uuboiean hftbllioence from ihc w yor commercial auveniher january im one dat later tron evbope london popart of the 17lh nnd livrrpcml of ihe 18h have bn received by the ship conatiouon from liverpool which vessel flailed on he evening of ihe 18ih of december the official gazette confirms the appointment crcabinet ministers ns published in inal evening s i appoint- i having been asserted 0 ut lien- a nor had received a letter frnm ih linstoil affftin ordering him etrto cxiwi of beiimtpnwcetittd tor high iw has puhushcd u statement ilcnyioff i crivml any snob leticr he says lie i- cuhiilrv on private bifcilie a rn i pledge asked and freely given- hur vcnu- k- of wel- rtucr penally gen 0x3 lriiii m i iils n a live i olmlitrnce ic wish f u few daya vote commercial the following additional api menti were announced on the itlh joint secretarie of the treasury sir george clark and sir 1 fremantlc secretary 10 the admiralty right hon u k under secretary for foreign aflmff fiorf mfboih the colonial department and the duchy 01 xincaeter remain vatthtti and no under secretary has vex been appoinitd for the home defmrrment lord lowther is expected to he the thief cum- misioner of woods mid forests the additional irish appointments are- mr serjeant penncfather attorney general mr devenshtr jiickunnsolicilor jrnerak sir william gusaet is ilk to continue under se the appointments arc all from the ranks of the conservators the queen iw also recalled to her household earl howe and the kail of denbigh the former of whom wn dismissed at the express gallon of earl grey in eoiwequortcc of inn n gainst the reform hill cheat britain it w helieved thai pari anient would be dissolved by proclamation on the 26th of december the accounts from all pairs ollherouniry were favnrn- bletothenew almiterft a letter from btnidoii unyn the debated party of the destructives tire mo anxious to report lhal difierences exir between lite high tories and the moderate conservative party this however is merely l wish that is farther to the thought the former are perfectly aware that the government imist be carried on with a spe cie of liberalism consonant to public opinion and that the refonn of abuses had better be entrusted to the true friends of the constitution than to those who would make them a preiex to level the ahar and the throne- it is generally understood fail one of the lint acts of the new government will he the introduction of an important measure for the re lief of the agricultural interests while the larje towns will in the first session of the new parliament receive the boon of a relief from the window tax certain substitutes will be found for a portion of the revenue thus given up and the remainder will be made good by that system of retrenchment and economy upon which the new government will be based it is understood lha sir hubert peel and the ouke have differed on the subject of a dissolution sir robert being strongly opposed to it but tin- composition of this genuine cabinet of tories neens- iates resource to the measure such an alien go vernment would assuredly meet with no untimely end at the fire meeting of the present houe of com mon what expectations of existence it can have in any new parliament we are at a loss to ima gine the most sanguine of the tories do not cal culate on onethird of the forthcoming kepre na tives of the people a moreinsan or reckless sei zure of executive authority frfta never hazarded in any desperate parly in the history of iiittmis wis never recollect a gtcflier burst of amazement than when this despicable combination ofpubhoincm wa announced all reflecting tories hae for days unreservedly declared their cum iction that it would be impossible to obtain a ministry capable of resist ing for a quarter of a year the assault of an oppo sition in the common consequent on the reform ol the representative syein ifuhe new ministers have adopted the principles of their predecessors what occasion is there lor their own services should they not pursue the same policiy ladvday will he the termination ul their teniae of office if they be cortfonners what confidence will be be hereafter placed iu tir integri ty of public men but the very nature of the men their political ignorance and recorded insults ol sublic opinion their votes agaiost pailiamentir efonn their horror of the measure and opposi tion to its certain consequences their utter blind ness to the signs of the times their hatred and contempt of the spirit of the age leave no doubt an io their policy and the annuuncumeit will occa sion butone general expression of disgust through out the kingdom the days of the tories are ai last numbered selfdestruniun i the uinl end uiauch a tmidml jinimj u kobeil peel will rue the hour when he departed horn bis propriety and surrendered his own cool judgment to the attraction of the court the thing is too odious and con temptible for serious discussion we now call on the reformers of england wales scotland and ireland to fly to their posts the electors have the will and the power to cast out the unclean thing let them give ear to no tuuoh ton- gued professions however ciafiy old enemies with new faces are the most dangerous foes the liberal electors must cast aside all minor and local differences one more struggle and the tories the enemies of the people will be put down and tor ever extinguished as a faction the people of ireland when they sec themselves delivered over to mr goulbum will surely have no difficulty in anticipating their destiny nl think of placing the most blgotted man in the em pire one whose opinions are a subject ot wonder ment to the most decided tories the people of ireland and the english dissenters will understand the insult the following scrap of english news is from a french paper maraucc of the princess victoria our ar rivals from germany mention that a marriage has been determined on between her royal hfgliue the princess victoria presumptive heires thrnueof great britain and biff royal 11 prince william alexander constantine tl abstain from interfering in politics v he has to remain in m- tiie exroyal family a 1mw from paris bsvfl the entire household nftllt i j at ivigm have been greatly excited and rncom j r return of the tories to power ia knfliiil the party of the ducltem ol herr j arrival of the duk of wellington i wer iu en- bind the certain overthrow of the itvn nj so- veivignty of louis philipe and is ftuu mis to lequire immediate assistance to etubhli unu on tin- throne of his ancefitor they w opposed by the moderate party of which the dm t i is the chief lie advised caution ami mnrattun bui has been overruled and there were patched u loudon and hau urohablv reached b dnn r whi oi thrmten th irotqstnnt religion nnd lho x mihiimmihy wliirh it iii miliclil indtlm bwt omd ofavwling ihwime thfi high sheriff relived to comply and s1t w iiiiilioiiit iuhjin 1 1 hold ill nielinj wilhnqlhls wnrhoo- tin following in ilic ili2n sheriff roplv ti lite fspiih dnttl lurcan nov i jctitleiaottt st cntetuunmk ftlihwrt ilinilrt unm tin pmetleal mu1t of the propohllttm iiv nnd l lii sheriff t cmiveiw the ewity f arm2 woulil iu sxeliltdvv rlicious party myelins with nil tin risk iiftlw txu iluttsninthi ivbifli mark iln liutury ofsucti pnicd n icatmnl ibrfl m wil tiv tovoui rrquinitwn rli- rtn- ifiniicq v thv liili iad iinpununtollii whih 1 1nvo lln honor to 111 tmi railed it it i nm lor nu nplniim i wish u slalo rprfolb but nit t injly mii i fail it llrat i itiiiik it very wnni whiu the pfnpla an iii iha iiltivain f niiltitfin ninl fliflmllv iiiir oure to elmck tltir gmwaiie union unci tftndnnyrlhtfpeiiecnfqurixvl pumilation by lni wrim nfi nvill menitusv wwembtins if not reiiitred t jwroiivc- nl av irlnu l he latter put nf your own rcqntritmhi hll- lrr nlisiiniiiinritmiw tiih hrsvy rwpoiwibifity i cainioi imur stmt shcrifl i dtrlim tn swiuar o s partwan uimjj olfirial riitjty or to lprt from tlic just sirt ami mtrntnm if tin lawss- ibttvaths lioiiur tu remain cfiitlmeii riii i mfrvnnt c uinwwruw i de were tl icfaed b the well known count mesuard ami a j uoutiliat in solicit cf your government rtioniy speaking and of the dakr of wellington in pari t imme diate aid and the fall adoption oftllcme of king henry v the due de bordeaux we opine however that neither the little couit tc charles x nor the other ahsnlirtisw an ihecomi- nnt hate much to expect from the ue english ad ministration even sin old they he hli to hold then places for six mouths whicll ia 80ititiat doubt iul meantime the exriug is stated by a lerinan paper to be eticaped in a negotiation to purcltase the ffratid domain of inachod situated on the frontier ol the couttty otcilutsj encircling the ni3iniliccnt cas- lie of uauborscbuiz with nil its treasures of the hie trls ol italy this domain belonged to wal- iensticn and latterly to the prince ol ivcaloinminl the exiled monarch is in a state ofgrat activity and his countenance is serene the arrival of se veral strangers of distinction has restore i some hope to him and his attendant who itnanc that the ministerial crisis in two great states ntiy exercise an influence advantageous for his caiim and bring about if not immediately and ostensibly at least in directly a desirable amelioration the duke of bordeaux a favorite of the intimate einle of rad- schin consoles he exiles by his graceful and amia ble manr era the prince seems like h sta- the har binger of happier days russia and france people have ung consi dered as a joke the announcement of u cliim made by the emperor of kuwia as invested with die rights of poland to a considerable indemnity which he pretends to bedue by france tn r nation iu consequence of the wnrsofl it is stated that rhe indeumttv 4 homed misckllaky the silveh sxttf box ffrptt ig 1s4- pjcas hir finding myself 3 little ovcrn mnmli incu rtnifl from iroviiknceto wunestei with a pru who tin witli irt- lial no ic ni is oa nappy lire e him- dn and fifty million ond iliit piint i conmnsvioneu t demand the payment if it it i affirmed today that the claim is serums thai m be dnrumenis in support of it have been lecuiiud by ilie uusssian lcutioii and that it is believe i that every thing mnv be hoped from the usial comiplui- ance of the doctrhtain cabinet lonoon dec 15 leters frnni drneral mitia one dated the 6th insicnt and the nuwt luo ttf irnin alday have been received ii the city it is said that zumalacarrcfftiy ha big found that mime n i ii ofiicers were iu correspondence with mii slm- 15 of them general miiia adds motruu iri- turned to pampelunn during my person 1 have not been note in uieei rriih fheenriy nut ttlitati ing we have been very near him but 1 shall fbid some means of meeting him very soon geil milt a is said tribe at the head of l men all old troops and is resolved be says iu ui an end to the business and take exemplary ven geance for the assassination of hi wounded men whom the carlisi chief caused ic be shot at villa franca when he ought to have admired their heroic courage havonnf1 dec 9 we are again authorised and jeneral mina we are ceriaiu i e will not be ie uf to declare that ac hn applied to nn fartign power far an armed intervention in tltr affairs of fipam we again repeat ihat the general is determined on opposing with all his micht any stub measure and that he would even join the carlists and fight at their head to repel the invaders the carlist forces miice mina has assumed ihu command aresaid to have scattered more into gue rillas than during rodips command they thus intercept all communications round pampeluiia ex cept tbev be conveyed by a strong force the v clliuirioji niiiouv 15 mm to eutertjot in- very friendly feelings towards the queen of spain it is reported and generally believed in naval cir- cles says a london apcr that orders have been al ready sent out to cur vessels emitting olt the coast ofpain directing them not to interfere with the f entry ofany vessels into the parts of that count rv and consequently as there are no spanish xesels on 11 coast the whole nf itic province- be accessible to the parrizians i h carlos who are said to have two or three small cssels laden wiih arms which ihfv wuh to gel landed near hnhim what can tlic clueens u verninentbc about one or two steamers would effectually defend the whole liiteofconfti and every ahiindauee of arms and ammunition within the reach of general mina the sou newspaper say jjreat preparations are making to oppose lie new iriinistrv at liverpool oxford manchrster sulford loll imford leeds leicester lludderiield hritail devi it 1 port ncweasile truro aberdeen hifiningbam ius- gow dnd other places in town meetings were held yesterday and last night in the parishes ol marylebont sr marlinvintlief iolds st paul air in lln ind still in ippcvance the remains of a eiillcniau anj rettiarl in thai it every public houac he drank himly nr sonic olunr liquhl art asuiicii ajur itafehorse dvank pure water i at length uked him if hrs found the liquor on that route so ic marknblc for its superior quality as to induce him to have 5u h frequent recourse to it or if he really thought it old him good i a to itn quality sir emd hc am not aware that it is butter than what t find ut other sections of our country hm i atn sure what hulc i drink dc tor qodlftd my bealth i excellent thatistosav with te few eepuuns uu ri- mn in the mommy foremupu utftns 1 feel somen hut iix- i v anil deprofsed but 1 jrond srlas of slin mttt me to nhis and by occasionally takin a glart tliruih tin day 1 feel in gum aprriuodul bid time andtfattscimrtinisi happens i hav little or no appetite tor ruy mials o nioderjle ylas ut uraiidv and tvsttfr will generally cr ite an appntil nnd hit uu co felidi my mul tlnuh i am onietiuic tnuhkd uiditrestioii but i never uiaku a practice ttf duiiking to m jury well sir aid i 1 have ibosaitsglcfion tonsure you hat my halth i oxcetlmitaho without epcrienc nz nny d the ills of which you complain having cootiued myself pruin- pall to pure water for everal years part and or the lasi thirty yeih 1 am not aware oflmvitig drank half a pint far- dmt apirifab tju saying tbif i had the nuforiuitc 01 as ittventuated i may say the fiood fortune oflakin a pinch ofsntfe f aid the gentleinan do you think th it nult of wlueli to say tin least you seem to tako q pmeli at often as i lake rog docs you any good sir i replied 1 exceedingly regret the necessity which oblige uie tu have recourse to this ile practice hut in cuntcc- ofccwc nf my physician recommended stuilfamhe oet re med and in accordance with his prescription i have been cnnipidled to lake it incc several years avelt ir said tcnilcmaii yourcaso is precisely niin i have ftfbu stomach and have loiu been compiled ul ittlw an ocamiiil drop of spirit fin ttn rrliefuul nmohuoit u it is posaitde raid i to myself thai tuy mkmg fhiuiti should serve ai pretext for drtilkanln to tuili pcrhajis uirtn tbeir vool ami hmty and i silently resolved lhal ev or mi eyei hy the trace of tiod aislinz i would dcttttft from taking a pinch lor 011c loonth and if m ihe rptrtiin of ihn prnod 1iiv vvesutltncd no utroilvciucmc i hvuilld joluel rtmmum e lhal pernicious ncaetice in order let rirdde inn thu belter to lesl iho stnnpth of aiy resolution to rcmt temptation i merely transferred my iha from my waistcoat to my ptntiloon pocket wire it hs iv- inaincd for altemunth without my luvinz taken t siujle hocll of ihe poisonous dhltf mid inv v praised be sou lit whole of the cultivated country and river another momtnt thr sandstorm mingled with rain had reached us thciiver the earth the kvj every thins was hidden from our bight myhcrf bahlitattil iohntl my lunrs seemed a if thy wmld burt i cniild scarrelv breathe lest there fore ii r- should be snlfoeated as many irave beonhy thisdusieilltlitjwe wrapped our heads in ourcloakn and binding down our faces towards the earth allowed the storm to exqand the first blat of its furv belbtv we aiiu darnl to look up iether of us uttered a word but when the low fearful rosliiiff which accompanied the pacing 0 ioc sand had paitly abattd 1 ventured to addrei my ronimanion whin like myself had experienced a kuliocatinr leebmr clurinsr the utonn or rather du- 11113 the whtiling along oftlie band for the tempest still cemliiiited in nil its fury wc now however beian iu think of our hoals ilasreniitl therefore down along the bank in the midst of torrents of mil ci all i disc e to the iherrew h leine orive vtrwl my kanjia horc and soluijiiau irdoonly cnilpised ii 1 out into the iier nile vexed at a distance drawn i with the reft and iu preventing it from ind sunk for the of the glnte mcond irtin eivaiiuci vnpiiauruir trie ron of his royal highness ihe prince of ornnsc this alliance would be the pnhftge of ihe nmin timateaird friendly relations lietwunn the t ether- it would enhance ifpoibh house ni iirandviibune and till lands and rutland the splendor of the family f russia the first meet lion mei at the cm of december whet duuamm wsit ed the meeting and propostd mveral new inetnlhts among them mr lyn h ofialway some otbei memhars of parbatneot lithrs the following is contained in n letttfi datd drodffheda dec 3 yon will see closed aiinihi hills that a cruskdt- for ip0fty hi comomneed hru qg of the new antory asncia- uexelrniii in dublin on ihe i lid iebnezer jacob er m l dn- 1 the chan mi oconm1 ntlund- irreat ed their goodb to be tlimrantuti by the en niinist4r inunlior o the btsciiyu within it will covinl iardei ditch etc at al feat no tory last evening their hall in hai wulsflhl down to 1 louardv fmbury st ol which hut 0310 pini wufl ministrr the utikvrs company dined plaiie towtrrstrefft when 300 pi rkms thechantn inner mr i inre lani- ai propsed the health of the km- f was received willi the most rrimrniloits hontin mr larkiurt endeavored 10 oast hut ho was mim hv cries olo nil irom tbrefooitov of tl in 311 id piupoml hisiiiy eofirce llie ami groans applause 1 hair but the satne 1 in oiiimiiiced the mifioi but ihe ci 1 fh the demand of th v the uev john magee mil tbrefouitiis of the aseinhly the chairman m wiiii tried to lesion irilcr and after a seem ol real upioar the toam was withdrawn nmidsi imul i itr clnecn was to be gtcn from u the ineetuti leeeived the proposition in nanner ami ihey wrre almost rmaiiitltmis vhll prnfesionnl htmitlomen then al riiihotn nf a save the nnpany refused to listen tr it with ks ol the most decided disapprobation the mntrrs were compelled lo desist and rule iui- rminm wa 3d intituled which was well received ntirm arumh- jrmi or tut llmu shftftlrp tocohtwie a rftnrmaxt mcctiko a reqmilioa mnedhy 50 prote- roahimuoi cmmiv ol aruuh matiy ofirhwi am- jjrui tvi prenod on hu 3u ult lo ile high shoritf iv- lunnghim tocaiiamccmj to uko into canjdraet a ki ui mlveieo tiinpi crt tuie mid ilwljei tu receive a irop raee ovt dim w- w mi meoneiiienie i h re with ii ivillic plea 111 ffenriuiif ou my uuiriiot wluelt plami ry piunol t th il il ill mis un mrcttruu stuff taker j tttt iipite y lllfl llll ii wa out o now e rtirtide himself emancipated from lri5 nirilbl wl dijuming hatnt iuu who rcottltfleilllj to nil htluiltllkof rlnwit or smokers uftoltao lu do likewise ncratflutt jourutl imempei unci- is a disease of the stomach tins its frt rrisli heat naturally poim out and cold water ts of course the remedy of cold counteracts eitrcs heat tisthc rcimdy nl nature her self tis a law of god whirll i- superior audioes before that ol man kor the hiws nf man aie not strotfenociffh to save a fellow creature when cicu to strong drink o they are hoc tere must be help and hat help is water therefore whenever you eel an inclination to drink spirituous liquor grog drink cool fresh water till the stomach yea fail not infill the stomach with cool fresh water and inn very intemperate person t tis effectual and on the following princi ples the system brings about a cure principle of cure 1st cold water taken into the stomach is a bttb stitutefor and counteracts the desire for spirituous liquors 2d cold water qunchea the artificial heat caused by drinking spirituous liquor 3rd cold water produces a disgust for spirituous liquoi and this very disgust is the object the secret ot en re and now my friend and brethent taking the counsel thus put forth will find that a sober life is a good life 7 a paving of our health 1 tis a siimr of our time tis a sa ing of our credtl and what is more tlui nlltis a soft which is more precitus than a ihinys in the whole world and in contduai m kin reader let us olter u prayer to the giver of all thing for having givei 10 us f a core for ivtempkkante in toe kh of temprravoe itselk vea jnd ivlwduire thought it f k i that in the very e um o temperance tre have given tow a run far intttpcnntm drairectl sand st0km the whde horioi cm ihe edtfe ot tin- i bi an desert wan ul- ure i by a dense cloud ol h black and lurid rtdutir lushed with a deep blood- rd excepting during i typhoon a term usually applied to the storm wheh occhc ir the indian ocean but equally applicable to those wind ex the narrow ami dmgcroiia se 0 greece in the mc- setoiiao nilf near cnpc vlathpnu i have never witnessed sonwful an atnvpheric pheuomen the wind as yet bbw but fahltl still no one culd doubt from the whole aspect r nature that a hurricane was at bam and in a fe minutes those big heavy lirh tisiiallv preeebea teiupest began to c weivout on a lre open country like a heath but at tlicdistane of about a hall a league wards the south there wsa small wood of mioosa in all baste for uiv paces hefon ly the whblwiud resembled a temper tuoos sea black with mud tearing up its banks and tossing hither and thither our frail batkjike a nut shell five stroiil ropes made fast to dtltercnt parra of the vessel and held by every hand we could muster were barely sufficient to prevent it from hf inj lust for though the heavy rain had beaten down the cloudfl of sand the wind appeared to in crease in vehemence every moment 5 johns hgjjd und yhthammtd ail ciififsfi at tka ptnguis et in gratis premtrttvr rvijtrtr li- ucforc the knghsh throv vidk rttln upon any transatlantic custom that suite not their hwlr- they fhonld consider that many usages al prenyl pve aleni mi this side of the atlanttc were nriirifinlly imported fruii the mother country one ol ilit pceiisarilie of american meals most dis siitiii to the refncmvni and olfactory nerves of kilululs travellers in the intrnduction of cheese ut iw tnalnldi two passages however with which i have lately met ia the course of my desultory readme fully shew thai this was originally an eu ropean custom and existed not onlv miong the ruth inhabitants of be western llrs of scotland bill even amoiltf their more polished neighbors and old allies the isnrnpttnn french the poet a ray iu a letter to hismoijur writtenat khnms in 1779 thus describes the actionable mtde of spending an ec ting in that city as soon ua yon enter the lady of tit house presents each nf yon a card ami ollerh you a party at qoarf- 1 illc you it down and play forty deals without m- ii mission excepting one quarter nf an hour when every bnd ris toeat of what they call lutguvter which sup i es thtptuct nf our nand is a service ol wine hutus uim vca meats craw firfi and carefp i jidiuson visited the lltuidc m 177j speaking of the mode of living in thuat idland gb serves tlo what 1 fmnid it not very env rndore ilisy pollute tmttutuoifi ly plates mud with large slices of chehire thitie wliieh minrie u i44 yrl hill odeix with llu fagranee of the the worthy doctor he very prmirrly rcnenaj th dignity trlierrd to bi lavvrile beverace wliuh he had previously defead d against the redicolousab lack 1 of joojs lanway it is v known that the western mvnaduncd idea us emigrated in hta milbi to innrlh ameri- a sunjiusing therefore lave been previously unknown to lllccxiicd dotibtlcis carried aloi with them n fact which would entitle it to a uritbfa nriiii hut a moincuts consideration of this hiehl gaud tmpormnt subject will convince ihc ry it die custom mnbe dtcd euiieicol period that the arrival of 1 in the united provinces r intruder upon tea abue it esewa in use as an evening when a small quantity of brnmzhtnvcr from kolbnl saving of our ii ttie precious au9e drops fall w ti lmv towards winch we shelter and had not ad the rain disentitled wiih 1 we could base readied s bero drenched to the ski beimrlar behind mthin rnceded hired many p mt violence so thar ere wood we should have in this dihiuuia boats veik lelt us inn to croueh down beneath the low tularin imlbank whirb marked the last rise nf tl iuundaiiou when ttt had ren amrda few monmts in on lilliniff up my bead i ikiij sprctaelc of irrniir 1 obscured ihelandsiiine ifj miulli hut in the wcl iviiiir tort h i prodiffiimis qunntit i di b hurlinsj it aloft x nnes like tin puiuko o dsening the whole face 01 when the ltmilords of their rents the urbi iihh ethtntil to die new world ivt interesting ami learned auticpi from a still m the hi britlean who call cheee an wronjrfully for die meal i0115 before it tea was lor the lirsi into england by the lords arlington and ottorf the modem english have substituted tea for tfasw viands winch their aicestera supped on before the introduction of the chinese leaf whweas their trany at itm tic inraihrcn have retained the old dishes thiit graced ihe old supper table of the filpim father addiiijrtu tiitir vesper meal the beverage of the mandarins as a grateful and fragrant auxiliary ill huigliiu thctcforc at tliiy pollution of the american teatable we laugh at the sons of the mew world lor fulling the customs of the fathers in theuw- toronto courier ay angrf tep a coiycspoirfenf in one of the cincinnati papers states thai a coloured womm aged 1g1 years i now exliihirins at one of their imweuins she ia siid to have belonged t the father of washington and appears to have all her facilities except sight which she has been deprived of go years before which time however she frc- prnrly had the pleasure of seeing our beloved washington her memory seems to be acute she recoiled having joined the church about 110 years since ami says she has received great hap fromjiavinc done so it seems that she has iitcrestiny virions the relations had several vcrv nf which are extremely interesting pnotrincxai mr siinson m i3siona hya ppoi ntm ents lord presilcni of iho ciiirprenrc and mi supmntendontnrslijsiorw will hold nationtry uvlmam the tilluwiii idaccx mmdiv january 19 dundos missionary m ding 7 p m 20 bowmans gu cl do 6 p ii sail spring 6 p m forenoon bmntfonl mission mating 6 p m ii it tuesday wednesday thursday sinc dav fridv jan 23 sunday m 2t santo iav mondur 2fi ruanday 87 i ii wrjnetdayssj tluirniivso frily 30 satulay feb1 it i monday m 2 tiimday 3 iuxallcfttinnf pntshicm will ik 28 inccrsol london mr ioni uuiwy town mr siinson do mr lord london missionary meeting nnrlli strrci westminster hiirdicks voodlimuo mounl pleasant gmaford village oxfird uo 6 p h l am m am 7 pm 6 pm 1h am malnhidc ml meetings 7 p 51 do it c4 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 10 am 6 pm 6 pm 6 prm iraiuleur lllukdllvlllg l oumls luv nurili cast lilt uhirluiutl ofsand in ilic libya info theuir in urgii n capital ciiy on iiio missionary mttting onkvililr do will bo made m the hborti ptsoqft th ism hers win tm kind enough to give nofiraon the prcriom s imniiji and hi m- rtcry neccorv irranjrment for tne meet- itlijn ii ii njiccud slf cuo wift attend kovcrll nf iho nicrt- chnstinn guardian 0aaiittiovtiiq following gcnilcmcn wcro ordained on sihdriy jainmv i ih in s jamrx church toronto by at nulrr rilit i cr at lirlmir iii dnitttnt 51 i i uihnp of qiifhcc avrttd thorns brock fuller 1 kfcllliilvcllllrtsllj 5lnntrrj rhr pmvin c of ii wer canada jiiiie campbell vat ami mm riuirt ilirncr mi i tiicr assistant mi i ind pieacfc mr williwi i hcjcl and seeming ir ratio uj nn aion pmlriihi i liviwrd lo ibo caionfoouin ilic newly foiai- rnmnriing tlm towntliifm f gldufbrd awl bin- k iiii t tetnwnhip f salnlrct in thu goio d iinicni ippercanndii firptf i lit iwed the chaigp nf travolling 314iof- diiiiri iwipfu nftprcanid ft f r cnr rnloui r oil misinn hr ici mt n e wit uf ifc i