miscellaneous rttm hkart preservation although we can not vouch for the cxacmcsa of all the particulars of die following information yet from the channel in which we received the account which follows we have no doitbl of its general correctness it has been stated io us that about week or ten days since un elderly woman and n little girl passcngura in the brig fidelity clarke master from dublin lor uubec wrecked at sctturi on the loih of may who were supposed to liuvc pciished oi the island were discovered alive there and convoyed to mainadieu the account given by ibis woman is stated to he that in travelling about the island in company with her husband alter their shipwreck in search of inhabitants or to preserve their lives she became so extremely exhausted and debilitated as apparently to be on the eve of expiring that her husband in not much better condition pursued his wav leaving her as incapable of proceeding and despairing of ever seeing her again probably him self bewildered and in despondency that the little girl above alluded to remahied with her and she herself this young girl travelled several miles for we believe some days all the while exposed to the inclemency of the weather particularly at night snow being still on the ground when they happily at length came to a hut or place ofshclter wlrch some fisher men had in a previous year temporarily occupied hire thev or some time subsisted on the skins ol doe fish which they found strewed on the shore and afterwards procured part of a shark on which iliey found the crows feeding which aided them in averting famine and in preserving their lives that the little girl by constantly watching the movements of this carrion bird repeatedly wresting its prey was enabled to obtain that which however offensive at any other time enabled them io sustain life and which the weak state of the woman had she been alone would have prevented her from procuring until they were discovered and rescued from their critical and deplorable situation after having been weeks in this stale of destitution- much to the ere dit of the inhabitants of mainadieu we understand they have most attentively uuised these individuals so that they are now comparatively speaking quite wellaud have also furnished clothing and other ne cessaries which their situation required sid pap the gold bills- the following information from the tilobe of tuesday will be received with great satisfaction by all the friends of the country and of a sound currency it is now believed that the bank majority of the senate however they may desire to defeat or postpone the passage ofthese bills will icarcely venture to push their hostility to the ad- minstration and their suhscniency to the lmk to that extent in view of the very decisive vote in the house the important bills one to raise the value ol foreign gold were received in the senate yesterday read twice by unanimous consent and referred tu the committee on finance we take a pleasure in communicating our opinion to the public founded upon the opinion of members of the senate that the hills will pnss the senate us they came from the house having reason to con fide in this opinion we communicate it publicly that all holders of gold throughout the united urates may imlrl nn to tit precionft nfftrl lil mm for m ihe bills are actually known this of course wjlloe iu a few days the effect ofthese bills will be to raise gold g and 23 percent on sltgat value but not that much on it market value which is now two or three per cent above the legal value the foreign bill applies lo the gold coins ofgt britain france spain portu gal mexico brazil and columbia- all these coins are to pass by weight at 6 and 25 percent advance upon their former legal value the acts are to take effect from the 3lst july after which time the coins both foreign and domestic will be legal tenders at the advanced rates this date was fixil io s the community time to prepare for the cluiige imt in point of fact the coins will all begin io circulate by common consent from the day of the passage of the bill albany jirgus tbe steam boat united state- by reference to the advertisement it will be seen that the propri etors of thi excellent boat have concluded to run her until the 14th of september next exclusively for passengers and in order that they may extend greater facilities have determined to lessen the lime occupied in running from this port to lcwiston and back to five instead of seven days the united states left niagara on thursday morning the 10th inst and arrived at this village on friday afternoon having performed the passage in 32 hours including stoppages qgd licpub we learn from the boston papers of last week tfutt fchu pvv i iaj hjtittiatbii tamia j jut a son proeideut of the united states which was lately placed on the bows of the frigate constitution by order of commodore elliott was on thursday night last pwtly removed from the place of depositc hi smwing off the head thaperson who done die deed has not been arrested although the commo dore has offered a reward of one thousond dollars for the apprehension of tbe headsman tbe uotsoii transript when alluding to this transaction says the decapitation of the figure head surpasses in audacity and boldness any act of a similar character within our knowledge the destruction of ihe tea was nothing in comparison with it the constitu tion lies between and is protected by the columbus and independence seventyfour gun ships on board of which there is the customary guard isy whom how or when the deed was done will probublv fur many years remain a secret we incline to the opin ion that the wood sawyer had no accomplice that he selected last night curing the storm asthe fittest occasion and having accomplished his object will keep his own council leaving conjecture to weary itself with guessing and from the excitement to da we presume it will not soon be exhausted mrbcechcr the carvor ha ban applied to by commodore iillioit to carve a new headpiece for the trunk of the image but mr lteecher positively declined having any thing more to do with tllc fi gure head as the feeling of the community is new and has been ever decidedly against the conduct o the commodore iu relation to this affair exhibited the melancholy spectacle of a settlement icmaining stationary while it yet possessed every advantage for the lucrative employment of all sorts of machinery capable of being propelled by water power the falls of the napauc are perhaps the finest in the province and yet it is remarkable that even at litis date they are applied only in propel a grist mill a 6uw mill and a cardimlg maelune- what appeared to me very extraordinary connected with this place was that at a distance of about two or three gunshot above the mills i obscrvud tliut lie bellows of a foundry and a carding machine were driven by horse power within the last three years nnpaitce has become animated by the same spirit which every wheie pre vails throughout upper cunaeh we now observe stores and duelling houses rising up in vev dille- rent direction and it seems evident leful its future advancement to grealue uud importance will ik utinul to that of any other sehlrimrul m the colony although two or liuee year ago here were only a very few houses in the w holy village it already boast of a population ot rapaiicc has been ion called the hot bed of to ryism 1 have long thought that the words wlii and tory ought to have no reference to ihi country if however it is meant by the expression that the better order of the inhabitants would support every uwastue winch originates with the government and those which proceeded from the opposi- ati ms place an old inaninuuthj iark llv mvied king of sheffield lie was the in believe who settled in thii interesting oppose a tlqi i more unfounded assertion could not have white lalte connected with beaver lake by a short narrow channel through which the waters of the two lakts pass alternately into each other just as the one happens to be higher than the other the white has no stream running into it and is supplied h bv a number of springs which boil up like a potash kettle it derives its name from the while sumc with which its bottom is paved and give its wafers a whitish appearance here too we find jew ral line clearances 1 met at us iihira an old man inuuthl tarkes who iy usua ljrt tu- but muctl n iccted township he had a most prt- iniiiveaphmrance his louir fiery rod locks llowed around his neck in wild profusion and leaning on ins inn uuibiue he would i have no doubt have coiimtlerab alarmed a ponsun not accustomed to sirangq siuus and characters maugrc his look he ua kindhearted intelligent old fellow lie in vited me to his house and offered me the best he could present to myself and horse he isnmv own er of nine hundred and fiftyeight acre of inik good part uf which he and his family have under the plough- when he first came here about ten years ago he lived chiefly upon venison and fih noy other provisions ho made use of such as pork and hour being brought a distance of a great many miles through the woods at immense labor- he now en joy a green old age he sees his lanuly rise up a- round him in the happy consciousness that they are been nude a more high spirited and honorable jiu- all well provided for he beholds the forest lands dyofmch can no where be found in any part of every year rendering up the measures it covers to canada than the present inhabitants of napance they ill support the government while they be lieve its measures tend lo advance the prosperity of the country but they will oppose them vi ct orma when they see just cause to think they are likely to have a contrary elfeci the valley of napance is extremely beautiful at one time we pass along a series of gently undula ting hills the high state of whose cultivation in ma ny places give the idea of a wellkept garden the country heie has been all along settled the eye is therefore less frequently annoyed by the cheerless aspect of the innumerable oalftleciyed black stumps which give other parts of the country so melancholy an appearance at other times we move along the immediate margin of the river and occasionally ob serve the beautiful appearance presented hy the riibhiiig of the waters over the successive ledges of limestone rock bv which it u frequently interrupt ed- the course of ibis liver is so singularly ser pentine that 1 observed in one place after it had travelled over a distance of half a mile it would again return so nearly to the place from which it hud started that one might almost leap over the interve ning space- rogues hollow ornewburg as its present in habitants choose that it should rather be railed is distant from apanee about fiix miles this place contains a population of about ithl souls camden otherwise called clarks mills miles farther on a very lew years affo these places and lb suiroiindinir cunumi perfect wilderness inuw however thev are both thriving flourishing ilhigr iy the enterprise and spirit til jjr chirk mills were first erected here in lsf but which were burnt down to tli sar year they were reeieeted m uuw in lull uafauub wiiiumiiii uie uiosi uinocufre benefit upon a part of tin country which was fo- formerly almost entirely desi uteof the convciticee and comfort they are capable of conferring in ad dition to the mills which consist of a gvnjt a saw and fulling mill there 13 already here a distillery and i understand that a brewery ts about 10 jvj erected 1 leave it to the temperance society to decide whether the hater ard capable ol alfording as many and as great advantages to the country a the former named woks bui great us have beou the exertions of the absieiiijjas gen jenu who com pose the various cold water societies all over uani- da lu suppress tho use of ardent spirits beer and wine 1 observe notwithstanding that brewericttund distilleries continue to tni up vith astonishing ra pidity throughout the country and that their propri- etorsare generally speaking the most thriving peo ple to he met with the water of the napanee itiof a eollec color a circumitance which arises from the swampy drown ed laud over which it passes- ll is said to be 1111- wholcsnmn there are however innumerable c3j- cellent springs all along ilecotirscj of the coolest and moit translucent water this river proceeds from a series of lakes which 1 did not number there cau- not however i am told be less than one hundred these lakes are all extremely deep even at the very edge and so pure that you can see io a depth of se veral fulh nus through litem they ubou is two both of were a ground the j an au the hardy blows of his axe man in the country he has ant h e is the best vporte- dwuye plenty to eat n the lake below plenty lodrmk ii any man could desir more he must be cither a inel or a il ry pelham beau 1 rum- grand river improvement as little i4 known of this noble river we have col lected for ihe information of the public the statis- ticsi as far ittle little lime we have been residing on it would allow of and shall at a future day take up the subjret again tiie jratid or o use is the largest river in the upper lpviuce lis average vvidth from kraut- ford to its iimudi is between one and two bundled rises nn the summit ridce between lakes erie and runs in a arl it and huron and runs in a southerly direction with occasional apids where the river is wider until it tails into l erie 35 miles above the city of buf falo the scenery along this stieam is beautiful iu the extreme al mf richness of verdure will vie with anv serpciil rivcr n north america a charter vvas granted a private company in 1s32 for improving the river for steam vessels 10 pass up o ilrautfoid but owing to some difficulty in obtaining l and from the six nations of in dians the work was only commenced the last month t capital of the company is 50000 divided in ken up bham of ii05 each and is uqw all ta- t moif frxrplkiit tih d will ul iraute all vnrinim liium f tl is to be tbuud around their shores iu abundance returning to camden we ctoss the country the salmon river in this space we pas a su stream winch winds its way to the bavofuun at the indian wokis and iu it course drives several mills between the two rivers the oil is in general excellent although in some places it is rather stony and contains several ugly rocky ridges which how ever aienot of any great breadth this part of tile country is nearly all located there are however still some farms lor sale tassiug tor a cotltrtdcm- ble distance through some magnificent woods we arc not a little pleased and surprised to inar the rush of fulling water and the harsh grating of a saw mill break upon the car oi advancing the settle- ic invv contemplated ihe premt sea- son is fitif dams and four locke at barefoot ua- pidi which w admit of steamboats of llieuccond class toapp 1 miles ol erantford where a cut of 1 1 utiles is contemplated saving a distance itv tin riv- miles round lliv eahs est- iuc ijocik sivc im y oi kiiit uhs til i taihi si7e of ship lock at the dams there are hort canals securing the locks from hoods and as they nrj placed at the bwer end of the cms and ihe dams and locks m decreased one half and no land will be overflowed the whole work at bare foot rapids is under contract to be completed by the lirst of november giving a steam navigation to the company of 45 miles at an expense of loss than 30 percent on the capital stock the bed of the river for weven miles where the improvements are making furliitflufi in tin ereatesi quantity the finest tfp9ttnt tnar mt ur u nisvt wr w t and as it is near the surface the expense of deliver big anv quantity at ihe mills for grinding will not exceed 5s em nnc the ton the western ttoild will be furnished win plaster at one half the present charge and the eotipanv will benefit by the sale of milling privileges in manufacture it as well as the toll which at a inottate nite will add ui per cvuu to the stock add u tills the immense quantities ul pitie 01k walnut nid cherry timber the improve ment will find marie f capital of the compa ny will be soon renrned to say nothing of the vil lage lois that will b held and made to advance 1uo per cent at the lor- and dams where the hydrau lic power hi all srnous will be epial to one thou sand horse lor all uechanical purposes 1 of the country vvher milling privileges arc iremely scarce nn impossible lo be had of waicr brautfm wttffltrf- the whole press ofupper canada liberal or tory with but five exceptions the advocate of course the jesuitical corespondent the drivelling spectator the reformer and the liberal deny the slanderous imputation upon the loyalty of the pco pic and none appear to us to speak with more warmth on the subject than the liberal party itself onunty meetings have been called aial numerous addresses will soon belaid at the foot ofthe throne as5urinc his majesty of the complete falsehood ol the statement advanced by lite hun member for middlesex- twelve hundred signatures were pro cured iu six hours at toronto to mi addressdepre- gatinff the slander and we feel convinced that ma ny thousands will be readily procured to the no tice for the gore meeting wu notice the names of mr randal the editor of the hamilton free ivew and other gentlemen who have boon for some time past supporters of mr mackenzies line of politics the veil has bcjn too suddenly thrown aside and ere his partlzana wore completely fascinated mr mackenzie has exhibited himself in his natural de formity and hidcoasuess a reaction has taken place in public opinion many of his parly are now deserting him he admits himself there is no loo ser any prospect of obtaining a radical house of assembly at the next election which was by many generally expected the press arc against him tha people are undeceived bis influence has near- lv gone and the country will soon be relieved from the baneful domination he has so long and injii riously exercised tims has this demagogue like his prototype thenrchfteml fallen from his high csrate 5s sunk himself into the lowest state of degra dation by the publication of a libel upon the peo ple over whom he exercised at one time an un bounded influence- a libel which neither he him- ftlfi nor his few remaining partisans with all their ingenuity can palliate nor justify nor have they at tempted the hopeless tank man gazette yesterday afternoon about five o a fire broke out in the stable of mr- laframboise in rear of the sunday market which quickly communica ted with ihe dwelling houae and consumed the same together with outbuildings in a very short space of time this unfortunate occurrence like so many others arose from a man having been in the hayloft with a lighted pipe at ten oclock there- mains were burning i fire engines wore again called and the security of the neighborhood spee dily established mm herald yesterday afternoon mr deli3le the high consta ble lrought in louis g lalauc the prisoner we have before had occasion to mention as being ac cused of forgery as being liberated on hail having escaped from that hail and being overtaken in the slates by mr dorwin and lodged in malone pri son mr oelislc had allowed the prisoner every indulgence on the road and also alter his arrival in montreal lalanne was sensible that he had in gratiated himself and having been taken to the court hou0 10 be examined before the uiairist rates he politely wished mr delisle oil night at the en trance of the gaol iire then taking advantage of mr dclislcv unguarded confidence he immediately started as castas he could run down the new mar ket as the prisoner outran mr delisle he would probably have escaped but for the accidental pre sence ot a volinff man of the nam of j aubrev ille adminstralion had relieved them from their embar rassment his lordship thereupon informed the house tliat a lay commission had been issued the object of which vvas most distinctly to authorise and direct such information to be obtained as will lerd to a fair distribution of church property in ireteed the commissioners nre directed to report ftdvrate information essentially requsite in the first instance on which to found the necessary legislative enact ments respecting the number of persons of diffe rent religious denominations in each parish in ire land the number attending divine worship in each parish the number and denomination of the places of worship the number of clergymen officiating hi ihe different placid of worship c under these rlreumblhcf die ministers op posed the motion of mr- waal alilmugh by the measure ofihe commission they had fully plimltrnd f tl lml iv ir el 1 win mreh e-tah- ch wan lung call for die 1 inent n itcly founded by lames mcgregor esfj of ijiancc bursts upon the view nothing can be more delightful than thus to jind as if by enciaut- ising up mem louritfhuife setilcmeuts suddenly the former bear brake of the 1 ted by the exertions of an ii the benefit conferred upon mills uttamed ibrest tdustrious ii sheriiehl bv topulat tia- ion these may be readily understood whe mainly in consequence of them a couni fains iu some places lain of as good usisanv where to be found iu canada begins mow 1 i state that y which con- a description n a part now ex for want 01 mic nam 1 him fviwo nnnoiii mr inn until mr- 1uusic came linn in gaol ib canal the commh irsi up niui sc- themselves to the nimwiiun lisluneiit in ireland the di ami animated was finally cut previous qucstioi- thus has mr ward a trflvcttkiliy inumphed in the result as though lu had carried hi motion i ts the member for ji alhan and ihe nilv son of robert plumer ward li author uf treinain and de vcre lie vvas formerly a lord of the admiralty clerk of the ordnance ami auditor of the civil list he was sent as minittr llcuipotcn- tiary to acknowledge the mexican republic and has published an account of his travels in mexico is known iu this country ho is a moderate refor mer dr bowring had arrived at london from pari he is the bearer of the nrdonnancea of the french government by which the prohibition of several ar ticles of british export i removed such as cotton twist lace iron cables russian hides nn the prohibition isaun taken away from the of raw silk skins c and the reduction ofthe ton nage duties on british ship 375 10 franc uhath or dr lnvikthe high i rev dr dovlc roman catholic lsthop died at carlow in ireldod on ihe soih of may he had been formerly in the university of coimhra in portugal fntm whence he wastransferreil to the ivofessormup bfthcoloev in the college of carlow and in the vear 1sh was appointed jjwlop ofthe catholic diocese of kildare and i i hlin being then the youngest min who had ever obtained a similar rank iu the irish catholic church his title was james kildare n see export wlm ra cured i lodged st lawrbncc canal the commissioners for the improvement of the navigation of the river st lawrence met at the court house iu this town on wednesday the 10th instant to receive tenders for contracts on the line ofthe canal from the head ofthe long saul for several days past die whole line has presented a scene of interest never before withnessed in tins part ofthe country or perhaps in the province and can alone be judged of from the has l rcen 1 ij uie and j evenii commodore burria p n arrived in town on l ndaj since been residing til urrs hotel ihe worthy coiumoc turn to lutkuid vi pc will in new york store at tin a jmrge of mr incut days 1 on him twin iul arss ne the by the provincial 1 for the mofiircqigaztu travels in uppfft canada no iii napanee camden oeaveet lake white lake c napanee has been always possessed of deep inte rest to my mind independent of its importance and the beauty of its scenery i enjoy the friendship 01 many warm and affectionate friends resident there it will not therefore be wulidercd at if i should be somewhat diffused in my account of a place possessed of so many agreeable association as the very name of it must naturally tend to sug gest napanecjs the name first given by the ftllssissa- gua indians to this place katheacroenigowa is the name given bv the mo hawk to it and both words iain told by indian not wgoify very appropriatelv floui jiulu ihe napanee mills were built about 17s foi the government by a mr collins who afterwards irot easy possession of them when he sen in hs ac count to lord dorchester he was told by that no- bleman that his britannic majesty was no miller rindaahehadbutltthemills bo he might just keen them in 1786 colhns sold utm 10 mr carj- wnght m the possession of whose family thev remain on uieir first erection these were the tmllo in ibis part ofthe country and grist was brought 10 them from belleville and even from the carry mgflace a diitancc of about 60 mile until within the last two or three yours napanee still only 11 as 11 pro y wu io be settled the beaver lake and white lake both of which are connected with the salmon river next claimed my attention there arc very few people even of those who have been long settled iu canada who overheard of the very existence of these remarka ble bodies of water they arc distant from mr mcgregors mills only four or live miles the woods winch intervene being ii i led by a variety ol odorous plants we accordingly move along regaled by the delightful perfumes which they cunt the dapple grey which i bestrode- slackened his pace and even the faithful blount ceased to daah into the woodd after the numberless partridges which drum med about tisill all directions hot would every now and again lay himself down and a i passed h would fix his large intelligent eyes upon me m even he were conscious of the delightful odut ceeding from these wood the denver lake lonely and sequeslerod as it is has already several clearances around its banks borrowing a canoe 1 crossed liver to jones pom oil extraordinary ridge of rocky land which rillw this neatly the whole length ol the hike and almost meets another similar but shorter ridge these ridges divide the lake into what arc called the two prongs jones- point was only a few yards wide where i crossed it but it does not seem to be much wider ut any other place it derives its name from the circumstance of an miforluiiute man named jones losing himself upon it for three days it i covered with underbrush and cedar trees which so much abound with mosquitoes the curse of all hut countries that 1 was feign to leave it much sooner limn j would otherwise have done and us i pushed oft my canoe from it 1 left it such a volley of male- dictions that if the one half take ellcct 110 green thing jll ionic adorn its rurfuctr 1 up it marks eq ng last and have wu learn that dl probability re- the olficers ma rines and seamen of i cockbnrn embark for eng land in die hampshire fo london which will clear liere today the nl vw crowhav beta iimfw william demu forn ol hc kmston emahl mr murks w return to kingston inn levi jetties which have devolved up i eduction of ihe csteblitdnnutit man gazette several reports as t- le redueiiou of his majestys schooner cockbiun u he kington dock ard m miiee the arrival ol ihe 11a- ittust prevalent is that which iuf to the secretary who wrote limralty for a general reduc- ippeur ihat the cockhurn was teluded meret the couuuo jor- ni ii1 1 islec- ncu ler ordinary fi is sold ilmc in con commodoro barrio rroncf his iirtent of proceeding to tain- suishine mnl wih injn re u engluili6 o 1 saturday young man the wljarf 0 was drow have heiu w mail atlrdjuted in circulat the one clerical r the order roiu the a liou it would how not intended to be about to he accomplished so great competition for contract is that from an early hour on wednesday the commissioners have been fully occupied ii considering the tenders submitted which are supposed to amount 1200 or 1500 and arc under stood generally to be as lowor under the estimate of ihe work l to the time of our papers going to press the commissioners had not declared any ofthe contrac tor and we are therefore unable to give as detailed mid satisfactory account of ihe proceedings as we would wish on the first day of the sitting of the commissioners considerable excitement was evinc ed from au apprehension that it was their intention to adapt a different route of canal from the one decid ed upon at the preceding meeting but the reasons which influenced their choice then were of sufficient weight to confirm them iu the adoption of that line as till itihm iwiaethtjulim miv l- 11 im llft nf the country cornwall observer yesterday morning between the hours of one and two a lire broke out iu the lower prat ofthe premi ses occupied by mr felix iucrcure as a dry goods shop when the engines repaired to- the spot which they did within a very short time the lames appeared to have taken complete possession of the shop hut ihe iron doors and shutters effectually kept ihvm within the walls of the building while the engines were taking up their stations and waiting for a supply of water the doors and shutters became red hot showed itself through he crevices so it con tinued til the roof was hunted through and ihe floors fell in when the fire consumed all that was left with in the building without even scorching the houses opposite of course the adjacent buildings particularly those to leeward were in some apparent danger from the blowing about of the ignited embers imt ill effect were completely prevented by the vigilance and practised judgment ofihe liremen flfluh qdv aft noou about four oclock ted mfsi unfortunately fell from mudift m bertiielos large store and litfu it wn iear ree quaricrraol ml bom before the body conic of course in a state p under the bows of youihf mans father veyed lo the monuv dangerous state iron huaiiou of the sur not be disregarded- accident a p whose occupation wit drowned htvt cveuiu messrs imolsou a his feet together civ from this and other have drowned hinisel inent lteports have bee young irih stinlems were drowned lately river near that villa et by some mismau men were unable t imvi nvntnat ga we wonui also j be found when it was raided si all hopes of recovery from brig that lay close by the as on the same morning eon- i ovnctal hospital in a verv typhus fever the desiituie vinu members of the family ctor thus suddenly prctiibv inpe vvill rift son ofthe name of lcdue that of basketmaking way iu ihe rear of ihe brewery ol 9 jim it instated that he lid he leaped into the river and ircunibtances in supposed to british whig to gumjs8furtjarxd it uoulil ih ivr tidwf ir jttrtrtir in tnki icfsqlh rnni mm sclioou irjjitit 1niirr lie itru 1 ihr pulilic with liny inort or iii political lutti- a rrnain cnllrmnn i xvty nmiou a know whether wc rc u10 au iir ni ctmin kttcrwbkh myr in ncirioin ftcwupapef yvjmt mrtf jerk jouritats tn vhhli wt answer in thr nraiive bittdin uir iimkiikin dear ift mmd itmi whrnevtrr wc uvucf his public pr- tt rilinh wonky oftiulhcf we mullbw lthnk from uwir exposure in um m air deprived olihvir im ifunabiii u claim lb jmuil s u wh w m a iu 01 temporary dei ugc- 1 circi tfdivi vhiloi it jtetl in towi ii v at chaw lliit two ay eulhe 1 a boat on the aloutreal is miid that the boal igoiiiunt save th 1 ttt liudu t 1- and lhat the yoini emselves from heir muc l the cfleet produectt liter ihirtion of tl uppei canada by in wwjwrtioii ol the killlo letter of mr hume when hts pudcnlly uoiigmuihttw the country upon the prej they are making to obtain hidipvndrnee lr baneful dominutioi ol the mother counit- was written agahistd never haa libid b progn irooi the i a more grow libel never iilkibimiiid ii uppercanada uorc generally lepudiattd- lil kixgstos tuesday etllmxg july 1834 from the new york japow received this moru- tllff we extract the following important intelligence the iuisii ciiukcii kritaijlirfllmknt- at thj dale of our lat advices parliament had adjourned fr a biief period pending the motion of mr ward in the commons to issue a commis sion of inquiry into the ecclesiastical state of ire- laud upon the propriety of this inquiry as con nected with the constitutional riht of the govern inent to interfere with the revenues of the church bslohlishnietltf a ditlcreucc of opinion existed in the cabinet which led lo a partial reorganization by the retirement of those who were in opposition tu ihe proposed measure the change referred to have already been announced the debate was re newed on ihe m of june jiut iu the mean time the ministers anticipated in a great measure the motion of mr ward by issuing b conhulssion of the most important and comprehensive nature on opening the debate on the 2nd lord althorpe went into an explanation of the cnibaitatmcnt which had previously existcdin the aduiiiiibtratiou by the dillerenee oi opinion among the ministry already admitted to and which at ihe time rendered it difficult lor them to meet ihe tpiestion the ad- jouriiniet of the debate w08 ihcreforc a hceessnrv measure ami the kiibsetpicni reormuiacation ofthe and lcigldin in the house of commons on the 4th of june a new writ waa moved fi cambridge in the mom of right hon thomas spring rice now chief secre tary for the colonic mr buckinghams motion for a committee of in quiry into the increase of drunkenness throughout the country was opposed by lord althorp on the ground that the subject was not one for icffssiutjve interference the numbers on the division weredl for the committee and 4s against it in answer to a question from lord dudley stuart the chancellor of the exchequer said crnverninent had no objection to vntnilf some pronzaou for thr support ofthe dilreswd lniltsh exiles at present in this country an announcement vvhhi vvas hailed with general cheering throughout the house sir john campbell ihe attorney cemral fim mii tdectcd to parliament fur kdiuhorr itwl a i 01 us a jj- iuuiiiimi niqcn if o atc ceed mr jeffrey the port ugeeze affairs are settled lor he present- don miguel has been forced to surrender himself and troops in santa rem to the spanish forces pon pedro has published an amnesty and the reign of his daughter has commenced in reality it now remains to be seen whether his own arbitrary dis position will suffer him to be contencd with the mere title of regent ttr humes letter has btfen a fruitful limine for the uppt canadian public pre although a moi mifebierioitf pub- itcation it his yh luscn fttlttodsd vvith lwogool rmtllto ll has been the means of the removing the utiprikiof tlituyalty trom the rftal body of reformers athnajim to cal upon chem by their ciiemie the titrafand it bacnhobtctt the raearikofletling the people know w ho am am frhottfi not thrir true rriend having proved thfrtntfiutdfttfom aoao lu an ill wind tliit litnw notmdy ffiud is now hi tiioe tu think of rouiiteniting tftc michiuf it iim caoscj at the coming chorion the tricwi1l im die weapon so unlortuiiately ptaecw in their hands ot an instrument lo prevent tho return of ovciy nctnn who is not of tmir lr and kid ney now it shoum be ihe prcnt duly ofthe people lo pie- vent ihe accomplishment ofthoir din natter tuod a sus pectod republican u llic moumor awthvbly than an tina tory better send lr mckeiiziellion sir carnvriht tfle former will do irtfiiuhly ihe lcs iiusehief lfair mekomsi nratiri parlnrncnt he jin uhii t jinil kmwlnir llittl ihe puhlir tr m iv upon hid tcfy icu6if lie nrill ov doubly ctotiovi what lie loyi or doc ad liould he attempt the introduction of his pernicious do iii mdnencc will not cilvnd beyond his iole voto good umnlbco bo may do as his votes mut be on the libcird ide and from the per petration of harm lift u prevented by hu insignificance if mr carlvvright gaiti his election he enters the house brim ful of spuiious loyally a niiin as mr roebuck says who has the king always in his mouth hut ncrvvr in his heart a pupil of thft arch apostate dr- strachan oneofuhal party whrt wlien there was ft probibility of a few orijeinls lking diseh3ig- ird ileclarcd dial j wahigh iihw to fl etuoutlfl iht dllods cy for some new pnliftfttl existence beyond the reach of any and every ignorainu whom the political hjltcn of the day rniht chance to elcvat to the chair of the colonial office or in other words it wfts high time lo think of rebellion if lb mother country presumed to infcimcddlu with uie acts of loo junto at toronto- such a nun has t tenfold power to do mischief because he ts not tfispocled wc pihe for a monicnt lo cottftitlor he difluienc between mr mckcnziescfime and the crime of lr trawhans nartv the lot merlins pivul himself a trailer u i nj coun try wc grant but not an imialtlid roitur it i a matter of great doubt whetln r mi morentlo ever received one penny ofthe public money f that lie did not hardly cam the latter hiv nil tl- iu bcj inuo rehptof immense suiosof pub- lie money aud large grants of land have enjoyed exclusively evciy place in the power of the crown lo grant and have lived as it were upon the fat of die land and jet the moment these possessions are endangered the first wsrd in their mouths ii rebellion adding ihe crime of ingratitude to the greater one of treason it mjxy bo said that the party arc not accountable for the actions of mr gtirimt to which we answer that the ex pressions of messrs boulton and llagennan peifectly explain ed ibtflr meaning and thai ihe encouiagcment which mr gur- ncit received both before and after n rmnsonabk publication fully justify the public in the conclusion thru he would not have uttered what he did if ho had not been prompted and support- hbv ns superior ill as mr mckenz may have acted hi crime is venial compared to that of the l we therefore say to the people ifyou have to choose be- ivoenaman suspected of republican principles and an illra tory give the former the preference if tic misbdiavc vou can oasily get rid of him butifihc oihorgain foot en the houc he nnkes his part so strong by his undue influence that it is ten to one il he bo ever removed take case in point dr morrison is a candidate fut one ofthe hidings of york puncul is ftrtnlc ton ft lir morrison is a thick supporter of mr mekentio yet wo ttj vote for h feroncotohc other he will do the less harm get tid of htm when you ivrsb t hlnngthcii himsclffthal hke mr all parties despise he wil where middl ins op- oud ihin ni in pre rm and you can no mlliei if elected will si htnn ofbciiorilk whom relun hut wot for ever and a da v men come fiuwrnd they should lm supported mil elected but between an ujira and a kadual ium radical it is but begging ihe question ti my candidates take fheoxlrcme rebut lltofttctt but if the editor oiti tbe alaiuiug tin reform ere arc any oy tw icon principle but wo caw and make wo of twt nrmunenn not lo o mc w hai th tone will nx is tel olihe chrnntfu eonsidcrat jr so respcctahlo to fight iu the- public mtwb it is to ho hoped that ho may soon havr an opporluniiv to exhibit inniulf and to imwuihantifp lharj he did at vw i listen i nifox whrtbri