Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 18, 1834, p. 1

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itis w published semiweekly opifer pfitt ohbem dxcor voi2ume f king8tox ijc tuesday novediber 18 1834 the british whig a slmiwelkly journal devoid to commercial and pohiumi enfivmikuon is prbulid every tu sjiiy and friday ovciiin by doctor barlcvr editor fliw proprietor at uis of- hcc in iicarsiiect nem door to tlic commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig is published very wednesday morning in ft weekly form and willhctiiiwd iaconliii tio most important milter of the semi- weekly pht- tho sinai- weekly papar one pound per annum if receipt f col leetod at iu or within tlitvu mutl lyom tho receipt of shilling t piil in alv- ctu first number aiiloit pound five the end nftlie vtvir exclusive of porfnff forulo rni iry p pur iwcuv tilltnir and sixpence per inniim if pnid in frlvinct or wluiill tlntv months from the rsveiiof lli firs iininlnr and filtaii sliilhigs if collected at the end oftlio vwi cxrhuiirv of ihmii cooipailum of itilivihniu who rci to in the country and who nviy prefer tu sent i tu the ovkm lor their papers niny have prv new fall goods plijj at ten shillings per copy par annum prompt nomihsciiplion received for less than si months and no ninr discontinued icitil all ai rear ji paid up except at tllc option of the iiim iilt 53tobrrucmntx six line and undor2fc 6d firstinscrtion and 7jd each suuscouoiit insertion ten linrsand under 3s au fifft insertion and 1m each subsequent insertion above ion linos ii per line for the first insertion and id per liae for every subsequent insertion alvcrtinenl3 without written direction are inserted till ftrlvil ftnj charged acoi linly orders for discontinuing ulvcrtwement to he in writing tvvhic of every kind received in payment nii krttjra iwteo l0 except rom agent unless post pm ffsctser press printing doctor barker immc nbtthicd a most superior prcs5 ashl anccllniitawwtniinl nf jn tvrr u enabled to execute ovorv thtkiliitiita of j pklntinu with neatnessond cx- pedtiiim upon terms hitherto uuprccedently low in upper canada notice the ridzau sc ottawa steam boat company rosjjcoifully inform the public thai the undersigned is now liusr aihhll ill ilvis plict in the room of ihe ittu koiicri druiimimicli deceased mid that they ill hilt tinrc v m i i id u soil i ton re no aul lumsport passengers p hiiii produce to and from montreal imfifthe ftidenu canal is efof ac m henre to montreal and lulliiuintf kara viz uabln passcisgeia fi from moiitre il ti this place goa nml found krtirnnt ktken at montreal and going through ihis route in iiiii place vtx fur every full grown per s ji tirii tf lillitifiv chimfta between the uge of fcvven mid fourteen five shillinss do be- nve tlnvc and seven three shillings and fotir-jwnco- taigghge 3a od per cwt freight of merehandic from montreal to this ihice 2s 1j per cwt i of ptoduoc frilll tills place to montical a flour per dnrrolf ivk a m u ijina in bulk pur 0 in d is ad 2a gd 5fi od oft 7jd delivery of the rfi yeiut in ill cases to bv exacii proti ny ijtioitf iiv this line u i i ur nit into good htrge 1 which urodceked ufl nvertand will not be removed until they arrive in kingston and being nn hilaisd ftnigutinil and nuvuvs towed by steam inmttff llw expense of insuriug may be dispensed ttilh at la nti iinn board jhe stem biktia iiin strain boii st greorce plica regularly twice a week fivtwe kingtftom nd round the head oi like oitiriu brsjjrs other faui bnaiftdqiartdiifr- iyliip ilw sttrrnil port round lnke ontatin and hay 1 itiro and goods can always forwarded from lliij plucc witluut nny deliv james mcutchon aclnt lie and aloi the rone ktnigrants from ires ore allowed the privilege ofemburk ivinfjston 2lh gemembit ism 13 m to ffstiniins avn wa l u ntlujllu i an ijreutroc ton willi udcrstind the business and can aivo fltiiaitirv lemimon vniplctyerrc i i ibis cutnury t u irtiruljrs isil tor 1irltier ocmltvrldl inply irrsmejv mhllmuimif n pet- in all i details iuls from his last ibilily ft to the editor 20 the subscribers respectpully acquaint their fritnds and ihe pnb- lic that they are now receiving their usual supplies for the fall and winter trade comprising an extensive nnd very choice aport- meiit of seasonable goods the whole of ftbicll will be found of superior quality and at exceeding v lov prices among their leading articles will be pound a glteat variety op uroaricloaths csshnttcs flushings peters a ins suiinetts and pilot cloths dlankci flannels baizes nnd serges j worsted and lambs wool hobiiry shiim and pantaloon drawers irey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies and childrens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos bombazetls camlets and tartans bombazines crapes 50 c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c c c ft c a general assortment of fashionable furs muffs boas tippets and swansduwn rulfs gcntlemenb very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1834 27 notice the master general and board of ordnance hav ing made arrangements with the lnrds and other commissioners of chlsea hospital for the pay ment in future by that department of the pension ers from the ordnance military corps and that in pursuance thereof arrangements bud been made with the beads of his majesty treasury upon lilt subject of the payment by the commissioners de- buttnat o eucb ordnance militury petitioners as reside in the colonies be payments wsw tberefirr be discontinued by the ordnance and the pension- era are hereby directed to apply to the senior com missariat ollicers at the d liferent stations in the upper province for the amount of their pcnsimuj u lutura j r smith ordnance storekeeper office of ordnance kingston october 13th 1834- notice the subscrlbershiivingbeennppoiuill ex ecutrix and executor by the last kill and testa muuiof tho lute robert drummoml respectfully request that nil persona having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce dulv au thenticated for adjustment and likewise thai uiose indebted to it will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret drum mont executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 is black hvtltc smithy the suhscribers beg loavfe publicly to inform the inhabitants of kiuson and its vicinity that they intend to com mence busim ss as white 8f black smiths br il foohdbhe die sinkbes in the premises situated nt the bead of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chestiuts old stand in addition tu the above hnm llwidf flkfl fup riery vil be carried on in all their branches- beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order nftadt forsyth kingston sept 2nd i3j 8 1 3 t e o i m m edi ate l y tw xvsoisam ioukcs vm which indisputiible sccartty will be ffiven irttri tmulreud to a b post oificcj octobc 2 id laili kingston to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the best pnrt of storestreet and lately in the occu pation olftl s bid well esq for terms apply to abraham tmax or henry cassady is kingston oc g j 331 for sale the north halfoj cession oi the tow lot gfth 17 in the 6th con- usbip uf kuilfrstun aboui 40 neroo ore improved on the picillisca are a good prailk house harn and bbed por particulars apply to tlie subscriber or ai the spectator olfice samuel merrill 9 v0tsce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vannlstine arc requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm arc requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22l 1834 5 notice all persons indebted to the private estate of ih late duncan vntialstiue esq are requested to muke immediate payment to a trtrax and all po son- having nny claim ngainat the said private t suite are requested to present the same for liquidation wis executors e w armstrong a tkuax kingston august 22d 183t 5 ij1nds for sale acres of the very best description of land situated in the second concession uf seymour on the river trent to he disposed of in 200 kingston nov jhli 1s31 grocery and provision warehouse jamks 15akkh respectfully informs bis tds and the public that the busi ness lately established by baker a kgan is now carried on solely by himself at the old stand in ibu market square j is in returning thanks to his ftienda furthe sup port hitherto received taken the opportunity of 3tj friei preoll one lo or in separate parcels of 100 aere each for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the british whig august 1s31 52 mr jiqtftflngs at times not interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private und in classes on the following branci- os viz writing arithmetic short hjxik pw reading and speaking english grammar and book keeping sale of crowx lands notice is hereby gitvflt pnnion of the va aant lots in the loww of ivtcrboro will be jktii i public sole at the ivvcnntient officii there on tuesday the isth q ofnorrmher next subject to the building nf sioue brick or framt house not lew in dinwnions than is feet y 21 within two years from the day of purchase one fourth of the purchase mwyto lw paid on the day ofsulc and the three ivwwmling inslahnents at the interval of a vcor betntcn each instalment with in terest thereon lro at the same time and pli a portion of the va- wint crown lands in tlo townships of oi h jlarvcti tsrfc alrifixzn bsfmot and dtttmttr on the samccodhions plans cxhihitins the tuition of the lots may be scoi at the commissioner of crown ltmds of fice toronto or on nnphcatioil to mr mcdone lie agent at peterboro peter robinson com- u crown uihu- conunissioncr of crown iatio olticr j toronto october s3 n 24 john oliphant hebcean7 tajloe in returning his sincere tllttllktt to the inhabitant o kingston and hi cuswaiers in ircneral for the very liberal support he has ivctiived since his commence- tnent in business bees sen to inform ibein that he is now receiving his fall supplied a- mougst which will he fcund thfi iksi west of eng land black blue and invisible green cloths sin trie millm hsack casiorrc vewlng double mn tie- blemillm black oxftfd and steel mixed gmth meres such as havcnt been ollircd here hrfarc double and treble inilfd peterthaiwi pilut cloth double luiumdrab stk velvet for vesting and trimmings of every description all ciders will bctbtuiklully rrcvived ffaitlmado to the latest londoi fashions a suh furiulicd in iwelvo hours f three or fjnr jiiinicyiiwu ttriiiiudinime diaielyby o kingston october litl 1831 20 wo 30 vlllak 14eoal9 itisltrrebv announced tint thr vaturl iiistorv socrert nfmontrval iw rwnlved to ofilr pouii mkdal4 for the btt r59ay3 preacud during the present vear mcdltltf are ollvrsd iccndiniy 1st pnrllie bci eaon the connection between the features of a counti vid iic cliarftctcr of ill iu- ikibitant 2nd for the be 4 bsstf nn tlw peculiar iiku and number of lakes in he lurihern pit ut both con- tincnitf 3rd fur the best esaa on any scientific subject at the discretion of the wtiier 4th for tbo bwtt esiuv on any subject connect ed with literature generaiy the conditions are 1st the esavs shairte presented on or before the 23i h of february 13j5 2nd the essay nuv it in frcecb oreilh 3rd the iimes and riwdenfifi of the authors must be conccalcdi looure which each eay shall have a muto nnd all be iucompanird by a sried 100 sunprsttlljid with iie same motto and containiuff the name and ividence nflbc author tl is note shall only be opined essay beini dot hired worthy of it shall be thmmved 4th the iht v i of llll kerwie iceessful etvs bal pel tv of ihe bocij remmn me jrro- a j ferns begs to inform his customers that he has received by tbclnle arrivau his summer supply of ladies misses and childrens fashionable boots and shoes of every description and willde disposod of at uncommonly low prices kington june 21th 1s34 jto twce all persons indebted to mr john mckay late h keeper kingston either by note or book account re hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned to whom all such debts have been assigned and thereby save themselves expenses wk mcgrueit kingston pel 4 1334 tomb tetones tc the snbwribepj grateful fur the patronage he has received beiw io inform his fiiends mid the public that licslll continues to manufacture to order at his shop in hath tomb sjhc of almost every description wimdow gaps sxx1x18 i score pipe and hearth stones and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortist notice and the most reasonable terms a uk am lott i b all kinds of produce received in pay ment 15mli sept lgh s31 12if ppomthk fkrtll iidti jj ukspeotpully informs the in- fflgjjj r thai extensive and commodious imlw hene of entertainment known by the n iime of the kinsrstou hotels where il hl intention to devote the whole of his lime nral study to lilc couubrtuiitl convcoieqcj o liii iruests the kington hotel has lately undergone a epiir has been completely refurnished htn pointed uml is now one of the handsomest public houses in ihc provi-ice- it is admirably hetl siiuacil lor the comeuienceuf travellrrs being nenrtbc lukv shore and comma nil inff a full view ntthe arrivals auddrjmiiuresof ilivlsteura boots from wliivh pasenvrvlujige will be conveyed by porters nttmiding hie wharves on purpose tu ih domestic nnangcmenh of die housp the irenes adeniou will be paid u flml ruto table will ha founts of kiiigtftonand t etravel lin community thathba leased uiotough be l oi 1 the 1 v conjecuj w etnd cy kin ohcioud vard il will of the bet description aid lid spjultrt of superior quality h this rftlalilihlnnenl is a large nn excellent stub fmni may thh b5i 27 wholesale warehouse cogniac brandies madeira port and sherry wines benecarloand spanish bed do bundi jwuscatel raioand spanish lilbert e indmcomp pepper 40 c 112 lbs cassia cloves fg blue salt petre andepscm saks japan pints do and paste day hart also wrought nails 3j c 32 lbs ox trace halter and rigging chains spades shovels and frying pans ma stoves 20 a 30 in own sheet iron s paints rsboi cwi crawley and oil dundee casting i blister steel sad irons and horse nails tried colors putty whiting am ng and cod and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand henry hart kingston 1st november ir34 2630ts meather store the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the liberalsup port lie has received since he commenced business il assure them that no exertion on his part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the same he is new receiving a large quantity of s6le and uppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skins he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 doz glazed morocco 20 do unglazed do 20 do linings 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured of the best materials he is selling as low as any other use in the trade he has also on hand 59 doz stark gos double refined axes 20 doz do do do broad do 150 barrels sail also s r caldwell market square kingston october 25th ism n b cash paid for hidesand flax seed s r c 21 ftjiiuy ic the subscriber he auiaiowleilceneis o ihe inltah and iis vicinity fr he extensive since hi rjiutmenrcmc in uusv sujigeon to ivuiri his grateful umts of kingston satrouni ess us a kli s be has he gkxtltal blackrmktii fak1uer now rimiiortliilk in font w hi puirtnh that ho rtiiiovcu isu ujfabaidmetit o the oilier side of row or inw ind chtlk usiit nie3mt old stand l- fiiits tu lr ntiltccl upon r8 usual ki 9 on irimo ikvuci cviv kind o iv 3 th fuciciv revrw m run i icttlp i tiiiliuold lite ltikg m d corrcsnoudinir ffininiy ol oh 23rd is3j iisrlf ilu rait to nu utiu of lu btfsuyfl on ir dmcfvitul or il 11 v rdie sucieiv rmovit recording secretary oswceo nnj kingston tlic rasl sail taclul tsoal battlssmake james canp barter yfjli piwi coiisfaiiily nnd tll iavicniii be twl owugn nnd ki itoit nij i ihftity trips per wfkioswiiid stnj m lmiiici will p for frrigjit or fasne p y if ilic master on 3oirl jviilmn sut 10ih is3i for sale a qunntity of but rotfl cheese hv 1 s 1 caldwell kiiwtion nov w ifsm ra pi i uti ivutof c j1 nnisol amiaiid urprov- ld31uxd smitil notice to liuyrrsfif litiiut anil stllois 6l skins vv f fines tin fiiiioss heretofore carried on by s b culd- ivoli is dianffiil to ln liands of the mbwnher at si ftrr uilinininff thninna smiihv hat sim tirar ihe kiiilsto hotel w here every ttteriltuu of llutltnn uiny be bud at all times iscrl by also a penrrul norimoiit uf nrttuler used by saddlers nnd shoriaakr sttcli as sdde tree uanun koui jreea and lasts linings ami landings okininifi ilnu ffkiiw vc c vc blioe makers smiille and harness makers far- uiera mid all rieulcrshi leather will find it for their intvt tu patronize lids esiablibhrnetii as the mock will licesieisivcaid of every variciy of quality stud il hesud a ih lvrt prices q7 paid for wiles am skins kingston june 10th 1831 william ford 3g new good tgmkagl rbsractrollylflew toac- i qnaiui his itiilroa and the public irenj- nllv thiit b cmitinnea i rarrv nn the businehur iwl aid tueru keeper al his old nhind- the mansion eiouse sbtotei lv eittmtetl i store street being the ml most ctntml rfrwt in rintnn in the is con vctii tnt in the ilif- uit no cstablnneii an siipas it in iheex prtncip f ilw brtvli tllchts i gard ns a nent ken the opportunity oi m- forminc them that he intend to keep for eale every article in hu liie of the btat quality and on the moflt reasonable pi ices prime mc4 d r hog pork smokoj llmitf chookt c mutton miiu sfttttfcwl tnh dried biroc yuuug hyson twaulcuy uud black l sugary sjiiccg aw cupertino flour indinn and oat mcal 1 k t onion cucumbrn ttc ottt corn poas beam c biotvh herring mkei cod fish tc pug ipcr ond cavndifch tobacco soip candlcit c c will every oilier rticla in the oforeryand provuioo line he ho jott received several crate of crockfiry of tho la- tost importation 4 crtes of sione wurc 80 juama wrapping paper a quantity of scotch aod american manufactured tiu ware vegeublea fowls potato ac- at market price ctcaab for prodac of every description j jam3 bakes mei k flpue bnfinoti owtoir 7tfi 18347 m it knowlcdje of ladies may acquire in a few less tolorv handwriting and a liioioiu the principles of english grammar to profesaioiial uenteemvilt short hand if not essential in exceedingly useful as n nicaiia ufre- cording their own thought nnd those of others j nnd to be able to deliver those thoughts in an im pressive nnd proper manner ian duty they owe in their audience persona engaged hi mercantile pursnta may ac quire in a short time a good butfinflv hand nn un common facility of calculation arj a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may he made at his academy near the n w- comer ufthe cmrt house oral ilia resi dence front street next to mr marklautrs kinqston oept 17th 1331 i of t hull holloud otbervie arc lins iin 11 country school a gentleman well qualified to teach echool wwhen for an eugjgemeni in the country for the next six months n apply ifby letter postpaid to a b at this office- kingston oct 20th is3 business part ilrent sienm 15oit vhv nf the kind in the provjiim re hence and comfort of s s both to parlours ntid iw ownss fncnittbed in the vnv ihih yh born recently jtaiuted thnb proved in therearoftcmanon manse in which there i nn excellent mttpe where a livery liable u roniuntly kept uarmino having kept a padic homt for manv veais has acquired experience in th line and iiciruststhat w nli unremitiiti attention to the comforts of bis ttuesbh lw u continue to merit the public patronage x7fortera aaffi to air from kingston may litfl hi a larsc yard of etabllri and il be ifi readiness to convey jug liit- diuwcnt tumin bout notice a pewma havipsj iiims against die estate of the laic david bftat sui evq arc requested to present the wine to willnaxn ijras one of the ex- editors to the last will jutd testament of the said david brass and all rhvse v1io arc indebted to the said estate are requited to make immediate pay ment makcy magdalen brass excajtnz wiluamf brass rrmluiatm david iqtmi smth j kingston oct 31ih 104 24 j d bitvce co xt row ivccivccl their vn supplies coisihiin nf briwidcioilvs cwhiitfresf ivtenhamsi j hut olosli lyon bhin flithhing camlets bhiittttttfj itanutu woollen ijosicns moleskins woollen cordi corduroy merinos bomlxizcttt isombn- nue ifad and labu- ijuiin cotttms bleached utibhavhjil printtnl cuislocp apron and other cheeky snull wurvsi sb c sic also a vcrv choice anrtoienl of black and colored grns dc vuplw figured and watered do black and riilorcd phk and ofiiton velvets colored ter ry velvets colored silk flash fancy ribbons artificial flowers and feathers frns c fire xixsectesxz an ciconiii assortment ofshowhs in the most beati tiful french style of filled middle these to ore ititroilttccd into hritain vc toiutcr nud ore no die prevaiinrr toi ar at home also plain middles with prnch rda thiw guuds having been purrhased at the va rious daces of manufacture in lireaifljritnin nnd imported i kiugstou direct have been subjertrd to no ttucnnediute profit nt montreal and j d li co- are thus enabled to supply the public at prices irreailv lotorr than have bithertolueii general buy ing with ready money in the first markets they chii retail at wholesale pricea j i ki iv co ucnhi amtre the public that they have a lix a prins liom which no abatement is ever madr i lie lowest prire being named at once and every rtihtomcr i placed on the same footing sell- luitf bu iheso principles they cannot afford credit and ilieir terms are therefore prompt cash kington nov lhb 1s3i- 294ts quick thorn to be sold by the subscriber a quantity of english quick thorn transplanted nearly two years also a fine selec lion of english carden seeds newly imported james wadsworth kingston oct2sih 1831 for sale by the subscriber twankay young hvson hyson hyson skin aod sou 1 1 tea muscovado enm in jut and refined sugnr prunes burlcy snar and spanish kuisj hlooin mn- n sun ruins uuik pepper awl mmrti assorted ivsitlnilis pwklssi very npcriof mujtira wine in pipe hhdt qr- caski ud bottles bheirj l m aud bottles old port 4 11 ttucriffu u pipe cokkot shsrhv and pobtwiubb usaucorlo tine in lids tmmfan ii ii cipnac brandy in ir and pipei bordeaux holland giu old jamaioi spirits 1 to 2j superior scliitdam in cae london porinraiid urown stout kcil old i wiiki y very euperiorj seal nnd linseed oils swuetoilin ili very superior single and cooltin- sloe- spadeh ii1 sliomls nail of nil eizrs luint of diltutcnt colours assorted cnrltv incmtw candle wick and shoe tlircad c sta alsfti a ehflioe asscrfm- ni of dry goods amongrt which are 9 fine and middling cluilr nd caniineres petershams flush ings iilol chiti0 dhnk camlei plaids merinoes bom hoettu green and s arlct duize while scarlet and yellow flaniii-i- serii- n rhuiiu assortment of dark fancy prints loom shirting urown cotton and a complete aasuruneatof fhssonslils goods which will be found worth the notice of huyvr thomas macn1der kinston 22d october 1834 wanted dy doctor adimson of the royal colleges of surgeons in england and ireland licentiate in mid- wifery from the lyingin hospital dublin a young iemkman as a medical pupil enquire at this office n b the pupil to be duly qualified kingston october 15ih 163 23 to rejrr the commodious dwelling in barrietield for merly occupied by john k glover esq lately by doctor bartley of the 15th regt the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walteb mccunlffe kingston 30th may 1334 to be sold one share of 25 in the steam boat st george apply to margaret davis jthiainistrabir or to james doyte jtgatt kingston october 17th 1634 21 houses to let two newly erected frame houses to be let sit trd at tlic top of brock sireeu bnagjtf kingston oct 25th 1934 23 hi notice aving claims against the estate ot he late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested present their account dulv authenticated and nil persona indebted to too estate arc requested to make immediate pay tnent to charles fairfield administrator ernestown 14th july 1834 notice sixpence reward runaway from the subiber sarah crage ofe is to forbid any person or person- wrng trusting heron my account as i i wf debte of her compacting h a any person ho will return her shall na w borertbotteliawpaid 0 bath srd lvdv is34 m

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