Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 8, 1834, p. 3

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ffce captain of which report there is now no difb- wlty whatever hi petting speedily through the ca nal ma it is in excellent order grmvitu gazette we lately noticed ihc lately noticed ihc statement mmm had got abroad of tne commiftul of mr- it mil t for con- mipt of court at three rivers bjjmge val- lifires we now iny before our render the particu lars which have aiiiec transpired saturday 7tt jtmi the judge having obser ved ihit in addressing hint mr barron named him mr vauifirest and thai thes wm improper jnd the judge having further remarked that he put up wiili much from mr barron because his manner ap peared to be habitual thereupon mr barron re plied to ihc court that the judr might feel what he said but that an ru him he felt the contrary and he had received injumiccntid ill treatment of which the bar ouifht ti lw convinced ixm to which it rould hear witness tim court thurcunoil ordered that thomas rnrrvit lv shew cause ou ilu- 9ijt in stant why au attachment for cotiluinpt should not issue manttajf 9th june mr barron in considera tion of the judge haying thai he would have with drawn one of thu judgments iu had prepared ol- served thai lie was far from aurihutiltfto the judges conduct so haiuumm hut in consideration of his very kind feeling towards him he had no objection as much on behalf of the bar as in respect of the office of judge to make such reparation a his honor and the judgment of the bar might require ou which the judge having replied that this icpa- ration was too late mr barron requested the judge to consider what had been said as void having al so before offered to prove by the shwutof the court that before the judgment for contempt he the said sheriff in his said capacity had informed him thai he would be obliged to enforce and execute his or der if die difference was not terminated arnica kl which being proof that two or more judgments had already been given or withheld deprives mi barron of all confidence and prevents him from shewing cause as he could and would have shewn his honor having torn up one of his judgments the court having heard thomas barton esq one of the advocates and nttoriies practising in this court upon the rule ad order made in this cause on the seventh day of june instant doth adjudge and declare thai the taid thomas barron is guilty of a trespass and contempt hy him committed in the lace of this court on the said seventh day of this pre sent month of june and thereupon all and singular the premises being seen and fully understood by the court it is considered that the said thomas bar ren be forth with apprcheuded hi bis body and im prisoned in the common goal of ibi ljjstnctj for and during the term of forty days and that upon the expiration of the said term the said thomas bflftofl filial uc uisiiuiiiicil iltruld tho chronicle iloiiroui of porpoluating i cognomen of lyuig miy choobo to call any iiatomcnu garbled which wo publuh in relation to tho steam boat wm aterg wo were very aiphcit and declared our conviction that on important breach of contract hod boon committed while at tho mmc umo wo wero of opinion that maucm had bcn much over- rtatcd wo also publicly called upon gapl john on to givo his account of tho truo circumstance silcuco from j inouutablo mil 13 like dying men catching at a draw tho last chronicle mill italics a certificate from three gwiucmon of perth having rla uon to tho hiigernmntto dispute this cflriificacft if it prove anything proven thui mr steward word iar not to bo be- lievod for the letter published aomo few week ngo in ilio chronicle and tho extract in hij own examiner written imme diately ftflcrdto transaction which wo republish to day arv in direct opposition to each gmt tumi or mr kinnok ro tiurnrn 11 hi lnrdtihip having commented en tho evidence and ex plained tho lawtotho jtiiy in a very ablo manner they retired olid inn tow minutes returned wltll uvunlluof notyuihy 1 as the prisoner wm about to bo ehudtttttutl i oimitftoumca occurred in ulcculirl which rulltitmn- fuumgtui iitinv wo were among thu number ofiscmrtt and mount to animadvert on tho subject vcrv sovoicly but mtlloakwhl hohokable has since been puliliclyi mule wo shall lake no further notice of it we nviiriuu it now with no other view than that tho geitlemeu who felt hurt and who hail ka the town before the close of tho court may know that a full and satisfactory atonement was offered grand island in tho nmgtua itivcr abuvo tho fall noar hho american side having last year becmne the property of nomu gentlemen of capital at ditaloa it settlement and ini frovennut inee ttcgu riptdlv advancing under highly aurora iu atuntco it i mcilitmed hv u l paper that a ivnu- ttlul littki village wliite iiavpiia called we prwuiuc ufter he hon stephen white r of lfoslon one if tho principal pro prietors of the island has already sprung up on the east bank nand a population of nearly two hundred is collected a largo team wmill is erected and a whaif si- veral hundred feet long with a dock for storing timbtr 1- now completed ihu harbor aidlo bo nccllont mod a steanvboatwnicli plies be tween buffalo and niagara tails mops uiere regularly in oing and returning the company intend to carry on tho buiune of budding tho frames of ships on the inland which is well fur nished with valuable timber and utter waids thoy will bo de livered on theseaboaid agreeably tc contract muru fi- the annual muster of the militia which took pltco on sun day morning lotf was in general but poorly attended owing to the unfavorable and threatening utato of tho weather a far as my absolute advantage to tho community is to be obtained these musters are ridiculous no drilling is attempted and at tendance cannot be enforced ailcs the officer io command hooves to pay all tho cots of prosecution nut of his own poc- ilsl the militia ad requires a thorough revision ib bllltisii iwmi to cohruspondenta alriiourb jnhbraffi may bccorrcci in tusmrrctarcsuponuie lifc and fijr-r- tmi hero of lvnli yctliistiovikabtotowitfalultlsechpub ikacioo thai our corrcspoodcoto rony im pcail innrnce wc rcpubufra jbr tbc iwceticih moe ik lerou upon wjiiclt cetuujuaeaiiods are rectved conditiou thenaincroio writer mai ecotdpany ue md aed permission iniurt be given to make verlkil alitrrtiuon coontv hbbtino we the ondcrsujttai frecboljcre ofuc cooriy offrooteoae do here by request tbo alteojlukc r the freeiodcrb otsaw coaaty at a mobile moeiinsof the etioni of frontnnc to be hcw at die ian ofjur joha swiaer jnrnermr jaracnosfrrir 4ill9 on friday live hojdsyol jlyocitu recdsidrr iik wcribcfihr cndti1ates nomlaatedal the iwo brmer meeiiags find io nominate olkn if ogrccabie to uw wisb efo msjoriiy ofthc ctetors stttic rruuinej mcviiog ctchair tobcuvkioat twelve oclock jobn blake bukcy waierv job a fennison pelfrrswittm do ml 14 nclotro v- it jsmc darni luke barrel rooert smytlt willisin sllilkiflftg lougkboroagb june 17ui iv31 john suloer jnr jttmes civshii tseorge aency luwrencc sins imer acacy jiflm proemait imfeliaelobrfen ttrriskisitbiisri jij0brko kinqstot tuesday ecicmxg july b 1934 we have new s from europe to the 26th mny two days later than the last advices the following arc extracts latest from england the treaty between the four powers although ratified by ciueen donna marias iovcrnment hud pot been received from lisbon at london but was hourly expectwd by the county of pembroke steamer the ttriiitfh government havedctermined that all foriegn papers shall bo admitted into england oil payment of three half pence for each paper letters from madrid at luudun on the 21th an nounce that the ratification of the treaty of don pe dro had been received there the petition of ihc dissenters for relief and of their opponents for the protection of the established church occupied no inconsiderable portion of the time and attention ofthc british parliament the earl omtarrowby ou presenting petitions for the protection of the church admitted that the real grievances of ihc dissenters ought as far as practicable tube redressed cut he called upon iheir lordships to lafcc care that they dd not place that body in the vantitac ground by which they might be enabled tocontiuue die attack that thoy had avowedly made against the established church he trusted that their lordships would agree with him and not give their assent to any thing ibat would endanger the safety of tlrat fabric the last accounts from the spanish frontier coirv umuicateno imimrtaiil event but it is said tatthe queens forcements several pieces of artillery and a few hundred men were about to be sent to the garrison of irun the insurgents are constantly on the march in general they are badly equipped hut arc full ofardout the uim-ii- troop are equally filled with energy aud zeal but the carlit chiefs lake every precaution to avoid decisive actions and they succeed in doing 60 madrid may il the delay of convocation of the coiteziy generally attributed to the premier martinez de la ross who finds great difficulty he provincial diisious tho itfut of march di j not pui over eo quietly nor no ka- aantly a hontoofour corrcpnlontacarcl to think on tlio 2d july tho hero of perth mr john stewart duly ar rived in kingston hut pawd on up the bay on saturday nwfniuglia raturnod to town and about twclvo oclock wc recuived u cliallehgo written by himseff demanding immediate satisfaction threatening a disagreeable alternative in qbsc of refiml as it it our intention to lay thii letter beforo tho grand jury attho next amizes we shall not publish it at pre sent bat rohttq it ns a dclcctatlo and literary honno bnurlic to tho challcago however wo paid no attention fighting dual with every bully or fool who if or fiinciea hiinsulf of- rum i out of tho question more particularly in urn cae where tho rank of tho challenger in society or public estimation does not enable him to call out any person ubovo tho degree ol a shoeblack returning towards homo about past two o clock wc bicpprd into ft store adjoining the commercial ho tel and was almost immediately beset by mr stowart and a hagcrinauile mob anxious to sec the fun the hero march ed in front accompanied by a friend and was followed io rear by his respectable atsociatau unwilling to be dodged we beg ged tho loan of a cudgel but were unablo to procure one un armed as wo were to sally out and fight mr stowart with our liste for the especial gratification of mr hagcimanond his po litical party was an act to bo performed only by a madman discretion i said to be the better part of valor and therefore leaving the store by a private cntrarco wo returned home this inglorious retreat put tho valiant hero and his party into high spirit they began to vapor about tho hotel and streets rtiifttay tad itiuwtf tsm iwhttftwtcwry uta ftlgiifti mann election iuclf could not have pleased them moro not wishing howover to bo assaulted in the streets nor to bo de barred ii in pursuing uur ordinary avocations we ehortlv left home iu mraliof tho citil power oflliis event tho heio was soon awnro leaving his tail at the corner he entered die printing olhce and harrongucd tho boys telling them who he was and what he meant to do at there were but four boys and two women in tho house he had it all his own way somo time afterwards he rchirnod again and addressed mrs darker telling hoi he camo from perth cither to fight or chas tise her hutbund and mado uc of such language that it was will great difficulty tho boy restrained themselves from duck- ing bitn with dirty lyo this happened while wo were seek ing tho assistance of a magistrate owing to sundry acciden ts causes a warrant for his apprehension was not procured un til six oclock when tie was taken into custody and beld to bail upon the bravery of lhe proceedings there can be but ono opinion had this man meant to fight in reality ho would never have declared his intontioftfc month beforehand nor would ho havo employed the gentleman ho did to bring his challenge of our intention to refuse his or any other mans request to fight a duel ho was perfectly cogrnsant since the i sainota anoinorlttinogfraltylcnown na31ieen publish- 6din last tuesdays wine the challenge to us then was a nerd hero ofbraggadocia worthy of tho sourco from which it emanated to state his intention to tho wife of challenged was un equal piece of manly bravery and the empty swagger ing gait with which we are told he paraded under mr hager- man windows and beforo the office doors at tho timo ho knew wo were seeking mr ii smith proves how little be a6ssc3ses ot true courago again although wo had no mind to win a laurel crown the author of the letters signed a true htooded irishman and hlftcrnicus was not so pusillanimous being well known in town as the writer of tho letters in which the epithets he ro of perth and braggadocia of bathurst are applied to our renowned hero the gentleman waited at home in expectation of a visit or a mcssagoj hut was disappointed at five oclock thinking it necessary to give the hero a courage a fillup he threw himself in his way but twa of no avail tho he ro was not fightablo just then ho was anxious to fight the man who was equally solicitous not to fight but to fight a bro titer irishman who was in the mind was not to his taste the danger of being doubled up and thrown into tho lake stared him full in the fiice the glory he had already gained seemed amply sufficient wheroon to repose for a whole twelvemonth flrdhrrnrrtwihitlhjfr wligisrmatrib reporfcrfflyftnvo ftilierv iw thirf aflair bo correct it docs not tell murh for hisrnftonany reputation to oncourage a bully like mr stewart to commit a breach of the peace because a political ottcnco has been mmd against him shews to what lengths hi partysplccn may lead him in the country which he i lately visited no gentleman would resort to brutal force to defeat an antagonist afio having been defeated hy that antagonist in argument a rorious accusation has bffl brought against him proved by the very writing of the man who is now so boisterous ifmr hagcrman did not say what xs allcdged against him or if he is sorry fur having said so he has it in his power to give a public explanation the columns of this paper arc open to him but it ill becomes ihr solicitor general ofthc provinco of upper ca nada to ho aiding and abetting a village schoolmastor to take the law into hid own hands ifwc havo stated ought concerning mr i i i i i or mr btowart which is incorrect the law lies open for redress there is no jury but would gladly restrain within duo bound the licentiousness nf the pros but while an editor is fearlessly seeking out and exposing public delin quent with a heavy legal responsibility it is too much to ex pect that he is to lie attacked in his private capacity by every scoundrel whom he may chance to offend one word more and wo havo done it will be remembered that the first offence was committed by mr stewart ho was appealed to in an aflvir in dispute aoor giving his opinion he tftoilghl proper to conclude with a public threat of seuiutjf with us on the 1st july this threat of his ins been ihccansouf the attacks ukn him of which ho complains so bitterly and will ttachhim in fuluro to giro his opinion again mulqutuiq addition of his impertinence coftoftkjih inquest an ilmquest was held at borrifficld on suturuviv lam iiipoti the body of nancy the wife of bubal uilviarr who died in child bed the preceding evening unfltfc suspicious circum stance the evidence waa veiny contradictory but the jury after an attentive consideration returned the following verdict that tin- deceased came to her death from an injury in the abdomen inflicted by her husband kobtrt tiilviei- the ntatlta ww lodged in prison this is the itwelvelh inquest in kingston and its neighborhood during the lout two month ottin the guardian of july ldi nrc these words u deeply relief the appcrinco ftf many sen- tauceh ami paragraphs ami s will articles in the columns ofthc tjuarttian during tbb prist ycar wen by nn advertisement that the h fchams infant school comnnrn- inst itttvni ww hnvcut heart the duvulujitdllontvrillc uinntl aidintelleetua qual t- lies frf tfauir younger chihlren rt hot fail tnjini ndvamnye of the prchsltt oeearinli hy plaeitiir them ttnder he tuitioji olbo able qtl llsttuctfcs as m- ubain ctmr w p cook irs returned from mon treal via the stdcau canal and will facor tho pub lic on fndav m ith the reside olius ulicrvatiun c m r 1 1 i man during ilia vnjrwti biunnf as appears a havo lum no time iu runvaiin hu m lhointo tnd heating up furuew rccruiu tu fill thr plttctid uf llic dckrtrs from the church and suite rankn it uriah with what truth wo will not vay that he hat severally promised hi iutorct to each of tho 145 applicant for tho official giiuauonn iu hid potintilu lion tho iv c7itwiiihc next term of mi cem the 15th to locate mylf than to attempt to prejudice your mind nirainst any particular place very many of you which like myself never before have heard one word in favor of the midland district and on hia account few of you will have the good fortune to inspect it before proceeding further west i came this country as probably huuiy of you have done fully determined not to settle further eat than col bourg or toronto hut when accidcutallv carried into kingston by a storm whieli prevented the steam er calling at cobourj what mas my surprise to find that the land iu the uay of uuintc of which we bail heard nothing at home was ttiperirtfto any i had seen during a journey of many miles as far west nsljwnboro us far north as holland landing and peterborough and as far cast as kingston ti fact is the laud on tho buy of qumta from its mtuutm is conccakil froni public view c very belleville notbchiif atliorotihlhro lor miranls the back concessions and luwuffa ips of course remain in some xplnred and unappreciated emigrants e oi the other aide oftlte reninsnla speedwell now slack i guess you dbrit knehr whatademocrmisifyou examine johnsons or any other good md lawful dictionary you trill 6od that a democrat government it a government oi uie people thdtfritish house of dnlmons and our house ofaswttbly are demccratic flouses they therefore form the democratic pn of the rfovero- ment ami the meinberu are all or ought to bode mocrau else where is the counterpdib to the aris- nri tocratic part ot tne government iryour umget ays he is not a democrat he is not dmblelbrthc ofhec of representing yoq in the house of assembly and none but they who would willingly be slaves would vote for him- d tictuniaiy qsfd ptq tho fullowinr ii a corroct account vf tlio ttnio tho steam packet unitat suia tuok in ruonto from brockville to kingston on tho gthjuly iut discgomilo loft brorkvillo arrived at alexandria 24 miles ut ditto arrived at french crcck 12 iqhmj left ditin arrived at kingston 24 uiihs h 11 i 2 3 3 17 20 a 1g 25 23 00 00 30 o o 30 a p 41 ii 41 ttwtimd dud act slop n uf sst time of runnisgi 0 u g 30 30 15 00 by th tiboro it will ho seen that tie uitd statm per formed li- jt-ii-ji- u fiec hours and a quarter running time without any ohnwncc for loss of headway in stopping wo take pleasure in laying tlio icttej frinn mcstr rose cameron beforo the public which hai cro uii ippjircd in moro tlnn ono newtfpapor ir auhe present crisis tarfeq the utility of the rideau canal iu unknown to many and wilfully misrepresented by other we tuem it our duty in common with the inhulutauts mil especially the ntkffiafc61afi kwsrwr v rttttyowh t may come to our kuowlcd as public evidence iu support of a truth uhjch none but anonymous wri ters will ventttreany longer locontradiet viz that the rideau canal is the speedier cheaper and safer route for baggage or merchandize from montreal to the upper province having ordered ten chests often some weeks ago with particular directions to send them bv the ki denu our agent contrary to our desire despatch ed five of uiew hy the hideau line and the oilier five by the canada forwarding and insurance com pany brockville mating as his reason for eo doing that whichever of the rotites was most expeditious we should benefit thereby being much in want ol the article the teas by the uideau arrived the first the amount of all charges for carriage to kings on is 12s loid charges ou the other five chests by the st lawrence iss 7d although ofeqoal weight further commtnt on the subject would to most peonlof seem unnecessary rose cameron kingston 1st july hil measure u pass up the i of prince edward having been a innps practiced farmer jn the county nfiyvune and knouinrhow expensive it wns to export surplus produce to liver pool olid manchester i kept htuhly ii view the importance of being as near the outlet vi mon treal j as soil and climate would allow you who arc travelling so apeedily to he far west appear to rac to keep lliis ctif irely out of view you seem to forget that3d per hujliel is 10s per acre for every acre of grain at 40 bushels per acre that their 10s per acre is ten per cent interest upon 5 which is about the entire value of well improved farms in good situations now if you go a few miles west of lake ontario you will find your surplus produce of grain 3d per bushel lower in price than at the mar kets on the hay ofciuintc without any redeeming advantages that i know here then you will lose 10 per acre ou all your grain crops i pretend not to advise you to settle any where as i have not any experience of the country but 1 would swrffcst to you the propriety of examining the laild of the mid land district and especially that about belleville before ymi proceed west after having travelled some weeks 1 have at length located myself iu the ueighborhood of that beautiful town and shall be happy to give any of my countrymen who come this way a disinterested opinion yours cc william button belleville june 20di 1834 standard al ltaih boom ftmdd uarriwcr atom itiom pnprmor und u sciilrr jsej s twtmw ft john ffoitmcrta 0 kinorton market 7vj4ftj july 8 im fmorpcrul 20 ivkvtt pxrbba u 3 0 egg per dozen 3 p 0 4 0 0 0 4 hvhuit cvrtt do 3 0 m 0 o candlc3 mouldy 0 0 a utner jo 3 u 3 3 jo dptf 7 0 jaw lo i uyc do- 3 ii o 1 9 fovr1f 0 4 4 0 0 i 3 3 turkey ttwplg o m 10 0 potatoes do- i 1 fi pork prime w- 60 9 a 66 t hay per ton c3 t m 35 0 do- domcea 80 0 0 46 it beef per h q 4 a 0 0 da mew 0 75 a mutton do q t m 3 0 4 vcnuoft per lb- 0 a m t ldl 0 3 o e 4 beef per cwu 9i 0 i pork frcsb do 0 1 m 0 0 fork do- do t 0 o 0 uoin pork do 0 0 o 0 7 flow do to if a v buitfr o o 0 7 woodprcord 7 york market ju2 4 i33t firc wood cord ita lb- d tl 3 g 3 6 i 11 i 0 d- b oat biwhcl 4 harley k 4- i 101 3 1 a 4 1 dbeom 0 0 i a 0 0 7 vi 60 lb 7 twrurto brl- 3 0 a im a 0 c 91 1 uuticr lb 0 i j a 0 10 do- pcjcwt 10 0 m arkc 2 t remarks on the montrea f ml nohtreal jult ul 134 icltor the evil complained o u luuil fiml pfu5ing an1 con- iidering tlio large lurhs of fiimv uad to tliu public carfcru it would not be too mucli to rvmct un order of sessions to fur bid tlie carting nf water horn foul place lnat year wo nt- tempted to ameliorate that abrjmlnnblc nuisance the fish mar ket we friiit n well lilto preached agaiit thn winds it is in the magistrate power to remove this nuisance iruvy neg lect it uponlhcirheudtf bo the tin of poisoning half tho town by tho use of fuul water when the purest can readily bo pro cured for the brliwh wblg mr editor allow nn- io inquire through ihc mdiuffl of your paper if ilm inhabitanta n jie town are to he imposed ui- on and surtcr ill health by bciit obliged to uju tlio tiithy water fetehed from the ftbhraarket nj i am pcrsuudej tliut uinu todlhs of the water u brought jrom that place tie carters are all in the habit of going there williiti tho last fortnight 110 loit than two human bodies wen nicked up at thi spot with a number of other dead ofleimy carcasses thcro the greater part of the filth and dirt of tile town it continually emptying it iielf and al thw place the ri fewer of the iiwkl idicltar- ged tho fishmarkct bun- held there it of itself a tutkchnt reason against tho cartcrm beiii allowed hrinj water from thence at ooen timer lh rttnuinin unmlrl fbtharo hero deposi led to jitink and create ditmii would it not he praiseworthy if our magistrntes or health tflicer would sec into the milter and oblige tho nailer to twin the walnr lioiu vuieoller place nmttifwttim tiwlhnnwytolft topplj rh unnwitkpaiv water wbicli 1 desirable ill ihir tasmi ofthc ycirl no wonder we o many drunkards wallowing daily about the writer i too ucal-til- our strccu and i t the roaon i nk iw filthy and uiiwinoinc todfiul kingston jul 7 34 i-iii- waiidering pi- u in that city no import army 3 ttutitll to rectivc coustdcialjlc rem ix tlionuiid men wcrt talkcj of want a true ame the rights of the in we caution the public against bein imposed upon by per- fonsbawkiiig chroiioloj ieal harts for gale llieecliartvarc old in new york foruirce dollars each although instiy per- sons in kingston ltave been induced 10 subscribe ten dollars for a copy wo ere informed that lg mm subscriber i this towo the iruc than hoi been otd at i dohort and wo be jifvbw bwu ullered fox a lc w wo perceivoby tlie catuutmn emigrant oftum is that tho independent freeholders of tho county of essex have met and made choice of messrs wilkinson a oiity an ihoir caudi j 1 for the next election ono of the rcolutonn is eouehed as lbllow that liis meeting cannot but jmm their disattaclpiii t the political tttuiw pursued by our lart mctnlivrvp and nw determined to support only the men at the next pfviivra elec tion who are of liberal principle bufrnit ufohi a cat a in create rovololionary principles or who ikum politics of mr mkenzies gtttion wo sound briton who will seek and maintain people 05 the advocate of juty3rd contains an article 4 columns long relative to the dispute between bishop mcdonnell and dr ogvady which wc arc- dared to publish in the wuiu we should be hajl- py to do so if the article were shorter were we tu make extract we should he told they were garbled wc take this opportunity to acknowledge that unintentionally we included the lihcrat among the papers denounced hy mckcnic fttthe gran bntaht arrived in kingston early yesterdav uiurning having sixlyfive cabin pwwii- gen on ixhlfd ainting wlhmii was the laic chiel jus tice sir wm- campbell ki fur uc di iibti ijj mr eilitor in the toronto papers perceive that tlio l per the prcteriwd liiitish tjliicr in diim am it is most jkoiomo thai ik will vuit kluumn i caution ihc public 99uit uoing the ilupo iifliisttlrtrfkitiliiy at one period thciv were no h i iniiiihcr than lovn of tlicio wandering piftflt prcanilndiiiiig groat ilriii and if the speculation turnd out well there yu uolliin liaiijc that the fame ibtmibl alleiuptd to america tn jiit rr origi nal wanderin liper iheiicved to have hovu a jrentlcinau of rink hut th ivpfjvr tti ii mil iwi h vtflr npa h will 8oon he pined vihvtlier tlm nun u a liiili oliicjr hy he iillcntion ijd liilll hy the iiiiroij i do not nieartoy tllii to say it the u wandcrinjr piper i a good musician uiu he hiild inl lc cucourid on the contrary i think i milit hut it dioud he ou llnr score of his iiii 1 talent- with respect li his uvuig the ivbolti w pail of hi paiutf to ue poor i wilt double you tiain when 1 see how thatchcuit work anriiitmntja aw by tfa rlur tho individual to whom thcalmvoro- late utayed km liviiiug to anumcrou amliiurr ttt the court house in 1i1u lovti and pro wc undviruuid irliuite filibic- lion- in leiecti hid being a uritisli tiiiccr in distuisc and it4 travelling lot i wycr lluve are both hrus oil the public it rppcar iiouier lobe a karndc iuolieiiieiiian und a lnod musician to boot- so far worthy of patronage- ho ffuc ten dollars to aclnriiablo fund beforo ho left toronto und de votcj tho procoulft of hid third evening to tho fund of tho geuoial hospital i 1 the editor of the vindicator sir i pcrren- ihntomo impostor iu bytown has imposed ppy x to iivc you an account of a nnrcttng the tnith 1 11 meeting took place and the ric vrai ird- i hul no mcli thin- u cxpatiatinp ou m vftjm r uuiwla waalkiuntcd by me ruj wchavo ir lister colony keniev alma- tiac lot i h ve lo too long 111 upper canahi to lack infor- mauun on the muv o misgovcrrtiiicni and partiality ccomn ly i niot y tint no rcsohitiooi fftire tmijkmed hh the meet- llljf were ttoanintmu in uicir choice arid in my humble opinion the whole prutluoaon i from tlio pen of an old oflender who ia better known i tronlcd james johntoh bytown labanc 134 ttfdrttldll emigrants fallow c ntkymlnv- feeling that it is er- haps rodicr o in one who lltw lint lately conte to lliir tmmtry to address himself to those ho like him ntivl tlitir native land to improve their cireuinsn j another and a strange land feelinij too ihu ii i ihmsiftttary that every settler should tiilly wfnty his own mind with regard to the advantage of i ls 1 am induced to addrew lirld in hvhiwii old vi the ah 11 no need of horn m any grutuwi from itor nny refcicn- ncut made by me toftlr mt for the uriiish whig dialogue detwekx usukb smtbowfill akd fall mell slack of hay day spcctttrcfi good day to you neighbor slack l- itow do you do what news black oh the news is capital we are go- government man he is none of your democrats just the man for us sir speedwell o slack i am surprised at you i thought you understood the nature of government better do you know what the word government h leans slack what speedwell do you ask me what government means to be ure i do as welt as you or any other man the government is a set of gen tlemen who are appointed to manage the public af fairs of the nation or colony to he paid well for their trouble and to give good places io any sort of fcllowti who will support their measures thotigti thick and thin that is what government is sir speedwell now sluck 1 agree with you that the managers of the government are or ought to be gentlemen appointed according to law to manage the public aflairs as the servants of the people hut injustice only to he paid a reasonable sum lor their service provided they attend liberally and faithfully to the intccslof the people at all limes when any of the people call at their respective of fices for inforrnntiom to treat thein with civility for every one of the buppurt the olltcers uf the government slack speedwell i never knew until now that the members of assembly magistrates c c arc were our servants isul if wc have to labor to pay iheui their wages i guess yon are more than half right if they did their duty as yoti say hon estly civilly and faithfully and treated cojntrv folks like their masters as they ought to do 1 gocss there would be a topsyturvy turnup al head quar ters in act 1 shuuld like to see some of these dan- di es up at head quarters put through their facings by the people their masters as yuu call them fa when i was at head quarter some time ago the fel lows would scarcely look at a farmer in his home spun 1 thought it very uncivil to be put off with n again tomorrow and to get an answer at the door as if 1 were not good enough to go into the house they sifted to think more of the polish of their hoots cut of their hair und lye of their neckcloths than they did of me daugthem if as you ay they are paid hy the people and that those fineries and line housed of theirs arc paid by the nweat of the farmers brow 1 should like to see ihone doiidjjra ivjvd pjjj until mitfy kwird to iwhtiit themselves holier- but speedwell our new candi date is a lawver lie knows whats what hell put ml warrant you and sec awn rcmnin at the same price but there u as little doing as can well be conceived- tho low prices of the last two years arc now beginning i work their effect wheat remains a beforo quoted but thero has been literal ly nothing doing theamrala hate been trifling the demand ttus uamwt wholly ceaied for tho ptffwt 1 ana ttin weather ha been such a to prevent tho removal of perishable article fvoub la the regular way of business we haar of nothiug under our former quotation though aiage aale baa bcoa mado at tlio following nricea 25j 6d for stiperfioo 23 gd fine and 21s 6d middlings cash- tlie government contract for 500 barrola of ho floor half dehfcrabtc at july and the rcmaindor on tho 1st september ha been taken low namely at 24a 5d guaranteed street for six in 01 ill a tfio flour from the cow de lion was smokol- provimorcs pork remains as last voek prime sclliog at yoj ntvl i lower for cash beef would command roci jnq dipj 4 ibwsf fin ciu uwi wooiacwirianil m- llian our last quntauona bill thero in nono in tho market dky ooomtho hcverol sales of dry goods which it- ukctiplacoainco spring havo been ot fair pricas but the in my dinpofd of 1 represented to be miserably ida w iitiyors and filers appear to be actuated by mtinm cation mid as the quantity is by no mean heavy there is cvr t wci ol an unproved trndo bout in fall and the ensuing smiir wr ikiiu paouvce a fair amount ofbutinesv ini hm doing m kum which is ateady at our prices sugar nmuith without change elouvoi remains ns last week whb tho ostcptiun x iho rato at wow york which bas rather dvancod dadg ajr money exchange at go days bank- uoi do private do 30dayu government at now york on london jj a 2 percent drafts on newyork 3 days 2 a 2j perccnt- goltl sovereigns 23s montreal bank shares 120 a 121 city do 96 i y i f r to ijverpool and london grain gs 6 a 7i por quarter flour 4s a 4s 3d per barrel ashes 30s a 33s 6d per too m 3 per hut 2 juj porcut their facii li v loo infant school people has to labor more or icaa to miss isiiam respectfully hegs leave to give ho- lice that the next term of her infant school com- metier on tuesday next the lflth inst store street kings julysth 164 auction sale of gtvceriesj dry goods fyc 8fc on tuesday the 15th instant and following daye will be sold by public auction at the sure of t macn1der without reserve to cloee consign- ments viz 12 crates well assorted crockery 40 boxes muscatel raisins in i boxes 12 brigs fresh almonds 100 jars suoerior mustard 7 lbs each i oases english sugar candy 6 hhdii fori wine 12 do spanislt do 12 quarter casks excellent sherry 20 barrels london porter barrels muscovado sugar 4 hhds refined do 4 hhds cognac brandy 1 case well assorted cutfcry i j y i nis t cboicc aortiitenc of dry goods embracing a general assortment of seasonable goods suitable to the market and season con sisting of fuslsiins cailtooni conluroye brown cotton loom shirting printed muslins and cali- cot patent thread fancy stri shirtingbj ouk jucottct and mull muslins ginghanfb dot- tor hosiery stationery wrought muslin uressesand cullars cotton hand kerchiefs c c 6jc the above sale will be fuund well wortli the nr lire of country merclnms ns iteinbraccsa com- llcte acsottmi ut and every article oflercd will be sold ttiritta liberal sale to commence at 1g oclock en each chiv pre cisely jl scanlan auctioneer kingston 4th july 13si 44 s ultlw through we have fiuri pctaivctu y ou say that your now ca a lawyer ciiul that he wiil see tu have iu now 15iack would you ut n wolf to watch idfdacc is r lay your rtllecp jt ijtttft the same thmp 111 toutlo to bctld a lawyer to the ilotiae of assembly as it is for a timer to send a wulf to wnlch liij heeii slack now sje dwell i iiuvo you conic yuu more lor tl iiiv own exnimj the district ol purpose pvins yuu the imi ami iu tliril yuttf al untry where 1 have result ol iilion iu thought it witfe d baa ctlough 3uu are going to vote lor ihc old mem bers one of liictn is ft lawyer what have you now to say about the noli i hptcdidll mr slack it doc i own look a lit tle as if you had coinerd me however 1 think 1 can clear out of it and satisfy you on that score you know that there are many wild animal tho they would le very uicfill if lamed yet are so hard to lame that it i almost usclcift to try to do it slack aye aye speedwell 1 know that wry ut i lait year taiiitoi a iou fo lie ran away with all my fowlaj but neighbor thrifty has a wolf which ho lias tamed which i better than the best dog in the neighborhood speedwell that is the way stack i am going to get out of the corner i am going to vote for the old members and one of them is a lawyer too not for any love i have for lawyers in the aggregate but because he is like neighbor thrifty s wolf well ta- md his honesty has been tried for many years and he has proved himself fonder oftlte rights ol the people than of his own kind therefore he will make a better member than a common man be- catihe he knows more and our other member is a blunt honest fellow a farmer like ourselves he is never afraid to tell our servants their faults and will not willingly see them squander tlie peoples pro peity- staik yes yos lie and your other member the lawyer talk plain enough tlie lord knows i sometimes think too plain for you kuo truth is not to be told at all times spedwdi now slack if you were to employ a parcel of men to work and manage your farm and you found them neglecting your business and em ploying that time which they ought to use iu looking alter your affairs iu amusing themselves and squan dering your ptoperty 011 their favorites what would you do to theml slack dang it speedwell ihat last blow strikes home if 1 were to employ a parcel of men to work and look after my farm 1 would say to them as nelson said to his men that i would expect every man to do his duty and lie civil too and if ihey did not earn their wttijtnf 1 would turn thein off in be auie uu 1 speedwell i do not like 1 democrat ot anything democratic wholesale retail grocery wine spirit and gvucral provision store marltol square nnxt door io kir scanlone auction mut the subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of kingston c that he has opened the above estab lishment where he has now on sale the following articles at unusually low prices by wholesale or retail 5 puncheons strong jamaica spirits 4 pipes cognac brandy dupuya brand 4 hhds hollands gin 2 pipes jjeuccarlo wine 2 do superior old port 2 do prime old madeira 5 nr casks tenerifle 2 do do pale sherry 2 do do brown do 2 lllids very superior white h itie 20 barrels upper canada whiskey a quantity olprime old schiedam charente brandy in bottles 20 cherts twanky tea 3 do young hyson do 1 do old do do 3 bags cuba coflc 2 hhds double refined loaf sugar 3 tierces bright muscovado do 20 doxfea muscatel raisins bflt ahnonds 20 buses poland starch a quantity of pitch tar rosin glue wlntinff window glass oils aud colors whever- article in the grocery and iwibinii i v ibokgk armstrong megar gin and

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