Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 25, 1834, p. 3

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rn iolitirj jotanc6i ho t nun loll dtf hid mr bia wci i vht firtl to corapimni tin oo our lndtndn tht tzplratinnoftlie linlf jow wu to b the hour f dih the hour ctmo we toi twenty mbicribort and gain- rj ftrly stop till tho euclioninroovor wo the nntcry tad lho look out tho election araover tnd hrro w art ttlvt ind kitkin i bii whilu we can command the higait circulilion or any puprr in ilio midland dimrict ao long hall wo obtain a imj advertising patronage and oolong d w tako ordinary pains to pau our readers and remain true to tho principles we profcaa go long will thoy ramaio true to wt nd no longer but to return to tho subject of tho tuoadaya whig appear ing on wcdneaday what en we poor bodies do f wo keep no more cats than catch mice and it often hippent that juat aa we have made tore of the papern coming out in good sea- ton in comes a curtomer with a handbill u long as his arm who under threat of taking ini work to another office compels ut to neglect ttie public aervice nnd tnk off our beat hand to attend to him this is nojuslifiraliun it is ractoly ti excuse mstbinka soma cynic excliiios what has all tin rigmarole to do with your trip to toronto et cry thing swet critic ibr unleas w bo allowed to digreas and regress jump upon what hobby horse we like and gallop whither we list we shall never progress in this journey of our commenced solely and especially for your entertainment if y dont know wheo you arc well off we do but tuesday or wednesday whuro did we leave off we ask we call to mind we had barely got on board the icamboat moored safely at druimmmdt wharf this was about bix oclock in tho evening on the sixth mil and the ibird bull wan ringing o04 of the most exciting scenes in a oniel canadian town or villago is the orriral or departure of a iftigc steamboat tho crowds of passengers anxiom io get on shore tho crowds of nwm of busings and of idhrs noxious to get on board the shipping and unshipping of goods and luggage the carters at tending with their teams the runners from tho various hotels attending with their impertinent ofticiousnesa the noisu by blowing off steam drowning the exvlomatiooa vociferations and oatiia of the happy and disippointed together joined form a scene of tumult and rudene to bo surpassed only in bedlam or billinigate there was the usual proportion of bustloand business in the s gtargts departure from king ston on this memorable occasion the i bell had done ring ing the last rope was cast off the engine had alroady made or g3 a 4fi ttfortftciis mm uuig pan t fliaca tho im or 13 to 29 kingeknt to kingbiiopi3d q queons knt to quwni biabopa 3d kings bishop lo qe bishops 4th oi iu to 30 tho same or g to 37 queens llialinpa pawn one square orftl to 43 quoena pawn ono square or 12 to 20 queens pawn two aqmros or 0c lo 3g bidiop from quccna uwhopn 4th iquure to quota knighte 3d xquuro or 27 to id 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 if a 3 w b 4 w u 6 iv b 6 r 7 w b fl w b w b w 1v1 pawn rats pnwn or 3g ta 0 queen qoeona knight takes pawn or 19 29 knilu takes knight or 46 to 29 tawu takes knight or 20 lo 29 king dishopri to ad kings bithops 2nd square takes pawn nnd checks or 35 to 14 king to his second square or 5 tokt queen takes ad queen und clock or go to 4 king takes queen or 13 to 4 knight to hooks 3rd square or 58 to 41 several revolution when a pilous cry was heard from the wharf it prnceodod from a middle aged man evidently from the i tin i of rockaigno loaded with n basket of provisions and astmptciolh looking bottle under hi arm who though almost ethaualed by over exertion frill inide frliift to bawl with all llfg remaining force stop ihe engine i vants to come on board toi late was the pilots laconic reply- but iv vifos m board shouted ihc londoner you must follow her answered the pilot 1 arnt got no money my vife keeps all the cash was the desponding response of the unfortufinie wight there was no withstanding this ap peal so thn captain taking compassion upnn hia forlorn con dition put back the vessel and took the applicant from tho wbatf who the moment licgmnn board received a lesson of another kind from hi mock helpmate rendering it highly pro blematical whether or not a tencfit had been conferred upon him by his admisnon when a vessel leaves port it is actionable for all passen- gor who i hjurr- to he comtnc il qujt to he seen pacing with rapid stride ilt promenade or quarter dk as tho m may be out of the fihion not of dm world t a maxim aa appli cable to the woods and wilds of canada as to the salons of paris or the drawing rooms of london no wonder then that we speedily found ourselves ambulating by tho ido of a gouty though intelligent follmv traveller on hie dock of the s gtorgt amusing ourselves by responding to hi ibterrogato rics time insensibly parsed aod the shrdes of night fell thickly while the swift vessel dashing the billows from her bow and cleaving the troubled uko had already made ihe town loom tn the distance hko a might monster of the imagination before the receding shores were totally obscured hy darknet the eye of the alningr rented fur a few seconds upon tho jolly peniten tiary which embosomed in the woods like the horrid upa tree is doomed to spread iu baneful influence over tho sur founding country ton mitttuqj put him in possession of the facts of tointfjrious heme to annihilate the wealth and com rnjrce of thesoennd town ofthe province and no sooner was the slight nanalion ended than ubcuptly ending tbc conversa tion ini hobbled down the stairway exclaiming as ho went be tbosoyoiir canada tricks im fur the states ill fated kingston as if fire and petitionee were not deemed euflivicdt scourges thy mot honored children have joincii to entail upon thene a perpetual cqfmb the inea whom thou senicstto guard thy interests in the councils of the province can find no better method of testifying their gratitude than by terming thy inhabitants kahplv and making them after driving away thy bct mechanics the very bone and sinew of thy sircnglh the re epracic and rcfiige ofall the vagabonds thieves and cut throats of the province to bo hereafter dis charged from that den of iniquity in thy vicinity i talking of the penitentiary pots us in mind to call over the toils ihe present management thereof 12503 have been njrcndvd in erecting a inizc unsightly and unfinished wing of an immense building whcrts the money ha gone the devil or the cimmimoners only know but gone it is ond at this present ntmncnl there is a governor with 300 salary and trt cetera a ftjpctldteitdvnt a yankee ofcourso with 0 and liis deputy wilh 330nyoir bull with et ceteias entailed upon thim dtine notlun hut irkin their thumbsa drawing their wac wc might pirs tvci lllu governor nnd the depu ty becfluso the former demrvcv some recompense for his raori virion services and the latter left a good business to obey the call of tho commissioners but why keep that lubberly fan- fcco to drink the hearts blood of the province why not pack him oltto reap in other lands the reward of others ingenuity why t because the simple commissioners who could find no englishman scotchman irishman or canadian sufficiently competent to build a jail chose lo engage with this hind lubber for threo year eeitain rhen there are the commissioners for building this rogues palace messrs macaulay smith and thomson wero the three originally appointed the latter is deceased the second is made governor and tho tormcr is consequently lord and master of the erections sole cock oflhcwalk unless indeed his authority be superceded by the late appointment of the in spectors should this last idea be realised w o have no more to say but should it not what must the world think of that ex ecutive which would leave tho expenditure of tho provincial money to one man however high that mans character for in tegrity may uand t wo would willingly go on with our re marks but the supper bell is ringing and editors like other folks must eat for lipjs though blooming must still ba fed and uoteen love can live on flowers while wo aro indulging in tho dainties of a canadian tea table well tako a birds eye view of our fellow passeogcra- wifr it not that some absurd folks hate an objection to bo shown off in the columns of a newspaper we might try to be fanciful jn uv description as ii is we mud be concise two scottish gentlemen with their situi n young man from lon don our late companion a half pay officer a gentleman from montreal another from perth with his wife a merchant re turning to niagara a brother chip from kingston the shipe officers and our doughty self comprised tho entire company tha unenglish and unsneial habit of driving the ladies into a cabin by themselves i a canadian custom m more honored io the breach than in the observance bo after tea tho ladies vanished and the gentlemen having nothing better lo do sat down to cards and conversation one hy one retiring to real ourselves among the but where undisturbed by the motion of iha boat which like a fiery wrhorse was snorting prancing and kicking wa sunk into the arms of murphy sweet reader we have got as far as tho ducks this bout bot a wl mean to stay all neat iv- h in presqilc harbor we w sadly afraid lost your patience will be exhausted ere wo reach he place of our destination we have you by the but ton au rovoirl to be knight to k bishops 3rd rquarc or 7 to 22 kings bishops pawn ono square or 54 to 4g rook to king a bishop sqmrc kings bishop to qoccns bs 4th i or 14 to 33 queens bishops pawn one square or ii to id knight to queens bishop 2nd sqgjn or 41 to 61 queens biihop to queens 2nd square uf 3 to 12 queens bishop to kings 3rd sqr or go to 46 king tn queens bishops 2nd sqr or 4 to ii queens bishop take adv kiughi is kinffukcs bishop or 11 to 18 king castlos with queen rook or gi lo 59 king to queen bishops 2nd sqr or 18 to 11 bishop to queens 3rd iqr or 35 to 44 queen rook to queen sqr or 1 to 4 knight to kings sqr or 51 to ci kings rooks pawn ono quaro or 16 to 24 bishop loquccus bishops 2nd sqr or 44 lo 51 kings knights pawn two square or 15 to 31 knight to queens 3rd sqr or gl to 44 queens ltook to kings square or 4 lo 5 tho present situation of the game is as follows white kinc 59 kooks 60 g4 bishop 51 44 pawns 37 43 46 49 50 55 and 56 buck king ii rooks 5 6 bislmp 12 22 pawns 9 10 19 24 29 and 31 the blunder made by black in the 5th move affects the game ivhiu appears extremely cautious ard ventures no attack tho superiority of his position must with ordinary play win tho game w b ik b iv is iv b w b w b iv b it b iv il beef hf lie tftff dn attluf f prtr j mutton hy the she- do at rho mull por lb fresh pur k prrutvj jvesu butter or lb tub if r kfiftypfttlnx ameriraa tioor jrer brl cinadii do do- do du percwl wheat per bushel r do do corn dn o barley do do f oats do do ptaloc9 do do 1ay per ton 8tniwptr bundle fue wood pat cord- 1 1 ik d 19 6 0 a 0 u 0 3 17 3 00 00 0 0 94 9 20 11 in 0 3 0 2 e 2b 20 j 6 9 0 35 0 ill 8 0 d a t ii m it a a a a a a a 17 6 64 0 21 0 4 it 0 0 0 0 74 n 9 my tc jqckson rideau navigation the steam boats 5 21 ii 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 8 2 g 40 0 0 u 0 0 exciiaxoe at halifax octohkh 3jr idjj bitu nn london itspj- n l0 p on new york ot 30 fp3 1 2 docbloos patriot spaoisis 3dca dollars 5- 2d sovknricts 1 5 bnitibii pilvkr sv ratf4 or bhmi tt bilu on england 9 r ccnu ooxcwymk tt botuktot 1 4 ilhh1631 guinea 15a currency 11 knight knight c iast evening mr otto rotton gave his promised lecture on hydrogen and oxygen uas- aesalmr r jennings school room the lecture was well attended nnd the lecturer die his stihjects ample justice from the wnnt of good aiiijurata many of the experiments failed but a sufficient num ber succeeded lo satisfy he audience who repeat edly testified their approbation at the conclusion of the lecture the nitrous oxide was inhaled by a few of the visitors and the usual exhilarating and ludicrous eflects were produced one voting man continued under its operation several minutes so long indeed that most persons were of opinion that it was prolonged intentionally to aow certain bru tal political expressions to escape which decencv might not tolerate under less excitement 7 the provincial parliament has been further prorogued from he 25tli nt to 22nd december not then to meet for the despatch uf public business by this prorogation the meetine of parliament will most probably be postponed until the end of january tt7mr thomas ntcholls one of the town con stables lately arrested and lodged in jail a man na med henry elstou on suspicion of stealing a quan tity of tools from messrs torpid stocks joiners yongest toronto 7 an accident occurred on board the steam boat thomas m kay at bytown on the i7lh fnbt in returning from mr mkays mills to the place where the steamboat nov lies moored outside the locks oo of ihe bands by name charles flood fell overboard und before assistance could be procur ed unfortunately sunk to rise no mow his re mains were found the nextdav to uic editor of ihe british wmg deai doctor i inclose you a few lines frnrn a back woodsman a he editor of tho belleville paper in his last number lalks about depriving u of our wtult rurks which plunu inter lo haritt yoi inly timothy touch km up river trent 20th nov 1834 come listen now good people all for my heart with grief u rent when i think that how the btllevillc folba will take away tho trent now what will then become of us and where shall we he sent if ibf brilitfflr fifflb a 1 tilt m ani uk away llieticnt our fihe that hm awimmed and their lives and loves have spent most aurely to the pot must go when they take away the tronl our ducks who have both ducked and dived till their legs and iringf an hunt will havu no plare to rest iheir bums when they take away the trent the geese and ckc the loons also will find their time nmpent in learning how to swim if folks do uikc away the trcni our little gruntcrs and oui big with our xood mud content must to tho belleville grindcm o when they take away ihc ticnt our washeiwomen and our inaida on cleanliness intent must tu thir dirty shifu bo left if folks lake away the trent our lumberers too a hardy race wont havft a pleasant scent because they cant their faces wash when folks take away the trent our bridge too that with toil aud ago quito likft a bow i bent will loso his understanding quta if they lake away the trent for he to all has kindly lent his help to those thtt went unto those folks at belleville would take away iho trent who cythe editor of tht gorrpondtnt is requested to notice the third effusion v dirty jade by no ticing we simply mean bearing in mind that the violation of the truce which we assured him would last but for a week or two is not of our seeking we have always felt competent to defend odrselvea in any editorial squabble into which we may tail and we do not take it kindly that our friend ehould in einuatewe have desire for his interference further an hit tilent observation therrall ye belles effair beltcvillo dont to your beaux consent unless they truly promise yon they wont take away 1 trent now blesa his gracious majesty and may every loyal gent have a bottle of good wine each day till thrfy take away the trent gud sate the imc a for he british wtiig mr editor i beg to ay to your correspondent thai an ass and a birchen rod are equally uwful india school house and i call upon bim jf he is capable of thing it lo point out io what particular my pacing is incorrect m i v ill cure his vanity by ornamenting his head with a pm ofhiog cars a student bath 25ih november 1881 fflajttrtp on ilir soth im hy rw re j c hiir to mih riif hrl knon em dau all ofoir uwoahta ofklphmw- mr idudtffrl vnfiiu er of ihe joic mr john kimpp 0co inhirovn onihcsm twt tlhpliwier tl r oflsc rvl- n ihe ifth year otut ajv rcrtily that mr thomas nirholf the witnesses counertrd with t we the undciined wm not intoiicated as mahonv the person arrest by mr nrhrji in th difelmiftt of his duty as constable on uoard he st- george steamer on mondnv the 17ih inpiant amos fuller fuhtnongr ohm deloury butcher luther milu do 0ion clork a c bulman do bcrnaid utfgmrt thejournalsofkinrstoarerespefunv requited in give this one insertion thomas wciiqlu nov 19 willias b- baetlet respectfully inform tte iulinbimntu of kingston nnd tho midland district thnt he lift late ly returned from mowl whhm cscwnivo ond varied assortment of jlerchamttzcs wllich he is now selling or cash or fsompt pay whulesule and retail at the store luttty occupw by messrs- pni4ev and benson ix 1iir ckntve of ttoue street the siock consist tf wm of engbnd and ynrlc- hire superfims fine and common broad cluths flushings petersharor fhuiiuu bhizq carpet ing and carpet bap senior thitans uoinha- zines norwich crapes bombnxclus iiil scotch linnens steam lomi and grey cottony russia sheetings j checks ind stripes book jaconet corded miulii glebes and hosiery with a vari ety of small ware a large and well seized stock ofgrorckes has been purchased bv ihcrtiser which will be sold forced or exchanged fir produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of iol descritpions- kingston nov 21ihl934 32 isideau margaret tttlonging to he estate of th late tt dntmmmd esq j with engrlucf mid furniltirt complete i the sale of ihe above steam boats which was advertised to take place 011 tbc 21nt inl is un avoidably postponed until f the 15m day nf january next when they will be positively sold without rtstrvtt if not previously disposed of by pri vate sale those vessels are in good sailing condition and have been constantly used on the rjoeau ca nal during the present year in fact it is need less to say further in recommendation of them than to state that they were successful duringihc uuusu- al lowncst of the waters of the past season and during most of the time of their running had three or four heavily laden barges in tow likewise ac tbc amtic time uud place the durham boats margaret three brothers and rob roy with masts and rigging ft the sale will take place on board the res pective vessels which uill lc moored alongside the wharf interest in some of the finest water communications in the canadas would do well to embrace this opportunity the terms which are very liberal will be made known bv applying to r jackson auctioneer kingston nov 22nd is3j 23 fty the mlwin2 papers will copy tho above once n week ill the riav of kale the chourr stnr montreal gazette and other dealebb w the subscriber ha now bandmndidnrm r undermenoned uncommonly l nrir m ate vessels w mr iiiimmond fersons wishing to have an dathuet courer and cuuuta lu ii j ii brockvillc recordci sending their ac- cash paid for wheat rye indian cain and oftt and also for sale at yl limes gnod old whiskey kincinn 2iih nov 1631 wm gabbatt 3320 hk the 7bxfxrz9t magazine society for the diffn of useful knowledge vubutanfi in lokdow i a most entertaining well as a 16efcl pe- riiuial a few copies just recti d by ttie subpniler who is appoinied agcitl ami hi receive sutscriplions for ihe same ns well 8 other uublicaiions of ihe nbuve society v r bartlet storcsi kincston mv 21th 1334 32 2000 yards domestic flannels a cuoiial nnirle for nmlh ami dumhihty just rc- sp lv utixt ived and fur sale hy i piece nr oihervn w it bar snrcst kingslnn nvv 21lll 1634 32 ftml oaiir by the sqbcbibbr 20000 s2 ri 50 ivegs ting tobacco 20 lars superior maccobny snnfl 20 b rusni 10 do tar ii iliils pf 0 i pini- storcs kingston w ii luutllii nov 21 ih 1631 j2 jo ii ki wanted mjm edi a tei y miieyman slmetwker ri whom libera 0 civen enmm hoi hire iiysion nov 2i ij i m 33i i- volunteer fire company a special mebtlngofthe sluuibcra of thin coiupmv for the itaniciion of important business will inkeplaceatihe court houvem weones- uay evening ibe26tlnfnovniljriinsi7oclotlx a general rnd full nttcodunce is requested dv oidcr of lit- committee of manngcincnt francis m hill sarctart a v f c kingston 20ih nov 1831 commercial bunk m d notice is hereby pwen dot a mevilng of the srockholdern of tins isiiiuiini will be held at the 11 a nk oh monday the sjrf of d afttr next a- noon fur the purpose ofiak tf n idci coiisleeiiiiou the wo jiieiv of apilyiug fur iv larreaxe of the ca vj7al stock at the ensuing sowuii of the 1iovincial idiliament by order of ih dnnrd a harper cthicr kiiffofi 211 nv 631 33 the btockhotueus of ihe si ikohiik nic hfjilrtlcii io moot uohi on motidoy ilw 11 december on imiiiculm bwiihw i ilw bwtt ci stcain pac oh iroaicl the david john smith kingston ilih cci4ibvr lwl miss aviisox vtfaru of diligent applica sale of government lands in this gore district the public arc informed that the undermentioned lois situated in the township of pusl1nch cicrgv illock will be offered for sale by pubmc auction at the court house in hamilton in the gore dis trict on wednesday the loih day of december next m 10 oclock a tf ai the mpwt price of 15s cur- riicv mt ncre and upon condition of paying i0 per com ilowiti uud tlie remainder in nine yearsi by an nuo iiistalirentof 10 per cent willi interest on each litminlininttiiaiii imaoiimm due 1st oonccssinn nos 1 8 front htilvee 20 26 27 23 keor half 9 2xl concession 3 11 12 front halves 4 5 10 rear halves 13 14 20 22 3rd concession 8 9 10 15 front halves 7 11 13182021 7th couewsion front halves 5 6 15 rear half 28 8th concession front halves 29 30 rear halves 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 33 9th concession 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 front halves 11 12 1120 27 lotfa concession 15 16 19 22 23 21 36 37 28 29 31 32 37 front halves 20 21 25 rear halves 11 12 13 14 17 18 34 35 36 coinniinsioiur of crown itands office toronto 17th nov is3t 32 jt7st kecexv2d and for sale b v i a mrs 1 a k e k iso hakrkis or salt low for cash kinaston nor 21th 1834 rfis9 ensrt iron foundry iiili hi iurtne nimvlliihy tvss tcuvuto nn- nmmrc that lilx bfossnml iron foundry corner of peter iniil lot streets in this city is now in full pcrntinn and that all orders he may he fivored with shall he executed nh fidelity and despatch cas- i the various other descriptions of work nils nii miumfwciurcd in hisestablishmenl he will warrant to be of ihe best quality and every article wit be furumlcd o toronto ii the usual terms of the trade joseph turton 18th october 1334 32 york paper mill warehouse eastwood and skinner paper manfacturcrs respectfully informs the printers nm mer chants of kipper canada that they have opened a papilli axi1 stationery warehouse nn the east side of the market square toronto here they vill keep writing printing aud wrap ping paper also mrh school bonks as are or may be manufactured in upper ominiln for sale on liberal terms paos bniteht and takpn in payment toronto ffor istll 1831 32 jlst published a xrw attn coxcise ivstsm np ariiiimjnc caicplvtkd to racititatrihs irliovmlto vouim im urrta csd this arithmetic lta been published under the pa- irounffh of llis excellency sir john culhorne k o i the hon and venerable the archdeacon of york the rev dr harris principal of the u c cuueae c pi ice ten 1iilliucs per dozen half bound eastwood skinner toronto nov isb 1s34 32 i sf5 jv at 90 days in order that customers in distant pari of tb province may not be disappointed and put the sub scriber to unnecessary expenee of postaw he is dt termmed to send no small parcels of foods out of kingston without a reference for payment in tod unless to wholesale customers he avails biu of the opportunity of returning thanks for the numerous favor- he haa received from a parts of the province and begs a continuance a j ferns kingston nov 24th 1834 82 tho corowill observer bwhur courier toronto pilriof chru uan guardian bu brantford bwez will pleaa inm the above for three loontha and und their ecouow io the chronicle v gazette office for pamem wholesale warehouse thb bubbckiber offers for sale at his stores store street for merly occupied by leslie 8oo8 the undermen tioned goods cogniac braudiea madeira portand sherry wines denecarlo and spanish red do muscovado e india and mauritius sugars bunch muscatel raisinsand spanish filberts e india coinps pepper 40 c 112 lbs cassia cloves fig blue saltpetre and epsom salts japan pints i do and paste day martins japan qnarts pints half platsand paste do warrens glassware assorted casks also wrought nails 3 c 32 lbs ox trace halter and rigging chaids spades shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in jdundee casuog cant crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and horse nails paints assorted colors putty whiting and cod oil and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window class assorted sizes tkrns under 25 cash i35to 50 three months 50 and upwards six months credit by furnishing approved endorsed notes henry hart kingston 1st november 1r34 2630 ts er dry goods and groceries by auotioh 7 will be sold on tuesday 25th iiiac and following days at the store of t macnider a vwy ex tensive assortment of seasonable dry goods of which the following form part viz 12 cases dark fancy calicoes 2 do blue and white do 3 do regatta siripes nnd checks 3 bales ftombazettes and merinoes 4 do petershams flushings pilot cloth 2 do grey and scarletj3aie 4 cases striped shirts also a large assortment superfine fine and common cloths and cassimere blankets flannels ho siery comforters assorted thread muslins cam bric cotton handkerchiefs shawls india banda nas ribbons black lace veils c c also on wednesday 26th inat and following days a general assortment of groceries wines liquors cognac brandy in pipes and hilda holland gin do do old jamaica spirits io puncheons verv superior madeira wine in cases 3 dot each do da port do do da da sherry do- do 30 qr casks common sherry very superior madeira in hk vc lift hh pwrt ah wm tftfc h shifty m qr casks mid i liul 20 cases schiedam gin 1 doz each 5 cases champaign 10 cases sweet oil in flasks 10 ualeti corks 50 boxes and half boxes muscatel rubin 10 kegs raisins 10 kegs zante currents 51 kegs white and colored paints lohhdt vinegar 12 barrels blacking day martins 2 eases shoe thread 5 bales candlewick 100 box es liverpool seap and complete assortment of or goods and groceries which will be found we worth the notice of the trade sale each day at ten oclock terms liberal h scanlan auctiontcr kingston nov 17th 1834 notice i the thomas mckay steam boat did not arrive us was expected and consequently was not sold ns advertised on the2ut insn there will be due notice given of ber arrival and the time of rale kingston 22d november 1834 32 iiavinc lion to the lre makmj art with mrs kmiiiedy assumes the conlidtfftvc io inform the ladies uf kingston ihaihc lktniminenced business asmili- ncrind dres maker in tlarencestreel wc5i ofmrs fohsvrirs ww doim below miu 1 kvkhitrs where she is determines to merit a share of public patrihkitfe kihttani novenihe i4ilt 1s31 3 lost on tutjdny ovciiiob iii from the nnsiurc nf the subscriboij lox itorse about sixteen bonds hiirh with ii miott tail somewhat ibtiiidered in the lore feet any uikornuttioil givoil il be pro- pcrlv rewarded r smith king ton mills nov- 14ili isil uf kmit sale ov modfiute terms the stock of types lkessete the daily advektlslilt printing olire it couwpta of n euincicnt qiinnlity of types to print n doily semiweekly ond weekly paper an excfllimit usortmciit of job types with cuts and lriees- an imperial smiths 1rrfs and job press with casus and oiiur ffltmtlre compietf any person desirous of carrying on an es- tnblihhmvni of this kind will find it nn ctdvuot- temis oiiportntiiiy loi no doing ond by putting for ward u ttuibibt prospceius would most like retain a lurce portion of our pigmhit 5uhcriber and regain tbikk which we have i st fftbe proprietotnofnewsiniera insertingibis arivvriisiuenl will rcreive our tlunke november 18th 1831 oysters 6lc j ust received and for sale by the subscriber di rect from quebec inspected and iu firat rate order 30 barrels oyster 20 hoses digby herrings 50 barrels north shore do 50 do mackarel 5 tierces salmon 3 tons tabic cod fish 10 cwt irish hams terms cash or approved note at 90 day george armstrong market place kin nov 1634 30 to be sold the presses types and printing materials of the toronto advocate office consisting of an iron im perial press a small job press a eecond hand ram- age press a large and powerful standing prte i vcrvinanv fount of type in fine order aodof all the requisite sizes of books jobs and newspapers a great variety of cuts ornaments borders cbaaefc cases dashes leads fractions rules frames gal leys troughefurniture composing blickscard plate leaders and every other article requisite for an ex tensive job and news office the whole estabhsb- m was carefully selected by the proprietor about 750 has been well taken care of and i old for less than half the p credit will be given il requred tfggigb toronto 3d nov 1831 ill

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