Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 14, 1834, p. 1

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published semiweekly opifeb volume a pes pboem oicor by e j kiivgstoiv uctcb8uay octobeb 14 1834 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political infui nation is published evcrv tuesday and friday evenings by doctor hirkor editor und proprietor at hit of tico in iuar street next duor to the commercial hotel for country circulation only the british whig is published every wednesday morning in a weekly form and will be found tocontaii the most important matter of tliosemi weekly papor terms for the semi weekly paper ono pound per annum ifpaij in advance or within throe mouths from tho receipt of the first numlwr undone pound live shilling if collected at tho end of the year exclusive of postage for tho country p per twclvo aliillinga and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within thice months from the receipt uf the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at thu ohd of ibe yw exclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in tho country aod who may prefer to semi to the otlice lor their paper may have litem supplied at ten shillings per copy pur mourn prompt pay no subscription received for hm than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up except at tho option of tho publisher stftertlstnieftte six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and 7jd each subscnuent insertion ten lines and tinder 3 4d fiminertioiiaud 10d each subtrcucnt insertion above ten lines 4d per line for tho first insertion aod id per line tor every bubsequcnt insertion- advertisements without written directions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters taken in except fiom agents unless post piip better press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior press and an oicclleniassortmcnt of jui tvpe is enabled to execute every desciiption of job printing with nearness and ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdcntly low in upper canada notice the subscribers having been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last will and testa ment of the jate robert druminond respectfully request tint all perrons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au- iheiiticated for adjustment and likewise that those indebted to it will make payment to liim without de- lav signed margaret drummond executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 21 di sept 1834 15 notice the ridbau t ottawa steam boat company respectfully inform the public that the undersigned is now their agent in this place in the room of the late robert druminond deceased and that they arc prepared to receive and transport passengers merchandize and produce to and from montreal to kingston until the rideau canal is closed at the following rates viz cabin passengers from hence to montreal and from montreal to this place 60s and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through this route to this place- viz for every full grown per son tvn shillings children between the age of seven and fourteen five shillings do- be tween three and seven three shillings and fourpence luggage 2 9d per cwr freight of merchandise from montreal to this place 2s 9d per cwr freight of produce from this place to monti eal viz ptaui jmhrdutmlf mi pork 2s gil ashes 5s od wheat in bulk per 0 ibft os ld- freight in all cases to be exacted on delivery of the properly goods by litis line will be put into good large barges which are decked all over and will not be removed until they arrive in kingston and being an inland navigation and always towed by steam boat the expense of insuring may be dispensed with at lachine and along tho routr emigrants from off the barges are allowed die privilege of embark ing on board the steam boats the steam boat st george plies regularly twice a week between kingston and round the head of lake ontario besides other steam boats depart dal ly for the several ports round lake outaiio and bav quiue and goods can always forwarded from this place without any delav james mvcutchon aobkt 24th september ism 15 kingston a card dr holmes having relinquished his appoint ment as surgeon to the st george steam boat will he happy to exercise the duties df his profes sion in this htwn and its environs having been educated at a large public infirmary and also re ceived the advantages of the different medical schools of bolh london and dublin during a period of three years he feels himself fully competent to practice in any branch of the profession his residence is for the present at mrs baymons hoarding house kinzninn october 8th 1831 19 kingston fair und cattle mart notice is hereby given that the fair and cattle mnrt will be opened at kingston agreeably to the charter on he 2nd tuesday in october at 10 oclock and continued the three following days the fair will be held at the same place as last year in theopeu space nearly opposite the scotch church john mclean sheriff steward kingston 10th sept 1834 the agricultural society of oie county of fron- tenuc will endeavour to have their annual cattle show on the 1st day of the fair the friends of tho socie ty are requested to nleelat the court house at kingston on saturday the 20th inst at 12 oclock lo elect officers and make such arraugments as may be necessary for holding the annual cattle show g w yarker acting secretary kingston 10th sept 1834 black a- while smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white black smiths bltass founders die sinkers eh the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand in addition lo the above horse shoeing and far riery will be carried on in all their brandies beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1831 8 wm t kennedy sttar iuiiiic convey miccr general accomptant and land agent store street kingston r sale may for crown london baiaer clergy reserves an adjourned sale of cler i die nia gara and london district be held uv jttuupres inn in the town of siincoet w tuaaduy the 4th dmr of mmi at 0 oclock aji upon mpdittoii of actual settle ment one tenth of the purtjjc money to bo paid down and the remainder iawn crjuil annunl instal ments with interest upon etf intulmcut as hbe- comes due a list of the lots that wijbc offered f be seen by applying unite frmmtosioiici lauds toronto john b aekin esq and tu mr jacob laiu btiicoe peifett robinson commissioner of crown r lands office toronto ut october 16l 19 ft editors of papers ik te upper province will plea insert the above he diiv of sale government contract- cotfnhmt kiogfltoo lnxjtf october 1sb4 notice is linrebv gien scaled tenders will be received at this office ptitfl monday the 10th day of november next at noon from such persons who may he inmhgtffrrmrfhio hid jlftix jesljs government for lb following supplies lor one year from the 1st day of january ttij for he ua of the troop staff an departments at king ston and its dependencies iz for fresh beef at per ifc currency- soft bread at h rations of forage at per eac ration cy the ration of forage to consi of 9 lbs of oats of the fast quality to hvcrcd ls contractors ijc uo stores wanted immediately h t110iaitd rotmls- for which indisputable security will be given letters addressed to a b foat ouicc kingston october 2ml 135 dentist will cial hoth kingston sept mr s wood cmain a few days at 19th 1831 the commer 13 jtotmce all persons imlcbtcd to the late firm of messrs beach vanulstine arc requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against the said firm are requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22d 1851 5 notice all persons indebted to the private estate of ilie late duocan vaualstine esq are requeued to make immediate payment to a truax and all poisons haing any claim against the said private ftttuce art- requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong r a tuuax bsccoloi kingston august 23d 1334 5 200 to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the best part of storestreet and lately in the occu pation of m s bidwell esq- for terms apply to abraham truax or henry cassady lnds for sale acres of the very best description ot laud situated in the second concvtfmoii of seymour on the river trent 10 lie dinpuwd of in one lot or in cpamc parcels of 100 acres each t or cash auxcoliiiuliathu nmyiinmnuliu utntn indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the bkltisii whig august 1331- 52 kingston oct 6 1834 13 medical hall prfergusoninformsbisfi iends and the pablie that ho lias lately rer moved from his residen in the mar ket square to the house lately occ ied bv mh josfcifh cuksicr in e leasoiia branch ine street opposite ma waltj ndwimnl and a thorough mccuniffes where he shall at all j 4 t the piincuues ol fci times be happy to attend to professional applica tions kingston october tilt 1884 18 grocery and provision warehouse james bakffi respectfully informs his friends and the public that the busi ness lately established by baker egan now carried on solely by himself at the old stand in the market square j it in returning thanks to his fiiends forthe sup port hitherto received takes the opportunity of in forming them that he intends to keep for sale every articlein his line of the best quality and on the most reasonable prices prime mess and one hoc pork smoked hums checks c mutton mam smoked and dried beef young hyson twankey and black tea sugar spices o c superfine flour indian and oat meal pickled onions cucumber ate out corn poib beans ace scotch uerringi mackerel cod fuh c plug paper and cavendish tobacco soap candlea c c with every other article in ihe grocery and provmou line ho lias just received several crates of crockery of the la test importation 4 cratca of stone ware 80 ilianih wrapping paper a quantity of scolcli and american manufactured tiu- f vegetables fowls potatoes c at market price ut cab for produce of every description james baker ftfutte khjgetoo october 7th 185 18 mr jennings at limes not inferferin with the regular duties of his scliool give in private and in classes on the following writing arwtmttic short hand public reading and speakings english grammar and book keeping lftdtea may acquire in a few lessnis a neat epi- knowltrdgc of pnncipjes of entflwh pnnohuv to professional gentlemen short hand no csentini is exceedingly useful as a means of re cording their own thoughts and thoe of others and to he able to deliver those thoughts in nn im pressive and proper inunner is a duty they owe to their audience persons engaged in mercantile pursuits may ac quire in a shoit time a good business hand un un common facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping application may he made at his academy neni the n w comer of the ccurt house or at his resi dence front street next to mr marklauda kingston sept lth 1854- 1 l 16 of hay 9 of straw for charcoal at per buffed currency the beef to be of the bew quality of ox or hei fer properly slaughtered aid of equal proportions of hind and fore quarters tjd no oilier to be de livered to die troops at their respective quarters the suet no to be withdrawn the bread to be manufactured from the best quality of fine flour and u be warranted to keep sweet lor twentyfour hours after delivery to the troops the carls employed in conveying bread and meat to the troops stationed at point henry and point frederick will be penintted to cross and re- cross the bridge toll free the beef and bread are it all times to be sub ject lo the inspection and approval of a commissa riat officer who shall be empowered to reject such as in lus judgment is not ol the quality described and cause either the bread or beef to be immediate ly rpphinil nr in iliilwiji hereof muill pnrcliuo u proper quality anlie cost of the contractor the contractoi for fresh beef will be required to make his issues uitlie staff and departments either from the public jlarket house or trim one of the most convenient commissariat magazines at king ston payment for tlo fresh beef bread forage and charcoal will bcniade monthly by a check on the bank of upper unada at kingston the names ofuvo responsible persons to be in serted m the tenters as sureties forthe perform ance of the contriul any further inbrmation may be obtained on ap plication at the cunmitteariht office barrack street kingston wholesale st ltetnil grocery wine spirit and general provlwlon store marital sijnatc noxi dour ti mr scanlan auction mart the subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston sic ihut he has opened the above estab lishment here he bos now on sale the following articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cuninc it rand v dupuvs brand 4 hhds holfemrfs gin 2 pipes bencrlo wine 2 do siiriiir old iort 3 do priina old madeira 5 nr- tisks puerifle 2 do do pale sherry 2 ilo do ijnwn do 2 lihds ver superior white wine v 20ltaitelsup a qiinutity t prime charette u ill lie v 3 do young ilvsoa do 1 do old do do cuba coflee double lefinei loaf sugar 3 tierces bright musmvudo do 20 boxes muscatel ritsius 5 bags almonds 20 boxes poland stattli a quantity of pitch iv riin glue whiting window glass ods and colors scc arc with every article in the grocer v and provision line george armstrong kingston 7th july isil 44tf to riiyt the commodious dwelling in barriefield for merly occupied by john h glover k- lately by doelor buriley of the i5ih ucgt the premises being so well known dc noi reipiire further descrip tion applv to wmter mccuniffe kinffsimi 30th mny lsu saji or crown lands in the london district notice is hereby given that on mon day the 20th instant there will be oflercd fi sale by public 4iicrov at the court house in imptowii of loudon 3 1 10 j o cluck a m upon condition of actual settlement i portion of the munsee indian reserve 2s90 acres in the township of gvradoc recently surveye by mr castle d s at the upset price of 12s 6d currency per acre payable one quarter down arai be remainder in three years by annual instalments of one quarter with interest on each instalment as it beroines due ct a plan of the survey may be seen by apply ing tu john is askin esq london or the survey or general toronto peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office toronto 1st october 1631 19 editors of paiers in the upper province will plefic insert the above until the day of vale no o to notice els7 jkh s hc under8i m token out hen da the fe of the late nenry uavis all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested t l fk mplt f h ed to p the amount accounts without delav and those a f their djustmen applies t0 sztttemst davis or james doyle agent gnrei t kingston aug 23d 1834 m davis administratrix 6 xuc ntw splendid and fast running steam boat lie id a wbukey nl scliieduin i megar gin and bottle cash paid foit wheat the hiphest cash price will be paid for good mer chantable wheat at the store of the submiibcr g v yarkek kingston 13tli sept 1831 wanted an apprentice to the black smiibing business apply to the subscriber opposite the whig office riat wm daw kingston sept 16th 1834 a j ferns begs to inform his customers that he has received by the late arrivals his summer supply of ladie misses and childrens fashionable boo 8 u sfloes of every description and wjilde disposud of at uncommonly low prices kingston juuc24ui 1831 3 bags 2 bhde s carmtno reslectfuliiy begs leave toac- ipiaim bis niluns and the public gen rally that be continues to carry oil the busbies of utilel und tavern keeper at bis old tund the mansfon bpontte meotcl is pleasantly situated in fcjoie street bcinjr ilie principal und most central street in kingston in lie business part of the townj is convenient to the dif ferent steam boat harves am n0 cstablislimcnt can surpass it in the ex it of the kind in the lrfovincq rcllcnco and cuuliort of it apartments in both to parlours and bed uooms all of which furnished in the very best etyle the hotel been recently painted diroiq unil utinrwise proved in the rear of the mnnai house is a large yard in bicb there is an cxcelk ran nl stables and where a livery stable is c kltl s garmino baxing u u pic home for many years bus acquired vxpeiituce in that line and be trusts that with ni attention to the comforts of his guests he villi continue to merit tin- public patronage t porters will be in rciuincsg tll eonvcv regard are has itn- fiftvf cbmnsuaiat kingston upper canada 8lli octolifr t834 sealed tenders will be received at this of fice until tuesday the 21st inst at noon for supply- on dc ing tho ordnance barrack department with the mentioned articles and for performing the owing services viz tanles officers coal boxes i gsffi forms sentry boxeo painitnij iron bcijstcads fol- 14 if 8 17 9 7 510 the tenders to express in word at length llic mtc in currency for which article will be supplied and ilie price cot painting each iron ijiyutead specifications to be seen and any further infor mation required obtained by applying at the office of ihe coiimirltdinc royal engineer security required payment will lc made by a draft drawn by ordnance storekeeper on the bank of tipper canada at kincton jtotmce atx persons indebted to afr john mr kay late inkcoper kingston either by note or book account are bcivhy requested to make immediate payment to the mulersurned to whom all such debts have been assigned and thereby save lhcniselvescxprnt klulmoiu oel it isjj v mcil tomb stones 4v the subscriber grateful fur the patronage he has received bfb to infirm his fiiends and the public tltat he sril continues to inaruifucttirc to order at his simp in isath totnh stones of almost every description window oafs u bills stove pipe and hearth stones and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms- abkam lott n b all kinds of produce received in pay ment bsh sent 16th 1834 12if commodore barrie bedford nobn8 propelled bytwo superior unopressute engines of messrs ward sf cos manufacture montreal j will leave kingston for prescott every monday morning and wednesday evening touching on her way at french creek and brockville fill leave prescott for kingston and the bay ot auiime every monday and thiirdayeveninga af- pritar orrir rfieaaijjot from below touch ing on her way at the nbovr memioatd intermedia placis and arrive at kingston the following mofit will leave kingston for tho bay of quintie every tuewjay and friday mominga at 0 oclock and after calling ht bath fredrtcksburgh adol- phuaiown hallowoll culhertsons soihinsburgh kellcville uivertrent will arrive at the carrying place the same evenings wh1 leave the carrying place every itedneaday and saturday morning aaer ihearrival of rhe ftest- ertl stages and after calling at the above mentioned intermediate places will arrive at kingston thesamft afternoon every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of passengers and particular care ta ken of all proper v regularly put on board kingston 20ihscpt 1834 15 to the public the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity and begs leave to acquaint them that he continues to manufacture and keep on hand a well selected stock of boots and shoes and hopes lv a steady attention to their orders to niurit a continuance of their favors cr as apfrbntjci wanted to tho boot and shoe mufxiimfbcfeinttre daniel hickey kingston july 29ih 18s4 iiou6e to lkt the premises formerly occupied by the late henry davis situate in siore street i8ttbove the scotch kirk for a term of years apply to james doyle 01 mr john low attorney market square kiiifmtoti julyssth 11 40 intjuft school miss isham respectfully informs her friends and the public that she will recommence her infant school on tuesday next september 23d ai no 1 coun ters buikling brock street kingston sept 19 1834 notice all persons having claims against the estate ot the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of oath are requesteo urprewni itielr account duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to charles fairfield adauinstrator ernestown 14th july 1834 ttoe new and elegant 6team boat from tub perth hotbu aespectpully informs ilie in- habitants of kington and the travel- line community i hat be baa leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his clients the kingston hotel lias lately undergone a ihonmtrh icpatr been completely refurnished jifiittiil anil is now ono ut lit handsnmrsl iubhc iluuses m the province well situated for the convenience of near the lake shore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam uoats from which pnsscnccrsluagewitl be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the grcnicst attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept tho bed wlllbtt of the best description and the v- ines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large u is admirably travellers being iklillg and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiticptoti us yfl ma 9th 1834- 27 vetehins1ry surgeon the subscriber bew leave to return his grateful acknowledgements to the inhabitants of kingston and irn vicinity for the extensive patronage he has since his commencement in business as a general blacksmith fakiuer htmyv respectfully informs his patrons that he has removed his establishment to the other side of the road opposite ciieskuts clp stand where he trusts to be waited upon as usual the subscriber keeps on hand every kind of horse and cattle aedicines cd principle oswego propelled by m9 low pressure engines j capt sherman hl li run bclnceu ogdcnuburgh find niagara tlte remainder of the present season as follows on her passage up the lake she will leave og- densburgh on wednesday evening kingston u c thursday moroiag sackets harbor do 12 m oswego do evening rochester friday morning toronto york u c do night arriving at yongslown and lew is ton early on imrnv mimniig- rfhukviilhtertv lcwuton on m sunday evening rochester monday morning oswego do eveoiog sockets harbor do night kingston l c tuesday inoraing and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening t ha bont will touch at french creek september 1s34 1834 lake ontario the stcabe boat horses shod un professor colmans iinprov- edmund smith kingston sept 4 1834 gage to and from theddftfoit steam iwats kingston may ww iotice to huycrsof leather and sellers of skins hides the buftinesa heretofore carried on by s r cald well is changed to the hands of the subscriber at the siore adjoining thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times alo a general assortment of articles used by saddlers and shoemakers such as saddle trees hanics jsoot trees and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins c c c shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mers and all dealers in leather will find it for their interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and of every variety of quality and will lie sold at the loipest prices q7cfa paid for hides and sliins william ford kingston june 10th 1831 36 t ujstited states propelled bjf rrtflsrftzt cap n i irwjrjt will leave kingston every sanay wfoiaf m ketts harbor oswego rochester tonafi wfffmb agara leaves every friday morning for french creev alexandria brockville morristown and ogdens burgh sept 15 18im oswego and k ngston tke fail sauinff packet boat rattlesnake ja2he9 c1bperteb huur will run constantly unti the ciose of the navigation be tween oswego and kingston making as many trips per week as wind and weather will permit for freight or passage ippfyto tbsmaeter onwd kingston sept 19tn lno

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