Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 2, 1835, p. 2

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to get pctuii res ni have mr ibovinoial partiamer from uiv sortiito orroiiric ot il vntsmtnrd thursday 23d jax 1835 1 have attended the house of assembly alnwh every day since it was opened and have been ffrcaf- ly delighted at the decided reform diameter it lias assumed as vou once verv properly intimated the choice of speaker has decided the character of j iolutioni the house therewcrceimemeiftberiiwho nftnmifivi to support mr morris from prfrnw coosiderftttohss amltkad be been propoxd before mr bidtceth t not been accepted they would undoubtedly supported the latter gentleman ill preference o mclean the same vn the ease with imcci to the supporters of mr mrlmn some would have voted fur him rather than for any other but they prefered mr bidtrell to mr morris the celerity of mr ferry however did not give mr ffidwcir opponents an opportunity of naming their favorite the vote was taken in the evening and the favora ble result elicited tremendous applause from nil parts of the bouse never did the constitutional kefurmers have a more complete triumph the enemies of order and god government iniiat again begin t cast about in their minds eye fur a now state ofpoliiical existence- they can never again by corrupt means or otherwise obtain the suprema cy in the house of assembly at least the result of last thursday has spread universal joy through- out the country and reformer from all quarters now fill the galleries and spaces below the bar anx ious to witness and applaud the effort of their re presentatives for the rtnavfttion of upper canada mr bidwclt presides with unprecedented ability much good may be expected to result to all panics from this irorfcr deliberates mr perry has given notice of his intention to in troduce a bill for the sale of the clergy reserves mr mclsab has given notice of moving that steps be taken to procure the imposition of duties upon foreign produce this he intends to support to ob tain popularity but it will not do lie is too full tf what mr perry terms pocket loyaliyxc s- d loyalty to gull the freeholders of wentworth by such means lie was indignantly refused by them this year and thought proper to take up with the rotten borough of hamilton several liberals in tended taking up the subject but their antagonism got the start of them to such miserable expedients are the antireformers put to retain what little in fluence they now possess mr budvs petition against qwcan and jameson of leeds has been presented ami the whole mat ter is to be investigated booh oowan strove hard to have a commission issued to examine witnesses but the houpe by a casting vote of the speaker said no for the ends of justice it is well the wit nesses are to be brought to toronto for exumiua- tion the house will then be able to judge uf their credibility an address has been voted today in answer tu his excellencys speech the tories attempted to impose one on the house in accordance uh their sentiments but it was indignantly rejected although hagerman with his usual impudence attempted to thrust it down the throats of all one wan adopted moved by mr perry vindicating the character oj the house and of its speaker the reformers have done nobly as you will per ceive they have taught their enemies thzt uiey are engaged in no fools play may they long continue in the independent coufte they arc now pursuing perry may be considered the leader ol the liberals he is absolutely invincible ii any point you may take him atektnxic is the best speaker in the house lit is possessed of more volubility thrill any man i q heard and displays more practical kuo ledge in eupport of his arguments than nil the members on the other side dr morrison promises to become a very able de bater he has a head that would do en lit to some old greek mr jjagcrman tnuk occasion to rcler to him today as the man in the spectacle dr morrison is a man not to be insulted in this way and the sot gen may expect a respectables lath ing as ever he received in a short time old james wilson una on his jeifi ihis duv and toured forth a flood of eloquence worth all thai hu come from the opposite benches my robliltftam prince edward colleague of mr wilton is a rapid speaker and delivers himself with great force- with a little more practice he will lw o ir nf ih lirst magnitude your representative mr jstorten expresses his opinions freely and with much elegance he s not like some hon members anxious to ntofcco display though impeding the business of the country mr iveband dr brac of stormout- who are the youngest men in the house have nut said one word both seem to think themselves like young chiefs in the indian councils and wish to hear what others have to advance in preference to speak ing themselves d je mcdonald and edrrafd mahnl are what may be called trimmers between the parties they cannot be depended on all the members from the vestern district have turned out rcercant they professed themselves reformer and are now the opposite mtssrs samson ilagerman frto- son mcyao and that poor man wuhk are the principal debaters in opposition they are ail pas sable speakers no reporters have been appointed as yet eon- sequent jr you will get no correct reports there iiave been several notices of motions to introduce ne lstmi if andiy rrtvly i freird to coinry their ttichctii hit micmv alive tlcjrjdtfl into a mere oltvo to rc clw of the speech from ibis throne winch k sent to his mioiv crnvermnciii a th i nions of the ppuplo of this province ai cxprcuin of their opinlnus could not be uncourtcous and lie was sorry to aee tail a made to induce the committee to belijve tu svore unparliamentary iii lixc a removed fromu free intercourse with the of the province ami might poubly he sum by persons who did nut inform htm uflhj tru intra and wishes of tbo people unci they wo fulfil their tluiv as true repittswhutlvot of the if they did not inform him of their just feclin whdlc and it would be an act of injustice t- excellency to suppose for a mnmciii that he rake offence at ft free expression of their op now sircnmiuued th fpcukoitj soluimus express the senutftunta the province mid if imujomy think so it i their duty to si j ik i ii m an it j opi nest itfght nnj i the v til tlplf i iin i itvl- i mill iplc 4 kill his 1 ollhl ions re- le id iitltv nill 31 ejons y to t the p of this cumn ipfu t tllctltt i not now enter into the merits ol the reimiltitiol merely rise to remove those preliminary olye tothein and to shov that they are not contrtr a proper parliamentary course for if we arc only to echo the speech our sitting hers as leguatora and the representatives of the people i ii mere aree if we approve of the policy ol ttiu lioverninci wo should echo the speech if wo do uoi we should say so his excellency should be informed fl the wisoes of ihe people and then it will he seen whe ther he will conform the policy of the tiuierrijitiil to tnose wishes or go against thein jfc munis- the hon al learned speaker sys we should speak our sentiments frech and fully with ut four- why sir that is just w iat i think and the hist parliament did so we cj at the proper tune tu id in a becoming manner tel mi excellency what c think upon these subject the fllkwer to the speech from the throne i irrr miinifmrnt vanu ml ixpunsiuh rveluli lvl ruupikjlinn of lll uiis sony f 1 1 1 1 every tinip in ottempte iliis the huse h was fchnurh eniharrad jn we lit 111 ik riiu hoped en- lony to be able vii these and some other s ed wmild be hrouirht undo i rounlrw was ir ih r and a liv cmmal i to al- ii bus lo deliver his ntimenh hjecis uhieli i if expect their consideration but ii nt ilio proper time o do it the hon speakei ttm aid that his kxcelleucy wail removed liom u op portunity of learning the true wishes of the con kut i have always understood that he whk txy access to all pertfoais and willing to receive till lion from any qg oi any subject relating 10 th fare of the province 1 think the bun nun ol ma wi lli it these resolutions said in the very outset of hi tjcch ibat nothing was said upon the subject ofedue iu and that his excehency had blwuyu pariici mentioned it be fa re inow 1 lhiikttiuti4 the vlm reason for his omitting it at this time he pressed it upon us tor live successive uemfioiisi we did nothing utu is ilieie not ttnotlitsr re i think there may be lam scsstoll the lion mo tint assembly addreed his majesty govenmui ml o lo the subject of tile t iury uln- iul viu will icvtj vfif billsforitew banks in the t rovmce- it is not ex pected that any uf these bills will pass house of assemijlv wrdvksdav january 3ia in committee of the whole on his excellencys speech at the opening of the session dr duncombe in the chair debate continued mr perry thought there had been some rrflrcrlon nd insinuations made which did not become the house he would refer them to the journals nfthe tenth parliament where they would iiid thai theseu- limentoof the house had been expressed ofttfubjccis not connected with the hpeccll- the boo member for leeds mr jowan has stated that whoever was in favour of the emigrant poll tax wns up posed to emigration vcll then king wifftsm is opposed to emigration befnretbatgenllemaii mr cowan wasftiirly warm in bis seat he declared he was a reformer and what do we find him ac- crdingto that hon gentleman i am disloyal because i defend acertaiu person who is a member of the hon house- i defend principles not men xo lion- gentleman bah opposed the sentiments con tained in the resolutions no the objection m per haps that they came from ihe wmug rliarnctfr mr speaker lu di said he wufild vole fiir ihr resoluttrais of his lion colleague there wuu mi- fhilig uncourtenua in them tin y merely exnvrd to hid excellency the opinion of that bona upn certain public measiires which they hsirf h prffrri constitutional siglrtto do and be shojhj be sorry further information ui londj his excellency may nut have received u answer and that may he the rea un why liutlii- aid about education ii the speech feel as i-p- ly interested ill the subject as any hon memb- the house which 1 think my whole parliuuu- counts will prove and if i vote tiipmist the re tiuiii it is not becliusc i have altered my upt upoi that subjeet for if we do not get a kutisi ry answer from hi majesty governmunt i be tiuu ol the lirt to ailojit very strong ictfqilt on the subject tue hon member who iiittm rhcsi rvsvhfriijuy se tl wi were ni i lv f i speaking of our loyalty i thitik so too no peiv lutea more than i do 10 hear the term bandied ubon but there are occasions on which it is our dui expreuour attachment u uio uoverninent uuil think that time was not ko long aince when u pub document ffftsscnl o this eounir and pulltisllvil i a pvnjon high in office in tluti city uuouvucll occasion ii becomes ihe duiv of wvbry i oul i man j express lu condemnation uf ihe beiithneiite u cut ttiinedi and f hope it ill be done fearlessly iv iijlieitor general siuu it was not ins inter tion to occupy the tune ol ihe committee only jbi iery ibw momenta he had been highly grutilied b the diieusiou whiuh had taken place on that ouc slon and even the resolution introduced by t hoilt ukiuher for lenox and addiugtun spoke un tllurtoue from wltml he expect d to liae luard liur him ami the tbsrumon ol them had elicited serir niuiits which were houonthle to member of tin house the hon member has thctngiit it n oper allude to the st icx from witielt he iiurungi sir it i an ihtriouock and i hope uhen he thinks ol he will bear in mud thttt it was because ills futb tin id him iil ii i ui utu tioiciiiiuuiil oi liniiftii auiui auicnca us a baneful dnnnnaiioiu that ho has the huuor ul behjpiinij 10 it let his sou mutate his conduct olid he v ril then be 0 worthy cion of the tfttjok he boasts now sir although i have on one vcvmioij tmlniyelf called upn witli uure paia ulull i expect to get credit foi from either side of the house to coudeiun the opinions ol that hon member a lion and learned coluajue and to give hill my illosdu- cided opposition i hae ever conceded to him the meed of great talent and believe him u lu smeerc in ihe coutve he takes however pernjcious i couw der its tendency ti be i have had tu dal with hint upon the hour uf this house on many occnsioittf and have e found linnagentleinai he iuow speak er ftiid hall receive my utmost respect why he returning on an cuuliiucd in the miouid wer cu fpsi up here undutlvocate tannin stflltiincills nit tpceeli luuol tell and wish lie had muted some precedents lur mich a euurv he relerrci tu the lemli parumivltt for an example ye sir the tenth iailumicut did return stfcll un answer and their deds wr judged of b liiciff cuhtftuueuls how let the last fritiiuiucnt detlure he sitys it is 10 enlighten lhs excellency on some points whidi he supposes ne may lie ignorant of or be crfoucon ly informed ul by ihise who hue accoa to him meuuiitg the ullieer ol the tovemtiurul llui hir- wheu i am ntkeil by die uepncntutnc of my so- virreigii ibr my opinion j will tftve it ictirlvml- whether it relate to public llicuejutvsor public men if there be a man in luper clluuuti wjiu deseii well of this cotintrv fir luselibrfci in lnhili oi trunctt- tivsi it is fsir john cumtorue and i tru t the bous- will tidopt tbi iihtial purnumentuo cuurttoiuuuucr- ing the kipeceb from the iluone dr mvrritwt from iln lutfitiou he occupied could not hi heard distinctly hut was liudtlfttuod tu bay liiul die cmuiiiiiiec tfliutld wt hwitly udoplhiiy of the resolutions the speech cuilauied several piujuiiiuns which required serious uiideiatioii and the urst be would nutiee was liiul the eountrv is in an improving state itui ii itwasm by lu would ask was it that so much tths heird rum ah parts ul the ivovincc concerning tin dished which existed in thtreoiimiry t h next aserthed that puis peiity ul which it spoke tu umiiftfttimitiiuj public mpioveiueiit i e did not think iklt any prupeutv ri it in the irm nice was uuuiimu iiicm causes were nut only called npuu loeucuuntu public work but to snppiiit thusu alreatly conimeiicimt which hal kwullowvd tip the public revenue and sunk ihe pro vince into debt jhe icsulmiuiih meutuuied ila niilycet nf idticstiicm and he would observe thai very little it id hen xpcuded to promote the jfeue- ril rducai ul ifn 1 utniry wluhf ajjfeat deal had bevn hivivhvd upeji kin ouilir- tt thought the the resolutions were aloptd and the huusc ad- jrntj tin pmay january 23fti the rcuhitinns miuptcd in committee were hit- ci5ed njiiu todiv ttttli llie speaker in the chair and were final carried- rrjday- january 23rd- today the following address founded upon the resolutions of cdnedny- passed wiihouta dnision attrr an eiihmidnimit proposed by mr mclean had ueei iirgativ il by a iiiiority of nine r iii bfcturttty ffirjahn cvlbornc fr c may ii plue vnur excellency we his ajsty dutiful and loyal subject the commons of upper ciuada in provincial parlia ment assembled humbly thank your excellency for the gracious speech wiih which your excellency pleased to open the present seson of the le gislature we assure your excellency that we learn with unfeigiud satisfaction that the welfare and general interest of the colony aic in a prosper ing mndiiion and that our carlv attention and consideration shall be directed to the best mean that can be prudent applied fur the promotion ol public improvements your excellency may rum assured that we will be most ready and happy to ajiiird every enomnigemcnt to a laudable spirit ol independence ami enterprise among the industrious itihabtiants oftlie province arising from whatever profit to hieh tu y lie demd from cat as rriird tnt rapiful pmpov lion uiusi be deemed with the value n ihe entimry hli they unrobe a tx crcnko lv ihe labor bcsinucd on jc no uljcct has been mnre conwanilv h i itih notice of ihe utslauvc council m house of assembly limn that of lucmb cftlricllt jtflum cni srarcth be adojued i re widely uiihc cohotry wlarc belilen township schools however should he scain nrinnied and some practicnl mode decidrj npplyhig ihe funds win sr hool lancli on nlicnaiid y his majestys c ment eiio wlueh haebcen placed unj troul of ihe leeislaturc ai the request oft of assembly liy ihe kinjj and i causu it may and mq feci it o be our duty to ex press ut your bsceuoiicv our full conviction tbuino fine strp otihu legislature can more tend to a lord trnenurtgemdnl to tlld industrious and eikcrprisiug ugricnlturbtm who must always be conaidered the itl iinporiuni clis in the colony tb n the imjio- hhiot jf a smtiiblc and proper protecin duty on various articlim cuming from the united states ol vmuticn whicll no tire admittcb duty free and we 3ho assure vnur excellency thai wo cannot but re- tfaltlliu subject nrgcilfrdl education as onu of the lootft x impoi ance to the future peace smd welfare oi tlif province wis aro pouifiotl tn be informed that the ridctfti trivhjalinn s in full operation and that the com- mercby ihe weunnd cmial s on the increase 0nt early uttviitfon hall be betnwed on the public ncotums and pmltlintes when sent down but t frl it tu u- nur durv ut tnce to express to your bxivueucy ii no fail 0 lay before 119 a full com- ce and r7lulcd accottnt of ihe receipl nod ifxlietl ri nf what ii generally evteemud the euuil and lurrilmial it vonur- nrrreeably t the despatch if lord jfjdihch itfihesth november is32on that sutrjecr and to the uddress of lliitf lluuse in vtmr excellency in itslut two serious of parlja- uioul the diftbursenipnw mude to dillerent hoards o lledtli to mitigate the dbttfcm ami coltlliernct hs fiu hh possible the fatftl uwfc which aflliilil the pro iuce atmiii lum eimm htiull linret villi our ear quit the expediency ofappoiniiuga common f into em set the mensures of the loyisfature j to the distribution of ihe proceeds of these s mircpresentaiions from whatever nur2 ti may ue cannot fail to a filet ihe welfan otl public and the happiness of individuals and though iho devoted loyalty of the colony fa m tished ss precisely understood your discounted of the unworthy effort to which you advert in t nddresa will promote that moderation temper ai rtllowanre for a conscientious diflreuce of opinii sorequinte in political comrocrireft andttndf tlieover persons of political integrity wj wl j bnr zealously to correct abuses uithout impedw public improvemenr whose counsels win m at vieeabkto the iullie while ih y watch excelli di c mihiiti the inben over out liilll of three estaleaihu law of land the jrerogutive of th e crjw n mj t sreni rights of the ivople- itttf ioi irv ntioii ami we mii not fail to make euch pritvi in as may appear in be just and expedient lu iztt fit mine our attention ihall be applied to the laws vihiih arc ti bout to expire vc b to assure your kxcellencv tlisit we will it hamiy to rceeire any voimnunication from oui kxvejicney hovitign tendency to prevent delay in tbtiadmhiirtratiou of justice or touching the reor luization and better establibmenlof ihe post otiice ilrjartineut in these colonies a subject which ims iniii cufctnyed otir mom sorious mttnuiodl or any other messiifpi or iiesaes that our kxcolleu y be pleased to communicate to ihitf house iy reb m- to the public allairs of the province it isgratttyiug to learn that his majesty has re- ecitul through your esccllcncy- from the people ul this province livh prools of their devoted iny ahy and of their sinccro and earnest desire to inaui- ihinand perpetuate tiie connexion with th treat kiiipire of whieji they form so important q part- tik e frch dcmnnmrutiuosi welcomed as lliiyore by ilis majesty will serve to correct any interested uipi inttiiulcd o imprest his mnjes ty witi the bejiefiho who desire to reform many public abuses in the province rue not well itflected s majesty s person and liuvenw cot- a country pohentnff free iustitutioos and ai ied poultii hi capable of cti muting the fuleli- ib which their local alliiire are conducted it is tubte ih it diitcrcnces of opinion will arise but prccate the spirit with vrhkh these diflirenccs tcthiipeach the ciri r cd ry itii ha lo kct lie ah i air la disi iik fee nil not all ihe ihe ten tut pic uf of pel oiii nth mill hut i ah- bitii applied by flmiie in olliei t inteffftv and pnlrioiwtuor ihoso who iimislv it i ciit from them nil rpiwtbuis of dhvnud expendinv thereby crcaiin ilii- and diwrtioii iichtruelue of he peaee we- tnil mi4id r rtiiurnt ol the eoumry and cnlcti- ihtcodlnceof the people in the v sitiun ul li mij vys utliisers 10 give them proper baliineo ofcunstiiutiniml power and we but we shuold be wanting in candor were we tu ulil from vnur ivseelleitey our firm belief thai mj would serve mere elteetually tn alienate the iioitsofhb mijetys loyal penpb and render i diatislied with the admiiiistration than th 1 1 sue i leeliiizahllcon the contrary- should loverrtmcnl beadmistered agreeably to the in ineatitug wl spirit of our ortona cotiat- i the just wishes am constitutional rights of the le duly rcflpccied the favors and patronage ol majesty itidiecrintinmcly bestowed on persons ni and tvvnti wlm enjoy the confidence of ihe io withotr regani tn their political w resigkhts rms and oor exeelencjrs onuncile filled with rate uio and discreet iudiidnals who are rsttitid to rispecl and to be iullueiiced bv the c voice we have not the slightest apprehension he eomixioii btwotn this province and the tuesday january 27d mb mackenzie roc to propose a motion ba viu tor its object an enquiry into the causes which led to the diamwal of the cioirn officers mnui hagermflnand uouuou and the reinstatement of mr- haglrman as solicitor general- and thcapraum- ment of mr jameson a gentleman who bt no stake in the country nnd without either freinjs or connexions and in doing so he remarked dial no question existed but that the house were entitled to be informed as to the causes and he induced several corresponding cases in lower canada on the expulsion of mr cbiistie information was not withheld but on the contrary when applied for van freely communicated to the house he in no suod reason why information should be withheld by hi cxrehency winch aa never withheld by ins uiijcts ministers in england en although the lion and learned solicitor general might advise to the contrary he bad not been disappointed in tde anner il was jut such as he expected- it wai n th mtviee of the hon and learned solicitor that lord uodriclis despatch had been aeni down io the house but he stems now io regret that it asdonc xo doubt had the ectitive been aware that mr stanley would ao trtou have coinc into power it wimiui have heri ithht ul contrary to the evident littcminn of lord uoilricb- it ould j beef eae uniontj tllc many which have never aejn ihe light and which in all pniiabimiv neer ilh at all c cm there were other maturtlabrcthecommiiteecft would iw ample 1ituifi for ciniiry il them mi ferii had flola deep and important weight in ihd a fi r v aa- j wouw imi uiace thu trcs upnn tbtm ih t he did- but whsu he stiw information lilch wan never rtfusml to individuals when the v ntake application to ihe colunhl office tietlioughl it necessary to move thai ins excellency answer with reference the dlsmisaol from office nf messrs hngermiin and uoulton and the appoint meni of mr jameson be referred to the committee o grievance w tiowaw thclmn member for the second riding of the county of ynrk haa cnmplaiued that a gentleman has been appointed to office in this colo ny withotit friends or connexions here for bit port he wee inclined w iliink il the very thing wc wanted f it had been objected by thathon getiilc- tnan himself that thia county was governed bv a fa mily compact and in this case it could nor bctfo lie was well please- ivitli the answer given by his excellenry it proved that he was prepared tosupport the rights of the crown- he did not expect that any oth ausver would have been returned as mr stan ley had already rpfurcd that information in ihe house of commons irhcnssked for by mr hume in that bouse tbo most radical mcmbci would never avo tiuuglit of lllukltig sush a motion the hon member far t second riding of the county of york aid he uuqw that bid excellency would send just audi anansffer when he made the motion and it aa therefore only made as a plausible pretext for abu- sbig ihe governor be mr maekenzic bad no other object hut to suit the narrow minds of some hon gentloiflen and with no good intention ordefire for improvemeut miu sastfowfl ithad hern stated wheu this ad- dres was jiist brought into iliif bouse ilmta desire for liifomiation was the sole object of hon gentlemen subsequently imwrver we ar told by the hon mover that he wn well aware that it would not be complied with the whole object therefore of hi motion was to embroil ilia house with his excellen cy olid with the intention that it miht be said before do doubt that hon report or address i u in a at l ili thi in i run i iron rxo dual 1 is hi imiilv cmir in your it stale would long continue to exist and be sin nuituallv ndvuiitacouh to botll marshall x i51dweli speaker munov january 26m two oelnrk r- m ih iloiisr wnited upon his llency the lieiiu ioemor- with ir atldress werthis excelliney speech from ihu throiici leprrseuf mission and beiuir re 01 th s dlfi phi nilc bh iihjreth ullieh 1 bnv bnntion ifdiltirtiitics which the province encounters ii small populaiifiii being dispersed over an vive territory- mny i am persuaded be gra- riiumni by your pxertimiu r hiiiudatiou nf a at aurieirlniral coinmuuirv i lilld ill heprrdily raised up if the fiuw of ilinn ivoilltlie parent aiair be clitiirciitl v en- ivil j jeer npwtthl ihai his cxiiheucy had lamfl tniiakr ihrreto ihe follmniif ivjdy men i thank vou fur the assurances in ss thiiyou will direct your early ntteiilinn recommended to voili the rievnnce committee j and gentlemen would bring in a ion on the subject he thought his excellency could nut have given any other answer to the prayer of the address than that which had been given he would oppose the motion as he had done the pas- rage of the address mr mwkenzik thought hon members seemed to give him pi cat credit for long addresses report ej he was of opinion that we ouifht to examine mto the causes which led to the reestablishment tifoilc of the crown officers and ihe appointment of another n a situation he was not disposed to blame hiacsoclleiiey lie believid he was surround ed by bad advtaens men who could turn whigorto- ry toeuil their purpose if the bouse of commoni were to state that they were dissatisfied with the course of a crown ollicer he could not remain in power twentyfour hours lie wished to know who were his majemy advisers that if they had given bad counsel diey might be impeached two offi cers have been turned out ofollice for opposing the policy o his majesty ifovcmuieut and he wished to learn the cause nf their reinstatement that this house and the country might know wmit were really his majesty views and policy he believed thai no vote of ihe isiuish itouse of coniinons h d been rcfiised fat ihu inst half century and be did not see why if no have the counterpart ofthe british con- miimion we ought not to have the same attention a to our wishes iscveial other members spoke their speeches will be given lit our next the motion was ultimately carried nirai iic meastires imi are necessary to render ltled townfchipbcy of acee ilieinimedime the following is sir john golbornks answer ta the address of the house ol assembly as to the enuses of lltu turnout of ilagerman and itoulion au the appointment nfthe prevent attorney me nil and the uxphttiou n xv h mackenzie- tt- m- p r

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