoots 1 rase of i ad if nod mjssexnuniid fancy and oilur hoots and shoo urh ik are madeonlv for retailing in tlic nisi simps in the city hsn aiiirroasnfhovsanilclriwrcnbckla uiwl show ladies kill and oilier iluns cientleniens buck and kid do- of die ifcrl qiiuliiy and being imported direct frm the manoftiry ran be afforded very low lnndi skin wind simks btt london made roninaniraus lare sied hnisselstravellin hairs imnose deer killing llnnrs and a latgc ahmrtmeill of ladicss lentlemens youths and childrens superior india unliliei overshoes london dressed roans and skivers russia leather shoe thread awls black and mippie hindi nir oallouiig hand punches size slicks bial polished lasiini tucks shoemakers kits and waiclunakors files llall- tcads patent heel spria- slide buckles slides and ornament lor ladies shoes khissleys supe rior london varnish ibr harness leather and shoes patent leather and patent leather straps and all kinds of manufacturing materials in the shoe line also a very extensive assortment of jo ef t mi kj consisting ofbcttl philudrmhia bend now nki im till irovim ia1 jlrtmf r mainstkattc mamal im milium- itvw hi un firi tthc i ppwciwartii uajeitr nttve thowurt c liihlrtlliilwflitiuiiih npperui fire nfjihii m ifii- peace 11 vanity atwrm llf rni cerpurvl in lu- maeimrarv mid n eiipr vomvo vn vv of the l f iim- pm- mfcrt- nrtiflw w thr imtl remit i nrflnrrt ii rtrill- mt lrymti other pumie iftlwr thromhoni lh iwiw a lil nfltltt hruvr wi1it1te poliuirl willuhewwk pn i lf hmwirl fl ftl hound nnd lettered w- w tetters in on- editor poh wudi will o dulv floured uuntjcrs na tnlfatt m dm lper tvmada oaww ortw uy ttrelk troia nth decritllirr iw rmkw h compiler riir r ihe fallow mt paper kindlon chronicle mriiish vw cluiri swr dinuta li niuvnra krporier u4 r ihftnrr nml si tlmhiifi i ill irrl dvta luiwlv1lrtnl fi orni lll iiiit hrpttwkj luufblmwilhmlwttfora fchl crnltri prize skoals it ix hereby nnnoiuiccd thai lli naturai histokv sornrv nf mnnrreiu ha rcwjhjd to oli- focu mi5dals fur the best b3says prcserucd during 1i11 pri year tvlrduls arc oftvrcd nccordinly im forihe bivi ewnv on llj coiiiicgtionttttvcii ifn uanueota couiilo and the cbaraccr ofits ii- habitants 2nd for 1i10 bfci essny on uh peculiar rizo md innnbrroflakc8 in the uorthem jmtrt oi kotll con- iiihjilttti 3i forilicbrst essay on any scicntjlic subject at hie disctcilnn of the writer 4th for the best j3say on anyaulyect connect ed with litentuire generally the conditions art isr the esis wlwll be presented on or before the 20th offebruary 1j5- 2tkl the essay limy be in french or english 3rd the names and residences of the anthor must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall mic a nvdto ami hall he arccimpanied by i het inspected uood and dainieed spanuh sole m e penhcd with i ilie same nmtlo and leather 30 dost new york calf skim hcivyaad middling liuenn avres ery heavy do uper li- thes and kips linintf and uinding uing hlrk goat moroern ituekind due skills a larcr quan tity of his own mtutflfactured hoots and fellocscott bkihtly nn hand makinir his nortment the best and most extensive he lias vwv ollercd for sale- all kinds of work made to order as usual at the shortest nuticc- a nnerai diseoiiut iu utioisait u toincrs- kiiiston november 1s3j- ti pbomtjie perth itntcl respectfully inform hlg in- liintanisor kington and netraxel- litis cmnnumiiy that he lias leased that eatonwi e and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kiiusiou hetcl where it i his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience oi his guests the kingston hole has lately undergone a thorough repair tins been completely refurnished and painted and is now one of the hamtsuinrm public houses in the province it is admirably vellsiiuaied foi ilie convenience nf travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a lull view of the arrivals and departures of the team hoars from which passenfforsluirffiisc will be conveyed by porters attending the wharv son purpose to the domestic arrangements of the houe the greatest atrennon witl be paid a first rate table will be kept tfe beds will be of he best description and dm vr ines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabhng kiufsion may oth 1834 is7 v077c notice is hereby given thai the accounts of all persons indebted lo the lale finn f bkafii vjsjfujstlxe that are iwt paid or arranged on or before the 1st day of january s3o will ik placed in the hands o an auornev w itidiscriinimilr colltion elijah 1skacii kingston dec lib l 3fi nkw store- the subscriber iwgs leave to notify to his fiieiul- and customers and the public generally ulut he ha opened a general assortment of sew ioods whieh he intends selling at tow prices and will take in payment all kinds ol eounn prooiu sun hou8 oncl field ashes and all kinds of furs d roblin- lot no 2l tub con fredericksburgh 31 dec 1s34 40tf to rbpvt- the commodious dwelling in karrietield for merly occupied by john r ltlovr bi lately iy doctor hartley of the islh kitft tin pwitiwes being su well known do not require further disrup tion apply to walter mectmffe kingston 20th mav lsil livkry stable is the hear of mr john brennana store storf 6trekt nearly opposite the commercial hotel the subscriber begs leave to inform the senile- men of kingston that be has recommenced the keeping of horses cutters sleighs c and trusts by the attention he will pay to the business to me rit a continuance of their patronage the horses are of the most superior description and the cutters and sleiifbs will bo furnished with excellent harness and alountimm nfibe lirst qua- lity terms cash john mckay kingston dec 8th 103 l tom h stones vr the subscriber aratefn ibr the putronaffc holms received begs lo inform his ftiemuaml ih public lhat he still continues to innitufnctiirc to nnler at his shop in hath tmnh fitunvs of almost every description window caps sl sills ttlnie 1ipe nntl uiwihtjl stoxess and every other article in the stone cuitina line on die shortest notice and the most reasonable trrnra ahkam lott i b all kinds of produce received in pay ment bath sept 16th 1834 12tf in the press and nearly heady hie rot ismo 40 pass and 11 pfaf prtek 41m hawkins pictuke of quebec am itd knviitonr wmr historical jikcollllctiqnx riraws nuim tut mov a tn editors j i ttstntl puptrs in ltmui tnrtr which tfr inxfirtiun to tlu prtmitriiifi trill dttfm ttnptf this adrwustnunt nnd nod tlmr ttttdttew to th ufosnttr ma kru hawkins cltr orjoikr flii lrtt eontumiig the mime and residence of the author tl is note shall only be opened in the caseof the bftiv being declared worthy of a prize otherwise n shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perly of the society- oih the society reserves 10 itself ibe right to withhold the prize should no one of the kssayfl on h jm y t appiar rienervitik m the lssaysure to be addressed to a- f tfolnirft m 1 corresponding secretary of the society andrew ii armour oct 23rd 1831 recording secretary 8iiortlv will be published a comprehensive view- of the doctrine of the woik of the holy ghost with the power of his gifts being a plan drawn from and supported by holy writ according to the system preached of old b the apostles of our lord and saviour jesus chriu and tu these latter days revived and promulgated by the rev edward irving in britain and by tin rev messrs w r caird and ifcorge ryerson in this province u a minister of the iosper t subscriptions will be received in toronto by messrs- k lesslie sons charles daly henri rnwscll and at ibe post office by mr j ballard toronto 0th december 1831 avholesalc fe retail grocery tea wle and general iroiision more market square patrick euan respectfully informs the inhah- tantsof kiulstonand surrounding country that e ints received direct from montreal and other mai els a choice assortment of the following article which be intends to dispose of at unusually lew prices jvincs spirits groceries tye ptmnjrjanmics spirits i2uac untidy i imhiiis liiu sitiertir thl part mn nr rpjjci canada whbkoy voiintfttihl tlil hyson teu twatiktv and itlack do ciilia cuttcc ikiiihlc refined and mucovnda saar tluz paper and cllcmlitll tubarco srtrfeh llwrillgsi cod fish and mackarol salt water uimn ins- itl rainifis kir almond i nnn mis and i i- j lirk hr ile tjh sinuked pork and miiuoh haiof satdivlino tlnnr oat and indian m ontt cum hiranit pca c kc iimilik salt t0 ki imis vrappin5 papcr a tpianiitv olsmne andtinworo iii vails aborted cruckerj sflewl american olierc a ihtantily snap candles starch blue iticf bulir ranker ltmoiw vtt ithm ard american apple p ii iiiluinu alwmvjt keeping on hand fresh s 1 fuwls i- i virtabu kftnihtsi intiiri to market will do well by girini ihc abi fstalilisliiiunt ftfiall where llnsy will rmcivstns bighc pr in rii liirvvfv description of nodltm hilorl istt the subscriber tenders bis thanks to the public for the libet patronage he has received since he has been business and lakes this method to inform the that he keeps constantly on hand tin and siip iron wnntj buckskin mittens and gloves wbi ciinirs iumbs uulions sewing silk and threa md main other articles loo numerous for deta requisite sir country merchants and pedlers whi ran he hnrt on advantageous terms by applyn at the siitfifrt the beab market square geesv pistthere pnper pae obi pewier co per and krust deer kins sheep skins re wax tallow ft willliv received inpayment ttt inhrst prut paid at all fifth in can for fur n ii thuse who have unsettled accounts w plrtm rail lo settle the same ami bv so doing lb will ublisis barton phillips kington feb i this nlvru ojt mk t hcpmttojn tm itustc lnflraxitiigs csooq tt roctkv ammitosk by tiik most gblkutiatbii althorp published at 3 dollars per amwm by l a uooky jttuciiiuii liiilldittun i rnnkltu place ph1ladklimiia ssh far i o iy- i ii h subseribtt repeelfiillv iittoini the mini inills uf kiiilfsion iih its vicinity llmi he basrereif iy commenced ma kins window sashes at bis rfn t lifioiniiuf the kingston pouudry where he itiietn to keep mi hand a larffe assurimrnt of every kiie whirh in will veil hw for cash and he hopes by h assuluons attention tu bitthietftf to merit a sliaie pithlie pairouiiitv p allrdeis for the abmc thankfully veceiu 111 p tjtilv utleiuled to kindlon m il 1s3l j sargent- pnokpecrrs op a trkatisk on aoriclltrftg adattfd to thk climate ano c ltlttmstancfs ok canada a ijukntlfct proilence has furnished canada with inexhausted resources of wealth in her most fertile soil climate which is by no means unfa vourable to agriculture- the due improvement of these ac other natural advantages is capable ol giving riches and every reasonable enjoyment to her present and a vastly increased population the importance of agriculture lo canada must be obvious to every one capable of fanning a sound judgment in such matters it is agriculture thai must afford the direct supply of all her greater wants it must in ibis and in every oilier country he the parent of manufactures and commerce mid the best mean of promoting civilization and popula tion consequently it ever will be the most universal and useful of arts in almost all nations the inns powerful individuals derive their wealth and con- sequence frmn ihir property in land cultivated ami maimtred by the husbandman agriculture therefore twld agriculture alone can support us without ibe help of others in certain plen ty and real dignity while our ground is covered with corn and cattle we can want for uothlift manufactures and delicaces lhat we may require from withoul corn and cattle will purchase if we will only raise them in abundance and excellence from the importance of agriculture and the ereat interest that is consequently fell oh the sub- feet in the british isles and other countries ol europe a varied and voluminous mass of know ledge has been accumulated which would be most useful to every ouewlm would wish to practice the art with success himself or understand when well ptactieed for him by other to combine as far as practicable ihc ponton uf this knowledge which i conceive 10 be most useful and necessary for the study of the canadian agriculturist is the object of the treatise which 1 have now neatly ready ibr the press and the plan of which 1 submit with great deference to the consideration of all those engaged in the art the sources from which i have made selections are the modern british and french authors nf derided rrplilarion and merit with m own observations and experience during my cnrl vears in ilie occupancy of extensive farms in ire laud chiefly as j irazier for a period of nearly seventeen years that i have been a farmer in canada secral years ol the latter period i have had the honor to be secretary to the district and county of montreal agricultural society i propose to publish the work in four or five parts the fust part will cive u short view of the origin progress and present state of agriculture among omc of the ancient and modern nations particular ly great britain france flanders the united states 5lc i am aware the past state of agricul ture can do little more than gratify the curiosity not so its present state which is calculated both to excite our curiosity and o fleet our interests there is probably no country whieh 1 shall refer to that dues not possess some animal or vegetable pro- ductinn or pursue ume mode of culture or ma uagement that iniht be beneficially introduced in to canada hut with the exception of the countries i have named ami parts of italy and switzerland there arc no very interesting reports of agriculture of other parts of kuropc with which i am acquaint ed at present the second part will exhibit a con cise view of the science of agriculture and the principles on w inch the operations and results there of are founded ilie third and remaining parts will apply those principles to the practice of agri culture adapting them to the climate and other cir cumstances of canada and conclude with a few observations on that portion of the trade and com- incrce of ibis country in which farmers may be di rectly or indirectly interested convinced as i fee that the produce or agricul ture is the only riches lhat the people of this coun try can call their own nml which they can never he deprived of it has often astonished me that men of liberal education should in geneml appear so little to regard its improvement or prosperity in fact it is treated as a subject quite remote from com mon life by nearly all who are not immediately en gaged in it they perhaps cannot allow them selves to believe that agriculture alone can furnish the means by which trade and commerce can be carried on successfully in canada i sincerely hope to induce all who may lake the trouble of reading my book to reflect on the sub- pmth 1 hil mthuul for their consideration and that they will join heartily in promoting uecessarv improvements and thus advance the wealth and prosperity of the land of their birth of the choice as a work of this description cannot be published in english and french without incurring consider able expense it would be necessary forme to have as many tubscribcrs as would insure my expenses subscription lists will be left at the several hook- stores in montreal the work i expect will not exceed four parts at is 3d each part the first part to be published miich i here are a sufficient num ber of subscribers i expect the whole might be published before the first of may next the four pans will contain from 250 to 300 pages and may be bound in one volume i shall do all in my power to make the book worthy of the patronage of all who desire to promote the pros perity of agriculture as well as of those who prac tice the art wm evans cote st paul dec 18 1834 mtctinff of the house of assembly as the approaching session nf the provincial par liament promises to be one of vast interest to the inhabitant of upper canada the subset iber pro poses lo preserve the proceedings of the house ol assembly in a more durable form than a newspaper ami to report them at more length and at the same lime more tnrmuely limn has been done heretofore to nllniii this desirable object an experienced re porter from england will attend mrry sitiiut irtthe iioum and accurately uuie the rotes mid piwccrf- ings of that body which will be published in week ly lyumhcfb consisting of sixteen pages large or uivtl printed with a ifnnil lypeand mi line papei and delivered to snlephers in ibe eity of toronto every samnhiy aid iiioou at the end of the session a title page ami index will be furnished to each mihst rtber gratis the whole forming a volume ol great importance and necessity lo every man in the province and a sure tstddt kttcttirs as by a ie- ihviice tu its pages it will be seen not oluy wha i heir representatives dtd but also what theywfcic rd to o- the priec of each number w ill be our jtafyzng ywp ahrim dtlicvrit any petvuu procuring leu subscri ber and in mining responsible for the same shall receive ouufopy cnttitt agents will slmrlly he appointed in the different imitlht and the greatest regularity observed in for- wmluig copies to subscribers as he execution of the intended publication dc- pemis entirely upon i ho support which may be af- lonlid those who wish to pitrouit the undertaking will please toignify the same as soon as possible all con nnunicai ion addressed m the subscriber robe pnm free urefla 52 lot strict london ftl jail til v likeofpack t month fl- maxth tlls lino is at present l mo mhi l pwpm llfml 0 w lui it vvii hweiilvf ul from new york and i 5 l islam rld from portsmouth ff gi every mo lin oedy nlsnilm- awss in frb mar mar april april may nc inn jan fell frfc slur mar- april tho from ketl york ifi slup prkpidenx nwrsf maj plup ontario a mir met ibaflii montreal ii i lnmnli i ship canada tlmiiws brhton mi iii si i ship samson u clmilwick tmti from wfcqox muvl siai ififanaha leave i stivkrkion li piirtmtnnjtli 0 vc i ufttftmtnhjai5 16 u ann i hal iravi- pnrtimwiui joi bo 1inilimliniajravorbmmi losamson imvrt punmihuitli ivi iriiiinvt lar lrt hlthkmt icuvrakhmo 2ft i iotkf ujtjlvi ivtn drjspwj sh slops are all oftii find clasn almut 500 urn ami ucc vomnmutm by nktti nh 0xericnced o rront raw will lie takee that tin llcd stnv gctmggm hel dwctipttodi the prii of stvia apulwr an rurrenn i mtm mtn in mijujirtitin v iih r h- uf ll4cveral liverpool fakcl lilip is now fiij c3trlimv f wlilcie and lifloom w hirli will 1 trnam cn pftiwnerr at liinwublhtd rates that are fiitd u nnntril tard lint will ho found on honrd r of tht 4z par fniffln or paftu apply tu eidnr of ttacottftnfcty hoard the slims or m ceo wllihsco nn10cilemufluf jdllx ckiswold to south trcct new yl grinnell mintuun cu 34 frwrthrttt n it stcsittilknifai run daily troin portmomb when tfj parknts slop to itiol and loctivc pasnjjcr lo diacrvni n of copland ami ri the aontanoflt kviry itilrnvilion relative lo tliulinc of pwlicl ibr may bcgblatucd hy applicatimii at this oflifc gentlemsks vade mecuw kliiliraeiiir frnniarir i i r ri t h n sortuu llio turf i ititoiihanl various nabjcctn of ttv ant r ii timmeiaf ahotil chpfirmrjatninry ii5 will lf tvirmneamt in piula0e phf annrwpirklill ixmnrtthrahnir comtrcbcamtnlw vtt w will hr rarhiifly tiliod in ih uotn of ihsit pnnii ivfw ttf t nmj rw wpf n noiti kadiuona pronnhrtmwnv wraiiht npuiaiii jitita- iitim 9ni lilv ht upmlit willi wtinirvrr pmmtrfl ih wlmml hrcrcihiouori mcimv to vrtfl jt p an a jt rmmannn iorrn1rr ihcnt vkntlo lh fftrinnltan m a crrm lwpn 1l matrt rclnhnc j int frilto mrnwiiha hfwaj nnd rrrdiimc iumvi r rnliirlikwl fomuniiniiyiiievr sutler ofaf tfutry tte 2 nrtrichinonisorhn plan a- initrlti ik- lanciiiir r- ua iz ift ctinriii oriwvrfi totiqrc it pipulhiyand nxourafrmrni h noi ilir fvjiftt mhnrramftir ofafftck whck ihc project w or llilf w ioormciiimin lis neepimt wrn frhnir crinrulrfilly nfiiirr 1tow t h wncn i ccftnto when tw elwnicttr bectou prvmrii mow htivi iilratly incurred coniornihk rxpf r in tiih eturm otfirok i ciifin nnj have also ntilrrrij rx1ar oppl rvnlfhu pcrtoilicoit n wu m procuring mueritutf brtttctfemk ii i nnf titttlirr miblc wlirti i nv piimiftlin catitrrnpizj premm irinrtiuliolbf poiilic itn prospective nttrvchoiw rls nevcrtlulrs ihnitt phncil knattrrv slmuw kmwint m ulcoillilil i uicrita u himty m bojinlrtl ihi 1t lsf ilily knnililnl ii putlihrr h iuc smnl ilim wui ft mm a wmehllil tih rn lwi in rompkurtfi ilif fillm dp itvimi nttentflil m the ptzs ia ihtdi iucy turvc r will be fifimt ftliicnitn ami to rtrkvinlopkhhioa n bcotticuufrj im io inrm-htr- ami lootiicrst thk okvmv will rnrm a irmtrnftl tnrtin ifrv r- vwle 3lcrtip it ir intetid pilti1i uromrt rvrry n if rt piny so j ftrce- lo br vrhdcl v r miglf eyiio ifcart n pivfrrrii however win be n itn whoq iliov cm binladncil however will be xuilnl in utk ttuittr mh ituu p iittm crnruu ttjr rlolrv all ifivijioud ompriimi- mhi nvuwimnlol by ilnir lh i will lr rrulnrly inrrut3 betftovj ltinplicjl siic av nml llmi lth orpfouiiifiit uoiiicittlu iftlt prvcm itkl tk uirh n mi i r ii inclltiumil cioplimmt is in ir pmifa thk tluf a foiirii recooi will t ic oiniiup 9m trotunfi mawhfs o ttils cnuntrj anl lutufnj bhoputiaoj w poflnito fllmtc thoroutfli brt lloi will lc pvubmi iifntti kiry flii rlaiv in oi lirwilme m r nnfi fcrfpr ibr i1icns nnui invaluable anlmiil v iii ue partirubrly kc- bfpurtixglndrf im enpivo will be citmnimtfrj i sniir mtc1ie rvjehrifin pentv liymnatic rercmaqbm fttrmons flpu gioio ac wuh aliceilvir4irfiuuc1 ua sbxtlbmexs pashiona quartitl ivikav wnit j cwril r init ofihc varii- impnvcincnl hint ch itr vma iuiuc0 worn in tin- fashionable cink cnmamly juif v lie rcrpered an eay lask ir t1rpcfand tailor m u ihclr rwtfflticnf kn th nioinjiproveii toiow midmcpilenmjetfak ai xtnr rartivm prhbk pcriotu ptj tuft orft mirmmfmtml j bo eiven by thl portion oftlie ptiliiie n kjll jcngiti loravu iilmm uf ihr vnnu ill iio uc prrfmred and pubbhcfl misrellany altlfowli lhepnrrh ofofnfllfrrrnjtjppai roniitietl fn iuo fluaf trailmc iljref which liavrbero siiio w i that i will ih in aiiiua lo livv n iin llnwnl flu aliffcvllanconf iihtr mirhu lilwlyaa b nf ct lil ol llolcfl ill till clt uivl llloor nxitvhmcujj hcj ilie grain market a trrinilturr trices of tmockutl fcfhj hunk- tonntcrfiul note ueteemr ami all otlir miner renj which in interest may be tupposetl lamumws0r tibmax tins wofki tliei a will ecrn hj tli aliovei4aaatiiaorrv litibli cbitrricr is prbcitarly ifevttrn aj a eowouftlnb tr hr ptvi f uic turf ac urania soriln im- rnbioi ft he h yt w nsfimafl it- pumiiraion oflcif will lie awhrmie rrujy nf r jiir kcrrni pr trvcnine ltnlunen anl iojs1 oiorete bit in evty hoicl in llh ttuunl tftdtei it h vtorttiy ofurtice di patmn iiiibrrirffuftiie year will m funiil with fiayano lar riajj nj farvelhrjrlcvofvviich erifatrly ni amy of r iuifeaf woulj ti m icak thirteen ootlao here there n a m smej often dnri inuic porchafe of a well trel dratk uvi lobe hmt fiir n mpreeeijeirtel jntall nmhkh iau13 iaiofcvia ibe miiliiiliccl variety ivluvii ift tn neeomitnny it witvflj i cbarce tjiilon wlto dttlw ki procure enrly mwi correct iflfonaai tlic chaise in lrv- will hint mil an mvnioihfc pnido thk ckntlbhbxv vaub mbit e vtuiu pj cvefy tfiigmay n rinr itoptriat paicr oftbc luemcliiff t uctt tnr- per annnm payttfe in advance ity rnclnsiiic a rive ibllur noir i tic pdmlfbtfv pm9ft pi pirsofilie pjipervvlll be firwanleil any ttinciinu onlerej fcrowr it i nictriilly reii- ted lht ttw who ilntfre u piilncfifcefr jiittrnal will forward iheif 11flo inunctbiiulj itie terrjls i aobrreil in n addrc8mitii alkxamieli athenian duimvvjr tt- plner 1lihlelphia m ru publu- her will eickinc wnti my ofiheir cotmff7 brcih will oblige itiein vv iib an occasional mcruoii of ihi advrrtinavcu prospectus of the irish advocatb constitutional nrrrj rn ami coimikcia1 advkktiskr tobk n khtmreiatimrs v vviik in montiaalaiihoors ur iiaiuitainn p tn lolib ihiitnae in lower canada ci noe4 of nniivr of irclaihl ami rivsreudciit oflrislimtn it ia nsretifiml nfnioniticalimii to many nfitiein ihat no rremiokii vince prxrierb ibeir naiiomtl character tvuin nmsie- j ilt orcrvef n ibe nrcivaurlirianfttirir tobtical minir remedy this evil aiulto tivc m lrehtmu thai influence and pcn which their numerical hrcncth their respectability ami crtmiftf v entitle itietn a number of irishmen in montreal have kmhta lor liii a 1aper to he called the irash advorate 1 mud mil itttovmrr nntl arlvortii i-il- piihlnhed in hisctiyoii hie windav wednesday ritway of lneh week a ihe irirh advocate wifl be cf ma the irhmins paper uimas it will ipiire no pain lo reefer itvl iby ofihi- honorable liihinetii if m maiuly jejhudti the jnb tnt it 111 ofltotb provinces 0t encouraperiuitt iird suppon ucitlr of inc swell nirormaaon on the subject of pidiiic coniincneaml lit an may he anraetire to genera render- the irtrti advoeaic wnlrd larlylay liefire ita patrous ilie inoatiittcrobp poiuonn of irisb h tencc althouch from the nature nf nor potnioi in the precni vd tbeeneraiesoflhe irish advoroir mul be directed uwnrdrj tscj ifneiinc coaeonl amone all pernn frm 1 irvmi hriiain and trctaai q their 4e endant veiitwill niqlect inj tit opportunity ofudvitouaja kelttin rntiihe under wiihii the latlii oniqtry lio mlonelaaj dreplv imprecd wuh im- ekicnoii ihalthe speedy devhaxm 1 ihr rviomntil nf the vttts one b orpiirainiund iaiponaecc ibe inlj vth tie will mrenikhisly cncoiiratfc 1 to any ration anl chcrrtolh roa roluinuto the insert h- of neti tnatiir a may conduce reefer fntft welfare of nhmeti and hnbn and pftfltigte uatlr ffmdeflarvi wbmf t imler prvfenl riretmwtnwiv tlir bl ajv0catb vflnn lirdtl 111 iew hi c outlier aenotud any nieimfiis 10 prouice ucvolvwvi eeritilr trolony jrnmitie lillr umilliry if locircci a chaw o4 criilitoti4n npim whoe inteinly ii i im pliiner uin cvcrlhaiaai iaka the kiittlih lanwajre m ihi province pwik rely ftc their ii eneraioliicoinrilv tnn i he tone andtlyleui wlmhlhc pjiprtfj v rnmhteleil ami ihc meehani al neatucs with which it will ac rm ill iih ft lend- ivl oanred rua it will bear twapum vvuh iu uti i eialde penoilkal in nnh america im irphiinr will nethtir nitmi endeavor in reader e nj imrtiiia hieditihiofco lervotl lihrfiljeriae afld fftfi ifiev will receive the upri fthe tiitlueniuil imdy iifmeicmal 1 llilnrial ilrafilttncirt ill 1 titrumed in an li mi rmnaa covtoic ileniau ir mliv ttnl ebaracier lo i k tin in mtwt upmri llweau ofiimu il lloinmii h will oppoc ia and htirim titaifvi- nntl will 11 hvihuort etw bc wt wg otklftowbbal krtev iki 111 iireamimttl u11 journal wiluuflf iriu ami mtlrlolic h rerioiiat to aujviiiha ile pio ol imar men anrl iiameotatlv of lrlnik0 the iuiii lvo ti will be irintim mi oo- parerofot oaw itediii hi- i wrtmrai ttlt it iniljailihraiinuitxrtutlveolposlcl m maluhtw in inttqm mat finljiii i rtrt m the invr othr pjiprr aie rwpmw ilmiiflieirtmeieriioimlu irouiiioi ii eireotatioo in uk m ttlo 1 uv z oiknan ww may procniv mder-het- and vnucar e lahihte 1 the wtum hi vnc poptc for ffj fiherhohtioil milcrder nmie fliehtvvuntcdipcitbff apt-lh- iu lli- y- w ur in ire lb ii oi i vltarv ik t stiller 1 out n- will iinl 111 fllti iw aitne kookor 4iiittdi 1 nml li hcortajwr tfl pmucotf xavicr street and kince news ii montreal jan i to notice all impons huh birtl in i in private estate of laic dnncnn vmitlsiinr bi ie rqueurf ttnmrdiau pnymcni to a- iftutx and all p ikiv iiiif nv claim agniiist xuc ehhi private estaw ivtnrtiil tu prcsrnt lit mww for liquidallw k w aumsruong cvtfj a tklax j kindlon august im li-

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