Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 23, 1834, p. 1

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whig published semiweekly voi5mr 2 op3fer per oicltimj dicor the british whig i a semiwefcklyjouknal jovolodto commercial and political inrotmation is bublitthoil ovry tuesday nnd friday evening by doctor ditkur imitor mid ivopriutor ut his of fice in jl i shoot nosl door loiuc cmnncn e hotel por couniry dreulaiimi ontytltc british whig is publtfhnd every wednesday aomin in a weekly form and will lie rnnl locontui i ilia nini iittiurtiitit matter of tho serai- wttcklv piper tkks porllloscnihvkljpapi4vofupouil4 pcrtonum ifpnid tni1vniit or unliiu airua iiiuntlu from the receipt of the firt iiumcr undone pii i ilvw sljtllirigft if collected at the cndnfiltc jnrtr exclusive of poltc por the cniintry pipvr twulvu shillings and sixpence per inrium if pail in advance or williin three months from the receipt of th first number uj fifawii shillings if collected at tin cod ufthu voar reclusive of potrtjfi cmpanici of indivi luals who rimad in the country and who inuy prfcr lo send to the oilier tor thoir paper may have ihcm 1 i a i ut ten lulling jirr copy per annum prompt pay no subscription receive fir ins than sic months and no nipr discontinued until nil at ruurjgo sins paid up except at tie option of tin iubluhcr ui gsto i tikmay ie k v i c m r k is 22s 1 34 gyj j barker xm p new fall goods chrbtrt went fat six mow and urltrrdod bntttuofson an j 7 i eich tlluffuqikt iikerlimi ten lines mid under its 4j firit insertion and 101 earlisubfcpirnt insertion above ten liiuh 4l per lino hr the jirt insertion and jd per line fur every subsequent insertion atfvcrlwtneim without written direrlions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ofdeii for discontinuing ilvcrtiscments to be hi writing produce of every hind rereived in pnymoat loiter liken tn except fioin agents unless post paid the subscribers respectfully acquaint thrir friends anil hip pub lic that hey are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall jtjyd winter trade comprising an extensive aim very choice mort ment of seasonable goods the whole of tthtcft will be bund of superior quality and iu exceedingly iov prices among their leading articles will be found a great variety of broadcloths cawimciv flushings peteral satinetf nnd pilot giotto blankets flannels ljuiztrs and series worsted and lambs wool llosinry shirts and pantaloon drawers jrevi domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey snipes and scotch itog- wholesale warehouse offers fur mile m a ins pksiplrkil his stores store street for merly occupied by leslie suns the undermen tioned stimls co2niic rraudie madvlnm port and sherry wines rcncriirln and sjkisitdi ked do m twro vndot b imiii itd fnriiiu stiaw bunch muscatel rutins and spanish filberts e ludhi camps iv per jo c 1 12 hi casht clovu fig blue bull pet re and eprm salts japan pints d ail paste dav mfl no 4 cash paid for wheat rye indian corn and oat and also for sale at hii time guod old whiskev wm garb att kiiintnn 21th nov 1631 3220w pan iun mviitk g l uv piul- half piute and pahte do usswar e 11am tors midler mre8s printing doctor barker luring ubtitincd nmnt sufmjrior frtsn ktd an xoilentairt infill nljun tvru is isnnbled to execute ercry dcscrintloii oc jtb printjn wilh neatness ond cx- eftitiitun upon tcniia hilhortu unjiretedvoily low in upper jve9v woods wilzrtabi h baetiet re3pbctp0lly hlfonna te inhabitants of kiuraion stul iliu midlatid disirirf that he has late ly ratiimod front montreal williom extensive and varied awirnnoni ormcrchandize which he is now mllitig lor cash or pros ft puv wholesale and retail at th- store lately occupied by messrs- parser i henson in tub cbstkb up stork stftsbti the slmlc roiss of wlm of england and york- filiin kujivi liiui itiw anil lyuuiwsi thia tl flusliintrs ptmoislianis klannrls haizs cnrpet- 111 and dnrpt hair serffc taunns uondia- xiu noriib crapus ltomhusctt irish scotch linnvns steain loom and liny coltnns russia sheetilhcft checks and stripes rook jaconet si corded muslins gloves aid hosiery with a vari ety of suiill wares- a larc and wsl seleolctl stock of firoccries has been purchased bv tlie advertiser which will be sold for com or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible term ladies aud childreus si 3 and 6 p- mcrijios bombazctts camlets am taptans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c c c a jreueral assortment of fashionable furs boas tippets and swansduwn rutts oafs gcntlcmens very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 183 l muff also wroiifflu niiils3jc lhs ox trare uulter and rigsiiifle chains ypules sjouls and frying pan slos 2u a 30 in rcmidre casting cat crawley aud hlister sterl sheet ironi sad irons and morse nail puiuis assorted cotih putty whtdngt ai oil- id cod 2 fur caps of all d kingston ov 24th 131 tscritpions 33 thb fsx72csv i4aoaz1we uft tin society for tht diffushn of vsrjut kttflttfofj imijisn london a most bntfirtainikci as wkll a a itsefcl pfe ittudau a few copies just received by the subscriber who receive suhscriptions publications of the pies just received is appointed aent aud for the same as wel as other above society wi r bartlet stocsr kington nov stilu lsj4 32 ooo yahds uomkstic flannels- a oipiid article far warmth and durability just re ceived and forsul- by the iece or otherwise bv v it bartlet 8torcst kiniemnn now 21th 1s34 32 just published a tw ano concise stirm of mhtfmtttc caixul1tro to paciutatx yhc irrovkment of twtm pwr caxada this arithmetic has been published under the pa tronage of his excellency sir john cnlbome li c b the hon and venerable ihe archdeacon of york the kev dr harris principal of the u c college c price ten shilling per dozen half bound eastwood skinner toronto nov i3th 1834 32 york paper afill warehouse eastwood and sjw ln m it taper manufacturers respectfully inform the printers and mer chants of upper canada that they have opened a papkr am stationery warkhorsg on tile east side of the market square toronto where they will keep writing printing aud wrap ping paper also such school books as are or may be manufactured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms rags bought and taken in payment toronto nov lsh 1834 33 notice the subscribers having been appninred ex ecutrix and executor by the last kill and testa inentof the late robert drunmumd respectfully request that all persons havfctg claims affnilml ihe esitjitf will presenc them to joseph itrik e duly au- thenticittd for adjnstmeni ami likewise thai those indebted to it will make payment to him without de lay margaret 2r ummoyd executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 21th sept 1831 13 sizes and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window glass assoired turns under 23 cash month 50 aud upvirds six inoni furnishing approved endorsed notes i1enrv hart kingston ut xoumher 1s34 20ilts dc35 tn oq f credi three by nsw uixe and f spirit warehouse the advertiser begs leave to reltirn lu sincere hatikstu his friends fut the extensive support lie ha received since his entnnencement in bumiirs and illionn them that be iuk removed mux w old sfaud to thai large and conmidions brick sture lately in the occupation of msr rose a cameron and situated nexl duor lujlr olcotts tavern in store street lie now offers fur si e an extensive asjnlmcnt of the very best liipiou eoiwisiinffof purl madei ra teitnifle md brirno win in bottle and cask cognac and spiiiw urmiulm uullamu and kuirlisli im eoah i1ui1 mul canadian notice is hereby tven thtttftfown meeting for the town nnd towiitthijj of kingston will be held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the fifth day ol january 1835 at ihe hour of 10 oclock iu the orenouu lir the purpose of choosing and no minating certain it and proper persons to perform the riuttc nf parish and biwu offices for the town mid township for the ensubtj year at which meet ing all persons concerned arc requested to attend john ashley high constable 31 d kindlon dec s 1931 livery stable in the hear of mr joun erennans store store strkrt nearly opposite the commercial hotel the subscriber begs leave to inform the gcntle- tnnt df kiitzhloiit that he has recommenced the keeping of horses cutters sleighs c and trusts by the attention he will pay to the business to me rit a continuance of their patronage the hortm are if the most superior description and the colters and sleighs will be furnished with excellent harness nnd mountings of the first qua lity terms cash john mckay kingston dec sib 1831- xotice notice is hereby given that the accounts of all persons indebted to the late finn of beach vjlyalstl k that are luytjmid or arranged un or before the ii day of january 1s35 will be placed in die hands of an attorney for indiscriminate collection elijah beach dec lib 1934 a5 oysters c er di- ordr rect iromquebec inspected and iu fiwl rate 50 barrels noh shore do 00 do mackarel 5 tiercea salmon 3 tons table cod fish jo cwr irish hame terms cash or approved notes m 90 dftvk market place kingston nov 1834 30 19b ii iii kingston d woier sjtiriis shrub and li signed whiskey jiimtai a pvpponniitl tin- whole i worthy lie ititontiui of private families tavrt keepers and counuy shopkeepers his stork of the iwsl fijocerics is nlo larje com- prisitiirall kinds of green j ulack tens ufiitcd and nliiscnviido 8usani spimssj rice raisins cheese hmter starch fuhte salt salt water fish f sundry descriptions vrk c c iiu cllinn sins and earthiiware sole and upper ieaiher ijnlluvr and harare blacking hnishes cordige oats oit and com meal flour wiih a variety of other ai tides w which he respeetlully in vites ihe hiteiuioo of iho bumtm omiis o iwn whh iheii proluce for rfmeh he will jay iho high- el price gniin of every description bmuht and sold just aeceived and for sale n v 1 a l k s ra k e r 150 ii l j 1in of svil low for cash kiiutvton nov 2ih 1831 vm p cook kingston dee 0 i j5 boots shoes gloves c full sale by tub isumvrlbbr 5j ives ping tobacco 20 jofa superior mceulov snuff 2u ivs rhhli 10 tr tar li ivis pepper 10 do pimento storcsi kingston no w b martlet 21th is34 32 to lumber mkhcffantat cajtal con tra ctors couvtr y m erchajvts and other dealers the subcribefhunot on hand ami is daily manu facturing n verv pxtomive nirimei of stronli pegged boots iimf b0t3 shoes mid can furnish at short holice any nuniher of doz ens that nmv l retpurcd ihrougli the wiujer ai the undcruieotioncil uncommonly low pricir bodts assorted sizesi iojs to los irs i mens pegged per dozen 1 da pejgcd do half isoo 82 oil io 90 per do shoes 67s 6d lo 83 cd- wonuns boys iirls uoots and slincsai equal ly low niiccs the above arc made in his own manufactory ot the best materials and workmanship the following are the only terms that the above goods can be sold at cash or endorsed jvotrs nl 90 days in order that customers in distant parts of the province mv not be disappointed and put the sub scriber to unnecessary expense of postage he is de termined to send no small parcels of goods out ol kingston without reference for payment 10 i own dnless to wholesale customers he avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the numerous favors he has received irom el parts of the province and heg gg kinasion nov 21th 1831 32 tjic cornwall cttimrver bathnfth coorivr tf patriot ttabivo for thl month ami wftdllieif accouartlo llio clironiclo s- tiawno office for puynmnl wanted immediately two thotkad poowds for which indisputable security will be given letters addressed to a b post office kingston october 2nd 1334 mack white smiihy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white fy black smiths brass founders die sinkers in the premises signed ot the bead of store strict latelv occupied by mr editiund smith nud known by ihe nnijie of oliesnuis old stand in nrirfiiiori tuthe above horse shoeing nnd fhr- rterv ill be caijled on in a there imhu ih j beer pumps fur taverns and lintels made in order bradt forsyth kington sept 2nd l s candle manufactoky j purr pbrns nml hourly expects i e re a has received ft minuler of his kill supply of laities unci mine london made uoots a b1iues- all ofthemovl seasonable khnl viz prunella slipper black md colored shoes and boot cloth bodts golwhcd do- fur bunts uu shoes carpel slippers cfrinffin snow iud glu- ter boot lenserlndicbni missexirainade fancy and other boots and shoes snb as an- made onlv for retailing iniie first shops iu ibe city also 12grosofboysand childrens boms and shoes ladies kid and other gijvos gentlemen buck and kid do of ibe best qmliiy and beins imported direct from the hinnufactoy can be affiirdeu very hnv f illltlll smm vol hiick- hl lotl toitlb ft to a s vr the subscriber graieful for ihe patronage he has received begs to inform his fiieuds and the public that he stil cotlfitlhctt 10 manufacture to order at his shop in bath tumb stones of almost every description window caps sills j stove pipe aud hejirth stones iiml every other article in the stone cutting line on the ohortcst notice ind the iiiom icnwnnh tormu abkam lott n b all kinds of pioduce received in pay ment u mil sent lgth isjj- 13if inui i mdllsf of lnd 1 1 tea i rind kb linsr bmi lenilititiehh roan ami ski wnk ur- li nil 111a in uei i rueiiiuj biu and a hirjc asitiim yniiilf umil clublrcnv boe ltmilum ilfiqm leathei sh k tlifiid and magpie tmlina uaibmiw mmt ym slirktit fat imlishrd vacuum iik ti kuui ox i samuel phippen returns ibanks m habitants of kington and its vieiniiy for couraccuieitl be lias cceived sinci- his coi ment in the abo business and berrs to lb in- the en- iikjhcc infnrui them itmi be isdiilv manuulciufiiig mould dip cjhtdlei of the very beat quality and iim on hand at the present time upwards nf five thousand weight which be offers for sale 10 tbc tradir on terms un commonly low private families supplied by th box or otherwise ktugston nov 2stb 1s3l mm notic- all persons indebted to the private estate of tin late duncan vanauiine esq are requested to iwkv immediate payment to a truax and all person- having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the same far liquidation- f f armstbond j es a- w attmstitoxoj tkuax kingston aogiwi 32i laji hoiiny to let that excellent wne dwelling house situated in the eul pi1 f siresfcet am utely in the occu- puion of m s imdwd fcn ctaha imilv to abrubaim rniwc or for tei rm bppi io hunry cas8ady 18 kiojratoo oct 6 183 for sale the north half of lot no 17 in the 6th con- eon of uw township of tingwa ah out 40 acrchro improved on he pense are o good e1h2 bar and shed por paiol p7y he subscriber or at kioflton nov 9h m mr jknvings t rimes lift ii with the regular ilutit ot his schtl pvi in private and in classes on the fullowing branch- writing arithmetic short hjisd vtmit reading and speaking etgtua grammar and book keeping ladies may acquire in a lew less us o neai epis tolary handwriting and b lliorough knowledge ol ihe principles ol english grainnmr to professional ieiitmno short itmd if nol essential is exceedingly useful as a mewus of l- cordin their own thoughts and i hose ol others and 10 be able to deliver those thoughts iu on im pressive and proper maimer b a duly they owe to their udunoe feraous engaged in mercantile piirsutts nmj ac- ouire i- a short time a cood business band an un common faciliiv of calculation and a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may be mde at bm acalemy near the n w corner of the ccuil house or at bis resi dency front street next to mr marklauds kington sept 17th 1831 m- fiomikcrs kits md wi stfiiils patent ulc jjrigi ind ornitnunl lui hulic nor london vvntmi fnrli phteiit ittsitbrr iitd piueri mltls srii i ehine ruckle tllir siraw 1 tltf in ihf slmii siil nisi i ii ihivii ie tsssinni m u ul inanuu n also a vrv exi cmwmtns of hcet plitladtiii ltid xtw t iiet icmiircvdi ifonil nnd ilnmsgil spntist st lmilier21dur new vrk cmii skittxe lnmy wnd luiddknifi uueiiofl avren vny lietivy dn ihcs find lvih itinisi and iknditig s omitmonicco bucfciiid d skins a h tiivofhisown mttiiutuctured iviuwnim uamly uu imndi n in kin ihaimwimeiil ihr botnntl inot extensive w lm pwr dlrivd mv all kinds of work nude t unter us unuil at tlit- hhif idirk inilequiui- islnn roti- iiorh s ton i ops rticfc a lilhfrotdwc mm to wholthkte cufc nnwnjr i o 1 31 ihomtiik prkth hotel jsfw ukspectpully inform ilie in hws4t hrtdinnts of kington and tnetraveu ling joinmumiy i tint he bus teased clint txiensivc nnd commodious llottw ofentcrtuinniftnt known by tlu name nf uie kingston hotel where it i his intention to devote the whole of ln time and study to ihe comfort and convenience of his snttsts the kingston hotrl has lately undergone ft thorough epairhns been completely relhrnished and kiinted nnd is now one of the handsomest public elonses in ihe province it is admirably well shinned for the convenience of travellers being nenr the lnke stiurc nnd commanding a full view mfhrimils ami dtriisirturre of the steam boau irrill which riuvierluaife wiirhu convey rillh tu ih s carmino respectfully hegs leave to at- quaint his patrons and the public cent rally that he continues to caitv on the buinesof hntei and tavern keeper at his old stand the jttannum mtone hotel i pleasatuly situated in store street bing the principal and most central street in kingston in tho business part of the town is convenient tn the dif ferent steam boat wharves and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comlort of apartmente io regard both to parlours and bed kooms all of which arc furnished in the very best tyle the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a larc yard in which there is an excellent range of stablca aad where a livery stable is constantly kept s- carmino having kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that yuw and he trusts that with unremitting attention to thq comforts of his guests he will continue to merit the public patronage porters will be in readiness to convey ing- goge to and from the different steam boatfe kingston may lw a leather store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to hie friends and the public in general for the liberal sup port he has received since he commenced business and assures tlwn that no exertion on his part shall ho wmmnfftd memncmrtltfutfflcff is now receiving a large quantity of sole and uppe leather oulf morocco lining and binding skinw he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 culf skins 20 do- itlnzed morocco 20 do ungtuzed do 20 do linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of the best materials he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 50 dir dor ffe ctfv double refined axes- ud 0 do do do broad do also 150 barrels salt s r caldwell market square kingston october 25th 1834 21 n b cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c ul ihi tho whurvwoti pm donittic eirituisfcuhfiitii of iltii will he pitd n fir pose tht- houc the rate lalrtc will it led v ii 11 m f ih hii dikri rt ton w i im- mid sp ii its nfsntkrmrqikilkv rhlrhciinl w j vtrl fi ihu tsnblkini w i i li 11 i j i or casb and for sale by the subscriber twankay young hyson hyson hyaon skin mi sou cheng tea muscovado east india and refiocd sugar prunes barley sugar and spanish tiuh bloom muscatel and sun raisins black pepper and murfard assorted west india picklw very superior madeira wioo in ptpea hbda botdei siiciry h and bottlea old port m u m tneriflo pipa coutmosr shebev ami joet vtimbb bcnucarlo wine in bhds iiuicira cognac brandy ui hhls and pipca iwliiiv n ilmlhodkgtn m f w jnniua siiriu i to 2 siijicriur ijiidam in case lttd in pnftrniif brown stout i i ipfnor h veterjyis pnlnihri iii huvr hi i mir- 1 his irrhcir ilottrjrniir h iii illi lldltiliitttttm iii ki ifssall nnd vicinity r the rxiimisive jnrouc he dm sltht hi ciwiltlwjircnitiih ni immihtth is i or9nbajj ncar8mitll farilier illinw rvtfncrtlblly infiinii hi patrons that he iieih renovvo his mttidilisbineni to the other side of the road opposite cuesnuts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon as usual tim tfiihrrilufr keeps on hand every kind of ilofsq mid calllc aicdiriiic hordes shod on ivufessor co man vim prov ed priueiple edmund smith kingston sept 1 is31 votke stkaykd nr shdtfii ivum the suhcrilut iiinit ihe litvt tiny ofiwiwlhrti n buck on or torse uithn small star on the iirehtrail himi a mors- colt one year old list sprint uf a lu rnnn color hthrver will buv inlbfnimull llmi will lead to the rcrovrv nfaul llrse hill he hundsmnely te- wardd at peteis milui ramdimi teokge i1agek cumden sill dor 1334 j notice to lmvcrsof liniiiht nml xlc tin- liiisiiii ihirctulbi witt ii fvha ill nf skin enrried on bvs s- hides k cnld- to mi bnnds nf the subscriher at tfior jhljtiuinu thoman smillrs hoi store ur the kiiillon ilutcl when- cvrry dmcriflfon of helmler msiy be ll atoll limw- sil iiiernl imkortmem of mticlrt sod liy suddlera i iiiniiinl mitiiiud i i utd blllip in lure kinuion lr 9ili ciiixlt nu in itus octiiiiion apd on tl0 premise ai i ibsw ol 3g kotk is hereby jrivrn ihnl ibe initltsiirmd lists lakeii ottl liiitrs iif aduiiiiisiiihii ti ilie bxtnlc of ibe nt iiknrv w wilkinson ei- all ilnse wh are indebted t the mnr ure 11 uci cully rriiited to pay the amount o ilieir ehi withoul delny ami llttwo haviiifiuum- to ircm dy aiitheiui- eatedi lor adjustnient on of hefure ihe lih day oi mav next thomas silltii kinwion ovcr 11 siera trees uumes and ijindings rntl shw niihrs such as saddle ii mi trww ami lasts liuinrs kinincr hue skinn see- c ac shoe makers saddle and harness mnucrs j-ar- neni and all dalorsiu leather will find tfor huirinicresc iu patronize this establishment as the nock will bcexwiwivemid ofevery variety of quality h il be sld ii til loir ft prices- ftjcofk paid fir ilidrs and skni william ford kimmoii june loih 1s34 96 to tskeivents ayd maltsmey wan lhs a hihiaciou 1- brewef nr mailman per on who undrslanils lite busiuf in all iis details ind can jjht itaiitflaetnrv testiuionials ioin lis last itiiplnvfis in this cimniry as to abiliy c for turdier pariirulrs apple to tbc editor- october uih 1834 i li lijov vfy bupurior rk vrv r kii sinwi i 1 ivl 1 u aokl c k rv ut ir ctuidlftwftcfc andsuotlircwl ac 4 a chiiii c wwrtuhnl fdry cods amont whwi arc film tiinl miimliu lolhs nnd cwimcre5 pirtfniianw fluh irtgis pilot ctoiiii dhnkcu ciintttv pi3id mcriomf b- liizctt giti anil s irll r white scirltt and yellow felwttol seivui a ehinov nortmcnl of dnk ftwey prinu loitm itirtin itrown coilon and a complete assortment of acasonamc good vlich wilt be found voffa the notico of buniva kington 33d ociobcr 1834 thomas macnidceu to rent the commodious dwelling in barrie6eld for merly occupied by john r ljlover esq lately by doctor banlcy of the 15th regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip- tion apply walter mccunffe kingston 20th may 1834 notice all persons having claim ngainst tls estate ot tlie late benjamin fnirtield esq deceased of the town uf buh are requested to present their accounts duly uthonticnted end all peronbthrlrhtcd to ih- eatate are requested tn make immediate wvmeiito chariks fairfield admiuutrntor ernestown mihjniy ism to be sold one share of 25 in the stbam boat f george apply to margaret davis jtdm inixtrairii james doyle agent kingston october 17ih 1834 or to quicu thorn to be sold by the subscriber a quantity exgush quick thofttr anted nearly two years also lion fine belee transplanted neany iwo i- if engk garden ifcgjjjsu kingmooi oetiwfc

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