i m4 w h v fat w ctafk nwioih wo it the reward of hie ttoichory and mssmneee by apposing hitruid campbell we should b glad lots strange id jswhsfmnt a situation to which his education nihility ren tiers lsr utterly i acorn petout of mr clark nichous political honesty w hivo strong doubts atpruscnt he is i strong reformer when ho gjts inlu iho house he will probably kirn tory ilia ilnngublo dispo sition in regard to rtligiousopinions load u lo form this con elusion tliat ho will not remain long any thing strang ia u fury alt th world knows who and what lie 11 clark nic- lioll says lie is reformer bul waits for an opportunity lobe come a tory reformers beware of him i state of the poll at waterloo tuesday evening shiblcy 13 strange 137 nicliollt 91 ltjtoi a addisoron elkcnoi all uttagargu well in tlicse counties the tories have not had the boldircss tu bring for- void any other candidate except mr carlviighl from a letter received this morning we extract the following beth tuesday morning oct 7th 1834 wc aro all in high spit its here at the dose of the poll lost evening lb votoe wfttf bidwcll 115 perry 107 cart wiighl 102 every exertion wan made by the ivwrtrt ofcart- wrtght to have a majority for him but he could not effect it squire casey and sue io c there kept on thobiair of the iiiuu inga to keep down the friends of uidvmll prry and ahovo up the friends ofcurtwripht but all to no purpose contrary rideau cnal no 6 two itiilee below mcrrickiville is clowes quar ry ot wliich pltee tlicre is one lock whose life ia 10 frot 8 inches j rhis is situated on the western side of the wronm immediately mow if here ia n stone dam 110 yards in length with a tall of water over tt ol nine feel the dan is built in a semicircular form and the effect produced by the cataract is ox tremely beautiful after getting through the lock an excavation commences half a mile long on one side of the excavation for a third or the distance there is a stone embankment another dam about 100 yards long with a fall of 7 fcet is next passed on leaving the excavation the river is kepi for a short distance and the canal enters another exca vation on the opposite side passing nicholson a upper lock an extensive basin 500yards in length commences this basin is narrow with a stone em bankment on one side and high ground on the o- tlier nicholson lower lock is then passed and the river becomes the canal again 1 he whole dis tance between clowes and nicholsons does not exceed three quarters of a mile the combined lift of the two locks is 15 feet 2 inches from nicholsons to burritts ltupids the next to the expectation of luotf eery one perry lopt ahead all station is three miles and the canal passes uwhiffh day and is likely lo win at tlie opening or ttie poll mr hid i r w how he mway icak hut this m cultivated and most populous section of country on the whole line o changed to the ui cneicrn bank of the ir edinbu dea wwpi on iho very precipi over which the bitlimu luroblm into the ottawa eight of 30 feet these nulls oic presumed 10 be he bent tn upper canada nut cxcttplinff those belonging lu alcseiu mcdonald at i hultloqill well 6rt spoke you know how lie al way outdid ail his previous pcrforminces even curiwright who fallowed hod to acknowledgo it cirtwright made a sorry speech but perrys beats all natnr as nalty dttrnpo say lie said bo was a buhwarkor and be ccriaiuty cut right jf lefl ht spoke longer ilian any f the other two tliis morn ing at cloven oclock bidwcll periv were both ahead cieat erortiona arc making on both res stato ofthc poll 2nd day bnlwell t perry 237 cartwrigbt 244 wc have road yankee hills statement in proof of hi being a britisb subject- it is just such a statement nn rrrry aioftr can lauding upon the shores ofcaciadft could git iflio thought proper he brings forward no evidence whatever ofthc tiulh of what heallcflgo but merely says his parents were from england and at the tino of his birth were si ill id aiaojriance lo the crown of real britain that is to toy had not taken the oath ofullegiiincc to the united state of ibi as we nid before we have nothing but bis bare word he quote from niackstone whether correctly or not we have not given ourseltes the trouble to examine to prove that tho children or even grandehildicn ofbiitishsuhjceu if born in a foreign land ore british subjects also this authority goe for nothiog jn uw first place were it cor- r half the citizens of the uni ted slates arc briiisb subjects and aacondjy many recent deci sion in the english court of chancery havo treated heirs at law the immediate descendant of englishmen yet born in america as aliens and incapabl of nhoiitiog real estate but whoever his parent may have been yankee hill dm in his own life rrhibited too many of the 0 t l amcnean ci- tizcrrship topahnhiintelfotto i uiitiili ubjel nowidnys he wan fur tome years a member of an aineficaq volunteer asociation and doubtless took the proper oath if any bad iltti mihslifa httuaa iiuij1mi muimi ir r amieiiau newspaper rtpoil taysofa strongly repuhlican character atid was to all intent and purpike nln the station of an american ciiiren until the late mr- thontfon wanting a good printer lor the statutes a publication then in hand sent lo yankee town for this hill and ponio other many persons ia kingston rccothct tho lime when on his first landing be was as much a yjiikcc ai ever eat punkin puj- and it wa but when he contrived to insinuate himctriulo the good graces of mr mepnrlanr fjist ho all of aiuddun iccollccted that he was a british subject wcptomtscd to treat this mnttor facetiously but wo have not succeeded let our want ofiticcc leach others never to boast of what liny will do we shall try our hand again next week and hope t- be in a livelier mood trrntttvor imiltttion wu wis lmn c hie openiog of the legislature of iho bttfoof new york and a mo n the numerous rostomary resolutions was ihc following that each member of ihc house he permitted to supply him- clf with newspapers lo the amount of i wo dailies perdicm tbatlbo ciwnse of ihoamcbc charged to the contiogencies of ihehouic we were delighted at this ulsunlial ptoof of iho march of intellect in tho united states and mentally breathed a hope that upper canada might roon follow the ex atnplo buefa i iho way lo sharpen tho wit of ugialator our readers tiro hereby informal that one source if their nmuwjnicwi viz the laughing at ourcontem- pofttty mr john vincent is stopped for the present this gentleman hns given lus wovd aid mor not to abuse us any more provided e abstain from calling liitn that name which unfijrtunaiely for bis peace of mind is too indelibly imprinted in the memory of all for our nonrepctiiion of it now to eradicate of the advantages of tins truce we think our op ponent lias them al to vomsck ha irg iuncd v with every species of blackguardittm lie has render ed us impervious to any future attacks while using another weapon wc can biweekly itosd him up to the ridicule of both town and country wc shall say no more as we intend to be fur the future as thick as thrct in a bed tub chuonicles last lif i one of the methodists in kingston ibat we know of to their honor be it spoken could be found to vote for o- grady some methodists voted for or 0 and many more would have done so had he not been a catholic priest the patriotism of the k never reached the bottoms of their pockets the foregoing is an ob servation made by mr robert jc fibre in a letter ad dressed by him to ihe electors of kingston on wcd- eday last whether the miecr is true or false is rrot our present purpose ft bid i is to hold up mr jeflers to the lory party as a striking example of their own want of gratitude and liberality this in dividual whatever his follies and indiscretions may have been is both a scholar and a gentleman has always been a consistent and able rirer and speak er in defence of mr hagerman and ins party and yet be was meant suffered on account of his want of the peewit co stay away from the hagerman dinner on saturday last oh shame where is thy wutrlil one would ttiink that the notable oration made by mr jeffefs at tbe court house when mr ha- r was dismissed from office might have loosen- r the purse strings lo the tunc of four dollars of itjg letter gentleman himself but paesoto il pen- ulo garbato il aanto tt pr ogrady left kingston for toronto on satorday in tbe cvbourg amid the sincere good fishes of those friends whom the important scr- jices rendered by bim to the cause of reform in king- ufp had congregated to sec bin olk bjw hear that msm mcnaub bitihaijson are re- arned for oarotltooood niagara nw qtlie meeting of ihc 1cchnnics institution rill take place on friday evening no saturday aadveriibeiw- the chronicle about a mile before the lock is reached the canal cntere a natural gully in eome places very deep that must at sumo remote period have been the channel of the river a few yards below the entrance a wooden dam is built of height sufficient to divert a portion f the stream in to its tornier water course over this gully and likewise over the kideau river a large heavy wood en bridge is prrctod oimlai in stt ucuire and ap- pearance tu that at kingston mills a rather unu sual sight here presents itsclfa handsome episco pal church upon a rising ground betokening a state of ikkiety not altogether expected at burritts there is one lock with a lift of 10 feet 6 inches which being passed the rideau is once more entered and krpt for the distance of near ly 27 miles this station makes the third division on the canal being together with the uihmu the placesffrom which the timber duties arc calculated rs will be explained hereafter il is 40j miles from bytown and sg miles from kingston at this sta tion a ulock houstr was commenced but when the stone work was finished it was abandoned and it re mains doubtful whether or not tt will ever be com pleted from burnt fa rapids to ihc locks below long island rapids is what is called ihe long level of the canal being a distance of miles without rapid of any kind and 3 miles more of rapid waters over come by the works at the foot of long island the rirtf in tjito pftrt nfttie rnnel h n hrwl nntf ilni stream raised artificially about u feet at iwriu and nearly 30 feet at long island six miles be low buttilla ihe south branch ofthc ridcaueutcra ihe greater stream it is a large river almost equal in bize to the latter three miles up this branch ihc rising and flourishing itkigc of kemptville is situated with navigable water to the canal kempt ville is about equal in extent importance and popu lation to merricksville and like the latter place bids fair to become a place of some consequence for the next twenty miles the route is dull and un varying few clearings to he seen on either side ofthc river and nothing observed in their stead to enliven the dreary solitude three miles from the locks krvnw t- ttj- u4 t sed the river at tins place divides itself into two uuequal streams the largest and eastern branch be ing ihe one used for this navigation fruin the head of the island to the foot used formerly to be one continued rapid highly dangerous and difficult to puss at present owing to the dam about to be mentioned no difference between this portion ofthc level and those above it can be perceived the works below the island are extensive they consist of a stone dam 30 fcet high and 300 lect wide three locks in continuation of 27 feet lift com bined two stone wasteweirs near the locks and a third at some distance up the northern hranch com municating with a cut down which runs most ol the spare water which enters the kideau again a few hundred yards below the locks these bywashes are constructed to meet any extraordinary quamhies of water nhichby freshets or other causes may des cend the river and impede the navigation the lots e are situated immediately bcluw ihc inland where the two branches unite ami were built by t phillips esq of montreal who also contracted for the works at black rapids about a quaitcr of a mile hrlon longlslrnd ihc moutti of the joodtfood or river jock itt passed this stream rises to the westward and after water ing the rising village of richmond distant 21 miles from the canal eymtics itself into the ijideau some intention exists of making ihc cioudwoud na- vinble to richmond uu enterprise that will assu redly be carried into effect in a very short lime richmond is a place of some trade and importance it is situated on the high road between perth and bytown in the midst of flourishing military settle ments the next station is at black rapids distance 5 miles at this place there is a stone dnm with tbe water flowing over it and one lock of 0 feet 5 inches lift- this station passed three miles further down the celebrated works at ihe hogs back are reached this station derived its name from a large rock having the appearance of the back of a hog lying in t tempts were made at very great expense to erect n dam sufficiently strong to resist the fresh ts in spring and fall the present one promises to be permanent it is not funned as the other large dttwu are of rubble masonry but to the e c appears to he one extensive nines of rock and stones placed in somewhat regular order across the bed of the river which is here comparatively of great width lis height is 45 feet the width at ihe surface ia irregu lar but averaging 30 feet while the widih hi the bse must be immense in consequent of the wry gradual slope towards the bottom of the water the great body of the watersi cftiwed by lm to fall down two artificial cataracts on the eastern bank ram the hogs dock io bytown mi excavation i u i distance of rnihor lartfe than five mile two locks otic a gunrd inek eiwalid uii the wiwcm side of thy river in tin immidue vicinity of ihe dam the lift of these lota i 13 feci ti ihrhos com bined the excavatinis fellows the course ol ihe river for a mile on its irtfh bank until two hvks present themselves at th tntion called lleriwulla ihc hit of ihckc locks is h feet each from hence to itytown theexcflvatn in a direct line crosses inws great swamp ae part of the lino can not be called an excavion since more correctly tpcabbig it in partly a rmtwral swanjp with high cin- netnkmotiu eoincliniei ouc awt tinlys and some times on both it hfls wcn regieited by many gen tlcinen competent to jtie of the project that the canal did not follow a natural uptlultitnh of the land and enter the ottawa rfjovo the clmudiere palle and rapids this it isid could have been done with as little expense as in taking the canal io hy- town while the xloo expended in the 3 locks and other necessary wot- i that town might have been belter employed in rtirntouiitliig the clutudiere falls and rendering ilie ottawa navigable to the head of ihe lac dtt tlie canal terminates st rvtown in a large basin from which steamboats nd barees can d- 5cetd to the ottawa bv eight loess between a cleft in the high banks of the rive into it capacious bay pro tectrdjtalurally from uiid and cinvenf it ieeaid hut the advantages of tflia by prevented lietu colonel liy from entenajniig any serious conception of the plan before inentimed these lokr area chvcdrxuvrc in the art of canal- ling they arc built infontinuatton and tlic lift ol each is ten feet the dtatalobo eseetcd whose lift is 12 fcet a handsom stone bridge olwtcd by the sappers and miners crosses lite canal between the basins and locks anl unites the two villages ot upper and lower hynvn a btlljelailllul stone warehouse is erected otieach bldc of the locks oc cupied by the engineer department umhr whose especial direction the wlale of the canal is placed a bywash with a pair uiflecd gates issues from the basin and by means ol long ditch- a diguftliii feature in the locr tovn communicates with the ottawa seven years ago the whole of the population of bytown consisted of out family that of mi spark at present two large fcilbgci are in a flourishing stale of existence with a tmittd jopnlaiton ofnvnly uu thousand souls the uppr wivil is dided from the lower by the canal and sn extensive mililary re serve upon which are crccttd harracks and oibe government buildings tlis situation is exceed ingly strong and capable of sluing onificd as to be nearly impregnable the lot town is the largcsi and most populous the upyr r town is the jhiff built and in the higher state f prosper iiy m nj the richer merchants having lately remoye ti rftst btowiipooiainsacatholitcborcu onxopaf hsirifci tiiriwe pounda it may be proper to mention that ih rents were placed at the disposal of ihc command- ing royal engineer and directed by bim to he ex- ponded upon public improvements for ihe benefit of thetownt in consequence of which the streets are well laid out market houses and oihcr public build ing hove been erected and bytown is order bet ter regulations than any town in the province the scenery round bytown is picturesque and ro uutmic were it ihc object of tho writer to paint the beauties rjf its varied landscape it would occupy more time than heliae already taken to describe pro perly the cjiattdieie fiiih tml ir noble bridge alone 1he tusk mltat be left to abler pens ti h continucrl per iho briiul whig mr editor at this important rriis in the political condi tion of this province i foot o vcrj lover of ins ccninlry and friend l gnaii eovornmonl ought to fi n desiro to th ot nnrtof nij nulity m suppoitat the ertuiii ilcctiousuch men airc dtkttown wonhaucj btvgrity men who have main- tiincd a gnoil toport men who have moved siraiglil forwonl inamoialj rvnsous rutd psslllinrl point offpiwi und invinjj trrwij cpfbfe llmteueoltirfc ntobotlswis going to intrude him- self upon tlia notice of ihe independent lectors of fronlcnac im ukiousfjf wailing lhcartliroush your useful paper who- ihcr thijiaid clarlt nirhulls is tho man who formerly lclong cd to that very umncrmis find rcspecuiblc body of chribliao tlto 4l methodists whom he o constantly kepi in in- mid and iltiifculty na whethor he i tbemqid clirk nicliolls who after harassing that body of christians until ihcrf patience trus worn rvjt then joined hinrjj toaresiniu mcrrkanf iwaceaue body ofcjiriltbns i ailed stcfiirtued uotilorlittt atid olicr harymnog tliom nnd keeping ihcm u it wcio in hot i water fiir a nmulierof yojra was finally toriitd uui fiotn among ihcrn anjikwtf inm not wwogly infurmod litis skiij chill i xihohs liwjjriticftcd liirocirio ihe ivdtwai1 motho djtftfip ami i wtv vtttin tho mou vindirtivo vituperations ijnin hi larmer aocuiod bejiten i stiy air llilor i wla lo know iftbij nillolk who ha hm n co loii a posl loehrislwn ilkrielio now abotit lo make id flcfilll on the politual shgc and fur what tofiralifyhis wilful ovcibairiruj vindictive dispositinn and be ft small mransof excluding one oflhosc mrait forward liberal minded candidates messrs shiblcy and cutpbult 1 hope mr editor there is spirit aid wisdom enough in your munly to save me the trouble ufrijiiig 50 miles tu proent to ilisgrjecriil a man fiooi ling elected a moierate reformer stiidiu october q3t eluctioy lyrtcis farmer fpectltrttl atone tli- love ofsrff boweer concealed by art reign inure or less and dwells in every bcart it multe proud mn tbe boasting fool anibiuons ready wavering tool per it tbe tfthpaid statesmen toil the world it jills ttitb sad turmoil 4 irieidd and neighbors causes tfrife efolblttore 0y0 and shortens life llitu r a farmer fron an adjuetnt enmity wlmt bul tiy nimmlijng limit wlutt ncw9 elout election f who d send i truly jufrvflo u e will ever eeflv ij or i fro m colol cwiuj minarj ftom frrickab octobar 4 ikh s- stvy vanountoverni y ere distributed among the mmskm of onrof friends cartwright warmeit dath s fts sff b v0ter to whom wmty concern h sjnristl w ia in c vrrv tt w t addi ftat peter 1 crn en had v atcd hi word in a baraain wuu rvi w jfffc h e report t utte y false and malicious for nothing of ihe kind has occurred i cannot avoid remarking upon ihe evil tendency of such reporis as these breaking inio privacy of domestic transactions being got up by interested individuals against the character of so faidiful a a public servant a mr perry and i regret that it is our of my power in consequence of my absence 10 give him my hearty support at the ensuing elec tion james bbadshaw darlington september 8lh 1854 witnessed by mr joseph pringle ho saw mr brulliiw write the above cl wejt ssi branch of ihe upper canada d ait agp ae commcreial banke are here tjabiishct and a very large business is at fill times carried on particularly in the timber and provision riics hen lie re sources of the kideau cand become more devel- loped itytown must become u ace of ihc utmost importance and should lite two proxince of upper and lower canada become united it will in conc quence of its inland situation sstand the best chance of becoming the seat of government isyion is oituatcd upon land which was purchased by lurl dalbousie then tiovemor in chief fur the use ol government when the rideuu canal was ftrt con templated this land was purchased not only on account of its offering the mot favorable site lor the first eight locks of the cfuial but also as alvjrdiug a valuable locality for a vdlujc or town for the lodging of artificers and othe ncccuuy oseletaais accordingly when ihc wok vtie conuueneed in tin iiuclm uwfwvcji- wtdj of lieut colonel by with orders to correctly wi veyed and laid off in lots of e rtain dimensiu to be granted according to the fjeans of semlcr oa payment of an annual ground w the crovn of two shillings and sixpence filing the loca tion ticket to contain the posit- condition oferecl- inga house wiihin twelve rnoni covering not less than thirty feel square of crotd to he plactd on the line of street according to pla- io be made of the saint as bjouaa in vc lvai complied and the lots and street mark l out by nuikea and pickets itmdoftlie lot hi tbe upper town were inuncdia tnk ujh tlie lower town was then one ruiilinued swamp and tbe land considered not worth having- but in the spring following vlmi ihe pisvm was cleared pre paratory to the cmntntmcemetii of operotbnu on the canal and an eisablubment nf work shops made it absolutely uecemitry to draii lis swamp form a road ibrough it and conmrucl ft wbaif for the inild- ing of government smrcs it 1 rcame so much im- proved that a great many un were tinmcdiattly stftfr liijsfttyttniiv will no doubt rr uk lier men pick ou jr ev w democratic elv tthosciwve taken of iben tisyve plagued the houmsft with their carsd deinoc thevc plegued the llfi 4fct4 k to the freeholders of lenox addington we tbe undersigned having beard that john solomon cnriwright eeq denies using any word derogatory to meiltodism at a public mectiog held a mr s merrills in thetcrwnship of kingston on the 12th april 1s32 andtbat his friends have tried and are now irying their utmost to invalidate the public testimony which mr joha james gave on b late occasion do hereby williogly wrtiiv that we were present at the said meeting and neard him the said john solomon cartwrigbt make we df tbe following words or words yery similar vis thut among the methodist society t there were some well meaning loyal and respectable membtn f but that their prea chers neither feared cud man nor the devil nor honored the king to the general sense and meaning of the above expressions we are willing to make affidavit if re quired henry fkood loughborough chairman of tbe meeting at merrill john mcmichael kingson samuel campbell do aaron lake lrnestown joint s- gurdner loughborough cornelius hughs ton do hugh campbells do alexander ldfcc emestown sepr ifitfj 1334 ffiratnttrctal he midst of the rapid two futile at- taken up at the me rate ml milder the ine snh ondilious as ihosc in the upper tawn queiuly tw the ground waeiuiil further cleared ivr ihc purpose of builuiiij aarreksi tho advantage it posseted for a strong military poaiiionjwero so evi dent that it was a matter of regret to ihc govern mentthat any part of it bad been granted in perpe tuity the government iherefore ordered that hereafter instead of graining lots at 2 cd per an num ts hcretoliirv ihciolk remaining unlotated orwhldl had been forleired by hon fullihnmt of ihe conditions upon which they wew granted should lm leased for lite term uf thirty ycarei tu such pcreoira as tniiu be willing to pay an bdinuat0 rent lor ihcrn tbu leues to be renewable at tin cxpiuliun of tie term at an increased kimi t exceeding mic fourth ilim tmt you see the gathering storm v inth oon must burst without refurm jis men alone euch an v and u that can from ruin preserve us free no officeseeker now will do ivonebuta patriot firm and true vhoe heart or head will never ftiil midsl the fiercest etortu and mittettl gatoi no lawyer bent 1 1 gain a seat in the ttprier llouve can ever meet support from men of libvul viewa such as them counties can produce i wliotnyou eull democratic elf is but n fanner like yourself a man be is of iwilmi mind i1u equal seldom will you find were m all other motives blind 8df still could keep it on his mind i hat while lc faithfully served you hint elf he was but scmng loo by no such motive is be swayed his honest heart is neer afruid he speaks the truth hell not dissemble your torios of info catmm to tremble thy crouch benerh his fearless eye and from is glances quickly fly corruption bribery will him groan and lenos hails bim as her own then as fur honest loyal b a patriot in and true is be a tvttiful friend he is well tried his honesty cant be denied por iudiisiry nod ittlenta rare therlv none ihnt with bim can compare willi him small the power of gold i s is vol is never bought or sold lie cpu boh back with glistening eye oil ins pasl life and proudly defy his foe a single point to shew whore he btw been the poor mans foe then heres stcces 10 b and p our representatives long may they be fir mark me friend 1 tell you plain their like we nevr shall see again rettarks on the montreal market mostheal october 2nd 1834 wilvm uio last few weeks uiq import irado bsj consideraw revived auction sates bavo been onerallj wsll attended and the prices which articles especially dry goods have brought appear lo give the importers fctisfceiioii wr ijtdii pnoncct contiaues in fv demand and prices are maintained ashm ftre steady stour qontations and are likely terssnnain p ssl tjieuanlity ccisi ihu limited tim statement wo published yesterday exbkbitcd a falling off of up wards of 12000 barrels compared wia last year wiirut there ha been but little doing in wheat for son uho past and for the lust week even less than usual ffuln some sales of canada fine have been made at2ss at lhat price ind perhaps at lower there exists a disposiuoo to sell upper canada super is held at 28a but some sales have taken place ai 27s 6d frionisinits mess pork is scarce our lower quolatjon in of a co slc some parcels of beef have lately come to band which are saleable at our quotations baxlultosa the montreal bank has been asking spcrcenl it is possible however that lodav their rate may be reducedi in consequence of ihe decline io new york j per cent pre mium is the rate for drafts on new york baity adttrtitcr jtotmcb all person indebted to mr john mckay late inkeeper kingston either by note or book account are hereby requested ro make immediate payment to the undersigned to whom all such debts have been aignedj and thereby save themselves expenes kinsrston oct 4 1834 hay hay swmbor lrh 1631 t b r i r uii nrodwou force am nouc and term cn iumawurcm uoicwdicfounft ortberiver p d l 0 thaoririwnl wt in conscqumce of this order a deau is at alt 5oin i r j n dilieicntmii wcwaiiigio t supposed tiiq cnimw ifmanagiicn1 ofthe ktston mcchanicft insliinritrtilirgttf ickmavbdgo lira lollovving valiublt don lwn totiirmnraht from m to the luslilulinn faufi letter lohikins- ouu 1 vol dirboeks letters from the illinois 1 vol a rain rri unci in america by wrn cowh 1 vol strachan s kcdlitad vork review 18 isit tu riii cnttdain 1191 ol tlnlfirn oiilhhhw pipo i vol trt tijlmtsltm mr i f hrdopalil an imlirm htmw halchct a units frn nint uf tail nftl m s mr t ml fttwnclieililut efifts amvrmsuliiw cnglmnl kv ll iliica a lil lrimtrkmi irn vll roiuaiu fiin mm au4ul esq a j kw spar and fyriics frirn lh t excavanoit near halters kay to let that excellent stone dwelling house situated in the bust pnrt of storestreet and lately in tbe occu pation of m s bidwell eq for terms apply to abraham truax or henry cassady- kington oct 6 1831 18 medical hall drttergtlsoninformshisfrifinds and the public that he has lately re moved from his residence in the mar ket square to the house lately occu pied by ma joseph corbiek in king street opposite mr walter mccunjffets here heshallatall limes be happy to attend to professional applica tions kingston october 7th 1834 grocery and provision warehouse jauesbakeh respectfully infofmsbtd friends and the public that the busw jjness bitely established by t baker 8l kgan now carried on solely by hiniself at the old stand in the market square j b in returning thanks to his fnends for the sup port buherto received takes the opportunity or in- funning them that he intends to keep for sale every article in his line of the best quality and on the most reasonable prices r- in- mess and one hog porv sniokwl hams cheeks arc mutton 1 f hi- smukcd and dried been young hyson twaoksnr and black lcs sucars spices m suprrfinq flour indisn and t fielded onion- cucumber oati com peas beans ac scwh llomngs mackerel cod fish ate plug paper and cavendish tobacco soad condlei with ovcry oilier articla in the grocery and provision im he has just received several crate of crockery of ute r- lest importation 4 cralc nf swne ware b0 reams wrapping paper r tin- a quantity of wthand anm rmnufocmreo w vtaldcs fowls poutoes u- jj ctosab for p1ee of v market square kingmon october 7th 1kw