itis w ig published semiweekly opifeb per o it it k 11 dicqr by e j barker m d vcmlume kfivfstoiv r c tuesday ivotenber 2 ihs the british whig a semiwetkly journal devoted to commercinl and poluicaliiifutinalion every tuday and friday veiling by doctor liror cdiior and pruurictur at hi ot- tc in rear sheet next door tmw common ial hotel for country circulation onlvithe british whig u published every wednesday nturtiin in a weekly form and will ho found loconuii the innsl important matter of uiesrinu weekly pnticr tfrm fiitita scfti weekly paper one pound per annum if in- 1 in ndvnnrv or within mired innnihs irani tho receipt of tlio first number and uno pound live shilling if collected ut the cudofihc year exduttveof portn furoie augitltpimr twelvtf hilmg and sixpence per anninii if paid in advance ot witbiu ihiec months from th rcseipttff the first number and fifteen shillings if collected it the end of the yew exclusive of postage cmnnnics of individual who reside in the country and who imv prefrto xcnl to the office for their paper may itavy them supplied kttea ihillinj per copy per aonum prompt niobription received for itfh tban six month and no pipr dieonlinucrl until all arcearageare paid up except at thu option of the publisher slbrttfccmrnt 5i line anil undor2tmfirstinsertion ih 7d each subservient insertion ten lines and under 3 46 fir t insertion ami itm each suucpient insert mi above r lin 41 per line for the first insertion and id per line for cverv subsequent insertion advcftiiint without written direction arc inserted till fifbid an i charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements ubc in wntilg- produce of every kind receive m payment nj letters uwn in except num afqdttnbn i ost paid jleuer press printing doctor barker having obtained a motu superior press aad an excellent aorimnt of jon tvpf is enabled to execute every dewrriution of job printing with neatness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdently low in upper canada new fall goods- 0tlc5re the ridkau ottawa steam boat companv respectful inform the pilic ilint the undersigned m now their affchl ill iliis nlufte in the room of the late rnliefl druimnniid dtceascel md that tliey nro prepared lo receive and fmwspwri powrtiper mcrcbandikci ntid produce to and from montreal to kingston iiniil tlw kiriecui canal is closed nt ilia aill6viii kates viz cabin irttttcnscrs from lunro to montreal and from montreal t this place go nnd found binrants taken al montreal ami cuing ihroitgli llli roae to iliw place vi for every lull grown per- ten shillings children between the age of risen d sevei seven five shillings do bc- three shillings and is 9ti 2s 6d 6s cm os id delivery of am fou i ween three ai fourpence rtiigngo 2s 9d per cwt freight of merchandise from montreal to this place 2s 9d perewt freight of produce frmn tin place to monlieal vis flour per barrel pork ailius ikbeatiubuiki porfolbfc freight in all eases to be exacted on tile property gtmifc bv this line will be put into good large barges which are decked all oyer and will no be reimoiej until tltey arrive in kingston and being an inland navigation ami always towed by steam jjoat the expense of insuring may be dispensed with at lacbine and along the route emigrants from oil the bargcaare allowed the privilege of embark ing iiei board ha sterol iuais th steam boat tft george plies regularly twice a week betwwi kingston and iuiul the head of inkc ontario brides other steam uoats depart dai ly for the several ports round luke ontaiio and isay quiilm and goods can always forwarded from this place without any dttuv james mccutchon agent kingston 2ltl september is31 15 to ultririuis ijv7 mahtsmem wants a situation as ijrewcr or m 1 1 num a per son who understands the business in all eta details and can give mtulactory tcttin0rtlal9 from his bst employers li this country as to ability c lor further particulars applv to the ivditor october uth ml 20 waxted immediately two thousand povmw for which indisputable security will be given letters addressed to a 1 tost office kingston october kid 1331 to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the best part of storestreet anil lately in the occu pation of m s bidwell eq for terms apply to abraham truax the subsckibsfis respectfully acquaint their friends and the pub lic that they are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall and winter trade comprising an extensive and very clioicn assort- ment of seasonable goods the whole of wfiicli will be found of superior quality and at exceedingly lov prices amokq tiibir leading altticlxk wiu- bk pound a great variety op broadcloaths cawilnerh9 flushings ietershams satiiietts and pilot clmhs blankets flannels baits and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts nnd pantaloon drawers irey domestic and stean loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies nnd childrcns shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos uombazetts camlets atid tartans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish limn c c c c c a general assortment of fashionable furs alufta uoas tippets and swansdown ruffs caps gentleincns very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1831 27 notice the master general and board of ordnance hav ing made arrangements with the lords and other commissioners of clwltfca hospital for the pay ment in future by that department of the pension ers from the ordnance military corps and that in pursuance thereof arrangements had been made with the heads of his majesty treasury upon the sulyeet ufilie puyment by lb commissioners de partment of uch ordnance military pensioners as reside in the colonies the payments will therefore be discontinued by the ordnance and the pension ers are hereby directed to apply to the senior com missariat officers at the different stations in the upper province for the amount of their pensions in future j u smith ordnance storekeeper office of ordnance kingston october 13th 1834 notice the subscribers baring been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last ipjii flnd testa insntof the late robert drummond respectfully request that all persona inline claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and ikcwiscthat those indebted to it will make payment to him without do signed margaret vrummojyd executrix josepiuiruce executor kingston 24th sept 1831 15 stack a white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and ils vicinity lht tbev intend to com mence business as ivhite sr black smiths brass foukuer9 t c2h sinkers in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chcsnue old sand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery nill be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order- kingston sept 2ul 1831 8 jtoticje all persons indebted to the lute firm of messrs beach c vanalsie nre requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm arc requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 23d is31 5 kotici- all persons indebted to the private alstine iv i- arc rcqm late dul ican mj estate of the tfuhl to make kington oct g 1s34 henry or cassady 18 iminediaic payment to a tiimx uiki ill persons having any claim njainst ihe siid prirftlu csiuie aio requested lo present the same lor liquidation li w armstrong r t v executors a truax kiugston august 1s3j q teas 5 for sale the north half of lot no 17 ill the ctli con cession of the township of kingston about 40 acres are improved on ihe piomisea are a good frame house barn and shed for particulars imply to the subscriber or at the specmior office samuel merrill kingston nov 9ih 1831 29 grocery and provision warehouse j jamks bakfiu respectfully informs hia k friends and tlie public tliatlhc busi- jncss lately cslablidlied by baker egan is now carried oh solely by himself nt the old bland in the market square j u in returning thanks to his fiiends forthe sup port hitherto received takes the opportunity of in forming litem that he intend to keep for sale every article in his line of the beat quality and on the most reasonable prices prime mi s ond ooe hog pork smoked hams cjieeki e mutton utn smoked and driad ucf young hjmih twankcy and black tt sugar bpmu i- supetttuc flour indian njoai meal pickuj odious cucumbvn 4bc oat coin pest luidc sotji lturnii mackerel cd fib c- plug pjorr uidcjvcndih tobacco snai candlok a- wiatvory vthrirticlioih grocery md prcnistonlrne lie jufl nmivttd tovcrul cratb of crockery of liie in im importation 4 crtnea orstmic vv3rc 80 roams wrapping paoei a quantity of scotch and american manufaoturcd tin- vegelablcs fowl putatoe c- at muket price- qjcoili for produco oj every dc5crinmonrj jampfl baker uinds for sale acres of the verv btrst description wmfe ver inscription of mw land situated in the second conccsion of seymour on the river trout to he disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels uf 100 iicrc ttftch for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle iudisputaltle apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the british whig aognst ls3i 52 mr jennings at tirem not inwrforinc with the regular duties of his school jives tasoita in private and iu classes on the folloning hnuich- es viz writings arithmetic short hand public reading and fptukwa english grammar and ladies tolnry handu book keeping nay acquire in a lew is ni iitiii and a tliut uu a uea epis kiioucde of the principles of english grammar to prweroiodttl tentlenipn short nr if not essential is exceedingly useful a a means of re cording their own thoughts and those of others and to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im pressive and proper manner is a duly they owe to their audience persons engaged in mercantile pursuits may ac quire in a short time a good business hand an un common facility o calculation uitd it thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may he made at his academy near the in v corner of the ccurt house oral his resi le a john oliphant mehchaift tailob ijv returning his sinrcro ilnnku io die inhnbilanto of kiiismim nnd lis cnsloracra in tneril for iti vctv libtiiil support he has received sinci- his romnwnce- icni in imsinerfl brgs leuve to inform them lhal is now receiving his fall supplies nioiighi wliicfa ill be fntiinl ihe best wvk of bug land hlark hlue nnd invixihl green cloibfi rin- de riiilld hlark cissimcre vtjnir double and nc- wamillm black oxford and siecl mixed cnsl- meres stichna have not been rtered hero before- doithlh aril treble milpd petrains pilut cloth double niillj drab silk velvet for vesting and trirniniiies of every desciipt ion ai orders will heilihiikluhy received and made iulie lnci iondw fnshinis a suit furnished ii mewc boms p s three or four journeymen wanted imme diately by j o kingston october i lth xs31 20 pillzk medals it is hereby announced tluiuic naiurl eiistorv socrrrv of montreal has resolwd to ofiti four mhdals for the best essays pvesenud during the present year medals areoflered accordingly 1st forthe best essay on the connection between the features of a country and the character of its in habitants 2nd for the bci esy on thi pecitlfar izc and number of lakes in the northern part of both coii- tineutr- 3rd forthebe3t csay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the lest essay on anv subject connect ed with lite rati ire generally the conditions are 1st the essays atoll he presented on or before me 20ih of february 1835 2nd the essay may be iu french orengh 3rd the names and residence of the anthor- rojjt be concealed to entire unces each cnsu hall have a mmo and shall be arcumpnuied by a seated note superscribed iili the ramo muttn and containing ihe name and resideno of the author tl is noc shall only be opened in the rase of the essay being declared wmthy of a prize ctlrrwii it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of ihe society 5h the society resctvcs to itsf the right to withhold the prize shouli no one of the essays on any particular subject uprvar deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to a v holmes m 1 correspond in aiwrctary of tlie society andkew ii armour ricwding sctrhara oct 23rd 1831 oswego and kingston tlie jai siiia pnctccl ceat rattlesnake w i run consmifly unii the ioe oftlmf nsviinifioiii l-c- wiffli oclo ami ktilgmtorf nikni ih lliativ frips per tfttkaswind and wcatuor will pcu 9 uf for firiglil or paftmiffft tty lo lliu miibut oi llonnl kindlon 8eul loih idji for sal15 a quintity of first rate ch bv r caldwell kinjrsio nov u 183 s carm1no itespectfully begs leave to ac- owlviw kk phw mic ifil imilblicin- rally that i caiwinub to rurrv nn the liusiiiufeftofu olc mhl taveiu keener at bis old taial the tjmfrnsich mouse bsolcl pleasanily shunted store street beine the principal and niot euniil rtreol ill kingbton in iiil- business part of the rni convenient t the dil- 3i 222 i mntiss pa ferent stcnin hnu whari and no estawihmem of the kind in the provide can snrjias it in liiecx- rcllencc and eomlort o apartment il regard both to parlours and ed omns all of which are fmnished in the verv l h hotel has been recently pniutwftljib ftnd therxvisc im- pnn ed in the rear of the mat house i a larecyard in which there is an exwent range if stables and where a livery stable rtontanily kept s cvrmino liavins kcj a puuc soma for many years has acrjuvd experience in that line nnd no trusts that with iiipotrilttitig attention to the comforts of ins guests w will continue to merit the public patronage cc7 porters will be readiness to convey lug- frnm the diicrent steam bouta mav isu gasps io an kioaatoa all persons having cb wis itffninsl the ktaie of hie bite davio kkans -l- m requested n present the same io wil m bras one of the ex- wii editor 0 the lat david brass and all ll said estate arc ujuts mem mapi kind ivstiuimmt of ihe siid ulio are indibied to the x to mide iroiuvdutto pay- kingston oet 2 id 1s51 magdalen dra lxrtht ix william bras 0 4 aj ferns begs to inform his customer ihm he litis received bv the hue arrivau his sumincr supply of ladies vhivcfl and cluldmrs atabblmible boots and shoes of every description and will tie disposed of nt uncommonly low prices kingston junr2th 1s3 v tmcb ali persons indebted to 5fr john mckay late inkceper kingston either by note or book account re herehy requested to make immediate payment to flip undersigned to whom all such debis have been assigned am hi re by save themselves expanse w mcgltuer kiiigftionoct ia34 tomb istoitcsy ffic tiii3 subscriber grateful for ihe patronage he has received begs io infunn liis f lends and ihe public that he still continues to manufacture io order at life shop in haxllf tomb stvnc3 of almost every description cove iie uud ueirtll stones nn j every other article ill the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms abram lott x 1 all kinds of produce received in pay iniir isitth sept igi 1631 12if wlmzjkm tflttbs jf fhomthk rmrni hotel limwtwlhy htforms ihe in- ml n 5 z wow p iiamtnnts of kington and t e travel ling comniunity that ho has leased iim pxtonive and commodious lloise of entertainment known by the iiniue of the kidsfosb isofce itnere n i bu munition to irsvuie tlie wllolb of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of ins irnest ihe kiojston otd baa bitely undergone a tliorough icmirlms been completely refurnished sun painted mul i nuw one of the handsomest public uottsfs in ti ivovince it i admirably trcllsituanul foi thsconvenienceof travellers being nearthe lasw vliorc nnd commanding a full ie nfthc arrivals and departures of tbesreara uoats rom ivhkil lflwcngerw lusage will be conveyed by icm rid mlby tbo wharves on purpose to tile diimiic nnnnskiiients of the houe tla os e tne tiui uii hv paid i firs raio table will ed v in- of the best description and and spltutrf greatest anei m kept th i me u imj coiu2cled w nnd capatioui vard viih uxcellent stabling kiuston may shh 1334 veterlwir y surgeon quality ul superior ill tii estabishitivnt is a lanrc 27 his grateful the subscriber boss leave to rctum acknowledgements to ihe inhabitants of kineston slid its vicitiuyi for ihe extensive patronage he has inre his commencement in busiiitfks as a gexsilal blacksmith farrier lie now resnivtfiilly inlbnin his patrons that he lias rcnmed bis ostublishniciit to the other side oj the road onosite rilcsmjts old stand vrhere ho ims to be waited upon ns usual the subscriber uvps on hand every kind of uorac and cwttle 3lcdiriis co prl tlurs kirtc sibod on proflsvor colmansimprov ldhuind smith kingston pnt i i3i tobuvrrtflci leather ivotick urr and sellers ofsklfls hides lied on by s itcum- ihe subscriber t i5rorc ion of ill times heretofore t the bikini wellischiiniied tn tin i inn da of the tubse lie store adjiiiiu thomas tfliliul hut near the kitlctoii lliel where every depcript iiy lc had at auu a reueral nsoruncnt of articles used by saddler rra sueh as saddle trees homos and i i lings a awl sho xtitk ee s at saddle liniiws avi1 jimix tmitii liccutors- 21 dence front street next to mr kingston sept 17th 1834 mar ind 14 country school a gentleman well qualified to teocl school wislies for an engagement in the country for the next six months apply if by letter postpaid to a b at this office kingston oct20tli 183 1 ll mjtfst cfttt all persons indebted 10 the sbxrriher cither bv note or uuuk aecnunt arc requested 10 take imtice that they must immediately pay the same or be put io costs d bobllns napance nov 19th 1831 30 ivotfick the subscriber be b gives noticv that all xotes and accoaitsiu nishttr which arc now past tbu will be put iudiscrtinijiitlly into the ihmds of bis attorney lor eidlectioii t macmllk kin loihkov 1834 30 cm uttfhy tub subscriber cftuttmm all persons against pur chasing or receiving h note of hand given by him ro robert akvay fur die mini of two pounds ten shil lings payable in jnnuaiy next ik ihe couditlon on which the note wasguci has not been fultllleii john kay camden xov 17th is34 mj-s- sueli as boot trees and last skirting ung skins ac e c shoe makers ssjlo and harness makers far mers and till rteaiiuvin leather will find it for their iiitcest to patronise this ctabiishment as tlil stock win lie extensive nnd of every variety ofnuulity and will he sold at the trfwctt prices id cash paid for itittts untl suns william rortx kingston june 0th 1s31 36 sew cood j d ukyce co havb now received their fall supplies consisting of broadcttitlist chiratincrcs peterbams pilot cloths lyon jikin fltisllingtf camlets blankets blaunids woollen hosiery moleskins woollen cords corduroys merinos bombazctts bomba- zhic lied and table linen cottons ijleached uiddrtichcd printed calicoes apron and other checks snjnu wares e sc also a very ilmive rnvtment of lllnck and colored urns de nlosf figured and walered do ulaek and colored silk and uotton xelvets colored ter ry vcucia cuhnvd silk plush fancy ribbons aitiiicut flowers and feathers frrs c- c likzwise ail eecant assortment of shawls iu memos beau tiful french style of filled middle these were jiitrnducd into uiitain lat winter and are now ihe prevail ni fratfh is m the rious p imported to kingston ditrt have been subjected lo no intermediate profit at montreal und j- d u co tire thus enabled 10 supply the public at pric3 sremly kwer than have hitlierio been general buy ing willi ready money in the first markets they cju retail at uhulcsalc prkvs j i c co sstin aware the public that they have a flxul priv ioni whtcb no abatement is ever made the lowei price hcinir named at onco and every cutoinrr t plad on the same footing sell ing iki tltew prmciph thev cannot nfiord credit and their terms are therefore prompt cash kingston xov iltb 1834- 2su9 to be sold one share of 25 in the steam boat st george apply lo margaret davis jidminhtratrh or to james doyle agent rinnton october 17th 1834 21 wcorulhoine also plain middles with lotiffl jiods having been purchased at the va- tcs of mauufaetme in isreut britain and wholesale warehouse www slftssp5 cognise braudies madeira port and sherry wines benecarlo and spanish red do muscovado e india and mauritius sugars bunch vscatel rbi and spsnhh filberts e india coins pepper 40 c 112 lbs cassja clovea pig 6 g pe and b salts cm japan pints do and paste day martin also wrought kails 3 c 32 lbs ox trace ualier and riggi chains spades shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in dundee casting cast crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and horse nails painrs assorted colors putty whiting snd cod and a tew cases of superior crwmraignantot brand v hery hart kingston 1st november 1834 2630 ts jleatht r store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to hu friends and the public in general for the liberalsup port lie has received since he commenced business and assures them that no exertion on his part shall be wauling to merit a continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and uppe lenlher calf morocco lining and binding skins he has now on hand 300 aides sole leuiher 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calfskins 20 doz glazed morocco jg dteu6tahf jo- 20 do linings g du boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures tje public are manufactured of the best nmterjals he sselli as low as any other us p also on hand x o0 doz stark co double refined axes 0 doz do do do broad do also 150 uarrela salt mic ir s r caldwell market square kingston ociober25th ism j n b cash paid for hides and flax seedi s- r c quick thorn to be sold by the subscriber a quantity of english quick thorn transplanted nearly two years also a fine selec tion of english garden seeds newly impbcted jamesvadsworth king8ton octih 18 tott sale by the subscriber twankay young lhion hywo hytob skioandsqu clion tea imucovado east india and refined sugar prunes barley sugar aod spanish nuts bloom muscatel and sun rauics black pcjjmf and mtibtard aborted west india picfctes very superior madura wine in pipes bbda qr cukm botlles sheiry w imd botuca a owport ii tenotiffa pipes commoy sherby and fort wxwbs- dcnccarlo wine iu hhda tanaora i cognac brandv in hht and pipm t- v unlundigio u old jamaica spirits 1 to s superior sebitdam in cue london porter uttd brown stout rnl old blawhbikcy very aupcrior palu seal aiul linccd oil sweet oil in fldcft very aupehor single and cooking stove suadeaand siovcla naiu of all tes paints of i i r r t colour aborted crockery iu crates candle wick flndshoe thread ac sec also r www wbwi a iis plol clolltf bum cmlew pitfd mrino bo mzmtt txteen aiij scarlet sai while scarlei ndvellow kanncif serges a clioica aswlnient of dark faiict ptiru loum shirting llrowu couud and a completo aworimcntof tasonale goodi which will lo found word the n uuvcrs kingslon 22d otiohcr 1834 worth the notice of thomas macmdeb wanted by docior adamsun of liic royal college of surgeons in england and ireland licentiaie in mid wifery lioin the lyingin hoapiial dublin ayouiig iuntlctnan us a medical pupil enquire st trua office n i the pupii tobe duly qualified kingston october 15li lit 22 to rent the commodious dwelling io barriefifld for merly occupied by john it glover esq lately by docior bariley of tlie 15h regt the prepvsea being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mecumffe kingston 30th may 1s34 houses to let two newly erected fiuin houses tobe let situs ted at the ton of brock street enquire of p madigan kingston oct 25th 1934 23 notice all persons having claims against the estate el the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased erf the ton n of buth are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted w the mtfltsnrn requested to make immediae payment to charles fairfield admiuurtrtwe eniestown 14th july 1834 notice sixpence reward runaway frm subscriber sarah gage tfcis is to forbid any person or persons harboring or trusting her on my account as 1 a ill not pay uuy debre of her contracting a any person who will return her shall have oie above rerf b buftmo bath 3rd sfov 134 m m