published semiweekly vcmjume 2 opifeb fer okdem dicor the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted to commercial and political infoimation u published every tuesday and frid venins by doctor barker editor and proprietor at geo in hear strcot next door 10 the commercial hotel for uiblislicd r noay hi 01 for country circulation only tlie british whig it published every tuesday afternoon in a weekly form and wi be round to con tail tlio most important matter of th semi weekly paper nw fur the semi- weekly paper one pound perannum if paid m advance or within ibres luonllis from tho receiptor the trm nimibur and one pouiul live shilling if collected at xh end of the year exclusive of postage fur the country p per twelve shillings fxtd sixpenco per annum if paid in advance or witliin three months from the receipt of the firt number and fifteen shillings if collected at ihecndofthc year exclusitc of postage cunipnuie of individual who reside in the country and wllo may prefer to send 0 the office fur their papers may have them supplied at ten shillings per copy per annum prompt pay no subscription received for less than six months and no rpaper discontinued until all arrearages arc paid up except at 2iio option of the publisher llbtrtemtntx six lines and under 2n6d tirfrtinjertion and 74d ctch subseouent insertion ten lines aod under 3a 4d fim insertion t and lod each subsequent insertion above ten line 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line fur every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters taken in except from agents unless post pi id letter press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior press and fit excellcntaitsortroentof job ttpe is enabled to axecute very description of job printing with peatnessand ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprecedently low in upper canada notice all persons indebted to mr robt glendinning late of store street kingston are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned as he is die only person ruihorized to collect ins debts persons neglecting this notice will be sued indis criminately john mcleod if n b persons who are also indebted to the su- persctiber are likewise requested to settle their ac counts immediately to saw costs 1ribam mv wtho lm 23tf roawardlno for 1834- the kideiu and oituwa steam boni r orwaraiug company respectfully inform the public that they will be ready at the opening of the navigation to re ceive and transport passengers goodfi wares and merchandize to and from montreal to kingston at the undermentioned rales cabin puftscngrs from montreal to kingston lmhi from kingston to montreal 60s- and found emigrants taken at montreal and going through the mute to kingston 12s cd allowing to each adult 5u lb baggage freight of goods wares and merchandize from montreal to kingston 2 9d per cwt freight from kingston to montreal as under flow 2s per barrel pork 3s od do allies 5s gd do wheat colbs 8d per bushel pnyiikntof freirht will in all cases be exacted on delivery of the property goods by this line will be put into large barges f which arc decked all over and not disturbed until they arrive in kingston and being an inland navi gation and towed by steam boats insurance may be dispensed with with safety it is the intention of this company that these barges laden with goods and passengers in monlrts al will deliver the same within four days at king ston robert drummond ageni kingston e cusihnu agmt montreal kingston april i2ih 1534 begs to inform his customers that he has received by the late arrivals his summer supply of ladies miwe and children fashionable boots and shoes of every demtiption and will be disposed of at uncommon v low prices kingston june 21th 1s3l 40 for sale 14ux acres of very excellent land in the 4th fl- concession of fredericksburg about 60 ncrcs of which arc improved with a frame house on the premises and a never crosses the lot the situation of the place is agreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye of the enterprising farmer a apply to a truax eso kingston or to the nsbscriber jos neilson ernestown 4th march 1834 9 failing stream of water lost on sunday morning last at mr molsons wharf a small french pinchbeck watch whoever will bring it to this office will be libe rally rewarded british whig office july 2sih 1634 to the public the subscriber most respectfully acknowledges the patronage he has received from the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity and begs leave to acquaint them that he continues to manufacture and keep on hand a well selected slock of boots and shoes and hopes by a steady attention to their orders to merit a continuance of their favors 7 an apprentice wanted to the boot and shoe making buine kingston july 29ih 163 kilg8toiv u c friday august 10 4834 by e j bar mdt disinfecting fluid a quantity of the above excellen chemical c03ipound to prevent contagion and destroy the ill smell from sick rooms will be kept constantly on hand during the summer at the british whig office tints pence price in quarts two shillings one shilling and three with directions for use to steam boats and retail dea- wancp will e made the commercial academy store street kingston w t- kekwbdy master will reopen on monday 11th august 1634 kingston aug 7th 1831 uljms for sjlle 1 4k acres of the very best description of jj land situated in the second concession of seymour on the river trent to be disposed of in one lot or in separate parcels of 100 acres each for cash an excellent bargain may be made tittle indisputable apply if by letter post paid to the editor of the british whig august 1s34 52 sale of crowjy uijns notice is hereby given that the undermentioned town and park low in the town plot of sand wich in the western district wilt be offered for sale bv public auction at the court house in that town on monday the 18ih day of august next at the upset price of 7 10s cur rency each upon condition of building a stone brick or frame house not less than 24 feet long by 18 feet wide to be completed within two yean from the day of sale- one quarter of the purchase money 10 be paid down and the remainder in three eual annual instalments wih interest on each in stalment as it becomes due to ww l o ts russel street nos 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bedford street east side nos 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 bedford street west side nob 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 peter street east side nob 2 3 4 peter street west side nos 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 cross street east side nob 1 2 3 4 cross street west side nos 1 2 3 4 back street west side nob 1 2 3 4 park l ots north of the centre road no 6 nob 3 south of the centre road 4 5 8 9 10 water lots noa 7 9 10 11 i2 13 14 15 1g 17 is 19 21 peter robinson commissioner of croion land office toronto 10th july 1834 47 sale of crhqy reserves in the western district notice is hereby given that the undermemioncd clergy reserves will be offered foraiile bv public auction at the court house chatham in the western dis trict on monday the 18th day of august next on condition of actual settlement and upon the follow ing terms of payment viz one tenth of the pur chase money to be paid down and the remainder in nine equal annual instalments with interest upon each instalment as it becomes due township of sandwich at he upset price of 15s currency r acre north east side of the talbot boat n e halves 295236 299 300 303 301 6th concession nos 12 14 7th 8th 9th 11th 13 15 12 14 16 1113 15 12 14 16 13 14 15 township op maidstone at tht upset price of 10 currency per 2nd concession south side middle road do do north side middle road do icra 4th 7th 2nd ft u 29 20 24 13 sale of crown lands a portion of the lands in the township of cayuga and dunn on the grand river will be of fered for sale at the court house in hamilton district of gore on friday the 15th of august next at 10 oclock a m at the upset price of 15s currency per acre the terms of payment will be one fourth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale and the remainder in three equal annual instal ments with interest at 6 per cent on each instalment payable with the instalment plans exhibiting the situation of the lota may be seen at the surveyor generals office toronto or with mr lewis burwell biantford and any infor mation respecting the lands to be disposed of can be obtained by applying to the commissioner of crown lands commissioner of crown rands office toronto july 22nd 1334 49 3 wm t kennedy notary public conveyancer general accomptant and land agent store street kingston 4th 6th 7th 8th 9th north east side of the talbot road south west side ofthetalbotrjmd north side middle road south side of 7 ad do do do do n e- halves 2s7 291 13 17 13 11 13 of i ad 5 s w half 289 n halves 10 25 s nalves 8 13 middle road township of rochestbb at th vpset price of 105 currency per acre no 28 rrency 1st concession south side middle road 5 do do do do north side middle road do do 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 2nd 44 ft ii 44 44 44 44 44 26 28 28 28 18 14 20 1 n halves s halves 25 16 3rd 5th north side of r jy halves 10 middle road pouth side of middle road township of maldek at the upset prict tf 10a currency per acre 7th concession nos 77 79 81 fiii m 01 9 peter robinson comrmsioner of crown lands office toronto 18th jul 1834 house to let the premises formerly occupied by the late hen ry davis situate in store street above the scotch kirk for a term of years apply to james doyle or mr john low attorney market square kingston jiilygfoh 1834 49 jnotice is hereby given that my wife lxcretia runaway 011 the 13th instant i do luieby forbid any person or persons harboring or dusting her on my account as shall pay no debts of her contractinif john abrahams ernestown jttfr 13th 1831 49 fhomitiik pkhth hotel respectfully informs llie in habitants of kingston and ibe travel ling community that li has teased utiiw extensive and commodious irtse of entertainment knov n by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention woevott the whole of his lime and study tu ibe comfort and convenience of his guest the kingston hotel lias lately undergone a thorough repair has been completely refurnished and paimedt and is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it is admirably well situated for the convenienceof travellers being near the lake shore md commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of the steam boats from which passenger luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestc anangemenls of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table wilt be kept the beds will be of the best description and the v ines an spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kingston ma 9th 1831 27 ivo3 notice whereas n wife hannah has left my bed and board withott any just cause i hereby forbid fm pfron h irljjtfii or tftnttns bm nil my ac count as i will pny no debt of hew contracted alter this date jacot hillman bath uthjuly 1834 dissolbtlojv of partnership the copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under the firm of j w arm strong co is this day by mutual consent dissolv ed all business appertaining to the firm will be settled by robert b- armstrong and thomas greer to whom all debts due the establishment arc to be paid and by whom all claims on the late firm will be liquidated j w armstrong r b armstrong thomas greer kingston july 30 1834 the business hitherto conducted under the firm of j w armstrong co will be continued by the undersigned at their old stand in brock street un der the firm of armstrong and greer r b armstrong thomas greer anticholera pills surgeon adamson h p of llie bengal army has for nale at his residence north end of the town anticholera pills such as were used io india and prescribed by him while military surgeon under the command of the marquis of hastings governoi general and commander in chief kingston july 31r 1834 mr wood dentist will stay a few days at the commercial hotel kineslon july 11th 1834 timuked hams i quantity 40 barrels pork for salt by john g parke3 kingston i5ih july 1s34 notice all persons having claims against the estate of the late benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath are requested to present their accounts duly authenticated and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to chaklks fairfield administrator ernestown 14ih july 1s34 erry wholesale retail grocery wine spirit and general provuion more varltct square next joor to mr sefc4s auction mart the subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston c that he has opened the above estab lishmcnt where he lias now on ae the following articles at unusually low prices- by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spiiitsi 4 pipes cogoqc drandy dipuys brand 4 hhds hollands gin 2 pipes bcnecarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prim old matuira jsr 5 qr casks tcnerwfc 2 do do pole 2 do do uruwu do 2 hhds very superior white wine vinegar 20 barrels upper canada whukey a quantity of prime old schiedam gin and charente brandy in bottles 20 cheats tnanfcy yea 3 do young hvson do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coflee 2 hhds double refined loaf 3 tierces bright muscovado 20 boxes muscatel raisins 5 bigs almond 20 boxes poland snrch a quantity of pitch frr rosin glue whiting window glass oils andcolors with every article in the jrocerv aft provision line gecftge armstrong kingston th july li 44tf sugar do n y sir i s 3s bb 3i 40 to ibnt the enmmotims hviiiq in barriefield for merly occupied bv jobnr- glover esq lately by doctor bartley of llie 3th kegt the premise lieingao will known do lot require further deacrip linn aniilv 10 walter mccuniffe kingston 20ih may m s callmino uespecu beft leave to ac quaint his mtrons and the public gene rally that lu continues to carry on the buaineaofytel and tavern keeper at his old siki the mansio smtmse hotel i pleasantly situated h stocc street being the principal and most centvil street in kingston in the business part otitic towm is convenient to the dif ferent steam boat whan and no establishment of the kind in tlie provitce can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort o its apartments in regard both to parlours and bcfl ttoows all of which arc furnished in the very bfi style the hotel has been recently painted thwughout and otherwise im proved in the rtarofttemniuion house is a large yard in which there is an excellent range of stables and where a livery stable inconstantly kept s o arm i no having vept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with uuremitting attention to the comforts of his guests he will continue to merit the public patronage porters will be in readiness to convey lug gage to and from the different steam boats kingston mav 1834 for sale by the subscriber for cah bi bust english grass scytbus 3s 9d otch sickles 7d 8j and lod each scytlie stones 2s 6d dot scythe snaiihcs kakes pitch forks c thomas hardy upper end of store street kingston juoc 23rd 183j m to let one house and sundry rooms in other houses apply to abner ives kingston jfarchglsi 1s3 lost on board the steam biiai wrn jtveryx kingston harbor on saturday night a wallet containing eume memoranda together uh aeven dollars in cash whoever has the same welcome to the money provided he leaves the papers on board or at the office of the bmtisii wiftg n johnson master steam boat win av aujruetsrd 1834 to the free and independent electors of the county of fkontekac ukntlbnkn 1 have bueu hu by cvwrf respectable freeholders to come forward as a can didate for your sutlvuges at the next general elec tion i liuve now the honor to inform you thai should 1 be spared in health until that period that 1 shall present myself at the poll 1 am nut a par ty man i deprecate party spirit j and should you do me the favor to elect me i shall regard yuur in terests anil the interests of the province as the sole end and aim of my political career i am not an olkccaowtr and it has pleased providence to place me 111 circumstinccs that put me beyond the neces sity of being an oilkerer i respect the government but am independent of it and will never yield a single right or privilege of the people to gain the favor of any man or set of men although friendly to internal improvement i should certainly have opposed had i had an op portunity some uf the lavish grants of last session if etccrcd i wito most strenuously an address to his majesty to put a protecting duty on imports from the united slates- it is impossible that this country can flourish so long as we are exposed to this unequal system of what is erroneously termed l trade with the best wishes for your welfare j remain gentlemen your obedient humble servant robert drummond kingsto cthjuno 1934 notice to buvcr of leather and sellers of skins hides the business heretofore earned on by s k cald well is changed to llie huids of the subscriber at the ijtore adjoining thomas smithes hat store near the kiiuston hotel where every description of leather may be had at all times albo a general assortment of articles used by saddlers and shoemakers such as saddle trees hames boot trees and lasts linings and bindings skit tin hog skins c c c shoe nnikers saddle and harness makers far mers and nil dealers in leather will find it for their interest to patronize this establishment as the stock will be extensive and ofevery variety of quality and will be bold at the lowest prices tcr ccsh paid jot hides unj skins william ford kington june 10th 1834 3c veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitant of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the aboxe line at ckanvps old stand near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick horses edmund smith horsc shod upon professor colemans im proved principle kingsto march loih 1834 10 cheap for cash baker eg an market square keep constant ly on hand the following articles at extremely low cash prices prime mvm and on hog pork smoked hams cheeks c mutton ham smoked and dried beef young hyson twaiikay and clack teas sugars spic c superfine flour indian and oaten meal pickled onions cucumbers jm- oats corn pea beans scotch herrings mackerel cod fiah c plug paper and cavendish tobacco soap candles c with overy other article in the grocery and provision line they hav just received several crates of crockery of the latest importations 4 cratos of stone ware 60 roam wrapping paper a quantity of scotch and american manufactured tin ware v vegetables fowls potatoes at market price cash for produce of every description kingston august 1st 134 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins and hides r caldwell respectfully acqtiainw his friend and the public that he still continues the leather business at his old stand in the market place where every description of articles in that line may be had at all times ttcashpaid for hides and skins kingston june 34th 1834 sale of crowjv lands iff tbi ifcsvii district notice is hereby given that the undermen tioned clergy reserves and crown lands in the home diatrici will be offered for sale by public auction at the court house in the city of to ronto on friday the 29tu dayof august instant at 12 oclock noon on condition of actual eetderaent and upon the usual terms of payment alflo a portion of the ungranted lands in the townships of collingwood st vincent nottawa- saga and sunnidale at the upset price of five shillings currency per acre at the same lime and place will be again put up to auction inconsequence of tbe person who bid it off at the sale of the 15th may last having failed to pay the first instalment a valuable ivfilustte with about 400 acres of land attached to it situated in the 14th concession of the above named town ship of nottawasaga which will be put up at five shilling currency per acre subject to the condition of building a sawmill thereon within one year from the date of the purchase and the other lots bid off on the same day upon which the first instalments have not been paid plans exhibiting the situation of these lots may be seen at the surveyor generals office toronto or with mr richey in thp township of sunnidale- clergy reserves currency currency for sale by the subscriber 300 hides first quality sole leather 100 do- upper do 500 calfskins si r caldwell 07 cash paid for raw hides and calf skins- market square kingston 3rd june 1831- h i township op brock at the upset price of 10s currency per acre- 2nd concession east j 10 lodi north 1 10 township of uxbridge at the upset price of 10s cureocy per acre 2nd concession no- 15- 8th 37- township of vespra- ac the upset price of 10s currency per acre 11th concession no 16 township of tecumseth at the upset price of twelve shillings 8c sixpence currency per acre 14tb concession jfyb aq 22 tcrtrosmp of mma at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 1st concession pfos- 15 31 township of caledon at the upset price af 10s currency per acre 5th concession west of centre road w s fall east of centre road no- 20- townhip of scarborough at the upset price of fifteen shillings currency per acre 2nd concession no 12 township of west gwilliambury at the upset price of twelve shilling sixpence currency per acre 2nd concession nos 9 16 old survey township of mulmur at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 8th concession no 2 1st concession west hurontario st no 25 township of lnnisfjl at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 2nd concession no 22 10th 17 8th 3- township of essa at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 6th concession no- 6- 9th 15 township of mono at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 3d concession west j 2 no a township of pickertn per acre 7th concession nos 15 31 township of tay at the upset price of los currency per acre 12th concession no 6 township of albion at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpence currency per acre 5th concession 10th township of oro at he upser price of 10s currency per acre 5th concession no 9 township of colungwood at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 9th concession nos 19 20 township of whitchurch at the upset price of fifteen shillings currency per acre 6th concession no 1g township of etobicoke at the upset price of fifteen shilling currency per acre concession a- no- 38 township of scott at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 5th concession no 2 township of king at the upset price of fifteen shillings currency per acre 9th concession nop 17 18 crown lands township of tay at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 6th concession e part no 13 18th 6 7th w part 13 township of mulmur at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 4th concession east of hurontario st no 22 5th m w 1 21 w i 22 1st west of hurontario st no- 17- township of esba at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 11th concession broken lot no 1 township of albion at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpence currency per acre 7th concession no 1 township of toronto at the upset price of fifteed shillings currency per acre 2nd concession southofdundasstno21 township of east gwiluambury at the upset price of twelve shillings sixpence currency per acre 9th concession no 5- township of scott at the upset price of 10s currency per acre 8th concession broken lot w peter bob1nson commissioner of crown lands office toronto gth august lfcm editoia will please copy tie soots- no 8 27