3ii9oehnnou 5 from the london nov monthly miizinofirnoveitci recovery or tucaslre nv tub dlyinrt 1kll one of the man intemting tind gratifying expe riments ever made with llmt extraordinary machine the diving bell is that which has lately been per former bv ilu honorable commander de roos fur the recovery of the treonuroh anil stores of i he j he lis a kings ship which sunk in a tfre tu the south past of cape frm- in -wo- tjifc flovnp is at abstract of a paper read before the royal society the honourable commander do rons com manding hi majestys ship algcrine wan instructed to conduct he entirpriso he reached cape trio on the 6ih of march 1s31 with eleven ulliecn ami ciehtyfive men a sufficient number of hands were left on board the ship which wan moved in a harbor two mile irom the scene of action others were employed ill the boats which they erected near the cape and the remainder ftfnouutillg to thirty five men were stationed at ihe wreck the ls- land which forma the southeastern extremity of cane frio is an immense promonotory of granite jwt- ting into the atlantic ocean sixty miles least of rio de janerio the cove in the middle of which the the thetis ssunk io a square indentation in he cliff 600 feet deep by as many wide it is surrounded by nearjj masses of granite from 1u0 to 200 feet irish and is exposed to the whole swell of he souh atlantic which sets in with re unstable force hi that direction the weather it singularly variable and transitions frequency take place in the course of a few hours from perfect still new to the nioat tremendous swell few scenes in nature are more sublime than those presented by the cove during a gale of wind front the southwest frequent inteir options were ex perienced from the state of the weather and tin al most incessant agitation of the water which was often so powerful a to render the divitiirhell almost unmanageable and to expose the divprs to great danger the divingbell coitsitued of a oneton ship tank w iih cnxht inches of iron at the bottom tu onler tit cite it ttior deptli and having atitichcu to it seventeen ct of ballast w bidl was found suf ficient to sink it su soou em the requisite arrange ments were completed ibe commander ma a mi nute survey of die bottom by means uf the diving bhi and ascertained the exact position and hape of all the lame ro k which covered the spot where ih treanunsuud storeaof tlic thuiishari been jit tered thcshapi- rfuttotrft there llm precious hsil heett dupmted was an el letter from tit excellent ird aymir to james stuart ilvquirr cisixr or st- imrn clneher demnur ii 1833 gi the public print nl this province have civen a wiiirlv extended cifcidntlon to a letter dated london osbornes hotel adelpht january 133 srated to hnve hcen addressed bv yon lo viscount lioderirbt late secretary of etat cor tilt colonial depart mm tt in which the following expressions or ru having rclenuce to your suspension from of fice as attorney general of this province a a lingular misapprehension of his dul real r vigned and uooir round of which he the governor viiher did orouht to have known the insufficiency 7 c- the forbearance with which i have treated the animadversions of individual when discussing my administration of the government of tliia province n mt reached you and also l you tl withhold fron the knowledge of the n iis petition ai- tituuirh yo eonmumes- i ln ihe house or as embl to b made a s ofpccutmtioii bvtlui body and suhscrucmh rratitinikcd it to the ct tary of rttimr as a part uf the evidence in ttoppoil uf their accusation i am im our obedient servant signed j to his excellency li avlroer stcart afford abundant proof of my power of endurance but thos powers of endnranre have their limits htul although i can overlook many objectionable expressions provided they are strictly applicable 10 niv public character and conduct i cannot suffer to pass unnoticed any that are calculated toaflect in juriously my private charactci as a member of so ciety the expressions above quoted are unquestiona bly of the hitter description i know nor nor does it belong to my present pur pose to enquire by what rule or standard my pro ceedings mi the occasion in question should ac cording to you judgment- have been regulated and had vent confined yourself to a positive assertion that i had- in fact misapprehended my duty on that occasion or that the grounds upon which i act ed were in lact insufficient i should not nave con sidered mvsuf called upon lo complain of any such positive oaseftiod beeftuae even admitting it for the ake ofarauineilt to have been perfectly true my relation with ocieiy would not have been thereby iidurintlhly altectcd the roneclnoss of my judg ment alight perhaps have bein railed in question but no the integrity of my character um what 1 do complain of oi rather lhai tismiust which i do now must decidedly protest is ibip that in advert rnstoail act performed in thedisehargeof my pub lic dmy as governor of this province you should have itonu out of your way to assail my private chacter for if it were rue that i were capable idlclffiiintf iidaapprcheuaiiin of my duty or of act- inz niton frouod the inanfficiuey of which i was kiquaintd with- for rhe acroinoishnent of any no matter what purpose i must not only he unwotihv tu associate ftlth men of honor hut i uiiiat in diau caw htf0 totally devoid even ofcomiltoq honesty as lo deserve to he banished iruui soriety altoije f to iloubi na qtoed hovu runs your tale t nuiuii tinderirh you der the influence of the swell acting hive u piior will explteiiiy diaivow t etraurdinary inqutu letter from his ezceuu fjortl jg1mcr to jtnma stucaif esquire quebec 20th nov 1331 sin i have received your letter of the 21st hist in answer to mine addressed to you on the 14th ol december 1s33 what measures it miy be necessary and proper that i should adopt in protecting my character as sailed by you in its wry foundation must remain br my consideration hereafter in tlto meantime 1 think it necessary to signify to you that i decline entering into any exphma turns as desired by jou in our letter of the 21st instant in relation ro the petition of mr lamp- son or in relation to any other matter connected with my administration of the government of this province i am s rdlcnl servant am c vote oi signed tu james stu irt kaiuire aylmea imeialain paniculornati oeenuepomted waann e lipfie of which the iwo principal axis measured forty- eight and thirtvone leet lorce boulders ofrhitite had rolled over llieins treasure and required bring i ilut 1 canilol therefore perutu myel removed before ihe latter cuhl hi veovrrcd the upon a ntlni review nf ihptrxpftjfisit huge materials of die wreck of the iriaaie which lin- rinnrr ogether the th eooimom etuimin rocks a ion tmirlpn i ul produced a kfrolllf cohesion belween the fragincntsof ivoudaud ihe gold silvt r and iron the divert wtflvred much fnm an idtolerahle stench arising from deccompohsl animal subsianeca the firsi labor of ihe divers was tu clear awayeterv i portion of the wreck and after this was accomplish- j noloofenand renovcallthcla rgejtckiti5ucceloti beginning with the smallest and etidhig with the largest and most unwieldy some oflhcftj rhich the adveuturouaparty succeeded in rolling from their dstuathnu into deep ater weighed alnut thirty oi forty toir and the largest which it required im mense efforts xo move from ita plnev was eouiputed toweigb hxtyljve tons tjlis in- 1 rlioit tered ri jtrove that no part tidier of the wreck or mores was left unexamined after fifren5ixreeuthfc of ihe property had been recovered die onlernriri which hod so entirely succeeded terminated on the ritti ol july and the alircriue returned to kio de juneiro on the 1st of avuil the climate appears io have been favorable ro the health oflh party jew suf fered frmn sieknes5 the expedition wac uiiat tended with the loss of a single life on one or rasiou the divera were visited by a whale which approached so near the dmogihi or tu place the parry in imminent danger but fuitunaloly ih euor- 4id0iu creature chaoged his course w ithoul doing an injury a sailors sphee th fhip- company were inow in a fair stale of discipline ow irg lo the hicc- mnt praciicr and every evening the hams wen turned up to kylark that i to play and amusr themelvcs there war one anuwinent which war the occasion of a great deal of lufui- and it was a favorite oneof ihe yapraiira as it made mir men rfoaft tl h clited rolfow ny leader ojh of the men leads and oil who chose follow him some times forty or fifty will join what ever the icndtfl docs the ret must do also wherever he gocathe rest must follow tom who was always the ore- most for fun was one day the leader and after hav ing scampered lip the rigin laid out on the yard- climbed in the litts cro5secl from masl to ntaat bv ihe slays alhlti down by the backstays blacked bis face in the funnel in all which mottoes he was followed by about thirty other- ituooilu and laughing while the officers and other men were looking on and admiring the agilny a novel idea came into toms head it was thenabnnt seven in the evening the ahip was lying becalmed- tim again sprung up the ringing aid out lo the main yardarm followed by mc and he resi and r pooh i he was at the boom iron he sprout up hadiu hy the lift and orirw out follow my leader letfji- from the yardarm intotheiea 1 wan secondhand crying out follow my ieidcr io thv rest i inlluw- ed him and the rest whether they could swim or nut did the same it being a point of honor nul to refu the captain was just coming up ihe ladder wh n liesaw ashe imagined a man tumble uicrbourd which was tom ii his descent inn how luutth mure astonished at seeing twenty or thirty nioru tuntulius off by twos or threes until it npprared iltit hdfiic hips company were ovci board he thought ilicv were possessed wiih devil like the herd of swine in the scriptures some of the men who could mi wim but were lo proud to refuse to follow were nearly drowned asit was the first lioiitlaiil was obliged ti lower the cutter to pick them up and they were all brought on board confound thai fellow said the captain lo the first lieutenant lie is always at the head of all mischief follow my leader indeed send tom hcazxdy here we all thought that tom as about to catch it hark ye my lad said the captain u jokes a joke but every body cant awini as well as you- 1 cant af ford to lotc any of my men by your prank dont try that again 1 dont like ii every nun thought that tom got ot very cheap hut he was favorite with the captain although that neer ap peared but indirectly ilej pardon air replied which thee expressions convey and accordingly 1 avtaio fron all further reuinki upon lhcn aid subdfrihe myself lir youi ohedunl- itumbie ervauli signed jtimes siusrtj inquire avlmsr vinre- the date of jahn which the real dale was whctc h tortuous drepliw course of uriuiit i ur- i ii 171 hf thev wen tom wiih great apparent i all so dirty thcyd blacked ihunidvck the funnel and i thought a little washing would not du them any harm be off air and recollect what i have said replied the cflplain turning awuy aud show ing his white teeih metropolitan provincial from tbo montreal gazuu our readers will doubtless peruse with much in terest the correspondence which baa taken place be tween the governor in chief and the late vlionny general since mr stuarts return from tsinftaml to the kindness of our coternporary oi thu ihmhl wc are indebted for the series of letters in tyiift the space occupied by this and ihe bnghsh nuwdi mutt plead our apology for the oiniaaioil of several lit in from janua staart equirt to hh 3rri- ry hord hjlian vint bee 2lit novembt l3i my lord- a letter from your lordhtp ad- dremed lo inc dated the mth jecemlr- isix was put into inv hands oil ihe lhcsinu if a iot sortc dayb since m muutrcnl kii 1 iiiiy m mylf the first inoment ofisure since tor return 1 1-011- vcv to vou my answer your iturdahsp piofitii- to have taken umbrage a paragraph i letter from me to viscount uodendl m which in l re pics of it ciftktattd in the iiwpapers rif din ffrt- ry lrj vnagiri hn ul the ivh pchruar 1 kited in a hlh odicial atttuilimii penmii iirjirious ly aluctfd by it are not lifciu to miaake is clta- rticlcn 1 never futertainrd a dotibl of uj isotn bv which yon were actuated- in sim3etdjiat fion nfllrp and if i otnittrd in iuv roiiuimifioiin in iord iitxlnich hrcvimihto that utnv mentioueil fp e rrss inv opinion tif ihru it wav iioui the ruusi- drration that he redress i sougl was due t me tin the ground of ih imurnprtfiy mul ijijunr- of ihe act itself wh itevrr tufirnt he your reil uiolivcft lor it respecting whieh therelor fom a sthnu of pro prietv i observrd i1eiri i tut when i aihlnwctl to lord ipdeteh ihe letter ahcie mentioned the pireoitstnncpj in whiii i hint lrto nltrio wrn fil ially altered instead of the grounda which yon ex- firesmy mrfgatdi when that measuru was adopted viscount tioderich who had censured vou in leruia cit sevciity for ihe iiimiaicicuey of these grmmu and most piepustrrnuiy coulsrtned the sune mea sure upon a new ssrt of grmuuls um nought m lord howirks letter of the lihh november lw 10 justify your coitdnrt by rt pttjtttoumtiv rived through mr vijfnr a pcrwm eapnblc f iiisa- kin any assertion however divojil of truth itwaa 111 repelling this attempt of kiifd loderich thus to houter up ujneasuro which be had picvi iiaty di- approi cd and ceumiivdjjy edii motives iir it that um never entered into the iiiud ol the araeinbly or yourself that i imturally adverted to the delicacy i uid observed m emtrasleij with ihi coiciuet ol his lordship 1 hart abstained from omiltlitoiltg vonr nuiiives ami had coufiiitd myself to our as i reasons bur when it vaa sought tojusit vou hv the invention nudahegatjoii of new cuhiintii btnclkiaea aghit me how could i refrnn from inli- i the opinion i had alwuy eiltertnuied ihftt vonr real motives were diflereut from those alleged this opinion- ruslinji on preemptive evidence sa- linlactoy to my mind i now diiuctiy avow 1 do believe that your icfil motive fur uspetidiik inc was a desire to secure for yourself the favor and support of a few lending denuigogmcs in the moue of as embly whom you knew tu he most anxious for my detrtroction aed in fulfilment of this woiive vou weir willing lo sacrifice me to gratify their ma liffiiity by suspending me on grounds which you knew to be hreuflicjent his coutimiea to he inv deliberate opinion and 1 hold myself responsible for it iti any and every form having thus disposed of tin subject of your lener your lordship will permit toe to solicit vonr attcu- tion to a matter connected with ihe proceeding of the assembly as to which cause for explanation from your lordship has been aflbrded to me i advert to the petition of mr lampsnn presented to your lordship on the 21t december isjo in which unfounded imputations and insinuation inju rious to my character are contained in a letter from me 10 l col ilegjr of the 30dl december isjo hauug relation to tliia petition i express a dcini to be made acquainted with any charffc orim- putatiun alfceiiug my character that might hvc been conveyed in ibis form and solicit on liiveliifh- tion of it io your lordships answer iraumttied diruugll lt col ilcgg dated the wmo day our lrdshi assures mc that no iuinuatioua alfectiuir my character had reached you it is nevertheless a matter of fact thai the petition now referred to did contain false imputations and insinuations prejudi cial to my character im n h lrlvt k vltir jordaliiu subsequently communicated ibis petition to the mouse of assembly by wlfteh it waa made a ground of fole accuaaiion auainst me and even iraiismiiicd a copy of it to hi- majesty seeivuov of state fr ihe lol oilier wjthitut tvrrliavinjt made mc acquainted with iis ronienk ipnn ihtmts lucl 1 um justified in rwpttling 10m yunr lorimiip an explanation of theeircuiiisiaiu v which induced you to assert while vou were in possession nfihis iwti- frotn james stuart esfuire to his excellency lord almcr quebec 30th nov isji my lord- 1 1iavc t acknowledge the receipt of your lordships letter af the 29th inst on that part of it whicli relates to the supposed cause of ol- ihucc allbrded by mc 1 will only remark that it is tu be presumed that year lordships protracted re flections will ultimately conduct vou to that recourse irliich usage has sanctioned in such eaeeo on the subject respecting which some explanation has been reqni ii bv me 1 cannot but express surprise that vour lordship should decline compliance with a re- uuest hi itself so reasonable and pnipcr involving cjiso as it does your lordships penoual veracity ami honor the facts stared 10 my letter of tilt 2li november verified by public documents- ca- tblah that an ililtmu amortlon waa made by your lordhip injurious to me in its consequence ou tollowed by acts of your lonlsbip incoisnstru wih fair dealing towards me as a public oliicer on uiif head 4 reijueated pjcpinnauon yon refune it umlnr these circunntauees ihere can 1 apprehemt be but one inference drawn from your lordships icfiuah which it wvifflrtvafy for tnu to pewiy vvhen vuur lordship hall have descended fron t tit-ti- nrv ti v nffav uimj utctthik wieo to the respousibihtteatkottudired iiciviiitl so cicty 1 xhall deem it 111 cessary to citt yourattiu- llosi ugahi to ihia mutie and should hope wth bt- icr weecw i cm my lord lour obedient servant kfi j- fcfeuen to hia ddcjctfjkteucv lrd a inter a ikmii u lonowtruf eers 11 for du pci q unit c inr linfi utueu ii- utenmn uu c appointed icurniay ulii- uiires v andrew 5 inttricfc tl 1 u iir eeitml ehrlhiiis w im ionic t iveintedy- una- viux li iidou dv a a ihftmt tvfffivii tjfitury- thi alcishinff cmihtkie cxctdlptil hire m tu ioilfriirfe lisiiij4u dob hi lmilkr inde d a ir m iteid n rri v the terdl nf liti4jurch hi ow a ni 1 in rit to nave ur- t tttrt titri i i is mm ci ica iruiji tho lowubldp i i lui if h i 111941 direct road from il and flu udjuiiimr ru lleotimits oyttiwn fri h kiivmon luis biei llirx vi a repaid d aul hnprivil and is now ruily n ajouj i tlie laljjtirmj nad u isr nnnl by thai rikitti r now rfptal in thi iriin ijtocilo to kiiitr aeosi travjer can lij comioriah arcotmncida linn on lids road a ore 20th lsx we have hern fttvorei ter by mr j- t wi which wo learn that a rhl in lnvemestf ai luturini town psinmnf v onderstnnd hat deputy cuuvnhmif- nf- ilcvis kf pntrolillg the country yeing all the wuodimi jloei thoy can lay their hand on wc would advise our rttttdera not to pnrcilonc any wood en clockft or woodent eulineiw- until thev firt ascer- tam them to have been dttlv entered uud the tin itli lju -1- htaruurdute i nine the rl hlw nl f a let- iuv from rluijera wtix and the liffh e mm msrbt28h vpjssig mtsmm published this day and fbt jilo at llm 0ic- of lift rihtisk vnir lt tipniivi irt kiilimu ciuiii iiv imwarj j bsttkcr m 1- iusrrihci v pcnnissinn j lo hs excellcney sir jolui col- boiiio lri one ttiiltins nod ilircc petio ktnraion xovsnl idw to curkbtfposwemw- hiir rrfrpomcr1 at irishman fy a rvtathr i inrmril ulld wc linvr fcil irt4fmol i uva limftrttomnrrlotyaiiiiff satih las ui kinmrifi iitii itsvtuiiiy i uc otemnticaorcim drwitom jicca do k1ngstox frjua y evexixg jla ig 1335 the extreme counces of this winter appears to b a general subject 6 remark in all parts of this con tinent in montreal the thermometer has stood 32 degrees below zcr that is to say 61 des- below the freezing point ii- kingston 20 deg below zero wc believe 4 been the minimum lo which the mercury has idlen this year ill new york treat complaints mvc been made of the severity of the season but th coldest quotation we have cen has been g dens knw zero the weather however haa been so seven impede the navigation of the bay and haimoh the sleighing tl- y in the east n part of canada has been oumant and excelent biiicc ihe bdruminff of decejher but to the westward of to- ronto no snow of tfy consequence iian fallen be tween kingston nd albany and between albany and ihe sea coast he roads have luvn in fine tra velling condition bs u between kingston mid quebec- since the 11th i an imporaut alteration in the weather has been tpernirefl the mercury has ri sen to 4c degs arrf mow is fat disappenrinj some rain fell on monday aud thursday nighis and a beay ftig for cnnada waa noticed yesterday morninit- a local aubjeci iq which our attention has been lutelydirccted i tht present unremiineraiivo price ol bread in this town d being the mm rharffml by the piinripal bake r the lib loal thoprict tl flour fijrfwnewtfipwstha avcrngrd ufa d pi barrel eind it ie il before morally inipnvdihlluit u living nrniit cm iw mide by tile makui and uirllin of bread at the low price quoted when ihtihishnife of labor olid the idiiicmof pavrlcltl arceoumder- no other town in british america is bread eo low as in kingston a town that has no particular preten trfjlts to the exclusive sale of low priced tlour some years ago the same comparative extraordi nary lowucss in the price of bread was observed in kingston and the consequence was that the whole of the bakers wiih the exception of the one who commenced the speculation of undersetting his brc ihreili were compelled to abandon the baking busi ness as unprofitable- as fair competition in trade particularly in the sale of an article so indispensable as llmt of bread is not only justifiable but praise- wonhv we should be loth to say one word concern- ii iff the motives of the individual who thus monopo lized the whole trade of the town to himself but a the bread sold by him after the extinction of 1i competitors immediately rose to double its previ ous price it is but fair to conclude that regard for the poo- mans loaf had hut little 10 do with the plan that had ruined half a dozen families and driven ihem homeless and penniless to seek a living else where that the case wagsuch as we have dated it be- the immediate formation of a baking company by a few gentlemen who bad been disgusted with the con duct wc have narrated is the living witness still further corroborated by the singular circumstance ol bread ailing 4d per loaf 011 the very day the com pany went into operations this brought the baker to his renses aud a good trade with a fair profit was done by the company and himself for a year or two some short time fitto another bakery was opened tu crudi which appears now to be the object of sel ling the bread at a price that no person however creat his means can long maintain if by past transactions the future can be predicted the present repetition of the same scheme may compel litis establishment to close its oors and should that prove the case uiil not bread immediately rise 10 far above its extrinsic value as iidid on the pre- vfoua occasion and will not such overcharge com ing out of the pockets of the town at large more than compensaru the undcreller for the sacrifices he now makes the speculation is a good one has been hereto fore successful and may become fo again unless indeed the good sense and correct feeling of the townspeople itep between the oppressed and the un just wuuldbc monopoliser that a caai si st of a j ferns giorg6 webster john oullcn john spencg ellbu perry john milncr miltoo bo composed ortvow pctioni uyt tor curie wii henry oliver jame mcighw thornaa smith azel cook gtrcrjo baihgat the chairman having left the chair and john culun callej imnto it was moved by gircwchitcr second jantch imcuher lint the thanks of this moeling bepn mr a j for ins able conduct in ihechxfc a j fim5 cliairmu joim cutlf secretary kingston jamiuy 14 1834 ccthe pro incial portia men i for the lower p vince stands flintier prorogued to the 21st febv our readers will find in another column the c repondencc betwom lord aylmer and mr jamti stuart ihese letters hear internal evidence of betv the compositions offl wanda madman tiio itinr ofcttj cftru nvr twc a myk atil flu btw on iiin1binniilv iym- t mir hv a t ra itil pritlawj hy thu htrnui ano pceuitor will shoi tly com- jkl ttt to maleq nnairation in our days of publication and the rife of trorfbocti were wo tnenntinuoto use our original tlayt t 15 prulkihlc wo houtrl conhnttc tu enjoy the same cx- toffite keitising palroiwgq as httretofim neither of the two pnpcrfl we ni nlion however good their inclination maybe ituving thn power to injure us nitih their circulation being o ltniltl but imlhm eatmtilial rnwiu to the wclljrin of u irvpnper fltmtlil be placed in any jeopardy by two papert ftpprtrit on tho yam day urovlmll diaigo onr jays tu moo js aid tliurm alter the lermiuuioa of the present vol iiik wlikli will he on ilio uk friday in january the hilfbect wliirh tm irtfun on fridavs has never brcu pjujir wi mcin tliercfore lo itivo inluiflo i tridifj the plarc nf it and 5it brother to ublmi uvofttlukoobofamhiu- tr ww at pff ul wc furnuh our rcailvrs with fourlttn no iriiiet- if auwiiiitiirprr wck in aituie wc liil fiipplv lllotn wiiii sixteen cohunns but iluy will be shorter thw ddiefco fv in ffet itllln tornpensatud hyilie wuofpiaahcrttpe nl r r kkitseav in llic methnniral rlopmtmrnt ofllie nawfipl jtt i tltv cuninwf tim wlionajvcriuemrnts urcniort id-it- iil icti t ty are now u u tal1 must likely issue the whig ikttfu -suiil- ze is nt prcrn the c- iisny ppr tihluheil by l ah uvdncsdayy ril ilno luivc lo he iljrontieiucd ami in its stcud we oill to jiir b pnpersit idiminishrd t iihj prwvof lltn semi weekly vvuir has liven aha pound inr annul in advancc nod nno pooml five diillinj if paid at uv mil f ti yrar tim tirtlieolilin volume will uo charged seventeen iiiliis and sipeiivc rih nndonc pounds ercdit it wiii imi obfcrved i the poinv of twopwcripcr win is nut iloudi uiit of ono pnptt bein ucordin lo tc pnti tvonly jive shillius a ycir willi ttfftff pntbahihty tat in plflmt altomtimn fur tl iniivr will he made in ihe nttea of nowjpapcr pojlftis in tli cnsiiinr- minn of parliament tliai mir pnlnim may liavn nn opportunity t txamining ihe ft- iroijl wr pro mii ilir oiimiirn vnitml l il io nual term of rubvcripun wc shall forward ihcm in lien of thidr nstnl papers a fvw copies of ihe journal we intend to i mid arid unjesa wc hoar from tlicm lo the contrary shall con tinue u send and mail the vhig as before thoic however who may be willing to discontinue the pnprr ift its nrw forfn ntd ptutiadarly rcimited rtoi todoso without rtttmttfag the aniiot if their respective pciil of mihcription tlic sums n id in ttidiidnilv atu hot trifle vint i us they amount iijliiivrly hi fumcthin of muinint wc liel assured that mii hint will he aindid io ns it i the first in the shape of diio hat lias diaced our paper to rjioftl of our county plllnctllwn who irivo itid or who have mbtcribod foradtifi nitc pitioj not yet expired no additional charge will he maoc hut the uvopapon per week will be inwarded until their time expires with respect to the polities of the whig wc wall all pfir- 5on diiinetly to undcisiand that wc shall continue to support the glorioos march of reform wiih all our energies but at the same time shall studiously endeavor to avoid any collision with republicanism or revolution in this province wo have no fear of cficnmiicriti imj hniliear of that kind the good ptitso and moderation of ihn itcformer will alwavs keenihcin within the lumnils ofconlitntional demands but wc cannot shut our eyes and cars to llmt which fcgufngon in the lovvcr provincn and we make ihi declaration in order that we may stand cleared from any participation either of thought or jcd iullieprocccilingiof the antirriluh party in thntparl of the empire a party vhom ulterior dttignf have lately bcin made niiiiiifcjit all the world if tins candid avowal of our fonti ments upon an albimpoiianl topic of converation should he the means of loin us any hipportorij we shrill regret theirireom- btance less by rcasoo oflho pecuniary lojs than by the know- lede that ihrrc arc persons in upper canada who go heart in band wih the entiuiri io the brituh cmi5tituion at a public meeting oftlic mchanirs of kingston on the 1 lib day nf january 1834 at mr ramfords steamboat hole in tho town of kingston h ihe rorpom jof receiving the fq port ofiho rommittit appointed on the 1 tthjdnccnbor is33 mr a j ivrns was appointed chairman andjohncullen secretary thcrcpoii of ihe commiltec waaihcn rend and ac cioted iovd by chaiks sewidl seconded by elilm perry thai lumerting arcr with tho inilincitta ciprcsped in tlor resoutinik tfllic fonnrr meeting held in this town on the ih of dironiher ls3i and nro of opinion that expctionre has priivod that the peiiliuittiary tyrtem is calculated lo dis- iiao llw tnilitioiuf thilionet incidiauics forllio supposed advanlnjre f hriiiahiiu criminals at a reduced pub lic cost drrria itmtuumwphj mmcd liy ongo wehster seconded by william lvall that iftho eondision of the lucchanic ii made worsu by tlic rujup titiouorrrimiiial lhor ho canimt enntrihute nthnflh- lir hiirihm in ibu ottio ptopnrtiim ho ha brrn ihtctodru i abhd to do tvnvrj umaiousuf mm id bv j spvlltt viromlcd liy jollll mrkond tint a ctimmtltm in ipuiould lo c0itv lie views of lliii mrmitq intn hlbctvix iho ibrilitiia ur mudiiii alioii nf thr pi mtnntiruy kvmcjii m fu a may crbrl ihe intdrcul if ihu hw- imhk and o lakti hii iiumure n llwy may judn noiftu iy lj itm a em prmdom i- u iul lliu other htht t merhi- uii4 ditmil i the pnv i in to nprraii w nh iheir iitfi ami lliflt llm ritnniilbhi lirmi power to add lo tlieh nuehcr such pi on twf jurljji proper nrrift klajwll llli jiiiy itii the annual mrktinh of the t3tnckldenf ai cataraqui bridge cninimy will take pluce at ihn olfice on monday the 20th iimtant lortbepurpoy of electinija prcsiiknt nntl directors for tlioeoidm vear agreeable to the act of incorporation g f cukitett sec i treat- a b c fotfcle bv tiik vbscuiber 1 j0 jjoxes uf best liverpool rfusip samuel rhlppen kingston january icih lio i xotick tub business hrrvtoforc carried on in thetwmeo henrv hart ill iti future hr rrnnsictrd under th name mid iylj oi iiarti uituxjimrs sj co- by ht undersigned a w mart il hart- i hart p s all ppffions indebted to tin subicfibtfm oerjuested to stfttleiheir rwncciie account ii hinii and lliuto wlio nuiy imvc my claims ifuin him are recrutetl to scud in the sninc for dowd tion it bikk kingston jantinrv sh 1335 w niiv pibiilcatioy- tiik provincial jttftice or m wistjmtks manul in oho volume ptmiwiu tlic pros a ihr lpwcwu wlj23 the worlc rontainf 1vtii5 itti low ei1 itmk orr i0 ice oljnrtice iirihf ivivv ti irii oiumu irarticl ferns r thcaulrnrv n i u -iiii-irieiriiv- vuvcrt vmf ciilculalcaiitf tinliirsilrittiw nln rrtrilwi ort v irnrv iiiki t1if iatf- orirrf1 irirndkiuitlfa trmincft a rnint will nl- in iiliuttl wll wwt p ptsli mm lkirk i t- iii ihrnml nul lruv 0 i- 01 fcsr kihbir fim phkh wilt lt ilnly trntiircj biitiittw5 i nt t niimt tic hw w rrjrrvnu4 mii uvuthr iik iuiiorc ir tin iviw ftqwffp kinr m if ilor utkl c sn r- i l- t llf u cuijcjiy nr uimu rni ainicura htmt tirhl gkftfttf v thoums uottaf viving llim lvrrilciniu few iiwninc l limine ihe nubiicm i li will lc cniitlcd to u copy ofote work lj txt liivoron the ldii- kixgstox foundbv this estoljlishmontir now in full operation the proprietor i resolved to spare no expense torea dit it worlltv of public entoiiraiemenl he to that a to mieriih nnd workrriiinship and vane of castings ihe kingston foundry will be foui second to no similar cbtaulishmcnt and that ac uill hercnftir lie no necessity for sending lo united ytttn lur castings when they maybe in thtftprovfnfv there will he kept on liand or naoufjeturri order all ki uof castings for saw mills and flour mills thu cstnblidiineitl i5 now furnislwd wiih jrat of the oswriro and rocliwter plana and p intildinj millran liesiip rrd with good out oil ha rraonihle tms aathey can he procureii the state nf rwyurk stw mill orankfuuinst mill omnka ii screws sit lj lighter screws and clothit screws dii v5ilk taps md dies for screi holts on tlii het plan slwgh shoes and fi ning miil irons four different kinds of ploagl wngcnn uoxmj pirns jioxes and axieta oirriaje tferew to innilc from 4 to 20 thread- tl inehi letic mi ir lirnndsttnd ptnmp jiriss cjstlws madeofeven utt9ilioi cast steel airs snle or retail all kinds of iron fiiiishing the bol maimer ill ntldtlinu lit ihr present ronvmienrrs for c- tiil iliw rvjtio i iitw nuinlihij u utipolm so to be able to make a casting from 1000 to2000 j weiehti the public are invited to examine the works of ij foundry mid jmlgti for ihvmsekcs tlie pfod tor thinks it will minpnre in finish and clwsm with that of any oher ttablislnnent olte kind c7 a pattern maker kept at ihe foundry make pattern- if rniuired also rurr mill stonvs nf every size and bolting cud of the best description fully as cheap as can be pr cured in any partof rlje united states the ft mcr manufactured here hv mr l bostwicfc kmjwton jstmmry 11833 cj the hallo will paper rvllovllb jnivllirenrer cntwj stllf port hope warder and llruckvillo reorder wll r f i thr6e in i ending their account io hchu i- gazeiiotjincc van sale ky ibembscribsr- 2uo0 pairs of india imjfll ber shoes- r caldwhx kinsston janintrv 3rd 1s35 notice the undersigned refuitst all persons indebted him to make immediate payment as he will rema in town a fe weeks at the office of mr w dftrllci for that purpose johx g- parker kingston dec- f itli lhu wyted as an apprentice in a dry goods warehouw a smart vouth apply to the editor kiiiwton lyc- 20 is3j tf mebwjlh card on percy moorr member of the toal cll of surgeons in friidoil- havmc received his exc icncy ihe lieut umvnmr lirtnft to practice three liraiiches of llb profesimu hrqs leave to fonn the iuhahhaut of emesiown camdrn- p laud and lmitfhhimitish tiu he htw taken n permanent rcmtkiici near sinimoih miu er town where iiomhiiii lie happy to attend to any uf died application simmons ik 30 1s31 41 to let lucdtate iunmm tied house and s tie in the occupant i to the editor wtivkl a jemuaiivitiof he cttlfif soelwi utter oanaia will take place at the cuinunf hotel on 111 contl rit at 7 nvlock purpose of elittinst oivuv bearers l of jnniu ihe snci til ilur dale may li 1111 members bygiviny llrlllctt to thr srnvtarv inir vivt0 r fur