bmin vi a the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupils nt mr establishment comer of rear and clarence streets on monday september 15ihto whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n u a card of terms upon application kingston august 17th 1834 8 government contract for straw commissariat kingston 27th sept 1834 sealed tenders will he received at this office un til friday at noon on die 17th october next fnr supplying and delivering to the ordnance barrack depannient nt the posts of kingston point henry and point frederick 96000 lbs of straw viz ouc fourth to be delivered by 31st march do do 30th june da do 31st october do do 31stdecemr the tenders to express the rate in currency in words at length for which each bundle of 12 lbs of rnw will be furnished payment will be made by a check on the bank of upper canada for each delivery security required for the due performance of such contract as may be entered into u charles a clarke asst com geiil welland canal at a meeting of the board of directors of he wetland canal company held nt the wetland ca nal office st catharines on thursday the 4th of september the president submitted the folio win correspondence which took place in consequence of a notice appearing in the upper canada iazette under date of july 19th of which the following i a copy take notice that an application will be madi at the next session of the provincial parliament for an act to impose a lax of two pence an acre upon nil uncultivated lands in the niagara wcrtem ami london districts and one penny an acre upon u uncultivated lands in this province the proceeds to be applied to the support and maintenance of the welland canal grantham 19d july 1854 the above was not inserted in the gazette until late in august its being dated from grantham induced the president to address a note to the edi tor of the government official gazette stating in substauce that as lie felt convinced there was not more than one individual in the township of gran tham who possessed a hostile feeling to the welland canal he was desirous of ascertaining who it could tie and requested the name of the author to which the following reply was received toronto 26th august 1834 ear fitfr i can have no hesitation whatever at your re quest to inform you that the notice alluded to res pecting the welland canal is inserted in the ga zette by desire of mr clark at the falls his name is given to roe as responsible for its appear ancein such a way that i feel myself perfectly jus tified in this case as in any other to answer the question coming from you or any other person very trulv yours robert stanton w if mmiitt esq after duly considering the evect this notice might produce the board unanimously resolvetl that they consider it a duty due to themselves and the public to publish the correspon dence in order that the country may know the true source from whence the notice emanated by order of the board john clark 8ay welland canal office sl catharines sept 4 18i n b the government official gazette and other paper will please give this one insertion 1834 lake ontario the xew steam boat 8 it h u a a a 12 9 r 1 8 9 4 8 2 7 2 8 a a 1 p a r a p al m m u u m m m k k hi if lake ontario the iicin steam boat william avery prtrpttud hy tco pmocrftd low pressure engines copt ifatramel johnson will for the remainder of the season ply on the river st lawrence and lake ontario between oo dexsjicrgii and niagara as follows tl wards leaves ogdcnsburgb every saturday 11 kingston u t sunday sockets harbor 41 oswego rochester landing monday u toronto york u c touching at prcsseou morristown alexandria nud french creek ami lcwlston on tuesday moniiiiir ffivine itll the day to visit the fulls of niagara by the boat downwards leaves lewiittqd eery tuesday at rochester wcdnedtty oswtvoi it 0 a 7a 1 r p s a or lirockiillt arrives at kisnyers and return m m at h h ivotl e is hereby given that the subscriber in- timidat carry on the business of fulling and dress ing pmtfi in a style superior to any that has ever hcen attniptcd in this prt of the country in the new mdng near mr peter swrtzcrs saw mill ah tjose who may please to favor him with thrrr custom sh have no reason to complain and all those vft have hud wool carded if brought to the manilla in good order and not done in a workman like turner will please to give notice and the sub scribe will make good fhcsaine cukp k cattil all kinds of produce received in payifwnt the works will be in operation by the tenth of september next hiram giunnis ww loughborough aug 26th uk 6 i 41 14 facket ura s s ii p 7 a hi m 31 kingston li g thuisdny touching nt french creek alexandria i trork villc and monisimiii and arrives at ogdenbuh on thursday evening from which place lktsscugcrs take the blelull unat down the hu laurcmicc on kiiduy moriiini mid reach montreal the evening muylh ljk 2 large aejv store the subscriber offers fur sale at his more street next door to mr leahys tavern and well selected assoriment of english madb boots and shoes hosiery gloves shawls and silk flandkcrehicfe irish linen scotch dowlas thread needles thread tapes c c the whole will he disposed of sinclv low for cash john murray kingston aug 20 1s31 lodging is on terms sur pi oy kin- 3c to printers john woods printer from dublin and work ed for mr dull left this town about two years ago and proceeded to upper canada any information respecting htm will be thankfully received by his brother jame by being left at the olficeof the montreal daily advertiser tito editors of the respective journals in the uppr pro vince will confer i favor by mrii thi august j3d notice a rock or large riaroi kft ivioiitt tihuut itio illt i- mini i east angle of the pierhead upon it there are oi seven it six inches is 0 fret 6 inches to navigators stone lies in the entrance of the ofwiter whilst around it there a temporary buoy or hillet of uood is laid down upon it vessel drawins more than seven feet water will be cwieful noi to as over in liuoy and sieam es- iiels at tught will give thf nirr a ood liirili iilgii richardson toronto pppi 1st 1si oilier cifltois arc requilpl to copy thd ab stolen or strayed ack do who answers o he name will bring the dog a ivrui itrk lo who answers o the name of watch whoever will bring the dog to iiu- of- iicp will be liberally rewarded tor his trouble and whoever harbor or dmnitm biui attcr this notice will be prosecuted hritisl whig office sept hth 1s1i dissolution of patwmr8hip tiik partnership bcretofnre existing between the the market square in the grocery line has been this day dissolved by mutual conent the business will in future be carried on by jamea taker who is authorised 10 collect al debts due to the lam im and by whom all debts due by it will be paid james baker 111 subscribers and irovisioi kiiifihton- sap 22j 1514 p f egan xotice whetleas my wife hannah has left my bed and liii without any just cause 1 hereby forbid all persons harbouring or trusting her on rny ac count as 1 will pay no debt of hers contracted after this dftie jacob iiillman bath uthjulv 1834 ror one or mo that elegant stone house situated in chorcfa street in the town of kington commanding a most extensive and delightful view of lake ontario and the surrounding country with an excellent garden roothouse coachhouse stable wood- house a ice house with every convenience suitable for a large family also an extensive brewery and distillery with utensils complete steam mill with au engine of 83 horse power malthouse stores and every other convenience for carrying on the a- bove business also an extensive wharf with storehouse thereon well adapted for the forward ing business whether by the saint lawrence or rideau canal having a greater depth of water than any other wharf in kingston the stock hi trade viz barley malt rye malt wheat corn rye oats casks cordwood well seasoned wall- nut cherry pine plank boards may be taken at a fair valuation if required the above property j rf lt may be let either together or seperately for sale port hope w a quantity of whiskey pale ale of superior toronto for jfotwe all persons indebted to the estate of the ifttejto- hert mpore esqr of kingston dock yaid are re quester to tnake immediate payment to mr wil liam vvisont merchant and all persons having anv clrfi against the said estate are requested to present heir accounts to william wilson duly au- ihenticed for payment william wilson i john b marks e kingston u c 20th september 1854 hjnerico capf m hour wujl on the 23rd of july commence her trips be tween ogdensburgh and niagara as follows goino ur lee 2tibj0ttetoflgh sacked harbor wednesdoy oswego do sodus thursday rochester do toronto late york thursday coming down leaves leiriston friday ifcbchesier saturday sodtu do oswego do s harbor sunday kingston do touching at french creek alexandria and brock ville ou her wav up and doun june 26ili 1834 4s kingston u c medical acadkmy undh the auspices and ratuonace of the lieut governor sir john colborne k c- b c- t nt colls suieon koyal navy will open mt eotablishmeot according to the ahote notice uu lie 1st a vgust his terms are as followu gentlemen with board and lodging ivahing c 100 per year without board c 50 per yenn the gentlemen will be taught with great care the duties incumbent upon them as professors of the general science in every branch theoretically and practically- their morals will be carefully watdt- td and their religious duties will be impressively en forced upon them according to their leucts they will be taught an atom if surgery medicine midwifery ac- clinical lectures will be daily given in the leisare hourmhey will have the advautow if they please to study several minguncsutth which mi colls is well acquainted n the inlluwin french spanish portuguese italian and dutch these will be gratuitous 25 will be required in advance as an entrance- fee which will be considered as part of the iirst years payment july 23 1834 10 the new and elegant steam boat bbucs mew york type foundry the subscribers respectfully infoim the printers that they have recently completed a variety of new fonts of letter in the style of the latest european specimen a calculated for ornamental printing or tasteful display and making their assortment ot prijytijyg types unrivalled iii beauty extent and variety a book of specimens may be obtained at the foundry ino 13 chamber street near chatham street urat no is city hall imacc h contains perimous from twelve line pica to pearl comprising whereas conrad sills having nlectcd to fulfil the conditions of a lease granted ro him of the northern part of no 10 in the second concession of the township of kingston this i to give notice in all persons nor to hire or till oi trespass on any part of the said land as the hase is invalid daiuus smith waterloo 3ept4ih 133 sash factory the subscriber respectfnlly inform ihc inliabi- tmitsotkiiigslon nud its viciniiy iht he has recent ly cunnnenced niikiig window siilies al bis shop adjoining ihe kinisiun foundry where be intends to keep on bniid a lanrc nssortinent of every kind which be will sell lou lor cash and he hopes by bis assiduous attention to business to merit u share of public patronnge t all orders for the above thankfully received and promptly attended to ston may 2 1834 penor quality also an excellent ion pressure steam- engine upwards of four horse power made by messrs j d ward co of montreal used for merly forgrindintr rye corn c for the aoove die tillery mashing 40 bushels per day likewise 2 cop per stills also a pair of excellent french burr mill stones low for cash for further particulars enquire on the premises all persons indebted to the subscriber are re quested to settle tireir accounts without delay and thote to whom he is indebted are particularly de- seired to present their accounts immediately for li quidation t molson kingston june 27th 1834 the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in business and takes thin method to inform them that he keeps constantly on hand tin and sheet iron ware lluckskin mittens and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many other articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers which can be had on advantageous terms by applying at the sign of the beab mflbhet bquahe geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per and bls deer skins sheep skin bees wax tallow c will be received in payment the highest price paid at ail times in cashor furs n b those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle the same and by so doing they will oblige barton phillips kingston feb 41831 1 c hatch ctalrbi nker kingston upper canada st g ari r 1ll ter the remainder of the season bakkiftm different poru as follows 5 upwards issk kingston evety saturday piorning at 8 oclps cohoyrg saturday evening port hope saturday night toronto for niagara sunday morning at 7 downwards niagara for toronto every monday at 2 p toronto monday evening at port hope tuesday morning at 4 cobourg tuesday morning at 5 and arrive at kingston in the afternoon on her second iceckly trip upwards kingston every wednesday morning at s cobourg wednesday evening i oronto for niagara itlg at 5 king j sargent 5 5 17 12 5 2 5 2 25 11 10 7 it if 44 1 it u it 44 44 44 44 44 4ft do do do do do do do do do ie rap m cm p til in doty projxued by two lov prtssure engines of thirty ihrs pw- tr taeh will leave prncott on monday and thursday evenings after the arrival of the steam boat from below will touch at brotkville french creek and arrive at kingston next momine will leave kingston for the head of he bay on tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock will touch at bath fredertcksburgh adolphtibtown hallowell culbertsooa sophtusburgh belleville ttivcr trent and arrive at the carrying pluccamc evening kingbtoa 0ept lh- 45 fiiut n ksni title homnn title italic shaded roman anliqirc black open black script german text open text two line h cipiinl v iili figures two line italic capitals- shaded capitals of various kinds italian capitals ami figures besides ornamental loners backstops music lottery figures piece fractions superiors as tronomical and other siffns space rules brass hulrs ornamcnial dashes long braces more than 200 kinds of borders and more than 1000 kinds of cuts and ornaments for school books newspaper and scientific works orders for any of which or for composing sticks cases chases c- will he executed with the utmost promptitude a large stock being always on hand they will also execute orders for printing pres ses paper ink c which thty will furnish al the manufacturers prices printer of newspapers will please publish ibis advertisement with ibis note three times sending a paper containing it to ihc foundry and receive payment when they purchase four times the amount of their bill from the foundry george bruce co new york 1831 lyformaiionis wanted of elixa galbruith who with her brother left the residcucc of her parent in lower canada last fall to reside u few months in this province on arriving at prcucotti she entered into the servire of a mrs tkelch u widow kulv who then kept a public house while her brother pioereded farther up ilic country to stop during the winter he immediately wrotelo her but received no answer he returned home this spring and on his way called at the above men tioned place for his siller but he ue titer could find her or gain any satisfactory information from the woman with whom she had lived concerning her and who to his most anxious inquiries gave but ve ry indifferent and evasive answers from the pe riod of her stopping at mrs welchs to the present time her friends have not received the least intel ligence as to her fate or place of residence ifliving which leads to the suspicion that there may be some foul play in her case the object of this notice is to request the author ities of freacott to investigate the affair and commu nicate the result to the editor of the british ameri can journal elizabeth fialbraith isa native of ireland about twenty years of ugc tall and wl formed hlaekhair dork blue eyes aj id light complexion some- what freckled and of unexceptionable moral character wore when she left home a leghorn bonnet nml a while lace veil any person having any knowledge of her will perforin an act of humanity by comrnuni eating it as above st katharhue 8t for salf the following blanks herds and memorials court of requct blanks u e bonjs and powers of attorney promissory notes tf order and to bearer confes sions of judgment summonses on account summonses on ncic declarations judgments rolls and sundry othir law blanks in the court of kings bench and hairier court to the number of blanks thus advertized addi tions are being madr weekly- british whig offi 1831 26 diss o h h tioa of partnership strong co is this thy by mutual consent dissolv ed all business mettnining 0 the firm will be settled by robert b armstrong and thomas jreer to vhom all drbis due the establishment arc to be notice to the inhabitants of pittsburgh thai those wish- respective churches ou sundays thursday n downwards niagara for toronto every thursday at 2 p m toronto thursday evening at 8 port hope friday morning at 4 cobour lyiday morning at 5 and arrive nt kingston in the afternoon thus making two trips per week from kingston to niagara the st jkorvb will await the arri val of passengers who leave montreal via the st lawrence on monday and thursday rooming they can proceed from prcscott to kingston in the britannia the st george boat also awaits the arrival at kingston of the rideau canal boats passengers leaving niagara or toronto in the st george on monday and thursday will arrive at montreal on wednesday and saturday afternoon as there will always be a boat running in connexion with her between kingston and prcscott this beautiftjx vessel ib propelled by a low pressure engine of 90 horse power is schooner rigged and is elegantly fit ted up for ghbin passengers no luggage or parcels taken charge of unless booked und paid for au freight payable on de livery kingston sept 4th i34 notice the subscriber has taken out letters of adminis tration to the estate of ibe late mr john sadd of iliu town bricklayer all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pay men t to him and all persons having claims against the said estate are requested to present their ac counts duly authenticated for adjustment 1 ames thompson kingston sept 4ih is3j n n v of tu sail thk hut 4- v f t m l i ing to attend their will be allowed to pass the bridge at half price john scrivens a fkksh supply ok groceries the subscriber beijs leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friend and the public in general for the support he has received since he commenced business in kingston mu to inform them he has just arrived from montreal with a large and chojee gin cramslf pwfer- sultufii worth the notice of tavern keep- pjiiil and by ulioin bo liquidhted ill claims on the late iirin wi j w armstrong r b armstrong thomas greer kingston july 30 1331 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong s co- will be continued by the undersigned at then- old stand iu brock sireet 110 der the firm of armstrong and ircer j b armstrong thomas greer notice the pchlic arc hereby informed that the subscriber will continue to hire out the hearse as usual on the following terms ira member ufsr georges church 2s 6d 5 0 for a member of any other church who is not a subscriber ilorsc and driver provided 5 0 to labouring people 2 g he will also wlum required undertake the inai asemenl of funerals w p cook information wanted of richard bkrry blacksmith who left king ston about two month ago hamilton or dundat and has not been hoanl of since any ppiwm know ing auglit of the ahovft wiil confer an obligation on a wife and four child by addrewing a letter di rected to mrs berrvt brock street kingston kingston sept l2tfi hl- his m vince of upper wtts receiver gkkkrai of ilw pro cadc otice that staled ten- iters for bilu of exflbsiwr ijomtotl at thirty dftvssiilit will he received at iuk nfliec on friday the tenth hiv of the tmwmloa mouih uf october for auvmuiitioni 100 1030000 sterling xpres- sine ihu highest rate til exchange ft b current ilank bills will be received i paymeul receiver general office 13th september stolen o stray assoitment of wines jamaica spi r and coonac baldv hollands mint and ers also groceries earthenware among which are a quantity of figured flower puts 6las and a large quantity of west india ricc of the first quality a huge assortment of salt water fish table salf cheese butter oatmeal cornmcal honey flour pork oat sole and upper lea ther constantly for sale v p cook store street kingston july 10 1834 storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has routed the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcguire at the foot of store street as to location they have on the utmost endenvouraof the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured within the above line of business n- b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception of bag gage barton philips kingston april 11th 1834 auction commission the undersigned begs leave to infoiit his friends and the public generally that he has com menced the business of auctioneer and commission merchant in all its various branches at the old stand uf the late michael moran in king street merchants and others forwarding their commands may depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis patch being used land horses cattle and household furniture sold in town and country cash advanced on goods james linton kingston april 4th 1834 extract from mr stewarts paper the 1nde- tknoknt examiner august 3d 182 trial r mr- kitsos for murder his lrdnlupliav ing commented on the evidence and explained the law to the irylnavcry able manner they retired and in a few minutee jturncd with verdict of not guilty 11 aa the pruontr was about to be discharged a circumstance occurred in the court which ruffled the feelings of many m were amon the number of discontents and meant to animadvert on tho subject very neverdy but as the ahejdk honorable hrw since been publicly mado we shall take uofiirther notice ofil we mention it now with nu oilier view than that the gentlemen who felt hurt and who had left the town before the close of the court may know that a full and satisfactory atonement waa offered extract from a letter in the kingston chro nicle may mh 1m sioifed john stewart in 1828mr haceiman was judge of ami2 for this circuit a trial cameonbeuire him in the court house ofperth for riotous and disorderly conduct of some of my misguided coun- uyinon then employed on the canal at the hogs back and i believe for murder as one life had been losl in summing up the evidence and charging the jury mr hagcrman regret led thai i people so generous frank and warm hearted a thu irmi should suffer their passions so fer to get the ascendency as to drive thiin to nucli acts of outrogeous vinleme ho like wis rnnrotutcd in sirong terms the sectional and jrty feel- inui which unfortunately exist among too many of my coun trymen und under the momentary impulse of which v they are ficquently guilty uftho most deplorable excesses and in tho conclusion he ii94rted that the conduct nf such ungovernable spirit m mj galling to the fclingr ofall orderly and wp- iablt wishuiun as tu tnikc tlicm bluh tur the land utulir na il v it v tkbliras m very head and front of his oflending i mifcst be considered us gocnl oulhority i was sitting by un attorneys table at the time reporting the trial for my own pa per this isdfcpmderit examiner eager tncrtfth every word that truii5ptred it is not irui as tuued hv the correspondent of the whig i nr asv minvj of i acs the line is at present composed of eight ships whieh will hereafter sail from new york and loudon on tta btud 16th and from portsmouth on the 5th and 20th of every munii unless the day of sailing should fait on sundii in which cue it will be deferred ull next day from new york sept 16 ship president george moore master oct 1 ship ontario s sebor master oct ig miip montkeai c ii chunpub master nov t canada thonn- britton master nov 16 ship sovkkkion j kearney master dec 1 shin ilanmkal f ii hebjrd master dec 16 ship philadelphia e e morgan master jjn 1 ship samson d chadwick master from london july 16 ontario leave portsmouth july 20 aug 1 montreal leaves lurtsmouth august 10 aufr 16 canada leaves poruntouth april 10 sept i oveltelun leaves portsmouth sept 20 sept 16 iianmuai- irtves porumouth sent 20 oct 1 philadelphia loaves portsmouth oct- 5 oct 16 samson lenves portsmouth oct 2u nov 1- president leaves portsmouth nov 5 thce shipare a of the firt class about 500 tons burthen and are comroanded by able and experienced navigalorv great care will be taken that the bfds store c arc of the best rriji hi the price of cjbin mtnn outward ande an agreement entureil into in conjunction ith the proprietor of the several liverpool packet lines is now fixed at mm exclusive f wines and liquors which will be furnished each passenger at the rstablisncd rates that are fixed to the printed card that will be found on board eacli of the ship- tor freight r postage apply to cither of the commander oo board the ships or to geo wildes co- no 10 coleman st london 2wh from the powettiotf of miciiakl scott king- ton a rnnnll cow col dark hrown opprotthlilig tu black marked in tl left car by a bole wliiw ficc with n dark fi across her nose any person giviug fwmaliou of iter ro mr w cnnvlu lnnkccprr kinon thall he properly rewarded lor w irotrfwe- patrick mautin uullowcll oclobetij 1831 may be obtained by upjilication at this office post office arrangement departure of tsi mails the mail forthe odiccson the main post routes to thetf iciird ofthisoffici arc closed siz times a week viz onmoo day tuesday wcrdnesday thursday friday saturdj those to the tttstwttrd of this office including niagara as fita ancastir are closed satiniesa week vizon monday ttjet- day weduumlay thurslay friday and saturday that msils will rloe each day at i oclock the mails forothccs hetween batli and brighton oniis prince edward county route are closed thriet a week vq on tuesday thursday and saturday at 6 oclock p m the mails for camden eastand wilton are made up oa tuesday and friday at c oclock p m the mails for all cilice hvscof a ncaster st closed twiu i week viz on monday and thursday at 6 oclock p m the mails for newmarket and other offices norlu f york arc closed twict a week viz on monday and tacti- dav atgoclock p m the mails for offices north of port hope i e cimo peterborough c are closed oitca week viz on satarcit at 6 oclock p m the mails for marmora are closed once a week tizos thursday at 6 oclock p m the mails for the offices on the route through bewlj perth ac are closed ttcirc a veck viz on monduy ui thursday at 6oclock p m the mails for the united states are cloeed hmni week viz on monday wednesday and friday at3o arrival or thk wails the eastern mailsairivctzftmesa week viz onmondij tuesday wednesday thursday fridny and salurdaj the wrstrn maiu arrive six times week viz on monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturdaj contract hour of armal 4nrlock p m the mails from office mfest of ancoster will arnre ftriis week viz on tuesday and friday with the mails from york theprincc edward mails arrive three times a week vb on monday wednesday and friday atthe same ti mo wid the oilier western mails the southern or uiited sates mails arrive threctima week viz on monday wednesday and friday probsht hour of anivalj on an average through the year 5 oclock p m office hours the office will be open from socloek a p m every day except delivered onlv hetween as to letters going abroad the folio wins regulations inut bo attended to oil they will remain not forwarded and b lost to nil concenxi letters nr the united stales must be post paid to cape cent and michasarc intended to go that way to europe bo post pud totiew york letters for europe intended to be sent by quebec nni post paid to quebec nud those intended to be sent bv baft fix per falmouth packet murt he post paid to tlaliftj letters can only tie sent byway ofqurbec between may and lt norcinber in mrehant vessels ihcy nj h forwarded by the othrr routes nt any reason foi the regulations ilauvc to posloo on letters w continent ofeurope west indies c sec the post jkw uoncndv advertisement put up in this office lsuc on a kilutw letter from this othcc w to now york lssjd to quebec i mhu7oclua the sabhath when letters will ui the hour uf ti and 9 a m ami mr linger non made aiiapnlopy to a party of gentlemen who waited upon hin fr an espunatiou it is true that some iruhmen rnistindofirtfiod him and that there was a good deal nf desultory nversation amoiig them respecting tho tenor of discharge henry iniham esquire of this place and my- self were cvsmtutj with him on the evening of the same day und unon our mentioning iho misconstruction of his language which some of our sensitive friends entertained ho declared that so far from attcuiiting to wound the feelings of the irish tlim was no people whom ho would moro wjltinply servo and conciliate as tho best and the truest friends he bad evor imrnlifml yrc in rates of cape vtnoitt id toll 1 an 2 rvi any nivspaiim llmt isforftnrlid ithoul bing poi will b clinrkid with idler loslor rntooflhivtluto ia nowspapci from una office todf oflho british provinces id to capo vincffnt jd capo vinviil lo now york onn cvnt nda hlf john macaulay p kingmoii wl 7th ibm nj m paints oiiand dvc stif forsale by myn ml john 0 1mbk