Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 30, 1835, p. 4

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bouts shoes gloves c j ferns purr and imurlv expects the re- has received i uiiitvcr of ins full supply of ladled mid misses widon made hoots shoes all of the most seasuimblk kinds viz prunella slippers black and colored shoes and boot cloth boots goloshed do fur boots and shors carpet slippers carriage snow and clus ter boots lease of ladies and misses esira made fancy and other boors and shoes such as are made only for retailing in the first shops in the city also lggrossofboysand childrens boots and shoes ladies kid and other gloves tjentleraeus uuck and kid do- of the best quality and being imported direct from the manufactory can be aftbrded very low lamb skin wool stocks best london made portmanteaus large sited brussels travelling bn moose deer hiding boots and a large assortment of ladies gentlemen youths and childrens superior india rubber overshoes london dressed roans and skivers russia leather shoe thread awls black and magpie binding galloons hand punches size sticks best polished lastiug tucks shoemakers kits and watchmakers files halt- steads patent heel sprigs shoe buckles slides and ornaments ibr ladies shoes kingsleys supe rior london varnish foe harness leather and shoes pateut leather and patent leather straps and all kinds of manufacturing materials in the shoe line also a very extensive assortment of i v 2 t mi 3- it consisting of best philadelphia bend new york best inspected good and damaged spanish sole leather 20 doz york calf skins heavy and middling buenos ayres very heavy do upper lea- thes and kips lining and binding sking black goat morocco buck and doe skius a large quan tity of his own manufactured boots and shoes con stantly oohftnd making his assortment the best and most extensive he has ever offered for sale all kinds of work made to order as usual at the shortest notice a liberal discount to wholsale cus tomers- kingston november 1s34 34 new publication tub provincial justice or magistrates kanum iti onevolunic inowinihcnrce a lite lpper canada off the wvrfc contain besides the lnw and duuee apprrtainitic lo fice of jiiaiiee oftfrt penes a varitfiy ofcseful practical foroj rra brihewibtnicyam acnr view of iiieuws iki cukiilaicd for the gemrrol reader alao acorrect jist nfh j iraciitnrioibcr public imcem throughout the province a n 0 flu acrifrer will olwo be publied with the wort price tnfcu in hint bounu ii 0 oj bound and lettered 01 1- otl t u editor pon onid will be duly noticed subscnbrn narnrj l ot upmr mum onzruc office u fcte torfhttn j i december ism editor and compiler kdiiortof the follow int papn kiruraton chronicle eriifth wife cbonrp star dumun poet niagara reporter and gleanr bbd gg titomiia liberal riving lata advertisement h frw maeruoaa sy adwer- titiii the publication vvili bo entitled to u copy oflbe work lujjj confer a favor on the editor perth hotjel respectfully informs ihe in habitants of kington and tlie travel ling owflffiumftft lhat he has leased xm wfewftrtve and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of bis time and study to the comfort and convenience of his guests the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough lepair has been completely refurnished and painted and is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it ie admirably well situated for the convenience of travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose- to the domestic arrangements of ihe bouse the greatest at tent nm will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality prize medals it is hereby announced that the natural history sociktv of montreal has resolved to offer our medals for the best essays presented during thi present year medals are offered accordingly 1st for the best esstfy on the connection between the features of a couritry and the character fit in habitants 2nd for the best essay oh the peculiar and number of lakes in the northern part ol botfc con tinents 3rd for the best essay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subject connect ed with literature generally- the conditions are 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1s35 2nd the essay may be in french orengseh 3rd the names and residences of the authors must be concealed to ensure which each essay shall have a motto and shall be accompanied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and residence of the author this note shall only be opened in the case of the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the right 10 withhold the prize should no one of the essya o any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to a f hvjmes im d corresponding secretary of the society andrew armotb oct 23rd 1834 recording sectary prospectus op a treatise on a oki culture adapted to thk climate and circomstances op canada a bountiful providence has furnishd canada with inexhausted resources of wealth in her most fertile soil climate which is by no means unfa vourable to agriculture the dud improvement of these other natural advantages is capable of giving riches and every reasonable enjoyment to her prewmand a vastly increased population the importance of agriculture to canada must be obvious to every one capable of forming a sound judgment in such matters it is agriculture that must afford the direct supply of all her greatest wants it must in this and in every other country be the parent of manufactures and commerce and the best means of promoting civilization and popula tion consequently it ever will be the most universal and useful of arts in almost all nations the mos powerful individuals derive their wealth and con sequence from their property in land cultivated and managed by the husbandman london to jail the first lineof packet 1r5t akd slxt the line u at honth present composed o whfefc wi hereafter v from new york and lotuw lnd fth and from portsmouth on the b w7 monib unless thedav of sailing ibould f v on stlcj id which case it will be deferred till next day from neiv york 16ship president georae moore mm 1ship ontario w s sebor miter 16ship montreal c h champlain u t 1ship canxda thomas britton inaitjt 16 ship sovereign j- kearney master april i ship hannibal f- ii- llcbird maatkr april 16 ship philadelphia e r m may 1 ship samson v ow jan feb feb mar mar organ mtt iwkk mailer dec jan jan feb feb mar mar from london 16 canada leaves portsmouth decrmberjft 1 sovereign leave portsmouth jan 5 16 hannibal leave portsmouth jan 20 1 philadelphia leaves portsmouth feb 16 samson leaves portsmouth oct 20 1- president leave portsmouth nov 5 16 ontario leaves portsmouth nov20 shortly wili be publisujcdv a comprehensive view of the doctrine of the work of the holy ghost with the power of fafegtyg being a plan drawn from and bopportedby i writ according to the system preached of old b the apostles of our lord and saviour jesus christ and in these latter days revived and promulgated by the rev edward irving in britain and by the rev messrs w b caird and george ryefaori in this province i4 a minister of the goayel- fft subscriptions will be received in totontn by messrs e lesslie soneroharlea daly henrv rowsell and at the pokt office by mr j balhird toronto 6th december 1834 and arc commanded by afcle and experienced navto great care will be taken that the beds stores e areofz best description the price of cabin posage outward ujjj in conjunction with ihc rnt an agreement entered into agriculture therefore and agriculture alone can april lmontrealjenvesportemouthiwbers support us without the help of others in certain plen these ships arc a of the first class aboot 600 tons burfea ty and real dignity while our ground is covered 1 with com and cattle we can want for nothing manufactures atid delicaces that we may require from without corn and tattle will purchase if we will only raise them in abundance and excellence from the importance of agriculture and the great interest that ie consequently felt on the sub feet in the british isles and other countries of europe ft varied and voluminous mass of know ledge has been accumulated which would be most useful to every one who would wish to practice the art with success himself or understand when well piacticed for him by others to combine as fat as practicable the portion of this knowledge which i conceive to be most useful and necessary fr tin- study of the canadian agriculturist is the object tf the treatise which i have now nea ready for the press and the plan of which i submit with great deference to the consideration of all those engaged in the art the sources from which i have made selections are the modern british and french authorst of decided reputation and merit with my own observations and experience during my early years in the occupancy of extensive farms in ire land chiefly as a grazier for a period of nearly seventeen years that i have been a farmer in canada several years ol the latter period i have had the honor to be secretary to the district and county of montreal agricultural society th the proprietor of the several liwrpool packet lines is now fixed at si exclusive of wines and liquor which will be furonui each passenger at the established rates that are filed tof printed carda that will be found on board each oftheahijrl for freicht orpasagc apply to cither of the commanding board the ships or to geo wildes co no 10 coleman st london john griswold g9snjthtreet new york grinnell mintukn co- 134 front tnt n b steamboat run daily from portsmouth when achr packets stop to land and icceive passenger to differtitf wmu of england and to the contencnt every information relative to this line ufpscltet itepr may be obtained by application at this office gentlemens vade mscotfl embrachiff praam tic rfuralurr sponinc the turf cushion and n ion subject of i tercst and amusement aboul ihe flrstor january 183s wilj be commencerfft ph1l4 0ex- r hi a anew periodical bcartrtglhcnbovc comprcaffiffjvtrjjc iwcm icnts wjll be caxfnlly adjpkd to flu want or thatporuitn bfhx nufi who paironiie dramatic utkiiatvrr lie tubp f0trr- inganathc ka8hions from ihc growing wealth and lac populbtmn oftftc t u i statm aoit ihc near u ri vi ottbe aair nppctitcwlih whatever procnetea the ratiooaj hecrvathm of lift it ft presumed that iv journal poastjng aa the projector of ii will arista means to diversify its poca and a ifeirrmlnattoo ro reader them vtteer- vital to the formation ofa correct lafttrwaji maitersrtfajnato i4- m cjinnn juil to meet with a hbernl and crcxliabfe nupport frora aa cnlhteoed community in every qmiruv of the eonntry the dtfieakp joftdchio om oeha plan asmujthtbe fnaejrullymrewed with naj of the charms ofoovelty to rnaure it popularity and encooror tneot baa been pot the icam einarraio otototje vmhtheprojeetnrsofthh work hud ko aormouqt in fui ineeptioo fcehfic emo asorcd however thai i propose to publish ihe work in four or fi 9lapmfamlf8 i he nrftt part will eiveashort view of he origin i j ineurrta temumne uspne in tmtm cotrrspoimi progress and present srcge of agriculture among wholesale 3c retail grocery tea wine and genyl vr v llon sfsk market square patftlcfe egan iwcthfiyfclwiiis cbe iitu tants of kingston and svirrounding coantry thw he has received direct fttmi momreatl md other xark- m coonected with this eslablishraeot ie a largejcts 4 cboiec bwmment r ilw vbhawinv ahvles which he intends to dispose of ar unutually low prices wines spirits ghfdaies v and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugston may 9tli 1834 7 jvotice noticeis hereby given dm the accounts of all derems indebted to the late firm of beach vaxalst1p4b that are ixovpaid or arranged on or before the 1st day of januury 1835 will be placed in ihe bands of an altornefor indiscriminate collection elijah beach kfngston dec 4th 1s34 35 new store the eubscriber begs leave to uotify to his friends and customers and the public generally thathehas opened a general assortment of new goods which he intends selling at low prices and will take in payment all kinds of country produce ytith bouse am4 anaauisihilsefffmni latino 21 sehiion vv x fredenckaburgh 2sh 6jiwtc strong jamaica spinu coenac bandy hollands gin superior old port madtiis wi upper canada whiskey young and old hysoo teas twankey nod black do cuba coffee double refined aud muscovoda sugar plu paper and cavertdiah tobtcco scotch herrujga cod fish andmsckwel salt water salmon muscatel raisins fifis almonda c prime mess and one hog pork by the bl smoked pork and mutton hams superfine flour oat and indian meal oats corn beans peas ovc c jfisdv 60 reauts wnppjog piper a quantity of stono andtuivwbre 10 c rat on ucted cftrfkwy idocttl amctirauchwe a iiaailtitr soap cni4ls 6ifek craoicers lemodi pjchoi rd i e intendi al wa vn vwpifg on hand coftimb3iou8 sweuioz m barnei3 f fowls and vegetables some of the ancient and frodem nations particula ly great britain france flanders the united states c lam aware the past state of agricul ture can do little more than gratify the curiosity not so its present state which is calculated both to excite our curiosity and aflcct our interests there is probably no country which 1 ehajt refer to that does not possess some animal or vegetable pro duction or pursue some mode of culture or ma nagemeiit that might be beoeficially introduced in to canada but with the exception of the countries i have named and parts of italy and switzerland there arc no very interesting reports of agriculture of other parts of europe with which i am acquaint ed atpnsent the second part will exhibit a con cise vie of the science of agriculture and the principles on which the operations and results there of are iounded thtlurd and remaining parts will apply those principles to die practice of agri- culiore adapting them to the climate and other cir- ouuwwt dlt canada- and cnnrlndc with a few ofetertrftoiiitot pbttion tf tire trade and vem rfiwtofthttcobtita may be di rectly of indirectly interested convinced as i feel that the produce or agricul ture is the only riches that the people of this coun try can call their own and which they can never be deprived of it has often astonished me that men ofliberfil education should in geneial appear so little to regard its improvement or prosperity in fact it is treated as a subject quite remote from com mon life by nearly all ho are not immediately en gaged in it they perhaps cannot allow them selves to believe thai agriculture alone can furnish the means by which trade bnd commerce can be carried on successfully in canada i sincerely hope to induce all who may take the trouble of reading my hook to reflect on the sub- lieetl rfiswaiwfc ft ftrif emmmmi awd mot they will join heattily in promoting necessary improvements and thus advance the wealth and prosperity of die land of their birth of the choice as a work of this description cannot be published in english and french vrithbuk raciiyring consider- wippl hianil rkriw1kumilaiidpricynog irmtcratfrorucottmiw ii i nw alioptlhcr feasible wlicn si nt publfttofi ea coicmpliiicil h m dmil to ihc public it profhcfva uurnitwwic it nrn ejjs ihaiiwonrwipu feaiurrrlxim hr drtmnoul it k k ificin ilmtita merits iratiutjdiiy biai teiw1tci1s tuth ef uic mocrrr flily bbommm ihc pomihcia 1m im fftilwd hnt umcveriftdokrr iii o watchful tcajcnxt in csmplttlh l filr t wilt be 6ql tnj ibal ibey never will be found dctwu tn of ncuxuut 10 the praxo fuiif tuierprize and io win2nirodnce obcneilciutcind profiublc rv t to ummni and mother the drama will form material portion ofiht gcoilcmcii ulc mcimilj ulm uir jrjlo pul l rvny week ptay and fcree lo be sdeetcd u tu ii wngtc try to ihcir roema af prelexeoea bowever will neejiirifed in illcacii lonaiivc pffj when tiiey can be otuneo iiklrpcndcnl criticuma enfffojt c ing nil iiiviiiocfl cocdpariaoot and iccoromcndcd by ibt ir tmyitr h bepcrntarly ineened besid hii crupticut swnrhrp aoxdata bod mow orprominent cocnetjitl r i i ood ptifi c ro hleh arnre iind ldcxbuibiecoinhlklm win iwr i the turf aftrtbtol record u ill be kepi or oil ihe nnnalwra trouing moicbe m lliid omniry nnd klawl brnraphlra ood conru portrahs ofceirbnucd ihoaogb brtd lluramwimh public bed once m fnonth every ftel relajlve to die i- inaiiacont keeping t a j xr nrr iyum inv liiri r i ih bc pnrleculort ttktled sporting under this eaptmn will be cndntrrated nceomita or bhooting mnichca pcdtmrion fcai gymnajiickxeretoeaquaijccx- fcunttooa piahinr gamln a with amccdoic nfnoted df gentlemens fasmions a qusnerly rexiew will be m pored explanatory of die vniiooy improvement nint cbnne wlikh i i u i i worn in the luhiooable circles coiimanuy oitticro by wtifcti it wl be rendered un eaay tonic ibr dminms and tuiloro at n diquice to f 4 uieir cnatomera wufc ihe moai approved colom and modern atyle irnm tii ihe earliest possible period pro hm uflkieni riic4inraement ahi be vwm by thin portion of the pabbc a foil a nh ok raving jsjuatatrrn dfuirutic will also be prepared and pubunbed k ahbongti the porpo ofnorabeeimotflppeartoait j glany all bonllned to the bur lending aubjectawjiich have been uated we dees n medy occupied by john k glover egqjtehr hy liictor bartley of the 15ih regt the preuiiae beinfso well knowo dp not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccunifpr kingston 20th may 1834 livery stable i ifi thk tkar or ha john bbennans btoke 6toee 1etreet isjearlt oitositk the commercial hotxl tll subscriber begb leave to inform the fienle- of kingston jftat he has recoinroenced the men keeping quorses gutters btftighs -spc- bd trusts by tlic attentiou he will pay to the busiae as to mej requisite for country merchants and pedlers which rit a continuance of their patronage tbehora are of ihe most superior description and the gutters and sleighs will be furnished with excellent harness and mountings of the flnrt aua- geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop- lily terms cash ttipgsion dec 8th 1834 john mckay the subscnber grateful for the patronage hehna received begs to inform his fiiends and the public that he stil continues to manufacture to order at feibsbop in bath tomb h tones of almost every lyimimi gaps auxtlah jsiot pipe auitl beartr stones wgi evecy other article in the stop gutting line on pw- shorten cotice and the neot reasonable term abram lott cfi b m kiade of produce received in pay ment- bath 8qt 16t 18s4 12ri in the press and ne a lily ready oju vol 12mo 4qqpts nut 14 ptattt wicc lofi hawjulffrs piottthb op uuattgjo v asd its environs im bibfezhoaij recollections ifsiws nomynm mon avtmuftm ioqmcm in upper ond letter canada v uhlpuatt to copy this m to the mmtrmt alfred hawklnsa farmers comiag to markst do well by gitiog the above establish meat a call where tber will racetveue highect price t cash for every deicriptiod of fjo-jucs- 20th ocl 1834 the subsckibek tenders his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been m business and takes this method to inform theui ihat he keeps constantly on band tin nd sheet iron ware buckskin mittens nd gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail can be had on advantageous tcrraa by applying at the sign of t 3quahe per and brass deer skins sheep kim bee wax tallow c will be received inpayment the highest price paid at all timts in caehfor dm n b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by so doing they will oblige barton phillips kingston feb 41834- i the jljlw book ninth volume a iupaaltarr for jvustc snfftirtns hafe forte poetry and probe by the most celebrated authors published at 3 dollars per tmnum by u a jdky allien mi building franklin flnce philadelphia lis many btfbswibers as would insure my expenses subscription lists will be lefi at the several book- stores iti montreal the work i expect will not exceed four parts at is 3d each part- the first part to be published when there are a sufficient num ber of subscribers i expect the whole might be published before the first of may next the four parts will contain from 250 to 300 pages afld- may be bound in one volume i shall do all in my power to make the book worthicthe patronage of all who desire to promote the pros perity of agriculture as well as of those who prac tice the art wm evans cou st paul dec 18 1834 prober touu uiuuhtre wdlbc jo rt liuoo lo uicr cautmcrabft i howcd for mirallaaeom malum sufi a talc poetry n enfofcto i sr i y l qt hotel to ihu star und hlaca of juiavwni si kahhe groip market agrleutlnre tricc of siocklail of beoktm banks coomerfeit note deirctor and all other mauera rtanlnjf wfiieji an interest may be aopposetj lo cjta ai hocoe or abroad thla work tben aa wui beaeen by ihe above expuovoo of its pro- bnble caarcter l purttoilfarly ijc i at a cocaimliioa for ibe poiroca ofihe turf ihc drama bpmftnl tke fisbiofu e- ive ii will arora filso aaail ite pnbtieaiioa ofcxs wilt k auihenuc ready of rcconl tbr kcjcitfice ibrtravelliri cetitknitft and ahotild coohcqocqtly bo kept in every hotel in the jailed surr it ia wortity of notice uai lta uroaa in toe c4one of one year will ia fumliej with flatwo pjn- corbort apmiip ibrary lobe aodibfan tiitprecedenied vnall9vtfoo mling ioio cootjitatkuoo atr i r playa tnd parcethenf ke of atorearanudbeai leoat thiiteeai j aaviordvaestidollara adtheporciueora vvelja4ond draimmc lib heprfceofwlieb tfepnraiey ai any ofoorboak htorea aropld be ai kaatthirteea liollixa here fltere i oa abpotaier ihe muluplied raricty whjcb ft to accompany it without additiona thttijo toilorr- who deaire to procure enrly and correct inrofojattoooi the charge in drrra will find thi nn invuluabtc tunic 1 the gntlemeny vade mfxiuac will be pubibed every sataruoy on fine iropcrinj paper wthe large cija at three dou larn per annum payabk in advance by enclosing a five dollar note to the prtlihcr pomae poid twoco- ieu of the pflper will be ibrwnnkthnoiiydireetiao ordered for one jeax ls fmpwfthf fww ha ihr mi m amteitor lam oaraat urflttorwardftclj naow iuincae4y tac tardia will he atrial y adhered i addrewtimith alexandefl athenian ttoiuian fraakiha aephlliavjphla twpoblifihere will ejcjianjo widsfrpy ofibeir cooniry sroirea ill oblige them with an oecaatodal i iiic of tbta advcftaetaeal prospecttts bfte expense it jroultl be nccewary for roe to have w the ibish advocatb constitutional repoiv l anoctwjobrciab advkittisrr tobepublibb fcdthbee tiaflim a week in wontrealalihawi lne population epeuunf the eojlih uawioji lower canada tvisaav posed of natives of ireland and dectideauionribmen i aaaoerteoj regret ifnot ofoioificarioop to many ofthem ihnino pre in thiepnv vince protecta their nauoaat character from rurepreaeniaiion aad anlt or aervea aa the acexedited ortm yfiheir political teaurdeat j reined y tbia evil and to ypvcio imltmen fjiat intloaec aad pom which their numerical atrenpb fjjeirreneeiability and arowinr j fntide them namber oririhmea in looirca nave reaoked 10 rms aha paper to be called the lriah adiocate liotiul reformer aud co 111 mere at adterilter v midcm fsw insertion to the mdmtiimmt and md iw 47 bl lomj street ahfic 9ctebtr th 1814 sash factor the subscriber respectfnlly inform the lnliiai- tants ofkingston and its vicinity that he iiftsiccsi- ly commenced making window sashes at his stop djoining the kingston foundry where he intews iokeep on hand a large assortment of every kw vhich he will sell low for cash and he hopes by his assiduous attention to bmiriew to merit a share of public patronage all orders for die above thankfully receiwd and promptly attended to kingston may 18m j sargent meeting of the house of assembly a8 the approaching session of the provincial par liament promises to be one of vast interest to the inhabitants of upper canada the subscriber pro poses to preserve ihe proceedings of the house of assembly in a more durable form thaoa newspaper and to report them at more length and at the same time more minutely than has been done heretofore to attain this desirable object an experienced re porter from england will attend every sitting of the house and accurately note the votes and proceed ings of that body which will be published in week ly numbers consisting of sixteen pages large oc tavo printed with a good type and on fine paper and delivered to subscribers in the city of toronto every saturday afternoon at the end of the session a title page and index will he furnished to each subscriber gratis the whdle forming a volume of great importance and necessity to every man in the province and a sure guide to electors as by a re- fereoce to its pages it will be seen not olny whai their representatives did but also what iheytrtvd- ed to o the price of each number will he one shillingphy able on delivery any person procuring ten subscri bers and becoming responsible for the same shai receive one copy gratis agents will shortly be appointed in the dilfcren towns and the greatest regularity observed in for warding copies to subscribers as the executiua of the intended publication de pends entirely upon the support which may be af forded those who wish flpatronize the undertaking will please toignify the same as soon as possible all communications addressed to the subscriber to be post ftn a uftfiga lot street tttab- ijii auu coiumrrciui adtortfacirl be pubuahedin ihiecwyou the monday wednesday aad bldayof each wcetra9 the irih advocate will be etttsajfflr lriahmaiva paper and an it tffllaprc no vr- u reader itetfwor rttfl hnwrivif ml u murt mainly depeadon ihelrtmo uooorbchhlvijictjrasnicnt undftupnort akaatdfa rioch iijbraation on theaelotr may bo aitrmctlve to gcoeraj reader- the irian advoea tarty jny before ita ratruns he moetiutfrefting anions oflrtah lasbss altborjgbj from lire natare of oar posman ia ue prcaan crimi me energiee of the iriah advocate miiet be directed towarda ibepret bnctinr coneord amotig aji peraona jrorn great briioln and ireland aad eir oesceodanta yet it will nelect tio l opportunity ofadvocaaifiglsm ejormofabaaea under which tbelattef country has 00 long laborau ccply impreased with the coovktioo lat apcedy iktllopcrajciii ot resoorcea ofthia provtae ia ofpiramoont importance the iria adw ocaie vriltaitvawoyalyccouraxe ni tj- and chcernilty cpenhs lamnato ttc hsavi dtrich mnftcr as maycoodnce 10 he guml elgtre orirjahmeo and briionaand pronxxeihcirfletilenjcnt amoaf ffw uisdcjptemnieircumstancetbeihih advocate will ever d in view thccotiatcraeuonoraiiy aiwnpta to proouee he volution to vcr uda colony from the mother coutury or 10 efleci a ehaue in the od5titotion upoo wboe integrity jt i iow rdattier than trier rfist itoao the engufih lanjue in lb province must rely for their caiau te aoa protrperity from the tone undatikin which the paper will eooducu which fa wlu be ocoiu its friends feel assured that it wilt bca comparison with the meet rt bte periodicals in north aacrca kthe propneiora will uoc their tttmobt etidcavora to retider the jipcr efri ah a medium of commeraal lntcthsace and thev thcrelore imal w will receive the support of the labmal body ofmerchadta the editorial department will be entrusted to n inob roman cibolie gak pemaoof nbtlriy and character in poiulca the irtih advooate will enport thecaum of cociatitoiiooal krforra it will oppose depnxato i condemn abaaea and will uao ite utmost eflbrt for the removal of acknowledged erievancea on all occatrtoos thta journal wilt display a lims and patriotic dctcruri oatioa to advance the prcpcrny of old coonory bicn and parucularly of irishmen the hush advocate will be printed on good rnpcrorahe acar bow 1 r by the eogllsujtwrntuaofthcttyndwillbecisaedloi fcrtber ot p oub dollaltd per amiumcxcluaivc of posiase pay aemiannually in advance poetoiule country merchant and others in both proviocea may eel an uiicresi to the auoeew of die paper are reprculnly reqacav to ue their best excrttoaa ia promoiirig circulauoo 10 thetr reapee ive ieirhborhooda- m any jicnuemnn who may procure nubknucr and vouch orthereo- peeiabilily of the portiet wlli be entitled to on mptf rbr every hf aab- fcriber ao obtained bubscribcranaine 10 be jurwuftted to ertacr otba agents in thb city on or before the of february neil subeeriptioo will c teeeived la thi- uy at the booksiorea etmn campbell and h mcorcsofi su franeoia xuvier street and at the 13- uwinge newa room t montreal jan 8 1sw jvotici- ll persuns indebted to the private estate of the te duncan vanalstiue bsa are requested to mslte uncdiate payment to a ti uua uutl all pcrssu vini any claim against the said private estate art requested to present the aamv for liquidation e w armstrong nm 4 tlluax jexecutof kingston august 4j lh5

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