Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 3, 1834, p. 3

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j d lortion of the country nnrt iintler those clmim- itfmccs the bownwrfi4l bituwifjustmiud in taking purtlv hm front hi own private rrsuiirccs uhout jgffinlbrtlic relief ol tlmsr persons who were suf fering from lumiiiu mill protilcmrts at the tom- meiiccnuiit ofihe picsciusrio ucniiplied to the house of assembly fur indemnity nml reimburse ment hut ho was mot by a resolution taunting him with n niisaiirnpniuuii of ihe public money jt wns not litr the purpose of pnyinjr salaries to the judges or any other liih ollicers unit ll4 governor had made tltu advance f money not for the sake ofbenefiitiiig hiiiisoa but for thc wlo object of as listing th rtttrtiilg and tlio lets flw wretched po pulation of llie country with u dwjnv of liniusiy candor und liberality liccli dtititi inn huour to the individual the governor relying on die good faith of the legislative assembly advanced this 7000 in the manner have slated- tfd i regret to say thai lie has been disappointed and has met with nothing in return for his generous conduct hot reviling and taunts of the most bitter description in 1330 my noble predecessor made this pro- posal that in passing a civil list which he spe cified of which 12000 out ol jclimkjo went to the iikiintainanie of the judges of the land 13110 to the governor and the remainder to the attorney and solicitor general of the province that the house of assembly should have the uncontrolled management of the surplus revenue amounting to about 35000 that offer was refused by the house of assembly they rejected it altogether aly noble friend went still further and ottered to take oacvury thing with the exception of the judges and ihegovcrnors but this was also rejected i must return to 1631 when my noble friend having made this proposal to the legislature of lower ca nada and a similar offer to the legislature of upper canada he received from the logishitu e of upper canada an address thanking him lor the kind ami benevolent manner in which his majesty had met the wishes of the assembly which hud completely realised their expectations and guaranteeing not for a- term of years as my noble friend asked but permanently and for ever a sufficient civil list for the maintainance of the judges and the gover nor of the province- this it was said was done on the faith of a bill being brought into parliament to effect this objecc my noble friend brought in the bill and on his doing so he was told he would repent ot the sxep he had taken in reply he said 1 will trust to the honor and patriotism of the people 1 will surrender absolutely and entirely the revenue levied by the act of 1774 in the full confidence that when 1 have shewn no in tention to trespass on the rights and limriiea of tfie canadians they will then do that whit h is just and make the governor and judges independent of the professing 13 render the judges independent but although the state that the judges hold their offtces for lifeihey abstain from mentioning the amount ol their salaries they insist on their nyhtto impeach the legislative councillors- winch by a bill brought in professedly for the purpose of support ing the independence of the legislative council was vested solely in that body as well as the right of impeaching all the high officers of the colonies this is an endeavour to obtain by circuitous means objects which they cannot accomplish by fair and open dealings the house of assembly passed the bill but my noble friend disallowed it as wholly and entirely inadmissible and he surted since they were determined to give nothing perma nently to render the judge and governor indepen dent of their annual votes that the governor was peremptorilly instructed to refuse his assent to any further bill of the same objectionable character that his majesty would not again apply to the legislature for a civil list but that govern ment would provide for the salaries o the high officers from funds at its own disposal that was the state of affairs when 1 accepted the seals ol the colonial department resolutions had been passed by the house of assembly declaring that they would hold no further communication with his majestys government pretensions had been put forward of a nature that it was impossible for any government to submit to aud the supply bill having passed the secretary of state was saved the trouble of refusing his majestys absent as he must have done to the only bill which has passed since i have filled the situation by the refusal ol the legislative council to concur in a bill which monopolized to the house of assembly not only the whale of the legislative but the whole of the executive management of the affairs of the country salaries were to be given to those officers who were not members of the legislative or executive coun cils and nttwf of tfaftw ftklftwwdta lmf fcw distinguished had held their situations for twenty thirty or forty years without having the slightest reproach cast on them by any one single person jf the highest officers of the government includ ing the judges are to be dependant on the annual vote of the house of assembly swayed by pas sions and prejudices such as i lament to say charac terize the house of assembly ol lower canada 1 admit to the hon gentleman ihat you may as well do away with the government altogether and leave to the popular assembly the whole of the functions legislative judical and executive which are now vested in the crown the judges and other high officers a district of the cauadas had been re presented by a gentleman of the name of christie who by some indiscreet word act or publication so offended the predominant party in the house of assembly that they determined on objecting to his taking his seat although two general elections had passed over at each of which he had been re turned as a representative five times he was reelected and five times reexpelled yet in this case government did not interfere so little disposition was there io intermiddle with a question apparently of privilege mr mondeletffl case was different there having been no law in the province declaring that on the acceptance of office under the crown the party should vacate his scat in the year 1s21 the house of assembly paed a resolu tion by which any person accenting office under the government was bound to vacate his seat in the assembly and they added this extraordinary provisionthat until his majesty trave ins assent to an act fur this purpose the resolutions of the house of assembly should have tin- force of law in lr33 a gentleman of the name of mondelet accepted on honorary office under the crown and he was immediately culled ou to vacate his seat by the very party who had previously stated that offi ces not productive of pecuniary emolument would not come within the scope of the resolution 1 speak undercorrecrion but from wry high authori ty when 1 say thai this is a wretch of power which the house of commons never would arrogate to itself of attempting to give to their resolution the force of law independent of the other branch o the legislature 1 think 1 may also way that if the lord chancellor was called on to fix the great seul toa writ which ou the face vi it set forth a ground which was not legal for vacating the seat that the chancellor would feel it ins bonudirn duty to refuse to affix the great seal to the writ to be concluded in our next now n bu exposes hi tmbi kg c im upon tophi of much local interest at the present moment raid i qn du more dejiruiu of availing mvnoirnruit opportunity ot duinfl hecauso of restnihits impoml imrn llio head ofthg executive oovui runout by hi official tituuliutf which hrvir- ouawribiiq tho nwtiooj wherein he out nrfu k otvn vmwv of lira uffiin of tin motion mm io duly niiiicprecotation in the first plire t will y a few wont regarding il puint which have been so fcquniiily ur upon ill coimtfcr auun o km majesty government of tho pattudaixl uiijutt distribution u it if alkdpd oftho honor and ttdployiuenu at the diposal of the crown in fan of ono particular clw of ins mojeciyti mibjcct hi the protfnrft i am persuaded iliur iho ground of tutt romjihinb flifl the mode by which it re moval i sought lor odlmtliiij firf a moment it existence have not been duly considered if it be desirable that a rule dnnld fa established for distri- butiiii the honor and employment jf the dicpii1 of the crown amongst tho kiny subjects in the province rfdiflvkutorigiiij accotdiiig to their relative ntlrtbufty it bvutwtfujulllttf fur cuit mflentfon in whit manner this object u to be accouiplihcd u it proposed id separate am divnle iota clam the iiihahi tants of english french scotch irish nod american birth or origin and in like manner to parcel out into hnrcj proportioned to their respective number all ihcuru honor and employments assigning to each class its due projtortloa f or is it proponed that successively ts employments in the variolic departments ol tlio administration become disposable tbey shall be conferred oh todivtduali of the several elates in rotation thereby tthth luliing apcuies of lottery of tie ois and distinction of go vernment i in giving effect to tlic principle of distribution above men- tioncil the nceftiaiy calculations for ascertaining tho number in each class mul undergo frequent revision with icfercnce to the constant changes going forward in the component puts ol the population of the province from the ettecu of immigra tion and oilier circumstances tlicc and other details would inevitably give rise to further complaints and jealousies but what id more than all to be deprecated the principle above mentioned directly tends to keep altvo and perpetuate those very distinctions of national origin which have been complain of ii til of which the traces cannot for the tranquillity and prosperity of the province bo loo speedily or too effectually ob literated it is not in the light in which i have placed uiis subject thai i understand the liberal intentions of his majestys govern ment but rather that the most ligid impartiality shall be ob served in distributing the honors and employments at tho dis posal of the crown and thut without reference to national ori gin he who shall be considered the best qualified for employ ment or the most deserving of honors shall be the individual preferred this as i understand it is the principle upon which it is in tended that his majestys representative in the province should govern his proceedings a departure from it in lavor of any par ticular class can alone constitute a just ground of complaint and if inflexibly and steadily acted upon no such ground of coinplaiut can reasonably be uiged in any quarter in connexion with what has just been observed in regard to tiailoul uuinj taiiiiotueiir taking irujliu m um pewo ol the practice of a certain parly in the province of readily apply ing the name of canadian to the descendants of individuals of any no matter ivhat foteign nation established here whilst the name of foreigner appears to be by them exclusively re served for his majestys subject born in the united kingdom and their descendants to bo addressed a foreigner whilst treading the soil of a bri tish colony must indeed sound strangely in the cars of an eng- i shoian in this province perhaps the misapplication of the term may be ascribed in most instances to the circumstance of the majority of the actual inhabitants bein- ofa different origin but wherever it shall clearly and manifestly appear to be the result of prejudice and political hostility those who so make use of the term should be emphatically told that in every quar ter of the globe where the british flag waves over his head an englishman is always at home unfotionately for the true interests of this province the ef forts oftbfl party to which 1 have alluded have been but too successful in imposing upon the good faith of a large propor tion ufihe population i feel assured however that a full ex posure of their artifices is at hand and that a light is rapidly breaking in upon die minds of those who have been so de ceived which will enable them to distinguish between their ftieuds and their enemies they will then discover amongst other tilings the extent to whieh their confidence has been abused and that whilst encouragement to inter tore in the inter nal affairs of the provinnc incompatible with lite allegiance due to his majesty by his canadian subjects has been held out in their uame to a neighhonng foreign ualion where that en- eouragemeut has been regarded only with mingled scorn ami derision representations have been conveyed to the mother country eminently calculated to create doubt in the minds uf lhoc who arc unacquainted with the true character of the ca nadians of their loyally and good uuq it is for litem tho canadians of every class and origin to protect their character as british ubjcct by meaus with in their owh reach against the imptulious to which it lias beeu exposed in foreign nations and hi uic eat of the british empire by those who pretend to c the organs of their scuti menu for myself 1 think it necessary here to observe tlm i tav 4rttfwitv fenfejtajl k cim fawfisuijptfijiu1 6f au party to which i have just alluded i could entertain no doubt as to its object but confidently relying upon the tried loyalty of hi majesty canadian subjects i absmincd from making any attempt to arrest its progress in the firm conviction de rived torn the knowledge i had acquired of that party that if left to themselves their own acts would sooner or later sink them to their true level of insignificance from which a combi nation of furtuituou circumstances bad raised them for a time and to which they are now rapidlv descending in giving effect to my own views on tbis subject i have had many difficulties to encounter my public character and con- duet have been assailed on all sides aud with every variety of itiault that language can convey jioiu vulgar lowbred imper tinence to the grossest and most virulent invective but hither to without having produced the slightest deviation from the course i proscribed to myclfutthe commencement of my ad ministration of the government of this province and 1 will now venture to affirm that at the close of that administration come when it may i shall be lound as true from the influence of party spirit as when i first lauded ou the shores of canada i must again advert to the departure from ordinary forms in to which i have suffered myself to be drawn upon the present occasion i atu far from being disposed to establish it as a pre cedent but on the contrary 1 desire it may be understood on ly as the oonscquence of the extraordinary s talc into which the affairs of the province have been thrown by recent events i will now conclude by assuring you that i shall have much satisfaction in complving with your derire by transmitting your address to the king to his majestys lliucipat secretary of state foi the colonial department for the purpose uf being laid at the foot o the throne mtf ue coovcoiloo l ns rrl j ij fv- firing ot rcoltiiions exprw- ivr rfiuoj hi uicpcm tl pfafeiim in hie province in uo- miinihig tturiufllm n was urccj iv enso none covcnilon tfunitd nc taken by bultor r n l r- t only two caca he rolcni tkcnittiififay ac tyimtfteltfl tftvfmln ibe coiwiiy ufml sjcnrtiiy inking ftuc ilte i olc fti m blluw t hrlarv w mr l2beaflffycfl1 ytnlthtb 41 cm cktlunjalui cy ffc 3 mr srntlni wtvto x ctflt jehnlon raieit mr prked ht m m i vote were declare i to be llii tmritbw eniiijea to ran oa isr 1 wt ll nm ceiirn1stniiiit aiimtllriimltimlictnmonbirc ofmnuleex was oloq hfttttl t by tm convcadao a vote otthft lktn lw rt cwinikyi f r britisff whig miftf kr al ike anic to ciillhrokden m we 411 lakr nil enrlv oprnnnilv ffgwff a jdwn poeiry by copvine hi fctcefchls x u v t iincvcaliootunvcauirlit c kv pucjiw ppfnvna priimiirilv in nn nthrr joprr 0unh would mia id a bener chelv6lhn- notkl u kmgsiitlx ivehlfa i wexixo juxe 3 1831 ml itagermmvreltibrtua rmm ix lil llllcl a r nlutatiott it i after repedt aamrlion by the vkroniru llml the whole acvount was b waood mr stewart of perth had been peimiadod tu forward and explain the imnsartion our readers veill liat 0l the authorit of two bytowoseinlemod bid b thc combotatiiiti of some indiiduau in kinm wc hagmukui of having traduced the iruh tumiouo el ol lthl1 anj appealed to mr slewan of that place nj tkcike of ihe violeut political character of the bucr gentleil wc tul ftwbw whcn wc maje choice gf him as a w but haviug been informed by tmdoubtwj mlboritv that was ola p of g tldncn who wuilod npoii mr hacrman lur an explanation or apology we choiu to take om sewnj from our opponents rank in pvidlrciiec 10 fafgps wd before the public tu bean object fur all the nialevv ot 1ltc forthovow ing three bwutfr mr stewirt im jiul howe cyn1 p lo our pccution but a what he ifcefl say u b b lia qxn dpmm m is not in our power to contradict u mywoil authority however respectable uicfoutfiay he from which it emanates thc only thing twfotc in p tu do u own leuor and sec whether t 4o 0 afford uficint evidence of thc truth of our avcuatiori mr stewart nys ihat oniis fluud ml cqwltryuicu was tried at penh by mr ii etman mil thenqitowi ml germju words in charginj the jury as follows heliucwiie reproliated in stron teiins the sectional and parly reeling which unlbitbthiiely exi ainon loo many ot my cuiinlrymeu and tinder the momentary impubo id winch they are frequently guillv ef tlm rflovt deplorable excesses mi in die codclohoili hecited tlat the conduct uf wli unftovenidhlo spirits was so filing to the fetlhtfii of all onjei- ly ami respectabn irishmen to nuhe hicw bluh f r the land oflheir nativity noiv there is notiig vcv atfwkhu in uu and yet mr stewart jrncs on to tell il m true that rome iibhimn ihtmiu drt in- hfi ioi rt ft7 tmt bnn1 dat vfrliswltftify ron vcrsaiiou among ilicm respectte l tenor m liw eharjje how came this ubut if mr jhcnnau m 1 nothing else be sides wbit mr 3 cwatt now rttctl in reicetto the opulngy or ixphuation mr stewart y ihat mr henry jniham and hlimlf f costally with him on the evem oflhu k3me dav and upon our mentioning the misconstruction rf hi htiruij which ome of our sensitive friends cnleitiinod he dechircd ihv o fitr from attempting to wound the fiujlinjf- oftho ijuh c aff what need of this apohiy if nothing had bco stij t tlieir is more tn this than meets the ej- and as we jlill shortly to ecdtu by town wc will enquire more parttruhrymto tlic ik u of the raie and rindcavor to obtain the ncrmisoii ol out correspondent to al low us to bring forward their niuici in conlrhliiion to six stewarts statements onopattof mr statrari hucrwc ctinmrt pan over and that is the following two scitcn- lould ur unrher at tempt to refute tins statement v ndnittu to his columns the production of any daoayiumis viilcr 1 will no icply a i willheiukinhtoi about ihe irt of july i can utdo willi tho dr himself wetfhftl pnbbh many jimmymous letters as we please and shall nut car a rtjsll whilhit mr stewart replies or nut as to iho thinl of the oittlcimuiii eoinin capt bany over us wc tu at iwhh the eori it merits mr btewait antty will not 1 1 lv perceive that we have wctl him in rid iiiiiiuv trt will ou w him whoi eonvejienl n pitrm mid iall drop lino tht fct i ctiirrf two witcrm i 01 ive lilt iilt liavc inlhwtcti ijk s eij ol iivmiwii win ii- on iliilimsl ulo lvkl iluiili mr uuemmii hm ohosc onfriikiv type ttrj snlijcrl a vmii jiinirs j in- firwuni tu i uf lie cltitnjc iiiiiht leiivr w hil piwih re- we illll5tt0ll l iiii- thc uui tuiiutit uiztitie iq1u9 a prthtkitiun tkitiir ll f i lit 2htii con- follyv ini ftuern- iinbcrj iis- uun rcunvcio the lollft cuuecieil oi king u way uf thc liidtau canal u have utomlit it o nppoint aiij to hereby appoint uul imitmnmtl inn the kideau kavigatiuu rtlitil fivtm imirolriftli khrd inm nr ronsir rrl three tlistiiict tliiiuns u the lirat tlmitn duill be lrun the ottawu u below unrrtiit uopida the second divigiuu fromaboc lttimas to ubove ihe luck at thc istiimn nml the iliird ttivitfioil from below tin stunus u lake ontaliu and we du hereby iinlier will nml comnratu that ihe fuliow i duties hltlll be i in posed and le ietl on nil tiiubcr paiu or repastint utiy ef the said diviiin first division oak per cubic foot tine per du second division oak per cubit foot pim per du to be levied on titnbe passing lu the oltuwtt or ike ontario tilmu itftcsiuk tpr cubic ltut n ui 1 o tine iu it 1 col 1roviucial reply of 1ord ayhnor to the deputation which preftemed the montreal addre tu the king wednesday may 21 gkktlkklk the niimhets but rihire ejiecialy the res- lelabiliv of the iiidmdnats wlio are miljsr to thc ad dress to ihe kin whioh yon have pinned in my hand iflwrt meteors aij those of a remarkable brilliancy have been more than usually frequent urlf sciscn the quebec uuctu ofmoiiduy last ajs a meteor of great brilliancy ttwwcn ycstotrly morning a little btfvwdayligfcv after sliodline fm onu ah utnre like a falling mar but tarowirobl much nmre lishi ti buriniiila nu- merous stats hid reficled s very bright glare ovo te laflvrtlft these meteor thieo or fnur of which arc fceil every tjr about quebec have been uiorv emmnn than uuut within ihe bst twelve month they rrfttiiii u hltoui any rortd t eida- nalion the only thing known i llitil slcmes or mora pro perly metal ie eotnbinnlion attend ihm an j haw tmvn been seen reaching tlic earth with elri0idinary vetariiy on a ehetnical analv they arc umivomj bund b hi coku ed ot lhd0m ingreilieiit utia mlmne4 jand luany imiik nc known to evaponrto ateermm iempt ami it hi cooe- lured thai in a ute ofrviipcirution lh eleiiricity wiih tvbkh all ihe atmosphere is more or k charged prudtuctlhem phe nomena oilier again from the extreme height at which they appear being wen for hundreds even thousands ol mile tlmt ufhtetfrh tor intajice having been wltlhwgd in lower canada and the golf of mexico at ihe aims irattal of time conjecture that they are bodies ghot liom the numetoiw irlliet nlanetf of our pyoto of wlmh indeetl ibu our wcmipg fcrffitf euth m but as a grain of sand on the seaslirro nor ikrald am ftc du hereby ctiumnutl uti yjrs lerturs und ollicora tluh authoticd to demnnd rnfoitenud irvv- tlw xaljolu hcve imntion- ed pujmiaiii to tbi proviftifiiitf of th wtid in pari recited act- divtrkinii aiviojvi on sunday ftfternuon last a pam- of live yotn men were mtiltii in n oiks in the llhilior wtn nwiiu iji u suddm giisl sf wind lite uqm wn cupsiej ttir the l fic- derlck hi rci and ilu whnie jive tmoiencd in the water four of itwyouiq hkmi contrived lu on the kerl of the bnil uiitil swlunce was prrurcd but a lint youth uhvw ttvvtw ofagfit iibiiwujohn bweelsuinh ihe n nl u inducdrioits curpenter in this luttiij uj iiufurliimuvlv dtowiicd thi irrian- tiuly resiut of this umleni was wilnesiccd by eiuwds ofaprrtatotimi t dilverem whkis the bodv litw irotbeio v 1nirj i um be perrtc niilillh il niir limil rrrri u wju oe percctvctii v r hv 10 vev wchavecopio fon g jmt m- tt ftflswsar vertiscr that minister hve no urmedlnu intentioi uf joining thc two provinnrft in a legislative union h7 the toronto advocate at die 29th uu nafs thai tho kingston meaitilnait v av overtaken nnri pas sed by the constitution milea from toronto and beaten half an hour in that distance and in another part of the same paper sayv ihat the kingston per formed her second trip to toronin irjm kintot in ij ltour hiciiiding 5 houn of stoppage which of these two neemmtd is correct ctt by tlie address ofmr marks in todays pa per thc elertort of frontcimc are inform d that lie declines die honor of ti contest mr drummoud still petwvtnv ifl hisintenriou of coniiii forward lor which wc bf0 eatbniltfl sorry fl ave are credibly itifonned that aluermar ifcsficof tornnln hrothertomr win leslie of eviiurttin is nlknn to ronloni the election of the me tropolis may hr stteceed c a report is ver current iu lenox and ad dinyton that mr b seymour of bath intends to iicetnnea eandiihit io renresetillluaaiijd couuttu4 the more the merrier q5 w have beensiieied 10 ciquirc into ihe rea son why the appropiintiotis of bond money for thc midland divtf iitl have no yet i cell made public it is lime thry were for by the broeadtlc recorder wc learn that on the 25th iret ihe kereivcr ge neral will he p opared to pay the aims allotted for rhe johnsioun district and doubtlews the others will be paid at the painn time e7on wednesday itut vkh may ihe day ap pointed for cthating his majesty 3 birth day the troops in uarriaon awembled on parade in the market uam and paid t enstonmry h cma last night wc witnessed part of the per- rormances of thc new york troop of elufttian wli i arrived here on sunday evoninj- the horses belonging to this eritablidhinent arc very soperl animals and appear extremely well trained three of the eforoekidcns mjasn- stewart leahy and birdsall are daring and expert in their exercises aud their performances gave general satisfaction tu the audience a mr gardner performed some jf kamo samecs jngling tricks witli as much pre cision as his great prototype he also sang two izm not wij- bittth tdtin tbc lejirilativo brincm and tbom iatrwtcd with mtn attaint ofyiving a tone fo tb public conienxwnlly ii muplbfstliciriiropercdrfttotonlinue tlbif province tb fefafa diameter ol twingm neatly aspcmble purely britiafa colo uy idawnrmimoftheworj tfiill vi ought to btfriand ami diptish iuic b from ull rvatioiu tint come auhraj uto tt ido thev mmt have the full freedom or our conatilutioa and tbe full pnlrltitn of our uw- and bo ucouraed r constrained hjwcd be tu aiume thai immutability of durac- tor kl ti3ertiil lo tlic liuppmtm of eritiah subject although the public have a right to keep a watchful eye m the transaction of men in power there eon buno rrear hin drance to the improvement and prosperity ofa countrv ifon a want of confidence in her public fiuctionatiea m tle ou n conduct tbey ihuutd atand or fall iov that i mve known you and known much of yoar aea- nmeuuon mr ptiliticnl atti irv i may lm allowed to pronounce llialuoerinofcalubcdtuoir kin- mtt the frredoio of our convolution ihao the inhabits of thc county uf pnmtc- nn w tnmmywqaejmnai9gomoa mv airwirt- tufalfriisiitltftoeontinuo to think an rl acifr tlomwkc aid i think we ahull inrir noinaro in this tunty of that non- hum wlueh would make us believe that a member of the llwae of amjiubly mut be at variance with the officers of hia slajomy a itovtrr ment in order to protect tlic loyal people of hi ttovincc in their oonitituttunnl rights lauigcmlcfneii your humble ftorvant pilbttuift 2slh may 1p34- j b marks myakunwli1menu aredu to numerous persons resi ding in the cuolttttm of lenox and addirjgton leeds prince edward and ilatinge j b m on lite 23rd may the rcaideaceoniiacldcai too ia toronto honorable narc boulwm formerly one ofuc judge of lite ftla- tiy i i r uf k i beceu la upper canada ttr uoultoo waaa bar rulrofisc lion society oflhc middle temple and ailed mkceetvcty iteettcca o r solicitor aod attorney general oflhis provicfce hmrlae been for srvnrvl yean a ember oftheoottieaf aweaabiy aedts ycara nero sonf in sttlmiinble cculctfpcion of the negro character a be comjnimf ituaid ttiying but a few dv9i those persons ilelititing ht uieac exhibi- iuns nitist lfhkedy iji tmr vwitk conmnl04tion8 form british u hi sin editor when you kdhrilced to the columns uf your indtpendtmt journal thc libellous slander cast upon irishmen by mn hngetinan hoj acting as judge nt ivrth in the veir 1623 and which ii nnnears aftciwirde called for n txphnuttion f in ti lb iictl uur iliuhiliiy tu uuliuuuiuutl ilk clinre williaiic being under the necessity of pub- lisbinj- the higlily reeable and undoubted autho rity from winch you derived your information hut the patience with which you have borne the taunts of your political enemies and contemporaries aud tlir perseverance tact you have displayed in goad illg the srosoyaulcee chronicle gazette to i had uhnost said a refutation mu i beg pttion aeon victiotl nf lbs jkumv deserve ihe highest prnise now ftlniufil oil the last day and at the twelfth hour too coiner forth the immaculate utican editor accompanied by the renowned hero of rathunt and braggadocio of perth the government district school master late editor of thc defunct violent acrimoniotu ilt sranillous tory hlzainintr equal ed by none in british north america in vindication of an individual tthnhc ackmwiedics has publicly himudcd from the benrh his cmmtryinen with being guilty of tile most deplorable excesses so un- kovernable us to make all respectable irishmen blush for the hi favorubl laucuage 100 u year at the will of the powers that be coin ids titl man he seeks to defend of the vilest calumny whiuthu hiinsulf in the same breath de- nonncea the sons of ins native land as disurderlv rioiois and miiruided irishmen- oh my country wool caeoing and cloth dressing the subscriber informs the inhabitants of ernest town and its vicinity that his carding machine id incomplete order and he is now ready to receive ef vat for carding in addition to the above thc fulling aud dressing of cloth will lie carried on the first rate workmen being engaged for thc purpose any wool or cloth damaged by the machines if retained will be paid for etterms very rea60nablej3 zachariah keller 4th con erc9t town may 29di 191 03 runaway from the subscriber on the 26th mat an indented apprentice named john leson this is to forbid all persons from barbnrin or trusting bira on my account as i shall pay no debt of his contracting id of i lit ir i ntivitj and to put the most construction upon the highly colored uf tliis wily placeman with his temporary ons i thh one of tiv grutrjitlx next ays ibis worthy irishman it is not true that air- llaeerman made any apology as stated by the eorrrjtoudimh ofihe whig hut it is trne that irishmen wrrc dissntistied with him and had a good deal of iseuliory conversation among thcrn rcliec- ling ihe tenor of his clmrgc what think you of litis mr chrmuh gazette fools and inoratui too i commoi tin lose irishmen are ranii ton i suppose not to know the nifig and acceptation of judge linger mans slandvroijr invectives nwinst their country and u t havo a direct and suoictent explanation j bwfflb jacob hillman i v to be sold the subscriber oflvrs forsnle an eligible stand for a blacksmith waggon maker or other mechanics the premises are good and consist of a frame louse and shop with one and half acres of excel lent ground and arc situated a short distance from the flourishing village of bath in a thickly settled countryi the stand is at present occupied by a blackjmiih app lo oscar f pool erncftown june 2nd 1834- 34tf caution this is to forbid any person purchasing a pror-fta- eory note given by me to peter p forshee for the sum of ten pounds dated sometime between the 10th and 15th of march 1332 payable one yea-f- ter date in stock said note having been paid james p forshee hay bay june 2nd 1834 343ta wm t- kennedy notary pnbuc- conveyancer general atcomptant and land agent store street kingston june 3rd 1834 31tfd fok sale by the subscriber 300 hides lirst quality sole leather 100 do- upper do 503 calfskins s r caldwell 7 cash paid for raw hides and calf skins- market square kingston 3id june is34 34tf t itii uonir c tu mjuultctuillhytiuiifcirtm4 his then lordship a it0re und so thought messrs graham and fsiewart evening of thc tiny were tasvultg uwliercd into his lordslupv presence nud upon mentioning the npmiuu tnterlained by many respectable irish inoi upon llic tenor o his remarks declared be ikui iio intention of wounding the feelings of the irish fl tiutc wero none he would more willingly si rvp vet this uhy hm til llibemia afler ull utiliire tlu nccntiitn to be a palpatle falsehood nml ap- pnils in w horn 1 tt no its a pereonajre than his high ly mvpected countrunan mr mccunifle of kings- tun whom he imploivs from thtt cumilleman s great power attd inlluence over ins coiniiniuon tn justify his friend mr hugurmnn and mat with indigihi linn his slimy tniducors yes to jtwtify the tra- ducer um1 latdoers pf ireland gnud uattic and treat witb iltdignattoil her chtldrns to gratily the feeliitgs oi mr stewart ofperthi wlw will no ooubi return umiiks when he iitr kinstim on ihftfirstof julr but which isii i wmild recnnnipnrt hmi to post pone oamorecclebrkdday tho lfhofthatmonth inm he ll be fursralitml fta-tf- bv jju3rj a trckblooded irishman- i i should jiiin hope thai on his desrending tin- canal some ul die irish uihabltfita may sti notice whereas letters patent for the exclusive na vigation of all the water within the province and bounderies of upper canada have been granted by excellency sir john colborne tj the sub- tfcriber bouts him with the mamle of lean on hb arrival ih afiair edition of much llo d to mil i bitntus may shroud and pood will so that mav be jtd without thj i6i lii new inventedjiddnttllagsjctat he thcrefure forbids all persons infringing on the rights ofihe said patent nathan sanford preecoii 36th may 1834 notice thk subscriber hating retired from hisincss fr ihe pnrpuse of collecting his dibts begs leave to in form all prions indebted to him that he intends to lose us litilo lime as possible in po doing and there fore requests them and save cost lo make immediate payment james r kimmini june 3rd 1s3l bex50n to let- the upper part of that excellent family bouse in church street lately occupied by the subscriber and situated near the market square consisting of one large sitting room four bed rooms kitchen and use ufvardi with u private entrance immediate poeion ill be given apply to r caldwell soti midiutux omtf gmttntion tibgtmaam puwic notkt to hldoki gtmt coovuudu met t the lime awl plicc appoiimco there w ere nearly fifty delcgotet prewut a tier the hhhuu wii orgac izrd a icflfftftom po bo nwivod two fay prtrfflmf to ac tflwl- cllvitcitttial is vk haw liwn elechd dis 0usuht vciir- c w drum eq mr joilm movtl abruluimvrurtx bstj mr- k drtiunnoiul j ri curtwrhhi uii genilcmtii isajik for xhe m- m juhti strane- i w itrfctv ijsij mr jnnimi nnoii mr dnttqftas prentua mr j brace keeholdcr of tub vocxty of fronthnac h oil the final reduction ofllto nival ctatlt-ih- 4011 1 ba d wry untxprtudlv ihat a tliirc will which will require my constant aturtdanre rt consortiumtly ifthroughyouttheadly exer ted m die hili iionor ot buins one of youi rt itcskuvmn i 1 should hr iitajic to dischitrc my tloty to you ih ctirulituedtft i imitt ihcrcfore dcclitiu tlic honor of bt ottlrlate fi yor mthtd at the tivxt election but tt thmiwn fiiiu a fflc cf duly i find iuv- iiiic tht iiruituti irit yvtii aufport wouid uvottfrrrcj on into vcl 0 iisnrcd i slnllevor en mcnl nt km devolve on tnr pgltll kroilcii i timti 1 were tti alliivv me tu jji l 0 oljllgttl tl 1 luidil h i icrtata a to i eirotv interest in everv uvfl wich pjraculu prwpnity of out eont far ofcaaa iu l ti- rtlitei to the goatial wl- the cifnusirfvv rof mi jiniiif auj the icaon ibrdoidg the cditu o the a cauethe uuitiu wuto not drueed to di shiill jrivt iw uitnvrr h iuinpnponidijlurt which i whether he i liottorable tu he a rmcgafio vnnkcc should lor wimi ui u most sunuota defend r yuifl oraett tmk uhat ilastidwn up th er r it it ibis tion w pcim m return iiesnoi in our interrottor ouc ixes it difrracclui or n ridecant republican irtter advocatts be thcii t we iave nradcer yarkrrrt rceoivmg hi go ireal ant inid hul w urv into ihe litct of mr- idhin cite days from lion rt perfectly eorreci 0 would h8vc hwi msd over 1111110 irtlie cqrtsinly of my being returned a die matter stood bchry 1i1u notice liai not baon dohraujicd on by lint preholdors bovontl a doubt fio witii ciuriuiriccriv tultid lalikiiaoft or tlic county fm llicgood oniiiion tlj bava bem pleased tocuteriain ofniy eiidvori v thin i ia1 th opportunity of returning mv host tliitl totilow reilirigirthrduiitt pirti of llie county who have written to im- and oho to ihoti who hnvc called upon me from lie country a ihe firtyivt f the approftcbit- election mora trin ainmno etcfcnowmsettteut is due with them und iu tin 1 with all fne mviiofihu county lahallalwayirwl plea mire in coumiiui on such ithsbuth omiy bu bait calculated tu prothok the public wvlfitie i do tkh ttrawma to point out to yon tho fittcm person to mts forward in my room as a mmidaii- 1 uut howeror lliit jou wju nterl mm genileuian of known abilities unl atrrotirn who will advocate our be interests and support uiir test cottmnionnl right in the house or aiaam- blv bcin much attached to agricultural pwauttij to the advaoco- mrnt of which i ltall continue 10 davotu my paro time in uilting bvk into die ranks with my fdkw freeholder i tk kingatoii may 20th 1351 wanted immediately in an auctioneers warehouse 3 youth about six teen vf of age of tolerable education and wit- lin to mke hiimelf generally useful apply to the editor m ungston may 23rd 1334 31tf flour cr bbl so wnrt t vjib indian cora do- uariey do 3 ortf ao 1 rye do 3 rototoot do i llav rr ton 33 ucec ir to 0 mutton do 0 vt do u tork jtebh do u i hid pork do 0 uiiur h 0 o e commercial kingston mabkbt 21 3 e7jt fdaict 0 soap 0 candida mo u his 0 do dips t fowlpcrcoiplc4 tiricf y couple 5 pork prune bl do do di 40 do wt6s 10 veitooo per lb o uccf pec cwt 20 6 tortr do do 20 7 flogrdodo 10 wood pr cord 7 0 0 0 4 3 s i 0 i a o a i 55 0 0 a 0 a a s t a a o 6 4 a 0 7 4 4 0 5 a m u a 7 a s o a 4 o a to a s 0 0 0 65 0 0 a n d a m a u 6 a 23 t l a j7 c h 4i a q a a 0 o fir h uj cord href lo ks oo cmcte biiucr lb f d ii q york market ma- 30 150j x d d i 12 b djs loshrl t 0 1 i 4 barley 3 l 0 0 7 wheat 60 tuui 3 3 0 0 7 flour in brt lv 3 17 0 10 do- perewt 10 0 0 d 3 fi 0 0 iti a ks ok the montltej i- makket wixrtespat mat 28 i83f mnwf exchange at 60davs bank do o private do 30dysgovctnracnt at new york on london drafts on noivyork 3dayt gm suvercigns cin bajik shared montiaamcw 6 per cent nono 3 m 3tt iwr w 21 per tm- a

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