itish w h i g ih p semiweekly opifek rk obbem 1 i c o it volume 2 byej barker m d the british whig a semiwiibklv journal jcvoled tu commercial and political infiii iniwioit ia nibiicrf cwry tuirfay and friday imniftjei by dptilot bicker editor ami iroprittor at his of- flea in llr if sneov next door to tin conrm j hotel for country circulation only the british whig is rawhhcd gvorj wednesday nmrning inawuukly form and wtltbo imiul ocoutatn ttic mot important matter oftbosemi- wcckly pnjir tkkms fr ilio semi- weekly paper one pound per annum if p nd in hilvaiinq ir wiltiiii llircia nmntb fruni the receipt of uic firt number j undone pound five ttiilliug if collected at lle ind nflln vwtr exclusive of thmtltfig for the country piper twelve shillings nnd sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within thiec wooth from the r receipt iif uia first number mid filiccn shilling if collected m thu qtnl of tliu yttr exclusive of postage cornjinics of individuals who reside in the country and who tn ly prater t end to the otfiru for their puper may have them nuppllqll ut ten ihullngfl per copy per anauin prompt pay tfo iithctiplion receive i for leas than six months and oo p i- i until all airarugcarc paid up except at th opti ofthc fuftttadier t ftntmttymnnt tiq unner h fid first insertion anj 711 ceh suhseouent inci r j ten lines and under 3a 4d firrtinfrtofl and lud nrilmbtftllmi insertion abovtj un line 4l pr line fir the first insertion and id per line fur every aiihsoipimit insertion- alveriieinnu without written directions aro inserted till fbruid rind ohorjscd accordingly orders lot discontinuing ajvcrtiwntcdti to be in utiin5 produce of overj kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agents unless post taiu kiivoto vmc ttesday mxuaky 13 lsff mjctttr press printing doctor marker having obtained a most superior press and an excellent aisnrtntent of job type is enabled to execute evaiy dosiiption job printing with neatness and ex sedition upon terms hillurt unprceedcntly low in upper tmadfc jwew goods new fall goods the audschibcbs resptctpully acquaint ilwir friends anil ihc pub lic that they arc now receiving thei- usual supplies for the fall and winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of which will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices among theih leading articles will be found a great variety op broadcloths uassimercs flushings 1etershuins satinetts and pilot clothe blankets flannels bai7es and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts and pantaloon drawers do liroeo turkey stripes aiid scotch ging hams ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 jr merinos bombazetts camlets and tartans bombazines crapes fee c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c fee c a general assortment of fashionable furs muffs boa tippets and swansdown huffs oafs gcntlemens verv superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1831 27 wholesale warehouse the 5 bslkihert offers for sale at i rcs jtore street for merly occupied by lessb sonaj the undermen- lioned goods cogmac brandies madeira port and sho wines benecarto and spanish do muscovado e india ft vauirfius siitars bunch mnscatel rniaiid sptnih filberts e india gumps peplwi 10 c 112 lb cassia cloves fig bui saltlviti wka ejwcili cash paid for wheat rye indian corn and oats and also for sale itt nil limes good old whiskev vm garratt kingston 21ih nov 1634 3220 salu japan pints japan qiu do and p dar iiartins li half pinfland pau do warrens 1 g l as s w a j k rtttt aks william ii- baht1et re3pectfully informs the inhabitants of hmnton aiul the midland district that he has late- ly tvtnrned from montreal with nn extensive and varied assortment of merchandize wllkjli he is now selling or case mr prompt pay wholesale and retail s the store lately occupied by messrs parker aad benson l tlim cevtkk ok stoftb strlikt vhc 9tock coiuwitf ul ttfm ul i iii t 1 1 x i i 1 2 1 e york shire mtsgf fii fine and cronanon broad clothe piujihbli pcmcrshams flunncu bixc carpet- iiig antl carpi hag9 series turtans bomba- uint mvraith crjpvs bondjaett iruh scotch linnein sien loom nnd grey cotton russia siifiiir cheeks knd stripes book jaconet corded mwilins gloves and hosiery viih ix vari ety q warchi for sale immmkoo of well burnt red bricks bv timothy chapman kinds of country produce taken in payment 4th con erneatowh dec- 23d 1834 40cf notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late henry w wilkinsov esq all those who are indebted to the same arc respectfully requested to pay the anftotint of their accounts without delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the 17th day o muy next thomas smith kingston november 17 1331 336n york paper mill warehouse beirn has lartfo and well wtl ht4ict of groceries purcasld bv the advemjir whihi will be sold torw or exchanged fir pruducc on the lowest pos- bible ivnimi caps ov all descritiioxs pur kin tli v o 21th isjl 32 t3e tb27xmt magazimfl society far tht diffusion q useful knowledge pintfistiibn jn london a most enteftalsixu a8 wrlii as a useful pb- riodical a fw copies just received by the subscriber who ft appointed agent ami will receive subscriptions for the same as well as other publications of the above society w r iurtlet swrest kington nov 21ih 1s3 eastwood and skinner 7 paptr manvfatturtrs respectfully inform the printers and mcr chants of upper canada dial they have opened a papgr and stationery waiteuouse nn the kust side of the market square toronto where they will keep writing priming and wrap ping paper also such school books as tire or may bemanufuctured in upper canada for sale on liberal term bcie boscrht and taken in payment v wrought nails 3j c i lb ox truce ualter and riaiiis chains spades shuvils and tning pans stoves 20 a 30 in iumh casting cant crawley and sinter stetd shtret iron sud and ilowc nails paints assorted colore pnttv whiiinj and cud oil and a few cases of superior chlinpaigni anchor llrand window glass assorted sizes tkrns under 25ct8h 2 3 to x00 three months bi and upwnlda six months cicdit by furnishing approved endsiul notc- ifexky hart kingston 1st novenacr 1s34 2030 ts mv wine ant spirit warehouse the adverriser begs ijvc iq roiurn lii sincere thank to his friends for die extensive support he has received since his coniinjiiccirient in liusinoss and in forms them that lie baft eeihovcd from his old stand to ihai large and cmmolions isrick store latilv in the occupntioil of messrs rose cameron aul situated nexl door to m- olcotts tavern in store street he now oilers fr salt nn extensive nsborrmcni of tin verv bri fiqitors cmisistinir nf port madei ra tenerine and uene- fviuw m iiuiuc nna rask cognac anil spa brandie holla-id- and enclih ciin seo lish and canadian whukiv jainnicu and iuor 25irisj shrub and prpperinint lite miiol- worthy the attention of private fmnlies tavt kceinrs mid eouutry liojilvijiers his sork of die let i orenis is also large com prising nil kinds of urceiijmmk teas kefiiieil and muscovado sugar spics bice kuiairw cheese uutter slarcli tw 8ahar fish df fiimlry description- vk c al ware new store the biibscribcr uvgt leave to notify to his friends and mstomcis and he public generally that he ha opened a general wtsortmeiit of new goods which lit intends acllinif at low prices and will take in payment all kind- of country produce with house rnd held ashes and nil kinds of furs u roblin 5th co lnl no 21 pied riekhliurgli riw dec 183 40if 20 boxes diy hcrrw 50 barrels north shore do j da mackarel 5 tierces salmon 10 nwt insjt hams terms cash or approved notes at 90 dpv m x feoage aftmstrorfo market place kingston nov 1834 30 the subscriber will pay cash for pot and pearl ashes kingston ian 2d memther store fhe subscriber returns his sincere thanks to jrieunsmd il port he srr 1831 henry ha 410 livery stdble ithr nbak qf mr john benxaxfl btolk store btltbct msarvt opposite tub commercial hotku the wibscribcr bej leave loinfbrmtho gentlfe nipu of kinzxifid ihot ha has recommmiccd ilie kwisi of hor cutlen slcichs c anrl trmu it iw utpiitloti he wil my to tho busines 10 me vie a coiiiiiiuaitcc of their hntroiidgc the hnim ore of die most superior description ami he cuitcrs and icishd be fiirnlnl ftilli fxccrlunu llinirss mul mountings of ihe first qua lin stow tiakee john mckay kingston sih i14 his ms received since lie commenced business nl add una them ihul no exertion w hi part hal mgto meru a cominuaoce ofthc same jtotic ivotice id hereby givei hat the accounts of all pbtemis indhti ro the kite firm of beach vijilstt tliatar notpaidm arranged oo or before the 1st day of january js35 will be placed in ihe hancb of an attorney for indiscriminate collection elijah beach kington dec 4ilu 1s1 35 grntoful for the patronage he has tomb stones jfo tiltlbi i ti i frinih nnd ihejillilltc runtiiimch to manufacture to order ui datii tomb stones of ftlmosl every toronto nov 18th 1831 32 20 varus uome5jtic flannels a cmpilhl article for warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale by the pjece or otherwise bv w k bartlet stores klntmi xov 21th im- 32 rn ham by nn kuiiisciuiwk iidkrgs plug tobacco 20 jrs superior huccaboy snuff 2i vs ltnsni 10 da tttr 30 hairs pepper 10 do pimento b hartlet storcst kingston nov 21th 1834 32 to lumber merchants cayal con tra ctors collvtii y merchants and otuer dealers fhe subscribrha9iiow on hand and is daily manu facturing a verv extensive assortment of staont peciged boots half boots shoes and can funnsh at short notice any number of doz ens thai may be required through the winter at the undermentioned uncommonly low prices mens ptfgged boots assorted sizes 133s to 165s per dozen pairs do petcddo half boots s3 gd to 00 per do shoes 67 6j to 92 6d- woniensbovs girls boots and shnesatequau lv low pi ices vho above are made in his own manufactory of the best materials and workmanship the following are the only terms thru the above goods can he sold t cash or endorsed nates at 90 days in order that customers hi distant parts of the d put the sub e tie de- province may not be disappointed and j icribcr to unnecessary expense of posta termined to send no small panels of goods out of kingston without a reference lor payment in town unless to wholesale customer he avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the numerous favor he has received from si parts of the province and be a continuance a j ferns kingston nov 21th is 32 tlic cornwall observer ifculiurst courier toronto patriot chrmian guardiun aud bninlforj sentinel will plcuse inficn the above for three months am hnd tltcir accounts tu the chronicle fy gftwtte office fur payment wasted immediately two tkoisjm ruljids for which lnuupuiiibo security will be given lrisnera addresaeu t a october 2nd 1831 15 post otlicci kingston to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the bust nun of storcstveut ami lately in the occu pation of m s bidwell esq for tenus apply t j abraham trnax or hknky kingston oct- 6 1834 wo tic cassady 13 v all persons indebted ti the private estate of the laic duncan vauauiiue kq arc requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persona having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation linnton auffust 2w t834 6 notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last rvill and testa tneniof tht late robert drummond respectfully request that oil persons having claim against ihe j5tate will present thern to jofeph bruce duly au- theoticateu forfltljbtment and likewise that those indebted to u will make payment to him without dt china giuss ami krtitwavcj sole and upper lealhcrj hollow and harjorc blacking brwhra cordage ouis oat and torn meal flour with i ariuiy of oiher iirtihm i which he rcspectailly in vites the hltcntian of the farmers coming to town will their proauce for wiich he will pay the high est price grain of every dwjjrtwn boiifiht and sold kington dec i 13- w p cook boots shoes gloves c lav signed margaret drummond executrix josepb snvm executor 24th sept 1831 kingstoi v blnch 4 white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform ihe inhabitants of kingsion and its vicinity that they intend to com mence brines as white 8p black smiths bbass founders die sinkers in the premiscst situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmrnd smith and known by the name of chcsnuis old stand in addition tu the above horse shoeing and far riery vill be carried on in all ilieir brandies beer pumps for taverni and hotels made to order bfiadt forsyth kingston sepl 2nd 1s31 8 candle manufactory const a ok mock anp acaa tkekts has rece maninti oi london n tub si fhsit hef i ii liip in dckcription wzsarsow cas sills likilltii stones and every oiikt nrlicle in the stone cutting line on hie shortest iluiice and the most leasnnahle terms abkam lott- k b ail kinds of produce received in ment pay- ii ih se t igih isrr 121 r a- j per its ved a part ad hourly expects the re- j 7 simply of ladies il 3iei ide boots hoes all ofthemos seasonnble kinds viz pritttelhi slippers hluk and colored shoos and rnntei gluill amt hrfwiwl q fw mw a tfhors carpfh slippitk carriajrf snow and clw ler boots 1 cane oflfldio nd misesexlni made fancy mid other boo and shoe such as nn made onlv for retatlinff h fir shops in the city -jluso- 12grnksofl5oysandhitdrehobooisaiid shom ladien kid and other tfkwefl jcntlemen buck and kid do- of the besthualify and beiiit imported direct from the mamifrory can he nflbrduu verv luw lamb skill wiu stocks best loudon made portmanteaus iftrftetfz bwsmchtwvcliing bos moose deer hiding bts nndnlarje assortment of ladii oenilrnien vouthantid childrens superior india rubber fveihom london dreswd roans and skivern roia lcnue shoe tllivad awls black and magpt- binding talloous ha it punches sie sticks u pohrswd lasting tiirk shoemakeiv kits and vvatchiuukvr file ihl fkomtuk tkutu kotkj- uespectfullt informs the in hiuilaiitiif kitiffatoomld tietraveu ling community that he has leased lltul pxternive and coniinodious honse of entertainment known by the name of the vt npto it u his intention to devote the whole of his time end study to the comfort and convenience of his gitista the kluemuu waits has lately romjh jir bed eilll nnd painted and is tiwvv on phlir mimkch tit the province uidcrgone a ipletely reluroshcl of tin liandttomcst i is admirahlv vc sioiatnt in the couvenicmcuoftravrllers bring iwtn the lake phoi and cumtiiaiuhu a fall v v ofihc9rriuh nnd departures of t hi tfrwiin boats from wliirh i thwncf siuige will be conveyed by porters ati ndius the whnrvcitou purutmc po the domestic anancments of the house the grotttcst nttenmon will he paid a first jte lalde will be kept lie beds will be of the best description ad tho i ixe mid ppiuits of superior quality is now receiving large quantity of sole and upp leather calf morocco lioihg and binding sbm he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 call skins 20 do glazed morocco 20 do unghtzed do 20 do liningfe 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding shins which he assures the public are manufactured of ibt hoot materials he is selling as low as any otlwr use in the trade he has also on hand 50 doz stark si co double refined axes 20 doz do j do dj broad d also 150 barrels salt sr cal0wbll market square kington 7 october 25th is34 s4 n b cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c for sale by the subscriber twankay young hjtqq hyon hyson skio und su cho tea mimcovido ent india and refined sugtr ivimcs ihdrwy spar hiuoiii miitfi afd sun radius umok iviilr and mumiavd aborted v india tkkles very superior madeira wine in pipes lihds or casks tad bottles sliciry ii tad botilcs old port tonvtillc piic common sherrv and port wines denncario wine in liluls tmiaora i- cnntc brandy in iihd5 and pifmt bordeaux t hollindioin i o l old jamcaspiriu 1 bftt superior schiedam in cap f ii pipffiir nnd brown qtdui real old m whicit rrry superior t tttlr swre snji and linsctd oib i oil in flatlet verv connected with this etftumtabmimt is and cnpucuotia yard wiih exchieut sutolng kington mnv ftth is34 large sn mafrmi or miihsiium a net dttdl9i samuel phippen returns thanks to the in- hahttantk of kingston and its vicinity for the en couragement he has received since his commncc- inent in the ahove business and bejrs to inform ihenti that he is daily manufacturing mould dip c andles of the very beat quautyam has on hand at the present time upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for sale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by the box or otherwise kingston nov 23th 1s3i 333m american mje1ther store just received and tor sale liy the subscriber a his cheap cash siorechunh street one door south of mr palmers druggist store market square the following goda oiz 500 sides best spanish sole leather 30 do do slaughters do f 300 do do do upper leather 300 do do harness 100 do do bridle 200 do do calcutta 300 calf skiiwi 200 kipp do 100 bbk pork 100 do mackarel 100 do salt also 20 boxes of sarks cos best broad and nn- row axes a variety of stoves of diflerent siyts and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil to- gcilier with a variety of other necessary articles in his line of businpss the whole of the above goods will be disposed ol on uncommonly low prices utnf ffjyrhe highest price in cash paid for hwba sfskws william ford- kinasfon december h 1634 37 steads puient hcul spfrs slioe duckies slides and ornaments tor link- stows kiisrslcxs supe rior london varnish fn hnrnrss lenllier hiuuikks patent leather and piiint lcathfr rnpj- nnd all kinds of mftiiuthcturiiig iiatcrinls in ilurshoe line also a verv cjtfclwivc asrortin in of mj e ms e it consisting of iec plilhleluhin iseud xcw york best inspected good m1 dtunsffr spanuj sole- leather 20 doz ew york ciilfswms bavy and middlm buenos avrevery uru d upper lei- thes and kips lining and iiudiug skiug black goal morocoo ruck and doe skius a inige qu litv of his own nianuicurrd isowa and shoes t in in- btunriv on hand md shoe ikinc hie ashurinicm ihe bestatid momt extensive he has c er uuircd lorsule ah kinds of work nnie order as uhlttil at the shortest notice v lihrtul iuscotuit to ftholwlecu- toiiiers iciiinston november- 131 31 to ttukivvttx avj wants h mtumimi it llrawe son who titliriinli thu busiiivs in ill i ami cim htitjltieliiry tostiiiintihilii fro einpovis in i 1 1 i country in ability vtv f iither riirttrnliiri applv to tlic k ocb r miii 1sji ii his uai imr 9q w i- straykd or stolon firoin the subscriber on or ilmut the first day of septeinli lust a hlttok horse with a small star ouc furehtad also n horse colt one year olil lustepriuff of a dirk roan color whoever will give uifoniihtiui that will lead to ihe recovery of said hur h il be handsomely re warded at peters milu in cimden gkorge liagbk camden skh ocr 1tl 36 to sihy keriers the subscriber has cjitaully on hand a quanti iv of patent pails to be sold wholesale at the manufacturer prices vv r cook kinjrston dec stll s31 k juckou rideau navigation tee steam boat r3deau margaret bthmgi ro the etotu ufth fatt r dnamnontl ei r t vi nnd umnt c tuecalc of the above steam boats which idvertfeod tu itike place on ihe 21m iiwt is un- lpoud uhth thursday he loth day next hen ihcy will itt positively sold ttltltttut rtvt il uoi previously disputed of b iri thac vcwftlaarc in gool suilini rondiiion mm iciuf bri cnnsinuily uwd oil ihe rideau ca nal isiuii3 l he pivseilt year i ian il is need- ivm to rurdier hi recommdndaiion of ihcm than to maic dial tlicy wcrcbucccwftil duringthe uutisu- il hiwiies of the witters ul the past getson and during mcl of ihe time of their running had three or lour licnvily ludun hurge in tow ltkewisk at ilic ttloo lime mul plncc thr illoonkk kpv oftmllake tmk ih hoats aret three msrothrrs and avfiiituhly nf j man 2ftr sac szey jfflst i a tr rn concisf vreu nf ahftfmftttr ltuqljitko to facilitate the improt wfuct of v til is cf mut i su- this afihineilo luis heert imhhshcd imder tin pi- iroiisige of hi hxirihncy ir jnlm cnlljornc k c- p tiic hon xu thieoii ihe anhilrncnn 01 york uiorev- dr u ivincipnl of the u- c college c price ten ilihungs pt- doztn half bound easvwood skinner toirtto 6v ivuj su tz with mstd and lugglxqs cthe vale will ikt pluce on hounl the res neaive vrtmelii which will bo moored cilongside the hitf mr drmnmihid whurh persons wittliiug to hove utvitltctctt in some of the lincw wnlef citniniwictttittsm in thecanstdasi would do well to embrace thia opnnrtmiiiy the terms whtell are tvv uurat will be made known by applvtue r jackson auctioneer kinann xov iimu 1s31 si 00 mt teat cash an thr rrsiju irtjvltt tqti iafitutiu hy tjtiacd indorse i ji utii li is andhlimmth fttj tl ihnwinj miwv will opy tho ahovc onro a week till tor day rif ttl tlic cubourx siar mont rent uttntto bnthilfil c ami birclvi kecorivrnfhng thr ae- t mipenor sniglu and cooking stoves spade ini shoveu niiil olallri faints ordiilireotoolonr amorttsh crockery i cinres caotilc wtck and slioc tlircad jlc sex also a choice ufoitmfttofdit goois amongftt wliwi ar s fine md mtijiiiti clrti tnd casithnctv rcttrliamf ffiul- his pilot m i camlets puil- merino bodi hizott gre4u nid sctrlrt buize white scafltt and yellow ruttnel sris a clioice wsortmnt of dark fiiney prints logftl lurlinjr brovin cotton and a cotpme assortment of l i irlnch will be found worth the notice of imvci thomas macnioeft to hejvt commodious dwcllins in bnrriefjeld for- eiij vunjpied by john k uiover esq btely iiy doctor iwiley oi ihe loth etegt- the premise being so wh krown dy not recjuirc further d esc rip- apply lo walter mecuuffe- kington 20ih mvl3 the merly oct n lion isotick all ppions luiving claims ngniqiit ihe eslnte ol the ian ivu fnwn of htih mm r niriield eij derensed of the are riqtiintied to present their acconnis duly authenticated nnd oil pi iors indebted to the requested t make immediate payment to cslutc are in m m chaiars fairfield admiiiiiliaior brncstoun 1 4ih jniy is3 frolt teas wiues c just received and for sale by ihe subscriber- addition to his former stock 40 chests very superior twnnkay ten 10 young hyson 5 old do 5 hhris bright muscovado sugnr 3 double helincd l of do 3 lipee fine old port wine 2 verv superior old mauira 5 ip casks l p teneriffei 4 pipes cognac brandy 2 holland gin five puncheons of very strong jamaica spirits 25 barrels v o- whisky 50 boxes mould candles 10 sswrmaceti do- 50 iiiird soap 25 kegs scct scented virginia tobacco 16 bands 100 boxes cigars 20 k- cm and nought nail 5 biilea tarred rone 20 boxes pioe apple cheese 10 kegs cod sounds 5 cuplin 25 boxes muscatel jw 5 banclfl fresh ssiiw cufmn 10 ca licpiw and pasie bhcxing terjms cash or approval tidorsed jsoteg at 00 days ogorgc armstrong maikelsiinrc kingston jon iili 1s8 at emi- consittixiy of on klygxtkhy brewery hunt morton bes leave w inform the io- habitanta of kingston and the public in general owt hcyhuve opened a storo in frontstreet iq house lately occupied by a manhan tsq- erant aeenl when they will n hmd unit in-diuftfl- hii ale ivoskt ifumiwrinrcuilkvnij iw tttcb will n paid lbove 8lote f wheat rue and itrlty kimmon i9th dw 1334 iil be thu