Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 20, 1835, p. 2

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m rrrnri i wiillaci- mid plilvwrecks 1i vr s w stair he inw of ilic mf brie sir wiiiiii nhirun of ilii place bumiil fr j alhn fnim iihiwc near lliu uunlvf ihelittflorihc lli-liriu- ikic 1 it b wi- nhlinus storms ncmmipniihril ini the im wuuiii fat ofhuil nnj riiltomy h- iv toll 11 third lihlw ill in mill 1 hi irimli w 1 tin im i vt iii rfiimui ilv i n np 1w- i- him- j a h 1- ii1i i lliu ihhu i j t mi- ttll ll t i 111 i 4 v 4 t i l tllf sir w 11uil mitrb ttiifr 1 tl uri of die w nr i mnytul tn cm inhabitant at tins iarty liamwallftco made ib land bwln hcmi 11u by captain either lick but an- on- onh rnrdiiur tl row c bav uw wtfrsf ittid 10 wuul nluwiiie ever iitfsstblu exertion an dersnn te his crew in clear it 01 happily viiltoim eiveri- a chance- of mtfuff the mitp and crow utptan derson ran in- vessel ml 1 a su only plarc oi shelter wiitf llut ilusrer ol island kilih as would hvn wlwrwd by the most ex- pnini vl name and taw u to anchor surh however lh estreiik violence ol uw rale on tlic inonnigol friday ihtsmu ihutoiwuf the-ou- er micho broke with upwards of a hundred la- thorn of chain outs wid ihehert hii bt-iixtilii- cirrit rn ride the vessel winch had now driven ele ci the rorks as the ulsl and only alternative t lit y wrrt slipped and the vcwffl run into ihe blat itact which presented itself about half past two oclock am fier nmhrgomt incredible hiirtsdiips ex posed a ihev were h the fury of the storm kith a renuiidous jwsi imttkilue cowjimi and almost incufeant brcuvh over tliu veswl for two days so as to distrov tin iiruviiuhv ific ervw us u coniiwtv ly cxhansicd with excrtiun and privatiun that the- v yrr in the greatest danger uf perishing as on their perilous situatiun hein itiscuvervu in thu ihortllh no assistance could he afforded from the allow ai thta awful crisis a cask with a rope attached to it was launched frotll the vessel and hating drifird towards the wcksj was secured by the natives and the ropt made iu1 and a a geiunutl lat llijf by hi- meaitvj reaeljed the sli ro one of tlie ihipv houtij iih the rciniiti niu part of the crew wus with ifieat dillcuhv and danger wniped to the land when ik johabiiants rendered uch valuable ashtdianccs thai to their prnieuorthy exertiuns at the rik of their own liven is in a great measure attributed tile the safety of ihcshtpw recked mariners the ve- ftif having struck a ledge of rocks before reaching the chore had a great pa it of her keel iurnaviy and is otherwise so much damaged as to be a total wreck but a considerable part of the cargo wan expected to be saved about half pnst six oclock 011 the evcutnol tuesday the fourth current he luhermen at kat- iray discovered a veel on shore on that dalteruus reef called rattrav hiiihs about feigil miles north from peierhrud and about three quarter of a intle from tir lt ltd itihiimaiioii iwving bevn win to the coat juard station he oflirer was itistutitli on the beach willi his crew h was blowing a heav gale of wmd from s v and titttvurfwns r tremendous that no boat could venture oil- hlue and other lights were continued to lie burnt hv rie coast ciuard inull lujdmgstt but ho light could be described from the tesel nor any miths uf iht crew being on board soon after midnight the ves sel disappeared and it i feaied it tiiiidt be added that all on board have perished at day light next morning it was discovered that the esel had driven over the reef into deep water so that the tops of her masts were barely visible a boat was sent out when it was found that the illfited vessel was a schooner of about sixty ions burden the main boom ill a small pan ol the main ii utluch- ed was brought on 10iw the boom lia the appear ance of being old and is painted black it iimj be fore been painted while and bulb coluia ate in eral places worn ofl the mainail lias had luiru a new boltrope and breath of new cutivas put into the leeleach ofit both topmasts are broken the main had a vane with an arrow point made of wood and darkred or purple bunting both main maxts are painted white and the topsailyard is black- the maintopmast appears to have been made from a small spar with no more than the bark taken off and the inatuboom has a mark oi- it as if the sheet had been formerly about a fool further out ward the mstbeads are occasionally to be sicti and it is to be inferred that the vessel has nui broken up a iuitlphrakc has come on hoie with the word boston branded on each hide oi it steps have been taken by the viceadmiral depute at fe lei head to ecunsuch parts uf the wreck as ilia htft mi shufc hni nun the hcmtioii theliip lie tn very little can be done to save any thing in other means rmhitr irf t dl r psu ni ilii- i nl t- m tk i in- an aiikiik- li jtipow- hmlum uti 4twm i- ia tin rv nl lu- ttnif m 1 nwk 1 the im miv h4 th i i 1 ttiiniii a m siivv run m ii nwrtrti n lln m vnl i 1 thi will m nt nlt ihir 101 l ililayim florin wlnt ni-vuii-ltmk- dwll iir mv jiulai p rwi- def tlitr micom himtl pfril- r tilths eilv at stuidownlaewnitis tin- ua ami uarhpieeiuetlahhrexi- the wlmu mirlaeeufihe wttir an wiwj wh his aal im- mrtims cakm id llnann- ice w ol iill plid hi hiith astoreseniihhnp- min rapid siieesnhin ttith ulc rhaiigin curut ufthe wind and tide and ihw rv moment iiry- 111- the sc tiuimrd m mmtf i uiumiitia irtr weroived the residence of mr lwrp im r w ws diaie ndjuhmib ihe ire has suffered a litlte vl a tefflf ivmn the lames ills funiiture as well as that of mr augustine ivrrault who lived next door was n omvrd m rood lime but itnt without surteriiejenu- nl table damaite wv learn tli whisi ma probably aiiumnl to t mr slurps loss ihuut cimk was wi we can not state ksi wji might create an improovf jtillcti against thu aceuwd j- p vskoiitrxmc atfray a most unforlunaic affray wi plac- oil wciiiimtlay cvciiin kimike cny of ottrnitu livohi mr acry vfiht n of whitmg avcrv w citv and sliemon meknight ui- editor of the i r pre irliichtwminateu in die deatfa of mr bmoomu gfs drinkino a loudon papei sa8f that to supply one gin palace in that metropolis 9 horses drawing 3 large waggons loaded with the baneful liquo- are sefiil every quarter of ihe rai proressiiur m a sun of procession and that aiv uoasied thit on a saturday uiifhl a iraiueaa iiiinitte has been taken aceross the bar no wonder that the progress of politkal reform issnw when the money thu should he expeudrd tu uniror iheii own mtuds and educate iheir children and pitpare them fat the enjuvmoim of rational hnerty is thus abused to hind still laster the riuis of lllcllul and moial degradation pioutc prw naturk f5 srtmelfm3 for repairing tin vital enrrcvof l human vmcm fuiiminud by daily expenditure gil has in idea well idapud priisiur do thai pmvbfca unjt infrpcraddt sttmvtttion arcflcciing ijjj mav fcerlntthi- luppwition 1 absurd in what then dow it corni in ways and picau the rmj content fjfrom ilimhlhtims in wnv and mcam whoso oljncl i to mtcii tin proems of wetted a trz to calm mouihr ru bring back lie rlrcublion and hit irritability to the stale oi qiticl unrtuh stntr tffattn nn both and mmrf tfccuimfafe nor power thcsr w and mean arc f andresi suhi as mdivldiml rxpuicino i to be most congenial and ihltritiaii ainl wf 111 iu twiiitmal 6ro firl ihat if hort usalim riuim the day lr e- verc hfor in a revumbeul pilinn or n leant wiih tin h- qppnrt d m a ho frontal rant mkv hat tiirh atturei wvu restorer balmy tlp ijr ptjc smith hat almanac we have jren almnnar f all oi1 holi oral coml scifntilie and leir krmv mny moiu- but a hat airmnac i n fonn of lite cnih w oevtir condi hrtv implied or rnneen ed lr i iwwr irrv ritimw m nn intend tr fflufij in ruwft q liir tnrdv a i convenient liniei om ofduors wu rai umu avicm iiic time and i b r uncmvrll lh flwr imwr to whom iionor i j tin nwi ome oj er noun ana vi ifl mo bnunr fc w v i rail imltj been candid tu have baid this x k tom frff pmw race john c stoan fofnvi4 rirrbv omc jmh suirofllrcta prize of mflal m themn 2 uuld perform the pcltmn foot oun nul iu a h ruf ten m for on foolthe distance ton nnlvv ium s jul perform it iaoue ho uy wdi bctvn pur will be c to the wmneror i bod upon thu lms which flhow vi ssflftj s ffpin 11- the scene it pamhd 11 wihitf j mhiuhiiu uul hv the hatn nfrtw iiisiwsifj- al n i lietnre could he cukwi vh a hour urfel nr ueimibont could he dirertiom n nr- puhvmhiic raielv nvirm- m this imrhuiir liiwl dtli uhv wi- irxnri sired hy th- uuhnats 1 1 ps- sing thrim the rfteiuotn to jiny and uru silyil but htruiige as it niuv appear they cirue p ami went down u jftulen i during he day us muni uul it is a singular fiict thai while the ktversii particular jteawnshnhcen hlneked up so as to pre sent the prrrv boats lvm erussintf the naiiioti ttj titaten ifumi hai not hem inirrrnpted smcr ute memorable wintf iti when caution were brought to the city irmtithat maud on thu lew 6 tilr uuemir0ieofliincv yorkpapnsha- viug exprpeti an opinion on the strength ovvut letters from inris lhaian appropriation widd he made for carrying the treaty inioelvect the national intelligencer expresses a contrary opinion urawn from a geuilenian uf high respectahility iu tlie v vncb capital the general impression here is that the 1 haiti- inrs will relume the impropriation for the pavm ittul the tweiityiive niillioiisif ivano i have ikd with many ol the dethhios and almost all m that opinion the cpuwhou ih he brought u wir- ly and will he made a ministerial one and x ill uppmpriatiou be not made the ministry wrl g not fa pjtovincial doivmtig lfrtth xovemhit genllencn i am tlirecled hy the eeiet v l state to aquaint you thar ahhough some ci muiicch ohluetl ins predeeessor ti lay miirr km t n deiinitivuuiiswur to his toiferf i he hh nhinu the subject nf it appears not to have escaped his eeu- tloll his notice inhed luid hern chwn mill mfveral quarters tu the pralitiimtion v bit h m v experienced in the pritieipnl uriltvh ptiseitw hi nrth anienca if they wve poided with miu ul 1 he works published iii bmrland wiili so mmli mre nnd at so nuih expense hv the it ecu n i cthiuui sioitt it is almost neeoless to say thit ii sti iuu wth wln elt 10 seize so ftletnuic an occaioj ululii tilt 10 his mjritys siibftcts in north america a iken of he regard felt fortbeiu by tho rovrntincatol tin mother co antrv and also ol itirnihinif them with thv milmusoi chei ibhiug that interest whirl i ii tx hi h hoped they may long retain in the litory and in- ktiwtioiisof this kingdom an anpiicition there lore was made oil the suhject to the couuuusiunets nf keeords and i have now the pleasure in ltjaaim von that they will be ready to supply a number ni their pahlieauons to aflbrila copy to each urilish colonv on the continent of nnrih america men sores will be tiken to forwaul ihem without deiv the officer administering tho lovoriiiuutil in the sevetal provinces and to them will he nullified till ditty nf selecting ihe place of deposit in eaeb which most uf course he a ptiblie hhrary of sufji cient permanence seeuntv and extern to ensure the safe keeping of the records and tojustilv the dinn- lion 1 have the honor lu he gentlemen your must obedient servant u ii v john bainbiidge ewi henry blw ei kings bench walk temple fthully unprjiiectei by insurance mrivnauh the w imrli from any pmon jmsmt tnpnetor had tl insured on bi premises and r hut loam from tocond band that messrs avjj land mcknihi met on ihf above evening at a place of publ tl feu fnuii r the u wbersansmrcaiiontookpluau i he fiiily covered- hie nriiriu of this lire is mated to have b ave j rv beina rui hitt jncknon and mr sicknifht ajacksqnmui p looipuekly one o the iron lamps generally s frillll pu altercatiun diremnl to a private affairhs u tub d in ihe stable a spark comillutucatcd to the j wv do not ice i oiiremvc at liberty to repeat when mr one if the ihivs enipluvedon thu pniiibctfi pulling utiicated to th loft above aihl the flailies spread with a rapidity be- ynnil conception wc do nut recollect tn have seen an occasion 1 pave mr mck the he and wastrurk by the latter with b- do of lu ofnn httrtfl and knocked down altur btin ed up he walked home and w nt to bed w nriiiii mr avory discoverj thai he could alien llu fire clubs hilllerto of so much utility io i medical aid was immediately procured but in vain h lll public were ho iuellieieul their funds have expired tu a riiort time after htt situatiun was diovertd been lung agti exhausted and dwytadiioiified ih 4 mimfci 5 j it ww ruuml that in kull hao been traciurea by the tall ta hhhe that they must soon eease as a corps utt tfja a d blood had lodged in the 3 personal exertions went pro death the jury rcttrroed as theii verdict being no the carters thei water at deceased died of a fracture of the ftkulf from a fall r snchies c v a hlovv given by sheldon mekmglit mr mcknifbt on learning the death of mr avery i in mediately surrendtred saturday eenin as far as ihey were freelv riveii but hen hand and no funds to pay were eompatatively idle wc hope this cireum- j stance will induce the public to awaken from its le- i iliari ami come promptly forward with that snip- mi avtyy was a enilemari liighh esteemtd far hi sm port tu which these companies arejustly and deserv hie disposition integrity and candour and hudeath is dp edl entitled 1 nih gaenillylepiarw hy the iihdbitant of detroit we have given tlii lateinenl as it was given to us to cor n ex- ru many eageratcd reports xvhith baegoue abroad should eking jwe uiidincdly have dotic either party injustice we will closure made nurtng tue evening 01 some uutuau 1 on better inrvtmiion chcertully comet the error we cm huihes which had been concealed in the adjoininol lnt close dus article without expressing our unowned regret jtfenfnwsby vve lieelv admit that there is an absolute uecessilv we agree with our brother of the hcrau in ex- preina just jense of indignation at the shocking jwe uiidetuurfly have done either party injustu ilisrlosurc made durin- the evening ofsuiflc human 1 on better inrvtmiion chcertully correct the error or medical men obtaining a correct knowledge 01 ihe int nan frame but these examinations ol the dead uugllllo be coudiicttd in a maimer nut to har row up he fechng of the living nor to expose to he public gaze the reoiui picture of the man gled remains of their felluivbciiiff we trust hat the iestj which experience ought now to teach the yottluj medical men nf this city wjllserveasa salu tary eautiuu for the fuiiie ami tinder this hope we ivliain from mutiouinj names or bringing beluie oilier circumstance connected with this altitir ih 1 reusrti mtujii a man named cin or loyuu a pedlar isyuppuud to liave inen murder ed ill the 1ei11ity oj chatham uudei tlic following a huc whee ie obtained ivom mr- obrien merchant of that ijhv mos mr mel ireunistances loyue it appears after aeknes hail proceeded to london 1 d aek of goods inoiiuiiu m value 10 ing of about seventv do town a 1 iwu hundad dollars wltil ills pack he ret cha ham tlmuo oi ihe eods upon he way up ui thi bouse of michael was acquainted lb nbl mi ol ercdll he had ieceied froil about led to irs wurth in chatham he put leh with whom he smm tf m 11l1t mr olineu and tin eftiles hi had made on the way iruiti lnudun and expressed a determination tu proceed the next day iu balduonm prosecution of ins calling a person present ftiinputied to be 11 deserter from the united fairs semee who heard the enmersatioo said that he also intended logo a rahloon he would arcompauy coyne and iissint him to carry his pack tbrontrh the uimihubitcj part of the way and thai from ilit lmui bv a latt eiiitnuoi7itiiin linim d tjaeiic mr ulta hcindfi common id ai m in loudon it w ill hi wvn thai th ol mimiral it a npj ufu frl t mwkhierv tious iuimj hteti in 4l librrdly jrtiiu i l m hi hv lli ui lys iitviiuikut win u will be cill iiiitml t ifim tie h- lower inindu and od- itpi o ilisjir iyjvn ot ipper ciuada viva ctt i ami xiftv lbitutvitk- i i loiluhb n vt gfwmftttllhvn imtser citlluhuueiitiiiti ulh the f mil oeparaienr ri-p- iw i in priirsfd donutiou nl ilh itiit i 1 works nnhhlipl by lliu lword cmhuibnion i jru hap iitui nml ni mi lint vmi tint it fnmfl pmi t r plan uf miijtiv tfiveruiuiut t 1 jfii livo niiit tt the i i ler i mai toi lo he dp jitetl it lurlin m i ii moiili ai fc laiiii stml tfiill aha i iw iii iii lit hrr 1 so i am iir- hi u llitt si r lr uftatij v m u letillo riil ifxmr hi r of llu ilb ma ftu tint i ill tin ioiitiuiplat ilduhmj4iii nfllie wirks nf ihi ken if til ntiswhirrri iu rite rlm- the ritiisiniiiliff north aid and v ith fnm n 1 to tin remark wiiwt it taiim rnn mi minrira i am hind 1m a mi til you thtt lln tirm it iou of a cum m ihil w ihhv aid llurati cttv iu rbli iv oil i a ii l m lltlllllt 11 pint of lit hajety lowtr tiimrfa iiruunmt imt ltii wlbf iopy lor a mri tif in riv collier iii all arc aailalb ntwbii h it i nrulnwcil inihi iwo n low rrtannlii nun in purr aiiaa one to w itniiimvrck aud one to no beolu i am sir vuur n tibvdt servant k- vt ha- ilinrv rlisi crj liingfi kimirh l nlk tenpk i he re is to a cher t setllectit i one hoa could procure iev it ivom one hfliiso to another- iilitll ill whose preicncc this proposal was made hik ui opportunity tj advise coyne not in go iu uupany with this peraoib as he was a wronger no one there knew aud appeared to be a w iu worthier lei low- but covito won hi uoi he dissuaded us he wished to avail himself of help to curry the ek n company with it u to be observed ibat the call him on leaviun chat- pjck- aeco thnly on the following morning sandav he starlet lor isaldoon iii vipv ilkfortr jcserter for o we hba ham wns iii a state of entire destitution having no money and scarcely sufltcteiit chahes to ruver him in the enursj of a short time h appeared again in ciiam where he purchased uootl clutitme aud aiade himself noted by ins extrrj vugamv iu treating assue vts verv tei frolicking ve oca tfume misjuci on fuk a most destructive lire broke oul on sa hi about s lhu in di uen kt tuuhiy entiling last sir annul s ven ui tl occupied by mr wilhun sham as u liverv widri at the foot of st gnhrirl tftrvei ami in rear nl he champ de masi iinoi tlie eniuliulibie tiatm tlie buihlluts and the ureal tpiautity of bay straw with tthirli they were lid tin lire dr mostiapid progress i it- deirmiive couwe ar a cry hort tittii redtnvt lo ashes a verv e sive nmuy of etahliiut hidi hud been erected mr 5harp icxiruonlinary exeitioris were nettle hy mr sharp and soniegtotlemeu who voltuili their ellnieni uul hi reeniiitf the burses irom l dtvourimr clement oi twutsiynighl that un hi ttie ihubles at the commencement nf tin firr v iyone weru saved oi wbub fifteen lelonged in mr sharp and one meh to k nun linger mr k dyside ofloui ivuii the tliidou v hay co v mr josejiu auiupie and jr w jones were consumed oi twueh iwo helnn t jtibiimin oj maelurhr and one eai assist com iiu piuv mr john orr mr im moi uall air tflmrp and lliu uev mr nault ol mumhly tiie whole mijlu hi all pi oility have been savi bad it not been ior the stuiate refusal uf mr im us hmse to leave ihe ha mr tflmrp had three tuiewkuiveviled inh me him tu the dour imil whs as often pulled by the animal lie fell widi tins hursu at the attempt and was nearh miliorntetl bv the j llig mdtuuiofsmnke btll was prmiilrttlialk letl out 1roili the buihi by nne of his men mttauiiiy ofhiruensaud carriage lunuiuie rn royed but all the earrings both lammerand naturally excited that he had not come honestly by the money which he had expended su lavismy and ullctl interrogated upon the biihjeet he stand that he had nceived it from mr morc mr ol italgoun on whom he bail called fur a sum if m miry which lie owed him for lubur in the mirsrof a few duypcrons on whom coyne had mumltl to call armed at chatham aud reported jin be had not hern sern or hrard of at itauhnii or upon the wa l thil place a blroug buhpicioii tauniueiliaielyawakeued that the unfurtmiate man iad been robbed and murdered by the deserter ami ins mjspieiuu was reduced almost to a certainty bv he lollowbm facts mr iiiriektobinauo a petl- ar had beeo at sandwich about his time and wq enlittdv ignorant of coyup having gone to ualdion r ihni inv learr were eiiterlained of his safety- tti mr tfiibhrs return lor chatham at a taveiu wlirn lnsropprd to rrlwli he founa a man pud- ibirgnmls in a moat tmbusineslike manner as if lw vint utterly unacquainted with their value on mr tobin qiutioiiiiii the man as to where he pur- ih ised hisguurlv he replied that he buiuht them ol mr head chatham when mr tobin arrived u chatham he informed mr read of the circuui- tauce whn assured hint hat he had not sold any tu h floods on einir made acqiirimed with coynes disaipearance aud ihe learsontertnittcd that he had been murdered mr tobin called upon mr sulit who describtul luost uhnotely the articles contained in coynes park villi which those in possesion oi the person met bv mr tobin exactly correspond eae most ihedtreied or the survivor wo feci assured that lr meknirjhthail not ibe shghiest intention of killing or m- rimilv injuring mr ery jvt the retleirtion that though in un unguarded mom ul he hx deprived a felloiv being of lift will we doubt nut riukr hir fate little to be envied bejood that refills deceased 16 ikvriir tiis iilmi mr moblet or chatham juitu our iprr vvagom ltpres5 w g haii gu shewed ui letter froumhe rev mr ktdph anmuuieing that the rer mr morley wa ibuuj dead iu bid bed this morning at acq- htitburj ii rut on ivij iy morning ultj a fire bruke oul in henri un siei t ill tin cuv trd nutwitlutaiidiiig the cluster of tull wundifli ltiukliii the efficiency of the riremanntftppcd it trmte with ihe destruction offivtfofttix liuosci chm t hi friday morning wc made the royal sanction ofih en- iftiil lai bill the suhjeet of a few amiiiii1verion9 on itil utiuatlv flueiiitiinj pliry uf tlie colonial office butwefcf gn m add that mr ritj rice by io tardily iancliomftjl abill wbicli will xpircii the first of next may ha inu unitvd hi mijejstvr approbatiea on a dead teller p ttw blw at itswt o far o dead itftuu that it ecu affect only ont r tv4iol ihccjrlicshiuri uf thu enduing priiig montrui an attempt uf tho mnal udpsfldltm audacity clrf rrstion wa- made verterjuv moriuns ttftbi the hour if eiht ueltiel hv four rfuuach t unliued in the condemno ctllt of tlie of to rucl ibeir e ape iwt whieb vu frusiraie1 by the t planet ii fvacr or i atimmu vhu accntenully -t- ed a ponton fibn an iniulav of a wimbtw iiq the efuund floor to which waseautiuiirly atuewdalonkingu which would reflect llie ajiproach ol tbu sonuy as he unt in the dirceiioa ulthe operator an alnm ww inunlly g y n an t allempt lofbrcetliq inner dour of tho parage which led to the cells situated un the ribl and left uf tin urge hall r n t ibnttive several iiuuidnau wbo came to die window had scalded water thrown on tbtm by the inunles ofihc cirt a rirotitf body of the main guard ami a reinforcement fccm the irrisun under tho combiner oflivittenani jamea of th b4tb itcimcni imucdutcly surrounded the gaol forciaj the beavy otltflda iion floor pruvert bv common civtiion fvlittldv and resource was made to mr pcai whu2ucndi aud jc sonic time filled of uaktng an aperture for the tea anb had contrived to have had folac jiit to their chama mj by a atiiiulbmcoua mawenvra commenced rawag tho dowi giurutcil thuk ilniub and studded and appl yiog them ai a barrier aaiina the main dour they then commenced turn- nii up hv the aid uftitu repudiated elia n the tloorinr dttiuo ihitir i wooden paftlcovi and erecttuj a barjicr wjiich for t houiidelied all phjieal attvasullq oveicume it may ba jnoprr here u uodlion that it lias been ihe practice etcrj hlitntins to open the cell dunn and leave them in that pow lion till evermz when llm nriocrs returned to thir celt ui enable ihem to receive the influence of a slov cuniinou to ah the relli whih tuuu iu the halt ur pasnar conio rpinilly the toirtfinffi wife it laru nil relurnc bein placed tu thesireutmh of dieir chains and the uupimhiliiviif dcfcjlinff the vigilance of captain llullaiid a sum 1 1 piiareia in tho iroi oor scarcity penmin ihe eitianee f a nvm wji ef feeled and mr suear inty clhed in uppused ahc tvuby a repetition uf endcavnn nil the pari uf the prfetuwrsto aqpr ph tli- bleach with itttmu 3 it was cnercaing lie ha iinuidialrlv lotluwed b lieiiunaut jaoiei and a part of lh in medium of escape or- pjnj and he eiltit dii ovefili reu hred the n htile alriir vvas effected in two houn or perhaps t aiulttf cnktl u see no rf demolition as the ctlfi and n ill prtfffut mini t semi to be credited the sheriff and rt ciai oflheiuamraic wte tt the sput and tbedti jcmttf ami rjtitertnifltd inteufuni uf die priminers and thaio- creihldca livit tbey eicieicd in erecting the barricade fcr t ioiisiilerabh time lefl the posihilily o eutranrc a qlwiwh tim revolt howevr supeisedvd the ncceily of oniig into lbs rvl ihmoll the windows ahoiih hicii at inr lime appeared ait uiilupeimtbb dtlty tlie vvhoudetiu tion uaihe wvffc of inir persons keillermein lanee perraulf mid lenoir lpon eapilulaiion lalenne iraa loiiiid invested wnb his chain mid t pirson of the name of vatllaueour was ralao found jj bed under the care of the medical attendant of the hospital and surrounded wilh drus some of iheie criminals htr been from twelve to eighteen months in gaol friendless and coienuetitty rendered desperate by the pnrationaoflhoi comfort that areevduded from tho conrictsd itdotl a ua ivhii h calls lotilty fur the adupn n uf suniu lytlcm thai may be eilrulntid o riieler existeiive tolerable even under the iroe hway of prison jiciphue ih under the licid of upper cannda will be found an interesting correspondence between the provincial ttovruo- and mr sbirtvfl a gcntkmuu already civtturabty known to tlic public an tlic writer of a sensible putupblrt on emigration tittruljcts wlucb ure toucbed in tljejcttcr are the systemtitic setting of the country on the ottawa and tlie connecting of thatmer wh lake huron in regnrd to the latter object a glance at the map must convince cery one that tlic ottawa will ultu matlly become the principal outlet of the n or lb- wes tern rcdons the proposed tract has lone been and i the face of tlie ranpid nnviation of ontario and mikolu i ml in in i o- tu ob- ilu a tf at k ilm pu- a tlc- m- in addition to theae facts a certificate was re- brie sill cmttintus to be the channel of commtra reived from mr mcgregor of balduuib that ihe dectttitn between montreal and diestationa of the hud sonsy company how happily is montreal ur tuated whether the st- lawtnce or the ottawa gfslin the victory our own city will come in for the spoils kingston and prerscott look terrible things at racb other as to the respective merits of the ru dean canal and its unfinished competitor montreal quietly enjoys the sport nor will she be very deep ly interested whennipiiissing and ontario brimfull ofjcalousy shall throw- cold water on each otheria we have to coigratulatc our readers upon the removal of the buauicds of ihe canada island for warding and insurance coinpany to prescou we entertain not the smallest doubt but that all partiei concerned will speedily discover the alvantagesond convenience arifiinff from concentrating as much a possible this branch of business and certainlvwe may eel a little partial prttcott appears in every respect btmter adapted for the general transhipping port thai isruckille ilirim norton bsq has been appointed agent for the company a jismhitioi has taken place iu the forwarding estahlnhineiits lately carried on beie under the firm of crane hooker ev co messrs hooker and llcltdcrtfoll being about to reestablish a separate concern under the linn of hooker henderson a heertiilbre- prtcut vanguard rter had not been at hi bouse that be bad neither owimi nor paid him any money the fate of poor coyne now appeared certain- vet no means wre taken to pursue and secure the person in possession of lli eflecw although mr tnlons description of hint ideutiiicd him with tlie deserter who left chatham ni a state of destitution ud to whom so much suspicion had already attach- etl lfiiruu parlies have since been iu search ol coytie but hitherto without ucec so trace an be found of him since he left chatham in com pany with the deserter ud not a doubt now re- ui tins on le mind of any one but that has been murdered and robb d by his treacherous companion sanuteu h ktthigruiit urtoi iin slrioin buioikku or coyne on the milna d iiimrinuioti wt r- thu a perm wtm lhei at tin perry rmudwirh win bad been accused on the uudai previuita jii urtmtl e nu llie inunlerer of coyne tllw ium was hitijtisatsfl oo llu stibjeit in called bno if lorl di intl all know ledynnf coyne sftmtb or tubin but tdiuitlid llrtl h bad l ih in tbaibani and ihlliluon iml that he hi i bttu harid willi thv iiiurder by ou mccoy tt the bitter ni tn ihiu brought heton kiaueoi itibw im in took mi ojinoiloiutv lo iaunpu after bmun man h iu- toimd rfoiid tinder llie hour ol a hlaltlr and triiitl hlitro cbarli4 rlhol ainl fran- oi baby iuipnre will as tlu iiiiumii ubttlli ur orl i the i wvieintt nusieil with ibe a fuuill muuiiitthil him for lither eaimiiitioii iioiiid haitpeiiil im be at suiiuvtfi i pu rihiv and oiuiu h h lincm mil a ii he utrpf btihtcbt inill tbiow nm he gave ol mr heatl leotiliid tile ui kuiiwn tu lh ifhailiav the ilesi rter ti nlay sr tuulii ibiwocnllu o were un- iaiiui of raerv riminutanc whuh n ihi myleiioiii buinef lst sa up lot lurther evamiianoii and recom mitted untd tuefdov after hh reommilrnvni jch taiinio to let with imlijlate possession stfft hwi atlmirabiy situated house and sllok l street late in the occupation of pation dr moore applv to the editor kingston dec 9th th stf

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