Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 27, 1835, p. 2

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miscellany as axtfeih w hnpeh- jy s lot it a haby i mrptwr iq llittlvr wvpnii tor frer hutanl ww nn f r arri oir travel was iwewtn bound ilw rnwm rtwrt nr adho cried lrml ilartiril ohcoidc k rati th ttaliy itntf m a j railed in hrr itrc f brrw her knee oh mcfm l bm unminp my cliilj thj lcep rhnrcnu for 1 fcocw thai be ancl rm wlifapcrita l ami wmlf vy lamping bricm witr iver tty fvrpltw ami wy tjio wipps4fliifcifr tficym wavtfa tf ul bliiot for j fcn huh il s maftcfins willi th the fawn tlir mnrnitiic ad4 the wife wepi viltjy hr fait faihcmot aftdrlfrirtj frrni- hff cllai with htomflft paid 1 know ilt ihd ftsth wiit vliiprriii with tsrr- tiu inhii ip 1 j i iftfinhtiu it i li ird piftitirn 11 it uil ikcuimc a li rr hit tl 9 wm tl 14 tlo tit l ill ml tilt rirli mill li iht lifil tmih wtdto 1 1 tli i i frlic mil m ti lit f c mxib ill fj in viikind 2tvimik ill- mi uviht on llicumii lint ami ijroii mid iitn aro v very late prom jamaica bt the lumal of die jhn w cater crt mite we hive received our riular file of janmicu papers with atlvfrei in saturdsv lhohhof dummhcr inrtimvil ii ww rwiiirtl that the provincial afivnibly would be proroyul 31 i j oviiki on ihaloljtt ttir turimtence of ilic apptentiftsx yq umilbdilftd iimhi- quence of ilicn ttiriisio ftsl lire lo iih stunrwofkl on ihv hectors river etlnti inthftdirtnrt nfmnrlii meal ilir tli- mvj the depauli the ltli ult vvrr- ni fcr anl a gimrjl utilionej torilicir irotclink the flvortmrha givoo nnlnr for a very general distribution of ill iviri troops ihrhihoni inland or ilic purptfm of bvmg ryal lo ticuun aa tfiiutr- ncy tho model of lh nef sytcin fays oimof ihe pnpers u flwiiw and as parliament lift ilntilird lie whip llicv inui b prepactd for he intnthiclitiii nfilii ktiul lo5e ptiiilnrj itiaidiohave bermna iuitq lahitmali in vtiino rafts ofllir inland and coltce mutlm- praruel willi miihimiv in oprn iliir we mut prrsumc that tfl iliec a uuii uivm in isl its ftrmii laageratitn mill lln ftltfl fsiriity in j untivi is ilonbilc more dojtlontlilo than it in lwn it any time ilurins llw it linwni cirenl romiplaint i mvli tifllic tttttfri f wo donin power by ilic gtfvcrnrt it t riulml llial i7i piism convitrd of crimen or oltnru vifttt nnlumjil during tin ftdminiatration of lord mfarav ami 157 ihiring ihit nfthr marquess of slio and of liis number i it j eilit were tor marocr rebellion oraron ettorts are making tatafdlho attention of the inhahitntu m the itltind from the iulltvattti of tin suai rant far vvtiuli llu- i ue labor cannol b obtain i 2 and the mitin of p2 cattle and blhfif dooicltie annuals the house iifavwiiuv vhiwi llicwim of ir to tin importers ol ettpin ftttwrus tu lie lmmitd in tlni island the llihtip of jnn4i3 hmlbtcll lined tiot for liuprfpttrl withhtfllm netrtibmtfl oflinc ti m kov v hiii- w ho lud perform d ni only and ainm n licrtn no comjj i a proposition hi heh miilc in the llom of aeintily ul jamana todprir the ou er oftli onhtii uf uiw cmnidm rioni ilioold ihev ho pjllfiirtunnli cnonjli to ur unler this ne cts5ii of taking ibe bewflfilofihfl ihmivhii ael thv imiii thonnli ttnfortulut debtn mts oik f the klntiw journals hould ex its sfmathy and romminn nut taunts ioiult avw iwa coittmcffitl alrfrtir eatitril03ifiiriuf vvbiiwnvivii our fils of ihr cihnltar climrii n iln- tvi of noimhr a iremeinlouf ninn wu exp-ri- i at 4iihrillir ilir nijhl of the 17th nrivmlw wliicli irai l inr wm- d- lo the garrison sucno tihi lfelani1 rimpnu uvre ui up houteoverflowod others valnl iiwiy miliar in ttliol- or in part an 1 leeral iwl lot ten inot altci v hiq a- crn 1 six bodict rari taken out nf som of tin imvri roomit in a lioucn on jall roi i tin unf ntunate individinu having been tolforated in conqnenco of the immense fill ol 1 from tha mouiitaiiii which rnhrd into the premise- and overflowed them in sneh a manner that at one tint thrc wgrc fivt fetof water in them three more individual srens killeil hy the filling in of m part ofa house and a child wtts forced by the lurffltll out ul the hands of the younjjrnan who was endeavoring to hcw hr from the pcriluu niluation li ve in ptrr nf her ietll l being lfl in oneofthein and the body wavarnl to a di tanceof at least half a mile whcie it wu found the next morn ing 4- nttovf ecafrortflkdtjcurfsorkiwt whtiie priwicis yffipjft oj tiydif w t jiti iv ilrttiti iii iuchc ol kent and the princww vi immm rrtiinnna iwhb an tiring to their reideiuo at st lenird v mtu id llie li-ir- e in the carriage herannnimt relive violent anlit bustj throw itmlf down to the imniinenl rkk nf iiiftlitu tin u- ritse at shift critical ifwmmil ir mkbrhwaiff and tin rev joseph hoiim wlmwcwtilnwfc rdutlv ihnw thsmsclns uo thn hidofiln- fnuom aoniid thai nmhlntf their roval hshoeii mirapo iromihir jmril iiuitnn aocr some time tin- boric wiuhdiiud and rokaod r ifti bariio upon which lllrfr kfw hitowi will the ivit- opt condeacenvinn perwhiil y returncil h mks to ilinto entlo- men w wgnl iti idd thit mr nw k ihwjifi- nmvl ome injury requiring surgical advico corrpondtat ac standard- on sunday evening the rongregilion attending ihc dhveii- tin chapcll in hareourt aiders utrit was croatlv alarmed by a noiiti vvhth resembled the ciarkins of the rr- tert and supporters of the gallery onn lady iinmediatrly fell into an hysterical fit othur screamed and no muh dismay nd agiution pervaled the assemblage thai it wa u iih con siderable difficulty the officers ofthednpel ohti inod a hear ing to announco that all ww afc tltr fart wa that n set of mischevioim lad from onhlenlano bad loloira larecrakei at the foot of the gallcrymairs in the lobby and the noio of the explosion eemed much louder within doon than ii would have been in the open ftif the boys were nor contented with tnjorins in idea lite ronfiniod thai ivmild ohm fatm their pranks but llnv mavcil at the door to he eyew itnese of it had they were therefore easily cmttind tlhv ullasreed that the act wn perpctrilcd by a lad nained itieluml piki whi obtained a light at a rhaudler riopi under the pretext of mokina cigar and he wll accorhnlv taken belore mr aldernvin aunley at ouitdhall on mmnuiy ite iwrnm milted lo hard labor for a toontll in default of paving iweniy ibilllng for leitins offfliwork acoustic chair thi invention iofthe ixn of i virse li brary chair with ahishbark to whlfli qiualkxd iwn liar rela for sound and at the extremity ofea h ia pifffiimled plate that collects sound into a paraboloid vase from every pail of the room and imprese it more sensibly on the ear hy gii inj it only a small quantity ofnlf the c4tivertit end of the vase serves to loflonl the voice and to render it nine distinct by means of ulli ient tubes tin chair miht bn mele to c0i1 vey intelligence from st lame to the ilmcti uf lords ami commons anh even from london in ibe kins at windsor marvellous uthi miy hum thetdea ii 1m a novelty it i hut another confirmation of tin tyiu of olontnn that llieti is nnthin ww undr uittini 1 hiirliul tftdleim wnrk on the car tell u thit aitle yfhn w i t i in to aiox- ander the great mvenied a trumpet fr ui u ilcr which wau capahle of cutiveyiit2 ofderi to iit gener d hi the dilame ol one hundred stadin cqal lor ithr more thin twulvn uitbts and i miv remirk ocan in mind ton thai huth ahuioii and hippofrmtei atu rtud lit lmv invrntvd oarinimpirl ihit the aneionti do u t sein t have inrfu i lmurmii dt mtim nji sihih riour day havu nirp- rite i lhttt0tttfw i trht tboro knotbine morf emmiftlinary toihe ineiure f ih wlndc inland of ivuiil ftrinidaj lltau tlieiteumve ptti formations itcontnus i iu ji i- in u hirh th tut h- ground at ihcy ircr dbd tf fiumd is iljiriit iwenrv- nnr the htdhiun irnvd ly flu ftm lake elutiitn ihi bs urowii on the pacli rniuj irtoberemiikitbli pvwtflttitkkrt ovifkr etisg di imiiis exhilntim loik plaeenilj uirdavlat ittliu kmiiv hcdi inu uradbnl ut two nu tryini who could catih- srt t numr ornyrter for awn ffroffi the loser to piv f the e winner denn llflhcd no ics than j9ft and the imwccewfii partj vo m i fit thcnainefthe winnerwa saimtel ilnint tinner o shutllewoith ifall ntarbdpirde firrwjuf pfljwr the tlnwiutoettngto write at thoiooinri nf lord mel houi ne enntrarllrm a oiinpreuuiian which ha ronu abroad k thai nohhnin n ly that he had nude dircetavowol to huslajcrfiy urat it wm imimsntuo fr hu ad istiationtornou and urepnm that the kmr would b rteioulv pleaicd to commit the cmtcrnmeiit tu the itmd i tlto ihikc of wrllnihuiii till of course would have bcoi j downright ireacherv and it is needled to add that no om tiwfliispected ins ftoruuiipofauy thmy approaching tolrea h crv t warrant was on timfsihy h tn the stamprdtiee to in miinped iu the phallins i- hspiib whlwdh com lh tivi rmneit of ireland my nttlor ofthc uukoofuulluitoti a iiietii2ofilri dilor f iti hard mre raikis ills v vemorofthe ij nk dinind was held on tuesday lor tlr purpose of proving debk ai1 allwiiijmr rntkrtnj pas in liuul cxaminaticm thit jeiiileiimn bavin- surrendered 1 tb llat hut in coiimipitft e olihn volunnrious miure of the bc- rnuntti mr riiikes obtained former lime fofutq purpesc of ulttkitlp them up the total atnv of debts ami labilities i iuirlvxliinjno ilw ofrwuafc expected tortsatixolromjgiri wll lo 16101 the piiueipal rrodilorfl arc the hindustan i liisurnrc cnmptnv who havo claini- to about jig ami j cmni dontipon who prtouiwcc hirjo iiun uiines in kussia i itsti ojtnnvtad to be a claimant i the extent nf jcihm mr i k tikes having been iieutm the establishments just nicntiou h the debts proved on the occasion bare j 1000 ber trd ibtrin the bt week a human skelolon was duroverod in the excavation for the railway at the old chalk farm near watford about lour et aitdabilffinin tbesurtieoftliogrniind iarl of the bones were thro u into the uroggotl bafore nuy no lire was taken bv the cceavaioljtj until thedis ifivcry ofa sen and ijiillib me vvhirh aic the only part of ihe skeletoui uiirved i ii dthe fut was riven to mr usual- hut frmii the imprleel stale ufthii idlulu- irr iufkifc tr irtn imlm motilds and fnevinir ir ml iiijnyt gftnl ffnofl tn firilmj llw imln nt the mitnr iimis witii t vie i irving n new minis ul 4tltvtttitk yt yttf inmrrrift atlvrtiytt we have bclore us a letter tlited lotlcricli toucliinii tht appointment oi commiasloncni and miiicimrati5 lit the huron tracr but on account ol its uiitidtuil length we cannot give it insertion tin- its wc oxclmoc from otir columns matter of more interest lo ihe public we cannot however retrain from expressing our disapprobation of the ponuiki of the government in meeting for the oflici of commissioners and magisiratea to the total exclu sion of old residents of integrity and capability mun who have nothinrfclse to recommend thein than iheir low subserviency to the agents of the canada co can it be believed that for upwards of 0 milort in the companys tract in the vcet ibeie i no imiistrate vvhatever btcamtt there is of one that wtrttltl conttttcctld to sacrifice his sense of duty to tht partial oictc3 of tht monopolists the consequence is as it appears that the worst species of villainy f068 unpunished and that his majestys fnithfnl subjects have no remedy against voileucc and injus tice by and bye we will look more minutely into the subject of this lettciv correspondent and advo cate mclaughlin the soldier mho was convicted at the mayors court for endeavoring lo stab mr ste phenson has deserted about 13 or 10 lesen every month from the garrison here- we are ol opinion that some of the soljiers enlist with a view of cctltiis a cheap passage across to the states ih urivid on me occasion fcirely aiiiiuufeil tu thefjlber proceeding were ailjuurned to decern rxtovirrciai parliament ihstmi the c tuner ini i i nin rutti iimj loiitb iritimi ictl alrnilt thirty vrirs he ill mihrdfrom pirt sjmin at titilnci rallu lnt lu tlin it i aid tint thiv nn fifteen hundred ttfdi in iniit on uodins at point brera which n duau unaiul lk4tch ftper- on is naturally turpiiad to ie hiro blark ro rtcrfutwi tdiv- ring above he aand and nieces ofihum mlbnl wnuulh nnl pltutolljrabuul the the beach like petihft tvrtv stop hr wkti u onpitchjrouiifl extensive maesjf it ar- also fiund pr5mntios broict and mogth rarbto in wine ptuuilstatm u barrel of parli bad ben unset and lft to imx jh tht soil the pilth in general merely a ujnilirnl itiritf nn the turfa of the ground and iiotliini ljt trirc fiidinalhn would nllow on to hlivr thit th frlile icyttu around ti- tutmd on pitch jround- but it if o roltack unl sunlufipj ere implanted on it and nn it veetattun thrives iuki hixmianl ij the pitch ruuud i iiilmm continued niaif tlitn mih ittnc but it iii frerluj of brjktn and irregular jecln f it after wtlking upapenfl- itilt ofa mil and a ipiartir from tbi ea ovr a parig ih- viuif rtm hfts nn vhiid twtio which iscillejlhc piivblakc thw ih i vnl nw f pith naturalwcoilertij iutln firm uf a hfe tu mnfnif l moreover anrn tin ijipoaranf ifi and it i ci-i- iutolv aurruiindod hy t word the length f tins i jk iabnui v fati k and itj gt6ftmnl invadih about balfaijrbui tt- ineruui poult uf waier abnutd m the snrfitr and the dp iirmki nd fijuum tij tii pilch are filled with it m wtuch lit- rfiltliudfroiortabaut tbui wuk h porivtlr frh it ym hittipnid tiliaveieei i not think the holding an in- umt would lua i to any useful result an exhibition op slavbrv is new jsftftbt we copy the lullownisj account of tht itihittnan ar- rimt of a company nl blacks chinned as fugitive slaves near salem new jersey from the free- nans banner illtltlwtied nl that place about four ovioik on monti iy illuming last lltr niel hntibers ufotli peaceful town were tlituibrri iy the cries ol lire or nmnler tlloc who tuitler- imoii the imisr tn be ih i of piron rrvi ig fire pro- lil i iiin ituj to hit- lio ists hi ih ilciii itfo hie icine and rans tlw hell must viuletitly whinli sonn lew a number uf cltizfiw from theii hau into the ntreel to ascertain i lie bttttntioit oftliu lire but no lilll cniilil be sent nor lire futiutl nting ll ww io i he calamities f re ihut cauej ihd noise bm iie sereiin ami htmrtwildinj cfw ofeiirht tnise- nhle btiif bound in clmitis bcbiq conveyed fbroneb llw town in i whffloo to the hotel nodui tlc nimnly uf a eotssfiile nnl perotm whreltnn in up then owner p trr iiken fon tliir beds it a houe ftmr nr live miles from llns town their own homes tlin nakod with but their scutlv bed- elotltcs to wrap uromul litem to sceen them from the pien winds and filling mow and hroishi brre to be swum tt and nluniilied by those who claim them na ihmr slivra from an criily hour in the morning throughout the whole dsivt an escited unu syinpitltisini eoiu- rtiunity thronged the hotel to hear the proceedings uhi catch a ijliinpse of the miserable wretches at ten o clock a- al- one ot them a nesrress was sum moned before the lion fleorge bush judge of the court nf common ple15 nf this county to undergo the proof ami identification nieesflry fnm her amtiii rilvvitiiiii ml iluhitt u tj tih t ti eomhsel appeared in behalf of the poor noifrii rut one on the pari nf 1i10 el iiiikitii and after lensiiy iujument from both titles upnti the previous p o- ivdiiiffof the justice wliopntlited the warrant the itidsfc tliwiimed the prisoner upon 10 gmutul thn the proceedings were not ugal aereeable to law we htvc neither time nor space did we think our selves competent to state the positions taken by counsel on cither side bur as one of the counsel fur the prisoner justly remarked every word and inter of the law must he fulfilled before a human brine could be taken from thi crimmuniiy and rjul jeered to a life of endless slavery now a still more serious aspect was given to the allair after the jndjrc hatl dismissed the poor 0 2ress from the proceedings of tltc jtlstlco pin-h- ed ihe power of warrant and wliile she siill sar in the mom where the court was held with her infant in her arm a mr durmho of philadelphia and tkhu it i said is an airent of the slave chnmant a nrl acting under ihe power of an authorised attorney drew a pisnl cocked it and stated lie wftft goluc tn hold and protect the properly under his chunf mid hi claimed chare tinner an act uf cuuerresn tin otiunuiiiiy btntnlniv excited at once bceanie e apitati siim him wis the cry frmn ever tit rcctioiti and the pistol wa urem lied from his ttiwp by a iwtsttihii whcii sultieieni opportunily waib lowed he drew a dirk which be stated be would rtf in selfdefence al thai momeiil die sheriff nrrivrd who immotlintelv forced bis way rhtongh the crowd in the mom seized the nrm or mr doiiuho in whvll he held die dasger and so held it as to prevent us hiiy injury when it was forced from hislm nl he carried by the sheriff and constables to slid after having remained there three or j ur s aave bail to keep the peace and for his p ance t the next term of court during be enllle in the room at the hotel the reputed jvc made her escape out of ihe window the oihw warfcs wcrcdclivoretl into the custody of tip sheriuon monday evening with a chnnre rial they be f uniltetl with comfortable lodinfjs in hir ouniy juil esteidty iho rnnlier invent ieafio n m e riumoftbo sin ph ilotiva was under discustin lieu uttr a niitibr ni presbui wry moiinih aid nvnn str the iniiintinn was fiulber adjiniind to tin- liivt ividivin mnrch frozkx ut trksilvkn tjute haft never tntir ktiowhdts been sn jreit a degree of cold registcd in any pii t of the united stales as that on suny last at mew letmnon m this state at 5ovk nn that niunuusi the mercury had souk to 31- c- low 0 and became congcttffd mid immoveable he lowest point on record was that made fwetieliv by prtjfisn clevidand of bowdoin culleg- at isrunswick ma soma quarter ofa cent nrvai w lie suspended several ulases from the bough a tree in tile limat txposrd siluatioil to the wea aid sat up all night to watch the fluctuations 01 fluid atone pet bid while uorieiug one more w live ill in the roi he as almost tn ecnlucies t it sink smk inking ti neuf the touchstone u afisolutidy relwd tu biulisv a decree lower ih preferita tu rruam in a lupud siate and the rilie ivolisir w obliged to retue tu bed wittns wisu niiurattited hi carrys second voyaae tti the ivorth polehi offlcere when the alcoholic thermometers btodat 5 dgre below amused ffamaetvca byst- doiii and itil hon pei ill no ee it n 1 i i- tti emptr into pcndiinr by a incut winin the nitrsitises pruni ihe chrfctiiiii gusnliu saturday jamarv 17ib 1s35 agreeably to notice given mr mackenzie mov ed that a standing committee be appointed of se ven members three of whom 10 be a quorum to enquire inio the state of the currency mid the re- oi ijils and cxpenditote of the wliole public rexenur from whatever source derived with power to send for persons papers and record and leave to re port from time by bill address or otherwise thai to this committee shall be referred the public ac- countsof the province as also so much of a ties- patch from nia majesty s principal secretnrv ul state for the colonies dated the 8th of november 1832 and numbered 16- m relates to revenue and lln a nee and a message f oni the lieutenant in- ernnr dated 6ihjdiiiiary is3 that the jkhh rule of tb house be suspended so far a t rclat sin tin i t 1 uid report nn all receipts anil ex- bnritv of hist mnjesiyi tiuvem- provincoi for naval anil mditaiy d for all other purposes whatever lessrs ivrrv sob oeneni mclean snmou and ulltcrs pnkj ajruinst the motion the substance nf rtlhise reuihrkaptcnrly the same- it wasar- 1 ted that the mntion mibiaced a variety of matter each of which as nc mihicieut itnpartancc to the ctiuntrv in rcrjinre ihe careful invefflimition of i sc- paimte cninuiiltee fur a ffrcit part of the temion mid thai tit proposed cooltlliltec could not powihly ive theni all that attention which iheir intricacy and importance demanded and make a report ulu sessmn julcs i dceil y report was already written which w uld he submitted to the committee for their adoption another ibjcction was that the motion proposer to suspend ilic 29th rule f the house which j ovided that all couinnttees of more tliau live meivbera ahould he chosen by ballot thereby bnvint 1 to lhl hwi movor to rboo the committpo himself jf which in such case he would accordina lo ttsafff ami courtesy be the chairman the pub lie accmihs of the province had always been atih- mrirwl t a committee rhonen bv ballob and there an noirntid reison fur uepurtin from that practice and pi villi them into the h uiu uf a committee ehihco by the lion member fir the second kittitigof york that in fact he seemed in want in take the ulhde business uf the house into his own hands for itrter enumemtiuf a great many subjects the mo tion concluded with and for all other purposes whatever it was not the business of that house fo enquire into the expeditures of his majesty tioverument on the rideau canal and the naval and military works at kingston as the money was not raised from the people of this country that the more money was expended country the better or us and although there could be no object- tinn to the enquiry it wnt difficult tu guess for what purpose it was mlendedt except lo transmit the re port to a certain member of the imperial parliament who would be very glad as was usual with him of such an opportunily to show how much money the ttovernmenl had thrown away upon this country ihe probable consequence of which would be thai we would iret no more ol it motion loit the speaker rtl from the order of the tbiy mr mackenzie notice lor enquiring into the aiftirs ol ihe itaiiu mr mickenje rose and moved thai his notice 1v1 that fftdiject he discharged he said be saw plainly that there was no proper illvcftligution to be expected innn that houtff any more that ihe lat one they bail just decided against all enquiry anil theie was no ue foi htm to move to enquire in to any itkiiitr he would not doit u ir would he move for enquiring into any money matters that ses sion mr mclean moved in amendment that the bmkh be required lo make the returnn authorised and required by law to lay before the houe which was carried nem con mr mackenzie then moved that his notice for in- quiring into the affairs of the welbnul canal com pany be discharged from he order of the day which was done- mr mackenzie moved ihat bis notice on ihe or- d r of the day rhqectin7 takinu the voles on the election ofa sjienkit be discharged- mr- summon ihtmifhl the notice too good to be i oat hedusc ihe ion member had got itltoa jiet uu ac- rotmt of the bouse deciding agmtist his favnrile litea- snre he would tbendbre move in atnendmeni that the clerk shall takedown the yeaa and nays on all elections of speaker and that the same shall he entered on the journals mr ivrry denounced n strong terms the conduct of the hon member lr the second kidinjr of york mr- mackenzie mho appeared lo be playing clul- tlrcu0 play with the business of the house be cause the house did nut see proper to commit the whole ol the money matters of the province to bis lliunageiiietlt he cot np and declared he wunld make 110 further enquiry into any thinir and weemed de icrtntlted lu keep his word was that the way tu advance the interest of iho country wa thai tht conduct of true reprtstsutuiivi of the people sworn to tlo his duly hi hij entiatillieiits the bun inue ber talked much nf wlwt he had sxuirr to but if he ict utlrd ins oath be would not abandon useful hiraatiree mcreh because he could no have every thui hih own way the amendment was carried nem- con next in order wa mr- mackenzies notice for tui address to his excellency rcquenng him lay be- fore li ponrtencew ir houe copp5 of all thr rnlonial and home government oit uvj mi uf ihe grow 11 ollicera and their aiibkg j poiiunient to office and also all corr m r mackenzies expulsion from the house rf he aid he bad no intention of havine this nil the order uf the day fur he thought it w ject which ought to be enquired into by thai h the attorney and solicitor general of thiin bad been dismissed from office under i n und the house ought to enquire into these m ui2s for what they were dismissed and wht1 sous actuated his majestys government u tri undo what they had dune the honmembef vdat length into an account of their dismissal k siirj be could not tell for what cause they t appointed it was currently reported ihaiiwi denied the conduct and langvlur ascribed tr lj oi the debate on loid ioderichs despatch the solicitor general entered very warmly lit great length into the subject- lie said oper would rejoice more than he would to have thai respoudence laid before the hous as it would completely refute ihe calumnies that had leen he3 etl upon him as a man of honor he was am- that it bad been reported he had made ihe most ject confession to the colonial secretary anda nied the language he had used on the occasion furred to hot it was totally false he never ded one word he had used immediately on learning england the step which had been taken regards him be aat down and wrote to his majestys ii vcrmticti and be would be most happy 10 show copy of that letter which he had in his possesion to any gentleman either friend or foe political and then let it be said whether there wat any llw like cringing in it or denying the sentiments whkh be hid always adocaied the contrary ivastbt cas he wished to state distinctly that it wos na fir the part he had taken in the expulsion ofa inert ber of the house that he was put out ofoflice he was not unacquainted with the edbrts winch had been made to prejudice his majestys ministers waftm him by representing him a a person who optow their whole policy towards ibis country but son tislied wtlwt amiable man lord gederidi in te unrd to his conduct that he did all he cuidd to 5 bun restojed to odtce a ffreat deal had often bo aid about the ottcen ofovernroent in this coun try continuing to hold office however much at were opposed to the riew of his majesty govern ment lie had never condescended to reply to su6 remark but he felt ii due to himself when his ta ilor is called in question to state hat be did on one frrlm iri1 nl- vtl u if die council tn support a measure which he nein could and never would support while he xitled un es he heard some better reasons for it than he hid ret heard audthit there might be no doubt nistake on dieauhjeut lie would tell whftlmeanm t was although it was not proper fur liini toduso it wa the clergy hcervc itul bronchi in bvfati hoi friend ihj attorney uenerab lit- would n vote auaint the miiiou uhlwiish he was conjtdeet the ituorniatiou sought fur could not be obtained lur it had been ivfim in ihe mouse of common when moved for it being the prerogative of the grown to appoint ami dismiss its officers viduwt giving reasons for doing 0- mr- pfifcrv remarked that ilir hon nnd jearn solicitor bad made slcii round assertions which he wished the house intake oi his word without qt feriug any proof in support of them per hisfmr l he did not like to do so they might u true or they might not but he felt rather inclined to dispute the correctness of some of them he had ntatcd that il was not for the part he took in the ex- puuiotififa member of that house that he was m mil of office but there he and tiir john colbom were 01 issue cr in w hi fjcjtfy f jj empuiy that be uudcrsioud thai ui behe cttm he though sr john colburnes oltti iftl comrnutiw lioi entitled to as much credit as the hon ami lej etl solicitors assertion- at all events he would lw 10 find out which uf them was correct no en could arise from asking from the information a be would vote for the motion the motion was carried and die address brought in and read a first and second time and read the third time and passed on monday by x majority of one after a ions discussion the business uf monday and tuesday was not of much general public importance principall diflcuitsing the manner of proceeding to try the con tested elections particularly that of the county of leeiu the decision by the casting vote of the speaker in that case wh81 that the witnesses should be brought to the bar of the house of examination instead of appointing commissioners to take the evi deuce in the county from the correspondent a advocate- monpav january 19 the third reading of the ad diets respecting the dismissal of messrs- uarjerman and koul ton took place today the reporter was not present at the cmmmencementofthediscission when be entered mr mctirirr was speaking he air m- said he would oppose this address- ir called for tha production of all documents regarding mr- macken zie expulsion which were very yolurmlouft and necessary to be placed before the public there were other matters of more importance that ought to be attended to a revival of this affair which bad occupied o much time during the last session uonld ho humbly conceived be interfering too much with ihe business of the country and he would there fore oppose it mr mackenzie was convinced and he hoped to hiing a similir conviction to the mind of eery hon member that lieard him that it was the dutv of this house to vote for the address the dearest rights ol freemen were outrageously and unconstitutional ly violated and traa this to be suffered to pass by without iuqillrittff if it were only for ihe purpose of preventing a similar recurrence he did not wish to mm the representation of the people banded over to the prejudice und caprice of political partisans- h wjahed it should be maintained with dignity on tin- secure basis of the constitution and the aw was the investigation of such a subject an unneces sary interference with the business of the country or what was more essentially its duty and its in terest than lo sift it to lh3 very bottom- in what ever way he viewed it it appeared to him a subject lull of importance it was important that the dignity nf tin- mouse should be maintained inviolate it wai important that the privileges of its members should remain unimpaired it war important that no portion tti lite constituency of the enuniry should be left un represented and above all it was important that the public should be made acquainted with every miutiie ciicumsiaiice of the puriicular case to which he hat reference that they may be enabled to form ui honest and cornct judgment of its character lie bopul ibeu that no ht0 irentlenkin would bede rerrcd rmi ihe honest ilisclmre of his duty by the minify sophistry that the consideration of this hut lion would be an unnecessary intcrfetvnee with the hilmiicrtsof ulocouotry lie really tell astonished i healing such statements coming from gent lerufn who never felt a scruple at dissipating the timi f

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