Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 3, 1834, p. 1

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itish published semiweeklvt vomtme e opifer per orien dicor the british whig a semiweekly journal dofotcd lo commercial nd pbhmi infointtlionii pubhdticd every tturiuy and fridu traninn by doctor batw edaor hinf proprietor at his of fice io rear stroot next door lo the commercial hotel for rountry circulation only tins bltrribu whig i published every wcdatsday moninig in a weekly form and will be r to coouii the inni important outlr oxtixw emi- xraokly paper ttimt for the semi weekly piper oho pound per annum xpnij in aovtinco or witlnti three months from che receipt of the firl uumbur rmdomt joutiri liv fttriiriugri ifoellect at the otid oftho yoir exclusive of povtatfe kiivestot ucrtti october 3 1sm notice for the country p por twelve bhiljitij annum if paid in advance or within rtuee monthi from ifc v nnd i llinj xpaoco per be f collected t receipt uf the ant number end fifteen shi the end of the year exclusive of posing companict of indtvidutij who reside in the country end who may prefer to son i to iiks oflfcirfor their paper may have thorn aupplied at ten jhitlingj per copy per aanuin prompt we no aubicrtptton paper ducontiuued until ibe option of the publisher received for les than ti months and 00 the subscr1bees having been appoinied ex ecutrix and executor by die last wjll unj testa nwnlof the late robert dronnnond respectfully request that all persons hiiig claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjusimeot and likewise that faae indebted to it will make payment to him without de lay signed margaret jorummond executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 every 15 aircaiagciaro puidun except at stow tt 1st mrnta sx line and under gj iint insertion and 7d each miiucouent imttfftioai ton lino and under 3s 4d firrt insertion nml lod mctimbicaulil insertion- atiovw ten lines 4d per lino for the lirt insertion aod id per lino for every subsequent inmtion advertuementi without written directions arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly- older for discontinuing ad vert iae men is in bo in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in ucttpl from agents unleei toit paid cattle to the at 10 days year cil mictter prettn printing ixct0r barker having obliincd a most superior prew and an excellent assortment ol job tlffk id enabled to execute tery description of job printing with neatnestand jc- pedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdcntly low in upper canada ivotice the ridfau ottawa steam boat company respectfully inform the public thntthe undersigned id now their aent in this place in the room of ihe late robert diummnnd deceased and that they arc prepared to receive and transport passengers merchandize and produce to and from montreal to kingston until the ridcau canal is closed at the following kate viz cabin passctieern from itpnco 10 montreal and from montreal in thh place go mid found route to this son ten sn placty viat lor every full grown per- lietween the age of be- and hi ig children seven and fourteen five shilling do tween three and seven three shillings fourpenct ltigimgc 2- 9tl pw cwt- freight of mcrcliandke from montreal to this place 2 9d perewt freight of produce from this place to montteal viz flour ncr banc is 9d pork 2 6d ashes 5s- od wheal in bulk per f 0 ll osl 7jd freight in all eases to he enacted on delivery of tlie property goods by this line will he put into good large barges illicit an decked all over and will not be removed until they arrive in kingston and being no inland navigation and uuvsivs towed by steam ijoais the expense of insuring may be dispensed with al lachine and fttoog the ronu emigrants from off the barges are allowed the privilege ofeffitarfc- in j on board ihe stcum lltlttw- the suam boat si- fieorm phcs regularly twice a week between kingston and round the head of lake ontario besides hthor steam boats depart dai ly for the several port round lake ontaiio and bav guintcrand goods can always forwarded from this place without any delay james mccutchok agent kingfttoa 21th september 1831 15 editors who have copied this advertisement from the u c if trail of wednesday arc request ed to alter tt w ihu proh luruuht tuodliturfthotvuricrrifturofi cleaner- uf xincais hamilton morcurv ami culimfi m m prise copy tlw abow nntl lot it mtnain for one mntli and end uh r co join to tlio qohn of the kutw quatvn atcora wotttco at i i i lbc whereas conrad sill liainsj neglected to fulfil the condition of a leswegrantcd to him of the northern pari of no 10 in the second concession of the township of kinottou thia i m give notice to all persons not to hire or till oi trespass on any part ol the said land ns tin- tame i water loo sopt- lib 131- dab iv3 us lid smith- kingston fair and cattle mart notice is hereby given that the fair and mart will be opened at kingston agreeably charter on the 2nd tuesday in october octock and continued the three following the fair will be held at the same place as last inthcopenspuce nearly opposite the scotch chu johnmclean sheriff stacard kingston 10th sept 1631- thc agricultural society of the county of fron- lenuc will endeavour to have their annual cattle show on the 1st day of the fair the friends of the socie ty are requested to meet at the court house at kingiton on saturday the 20th inst at 12 oclock to elect officers and make such arrangmentsasmay be necessary for holding the annual cattle show o w yarker acting secretary kingston 10th sept lff4 black white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingstoo and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white black smiths bkass founders dib sxxtkes in the pmmimftv simiueri nae head nf ston straetw lately occupied byfvir- edtnund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand iu addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vj be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 seminary for yolng ladies the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will be happy to receive a limited number of pupils at their establishment corner of rear and clarence streets on monday senteraber loch to whom they propose giving instruction in the various branches of a genteel and useful education n b a card of terms upon application kingston august 17th 1831 8 tomb stones 4v the subscriber grateful for the patronage he han received begs to inform his oiefld and the public that he stil continues to manufacture fv order ot his shop in bath tomb stones of aliwost description window oa8 bills t move llpc anl hearth stores and every other article in the stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the mot reasonable terms a br am lott b ah kinds of product received in inent bith sept 16th 1s3i pay 12tf this jvotwe is to give notirc that 1 will not pay three notes of hand given by me to abraham iringle of the township of richmond drtwu far 12 10s nell and made payable in june is33 octol 15311 and april 1sw tiot having received value for said notes abeltowli jvkn tyenthnaga sept i5th 1s3j l23w ktg any lake ontario house to lkt- jhe premises formerly occupied by the late henry davitf sicuwc in store street above the scotch kirk for a term of years- to james duyle or mr jolm low attotiey market square- kingston julv25th i83j 49 apply wmjljlwtfjff ltlthesoa from the perth hottl respectfully informs ihe in habitants of kingston and t jo travel ling community that he has leiscd that extensive and commodious house of entertainment known bv the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and coincnieocfl of bis guests will mi s wood remain a few days at the dentist ciat hotel kingston sept 19th 1831 qtnmer 13 jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vanalstiae are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against ihe said firm are revested to be presented for liquidaiion elijah beach township of kingston august 22d 1834 5 notice all persons indebted to the private estate of the immediate payment to a iyuas and all pereow having any claim njiust the said private estate are requested to present the same for liquidation e w armstrong j a truax jbxccuwn- kingston august 23d is31 5 the kingston hot ha tardy umvnwne a hurougli lepuir liu coinpivi iviutnimcd and painted and is mow otie of the handsomest public houses in th promina- it is adtnirubly well situated for the convenience of travellers being near the lake bhure nd commanding a full view of the arrivals and defuturcs of the steam boats from which passenger luggage will he conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic anngeneius a house the greatest attention wilte paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will of the beift description and the vines and spirits ol superior quality connected tfitliutis esiablishment is a large and capacious yard will excellent stabling kingston may 9ili1834 27 notice whereas my will hahnih has left my bed and board without atv just coustf 1 hereby forbid 1 mnoiu jiarbourinl or trusting her on my ac count fts i will htjf ifovu f ijjia nlwi this date jacob cullman both mih july lsji wliulctle retail grocery wine spirit and general store market squire i auction marl mimbitontd oi the i i lishinent where he iuh now on sal the following articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or ucit i i mi scanlan the subscriber legs to inform the kingston c that he has opened retail 200 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and wiles s it caldwell resucdfolly acquaints his friends ami the public bat ic continues the lcatitr business at in- 1i market place where every deripiiouurarldes in that line niiiv he h d at jll times o cjma ptfd for iiipes ana seia s riiiffsion june 21th ij- lyfjijft school m frhmi rc inform her ends and he public aitiii reennummche lufon scw on tuesday iwxl sepenber 23d at no 1 goim- umvds for sale acres of the vtfry best description of lantl situated in the second roncessiou of seymour on the river trent to he disposed ol in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made- tittle indisputable apply if by lertcr post pud to the editor of the british wuift august 1s3l 52 eptcii tert building brock mngj on t to tuk ltbiic the subscriber l0 rwpuctfiihy acknowledges ihe naironaw he has received from the inhabitant of kingston and ew vicuity mid bew leave 10 acquaint them that he conmues and keep oil hand boots and shoes and hojs by a steady unenion to ther orders merit a continuance oi their iavors ctan a- wanted to the boot and shoe making business- hicke ngbton july 2tjih 1834 maoufacture selected aiock of tie their orders to the mr jexnings f nnt interfering with the regular duties of his school gives lessons in private and ill classes on the following hranch- ivriting arithmetic short hand public reading and spcaalng bgtia grammar and book keeping ladies may acquire in a few icssms a neat epis tolary handwriting and a thorough knowledge of the principles of english grammar to professional gentlemen bfort hand il not essential is exceedingly useful as a means of rc- and those of others in an im pressive and proper manner is a duty they owe lo their audience persons engaged in mercannle pursuits may ac quire in a short time a good business hand an un common facility of calculation and a thorough knowledge of book-keeping- application may be made at his academy near then w corner of the court house oral lr- dencc front street next to mr markland s kingston sept i7th 1834 cording their own and to be able to deliver thoughts those thoughts is resi- 5 puncheons mrofu jamaica spirits 4 pitm p pni dtinflln rtnv bronilj 4 n hollandj gm 2 lins binerarlo wine 2 do bupurlur ll prrt 2 do prime old ntdeira 5 qr casks tfneriftt 2 do do pan she ry 2 do do urovii d sujktiu white wine lineeqp id 2 hlld very 211 barrels upper camda whiskey a quaiiliiy of iriim old schicdtn chareite hiandv i buttks 20 chetstanhyti 3 do voting llysoa o 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhds double refilled lioaf sugar 3 tierces bright mitncovado do 20 bnxe3 muscatel rjisins 5 bags almmils 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tir rosin glue whiting window glass oils and color c e with every article in the grocer v and provision lint- gejokue akmaluoii kingston 7th julv x 41if the- splenitld low irnt suntn boat great britain hartain whitney will during ihe season 1331 leave iho diflereni ports as follows commencing on tuesday the 39tb of april vis upwards p tuesday evening hrockville tuesday night kingston wednesday noon oswego state of n y wcdnemlay evening coboon thursday morning j on hope thursday morning toronto late yorfc friday morning downwards iviagara on every saturday afternoon it 4 toronto laic york sunday morning fort hope sunday nooo- cobourg sunday at p m oswego state of iv y monday morning kingston monday noon brockvillci monday evening all baggage and small parcels are considered at the risk of the owners utiles given ifl charge to the purser on hoard the accommodations on board the great britain have been much enlarged and unproved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers the above boat will await lie arrival of the pas se offer that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada singe lake ontario steam boat office prescott 1st april- 1834 veterinary surgeon the subscriber begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgements to the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity for the extensive patronage be has since hi commencement in business as a general blackhvith at farrier he now respectfully informs his patrons that he road opposite ciiesnuts old stand here he trusts to be waited upon as usual bfr keeps on hand every h i es i 4 tlic y t subset nd cm re the horse cd principle kingston kind of shod on professor comiins improv er pt h is34 edmund smith information wanted offftancil boyts from the county antrim ire land who arrived at quebec in jh33 the hst time he wa heard ofl he was in albany a letter nddfcsscj to his brother john llle to the care of john bod vulor front street ejjigstfhl would be ihankfutty mceived the atflffjcofl prpii vill confer i cmplimom by in- suiting tin above kingston cfept i61i1 1931 notice all penwine having claims against the estate of lite lit benjamin feirfiehl kq deceased of the own oflsutb ftffi rcjtcitrd o present their accounts duly authenticated mrl il perwu indebted to the estate urc tk itied in make immedirte payment to enic3ti ivn iimed in n chaglfs j llih julv airfield admioihrtfor ism alt jffonjnh ittt hert mjort ewp qucsrl to itiukc liam will notice med to the estate of the lite ho- r ii kiijtii loclr yard are n- iiiiiiiudiute payment to mr yu anv claims agn mertlmnt and nil perewu having nht die suij etau arerqueted to present their ncentiitw to irilliaiu wumoi duly au- lliciilutdil jf uaiyiiiiiir wii14am wilsons r loiln r marks e kinffrton u c 2wih feeoteinher 131 v to ur the commodintts dvri merly occupied hy jclin k doctor at in ill barilev of ihe barriftehl obiter lrj lite lvh rerft the pni m requ for- y ty lltacs re funher dcsciin- h 11 iii 111 the information wanted of richard bkurv a blackmuh who left king ston about two months aoo for humilion or uiindas od has noi heen heard of since any person know- in- audit of ihe above will confer an obligation on a wife and four children by addressings letter di rected io mrs berry brock street kingston kin sept 11 134 stolen or si ntyecl a large black doc who answers io the name of watta whoever will bring the dog to this of fice will be liberally rewarded for his trouble and whoever harbors or ucuinb him after uub notice wi cash paid for wheat the bifrhestcash price will be paid for good mer chantable wheat at the mtenfem klngston 18th sept 1s34- wanted the black aw apprentice to the i smithing business apply to the subscriber opposte the whig offi wbl davy ism- rear otreet kingston sept- isth aj ferns begs to inform his customers that he as received efefi arrivals his summer sppl jot ude oyuie niiihn8 fashionable boo la am ijsobsti ssswk and wil de disposed of at uncommonly low pj-ces- kiogstoi june 24th tn- heing no well known do i liou anplv ro walter 9mxitr khlffsion 20ili miy 1 s cakmino etfiectkullv beg imvc to tic quaint hs phxhm will iic public sone rnlly iimt iu- contioim to carry on the busine ul imu1 zud tiuciu keeper nt his old ktuml mansion miouse hotel i pleamily sinmicil in store street beini he principal mm most central tn j ivingston in ihe business part of the town x coitycuient to the dif ferent steam boat wharvc ari n emkbusbmeni of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex- cellencc and comfnft of i apartment in regard both io parlours and brd ftooms all of which arr fumished ill the vrry iu 6tv the hotel has been recently painted throughout ntd ttllfj im proved in the rear of the mani huitse is a large yard in hiclithereiaii excell of stable and where a livery stable f constantly kept s carmino having ke a ftffa ii for many years has acquired in thai line iittifiif aucntion to tht his majestvs rttcmvbft iknkkat tf the pro- wncv of ppcrcamuln gives notice that sealed ten ders fur bills ot exchange on london at thirty days tight wil ho received at his ollice on friday the tenth day of tht cnyim mrmtth of octjbcr for an mm fnui 100 to3n00u sterling pfes- rine the bipljwt rait of kxchmigr x- b current bank be received in phvuieiil rvttivir gtnirar ojr 13th scjh1j vi notice to buyers of leather ond selleiv of skins hides thobutfircw heretofore cyfricd nbvs r cald- e til nimr tin kni lea i her 0 ihe ban a of the subscriber at stnhlva hbi store cvtrv description of olll ton 05 i inima uosl where saddlers itii- t by trees and umdins tuny ik had nt il limey mr a sriiral ttftrtnwi of afiirlm tt md hnmtfrt such ih idlc coot tree id lasts liiiins skirling horf skins see vc c shoe raakore bridle and harness makers men ami all dealer in leather will find ihctr interest to putmnite this estallihmcnt 3 rck will bieiemive iu ofevery variety of quality far it for s the k ind u lb be mld r ihr lnrrtt lnrc ittcoja pittl for thda caj fi tvs william fokp- kington june 10h 1634 36 comforti of msfcruests he public patronage 7 purlers will be in jjage to and from the diflv kingston may im will continue to merit tlk readiness to convey vent tteam bouts 112- wai t kennedy notary public conveyancer clnecal arcomptant and land agent store street mtinstot king din for sale j1jy excellent cooking stove apply to this office- sept ljdi i ive jt ca notice v m davis trfce mow 8unld bn past rimk stjbajs boat commodore barrie bedfobd dobi5s sailer frqptuml iy two rupnym uncprtssur tf mmtm will leave kingston riir rfemtt tyeryvrsoiif niornidff and wednesday evening touchidj m her way at french creek and brockville till leave preecott for kingston and the bay of auintic every monday and thursday eveninga af ter the arrival of the steam boat from below touch tng on her way at the above mentioned intermediate place and arrive at kiogatou the following morn ings will leave kingston for the bay of oointie eyery tuesday and friday mominga at 9 oclock and after calling at bath fredrickuborgh adol- phustown hallowell culbertaona sophiasburgh ifclleville river trent will arrive at the carrying place the same evenings will leave the carrying place every wednewfcy and saturday morning after ihe arrival of rhe jteat- crci otages and after calling at the above mentioned intermediate places will arrive at kingston ihe tamo afternoon every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of passengers and particular cart ta ken of ah property regularly pot on board kingston 20th sept 188 is government contract for shtaw cofdmuaariar ktantod 27th sept tsbl ealed tendera will be received at this office un til friday at noon on the 17th october next for supplying and delivering to the ordnance barrack department at the posts of kingston point henry and point frederick 96000 lbs of straw vit one fourth to be delivered by 31st march do do 30th june do do 31st october do do 31st decetnv the tenders to express the rate in currency words at length for whick each bundle of if of straw will be furnished payment will be made by a check on the bank of upper canada for each delivery security required for the due performance of aach contract as may be entered into assl com gt fok sale st thebubgofilbua 300 hides first quality sole leader 100 do upper do 500 calfskins 3 r caldwetu 07 cash paid for rnw hides and calf skint- market square kingston 3rd june 1834 43tf tin i iv and eleffmnt stcah boat oswego l dissolution of iljitneksirif the partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers in the market square in t and provision line 1ms been this day dissolved by mutual consent the busme will in future he carried on by jame baker wlw is auihoiid to cullect all tlubi due io ihe late lirm and by whom all debit due by it w be paid prqpud by twv fan prtsjurt eitgiru pt mninu wili run brtween ogdeiibburgh and niagara the remainder of the present season as follows on her pasare up the lake she will leave og- densburgh on wednesday evening kinrstou u- c thursday morning sockets harbor do 12 u oswego do evening rochester friday morning toronto york u e do night arriving ut yongslovq and lewiston early on sunday morning and will leave lewuttoni on sunday evening kkhesier monday morning ow0go do evening socket harbor do night kingatoiki v- c- tuesday morning and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening the buat will touch at french creek september 1831 1834 lake ontario tqb steam boat united states propelled by two powerful lowpreisvre engim cmpt is j van dewatebi will leave kingston every sunday evening for sac- lwt harbor oswego rochester toronto and i leaves every friday morning for french crock alexandria brockville mormunrn and ogdens- tturgli sepr 15 1s34 oswego aud kingston tin raat sailioc packet bl rattlesnake j4ivcs gabpenteb will run consianily until the close of the navigation be tween oewego and kingston making b many tnpa p rtpekaswindaiid weather win kington sepi 22d 13 james baker t f- eg an permit for freight or passage h themawer on board 1 etogwoj sept 19ft

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