Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 25, 1834, p. 2

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miscellaneous the doo one of our last english papers con tains ihe following account of the faithfulness of ihnt animal who seems to partake of a moiety of human nature the fact took place at peckhani in the county of surry a fine little girl about two years and a half bid was missed by her father who is a gardener to seve ral families residing in the above neighborhood out houses were searched and ponds dnipecd but of no avail towards evening however a boy who was passing near the dogkennel in which was chained a ijrgc newfoundland dng espied the little fugitive a- itlcep in the humble dwelling of her canine friend the paws of the animal being carefully extended round the childs neck- on his attempting to ap proach the infant the dog showed symptoms of a de termination to retain possession of his little compan ion this induced the boy to call the father of the child to aid in its rescue hut he also was denied ap preach the infant however being awakened by the barking of the dog was soon permitted without resistance to leave the kennel whence it rai in tears to the arms of its overjoyed parent the great eclipse professor s alexander cfihe college of new jersey has rne to ebene- iwr effingham county georgia tr observe the solar eclipse which will lake place november 30th he has taken with him a fraukhofer telescope and all the instruments necessary f making exact and deli cate observations the spot he has chosen will of fer many advantages for nice observation as the sun will there be totally eclipsed there has been but one eclipse in one hundred and nineteen years viz in juno is06 which was visible in all its sublimity in the new england states in massachusetts the total obscuration lasted be tween four and live minute and it is stated tlvit some european astronomers crossed the atlantic for the express purpose of witnessing tins great phe nomenon and were well repaid for their trouble the atmosphere being perfectly clear till the eclipse was over- the total eclipse of the sun in 1715 is beau tifully described in poetry by allan ramsay yw york commercial advertiser a balloonio the charleston mercury gives some particulars respecting the perilous voyage in the air of mr- elliot from that place last week after clearing the houses he waved his flags for some minutes and without throwing out more than one bag of sand ballast reached the elevation of four miles at this point he was over sullivans is land and prepared to descend after considerable exertion failing to open the valve he sat down ex hausted in his car with the prospect of remaining suspended during the night when ten miles from land he was struck with a breeze from the west and made another effort to open the valve having pul led at the cord in vain he adopted the expedient ot giving it a turn around the guard hoop and sway ing upon it when the valve opened and the bill fyntah jv v tfth l that mr elliot thinks that he was carried twenty feet under water with his car which turned bottom upwards in this critical emergency he clung to the ropes by which the car was suspended and the balloon rebounding forcibly lifted him several feei from the water he regained the car which gradual- fly berried down until he stood immersed to the waist night was far advanced it was excessively cold and the adventurer riding the billows in his wicker basket almost abandoned the hope of revisilitlff terra firm a when having passed half an lirnir in suspence he heard the sound ofoars approaching- he hailed for some time and was at last answered from the skiff of the pilot boat cara which had been sent 10 his relief the bunds two colored men tfu1nrwnfhf fvm whib hf tt iltlffl rhr ftkilv llh which the balloon threatened to take another lluht and the black sailors expressed amusing nppreheit- io uetih ting should tak up boat and all loge- der at one point of his ascent die lfulloon was for some minutes whirled around by the wind which made him distressingly sick when about two miles from the earth he loosed two pigeons which flew off with apparent ease but when about four miles up two others being loosed made a flnttrrinc attempt to fly failed and fell perpendicularly until he lost sight of them some doubts still exists whether brahnui the ertgksh vocalist is dead or alive it is cue the english newspapers killed him with cholera hut it is equally true that he would not stay killed thai he is alive we have his own assurances in a nee to one of the london papers sir t see by the papers that i am food but i am nf opinion that there can buno truth in the statement as however i like to give proofs of every thing i advance allow me through the medium of your pa per to state a few facts from which i humbly hilta that my being now alive is rather probable in tin first place 1 have all my senses ami though many arc alive without these adjuncts yet i think 1 never heard of any instance therein a dead person wis possessed of them secondly i have not riven up the ghost and if i had 1 need not have bien dead for my respected friend mr egcrton is still alive though it is nearly two years since he gave up die ghost hi hamlet should these proofs bu iiisui- cient 1 will try and collect more- in die mean time believe me yours verysinccrely- j ijimimm provincial on friday evening last the 14th current die al dermen and common council in session voted to the mayor of this city the sum of 101 as ilia salary for the current year small as this amount ip and certainly by no means an adquate renunciation lor the services rendered the mayor declared lit de termination not to accept of it he said that un- til twe taxea were equitably assessed hearing equal ly on the rich and the poor according to ihc value of their respective properties and not almost exclusive ly on the poor as is the case at present he would not receive one penny in the shape of salary ik- denounced the incorporation act as unjust and op pressive in this respect and pledged his exertions to have it remedied if possible by legislative en actment at an early period of the ensuing session 100 is the minimun and 500 the mctximun sa lary attached to this office if it were filled by a tory we doubt much whether he would be over scru pulous in pocketing the marimum from whatever source it came if he could but get it into his clutch fify toronto correspondent in a late xmmber of the courier the mayor of this city has been censured having retained lor the council the professional service of mr bidwell ut the enormous expense of 50- this he designates as one of the most palpable nnd baiefaced jobs that was ever perpetrated in a free conutry mictl as the most dishonest men in power ever dared to attempt m we siucerely hope the good gentleman is tiot uking leave of his senses and yet his statement is su bold so gratuitousand so much at variance with the knowledge of almost every man in the province that it looks very like a mental aberration how else could ha have ventured to uxpnwa himiwlf ill ueh a manner the most barefaced jnb ever perpctated by the most dishonest bluil in power this wttfd jer gives us great latitude it com prehends al time and all space yet wo will not take advantage of what we feel inclined to consider n unguarded expression we will confine oitraclf a few years and to this province of upper ca- a and we will only state a few tacts of die v we could state to enable the reader to form tgraeat of tbe a correctness u sir d w smith br came to visit this iome thirty years ago and our honest men in e ever since paid him an animal pension terling for the mere honoi of in vm let the courier make it appear if he can ihstt lie ewf rendered anv other service to lh roiiniry sikio old capt mcfiill having vrvmj for n lew years as rccuiver general f this province fw which lie was amply paid was allowed in reiirr and for tho last t years dc is behlf paid hv kwit kontst men in power 200 a year for ooim fttitliilig 3tio col allans relatives smiths c are paid anttuftlly large sums of monies out of our provincial treasury lor doing otbmg 4lo onl talbot oftje london district i paid an annual pension nf j0 nut of the same fur en riching hinelf and doing for rhe people nnlhinff 5to the laic chief justice powell was paid xi 000 annually since he was ousted from die bench to niako room tor u more pliant tool not for n nihil t hut lor hav suppressed the publication ol honk uto a provincial agent said to be in london but v hose name or sen ices we never could harn cvpq at he colonial oflicc has an annual stipend ivoin us of 300 for dotnq nothiug unless ii may be for strutting throush iloiul street 7mo the uev ductor phillips has an annual salary of 50 not for teaching die house nfaswiit- bly their religious duties nor fitf conducting them on the road to heaven this indeed would bu a difll- cuh and nsetmdabttt lob but for doing nothing bvotbe attorneygen also is paid xu2d0arar and mr matrirnuin as solicitor general fitf adviriiig the executive but this is not a tenth of what we could place upon record and yet when the paltry sum of 50 is paid to marshall s uidwoll esq the most eminent man at our provincial bar as is univfti sally admitted lor helping the ciiy council thro their dillirultes ami giving them legal advice when required during their period of office it is denounced by die demi fitlida press of toronto as a barefaced and scandalous job header cotnpire the above few facts with the couriers statement and you will then be enabled to determine to which the terms bitrcjactd and scan dahasjoj ought to attach but we cannot conclude without amtlng iliiti die mayor did not act in thisconrern on uis own iudivi- dud amhoiity wcsay p0eiuvely that lie retrained mr bidwcll by virtue of a ote of the common council we say also that certain members of that council waited on air- ii to request tlim hj would consent to act ns their legal adviser and ihat when he did so consent die fee the paltry fee of5u for several month services was paid him with the full concurrence of the finance c vnmittce verily the tories ought to pluck first die beam out of tile ii own eye that they may see more clearly to take the mote out of their neighbour ft the land excavation of the desjirdiu camilis now completed basin and all the future opera nous to render it uaxigahlo will ho directed to tired ifiga channel through the marsh or shallow tinier between hurliititji heights and cooin paralir uhirh udr ih rx ol ill- spirit priihit wu 111 utl lhububdity oc coaiplcteti nvvt dcioi ii tmiuon lwc jvrw in die last tlrrokille recorder tan letter from josiusraylororpejlhcomplaiiiiiicofhriiii8ctiliuu un the j nry list by that paper and nf being called a reformer by the montreal daily adv hy hftys that no part of bin posilieal conduct or private character uould at all warrant prejudffing luin ill one way or other according ro ii hi cuiuiliiulmik have bought a ie in a pock as he nhjecttf to being called a tory we mut take him off ihujwv lis which will reduce their number to 18 aur as he refuses to declare whether hew tory whig re former radical or republican we must adopt a new nomenclature und add a fuimh dnsa or his cgpeciu lumfi wr hi ennerive no morn lidmr u iheelass to whieh hi hi iiiiun inau nauh fcmi not good rtdktrrintt class sacbiir iiitnii itrl i been iruihy brmti8b whig v prniisnril this day lions wicm iic olliviruic hritimi willo olwfln-b- lie kidraucaiial iv wwaid j unrkwm bom v imtinumino 111- kxccllciry hir juln u1- ki 1ricr 0110 shillins jiml ilitce ponce mhi nov ail 1934 ki tixtox rvtzpay fjtxhg 25 1834 n lair nr rival m new york mi inttllisonctt of ihc loi uildii ilefirs i wo t cent i ivert stiitel pfeen are si fc niaieu to nth trf in ii mintrr hiidyc iij m hk ttwc are chucked w 1- iniiaaiis of walker mid dm ta ilnr mtwt wniiiitn nut- ftm which diey enile kuliple among a these excesses 3ici uri arn that die ihchntl hac ic iiptiu the ktuhrt ohnieh in this ciy tm wcillichduv liighf- ihey hmuluhed a part of the roiling ciiuiuing the rhtlrch and threw tnncs repeatedly ut the dour bivotcd to buist open such ii ii hundred ol tllu extent tu which are curried wo underbuild fur ther ditt the orange soppoiter of meters- walker and uonnellaa talked nt one time of demolitfhiiig the whole of hewtcrrd building out iriii fellowiii- zeiis will from this eiramiwtnitee be alileiufonii an opinion if die rli ractcrs nf mm walker and pnnellnu supiiorter ilte rmpcci dicy huu iu the in- f uolip of the ric kuile ttill teach thf latter the orl uf respect they will disuse ives re- reive firoin ihc friends of th eir styled futhcrol die irih should these get iu power ilfet- ftw on friday the trial of hem y drlscoll vs joseph laucamit took place before bis honor mr- justice roliimhl aiid one uf die most rcpeeiable juries we have ever 5een oa a sinular occadon i he betas u evidence fur the paiuttlf were that mr colli tm die slat july lat had been proiciou- ally employed by a person of die lloiiie of millar to plead for him before mr uaytiintid a inatristrale of laprarie before whom he ajitlarj had been brought on u charge of having ineuanctd ftlr lancaster that mr i dm that occamull dielured his nptiiion that mdlurv arrest wan illegal having been founded only on m allirmatiou of u ciaker- trs mis- lamaskr that mr d bcldrecaed in french the maul4lfatf who was a canaihau upon which the defendalu exclaimed iyou ure 9hutk- mg french to cheat die inaitrate tliat tlio plaintiff then repeated in kuihh what he hail anil in french whereupon the delenait in an insult hiff iiumuer called uui m opinion winch yon have given arises from your contemptible ignu- rance you are a blackheailcd villain and wil stand o in the sighi nf god v thai iheik ijk- ma bihtratc handed to mr urucoll u conynfl nneularics iu order dial mr i u an authurhy fur ihc opinion he had i j was examining ihi lancaster with a malicious look at the index perhaps corded the death of your son ivoui chuleru alu- diug to die death of a fatorie child of the plamttd who had diitl of iimi tlueasc ill 1632 this child had been a boarder at mr lancaster school lodged under his mol und euieu ui lus ta ble it w as alio given in evidence that mr dricolis conduct during the whole traiactiun had been trawpul and mild that the insults he had received were wholly unprovoked that he even betrayed mo emotion uillil oluiutd with the death of hu child and when the persons ptoscllfi hearing the alliiitin hton co puiur out a and mi he ight pven wjieu mr ur clturjiled out aye you will find there re index wh tu the rhiids death cried ouihame iii nine mr u endeavored to appease lllvnk 1 he defendant adduced two witnises whodeclated that although they hail hot heard mr lancaster nuke use of uio two first expressions one ofthcill however tie ntoistraicf clearly etabliheu the allusion to the death of the child and he also produced another witness whose evidence if believed wuuld have greatly sorienetl the espreinux imputed- the ju ry howover considered the semhil iwprovwl and iiilwidistandtfig ail ube hpeeeh iruui sir mlcord which most iiilcitiojisly eueotmteied i vevy elmpielil address from die plamlilpm counsel alter a wiort absence bruuuht in a verdict of oil iu isrvorof die plaintidl the defendant is as we bale maied die celebrated joseph lancaster o well known tu the world on the subject of education for the plaiu- i ill mr timith for the deleudaut mr mccord mmi ihrald fnm t thomas accoiuvw from st thomas iu the ijai represent the ronditioii of uml inland as very bltnihur to that of jamaica in rcepcet to the elli- civiiey of the stiirndiuy mutfutrate mass roomj pears whole westi sc r v by from i per o caleth detain it we have hie mi- trurtion by fire of dr scsof parliament with mauv ol the adja- in old palace yard at the fool ol vestiniiitcr hull the most y rdilicu of it kind in europe wands proudly liiieiil tu die right the various conrtsuf laws iid in ihc rear with cuiimiutiieatioiw ur streets the two 1tma of ivirltanwul were found etivelloped as it were with an immense of other buildiuffs coupling f coimtiilicc i coflec houso c ft the fire uhieh ai- lolmvo been accidental has destroyed the uf this block with die fortunate exception of minster hull from the oommtrtstu ldvcrti- v have copied die annexed details very lati fromevglaxd the packet ship caledonia c iennoh we have received tin it graham w v our iiorvdoti p foct20th and liverpool of the 2tr the onin was to have sied tin the 16 h hut was nl five days hi consequence of contrary winds- ill be perceived that there was a very active deman v t market at liverpool conri of the two houses of parliament most interesting item of intelligence furnish y dusariival u the destruction ol the house of rt ilu l chaprl of ft stephen by fire on the itirii oi october- this event had nuturally excited it greaj nption the itritish metropolis t u not tlm london courier observes that the build srchitectural mhso for a less tthtly tuid more inconvenient place for business cm 3ucely be conceited that the loss is of such kilning interest bul because on that spot io those halls have passed sonic of the moat memorable events t history of our country they were hallov j ouf v a long irain of associa tions liimi wq could have better spared a more splen did rnrfe h h i tendered to victorious fener i trauka of the assembled nation aud in iheu lc those patriot words which burnetii un the people indignantly to a national con test for directed their energies to improve the na tional institutions in them aprouted forth the gtrniist 0 u our c wislonv and in them was riotritil ul ly tmvtv loi innk lii sra th crd ul our vais lik wa he hid to hlu been diemselvcs nil epitome if our history by recalling all its striking features vhey are now an vm nc- er we presume to be restored for inleretftiiir as they were they had become particularly die peo ples house no longer lit for their intended pur pose and like the iihtiiutione framed ur advocated in tliem during many murics they required to be adapted to the growth lifiho nation what th de- mauds uf orators couu not achieve accident had accomplished and iheiv must now be a llcw and we hope a convenient ttuiisc of conouous- the antiquity of the house of lords wed not re collect but the house of coowious was orijjtnally a chapel built by king stephen and dedicated to st rstephcn the martyr lit a vmo u m 011 house of ly perceive the lantern ami pinnacles by which tne building is ornamented at tbe same tunc a show er of fiery panicles appeared to be falling upon it with seh unceasing rapidity as to render it mirac ulous that the roof did not burst out into one gene ral blaze till you passed throush westminster bridge you could not catch a glimpse of the lire in detail you had only before yon the certainty that the fire was of irreater magnitude than usurd but of its mischievous hape and its real extent you could form no conception westminster kridge covered as it whs with individual standing on its balustrades was a curious spectnrlc as the dark masses of nidi viduals formed a striking outcast with the clear whiti atone of which it b built and which stood woll and boltllv in the eear mnotdiffhfc as you approached the bridge you caught a sisrht through its arches of n motley multitude assembled on the strand below the speakers garden nd bphtfdg with intense ea- eerness on the progress of the lames ab ve them was seen the drk caps of die fusileer guards who wire stationed in die garden itself to prevent the ap proach of unwelcome intruders advancing still nearer every branch and fibre of the trees which are iu front ol the house of commons became clearly defined iu the overpowering brilliance of the coulhicratiou a soon ns you shot through the bridge the whole of die melancholy spectacle stood bejore yon- prom the new pile of buildings iu which are par liament offices down to the cud of the speakers house the flames were shooting fast and furious throush every window- the roof of mr leys house of the house of commons and of the epcak- caiight fire the iiouo and communicated with the timberiof the low considered fts un ordinary buinet oir estimated at half a million sterling fa n possession quantity of ers louse had already fallen hl and as far as they were concerned it was quite evident that tu confla gration had done its worst the lower between these buildings and the jerusalem chamber was n- lighl on every floor the roof had partially fallen iu but had not yet broken clean through die lloors the rafters were all blazing and from the volume of flame which they vomited forth through the bro ken asementa great fears were entertained for the safety of the other tenements in cottongarden the fire rrackling and rustling with prodigious noise as it went alons soon devoured all the interior of thi lowe hrary it w ver which contained wc believe die h- of the house of commons by ii oclock reduced to a mere shell from its base to its summit inated hove most brtfflit aiul glow wh ig tints nf flame fronted the piicn the i the commons pose it as rebuilt in 1371 by ed- pur- these vi rarliament to ttllicl will has c s been applied bod mlilies which ihus stood for centuries aro now iu ruins as i mos cawa of contlgnonois ru- mor attributed tl l0 hieciidiariiuit the httotrt lon don papers b nvcvcri generally concur that there is not the sliijht jynsuu to suppose that its origin was other thu accidental the ftlttowhg account of particulars is from the lomlon tinu j lonoon u is shortly before seven oclock last night tu inhabitants of westminster and ol die districts o die opposite banks of the river were ihrown into ll utmost confusion auu ulurni w sudden brcakor oat of one of die most terrific con- llasradous tu bec wltiicortd for many years past those m the immediate vicinity of the sccim 01 lltiscalauuv were quickly convinced of die truth of the crv thi the house of loids and commons and the adjac buildinga were on fire the ill news spread ropwi through die town and the flames in creasing and mounting higher and hiyher with fear ful rapidity nracted the attention of not only the passengers in tiie street but if we may judge horn the thousaiuu offhinons who in a few ilium in frit hijt i the two oriel windows toil routed tlie river appeared to have their frame works fringed with innumerable sparkles of lighted gag and as those frame wurks yielded before the vi olence of the lire seemed to open a ctair passage right through the edifice for the deatntoiive element above the upper window was a strong beam of wood burning fiercely from end to end it was evi dently the main svpport of the upper part of the building and as the beam was certain to be reduced in a short time to ashes apprehensions were enter- tallied oflho ftpcodyfall if die whole cditre a in 14 in ne tne oicetf oi ue tircmeu wore utetirelty heard preaching caution and their shapes were in distinctly seen iu the lut id light flitting about iu the most dangerous situations simultaneously were heard in other parts of the frontage to the river the smashing of windows the battering down of wooden partitions and the heavy clatter of filling bricks all evidently displaced for the purpose of hopping the advance of the flames the engines ceased io play on the premises w hose destruction was inevitable and poured their discharges upon the neighboring houses which were vol uuccadied a litde after 12 oclock the library tower fell inward with u dreadful crab and shortly afterwards lite flame as if it had received fresh aliment darted tip in one startling blaze which was almost immediate as soon as tins muuku cleared awa luc d tiietiai ravages uf ihe fire became more evident througl a vhtaof flamhlg walls you beheui thcahby frown ing in melancholy pride over i s delated tired neighbor as far a you fould j the weathet continued uncommonly fine in eng land more so than had been known for a length of ycars a second growth of apples have been form ed on a tree at west derby on the second week i octoler there had been several frauds on the dtimfrieg banks a man by the name ofmcgeorge had ob tained 1000 under false pretences he was traced to a packet ship bound to new york and there ar rested by u private creditor who compromised hit debt of 150 for 50 on his pleading poverty being released instead of taking passage in the ship he secreted himself in lodgings on a remote part of the theshite shoie but the police suspecting he was the man whom the proprietors of the dumfries bank wanted kept wach upon his movements and they ascertained that he had madearrangerneutswiifj boatmen to put him on hoard the virginia aftershe had passed the rock iu the meantime one of th bank partners arrived in search of mgeorge and applying to die police discovered where be was staying and he apprehended in company with his brother at their lodgings in the neighbourhood of liverpool he was when taken in of 400 sovereigns and a considerable silver besides articles of value the prisoner wai recognized by the party in search of him and con- veved back to dumfries intelligence had been received in england of the extreme illness ol lord itcutinct governor gener al of india at bangalore the camden a fine ship from canton hid ar rived ul greenock the first tea ship ever having cu- tcied at scotland john patterson has been elected governor of die hauls of btiglnd in the room of richard met talker who had become disqualified timothy curtis is recommended by the directors the succes sor to mr pattivun in theoflice of deputy gover nor lord palmeraton it is stated will be proposed to the court of directors by government as the new coventor general of india they are said to have decidedly rejected mr charles grant tiiutka tuadf the clearance of teas contin ued pretty extensive the week october 13 it amounted to 189 largo chef so half chcati and 736 quarter chests making in the aggregate 531- 906 lbs the companys declaration for the decern ber sale is equal in amount to the lsr and some curiosity is felt to lean lilts result as before it com mences severn force arrivals of frcelrade tea will come io from singapore attempt at assignation the liverpool mercury of oct is sava a most diabolical and coldblooded murder u attempted yesterday nitinihtg at the costomhnued or of the warelw die court yard uttm at it the ii tins port he was crosinii itcrioi of the building alhui tea oclock when a man named norman welch a weigher went close to him drew a liorsc pistol from beneath his roar and deliberately fired at him mr sjuthgate perceived the pistol and stepped bank which prevented die ball passing directly through the vitals it entered the left side just beneath the heart and passing through hc body lodged on the opposite side so as easily to be felt upon exaaiina- lion the ball has since been extracted by dr hannny and air mculloji who deelare their p tient to be iu imminent danger luflamurion i supervened and his condition is as unfavorable at was amicipnicl by tlie worst fours ot his atteudanu l 8 mi inil shal from the liver the work ol ruin was accomplished but ton eflccitmlly ill the parliamentary uuiuinigs which skirt it shores the appearance of the lire from the corner of abingdon street was also exceedingly htriking for u length of time the exertions i i hie firemen ap pealed o be principally directed to avc that pan of die house of louis which consulted of the lower ihat rosir above the portico all ihc rest of he line ufbuhditiff was enveloped in amum which lid ex tig the whole except the oiitligatc expired on sunday at noon ioujif vvekh htsbecu ccmuuttvd eeived the fatal tu itridcwell qvees of portlgau captrdn mogo uf brig conordia arrived yes terday from s ibe which place he left on the 13ih of october sitiu s ihnl intelligence had been receiv ed there from lisbon dated the 13th that uouna maria the young ciupimi im dangerously ul this intelligence it by no meaiu to be wondered at her father is no hvurei hvinand if ulic escapen wii her life the iutnueof her court it will be more matter of wonder than if she fulu an eaily victim the chronulc ehttcklta ilh delight in anticipa tion of the exprctcd demise of the montreal dailw tended themaekca niuug the whole cccpt i ic uon ot inc expctco demise of the montreal wings of that part ol the adjacent ouuumg to the t advcrthcr decidedly the best conducted journal m the two canmhs- iu old quebec qazctu itself uo minutes were seen uurrywmo wstoiintw oftiw vasl majority of the iuhabiiants of the metropolis wc scarcely ever recollect lohlivesccn the larcc ihoroughlares of the town so thronged before withhl less than half an hour after the lire broke out it became un- nosaibl bi appmach nearer to the scene otdmmml vh die foot nf ivestniiuvter bridge on the surrty side of die river or the end of parliament street on the odir evept bv means of a boat or with the iimiic ol i guide who well acquainted wl w localitiea wu enabled to uuid the crowd ami reach abiugloiistnet ly streets m the back uf the abbe this locality however was iu a very short space ol time as deundv thronged with ajicctaiors us any other the wac however iiodimg surprising m the mnllitudtfthnt flocked ij thepoi in the crowd ed huuts lloitfloated o the river immediately iii the front of he dazing pile ur iu the cuulldow num bers that bft hied upon the bridges the uharxes oid even upto tue house tops fur the spectacle was one of surpassing though terrific splendor and the stiucly appeaunce uf the ahbey whm aicluleclu- ral beauties xrrc neer seen to greater ad itituge lllltc ufl ll- ihau when luhted by the llutuus oj this uitlurii die would rdieuhves have aitrn ted as in thousutids uithespnt hot eneume an the i chief we hav to deplore really was rumor ites u nilied it mirf feauully it was currently reported throush the wwii that wcaluiinsier lull and even the abbey ifielfwere in ihiiius how ami where the ire originated are siill mat ters uf doubt- the jjenefld belief huweer appears co be that it broke out in some part ut the building anaihed to the house of lords front wueiiee it gpnad to th lliiune iiself with bindl vwa celeiity that before rttjul oclock the whole range of struc tures from die portico bv which the leers enter to the comer where it cunnnutiiculed tth the comnnt tee rouins the houhe tif coiiuuosis w at i i lla tiles as ruitidh did tlie demjuriiik eleiueut extend el9 left that frunis abingdon stteetand the upper stories uf which were committer room while ut die base ment were the stone steps leading to the house ol commons the wing of this building however which rose high above ihc rest the upper part being a portion of ljellainj s fand the lower being ued as a receptacle of great c01e c of members of the house of commons was for some lime like the tower above the portico ai the entrance ol the house of lords but slightly injured by the ihimes and these two objects seeming to bound the ravages ol the fire and to offer successful resistance to its fur ther progress while all between them was in one tin- interrupted blase attracted universal attention- the luniutf did not in fact extend be on 1 these two point but seemed to cxitautl thetudclves iu the clcs- truction ul thein they ouk lireucarlx attheamc moment and but mug furiously or iicrty half ua hour the whole wfucture from tlu eutianoe of the commons to hltf entrance of the house of lords at leiurdi the presented one hitglit sheet ot flame roots and ceilings gave way und when the smoke and paik dial ibllowcd the crash of the heavy buru- itiff mim tuat fell had cleared ftway nothing met the ee but un tuvijhily glare reflected ivoui lee half past two think quite sale inooi the luius i u o tinted with the dark red die mouldering embers at its oloek westminsterhall is we thslire still barns fmiuusly a- has made but its power to do fur ther i widih lead oi men eoiitiuu but our contending trine svieu imc tu have caused it is confined uf the walls of the twu house nl fresh engines und fresh supplies g to ultj scene of devastation and a lowered uuon the rains pable ol wilhtfucll a couliaguiaiiou and our en naius the great element ufelhcciicy u f m tile luin i siiuyert are coui ud rull ul water is showered upon i ordinary engines are totally iuc executed iseforc he journal alluded to does give up die ghost and retire from ul field of wordy war fare we trust it will notice wiih becoming spirit the impertinence of the ynnfce who in the dying hour of a brother journalist thinks proper to accuse him ol a crime thiit none of his political enemies ever dreamt of la ing to his charge the follow ing ipe cimen of scawpiana will explain oft times however we have thought that we saw in the original and selected articles of die daily the indications of those aelfcafyltrd tiheral opinion by which men are rorsidered solely in their soenl relations and acrnuutaljility without reference to that ahuightv item who has made and istojiitlgc c late daily have enter al at lull if the editors of ihc taincjsncfa opinions and ore ever disposed to pro pagate them wc trust they may never have the con trol of another newspaper for of all doctrines none is more pernicious or more dreadful in its effects than that which takes man out of the moral jurisdtc tion of his maker this from the pen of a man who changed his re ligion when he changed his politics and who goet io church for no other purpose than to suffer hi sweet voice to drown that of die rest of the congre gation is a sample of such vile hypocrisy that dirtif jack himself would be ashamed of displaying a tcveuv wicr ill i in un b oer iter cpumiity nfcuiumou anil it is fur ol the e yd nut ravuffttf to im ancient chapel ul si the work ul destruction was sooner other uuiiif of riitument the of limber which die fabric uf die iloiiw contained will readily account for this iher ro be observed that lioiu the bitnaiioi hiuldiii nod the uiiiiicky ciruun muncd of the tide tiii ailiitftutuy loi inery scanty tiupply ol water and the appllwilton of only one or lttu engine vcrv udtoiiw8 placed mere all that the illubt strjimotis and the niut calouacxctlioils could bring to hear iu ihc vain atti mpt tu who thai interesting edifne fronl absolute destruction thu coollagratioii viewed hum llio river was pc- culiarlv tfllitld uid impresive on tin lirl view of it irwill iw wtttofi it appeared as if nothing could save wesniinisier hall ivomi lltu lory 0 the llauie their was mi immense pillar of hriidi clear liie general stineriutendeut liach lireolhee acts ae- i to its own iew mere is no obedience to one chid and eoiiheuetitly where the completes co operation i necessary all is conlusiuii urcontiadtc- tiuii upto the last we obaentd no disiuibauce and indeed before tlnee oclock there was scarcely a person to be teen except the soldiers aod tiremen- 1 he mynatls had all tpiietly dispersed and ihe on ly sound heard was the crackling of umbers or the heawiuf ol the lire pumps the painted chamber and the whole of the house lords and cummuits including the library and mr litsyft boose are entirely destroed and the south wail uf the library has laheu in part ol the speakers houe is also destroyed the parlia ment offices m the west cud of the house oflords w huh aie euteivd fioin abtujjtol st by the gateway ul the star and waiter public house are sacd lu- eiher wrdi all the books from the libroy the buoku and luruiture of thubu tu buildings were re- lliovetl early by lilts police and placed iii ihe yard adjoining and in die terraced garden covered over with laipeis and tarpaulins- i on receiving intelligence uf this national disaster die knit immediately placid the palace newly erect ed in fit james paik at the disposal of the nation the sun gives the following account of the origin ol the fire in the removal of papets from ihe ux chequer to the lloitscof lords miuic men were em- nuriitruiq ml behind it and a cloud ul tthlln et ehimpirr iu the llcillkcul liords some men were em- daaumr smoke careering above it through which ployed iu burning a great number ol old docuuwnh the umtors trip to touonlo continue j from no 30 11 there wtu i oorinii king of bohemia and ho had mtm castles ob tplril of ta immortal stcnte look downupoo thr humble plagtaritf nod aid him in iho iccord of thii h eventful journey w toronto i when did wc luvfeultlht tuesday 1 tucsjat did w say i by thft tyr w have a shroud suspicion it wai we4 itojay before our icttdcm hid an opiortjnity of icamung tb merits of tin inst wntc but ono thif fact must be put on the list of our coiitesictns wo havo been abominably romiu io ihe iinnt jiim- ii uf publication but wc promise amend- nwai as soon a wc nre abfet hai we not ihe very best and mutt indulgent sol f patrons the universe wo thould loiif tio thii have buun taught a lesson iodclibly impreiiing upoo our memory llio eiithl difference bttveen tuesday and wednesday it t iliu province of gwd nature obeabufled- a writer in tiw l t ih raid ptyj liko great majority of iu aubscribcrs wo seldom read the htrau but should it chance to codlmfl uy offensive mauor appertaining to our nelvm aome d d good natured fellow or other ii always sure to poko it hiiflcf nur a writer in that paper iniinu btc the whig t lc on its last i and that wo aro about to receive the reuml uf our domerils has this simon foood a miros nest lliil ho tails out so loudly j doe ho psreeits any diminution m our advcrtincmciu the only pafo cnierio lojudgoofa oewsiicr stability that he pronoauvjue ur duwnfain will heiiinliisojeovitthui day impression sad make use of hi judgment if he hn any or should b be unwillinp to tiiiko tbta lu tet of our durability perhaps i will oblige w by kivinj r i low weeks coniumpticn otp pes wo warrant him h would wuli for some rery oniiwe diniinuliin avr tho uximoiico uf the hrel this ion itvnftliq ptibli dtiiuij u haabren wpolted too orlco intoreatud iiidtvidikiu h lujrify us now a day firsiofj ilio whole body rflfltarakhirmttvj ibm were bout lom

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