Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 10, 1834, p. 2

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jtuscellaneoymu vans rrtc steamboat robber perhaps a grehier coundrel than this man never existed is t ollowing brief sketch of hi life will show if waltoni in lanouhire england irt the year 177g of poor bui honetit parents at an early age he manifested an extraordinary propensity for rob bing orchards and hen roosts but generally played his cards ao well that he escaped detection on one occasion however he was the leader of a gang of juvenile raftcala in robbing an outhouse belonging to his grandmother and was detected by a dog that fastened upon him and tore off a part of hisdres which the do retained in his teeth till the old lady took it from him for this offence he was put into the stocks of his native village and in revenge he went on the very night of his release and poisoned the dog and subsequently fired the premises- they were unable however 10 bring proof agaiust him sufficient to convict him and for his relations sake he was spared his next essay was upon a fatmers daughter and when hc became enciente by him he gae ber corrosive sublimate with a view to pro duce abortion and caused her death but unfor tunately here again the evidence was not conclusive against him he was next removed to the adjoining county of durham and placed by his friends on a amic little farm soon after which he married he ued to beat his wife so frequently that she was pre maturely delivered of a still born child and he even tually married all his prospects by committing a rape upon the daughter of one of his farm laborers he was arretted but was bailed out and soon after sold his farm and lied to whitehaven in cumberland where he kept a public house under the name of williams here he married a second wife by whuui he had no family soon after his marriage the brother of his aivi wife who was still living coming in a coasting vessel to whitehaven went 10 board at the house of vane whom he recognized and exposed a quarrel and fight enwic 4 and vane drew a knife and stabbed his opponent and the same evening left whitehaven and fled to london on his road to the metropolis he committed a highway robbery near uighgate at tended with circumstances of great brutality he stopped a past chaise in which was a young lady and her father by knocking the driver from his seat he then bound and robbed the father and ill treated the daughter he was takei by townsend a noted bow street officer who was termed par excellence the royal trap and who arretted the noted jerry abcrsham tried at the old baity m the year 1801 and cast for death hi sentence was however commuted for transportation for life and he wrs sent to sydney in new south wales from this place he escaped in 1809 returned to england although he hereby incurred the rik of losing his lifir and ran a career of wlhiiy for nearly 20 years withit beiilif detect ed during tins huie lie organized gang ulihn- lars opened a depot for the reception of stolen goodspicked pockets plundered even places trained thieves and trod on the very threshold of justice will unparallclled impunity at last he was ci 1s09 in robbing the stratford and avon notes to the value of 100000 the robbery was effected by jostling the cashier in a very similar way to that put in force when the notes were stolen from the office of the providence steam boat hi this city he was detected by a broker to whom he repeat edly offered some of the notes to be changed and he was then tried under the name of vyse and again sentenced to be transported for life a second lime he contrived to escape from bota ny bay and in less than a twelve mouth after his last conviction he was detected in attempting to pick the pockets of the lawyer who had defended him on ilia trial and that too in the same court where he had received his senteuce knowing that his case was a desperate oo onj that if taken he must iiiiiy buffer death he escaped from the olfieers of jntire and ultimately fled to this country here he had the hardihood to open a tuscan hat store hi broad- jaqed in bank of way and was considered to be dome business on a i0u larise scale he and his accomplices surround the boy who took the package containing dollars down to the office of die captain of the pro vidence steamboat and contrived 10 run off with it merritt the officer after watching vane for several days ventured fat the risk of incurring prosecution to arre him he was tried in december and found guilty the icecordfer at iut nine in am charge to the jury stated that being advanced in years he must have formed some kind of character o i j r readers will doubtless be of the same opinion and his failing to establish a good one ought to inili- tate against him to this part of the charge his coun sel took exception and his case was argued before the superior court which decided against him hi has been in prison six month and was sentenced on saturday to be imprisoned at sing sing for four year and six months making in all a period of live years the penalty allotted by law for the crime of which he has been guilty he has now we think filled up the measure of his guilt and in all probability will quit this sullunary scene within the walls of a prison without one friend to regret his loss or drop a tear on his grave he is about five feet ten inches in height stoutly built with long dark hair ami coarse bold forbidding features presenting altogether one of the must gal lows looking countenances wc ever saw atc york lyfinsrript ezctcr july 26 fatal acctirnton thurs day senight messrs william spark john kisdon charles cole and philip salter of our chothodrul choir and who have recently assisted in the ureal musical festival in london left this city for tin purpose of attending a music meeting at mr hal letts at kxmouth whose hospitable mansion ihev left about six oclock cm saturday afternoon on their return home they were in a phrtnn which was driven by mr cole and arriving at newton pop- plefnrd slopped for a short time to bait the how they left this place about s oclock the night was most favorable a heavy rain high wind ami the moon though at the full was obscured by a dense maw of clouds they were proceeding at the rate of sis miles an hour when on descending aylus- hearehill and just abreast the seven mile stone from this city on the sidmoutfi mad horse became restive plunging and kicking violently and all com mand over him being lost the animal ran fufhwlort distance when coming in contact with the wall pv miscs of mr huueit the vehicle and all were iipvt and the consequences we regret to any are mnst se rious the ribs of mr spark are fractured mr cole has his collar hone broken in two places and mr itidtfun received some severe contusions of tit leg mr oalter however pitched heavily mi hi head tlc effect of which was an en tensive fracture of ihc hick part of the skull their situation was dreadful but mr risdon at length extricating iiailt- stdf poenred assistance from the adjoining farm of mr ualktt who opened his doors only to recognize in the apparently lifeless form that was borne tow- aitlf it nne whom it had been lib pride to diink was hi relative in the person of mr salter mrhsen- gcrfrt wrc instantly despatched to mr barnes sur geon of this city and to mr butter ofwoodhuryj but all human skill was vain the unfortunate gtii- tleman never spoke from the time of reccmui hie injury and at 12 oclock at noon on monday he ceased longer to breathe meaare spark risdon and cole were an soon as possible removed to this city arid though ihey have suffered much yet it i trusted that with the care they will he eventually restored in compliance with the form of law an inquest wan taken on the body of mr slater before r h- aberdein baq one of the coroners for devon on tuesday it muat be obvious that there was nothing nev to elicit and tha jury returned a verdict of accidental death liontktkr on friday last as the elizabeth and catharine bassett master from wales to barnstaple was proceeding on her course near the wormsbtad the master suddenly perceived a ball of fire at the mast head he was struck senseless from the helm and frfter lying as he supposed for three quarters of an hour across the companion he found on coming to himself on of his men lying senseless on the deck a id the other hanging in the shrouds he succeeded in rousing the one on the deck who wu nst much hurt but mi going to the other one in the rigging they found that he was dreadfully burnt in one of his legs the ectric fluid had entered at his bosom and pnwina between his clothes and skin had escaped at his ancle his i men an 1 all theinn riorartohis clothes were reduced to a mere tinder and hi hody wan scorched from head to feet so that though he has ever since been under the doctors care but faint hopes are till entertained of his recovery it was twelve hours after this cftlnstrophc before the ves sel reached appledorc where she arrived wml her topmast shivered to splinter and her mainmast wholly disabled and the capaiu and his men in a state of great exhaustion providentially the vivid lightning and terrific peals of thunder were imme diately succeeded by tni rents of rain and hail ihe latter falling ii peices which measured three incite and vi half in circumference bat for this in all pro bability the vessel muatharcheon burnt to the wa ters edjc the poor mail who received the injury is called kelly and ha a wife and four children living at appledorc dependant on his earning for hnrtl diate relief u shwiptoi1 has been opened on the afternoon of wednesday about six oclock as john vaipjmn navigator a native of brecon wasprocecding tin brecon and hereford tram road nearly opposite the three cockg at ilnshnry bc was struck by lightning which penetrating the vi tide if hi trowacff tore open lit thigh invit ed his watrll chain and broke the watch several fragments of the glass of which were driven into his body the mifotunato man expired immediately ihc cambrian jlugnst 2hl value rectavso a grave honest quaker after lending to the aliar a beautiful lady turned to the clergyman who officiated in the marriage nercinniy and demanded 10 know his fee he was answered a ciown 4 thou feel justified in such a charge said the quaker yes replied rhe cer- tryman say every virtuous woman is a crown to her husband solomon was a v ise man said the now smiling quaker while he put the crown with a handsome sum in addition into the hands of the cloigynmn african colonization the friend of his be nevolent enterprise cannot fail to be gratified by the information that afier a negotiation of some month the nc york city colonization society bus ibrm- ed an union with hie colonization sorieiy iif ihila- delphh j had heen ftmuld diilicult ivitil pnhlte uiiwa speetityutly toiiic st cmiimv by ihoaociftv in cihfrih of pliiladchdiin ei lor and calvin pier do form a committee to enquire in the amount required for cleaning out the bay i and also to wait upon the rev win macaulay and simeon washburn esq to know whether they will each grant a lot of go feet frontage bordering on the channel with a road leading thereto for the purpose of making a wharf for the benefit of the public and that the said committee do report to a future meet ing the meeting was tticn adjourned to saturday the 13th of october next at the same place hat- toicttl fret press a must savage murder was lately attempted in the township of packenham on the upper canada side of the ottawa river by a canadian of the name of auclnircf upon hc person of an indian of the lake of two mountains bis wife and child tvoiu the details which have reached us we learn that rile canadian was guilty of some improprieties towaids the indian wife which he very properly resented auclaire upon this seized the indian by the hair with one hand while with the other he pul led out a knife from his pocket opened out the blade with ins teeth and then cut and mangled the throat of the indian in a most dreadful man ier the voting child of theludian about eight years of age rail away at the sit of hi fathers blood and by his cries was likely o call for ih assistance the mntihtir followed aer the child and with the same knife severely cut bin aero s the forehead and in flicted other serious ijun the poor woman was also pursued bv a and wounded oi the head ami iteck bv aome w he threw at bar the indian rem t still dition utld tllortih lm received the tlutuhiu to form york had hut ijthu mrat is ihr new erred v great eat aiml spirit into the matter an union proposal on iho hasis of the maxim thit in union there isstmngul an tir rniiiemcut mutually satis factory to the two jiociettrs bus been agreed upon and aueh as it u hoped wiil be satisfactory to the people of the two filntgh and also jo the friends of the raus in tw jersey who seldom fall behind others in the pjmpoltfon of llicir means in promot lug the grcstt cantmf n preparations are now nearly completed for the departure of ano ther expcdiii ml which i to nail about tho 20th inst and to rarry ott the slaves of the lite dr hawc of virginia who wer emancipated upon the con dition 4f going to liberia the country to which the expedition is destined is uassa cove it has been surveyed and preparations made for the re ception of finigrmits the situation is fine and territorial limits of liberia and wall be under the government of the parent colony and the united so- cieiies will art as heretofore in subordination to that instiiuiion this dl be a large expedition and arrangements have been made already for another vessel to sail in march next w comprize upwards to ico select emigrants bom savanittihand il environs and al so several families from thi state to the number of ii individuals or more these arc persons of excel lent character and cxeuiplarv deportments ami will from a nucieu itnprnt iiili iihtl ftn4ti j deportation of emigrants which it was possihlc to make in the infancy nf the cute prize the two societies are now making arrangement for the em ployment nf a joint ugehl to take charge of the in terests of the two ciiics in the furtherance of the undertaking connected with thi establishment a manual la bor school and machine shop in which agriculture and the mechanic arts shall be taught is to be im mediately put in operation it is to be tinder the direction and superintendence of 0wabb han- kinson and hi wife respectable member of the so ciety of friends in this city who have volunteered lo devote their lives to african improvement and 20 out as the speeial agents of the ladies coloniza tion association philadelphia jk v commercial arfvrrthrr we underhand lite people of pjewfiiuudlnml nie sliardy w huw another session of ihuir tlfcttni we wnmlr what ihcy will do for n tfiekta chair and ihat imtiblt a mace as these trappings were all pcu for rent al ii close of iuh session cliolgra at isnlvak the cholera has wholly disappeared and the hoard of health haceeaed to make ihvir timal reports the whale number ofdeathri by that disease are stated at llii noru virir the proprietor of the montreal herald has been l eighty dollars for admitting into his columns a eoimunoicalion in which patrick itreumau invert kerper was called a wretch and of a pirt-houw- provuiciiis niaoaaa klkction tic fclection for a mem ber for this town commenced tit lite couit house on last wldnistuy warren clans btinlruf re turning otlieer liulnt dickson ip cunt mel ville and chaile iliehardson lvi were iliu can didatc on a phuw of hands for tlw repcxive candidal s there ajipeared to he a derided liiajntiu in favour of mr hiehardson it wax now ahoni ochei rtiid al the poll muinl thus kichardsiin 27 mcuhle 15 dickson g- the poll opened ihr litxt inuniiite it the usual hoar and at hall past 12 nvlork mft ickrou dtclined any ftiriher roniert and v ted for mr kieimrdson ull stand li i fur iiu hnion mcimmc dickson retired n a most dangerous con- m received the able me dical attendance ofr canoun r k- and other surgeons of the ikrt li rcove is des paired of the chim knot considered in danger auclairc was subt arrested and is now coiilhicd in gnnl awail lis lrial ut lhe next assizes j owc we have before a le hte bydsiey mom- tor new smith ules from which ve are scrn to learn the misera and destitute state of many of he female emurai l ny by government tin 0 h ol mangels often fuj a uc crushed h kc finds lumseif m a strange land but a ha nit bceu lhe feelings otthese poorhhnieiriria from dmw wliomtteynaira for protection they fo iml themselves ra the government lnmbcryard cxt l mks alike orthethmi of ihcae poor c lhe ri pmw with tears in their eves a pf ck to the land thev had i i 9aid mnetentha of hem would drily lhe da w and l nieneesofaliven voyage home if they had iheinenna of procui t wnistoiithiseuj w nk right local the alieiiiuiiofh3bcnf7 defenceless state in w i w emigrams tlivth uoiu fcvrtiufly arrive in momrral i jit season there wrrc c rc of hem wc mjjil say huo- dredf who had neither fruid nor protector man oftlimo procured rcspecuivoempluynientj but we haw reason to fear that nuahcrs lem h iims to the worthless and designing we trust that before the arrivals next spring uctc amnsemcilts be made to procure those soliuy defenceless being temporary employ ient anr protection- mijjht not the ladies td montreal establish a society for the purpose a building codd c procured at a low lould be direct- coud eosilj ments with interest upon eacl comes due it chipman are therefore the only justices now on the bench of the supreme court of that colony montreal gazette it r r it waa announced not ion- affo that chief jus- fpn bv ft ft tice esten of bermuda was about to retire from the ttench we notice in the latest london papers the appointments of thomas botterfield eq the present attorney general to be chief justice and john harvey darrrll esq to be at torney and advocate general of the bermuda or somers islands british whig in the prrs8 and will be pnbltahol mhnc lime in ociohcr itulruu ii bdwsfq jafco nmt i j io w hiceltcitcy sir john cn11orii k nruli wiiipuillfc jotytttn 13i inscribed by permia- kixg3t0x friday evening oct 10 1834 rate to which the female eiytsrants w asl j dressing wwing see has stopped at 7j jr cent hut whether it r dijiods on many eiirnm ttlw ta i a i oclock u 37 ii en bo procured for them until permanent situations were provided to this society application would no doubt be made for servant from all titrts of the country the evil compbincd of is a silent one but not the less disastrous ind wc trust that those ef rhe fair sex who enjoy tlx society and protection of fathers husband and brothers will cast an eye nf nitv- and nut fiipihsi hand to heltxllihr jesslortu- nate nottscless solitary sters 7ih nrrata the shipment of gold fiom england to united states is stated hy some y the london papers to be on the decrease- the position to export that metal has no doubt been becked as we anticipa ted it would be by the advfuclllg rate of exchange in new- york the exporter be it observed being fully aware that their acts ereamong the product ive cattsea of that advance and of oursc they could not predict when it touid stop for some time it stances wlii l bullion dealers and ex- portinincru circumstances which in u probability will favor a further ad vance one hjuttrtd sovereigns will now sell in new york for is550 which uin at the present rate ofexchange will purchase n bill for 101 12s 4d now although 1 12s 4d will rather more than co ver expense i joes not appear that coupled with the risk of a further advance in the rate of exchange it would hnd out any inducement to the cautious exporter- ftjjl must be observed that with an extensive immigration i canada and to the united stales there nuu always he an influx of gold im- miffranth wu know have written to their friends that the aider they brought out on the canada company 3 per cent less valuable than gold and advising their friends intending to emigrate to bring out wavorcigns now all the gold which linds its waj into amerien as we hae already ex plained cannot go out till exchange rises as much alkvelipei cent as will pay the expenses of trans mission nivit will probably be exported when exchange ip ts up to 0j per cent hut gld will re- qoie perhaps 11 percent in fact from this dif fcrencc of v hies n ltudual substitution of gold tor silver mast take place in the united states mon jh arlrrrthcr the wclland canal directors disavow the au thorship of a notice which has been fur some time in tie upper canada gtitttte stating that the land tax was ubjtu to 1 e applied fr to maintain the said canal the notice which wo were disloyal enough so v tl courier had it to denounce has beet raced to th hon thomas claik who is raid by sonp of the upper canada papers to he an enemy to the canal perhaps however he is only nn cneuy to th wastofal and iiyudicous out lay ufinoupti on the uana as wc cannot cooeeivr hat n canai is a fit object of animosity unless in- need on lhe part ofwutlc rival railrondship hard by- ii mr clark be ofopirion that the canal is not in mi ifiorct a stite as the expenditure of so much money give the public a rigti t expeet h will we think hud many to join him 5iilt the mode hr is accuser of having adopted for the pttr- pone of biinjhig the directors into disrepme is mtrfl a no hoorit man could sanction there s capl- melville then retired thai king the elcttlflr fir the support which hey had en en him tihanrv the eleelion for the county of srcntillr eom- meneed at treseolf at half past ten ovlnefc nu monday itiorniitg the ohi hist- when alexander mcimillan hiram norton w i wrtk k m phillip i lvimork li ix kramer bqu wcrcrtm- pecitvcly numin tiled candidales but hetore the pull commenced mr i lvotmck reivned ittvutii of mr aoioii iniillips who i of mr mcmdhm nd it ix fraser in favour z- m- itc in the afternoon resigned in fa vour oi wr aiciillau ihe contendere for llw klee- lion arc thurufnra a mcmillan hiram norton w r welts ftrarwritu tjnzct ai public uuriing held at the leu of laid m- uupkilwf nil jfaliiniav tho27th ofsipleoiber html pursuant lo public advertistmiem j churltis bailor war called lo the chair and toomak nitah appoint ed secretary it was resolved thai inormau ilal- inrd thomas moore adniu liubb charles tfai- nil snuie mystery in the matter whieh deinnndx xplauiitui the whole tnannscmenl of dw yel- canal stems t- us t r q itliauientarv land uanai seems t us to r nuire a iuvcstittjou tiie askcmhty heiiej the mtly hody which mil take cognizance of the people rights as holding stock hi die canal where the manage ment ofn body of director litis created disnisiac- li m ail impartial inquiry ia due to all parties and especially the director themselves yr uiiderstatul ibat the ibll to create a fund urt tho relief ol detitulu kmitranu which pasetl the twobramdi uf chr l iatnre last seasioti and was reserve hns received the hcyal assent the hill we believe ijiiers in no essential panicnlars from the former ac of which we rave an abstract suinc inya inee alter what we have already writ ton on the uhj ct we need not add that we rejoice in the liual antioirfng of this bilk 16 the iir nmrhi gleaner uonees a report whicli it considers ftutiiiilic i2itt the hon- ward chiiinau will sueeec m lbr cbjtf justiceship of new hruns- whk vacaint hy iiuj ibodi of lion john tiauudere the lion jollil m- liiiss ihesrtmur 1 i i jul has sincr daed and the hon- mcrs hcuford and the elections are proceeding in the eastern part of the province as happily as the best wishes of the reformers could desire in lenox addington the greatest exertions have been made to carry mr cartwrights election but hitherto they have all failed mr perry at the close of the poll last night was 27 a-head- it is a struggle between affection and money jvlr bid- welps election has been placed beyond the possibi lity of a doubt in prince edward the candidates are roblin james wilson and werden the two former true blue reformers are at the rop of the polk la hastings yitgttf ttld lnckwood also re formers ar ahead of samson and hagerman in grenyillc norton and wells both true men are a- head of mcmillan in frootenac mr shibley has secured his election and the struggle is between strange and nicholls and in the town ofbrock- ville uucl is above sherwood from leeds la nark stormonl and the counties on the ottawa we have received nothing authentic state op the t0lls- grenvilut oet 7 norton 303 wells 270 mcmillan 191 prince ejicard oct roblin 154 wilson 102 werden 86 howell 19 hasting oct s yaeer 09 lockwood 07 j samson 91 hfcger- man 73 ltnor and mlington oet 9 bidwell433 perry 431 cart wfirfu 404 a list of the lots that will be offered for seen by applying tothaooi lands rorottto john aslfin esq jhtttjet mr jacob langs siinqoe a 9 o dock fndsy evening by ih arrival of the sir james from above we learn tliat mr frry majority was 37 at hie rlmenfilio poll tliiii day at prince edward mr- wilson was 33 above his opponent vvordor and samson at bellovills was 8 below yoer a i lockwood- mr strangest frontenac was 38 ri at the poll this evening a report is current lhal close of the consequence of uprrtr tlicftcluaiinff orficci at leeds h uhsndoned the in tliimin well a norton nre fur nbovo mcmillan and mr icui ill ilia ce llwbtasmkerrranriftaftireh thrown on c7 r montreal gnttc in copying nn article from the wiiio terms young henry smith on es quire wc request our contemporaries when they honor us by copying our paragraphs to make use of our language ma eoiton munifioa ofhii iroublep lliev for tiie hriiish vig- every man is entitled to the im station if public men have public have public profits private men have not litem profits and therefore should not be subjected to those troubles i sec you have fulfilled your promise and i do not think it fair i do not think it fair that you should thus trouble mc that you should thus drag my name out of its present beloved obscurity and thus trouble the whole province with my little a flairs yet i bad nevor attended a pobticnl meeting of any kind until the lenox a addington resolutions againat emitrrnnts were voted and confirmed and echoed ihrongli the province by that party to which you have attached yourself indeed after the mighty poliiics i had been used to witucs the little politics of canada seemed be neath my notice and considering the necessarily im perfect state of every thing in this imperfect world i thought the political privilege of upper canada a extensive an need wpfl be wj and they be i had no cars for the nauseating uproar raised by men who as it accmed lo me wished to enforce the present office holders merely that they may jump into their saddle however 1 have no ob jection to a well regulated set of oppositionists we could not do without them anv more than we could do wiihoul chimneysweepers for without the latter gentry our chimneys would soon become choaked with soot from tho preceding observations it may appear plain that i cannot he a competent judge of mr ha- gennaita political career but whether that career has been good or evil it is plain his constituents have no right to complain for at every public meet ing they have approved of his conduct whoever or whatever i support i hope i sup port from principle i have never reaped a far things profit from government f am under no ob ligation to mr hagerman no not the franking of a letter if i wished i could have attended hia din ner as an independent man i did not wish to do so for having supported him i consider myself in some measure pledged cot his future political conduct and therefore bound in future to observe it robert jeffers kingston oct 9 1s31 note ry this editor our correspondent can not complain with reason that his beloved obscu rity has been meddled with unwarrantably he thought proper humble a he was to address a pub lic letter to the inhabitants of kingston and he must take the consequences of bis indiscrerion 8alf or crojvjy mmds in tiie london district notice is hereby given that on mon day the 20lh hrataut there will be offered for sale public auction at the court house in the town of london at 10 oclock a m upon condition of actual settlement a portion of the mmiare indian reserve 2800 acres in the township of carrndnc recently surveyed in mr cattle j s currency pnracre vila remainder in ll of one quarter with at the upset price of 12 gd- qtuirter down and annual instalments itcrcbt on each instalment us payable one ree cars bj it nertmiu tlitc 07 a plan of the survey may be seen by apply ing to john ii arfcin ebq- london or the survey or iicneral toronto- teter robinson conwtiaintr nf unnd ojfirt toronto ut october 1834 19 1ldilors of papers in the upper province will pleats insert the above until the dav of silo cron 1 8alk of clergy reserves an ndjouniml ale of clergy rett rves in the nia gara and london districts will be hchl at reaupres litu in the lowii of simcoe on tuaday ihe i mi hay of ivovciubcr in f m 10 oviock a m upon condition of actual settle ment one tenth of lhe purchase money to be paid down and the remainder in nine equal animal intal- and to pbte roblnsolfc c mmt8swner of utaum hands ojfice toronto 1st october 1834 jg qtedilora of papers in t upper provifiee will please insert the dbove until the day of aale a card dr holmes having relinquished his appoint ment as surgeon to the st george steam boat will be happy tu exercise lhe duties of his profw sion in thistmvn and its environs having been educated at a large public infirmary and also re ceived the advantages of the different medical schools of both london mid dublin during a period of three years ho ftffila himself fully competent to practice in any branch of the profession his residence is for the present at mrs raymond boarding house kingston october 8th 1631 19 government contract- kngtun lpicrcaimda gtli oinbtrr 1834 notice is hereby riven that sealed tenders will be received at tins office until monday the 10th dav of november next at nunn from such persona win may be willing r outer into contract with his fth- jestys government fur the following supplies for one year from the 1st day of january i35 for the use of the troops siaff and departments at king ston and its dependencies viz for fresh beef at per lb currency 44 soft bread at rations of forage at per each ration cy the ration of forage to consist of 9 lbs of oats t 16 of hftv ie best quality to be de- 9 of straw hwdftom contractors stores for charcoal at per bushel currency the beef to be of the best quality of ox or hei fer properly slaughtered and of equal proportions of hind and fore quarters and no other to be de livered to the troops at their respective quarters the suet no to be withdrawn the bread to be manufactured from the best quality of fine flour and to be warranted to keep sweet for twentyfour hours after delivery to the troops the carts employed in conveying bread and meat to the troops stationed at point henry and point frederick ill be permitted to cross and re cross the bridge toll free the beef and bread arc at all limes to be suh- j faapection mmi approval of a commissa- lm liftll i uitfi rekctaorii rial officer win h as m his jutl he nn it 4s imi ui pompp ull ll and cause either lhe bread or beef to he immediate iy replaced or in default thereof shall purchase 1 proper quality at the cost nf the contractor the contractor for fresh beef will be required to make his issues to the staff and department either from the public mufkisl house or from one of the most convenient commissariat magazines at king ston payment for the fresh beef broad forage and charcoal will be made monthly by a cheek on the bank of upper canada at kingston the names of two responsible persons to be in seried in the tenders as sureties for ihe perform ance of the contract any further information may be obtained on ap plication at the coinmuarim office barrack riucut kingston government contract hwgtfon ipper uuiad 60i october 183j sealed ten i kits will be received at this of fice until tuesday the 2lsl inst at noon fur supply ing the ordnance barrack department with lha un dermentioned article and for performing the fur- lowing services r officer ofiicem soldiers taolcs officer no 8 n 1 o officers m n coal boxes 1- 2 i soldiers 17 forms 9 sentry boxes 7 nflinvfle fron rnilftfpftf 510 ihe icndvs to expreaa luuoras at length the rate in currency for which article will be supplied and the price for painting each iron bedstead specifications to be seen and any further infor mation required obtained by applying at the office of the commanding royal lnginccr security required- payment will in made hy a draft drawn by ordnance storekeeper on the bank of upper canada at kingston v tic jb all persons indebted to mr john mckay lafc inkeeper kingston either by note or book accouni are hereby requested to make immediate payment 10 the undersigned to whom all such debts have beeo assigned and thereby save themselves expenses w mcgruel kingston oct 4 1s34 to let that excellent stone dwelling houae situated in the best part of storestreet and lately in the occu pation of m s bidwell esq for terms apply to abraham trnax or henry cassady kingston oct 6 ism is medical hall dafergusoninformshisfiiendi and the public that he has lately re moved from his residence in the mar ket square to the house lately occtj pied by ma johfh coaaica in kinc street opposite mfc walt mcclniffbx where he shall at all times be happy to attend to rofesionai applica tions kingston octnhcrttlu im 18 jkuceky ad provision warehouse lamisbaktr respectfully informs hm friend and lhe public that the busi ness lately established bv baker kffan h now carried on solely by himself it tin old stand in the market square j b in returning thank to bis fiicnds forthesup port hitherto received takes the opportunity of id- fnrtniuc them lliat he intends tu kwp for sale every article in his liie of the most reasonable piice anil one hoj tork best qualify and on lb prirnr mii smoked ii clivks c mutton hfttnti smukerl noil dried rcnf young hvnoii twatikov siigam sjcs jlcc a superfine flour indira ftudost mcl picklad nn cucmrawnt and black tm ontt com lca menus c ber h herrings mackerel coi firfi ac imug pncr noi vendili tobweq wulirtvery other arliel in tbf rocrrvrtiil provision in he has jut mcvred ovend crntts ol crocker of th tt ipbl tmporutiitit 4 cralcs of stotw vvnrc pl kcjim wrapping papri a quantfli if ffrotnli oml amrrvatt manufsctuitd t wnre vcfahli 0jct hwicmsami p fowl- potntor scr st makot price jr produce orevtnnlcsoriniad rp jamks ha kb

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