w 16 published semiweekly opifer per tfkbem dicor volumes 2 klftcstoiv uc fribav september 19 1s34 by e j barker m d the british whig a semi- weekly journal devotad to commercial and poliiicaj tnfotnnon it dubli1id every tuesday arid friday eftninra by doctor bartror editor ana proprietor at hi 0f lice io roar strool nest door to the commercial hotel for country circulation onlvthe british whig u ubliihed orory tuotdnr afternoon in a weekly form and will a found to coataii the ront important matter of llio terni wottlily paper ttnm forth semi- weekly paper one pound per annum ifpaid in advance or within three months from the receipt of the firet number undone pound five lullingj if collected at the end of the year exclusive of putt for the country pper twulro tlnllinr and sixpence per annum if paid ia advance or within three moothf from the receiptor tho first number and fifteen ihulidgi if collected ot the end of tins year exclusive of postage- companici of indiviiuiu who reside in the country and who may prefer to enl in the office for their paper may have them aupplicd at ton shilling per copy per annum prompt par- no subscription received for lesn tlmn tic months and no paper discontinued until nil arrcornjc are puid up except at the option of the publisher i satocrtlsrmrnti six lines and under 2 6dfiminiertion and 74d each aubteauent insertion ten lines and under 3a id firrtinbertion and lod each aubecuent inaertioo above uo lift 4tl per hne for tlie firl ineertion and id per una for every lubsequent insertion advertisement without written directions ore inacrted till orbid and charged accordingly order for dtacodtinuing advertise menu to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no idler taken in except from agenlv unleaa post pud- i jletter jptcm printing doctor barker having obtained a moil auperior preaa aodeoexcellentassortmentof jo tvkii enabled to execute every description of job printing with neatneai and ex pedition upon tenna hitherto unpreccdeotly low in upper canada whereas conrad silb having neglected to fulfil the conditions of a lease granted to him of the northern parr of no 10 in the second concession of the townahiptf kingston this is to give notice to all persons not to hire or till ot trespass on any part of the said land as the lease is invalid darius smith jvaterloo sept 4th 13si notice to buyers of leather and setters of skins and hides s r caldwell resectfully acquaint his friend and the public that he still continues the leather business at his old stand in the market place where every description of articles in that line may be had at all times xtcash paid fvr hides arid skins kingston june 24th 1634 crown lands frf clergy reserve in the london and western districts notice is hereby given that on fridav the 26t inst at 10 oclock a m there will be offered for sale by public a venom at the court house iii tlie crown of london upon condition of actunl settlement and on tlie usual terms of payment for crown lands and ctenry reserves certain lands a schedule of which mav be eccn by applying to john b askin fc lon don or to the commissioner of crown lands to ronto peter robixsox ctmmikmr or ctown 1nv office tocwita sjsep ism j this day published a wd fob sale bv the author the i jnrklievi ks prayer and other poem il lustrative of a change of lieait by aj williamson can ibc fv v caaoge his l lo or ihc leopard hi pata kingston sept 12h i6s4 kingston fair ana cattle mart notice is hereby given iliac the fair and cattle mnrt will be opened at kingston agreeably to ihe charter on ihe 2nd tuesday in october at 10 oclock and continued the three following days the fair will be held at the same place as last year in the open space nearly opposite the scotch church john mclean sheriff steward kingston 10th sept 183j tomb the subscriber grateful for the patronage he haft received begs to inform ft fiiendf and die public that he nil t continues to inanufacture to order at his shop in bath tom stones of almost every description window oab gxxixib store tp hearth stones and every other nnicle in stone cuting line on ihe shorlesi noiite and the most reasonable terms a br am lott n b all kind nf nioducc ment bath sept i6th all kinds of r is3l received in pay- i2tf aotice notice i this is to give notice inwt i not pay three notes of hand uivenbv mfi o abraham pnnsle of the township of kiclnnoij dran fur 12 10s each and made payable june 1s33 october 1833 jnd april lsitl li having received any value fur said notes aftel could jlnb lake ontario tvcndinaga sept 15ih 1801 1 9s w rohwahdika fol 1i3 the rideau and ottawa steam boat forwardiug company respectfully inform the public that they will be ready at the opeoingoftbe navigation to re ceive and transport passengers goods wares and merchandise to and from montreal to kingston at the undermentioned rates cabin passengers from montreal to kingston and from kingston to montreal 60s and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through the route to kingston 12s 6d allowing to each adult 50 lb baggage freight of good wares and merchandize from montreal to kingston 2s 9d- per cwt freight from kingston to montreal as under flour 2- peitbftrrol pork 3a od do ashes 5s- 6d do wheat 60lbs 8d per bushel payment of freight will in all cases be exacted ou delivery of the property- goods by this line will be put into large barges which are decked oil over and not disturbed until tiiev arrive in kingston and being an inland navi gation and towed by steam boats insurance may be dispensed with whh safety it is die intention of this company that these barges laden with goods and passengers in montre al will deliver the same within four days at king ston robert drummond agoa ktngucn- e cush1ng agaumomnal kiagsw ajiril 12ih 1834 to let one house and sundry kooinsin other houses apply to adnek ives kingston war 1834 to the public the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity and begs leave to acquaint them that he continues to manufacture and keep on hand a well selected stock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention to their orders lo merit a continuance of their favors- dan apprentice wanted to ghoe making business daniel kingston j 29th 1sm- information wwted of richard berry a blacksmith who left king- iton about two months ago for hamilton or dundas and basnoi been heard of since any person know- in aiteit of the above will confer an obligation on wife and four children by addressing a letter di rected to mrs berry brock street kingston kingston sept 12th 1s3j kingston v c tigoveriior sir john covorue k c b tt tfc lmi colls surgeon ttoy naxy will open an establishment according to the above notice on the 1st avguet his terras arc as follows gentleln wit board and mmj sam thes morals will be carefully watch- rdtstlirreligioueduties be mpresivelyen forced upon them according to their tenets- rhey will be taught i anatomy i surgery c medicine midwifery c c imcal lectures ill be daily given in hcteiaure hours they will have the advantage sif they please to study several languages with whch well acquainted as the following- and dutch the agricultural society of the county of fron- tenac will endeavour to have their annual cattle show on ihe 1st day of the fair the friends of the socie ty are requested lo meet at the court house at kingston on saturday the 20ih inst at 12 oclock to elect officers and make such arraugments as may be necessary for holding the annual cattle show g w yarker acting secretary kinzston 10th sept 1834 estmek or white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform the inhabitant of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com- mence business as white black smiths romrsbxs zu sinkees in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesnuts old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vill be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt foksytr kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 seminary for yovng ladies the misses haines respectfully inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicinity that they will their establishment corner of rear and clarence streets on monday sfptemhcr i5th to whom they propose giving instruction in ihe various branches of a genteel and useful education n b a card of terms upon application- kingston august hth 1834 8 shortly wilt be published the memoirsof a wag by an officer of ihe roy- navy after a residence of fifteen years in america written during his temporary banishment in lake champlaln 1829 dedicated to a liberal public by the authors moet obedient humble servant jack junk kingston august 2gth 1s34 6 house to let the premises formerly occupied liv the ate henry davi situate in store street ahuve the scotch kirk for a cfm of years apply to james doyle or mr john low attorney market square kingston july26th ism 49 wmmslmajtm jiatmmesoj from tmk pkfttfl hotel respectfully informs ihe in habitants of kinestun and tlie travel ling community ihat he has leased that extensive and commodious aouse of entertainment known by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of lime and study to ihe comfort and convenience his guests the kingston hotel has lately undergone r thorough icpair has been completely refuiniahed painted and is now one of the handsomest houses in the province- it is admirably hit of and public well situated for the convenience of travellers bei near ihe laketjtore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of tlie steam from which passengers luggage will be conve b porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the hott l greatest attention will be paid a first rate ial w be kept tire beds will be of the best decriptid antj j w ines and spirits of superior quai connected wiih this establishment is and capacious yard with excellent stabltng kiugston may 9th 18w large 27 notice whereas my wife hannah has left ry bed and board without any just cause i iiereb inrjid persons harbouring or trusting her on i w ac t as 1 will pay no debt of hers contract after all county this date bath llthjuly ltfih jijoa hilli the boot and hickey notice is hereby given that the subscriber in tends to carry on the business of fulling and dress ing cloth in a style superior to any that has ever been attempted in this pnrt of the country in the new building near mr peter swiizers saw mill all those who may please to favor him with their custom shall have no reason to complain and all those who have hod wool carded if brought to tlie machine in good order and not done in a workman like manner will please to give notice and the sub scriber will make good the same cheap for cash all kinds of produce received in payment the works will be in operation by ihe tenth of september next hiram qrannia west loughborough aug 20th 1834 6 wholesale sl kctall grocery wine spirit a general proruloo store market square next door to mr scanlan amtifl mart the subscriber begs to inform the inhabit of kingston c that he has opened the aboe sib lishment where he has now on sale the following articles ai unusually low prices by wholesale or retail s puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandv dupuys brand 4 hhds hollands gin 2 pipes ucnecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old mndvira 5 or casks teneritlc 2 do do palesherti 2 do do brown do xjio splendid low protviur stfenm itoat great britain captain wflftnbtl will during the season 1834 leave ihe different ports afi follows commencing on tuesday hc 20th of april via upwards prescott tuesday evening brockville tuesday night kingston wednesday noon oswego state of n y wednesday evening cobourg thursday morning port hope- thursday morning toronto late york friday morning downwards niagara on every saturday afternoon it 4 toronto late york sunday morning port hope sunday uoon cohourg sunday at 1 p m 0wegn state nf n y monday mnrnirnp kingston monday noon crockvilk monday evening all bnffgaga and small parcel are considered ot the risk of the owners unlcs givcu in charge to the purser on board the accommodations nn board the great britain have been much eniargod and improved during last winter and every exertion will be used to ensure regularity and comfort to passengers the above boat will await the arrival of the pas sengers that leave montreal on monday by the up per canada stage lake ontario steam boat office prcscott 1st april 1s34 vetehinry surgeon the subscriber begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgements to the inhabitants of kingston and its icinity for the extensive patronage he has since his commencement in business as a cenrai blacksmith farrier he now respectfully informs his patrons that he has removed his establishment to ihc other side of the road opposite chesnuts old stand where he trusts to be waited upon ns usual the subscriber keeps on hand every kind of lfuilw onlttrvimfiltulun m hoists hod on cd principle lc notice ia hereby given that the ubmw henry dav s all fh wt tp p late iry davis all thoe who re oftbdr occounts withoul rjytsc hutu awl amount clhn0 pres z1f davis or james doyle agent kingston aug 23d 1834 at davis admjmttratru 6 steam boat rapid a general meeting of the stockholders of he steam boat rapd take place on board the boat ai prcscott on monday the 23d instant at 4 oclock 0 a full attendance ol the biockhoiders is eamebtly requested by order of the committee o n n h norton sec irescott 9th september 1934 those papers which have heretofore been requested to insert the advertisements of the boat will pl to insert the above ml thr 2m inst the sew and elegant stam mir kipd kingstooi sept 4 is34 professor col mans improv edmund smith information wanted of francis boyle horn the county antrim ire- unid who arrived at cw ec in 1833 the last line he was heard of he vffls in albany a letter nddretcsed to his brother john boyle to the care ol john boyd tailor front street kingston would be thankfully received idthc american papers ill confer compliment by in- mitlilg thr abv kinasfru- sipi iah ism notice iving claims against the estate of all persons town of built arc requested to present their account duly authenticated nml all persons indebted to ihe estate are requested to make immediate payment to ciiarlrs fairfield admimdraton fniefuntvn ilih july 1sj1 0 the midland district of tin ida in and for the wtd dis- court praying thru 2 llhd i very stipcnoi white wine vinegar gin and y mxuical and 1atllonage of nr french spanish portuguett itahan thefte will he gratuitous- jsih be required in advance as an ft jpee hich ill be considered as pari of the hrst years payment july 23 1834 lands for sale aaa acres of the very best description of jj land bituated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made little r- u ptgi apply if by letter post pad to the jcash paid for deerskns deer horns furs bags rf m b august 1834- w 10 jew store the subscriber offers for sale at his atore in king street next door to mr leahy tavern a large and well selected assortment of english made boots and shoes hosiery glomes shawlsand silk handkerchiefs irish linen scotch dowlas thread edgings needles thread tapes c c the whole will be disposed of on terms surpri- siiiglylow fnr cash john murray kingst kingston aug 26 sl jtotmce all persons indebted to the late firm of messrs beach vanalstine are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned and all demands against die said firm ure requested to be presented for liquidation elijah beach township of kingston august 22d 1851- 5 notice all persons indebted to the private estntcof the late duncan vanalstine esq- are requested to make immediate payment to a truax and all persons having any claim against the said private estate are requested to present the ame for liquidation kingston august 22d 1834 5 20 barrels upper cw whisk a quantity of prime jj schiedam charente brandv h botiles 20 chews twanky tefc 3 do young hvwm do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coffee 2 hhds double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 boxes muscatel raisin 5 bags almond 20 boxes poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue whiting window glass oils and colors c c wiih every article in the grocerv and provision line george armstrong kingston 7th july 1834- 44t vpd feathers by ii m baker eajv to rent the commodious dwelling in barriefield for- merly occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor bart ley of ihe 15th regl the premises being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply to walter mccunitvc kingston 20ih may 1634 s carmino respectfully begs leave to ac quaint his patrons and the public gene rally that he continues to carrv on the business of hotel and tavern keeper at his old tand the mansion house hotel if pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and most central street in kingston in ihe business part of the town i is convenient to the dif ferent steam boat wharves and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of it apartments in regard both to parlours and bed hooms all of which are furnished ia the very lesi style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mnnsiu house is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s oarmino having ke a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts thnt with unrvmitiing attention to the comforts of his guests he xvill continue to merit the public patronage porters will be in veadiness to convoy lug gage to and from the different bteam boate- kingston may 1834 notice mr peter reid i hereby give you notirr that i will iti the next district court to be held ar the town of kingston province ol upper canaan trict file a petition in the said partition mny be made nf tie lois nuuiuer oneli in- drcd and eightynine and one hundred and ninety- ight in the said town of kingston which in and bv a certain grant from the crown under the greui eal of the said province bearing date the fifth dav nf december one thousand eight hundred and twen- tv n wf tv ft rki i jpftijhn wdl of jacob ivkabury lydia burley emerson bur- ey william burlcy john burley joseph burley mary rcid wife of peter rcid and ann burley as devisees in uli will of emerson burley late nf the town of kingston deceased pursuant to the statute potted iii the third year of the reign of his prrstnt majery will id 01 the fourth entitled an act to provide fur patiiiiun of lel estates ann burtey kington august loth 1s34 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore carried ou by s r- cald well is changed to the hands of the ubriber at ihc store udjoiniug thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all limes albo a general assortment of articles used by saddlers and shocjnakcrst such as saddle trees hames boot tree and lasts linings and bindings skirting hog skins c c l shoe makers saddle and harness makers far mers and all dealers in leather will find irfor their interest to patronise this establishment as the stock will bo extensive and of every variety ofqualiiy and will be sold at the lowest prices fetcash paid or hides axd stfjtf william ford 36 captain dot proptlud by two lu pressure engines of thirty rom pom tr each will leave prescott on monday and thursday evenings after the arrival of the steam boat from below will touch at brockville french creek and arrive at kingston next morning will leave kingston for the head of the bay on tuesday and friday mornings at 9 oclock will touch at bath fredericksburgb adolphuitovn hnllowell culbertsons sophiaaburgh belleville river trent and arrive at e carrying place rame evening ooing downwaads will leave the carrying place about 4 oclock after the arrival of the western stages on wedue day and saturday mornings will touch at the above mentioned intermediate places and arrive at kings ton same afternoons will leave kingston on wednesday and saturdav evenings at 7 oclock will touch at french creck light sun good stages leave the carrying place after u- arrivftl of the boat for cobourg port hope ar city of toronto making it a delightful route by wa ter and land for those who wish to see this intere irig country eery attention will be paid to the comfort of k sengers and the boat is well adapted to take ireh hones- cattle are prescott sept 5 1834 commercial bank of tmk uiolano di8ta1ct notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders in this institution will be held at the bank ou wednesday ihc first day ofoctobernext lor thr purpose of electing a director in the place by order of the board f a harper cahur kingston 21st august 1831 6 it papers heretofore desired to copy tbe adver tisements of c b m d will please copy the above aj ferns begs to inform his customers that he has received by the late arrivals his summer supply of ladies misses and children fashionable boots and sliues of every description and willde disposod ui at uncommonly low puces kingston june2jth j nil 40 kingston june 10th is34 cheap for cash baker eg an market square keep constant ly on hand the following articles at extremely low cash prices prime mttp and one hog pork smoked hms checks ic mutton hams smoked and dried bef young hyon twaaksy end black teas sugars spic 5 superftoo flour indian and oaten meal pickled onion cucumber c oats corn peas beans ic scotch hnrriil mackerel cod pib tic- plug paper and cavendish tobacco soap candles c with every other article io the grocery eod piqviuoa line- tbey have juftt received several crates of crockery of the latest importations 4 crates of stone ware 80 ream wrapping paper a quantity of scoich and american anufctured tia- ware vogclaoles fowls potatoes c at market price rl for produce of every descriptiod kingston augm 1st 1834 for sale 300 hides tint quality sole leather 100 do upper do 000 culf skins 8 r caldwell c cash puid for raw hides and calf skins market square kingston 3rd june 1s34 43tf i be new nd eleg steam boat oswego proptlud by toco loic pressure entnesj capt sheb1sa1s will run hetween ogdensburgh and niagara the ruiutnder uf the present season as follows on her passage up the lake she will leave og- denshurgh on heduesday evening kingston u c thursday moroing sacketa harbor do 12 osvmof do evening rochester friday morning toronto york u c do night arriving at yongstown and lewiaton eady on sunday morning and will leave lewiston on sunday evening rochester monday rooming oswego do evening sackets harbor do night kingston o c 7iesday morhidg and arrive at ogdensburgh the same evening t be boat will touch at french creek september 1834 1834 lake ontario tbs steak boat wm- t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accgmptant and land agent re street- kingston united states propelled by two powerful lowpresrure engines capt u j tan dewaikh will leave kingston every sunday evening for kens harbor oswego rochester toronto and n s every friday morning for fje alexandria brockville morribtown end ugaena- 3ep 15 1834