miscellaneous thfkkcum nivrihn well 1 think its likely but doni tease mewiy mote your brother has nvirried n poor girl one whom i forbid him i mar- ry and i wont forgive linn if they all uww wg this speech was addressed to 1 lovely pjlscnrce- w eighteen beautiful the luy that hides use f beneath the dark water she mfmh sil very locks on her hither high and handsome fore head of which her own was a uniaturc and plead- ing the cause of her delinquent brother who had consequently been disiiihented mr neatly was a 1 ich old gentleman a resident of boston lie f goodnatured old fellow somewhat given to mirth and wine and sal in his arm chair iron inorui ting until night smoking his pipe and rending the newspapers sometimes a story o ins own ex ploits in our revolutionary battles lilted up a passing hour he had two children the disobedient son and the beautiful girl before spoken of the fond girl went on pleading dear father do forgive him you dont know what a beautiful girl he has married and i think its likely said the old man but dotvt tcaze me and open the door a little this pla guy room smokes so well continued ellen wont you just see her now she is so good and the little boy he looks so innocent what did you say v interrupted the father a hoy have i a grandchild why ellen i never knew that before but i think its likely well now give mc my chocolate and then gu tu your mu- b lesson ellen left bim the old mans heart began to re lent well he went on charles was always a good boy a little wild or so at college but i indulged him and he was always good to his father for all but he disubeyed me by marrying tins poor girl vet as my old friend and fellow soldier tom bon ner used to say we must forgive- poor tom i would give all the old shoes 1 have got to know whatever became of him if i could but find him or one of his children heaven grant they are not suffering this plaguy room how myejea water has married but i have never inquired her name 111 find out and 44 think its likely aid the old man ellen led into the room a beautiful buy about two years old his curly hair and rosy cheeks could not but make one love him- who is that said the old man wiping his yes that that is charles boy said ellen throw ing one of her aims round the old mails neck while with the other she placed the child on his knee the child looked tenderly up uuo bis face utlu lis pert out grandpa what makes you cry so the old man clasped the child tu his bosom f and kissed him again and again alter his emotion bud ft little subsided he bade the child tell his name thomas bonner wheatly said the boy j m named after grandpa what do i hear said the old man thomas bonner your grandfather yes lisped the boy and be lives with tun at j me my caue said the old man and come ellen be quick child they started off at a quick pace which soon brought them to the poor though neat lodgings of his son there he beheld his old friend t thomas bonnfcr seated in one corner weaving baskets while his swathed limbs showed how unable he was to per form his task his lovely daughter the wife ol charles was preparing their frugal meal ss charles was out seeking employment to support his needy family its all my fault sobbed the old man as be cm- fa meed his friend who was petrified with fttnose- ment come said mr wheatly come all of you home with me we will all live together tlurc is plenty of room in my house for us all by this time charles had come he asked his fathers forgiveness which was freely given and elliii was almost mad with joy oh how happy we shall be the exclaimed and father will imenur imlc thomas n und ic will be your pet wont he father aye said the old man i think if j very likely- american paper a voluntary victim when the slrelitz were banishi d to astrakau they were accused of ri fresh conspiracy the cxur wnt immedi atelv 10 that city and tnlr more than twelve thousand oi hid solumf ai tliu miuu time upon stakes covered with planks erected in the middle of a vast plain thestctht were conduct ed billets of wood in great numbers were placed on the platform and many executioners immediate jy employed in cutting off heads peter himsrlf with a hatchet in his hand set the example to the executioners a child about 12 years old came to lay his bead upon the csers block the iviuce in- sicnd of striking pushed the infuut buck willi hi arm the lad without saying one word went to put his head upon another billet the oar per ceiving it went up to bim raised and dismissed him again a moment after the boy repeated his at tempt to catch the fall of the hatcltit the tor in anger asked him why he persisted hi toting liis bead you have said the boy tafceu fathers and mothers that of my brother and those of all my relations who were no more guilty than 1 why will you not cut olvminev peter was struck dumb- lie drove the buy nut of the iuclosure threw the hatchet down and disap peared a wife sold instances of the sfllc of sweet hearts arc not very uncommon hut the sale and conveyance of a wife in this port of the world is an occurrence which seldom happens we can how ever give our readers an anecdote of this kind upon indubitable authority and of recent duo a young fellow having in the county of exeter state of v hampshire fell in company with a very pretty mar ried woman belonging to one of the neighboring towns unfortunately broke a cuuple ol the commandments hy looking upon her with a lustful and covetous eye the idea of her being a matron cooperating with his violent passion fur iter de ranged his intellects to such a degree ns exceeding ly alarmed hit friends in order to restore the un happy youth to the enjoyment of bis reason his father applied to the husband of the woman i whether he weukl part with her- the man no abjection to a profitable speculation deunaidrd of the father what he would gic him he replied that he would give bim one hundred dollars in hand and provided his son should recover from bis dis traction and live happily with her he would puy him another hundred dollars at the end of tin- year considering the article this must be thought a very generous ofler it waestecmed so by tile husband but knowing the real value of the woman and being unwilling totakeau ungenerous advantage of a neigh bor s misfortune he candidly acknowledged that she was not worth more than fifty dollar to make the purchase still easier to the soliriuiuf parent he generously offered to commute that sum for a horse and a suit of clothes this offer wan gratefully ac cepted and the bargain closed tins wife was then acquainted with the transaction kecullctitrg her vows of submission and obedience to her husband convinced of her obligation to coiibult his interest and inclination and finding her lover more wealthy than her husband she readily agreed to the train fer the young fellow soon recovered his reason and the parties arc at present it is said very happy lhc vender in hit horse miit of slofhtr and fr- to know havim qodl the purchaser in the enjoyment of a pretty domestic companion and the wife in a change of lodgings holse of commons tlwasimy jnljf9 1834 mr o- council said that swing the right hon the secretary for ireland in his place ho wished tu know from him if the statement which he had seen in the newspapers was true namelv thnt the re newal of the coercion bhjwoadwnpproveu of and not called for hy the irish 6ivcmilumil1 mr littleton saiil it was mi u mil in moke inqui ries relative to n bill which wttf lint before the house he had no hesitation however in mating that the introduction of the bill in ihe house ol lords was with the entire sanction ul the irish go vernment miocmmt11 that k not an answer tinny ques tion i asked if the bill was iidinrd and called im by the irish government mr littleton 1 have no other answer to give to the question mr oconncll that is a safe course for the right hoik ieiiileman to pursue hut 1 beg to ask him if it is his intention to bring forward tins bill in this house mr littleton 1 shall not answer that question butl will say this that if the bill comes into this house i will vote for it mr oconnell then i can only any that i have been exceedingly deceived hy tiu right hon jen- i tinman mr littleton then entered into a narrative of cer tain communications which tuok plttce between m 0 and himself in the course of which he admitted that he had made indiscreet disclosures and charged mr oconncll with a breach of confi dence in making such disclosures known mr oconncll replied mr littleton said that the lion and learned member had taken the only course which was open to him that of endeavoring io make the house be lieve that he mr l had taken the step he did take with the intention of deceiving the hon and learn led member the house would he felt assured think him incapable of acting from any such motive and indeed the hon member himself had siid j that the deception was unintentional though the whole eoutsuui in speech wait uilutamtpttu jiibiilj his breach of confidence by making the house be lieve that i had tricked him mr cvconneu idcuy it mr littleton i certainly had imposed on the hon and learned member the strictest injunction iof secresy i admit to the fullest extent the cor rectness of all that he bus stated there may be some variation of expression hilt the substance is correct hear hear it was on monday week the conversation took place tlivrewas a question at that time as to the extent to which the coercion bill should be carried thnt question bad ihhmi unanimously decided upon hy what td plieu in the interim between that day and llw day of my se cond connnunrcation with the hon and learned member i lost not an instant in making him ac quainted wnh the determination through the me dium of tho honorable member for bridnorf mr 0connclli was nut informed of it until friday i mr littleton i tent to him on thursday and i so anxion waul to obtain a coiwhiutorv speech from the hon member on the subject of tithes that 1 i went across the 1 louse to iufurni him of the decision before the tithe question came on- i have luitbhif further to state all the facts arc before the house and i leave the matter to their decision mr oconnell no there isone fact which not before the house i applied for a copy of the report of the comminee of 1s33 which contained sir henry paruelfs plan for creating tranquility in ireland buttle right hovt gentleman informed me that there was not the least occasion for it sub sequently when i he ttighl hon gentleman inform ed ine that after all that had passud the coercion bill was to he introduced i said immediately then you have no other alternative but to resign jt said in reply say nothing about that today this was nu friday mr littleton 1 have already staled all ihe facts and with respect to what the hun and learned member now motes i must so v that i never mid any thing of the kind ujtott my itoitor us a gentle man f hear hear mr ocuintcll upon my honor as a gentleman he did nay so order anil hear hear mr littleton declare mosi solemnly upuh my honor as a gentleman that i nercrtlidfhcur bear mr oconnell does the right hon gentleman mean to deov lhsit his resignation was spoken lot mr- litikion i deny the statement upon my honour mr oconnell- then whv did i nit hrinir fin ard mv motion for the production nftho report 1 mr littleton i cannot say tho right hon gentlamaii hero hm a tamniuitory cnuvorsatirm with an hum member behind him after which he added it is quite true that the lion mrmhii intimated that i should resign but i deny hatiiuf added ill remauiiog words which lie has attributed to me 1 did say to him in reference to line uuer cioo kill vhatcvcriiiay hevonr feclinc do not disclose them now hut wait till isnrl greys speech in the oilur house mr oconnell rose and stated that he should now piopnse as a test of what really did tttkt plnee with reference to the suhjeci in depute that the right lloii gentleman should take no objection to the course he intended to take which was in move fur production of the correspondence which bud ta ken place upon this occasion between the lord lieutenant of ireland and the government here upon the of the rcenactniont of the coercion hill i hen it would be seu whether the loid lieutenant lltid disapproved of or sanctioned its reenact ment mr 1otloinn said it was customary on occasions when the government was culled upon fir infor mation of this kind tu permit llismajcm minis lers to put forward such parts of the correspondence uy would stmice 10 justify their conduct in respeci in the adoption of any particular line of e i net which was attempted to be iinpnged he had already acquainted the hon member that govern inent was prepared 10 do so and would put such parts of the correspondence on the table of the uottne before the hill should be introduced and he now informed the house that lu- hoped to be able to put it on their table by loiilnfrmv thisdav after some further observations frnm mr oreil ly mr ii grafton mr oconnor mr littleton and mr oconnell the motion was rejected with out a division a very usraccful minurc was coinniillcd il charleston nenr ijosion on tucd last by tmobj who uattoran crrt nmwimpnmioa that n jnuaslady wa detained luthourtu lino ctmvtai against iwftvill llackcj tlic building and utter ly rletruyed it- 1 1 ajimtari that for mlidliys pfoiicutostafy hud been going plrout that the young iidv in iiucmion had been denied to her fiieruls accordingly fi moh of about 100 people disguised appeared bctiirc the iwinvent nud demanded a siht of the ynnns lady the i r r appeared mid assured tlieni thai if they woultl tail m the day time ilieir wilus should bo ratified 1j tvlnch llhev replied they irtu9tcc her that night two othc sclectinunt also appeared and affirmed that the vounj lady was in the eonvenl and eontented with her itua- lion sad llui if bc awnfitaly would call ih next day they could sec hvr but thu mob insited on seiinsher that nilit tlie mob now awulml the coflvwt and ilw community con- yutingnfthd lady sunwimr tantwlu and nbnnt fifiyseven tieholars eaped to a private rfiw in virinity the pjoll entered everv rooimef the litiioijt and twolug the inmates werconc gretl ulnetjii itspalbb thqiim they proreeded io fio oilier buihlinps cjimccted with iho etabment and ct titciothcrn which wiirealconiimcd they likijwitt enter el a tomb on the jrournd and biofcc open the coffin several pieces justifiatwes have appeared in the boston pa pets exoncratins the fdls ofthi convent from anything like i an attempt at forcible detention arid on tho whole it appear to have been one ofthntfc popular outrages which occasionally lame in all countries vomon erroneous impiemou on the proicnt occasion the error wwou iho side ofinorant gencro rtty on sonic occasion the exciting cause has been of a icsa juvtitiable character montreal daily irfrcrtetr uoitk asstzrs at the asies for ihe gore district which commenced on ihe 29th july und enfletl the 8th auenst the following convictions took place and sentence were warded- henry robins horsestealing five years in iv- iniientinty john worrieki forgery five do john douglass stealiutfi 6 do hugh livingston housebreaking ft do thos preston horse stealing five do alexander cump cow stealing live do dougal mcdougal horse stealing five do- john roney murder deuth james owen murder death ihoinas iarkeraud james m ewen stealimj years banishment john dow- ell do do johnson kerr goal braking and assault fined de25 weatcrn mercury tc the city ouneil remodelled the board of health a lew uavn since dr morrison had dcclnr jedtlmt after having been refused by the lieut ovcruor aid to tho hospital who had declared hi had not means at hi disposal he would rather re- sign than ct upon any resolution of the board rei terating the request to sir john the council were of opinion that his excellency should be atpiin ur- ced for a grant and a new board composed of dr tims mr lessito chairman ami jueurs luckcs and docl with the mayor wm appointed by a vole ol 13 to l 1 msgurnett and arfrae were very properly left our after onc dillicuhy ir iiihn was prevailed on to put a rhout md dolli at ihe order of the board over and ahe cott ihr thi efuf emigrants inttad ofnncu uvwoitldlmli isked ills excellency ten time for a tiouilid dol lars rather rather than pit an additional rate on the eitieus lord ayuner has some escitsc fur ivfu- siug aid the assembly having refused the kupjdics not so hr j- colhorne7wro advocate when we were the other day in toronto one says in a city and at a village we were equally sur prised and delighted to see a quantity of beautiful coals we mention the existence of the black dia monds for the information of the public in general and of our contemporaries of toronto in particular who from their silence must be presumed to he ig norant of so important a fact the importance of the fact must be obvious to all those who know us everv bodv ought to know that britain is indebted to her coal mines for her manufacturing supremacy aud all its concomitants of wealth power and do minion the coals that we saw had been brought from ohio by tlie weluid canal and were retailed at a i lalifax shilling a bushel but we uoer wards learned that they could be delivered at tlic wharf in luc quantities at a ynk shilling d bushel at either of those prices couls no cheaper than wood which from a wasteful system f clearing twenty acres instead of carefully cultiwiing ten has already become ex- pensive and mtbil taily become more so in lowrf canada new cast coals are tolerably cheap 10- cuubc they arc brbt as ballast but should they come into general ti ihey moat bo dearer by the addition of the oight u upper canada how- eer the coals fron ohio already bear all oidiuary charges and willivt uccesearhy be much enhanced in value by an ineascd demand in die course uliext season they will most pro bably be introdued into the atruuiboat on lake ontnrio nw protvco a vam saving of tum st v- agc and money the saving of time wdl boww fold- the periods of detention at the intermediate port will be abritlged aud more steauipuwer will be ylehled by a furnace of coal than by one of wood coals and i litrh- pressure engine c were to lluve said something in favor of high pressure boats but we will nor lor to say nothing of their pronciukty 10 hurst intoannis they puff like the very gazette montreal hrtthr bllitisu willi in the pness ani will in piiltilliri faiik tunc in a ohersatioi uio ill krtcswcanr iy fthrartjtilrtibtfer d limribed thy immto- isiffl im hi bxfehencjf hir jin chlmwm k c u 4 v drhutl whlffufricr jilj 2 t3l to robresponoent mr thorn nicbollfi trierv mr- mckenrieon tuesday nnr provincial the unusual circumstance of despatches having been forwarded to lord ayhnerby the way ufnew york at ihe very time a pahnonth packet was sail- ing has utl io the supposition that they are of an important character and koine little sperolatinn is alloat as to their contents it is probable they may be merely duplicates of those forwarded by he eng lish packtt and the events that have recently ta ken place in london having reference to this colo ny are certainly sufficiently important to warrant ii despatch in duplicate jiiuu if athtttticr the in- ofmgswi tublii 1 murtiu wvn r-l- jinlotiv rolihrr on siindny riiflhl and rigltlocn ionet ur r- lllcf evi5ijlm n h iif i ill j ihjv tdlrtroctud i tfloin iw- lunlel this wn ihd only booty utally tmncablo cm tho prs- mitc itio rogues eonteritetl thonimelvch hy iestteruig mf tobinf ptivrfij nttpeii unl whhrltnw thyappou i have innjo tin loururthm rangft of burminc tho old pot au mom lint vjh put to a prreipuafr lliglii hy th avnkonm ot mr khaw rnria kingston rrimy bw5axyo avgusttt i34- mm robert diommoxi 1 dead v feel a desire to pay a proper respect lo departed word like that of this deeply regretted gentleman but feai our utter inability 10 do the subject adequate justice to say that the dwvnscd ws just and generous af fable humane and charitable would be mere corn mon place he w l l nttlfh more he pos sewed a soul tu which honor was blended with inte grity a mind capacious and enterprising and a bo dy able to endure fatigue ih the pursuit of his lau dable enterprise blessed by providence with the gifts of fortune and industry in an eminent degree he was neither prnd nor haughty with the high- i born ami rich he their equal wiih the deserving poor he was iheit biend their protector and some times their companion in him lite wretched found a benefactor the mechanic a constant employer aud the tradesman ni encournger of business kingston in mr drunimond loses the most pub licspirited of its townsmen hi moat stienuonsen- deaorswere ilireled towards ihe increase of lilt rowirs prosperiiy and although his efforts werefce- blvnided by those who outrht must io huve asfiieted im yet he never relaxed in hit exertions nor ever doubted ihe cerimty of kingstons our day osmi- iing that position hi the province for which itn sitll- ation is so eminently calculated f folhnv him into his domestic irelc isnoi 0111 inteaiiou bin were we to do so we si hi only add fresh lutre io his character lie lesivew a widow toruourn hernrepa- rible calamity anil a family of yminij ehildritl whose noblest ambition w ill be to emulate ihe virlnert ol their departed paruit thin hmriired eembiuan was taken ill at hi re sidence on tho bay shore on wednesday morningl carlv ami in spite of the ablest assistance expired about noon the same day his remains were fol lowed to the grave by every respectable person in the town in addition to the above heavy loss we have lo record the death of mr john butterwortb one of the oldest and most respected inhabitants of this town statu or the public health the arroimls received by the inn- tnuta give more favorable renrt of the htttd of the cholera lu montreal it is rapidly fiubsioifi in toronto it i ahnttug ond in other 133 important places ne livu of its total ditmicaraucc io the cnited states we rt vony lo observe that it is makin mm irogrlss and ibe lil icconnts jrorn new voik make mention of2 defith daily in cincinnati nearly two hundred persons have died nreoklv for somo time pastj aprodigiausaiorttlity trlien dw ionilutton ofdks c ity 30000 u cnidercd and the neighbor ing townships have not escaped in kingston this dhttsss t abating but not io much so at the ttngeine expeetarions of oil had led them to anticipate from ihe scarcity of death in the beginning of the week kingston board of health aug 20th new cases 4 deaths 2 aug 2lm new cases 1 deaths 3- aug 2d new cases 2 deaths 2 total cases from commencement 203 deaths 114 henry smith jusn secretary the fulhtving remarks upon the use of cold water in cholera ate copied from the toronto ctfuricr wo remember reading them in finland where they ffwft the topic of much general conversation but the remedy was never applied dr oertel u a partial proselyte of dr hanncnrvn of prague ond attribute the almost general recovery of thct tatters patients to the free use of cold water not to the camphor thuro arc moro things in heaven mid earth than arc dreamt of in our philosophy slmplk kcmcdv for the asiatic chulra professor car tel of antpach germany curs the cholera extensively with cold ttatcr he some time ho pnhlishel a pamphlet on the subject dedicated to the king of prussia who presented hitn with a gold medal among uther tilings contained therein if tho following the mijst severe fating much drinking of cold water- much washing with cold water in hort a complete inunda tion oftlm whole human body with cold water both inwardly and outwardly 1 ffthom persons whmn th flititftni hi tript nwnv ellst petmburgh wollm have been at the commencement or the disease washed and rubbed well with water then dried laid in a bed and nleniy of cold water administered for drink what inquires professor oerlti would have been the conse quence t if there eiist a remedy against the effect ot ibis 1atil diea it is positive and singly cold frcji water cour- igcihiiy- projicrly and presitvinsly applied therefore on bueb constitutions that apply cold m ater plentifully both in- vardy and ooiwardlyftc ch ura fcilland can have m tffttl if ilial duos imt help nothing gim can the fresh water ddcjhtqtgy4 a cold it only creates a momentary chill and produces thereupon warmth evapoialion and even perspira tion it dw not drive any thing into tlic body but expels it ail not oppros the vital faculties but promotes the orrliua- ry dihareer f ihe skin and invigorates ihe whole nervous 4yttiui it peiiilrat the msi iniuote vesteu oftlie human iiiirly without iintulioii mily jo mut h a to nrodute an aquili bsiiuuoflhe tiii1 and other succulent fluids u7 an act of alio iou brutality ncurod in kingston mar ket house on tuesday last alarpe black dog belonging to a firmer attending nvinaikct made an attempt to stool a piece of meal from one nf stalls but ihe brutal fellow who mm keeping the mall frr the proprietor instead of driinp the aiiinial owavi oolly and delibotately drove his knife into the bodv of tho ponrheast who limped away and died it would bo uiktie too much notice oftbc fellow to pub lish hw names but ho is i marked man in kingston and ihe sooner he quit it the belter it will be for him the editor of the patriot is cither mad or worse wo did nol deny tho cotiectncss of his statement with respect to the late mckcnzio meeting at toronto hut objected to the publi cation of hcr abuse blended as it might bo with feci if mr dillon would let mr mekente alone he would sink in pub lic estimation lather than ever he rose but when the public observe that ono newspaper is solely employed in blackgaurd- ugonc individual ihey iwgin to think that some excellent roa- jsomcfliri firthat alnisc besides that of political difference by the bye the patriot come to us very irregularly by the nt evoning mail xvo r ceived thret copies of the 1 9th 1 ol the 15th inm which are all we have seen for the latfl forinighu in consequence oflhe land advertisements appearing first in the patriot the regularity of that papers mailing is more important ifl the provincial press than that of most others uife undcnrtatid that the vacancy caused by the death ol m iniclps discount clerk in the jom- mcrcinl hank has been filled by the appointment ofjiinieo ucdtlest third sun of the lute dr ucddes a vijinh ufabjut is vears of nee to ilic lltinr uf ute british whin bathjsotb august l14 dear sir as to ihe onelwed communicaiion perhaps it muofthc faeiilly hutifyou could under your editorial head ipiveany ililbrfflitiun atolhe results ofthe lead treatment tu kirigaioii you would be conferring a favor on many olyourl rubcribcrs and perhaps would by disseminating the prac tice if found cllectualj ik the mcank of saving many valuable liwtti from the only qug in thia netghboi hood the most sanl uuino lxpiliiiftns are ruined of its prodrug a remedy when applied soamuiably vours truly prtr the urilinh whig mi alitor i laving understood that the sugar of iad i has been administered by many of the m edieal gentlemen ol kingston in eaeit of the cholera with great success and as 1 believe it is an admitted point thnt ilflbtt medical assistance is speedily olitamcd v iiieh is often impracticable no relief can bo expected will you permit me ihroutrh your columns to en quire what success has attended ihe l fftiftthmtf that if t has been found cjlcclual every physician ma be made ac quaiiilml with iurewlta philanthropist bath soth august 134 note by the editor wc shall take thissubject up in a few days unless previously handled by a more eapablewriler to the editor otlhr uritoh whig pii i noticed in the bftitrsn wine of the 15th inst an editorial article recommending fumigation in the town and a hint a respects mu iarraus pigs now it suuuii to bo admitted generally thai the complaint termed cholera ix received from the itlmosphere and requires sqfllculuia to alter its nature i inll therefore from good au thority endeavor to prove rhal there have been benefits derived from pieries within our own limit in lie year tsw the authorities of knigtton uiought propei to order ii tlic pigs to be taken out of the lowfij many were plaecdat mr mobob pijcry and many at mr gamuy during that season not a single cuo of thulera occurred amongid those who labored or were under or were within ihe immediate effluvia of those piggeries tho present year if heretofore the poor pigs wore irauspoiled out of hrwii llmacud of having a chance of doing good lv consuming animal and vegetable matter that is come monlv thrown into the direct and yards and becomes putrificd lei ub hiw take a loglt at the ptettui year whether any injury as io health ha made its appearance fiom pigs or piggeries at mr druinmoinrs or mr gnnaits piggeries there has not been a single ease of cholera and their workmen arc extreme ly healthy now in ihe viemiiy of molsons establishment where llirro has been no piggery this mummer there haohcen several aso and all very fatal beyond hit drummonds and mr garrntftf out of the ollluvia of the piggeries many cases were fatal nw in me it appears very plain ihat the elhuvn has had a peculiar effe t tn llie infected almophure we may call it r you please a fumigation lhat has aircsicd the disease at loose plcix i ihluk he morn precious ihau a rrilliog bad tinell fiom piffirery lor a few umnwita in tsnerilltf bv and from whieh not any ihiu proves uuhenllliy if pleamiul medieincsnuly were taken u eav of disease i tniuk hut few cure would he ejleet ed ahsii sariall i ihieateiird by lltow in authority til thi place tube hid fried ni if they id iiiiihi gimitl lltoifciuthi lite fanner ami ldnrer would erilainly jiiko a lahtahlc friemt by hi 1hiii dnven from this place ev perhaps ruined euuld not qivc mucntinn n any eci it might ih those who aru pnptdieil ir eu tnii woarebing vnhwlttc men ofbusi- riiatfileinuili whhoilt driving thnil away a subtfckfuer kurgmmi ahiii kth 1431 jdfieb in kingston august 19lh mr rribcrt montgomery arod 26 miss margaret rcid aged h august 20tb mrs peter lcnca itnbcrt drummond esq miss jane roney august 211 mrs renclton acred at- jiiim nmni aged 38 mrs john hare aged 25 mr john butlcrwoiih mis rourke government sale coxdcmxed barrack tore8 will lc sold by auction on thursday lhe28ilr august next at the barrack masters store iw following unrltrnkntinnrd articles coiisistiuc of m iolliassc 225 iliiuttis i hi unkeih 170 siuvui 102 ruga together with elospital drewsm kumiture ci sale to continence at 10 oclock a m kingston august 2ut 1331 grand m a r t ami cattle at napane by virtue of a ritoclamation issued by hi excellency the lieutenant governor and bearing date the 18th day of april hist past a mart am cattle fair is to be holtleu at lyupaiiec on the lirst tuesday ol september next and on the first tuesday hi the months of march and suptembcr in each lollowim year public notice is therefore hereby given that the a pant said fair being the first will beheld at n untuesday the second flay of september next za will continue during thu two following duyft whea jhorses and cattle of every description will bo expo sed for sale being fully aware of the essential benefit an ai ricultural country must derive from the establish ment of a well ordered public mart or fair wh the produce of every part of the district uiav t brought into fair atid impartial competition hv stewards would assure the public that no exertiot vlf b rvniv i commodutiuu to every class ol agriculturists aq others ample provision will likewise be iiiaovfj the convenience of horse dealers auctioneers p lars hucksters and such other persons who ma feel disposed to attend napanee 1 8th august 1831 jt0t1m all persons indebted to the late firm of mer beach van itstiue are requested to make iuw diatc payment to the undersigned t and all dviiny against the said lirill are requested to be preaei for liquidation elijah ueacii township of kingston august 2m si 5 executor otice all person indebted to the private estate of j late duncan vaitalstme if are retptcmied tu nu immediate payment to a truax and all per having any clnhll against the astid private estate renucsted to present ihe same fur licuiduhnn e w aumstrumit a truax kingston august 22di 183l alctiox to be sold hy public auction without reservr j residence ol the late kobtat moobk est km stun dock ard on tuesday the 2gth of aittm 1831 and following days all his msousch ota jfitm iture c0nsuhko ok mahogony chairs tables sofas silver forks spouus lookhlif ijuwes bedsteads beds hfr kcts and bed linen table linen dinner u breakfast jets dvanters and ulassesi a lhnirj uf valuable viookn book casci wuarini apparel piano forte t gan mangle sleigh ilamessi fishing dear a variety ol nther vduabh and useful articles hh a variety of kitchen utensils empiy bottld washing tib c c- also a tliuiitily of live stock consisting of one uriiotj mare coit southdo kam unjiortul irass breed crow impartnl berkshire ifnur imported two young suhsil and four young pjgy one heilcr and cdf provrd hrtctt salt to commence at 1 1 oclock aoh tttf ii bcanlan hatiunrrr kingston august 19th is34 4 extract i hum mr stkivart3 paper tug inufj peniiext examixkft at gcst 23j l8 trial or wk kissny for alckptk his lordship h ing commcnurion the cvihsnrc and explained the law to jury in a very thh tnunui thy retired und in a few mi j rsturatd with a verdict vfiiolkuilly as dw primr was about to he discharged it rirtumsun occurred in tin court vvhivh rutllrd the cidiug of ninny m were among tin number of rjuconlcuts and meant anirmdverl on ihu mlbjecl vwy severely i but as the amm rtosoitabll has aiiicj lcen lluliclv made wc shall ul ho further noiicc of u wc mention it now with no om view than thai the gvntlcrncn who felt hurt and who had lf die town before tho cluso of the court may know that a full satisfactory atvntm ait ttftil olfered mxtract from a lktteit in the kingston chrft m i j jiav 30ih 1sw sigtfsd john stewart in i62d mr hageiman was judge of asaise for this cireu a trial came on betbre him in the court hourio of perth i riotous and disorderly cenduct of some of my misguided etna trymeo then employed on the canal at the flog back u i bcliere tor murder as one life had been lust in sunnbia up the fcyjdenco and charging the jury mr hagerman rvtrc tod that a people so generous frank and warm hearted sv irish bhould miffcr their passions so for to get tlic ascendent as to drive thim tu tucli acts of outrageous viulencc he hhi wise reprobated in trng terms the sectional and party fei laug which oniortiinairly cxit among too many ofmv cou trymen and under tho mumcnlaiy impulse of which iheyi frccueufly guilty ufthc most dsnorsble excesses and in t conclusion hcasserted iihi thu conduct of such unguvemsai spirits was so jijhik- tu ihe feelings ofall orderly and respt table imbmcti a w make them uh fur die land of their m tivjtv riiis was ihe very led and front of hi offending must be orimdcced as urtl authority 1 was billing by lo atlvriieys table at the tune reporting the trial far my own pa per the imkfkdest lxaminer eager loeatch evert word that traiopircd it is not inn a stated by the correspondent of the whi that air hagtrman made an apology to a party tf gentlcim who waited upon him fbf irr expunarion it fstruc ihaisotj irishmen roistjnderiood him and lhat there was a jfood of desultory cmivermtion nmonj them respecting the tenor hischarge henry graham lsiuire of this place aud m self were casually with him on the evening of the same is and upon our mciioiimg the tniscnnslruitmn of hi tanm which some of our sensitive friends entertained ho derunf that solar from attempting to wound the feelings of the intll there was no people whom ho would more wihingly ier and conciliate u the beft and ihe truest friends he had c numbered won- irishman notice to he ialinbiianis ulliitsbiirgh thai those wisti jingto aitend ihdr rvswciirc churches on simdaj kill be allowed io msa the bridge at hull price john scriven april 18th lisn st lawhiyci caxiu the pliiiis mill splcilicaiioiis lor ihe fjacx tt of the st imwciiicc uaiutl ill be ready lr vs mimiiiuii mi thr ih il sinmlcr ut ilir oifiee i lite resilient icugiinrr imuuljuciir as also ii iluii iiidsiiiicitioiin or several hvrjjeand sum uukertas o the said iaiinl teiidera ill reeeivvd lif execution of tl above work nil j he llhh siiiteinber next james iilmd 6vrv iliovkille frth auuusi itsh