Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 30, 1835, p. 1

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and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly 0if per ojlbeu dxcoa by e j barker m d vol ii kingston u o friday january 30 1835 no 51 the british whig a semiwelkly journal devoted to commercial and political infoitoaciun published vcry tuesday and friday efeningj by doctor banter editor and proprietor at hia of fice in rear sticol next door to the commercial hotel trms for the semi weekly paper scvunteeoand six- sence per annum if paid in advance or within three months rem the receipt of the first number and one pound if col looted at the end of the year exclusive of postage- no subscription received for c than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up except at the option of the publisher 9ttrtrtlemrnts six line and under 9fc 6dfirtimertion and 7jd each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firtinsertionand lod each subsequent insertion above ten lincdf 4d per line for the firit insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisement without written direction arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders fur discontinuing advertisements im be in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters taken in except from agent unless post paid jletter press printing doctor barker having obtained ft mot superior press andancxccllentaortmcntof job type is enabled to execute very description of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprccedently low in upper canada jtjew goods william r baetlet respectfully informs die inhabitants of kingston and the midland district that he has late ly returned from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now selling for cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the store lately occupied by messrs parker and benson ix tub centhe of stobe street the stock consisis of west of england and york shire superfine fine and common broad cloths flushings petershams flannels uaies carpet ing and carpet bags series tartans bomba zines norwich crapes bombazetts irish scotch linnens steam loom and grey cottons russia slieetin checks and stripes buuki jaconet v corded muslins tiloves and hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a large and well selected stock of groceries has been purchased by the advertiser which will be sold tor cash or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of all descriptions kingston nov 21th 1831 32 the penny magazine m the for the diffusion of vsfjitt knowledge ptbiismkd in londons a most entertaining as ufill as a useful pe riodical a few copies just received by the subscriber who is appointed agent and will receive subwpiqn for the same as well as other publications of the above society w r bartlet storcst kingston nov 21th is34 32 2000 yards domestic flannels a capital article fur warmth and durability just re ceived aud for sale by the piece or otherwise by w r bartlet storest kingston nov 21th 1834 32 for sale by the subscriber 20000 sugars 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 jars superior maccaboy snuff 20 bis rosni 10 do tar 10 bags pepper 10 do pimento w b bartlet storest kingston nov 21th 1834 32 new fall goods tbs s03scrjdees respectfully acquaint their friends and the pub lic that they are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall and winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of which will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices among their leaping articles will be found a great variety of broadcloths cassimeres flushings petershams satinetts and pilot cloths blankets flannels bai7es and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts and pantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos liombazetts camlets and tartans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c c c a general assortment of fashionable furs muffs boas tippets and swansdown ruffs caps gentlemens very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1s34 27 for sale 300000 of well burnt red bricks by timothy chapman kinds ofcountry produce taken in payment 4ih con eroestown dec 22d 1834 40tf notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late licniiv w wilkinson esq- all those who are indebted to the same arc respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the i7th day ol may next thomas smith kingston november 17 1831 336m york paper mill warehouse wholesale warehouse the subscribers offer for sale at their stores store street for merly occupied by lesslie sons the undermen tioned goods cogniac brandies madeira port and sherry wines benecarlo and spanish red do muscovado e india and jtfaurhius sugars bunch muscatel raisins and spanish filberts e india comps pepper 40 c 112 lbs cassia cloves fig blue salt petre and epson salts japan pints do and paste day martins japan quarts pints half pints and paste do warrens glassware assorted casks also wrought nails 3 c 32 lbs ox trace halter aud rigging chains spades shovels and frying puns stoves 20 a 30 in dundee casting cast crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and horse nails paints assorted colors putty whiting and cod oil and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window glass assorted sizes terns under 25 cash 25 to 50 three months 50 and upwards six months credit by famishing approved endorsed noies hart brothers co kingston 1st november 1834 2630 ts r kingston foundry till eauiljileliiiuu it uuw 111 mimh fl the proprietor is resolved to spate no expense to ren der it worthy of public encouragement lie trusts thatas to materials and workmanship and variety of castings the kingston foundry will be found second to no similar establishment aud that there will hereafter be no necessity for sending to the united states for castings when they may be bad in this province there will be kept on hand or manufactured to order all kinds of castings for saw mills and flour mills the establishment is now furnished with patterns of the oswego and rochester plans and persons building mills can be supplied with good castings on as reasonable terms as they can be procured in the state of newyork saw mill cranks fulling mill cranks mill screws at 3 lighter screw aud clothiers screws die stalks taps and dies for screwing bolts on the best plan sleigh shoes and fan ning mill irons four different kinds of ploughs waggon boxes pipe boxes and axletrees for carriages screw tops made- from 4 to 20 threads to the inch letters cut for brands and stamps brass castings made of every dimension cast sttcl axes whole sale or retail all kinds of iron finishing done in the best manner in addition to the present conveniences for cast ing the proprietor is now building a cupula so as to be able to make acasting4rom 1000 to 2000 lbs we to tit the public are invited to examine the works of the fouudry and judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any other of the kind ff7 a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make patterns if required also burr mill stones of every size aud hulling cloths of the best description fully ascheip us can be pro cured in any part of the united suites the for mer manufactured here by mr l hostwick kingston january 11835 ip the hbiiowci payer uollevillc intelligencer cnbourg star pott lp wfiiwtf and brockvillc itvuordur will giro ihe above thrud iiwertiowi sending their accounts to ulc chron icle gaicuc office the subscribers will pay cash for pot and pearl ashe dart brothers co kington jan 2d 1831 4i0w eastwood and 8kivnek paper matwfarturcrs respectfully inform the printers and mer chants of upper canada hat they have opened a papeb ano stationery warehouse on the east side of the market square toronto where they wilt iup writing pig vi wip ping ftper also such school books as are or may bemanufuctured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms rags bought aud taken in payment toronto nov 18th 1834 32 notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last will and testa menlof the late robert drummond respectfully request that all persons having c i amis against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and likewise that those iudebted to it will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret drummond executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 15 candle manufactory samuel phippen returns thanks to the in habitants of kingston and its vicinity for the en couragement he has received since his commence ment in the above business aud beg to inform them that he is daily manufacturing mould dip candles of the very best qualityand has on hand at the present lime upwards of five thousand weight which he offers fur eale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by the box or otherwise kingston nov 2sth 1831 333m american leather store just received and for sale by the subscriber at hts cheap cash store church street one door south of mr palmers druggist store market square the following goods viz 5qd sides best spanish sole leather 300 do do slaughters do 300 do do do upper leather 300 do do harness 100 do do bridle 200 do do calcutta s00 calf skins 200 kipp do 100 bbls pork 100 do mackarel 100 do salt also 20 boxes of starks cos best broad and nil- row axes a variety of stoves of didiieut sis and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil to gether with a variety of other necessary articles in his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed oi on uncommonly low prices- ffthe highest price in cash paid for hides skins william ford new wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser begs leave to return his sincere tlunksto his friends for the extensive support he has reeeivedsince his commencement in business and iiforms them that he has removed from his old stand ti that large and commodious brick store latelv in the occupation of messrs rose cameron and stuated next door to mr olcotts tavern in store he now offers for sale an extensive assortment 0 the very best liquors consisting of port madei- n ten e rifle and benccailo wines in bottle and c cognac and spanish brandies hollands n english gin scotch irish and canadian v hiskey jamaica and other spirits shrub and peppermint the whole is well worthy the attention 0 private families tavern keepers and counirv shopkeepers his stock of the best groceries is also large com prising all kinds of green and black teas refined a muscovado sugars spices rice raisins cheese butter starch table salt saltwater fish of sundry descriptions pork c c all do china glass and earthenware sole and upper leather hollow slid hardware blacking brushes cjordage oats oat and corn meul flour with a variety of other articles to which bo respectfully in vites the attention of the farmers coining to town w theii produce for which he will pay the hi e price grain of every description bought and sold kingston dec 9 1834 w p cook pa w ftp that excellent stone dwelling houae aboated in the best part of storestreet aod lately in the occt- pution of m s bidwell esq for terms apply to abraham tmax or it- henry cassadv kingston oct 6 1834 18 cash paid for wheat rye indian corn and oats and auo for sale all times good old whiskey wm gabratt kingston 24th nov 1834 3220w at a notice the undersigned requests all peraana indebted to bin to make immediate payment as he will remain in town a few weeks at the office of mr w r uartlet for that purpose john g parker kingston dec 34th 1854 41 for sale by the subscriber 1 oo boxes of best liverpool soap samuel phippen kingston january 16ih 1835 46 leather store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to hia friends and the public in general for the liberal aup port he has received since he commenced business and assures them that no exertion on his part shall be wamiugto merit a continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and ijppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skins he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calfskins 20 doz glazed morocco 20 do unglazed do 20 do linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of the best materials he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 50 doz stark cos double rebned axes 20 doz do do do broad do also 150 barrels salt s r caldwell market square kingston october 25th 1834 j m n b cash paid for hidea and flax seed sbc to shop keepers tie subscriber has constantly on hand a quanti ty of patent pails tv be sold wholesale at the manufacturers prices kingston dec i8th 1s34 w p cook just published a new and cotfclse system of arithmetic calculated to vac1litate the improvement of youth l upper canada tns arithmetic has been published under the pn- tsonage of his excellency brr john colhorne k n uw lln uuu vimiutublti tlm ailialcucun ui york the rev dr harris principal of the u o uollegv c price ten shillings per dozen half bound eastwood skinneit toronto nov 18th 1834 32 not i ok the business heretofore carried on u qfcl aaow of hcxjiy hart will id future be transacted under the name and style of hart beothers co by the undersigned a w hart h hart hart p 3 all persons indebted to the subscriber are requested to settle their respective account with him and those who may have any claims gamat him are requested to send in the same for liquifla- i h hart kingston january 8th 1835 46 medical card dr percy moore member of the rojal college of surgeons in london having received hia excel lency the lieut governors license to practice the three branches of the profession begs leave o ir form the inhabitants of ernestown camden port land and loughborough that he has taken up a permanent residence near simmons mills enea- town where he shall be happy to attend to any me- simmons mills dec 26 183j 41 3m kingston december 11 1831 37 to breivers ayd maltsmen wants a situation as brewer or mnltsman a per son who understands ihe business in all ir details and can give satisfactory testimonials from his last employers in this country as to ability c for further particulars apply to ihe editor october tlih 131 20 for sale by the subscriber f wank ay young iljson hyson hyson skioundsou rfiong tea muscovado east india and refined sugar iviui- barley sugar and spanish nuts bloom muscatel and sun raisins black ivpper and mustard assorted west india pickles wry superior madoira wine in pipes bfadfc qr casks and bottles shciry and boltlcs old port tcnctiffc pipes common sherry and port wines benecarlo wine in lihds tanapora m cognac brandy in hbds and pipes bordeaux hollands gio old jamaica spirits 1 to 2i superior sdiiudam in cases london porterand brown stout real old ia whiskey very superior pule seal aud linseed oils sweet oil in flask very upcrior single and cooking stoves spades and shovels nails of all sizes paints of ditfurcot colours assorted crockery in crates candle wick and shoe thread c c also a choice avsorlraentofdrv goods amongst whmi arc s fine and middling cloths and caniinem petershams fluh- in pilot cloths blanket camlet plaids merinocs bom hzctts green aud scarlet batae white scarlet and velloiv flannels serges a choice assortment of dark fancy prints lmjiu shirlin brown cotton and a complete assortment of mfuomblc goods which will be found worth the notico of buyers thomas macn1der kingston 23d october 1s3j notice all persons having claims against the mate ol the late benjamin fairfield esei deceased of the town ofbutbj iuc requested to present their accounts duly authenticated mid all persons indebted to the ootate are requested to make immediate payment to charles fairfield admioulralor erucstownj mill july 1834 fresh teas wines fcc- fec just received and for sale by the subscriber in addition to his former stock 40 chests very superior twaukay tea 10 young hyson 5 old do 5 lihds bright muscovado sugar 3 m double refined loaf da 3 pipes fine old port wine 2 u very superior old madeira 5 qr casks l p- tenerifle 4 pipes cognac braudv 2 hollands gin five puncheons of very strong jamaica spirits 25 barrela u c whisky 50 boxes mould candles 10 spermaceti do 50 hard soap 25 kegs sweet scented virginia tobacco 16 hands 100 boxes cigars 20 kegs cut and wrought nails 5 bales tarred rope 20 boxes pine apple cheete 10 kegs cod sounds 5 caplin 25 boxes muscatel raisios 5 barrels fresh zante cunanta 10 casks liquid and paste blacking terms cash or approved endorsed notes at 90 days george armstrong marketsquare kingston jan 4th 1834 kingston brewery hunt morton beg leave to inform the in- habiiants of kingston and the public in general that they have opened a store in frontstreet in tha house lately occupied by a manahan esq asemi- erant agent where they will have constantly on hand of their own manufacture a stock of ale 8r whisky of a superior quality aud where orders will be thank fully received and punctually attended lo ctjcaah will be paid at the above store for wheat rye and barley kingston iiih dec 1834 41

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