Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 2, 1834, p. 4

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jlast call al1 pwdfl indebted to the subscriber either by etrte 6r book account are requested to take notice that mual immediately pay the same or be drobl1n napanee nov 19th 1834 30 notice the subscriber hereby gives notice that all notes and accounts in his favor which are now past due vill be put indiscriminately into the hands of dm attorney for collection kingston lotli nov 1834 t macn1dek 30 lands for sale f4 acres of the very best description of 7m w l situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the british whig august 1834 52 notice application will be made o the legis lature at its next session for an act to correct the survey between the eighth and ninth concessions of the township of king king 16th july 1834 notice the inhabitants of the eastern parts of the newcastle district and the western parts of the midland district intend petitioning the legislature st its ext sitting to be set off into a separate dis trict river trent 12th july 1834 to be suine the presses types and printing materials of the toronto advocate office consisting of an iron im perial press abmalljobpress a second hand rain- age press a large and powerful standing pres very many founts of type in fine order and of nil the requisite sizes of books jobs and newspapers a great variety of cuts ornaments borders chases cases dashes leads fractions rules frames gal leys troughsfuniiturecomposingiickscard plates leaders and every other article requisite for an ex tensive job and news office the whole establish ment was carefully selected by the proprietor coat about 750 has been well taken care of and will be sold for less than half the purchasemoney- credit will be given il required apply to wm l mckenzle trrv oi j toronto 3d nov 1834 notice sixpence reward runaway from the subscriber sarah crage ivisie to forbid any person or persons harboring or trusting her on my account as i will not pay any debts of her contracting any person who will return lier shall have the above rewlfd but no charges paid alexander huttman oath 3rd wov 1634 26 notice provision warehqjse james bakra respectful inform his friends and the public j busi ness lately established by baker en is now carried on solely ly himself at the old stand in the market square j li in returning thanks to his friend f the sup port hitherto received takes the oppotunity of in forming litem that he intends to keep fi nale every article in his line of the beat quality an on the most reasonable prices prime mess and one hog pok smoked 1 1 mi cheeks c mutton hams gruuked and dried beef young hvson twankey and black tew sugar spices c dec superfine flour indian and oat hsu pickled onion cucumber ac oau corn peas bean c scotch herrings mackerel cod fish plug paper and cavendish tobacco soap candles c c with every other article in the grocery atvproviiion line ho ha just received several crate of crockry of the la test importation 4 crate of stone ware 80 reams wrapping paper a quantity of scotch and american manctured tin- ware vegetables fowl potatoes ac at hakal price b7 cash for product of every descripm j3 jahjb baker market square kingston oeutar 7 iftu 1 notice the inhabitants in the centre and rear of the district of newcastle intend petitioning the ensuing parliament to grant the means for open ing the navigation of the river trent district of newcastle july 9 1831 the commissioners of the canada company give aiotice that it is their intention at the next meeting of the legislature to apply for an act authorising the canada company to improve the harbor at goderich on lake huron canada company office toronto 11a july 1634 notice is hereby given that an application will be made at the next session of the legislature for an act incorporating a joint stock company for the purpose of makinga railroad from hamilton in the gore district to port dover in the london district hamilton 21sl may 1834 notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of norwich in the london district intend petitioning fnplwfmftf4rt4tflnet session fur ah anttocoufiaw ivtci lossiugs survey madfe m the eastern divi sion of norwich ftpil authorize an assessment ini- jokd on tho owners of said land to defray the cx- pensea of retracing said sorvey and replacing monu ments and to defray other necessary expenses worwich ilcthmay 1834 public notice is hereby given that the inhabit ants of peterborough in the newcastle district will e to the legislature at its next session for an act to incorporate the said town to define the limits thereof and to establish n police therein april 15th 1834 notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of the gore district will renew lheir application at the next session ot the legislature for an act incor porating a banking company to be established at hamilton the county town of lite gore district hamilton 2lstmay 1834 notice application will be made at the ensu ing session of the legislature for an act to cbtal- liah bank and also to define the limits of the village of sl catharines and establish a police therein st catharines 16th aug 183 1 notice application will be made to parliament at the next session of the proincial legislature for an act to divide the district of london and erect a new district from the counties of oxford and nor folk with the exception of the township of nissouri and the addition of the township of bayham and so much of the district of gore as lies west of grand river the thomas imekay steam boat pid not arrive as was expected and consequently was not sold as advertised on the 21bt inst there will be due notice given of her arrival and the time of sole kingston 22d november 1834 32 bras and mron foundry the undersigned respectfully begs leave to an nounce that his brass and iron foundry corner of peter and lot streets in this city is now in full operation and that all orders he may be favored with shall be executed with fidelity and despatch cas tings and the various other descriptions of work manufactured in his establishment he will warrant to be of the best quality and every article will be furniohed on the usual terms of the trade joseph turton toronto lsth october 1831 32 tor sale on moderate terms the stock of types presses c of the daily advertiser printing office it consists of a sufficient quantity of types to print a daily semi- weekly and weekly paper av eseeivnvt awwfflrww ifmt ljflwft kk cttfg and dei ices an imperial smiths press and job press with catttvs and othlft fultmttbk complete any person desirous of carrying on an es tablishment of this kind will find it an advanta geous opportunity for so doing and by putting for ward a suitable prospectus would most like retain a large portion of our present subscribers and regain those which wc have lost fly the proprietor of newspapers insertingthis advertisineut will receive our thanks november lsth 1834 commercial bunk m d notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of this institution will be held at tht bankoh monday ia qj of uttmnihtr nttf a nwn for the purpose of taking into consideration he pro priety of applying for an increase of the capital stock at tire ensuing session of the provincial parliament by order of rlw board f a harper cashier kingston 21st nov 1634 32 miss wilson having passed five years of diligent applica tion to the dres making art with mrs kennedy assumes the confidence to inform the ladies of kingston that she has commenced husines a mili ncrnnd dress maker in clarence street wisi of mrs forsyths two doors below mr j kvkrirrv where she is determined to merit a patronage kingston november 14th 1834 notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of jii ant its vicinity will renew their application at the next session of the xgi statu re for an act in corporating a company to build a wharf at the mouth of deans creek in the township of haldi- maud grailon 11th august isj4 prize medals it is hereby announced that the natobi histort society of montreal has resolyed toofler four medals for the best essays pnsttited during the present year medals are offered accordingly 1st forthe best essay on the connexion between the features of a country and the chanter of its in habitants 2nd for the best essay on the peoilar sise and number of lakes in the northern part d both con tinents 3rd for the best essay on any scwrtinc subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subjpet connect ed with literature generally the conditions are 1st the essavs shall be presented an or before the 20th of february 1835 2nd the essay may be in french irenglish 3rd the names and residences of the authors must be concealed to ensure which ch essay shall have a motto and shall be accompanied by a sealed note superscribed with the same motto and containing the name and residence of the author it is note shall only be opened in the case of the essay being declared worthy of a prism otherwise it shall be destroyed 4ili the succssew emf9 9rm fm the pro perty of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the right to withhold the prize should no one of the essays on amy particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to a f holmes m d corresponding secretary of the society andrew h armour rtwrdine secretary oct 23rd 1831 tfce hew splendid mm fast sunning steam boat grocery tea wine and chml frwtlsic slorv mark sq patrick egan respectfully informs the inhabi tants of kingston and surrounding country that he has received direct from afontrealand other mark ets a choice assortment of the following articles which he intends to dispose of at unusually low prices rvines spirits groceries fye strong jsroaica spirits cognc brand holland i in superior old port madaira wios uppr canada wbisksy young and old hyaoo teal twankcy apd black do cuba coffee double rafined aud mucooi sugar plus paper and caendib tobacco sooth itccriogs cod tiah tddmsckartl sail water salmon muvaul raisin fig almooda prime mew and one hog pnrk by the m smoked pork and mutton hams superfine floor oat and indian meal owu corn beana peas dec drx 30 doz corn brooms 100 bl salt 50 rcama wrapping paper a iwantir ofstooe and tiowre 10 cratse aworled crockery 20cwl arscrican cbceaej a quantity soap candles starch blue bk barley crackers lecoou pickles axd american apples p e intends always keopingon band fresh butter eggi fowls and vegetamea fanners coming to market will do well by giving ilis above esubliihment a call where theywill receive the highest pnoe in cash or every description of produce jroth oct 1834 the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in business and takes this method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware buckskin mittens and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at the sign of tbi bbajt ma1tbt qtjake geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and brass deer skins sheep skinp bees vvax tallow c will be received inpayment the kighttt price paid at auhmuin cash for furs n b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by so doing they will oblige barton phillips kingston feb 4181 i c hatch chlrmakf kingston upper canada hare of public 30 notice the inhabitants of loughborough in tend to petition the legislature next session to make null three lines of concession s between he 1st and 2d between ho 3d and 4ih and between he 5th and 6lh concessions of loughborough and a liberty to divide equally the concessions which by the old sum y were laid out by twos together and also that the side lines may he governed agreeably to the old survey loughboiough 1st may 183 1- notice is hereby given that it is the intention of william purdy and other inhabitants of the town ships of ops mariposa cartwright and reach lo petition the legislature at its next session to estab lish the said william purdy in the privilege ofmarn- taining the water in the river scugog at its present height in order to secure ahc full operation of the mills known as purdys mills in the township of ops and the safe navigation of the river notice is hereby given that an application will be made by the subscriber at the next session of the provincial parliament for a grant of an exclusive right for a certain time to the tise of an improve ment in the construction and propelling of vessels navigated by steam whereof he is the inventor thomas graham niagara 18tb sepl 1s34 notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature at the next sitting of the provincial parliament for an act to reorganise the county of suffolk in this province to be composed of the townships of walsingham houghton hay- ham middleton and the western division of the township of charlotte ville together with turkey point and the promontory of long point and to constitute the townships of woodhousc walpole townsend windham and the eastern division of the towiwhip of charlolleville to compose the coun ty of norfolk and to forty- the said counties into a separate district to be called the district of long point and also to raise by loan on the credit of the said district a sum of money to rebuild the gaol and court house at victoria 10th september 163i lost on tuesday evening last from the pasture of the subscriber a fox horse a bom sixteen hands high with a short fail and somewhat foundered in the fore feet any information given will be pro perly rewarded tt smith kirgston mills nov mth 1s3i education johnstowm district school tiflockvf ilfe ujvdfjr john smith a ill studies ainl terms per qr x- s d english reading writing gram mar and arithmetic 10 0 ii mathematical elementary ami prac tical geometry trigonometry alge bra natural philosophy geography with the use of the globes construction of maps and history stenography i 10 0 hi languagks laiin greekfrench with english composition logic and rhetoric i 10 ii or the whole course at i 15 0 to suit young ladies or others wlio wish to at tend the higher branches of these studies classes will be formed at separate hours from h til15oclock p m on wednesdays and saturdays xi 5s per qr mr smith can receive two more boarders in his family hoard and washing jc25 per ann board ers provide their own bedding and towels one vacation in august and another at the new year brockville october 22nd 1831 26 for sale the foluowiftq blak and memorials court of requests take notice that an application w ill in- made at che next session of the provincial parliament for an act to impose m tajc of tbrvc pence an acre upon ii cultivated itindi io the niagara western and london districts snd one penny un acre upon all other lands in this province the proceeds to be awtied to the support and maintenance of the welland canal grantham 19ih july 1834 i imf th mere honor oi ms vtmv cien deed ulanks u e ilonds and powers of attorney promissory notes to order and to bearer confes sions of judgments summonses on account summonses on note declarations judgments rolls and sundry other law blanks in the court or kings bench and district courts to the number of blanks thus advertized addi tions are being made weekly british whig office 1834 26 nintri voluilk i benosttoj at jkusic b wkooo cuts poetry and prose dv the most celebrated authors published at 3 dollars per annum by l a tiodev autblam balldtnga franklin place philadelphia houses to let two newly erected framk 11hikkp io be lir siiua- lotl ut the lop of llrock street knqiiinf nf p mauhan kingston oct sqlli fii 23 cy oi imc wulkmiuklaj 5 commodore barrie fropdud by uk mperiof uncjmmtrt engines of messrs wm4 co mmefmctmrt momtrml will leave kingston far prescott every monday m and wednesday evening touching oo her arty at french creek and brockville pfill leave prescott for kingston and the bay ol quintte every monday and thursday evenings af ter the arrival of the steam boat from below touch inj on her way at the above mentioned intermediate pltccs and arrive at kingston the following morn intfv will leave kingston for the bay of quintie etrv7 tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock ar after calling u bath fredricksburgh adol- ptjstown hallowcll cutbertsons sophiasburgh blleville river trent will arrive at the carrying pice the same evenings will leave the carrying place every wednesday saturday morning after thearrival ofrhe ikest- vt ttftges w f flllling at the above mentioited ntermediate places will arrive at kingston the same afternoon every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of pawingers and particular care ta ken of all property regularly put on board kingston 20th hept 1834 15 in the press and nearly ready onsvol 12m 4o0 pages nd 14 put price lofl hawxiwi rxottrms op qusbio and its environs with historical recollections draw5 rhoi 1we kost attthkftic sources editors tif the mvwl papers w upper and fswer canada wmia m0h insertion to 0m prosvets will ptcist to copy otis advertisement and send tnar darsscs t the sukserxber alfred hawkins 47 su lewis sin uutbcc october tltk 1834 j i meeting of tfcejloue of assembly as the approachinf session of the provincial par liament promises i be one of vast interest to the inhabitants of upptr canada the subscriber pro poses to preserve ie proceedings of the house of assembly in a mow durable form thana newspaper and to report themtt more length and at the same time more minutely than has been done heretofore to attain this desinble object mil experietced re porter from englard will attend every sitting of the houfle andaccuraely note the votts and procteh- imgs of that body vhich will be published in week ly numbers cuiishting nf sixteen pages large oc tavo printed with good type and on fine paper and delivered to subscribers in the city of toronto every saturday afternoon at the end o the session a title page and hdex will be furnislied to each subscriber grotis the whole forming a volume of great importance aid necessity to every man in the province and a sute guide to electors as by a re ference to its page it will be seen not only what their kepreseutativts did but also what they intend- ed to do the price of e a cl number willbe one shilling pay ahlc on delivery any person procuring ten subscri bers and becoming responsible for the same shall receive one copy giatis agents will shorty be appointed in the different towns and the greaient regularity observed in for warding copies to subscribers as the execution of the intended publication de pends entirely npo uie support which may be af- lorded those who wish to patronize the undertaking will please to signify the same as soon as possible all communicatiina addressed to the tubecriber to be post tree 6 brega tr- p it i lm strrxl it bdiior hy inserting the above bhall receive ittipy ut the work wc during thu cntjuig j torwitc- odohvi 2ih ikm notice totbe inhabitants of pittsburgh thatthose wish ing to attend their respeettvechurebeeon sundays will be allowed to pass the bridge ot half price john scrivens a fresh supply of groceries the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the support he has received since he commenced bnfiiiiegsin kingston also to inform them he has assortment of wines jamaica smrrs sramsn and cogmag brandy hoixanos gin pkpcr- mint and shrub worth the notice of tavern keep ers also groceries earthenware aoioog which are a quantity of figured flower puis glass and a large quantity of west india rice of the first quality a lige assortment of salt water f4sh tible salt cheese butter oatmeal cornmeal money flour ptfrit oats sole and upper lea ther constantly for sale w p cook store street kingston july 10 1su storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public tht he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john alcouire at the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals in town those who wish to store prtipriy f riiflpo of it lw rnnsifrnmenj mnv nu- on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception ofbag- gage barton philips kingston april 11th 1834 wholesale 8c retail grocery wine spirit and gral fravitlm store haiket square next door to mr scantons auction mart the subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston fcc that he has opened the above estab lishment where he has now on sate the followipg articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuys brand 4 hhd hollands gin 2 pipes benecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeira 5 qr casks tenerifle 2 do do pale sherry 2 do do brown do 2 hhds very superior white wine vinegar 20 barrels upper canada whiskey a quantity of prime old schiedam gin and chareute brandy in bottles 20 chepts twanky ivn 3 do young hyson do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhdsw double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue whiting window glass oils and colors c arc with every article in thu grocery and provision line george armstrong kingston th july 1831 44tf notice the public are hereby informed that the buhscriber will continue to hire out the hearse as usual on the followiug terms for a member of st georges church 2s gd for a member of any other church a who is not a subscriber f horse and driver provided go to labouring people 2 6 he will also when required undertake the man agement of funerals w p cook foh hal n wr wmomibem loo barrels suit a quantity of cordage and other ship chandlery market square kinghton 1 n time nrmteu ior uie recrtptoi muaa wn premiums last offeni having expired and tbe wards having been made the publication of tbe se- veral manuscripts has been commenced and willbe continued tih the budget of original mutter receiretf is exhausted as the publishers of the oalax mean to relax none of their efforts to mnke the p- per well worth the patronage of n reading piikfo they have decided to repeat the offer ofonehtif dred dollars in tbe wme rums ss before vi 50 forthe best original tale 26 for fa best original poem 26 for the best article ipm a hwnotott fiuhjul the writers are ut vibtrfy ut select their own scenes and characters the ptahab ers of the galaxy having decided not to ctmfree them to any particular age or cottntry tthemami- scripts may be directed to the editor of the galaxy postpaid till the last of april 1835 and the award will he made during the month of may following the addresses of the writer should be inclosed in a sealed note marked nameand the directions of the successful writers only will be opened in addition to the matter contributed forthe prizes which will from time to time continue to be offered the publishers determining to spare no pains to make the galaxy a useful readable and interesting paper have engaged contributions from the pens ofpnio tised writers to say they have done all they can do would be a contradiction to the present expres sion of their intention to increase their efforts to mer it patronage as that patronage increases althooghmr list of country exchanges is already sufficiently large and we have felt obliged to decline new exchanges we now offer an exchange to any country editor who will give this notice a few inser tions tlftml of tbi oalait three dollar per annum persons at a distance who order the paper are expected to make pay- mentin advance or give a satisfactory reference in the cily persons obtaining five subscribers and remitting fifteen dollars will be entitled to a akxtb copy gratis boston august 16 1834 stolen or strayed a large black dog who answers to the name of watchj whoever will bring the dog to this of fice will be liberally rewarded for his trouble and whoever harbors or detains him after this notice will be prosecuted british whig office sept 12th 1934 sash factory the subscriber rcspectfnlly inform the inhabi tants ofkingston and its vicinity that he has recent ly commenced making window sashes at his shop adjoining the kingston foundry where he intends to keep on hand a large assortment of every kind which he will cell low for cash and he hopes by tw asaiduoae attention to business to merit a share of public patronage ft all ortfrr fnr thp ahnvfi fhnnlcfiilly rttitfl and promptly attended to kingston may 2 183 j sargent in london lineof packets tu jail the najt apd stltceptk or acw mouth tbe lino is at present composed of eight ihipv which will hereafter nil from new york and loodon on llw lrtand 16th sod from portsmouth on the 5lh tnd wih tf err month unlets the jay of sailing huld fall on sundij which case it will be deferred till neit dsy from new york dec 1 ship hannibal f it hcbird master dec 16 ship philadelphia e e morgan master jan i ship samson d chadwtch master jn 16 ship president georee moore master feb 1 ship ontario w s scbor master feb 16 ship montreal c ii champlain roastun mar 1 ship canada thomas britton master mar 16 ship sovereign j kearney mutes from london oct 165amson leaves portsmouth ocl 20 not 1 president 1nvt portsmouth nor 5 nor 16 4vnta it io fea portsmouth nor 20 dec 1 montreal leaves portsmouth december 5- dae 16 canada leaves portsmouth december so jan 1 sovereign leaves portmouth jan 6 jan 16 hannibal leaves portsmouth jan 20 feb 1 philadelphia leaves portsmouth feb 5 these ships are a of the first class aboui 500 tons burthen and are commanded by able and experienced aavicalon great care will be taken that the beds titor ac are of lbs best description the price of cabin pasnage outward a4a an agreement entered into in conjunction with the proprietor of the neveral liverpool packet lines is now fixed at 9190 eidusive of wln trnd llruon which will ha furnishej each passenger at ilic established rates that arc filed to tht printed cards that ui be found on board each of the ships for freight or passage apply to either of the commanders m board the kmp or io y co no wcftlem sl london jsss 69 south mreet new york grinnell mintijrn am ii rixmxl panels to lo lanj ood ivcwtu pdupm tu iliactrtuia of england and to the contencnt every information relative to thislinc orpacket ship may be obtained hy application at this office post office aitaiiscmenta ui r aiti ki of thk wails the mails forthe offices on the main post routes lo that- imrrf of this office are closed six limes a week viz on mo day tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday ihoaeto the wagbourd of tbts cftee meluding niagara as far a ancastr are closed six limes a week viz on mtmtuy tuea day wednesday thursday friday and saturday these mails will tloe eath day at g 0 clock the mails for offices between bath and brighton on lha prince edwani county route ore closed unwt wfm on tuesday thursday and saturday at 6 oclock p m the mails for camden eastand wilton rc made upo tuesday and friday at g oclock p m the mails for all offices jfeslof ancasterifi closedlmtc m week viz on monday and thursday at 6 oclock p m the mails for newmarket and other offices jvort of york are closed tirut a week viz on monday and thurs day at 6 oclock p m the mails for offices norta of port hope t cavao peterborough ac are closed oneza week viz on saturday at 6 oclock p- m the mails for marmora are closed oats a week rrz nm thursday at 6 o p m the mails for th offices on the route through beverly- perth ac are cdotfd twite week via on monday mflj thursday at 6 oclock p m the mails tor the united states ore closed three time m week viz on monday wcdnday and friday al3o clock arrival of the mails the eastern mailsarrivejiilimfja week viz on monday tuesday wednesday thurdoy friday and saturday the western mails arrive six fimesa week viz on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday contract hour of arrival 4oclockp m the mails from offices west of aneaster will arrive hrus a weak viz on tuesday and friday with the mails from york the prince edward maib arrive three times a week fix on monday wednesday and friday at the same lime with the other western mails the southern or united sates haiti arrive fknmmtr v weok viz on monday wfrdnasday and friday prohsws hour of arrival on an average thrinigh tho year 5 oclock office hovrs the office will beopen from 8 oclock a m till 7 oclock p m every day except tho sabhath when tetters will delivered only between tho hour of 8 and 9 a m as to letters going abroad tbe following regulations must bo attended to nth they will remain not forwarded and be lost to all concerned letters for the tinted states mut be postpaid to cape v cent and such as are intended to go that way to europe m be post paid to new york letters for europe intended to bo sent by queta must bs post paid to quebec and those intended to be sent br faiper falmouih packet must be post paid to h letters can only tm sent byway ofuoobcc between may and 1st november in merchant vet ihvy rsij forwarded by the fther routes at any soaaon for the regulation relative to postage ov cf m fiw continent of europe west indies dec see aopoat genirrals advertisement put up in this oac rates of foetagnona single letter from this office capo vincent 3d to now york is sd to quebec 2d in lklifiumbl any newspnpei that lsfrwarded without baing post will ho chanted with letter potafto rutoof pontage f newnpapor from this office to any oftlin dritiah prmuices lil to capo vincent d and cape vinmt to now york one nlm and a half john mac it r wo ho sij i

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