Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 2, 1834, p. 2

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provincial from the quebec gazette april 23 after oil the charges which have been lavished on ihc deputy postmaster general of this province by a considerable portion of the press of all parties it must be satisfactory to that gentleman to find his conduct thus approved and supported and we feel confident that the more liberal of his late assailants will show their good feeling in marking amende htm- arabic to that unjustly calumniated public officer mcrcury we are one of those who while wc spoke to the character of the deputy postmaster general as an efficient public officer at the same lime condemned tlim and his predecessors 4m having exacted villi out known authority puuhcly exhibited perquisites on newspaper postages which they increased or tit- tmnmhed as they pcneti we are none of those hoconjplained that the officer received the extra- vagant sum of at least 2000 a year a perquisite ieticd on the circulation of ktioledice still shelter ed himself by subterfuge from all fair enquiry be fore the assembly ve are not one of those who said as the words of the macury imply that the postqjeoc ought to transport newspapers or letters fre ttr give one class of men an advantage over an other but on the contrary we said a fair ami well regulated postage on newspapers was due the de partment all these charges and denials we now reaflirm and declare in no wise effected by mr stanleys despatt it on the 23th febtuary lust nor by any information which has come to our know ledge and until we have proof and not assertion we shall maintain that the perquisites in question paid to an officer of the department in lieu of the public treasury whether a practice as alleged time nut of mind or whether founded upon any forced interpretation of a lav which is apparently not ci ted that it may not be consulted but which is now condemned and rejected by jur- stanley himself were exacted in absolute contradiction to the spirit of all the duties levied by postoffice laws arbitra rily varied to the profit uf the incumbents in the co lony exorbitant in their total amount and aftei being grasped with an avidity that showed no disposition to justice and held for several years under a public outcry were parted with only from necessity iv v learn that thomas a young lv- hisbceu removed from the office of auditor general of ac counts the salary of the incumbent ill tins office lias remained unpaid for scleral years it was lastly jirovided for out of a sum of 1000 placed at the disrttoery expenditure of the executive the failure of the upplies for the last two sessions and the differences in the branches of the legislature respecting a new board of audit brought iresh dif ficulties upon mr- young it appears to have been the prevailing opinion in the assembly and the council however that this gentleman should be a member of tlie new board when formed the duel tifr of ttntnion hrirur rrouiidfd ti tto su jmintmeilt of the other members ol the hoard ob stacles to the transaction of the btttfhlcs of the gov- eminent are commonly a hedged as a chief cause ol mr youngs removal the prevailing runiuur i that mr young about three weeks ago received an official letter informing him that its he should not be appointed to the dlicc on the fnrnuiion ot the new board of audit it had been thought proper to convey to him this intention mr noting was at the same time informed that the collciciursbtp ol stanatead vacant by the death ol mr uainiltun wtj mtihis command should he feel disposed to ac cept it to this mr young u stated tu kuvc replt- ea that he thanked hh excellency for the ollice ol the gouectorship but that he must retain his office which he held under an appointment under the home authorities it is now said that mr young was called upon yesterday to deliver up one of the three keys of the public vaults of which he was keep er as auditor general of accounts and that this cir cumsunce is decisive as to his removal hum ollice man flesh we are not acquainted with the precise provisions of the law on the subject but the pos sessor of human bodies just like the possessor of cx- ciseable goods without a permit should be compel led to account for the possession of his commodities under the penalty of being subjected to the natural mrerence of murder in the one case as nf smuggling in die other it is too much to make the public pre sume that the bodies were procured without foul play for such a rule if once made general uontd open the door to the imitalurs of the inte messrs burke and bishop mon scttm there has been a good deal of fighting in mon treal of late a vomit lawyer who sometimes keep his pro fessional hand in practice by writing little libs for the lineire was walking along notre damrstrcer niacin itml rttdituiv niigaruiiitotus in mis when his only noe was rude i v converted by unhal lowed fingers into a pumphandle which dew water copiously from the skylights of the pertilbggerv out the tear in beautys eye beinjr liw mueh for the operators compassion he walked half round the gentleman and attacked him in the rear with ins foot forces this seemed to meet with the venue lawyers approbation for he did uotoire turn nwav his hack from his hut assailant ift on tuesday night another attempt was made tc break out of the montreal jab the prisoners concerned in this plot were charles ivi kins joseph balls richard pollard and simon udell the had broken down the trunk of the urii v in the pas sage intending to effect their escape by cutting the bars but whilst going his night rounds captain holland discovered fee stratagem and loom below a shovel which had been ingeniously concealed- aroused by this discovery captain holland visited all die prisoners and found that one calamine re cently returned from transportation and nain un der sentence had contrived to cut the irons olf his 1rt to facilitate hirsrnplfjr hr lif this citv has been during the last few days thrown into considerable and indeed not unreasonable ex citement by the discovery of the mangled remains of several human bodies in a back store on the pre mises of mr perntulr the attention of the peo- jie in tlie vicinity of st vincent street had been generally attracted by the intolerable effluvia which the hot weather of this week produced however the stutjy of surgery may and must require practi cal illustration yet humau nature hudders at the cruel sisregard to decency and the recklessness of the conventional rules of society in not disposing in a proper manuer of those subjects which are made use of for the enlargement of medical science jiv sincerely hope that the arm of the law which is in capable of justifying such outrages may yet reach the heartless wretches who could wantonly sport wrth the feelings of humanity and expose to all the horrors of uncertainty the survivors of all who have been recently the victims of disease and death b after several disappointments occasioned by the inclemency of the weather and the violence uf the wind capt collinaons beautiful ship was launched yesterday morning we were unable to attend by unavoidable engagements but according to the re port of a geollemaii who witnessed it the launrh was in every respect such as scientific men would have approved of the spectators were not o numerous as on some former occasions though several ladies did not scru- shz to brave the cold to do honor to the occasion be is called the toronto after the upper canadian capital and is intended for the montreal and lou don trade for which her build is especially adapted may she prove a successful trader in every respect mon daily advertiser april jti tn saturday morning a very singular phenome non was observable from the river bank in front ol our city those who arc blessed with a very strong sight perceived as tlkjyttmoeedi an immense num ber of small birds in the air butat such a bcigltt fls to render even birds in that situation a curiosity wc happened to be passing and in vain strained our eyes to discover the objects which others were contemplating with so much eagerness by the help ofaglasn however wc at last perceived what wm to all appearance an immense flock of email birds these objects passed away in millions before the current of the light wind then blowing but many de scended lower than the rest until easily discernible by the uaked eye at length they approached the earth and proved to be maple leaver of an unusual i v large size many of them were puked up by titc citizen and we have kept one picked up and no litdy handed to usfoy mr prancis wyoit whence they came or how they got there are fjuekiiotm which furnish a wide field for conjecture one thread fellow observed that this tnilbl be the full of the year in the moon and that they certainly caioc from thence- jwcwi- herald a public spirited extsbpjcike- william pat ton esq has just finished builtliiur at his cove point levi a smzll cutter of about thirty tons with a well for bringing live lish to our markets from the nearest fislitn grounds in the river on the plan of the thames and scotch fishing smacks she i built upon a good model and will no doubt prove a fast craft will he well manned with experienced and enterprising fishermen and be reidy to sail about the 11 of the eiuulng month intending to make one voyage in every eight or ten days both shores of the river below green tfflid light house as far as cap des moots abounded foriucrlv with cod rock cod hahlibut turbot flounders mackarel salmon salmon trout lobsters c they have no doubt much duniiihd but even now thev are cttughl with thchitidlinc in sullteirut nuinbers lo warrant an undertaking of till description when the fish can be kept alive the practice of itrilih luh- enncu of lining the long line we believe is the term if resorted to would prove very icectiliil each boat has three to filuc lines with the neeear buoys and sinks and each line has from 5j0 to 1500 hooks these are set on arriving at the ground and raised ufteromc hours in the cufse of a day ami night many hundred weight of the djlerent kinds of itsji are fliti caught we trust the public at large will give every encouragement to the under taking hrgular trips up and down the river would not be without advantage as a means of communi cating intelligence of vessels or uccidents tu iheni tuttcbct gttzrftt the ilaehcc gazette oft inlay colima eries l papers rehttuciothc diniisal of mr vurn torn the office of auditor general of public accohik the subvtnnce of whirh is as follows- in a letter to the electors of the bower iowh ol uuebec under date o21th april mr yocno smtcv that on receiving the ttitimaiion of the iuveniorhi chief that his services would be dispensed with 4tis first impression was to give ins constituent an opportunity of expressing their opinion of ins con duct by resigning hi seat in the assembly on con suiting his friends however he was advised to aw ait the forthcoming tiencral election sonciirlv tit hatttl still he expressed his readiness to resign dtotild his consti tuejt sou reacting the papers submitted to them require that siep no i n letter from the civil secretary ofter- ing mr yorxn the office of collector of the cus toms at statwtend and at the snuitinie iulitnntlng to mr voinc that in order to prevent all misun derstanding in utttre he had been commanded by i li i elcuey to inform him that in lie event ol an hoard of audit being established in this pro vince durins huadtniuwtraiion it mw not bin inten tion to appoint r orii or rvcumnirml li ap pointment to he a member of any such hoard of audit no 2i mr yoimis answer dcinint to accept the office of collector at stmstad and eonveviug to ilia excellency hid intention ol cooiiiiuiti to per form tin duties of auditor iencral until the com mission be cancelled jo 3 dispenses with mr yotrvo s ftirmrr veni ce iis auditor jcueral and deuiantls ihe delivery of the bonks and paper i to the ollice tif i itifcj ill ill illiy ol itli ilif lock the custody of which belongs to mr yofxo clliec no 4 is mr ouxu8 reply to no it mtplv- scs the writer readiness to deliver op tie kty und asks for the appointment of a time fur iheaul deli- very the letter then concluded with the following request 1 further request you will submit to me iixvcn- cv that as i am nut aware ol imv ing in liny way ne glected my duty as audihir general and do not know of any aectiaiiuu havioheen bnmglil aguinl me 1 humlily pray that lli excchency will cause me to he made ncijuahikxl with any representa tions which in tv have induced hi excelleurv ode- prive lueoftlu uppohllnwill to which is iininiiia- ted without any solicitation on my part and the du- uctf of which 1 have strictly jeilormed no 3 isauther letter from the civil secretary appointing the delivery ofihe key ut eiviog no satisfaction as to the above request willi rettfti tillic kwirlmlin littrlof vouf littn lli tx- cellenrv jiiib it nllii nt lu aciuntt you m iivr lliii lie conij r ymt i nnul limn nflkti i auditor tiiimnil a a akkkuru cat ulu i promotu the e kriciim uf tin public rtf vioh thing m deemed too crcd to escape the raggamul- fin assiults t vuig k the most dis graceful placards ai j in profusion from the trf6erit press o dnjii by cominuu consent wu assigned to the cor office wc see has been with the most prefaced effrontery copied in to the advocate of ymefday it id a fearful sign of demoralization tht any community should tole rate such horrible ivfleiiccs affoiiist the peace and wellbeing of society that the lord mayor should permit to appear in his advocate a paper with a forged signature is foretaste of the crimea that are to be tolerated promed thev have but ft tendency to augment the majority whereby hisinlluenccistobe sustained wu will think belter of dr tims thoh to suppose he has ntvtted the scandalous practices to which we have ulludcd this morning wo appointed for the trial of the contested election fur t lawrence ward there has been we hear a terrible hubbub mr mmtro was forcibly ejected from the room ns we under stand by command uf his lordship the court hav ing been previously converted ititon secret conclave by ordering the public to withdraw what was mr munros offence we have not yet learnt but a before said the pasions are at work rohespier- rian times seem here to lie at hand as well as in other places tor correspondent fijk at dvnomiwtvilte on the 18th inst at noon a sawmill of mine caught lire and was in a short time entirely consumed but which would have been sacd if the unusual exertions of some of the most friendly neighbors in the world could have availed any thing indeed thev did save an oil- mill together with about 150000 feet of lumber so contiguous to it that they for a length of time exer cised almost a doubtful contest with the furious flames hatfotrru vra press april 21 1831 uillmm demorft micrllaneous canal tum all articles nf the mfltwfattflre of the united states passing upon jtfco newyork canals low aids tide water ate to be charged at the rates predefined in a 43 of the rates of toll at 4-1- inills per ifllw iw per mih the resolution nfih canal boanl on this subject not having been pub lished with ihe rales of toll it has become necessa ry to give this notice for the hilbrinatiflntjall per sous concerned t jlrgns ily fttimiit itili april l at a meeting of the undesigned sioekliohwsol the drsjardurs canal company held in the iruiul jury knomnfthe court hintsc in this city pre sent tlie hon per ktmiwn pdi not join john raid win james icshtie colin driuiunutid it was unauiinotisly kt ivier laterson w w kaldwin john murchisun rnliert c home olved as the opinion of this meeting thuinoiwitlnaudui all the disheart ening circutnsiauces atteutlin the progress of the work of the canal it was still highly worth the at tention of ihe stockholders as promising them an ample return fur their expenditure and incaleukt ble adnulaes lo the section of the country to which it will facilitate the commercial and agricultural transports jtrtdrrd i hat it be rreninuieuded not unlv to the present stockholder but to the coonlrv ai large to cooperate in furthnrinic the work by takiuir the uiipurchaseil stork j ills iiteetiug entertained the highest coiifuleuee in the lieuilcmen chiduntl ive- sjdeut and director for the rustling yeart tvn id en mm for ht- patrick holph resigned yesterday jo- tlif rlection for an ward in room of dr 1 1 la ci look when dr tim was elected by a in capt eriscou is now building an engine of twen tylive horsepower iwi bis patent caloric principle in order to prove satisfactorily in practice what our most distinguished philosophers have admitted to be theoretically correct lvheu this principle is brought into cnorif4 use a complete change will take place in the mode of navigation and vessels be enabled to perform the longest voyage with the same speed and regularity that steamers now do professor karrady highly panegyrised this ingeiiioiin iuveutioii in his late hcture at the koyal institution and nldtougll there were some points rhicll re quired explanation 16 doubted not the intelligent inventor could have elucidated them had he been present should till idea be perfected as many rood judges assert i will fleet as complete a revo lution iu every thine depending on artificial power as the steam engine did in the hands of jlatu a- lim ill ir v l vm a vovnffi indepimuiimit the piovcrbiu mioiuie of winds and wiaiher jinhhts the wind the superstitious olsailos are not lew aiuotlsst others there is the etitnmi pretty well known utwhiliiii furkniud a voullg gentleman on his first oyaje was in the habit of walking ihedeck h lnt dial and whistlim as he went perhaps for vaut of thought shortly he ihmried lhat the caption of ihe vessel seemed not t little wmoyed wheueacr this look place ulfltough he wasileiit upon the subjeft at length mr resolved to speak to lliill himself midi accordingly t blew a pretty brisk alc said l4 i 1j ii tlie nrfiiintol cnnlninco in wotk the patnplilcl under mlicc wnn vrittrn and allionli wc conceive it ub in 6xccciliit bad taste tiisttmicli i llic antngonil was not worth dtftatin ami moreover m public- 1 ions d tins nn- imv 5emom eonviocti any vita inn iln prrpoveftmd mill wc mut do justice to llic literary merit displayed tu ily pags to 9w much nbout the autliur vvoahl be i matter uf ujcrri- gjtim hew a pioii rler man fbi2h ntbudineub and m jhjhlication not hy mnny lii jirm vay nor m ill it be pru- jtnt to enter upon tin subject in dispute in ihe ijmiins of a political mwsfiajrffi siiflicc it then u snv tliti ilio writer dis pliy ctcnixc knowhdjc ofllitf mibyctmnlp mrid learning the iftp on hi aide fiftllo ion aic hnmht olit vv tilt great ingenuity ami the wfiolfl tenor of them would ih ajit to convince any onruf ihvin uircctitr wlm bad no other works to refer to than the vvihywahy pal of nueli defenders uf the tnttlwof protcftbtntim a ihmtr trachan we have made two or llirce extracts irwm that purl of tlie pamphlet which fa not of a contfovermiil ikiture spwkiqg of that adutatmn which llic iioraut aitd i nifty arc always sure in oiv to litcnry nrodurtimw tnauatiu from pernios in autho rity and alluding to llic cuhcjisiu upon dr tracbau uf the tore pii tlie rev vint iciienil sjivs l the polcmkal paiudilct edited by the ilntvlric and veifble arclidcaon of york ik 1 1- l ix been but the lucnhiation of uotue ohrcurc coiiumnicf i dimht tuiich if it ever would have elicited the high encomium which ccitain jour uatits have lavished upon it ttrcven ociupicd fur one mo ment the attention of the public itttt imk and title with our gullible engluh arc gcntfrally prjferrc to talent and truth hi ir- to publishers and those concerned lu the bookmaking buyincm whose irtomt depends on humoring uiis john lull piopcfisily llic works of an honhlcaud vcnble- of ft kftfht huirble hid itigbt kcvd uf my lofd aicli it one or of bit soincbody be what they may are far more priced in general and more eagerly sought after for puhheatiuin as sure to have a more immmi late run than tjie rineslproduelionsuf untitled and plebeian genius bulthey have eertiiuly in this inunce bad the usual bia ding effect on the undiscerninj mind of hit rah panegyrists r 1 bow could they have so landed to the skies a lucubration which has nothing in it original alisulutely nothing to reconi- mend it for either style or nrgunient bemte entering on tlie mihjcctmalter of the doctor parnph- ut we canuol help iioticiij- a remarkable sentence in hid in- uodtietury letter mtllhwml to tim congregation of st jattie in york lib w follow for having known no itistance of uch conversion in tllttt trovincc it eeined scarcely credible 14 a person who had bet tm arcfitlly educated lo mnturc in tliedcctrino of ihc jirotolaul i buich diuulil have sudden y abandoned llicnt and muched luimtclf to the roman ca- iholic peioa-ion- without mentioning as wc could many instances of per son well ktiiiwu o the ir himself a well ai to us who though carefully educated to mature arc in the doctrine of m particular sects have thought piupcr to change their religion is not the ir huikelf a remarkable instance of llic kiitnl had he not been varefnlly educated to mature age in tli dotriu of prcshytpianism when notwithstanding he miiiiji ith ahaiohmrd them and altaehcd i i to the m icielamfs persuasion and who can blame him for luvinj done o if he can hut show that his conduct in that rropert was a- mueh influenced by llic pure love of truth and disinterested conviction us lhat of the honorable individual whuh be condemns i thctc is however tins well known dif ference between the two conversions in qucmiou that the hun john elinjtt hfc all those who turn catholic under the bri liti sictariaii gpvenmiril had much to lose iu a wordly sense by rlmiljtiliil in ercul wherea the lr bv doing so had nil ti gniiii i- t liii it ih1 nftcr lii tlnlm to if ci birnlt aolioulu tr ml h ttt um i kail vmuiejutltoi tii tilinlel pin tni lo he turn rmiid and sued mure successfully for ad- inistnnn into tin- 1miii u jlhjryu fbe pamphlet a n t poraphtcal work rcdicti the highest rrcihl ujhwi it puik icr- messrs meufmhiuc co and is an tumor to the koiiuu ircss m iv v urn jirvi ciipiiiiiit ilmt vim iktrl v mi ppctr iirtiii iibv nllcllivit i wlliic to sa the trurii sir i ninjmt nw wlituad he ou a lair till day uliimiu its much nsyou 1cm hut whct there i a wind like this trc don t tike to hare any mart r catted a chronometer mi new piineiik bj mr dent liiw been for vct month umlvr iriul ut urven- wich it his tin bfaticvifirilw f glttw iliaurttd ol uktiil and is llimfiiin lew bible to txniitfion ur cuuiniciiiu lvuui i luinn- of tiwjwnrttiru iticidvuinl tu vluutgt ufclimtitc l uiiintr fuitinir ntni- iriev aitoihrr ffootl inlitv of the ffltim spring i iniuiwir uf tymsriuf 0ctiiii wliicli lus bven pnivrtl hy suspruiliiu the dtronumetcr itwi tne rlum- of munoih uiii dischtirgiirg it without the lrit injury to the ran uf ihe timepiece as fur is tbi triute have prowoted the clironouiutcr umiiiliiined iicrrdit ii every point of view ban british whig roronrsm to fiuxtma ii ti tjibiin r irfli nfuv ihiiuv uf krotniw lw- bv luarublbiiisdtuicsio immij iw vlmmliiy iu i i ufmay bcxt ktlke iiumucii ihe ifls-fltyitrr1lrr- mhitnv wnwlnsiiloa rflln cvnibibm to rcprtscni t- comi in am ctisitth itilriiiictik ulmlrtiilir i ikrn m twelve m mi 1ih win itkrtcck omirih vnmtfetina win jftrhmm willctiti iini ittt it fctinf iltvw uarliv mitii j kiiiz ttt tlimi liiinictt fturtr j ini ikirnfi jvihn lrvrh j i ii iiiim ii- cnitpofh im ihiilini niilkcftm vr am phmu trwifm hirf lnur if he vxijl ii iui wr moa- inciil il- i1htsin ilii ultifvtttnl 7vmm to wo gktf a timr bi he itvnar- ip ll moiir kikntduru a tbitmfh jniilniiitrlc fm arc unwiltiii 15 cnniily vhu hrrantuivw ifccy brcmthicftj pcwlibrir mtfrfhimlsmmirilicr i per thrmet rfa nikk 1 j-iipr- t ow owi ihc otrmtfh olbtthrrhc flrtby trtpi u ttir inter oppofttm iliekw we have inl ivinjr oprtlt our tabic lor sonic ilnjs a most ikwiilrtiuf ami buttttfy potm entitled hildebkam a satire on pp rj written by one john waujhy and printed fur him in knzland in 128 whether lbi be the amc indi- itcal who nvv writes lor ihc herald or not wc do not know wc iv tod he is lb same but ibis wc know that a more infamous and wc nv y blvplloinoih production never came ffrmh the pen of any iouj who rallnl himself a chritian a iblshl lw4ftflttttjrii4oni and as it isneectloft that the pnh- lic should he aware of ihc prim iplesof the peion who comes be tore them as a writer linvvcvcr ujucii wc deplore the proati lutiiu of ow ruluim bj the puhlnaliou ofucli ribaldry mill wc have bow ultligtfil to dip into the work at random lo cull lf ftlbtwiir ivi speaking of the nliilic cliurcli the auuior aye heboid thr church w harlot iucen lit alt lei blthiueis be seen u drunken round her and adorc the iiiimipu- scarlet wborc xiiis inmm preys on llic taints of uud and makes iu fvliircs diuuk with blood a ehuieh hat itm a comoilalcs ilcrclfti in amlermr wail a haolmaiil lo the dci1 ami 1 i- ill 1 loom llildcbraud in ilerjimi fftbr sacrifice of the urutt llie fullowhig couplet pchu to iu hi u- atumt the baker ttiiit lie an make his maker if kixotftox httim kfia7vc jlira k9u viv nre mill vvillinut twli llvii3r trom cudipc oil wrbn sdav nioruiog lhat loaginficcul staut vessel uw gin it ilkit it entered kinjplori baihor on her upward trip wliaicver iliflcrcnce may l- whl to exist as to the pr1eitiott of che rival bay boats hjiu nm agaiiiift theov criiu- lv of tlu splcmltd steamer if the kicsto5 bcm1 iho viwce the grkat linn ts is undowlrtcdly tl owffl c all he twohj whidinaviatc the western water mud tvwpotwh can re gard her without feeling imv cuiotiom of pleasure and to- umiment pleasure at thcsi2oflictimivalledwand beau- 15 and asmuibincnl tliat couuti so new and n poutm cppcftludl khouhl have had the laudable tcinciity to imild so tnpemlousa ntcmubobt steauiboal lhat would dowcdil tttlic unarvcnfllicirmcoimncriialcity id tint muvcrc sih hashwn rapplred wilfrmw boilers and some improve ments imeluxn made upon cr michincry wluih i is said bm much improved her spcd so other improvement have taken plico in her pupnttmj iwf arcommodalion- aieconrscdlv most mierini- s u wl llllm l lh hi iiiaul of that atfriing lniprp offt whitney who falk uiis nrwoo theactivcxsyutauccp- mqwlytac ufdwklkq tor p remark on taltthmanm5 ucv win v milhmuld tfiar tielierul kmtun jjtno mclvalauca t ir34 il anuuhiipyitiiritofmv w nw ariit in this ftmuto portion mt art globe tu ihmiaet ihc on j ttflmfl and pillhpo them ihhv iii- depths and biuirucm ofp- icnucal disputation the ifhrtk jdm hlwlhy uiouln prtper some mmtli ys r- icnit d 6w1 uf hid early creed and onibrm c the almost autiuati mcwfthiii rcmotn iirrlum mid thelitis it tojustir lrriwtw htfawj flhcwmild be puldiliel m ruhrlofstrh wrttthnt m the hts ttmtfm m sotytv tbin puhln alum together vvilb lit twotibrtiub r4vrriuui oirtrric nf htiiihtihi civil hiirfl wllfvlu iiimi1ih ihu f aec utivcttmncil was moii dtrjatd ucatii his churarn r wjtf a sailed mlbe public prinn d to cmwn hi murlili a 8 lr sirahau ulm li w tpp m nil litttorf turnoii wr miic tiir own religion- apniacy imi i d ofihr iattiunciltir nirtl tol miuatt d uahm loin the ih i uf lk cliurcli iu the hi ho think and bvnee vve4j ipiahttcd to make bread gods iliukbtaud tflw otlvtricflcnlgl od jwm vu pot into the mouth of ihc chid ehamctrr of the povirt g od uuntannfftf come buy my tvwcf a n ofslary idiift nlmir fr ivivrs hca i some dear old bones i dilvrcuuaut some pebble stone on vvheli the blumtrtl jtthm wftlkod ami wrought bu miracles and talked hume bit uf the true cross a liltlu of junryn milk nd jedj spittle some drops uf mixi blood bj jesu slicd i j uf the thorns iiil rovvud his bead llisnapkin and owr ll tt aeil and holy malhevvs great luc mill ihbldrrand ve mop nur ctraets convinced that wc bavcduu enough ljtmitv tloashittom til ihc man who wrote tliem particu- larl the hil iiril9tiou ueer was a ehrutian the book wbwhrnnliins i pc ts tilled tioin beiiimin2 to end vviili the rwoc hecrabuit of the ca hucch without 4ine sin- t rcteiiitm pidity of either wir humor mylc or argument wc shall luiheuneeoiiehhhni tra t on purpose to show bow iniih the dcfiunnnij uflllc head ul that church 1 brought in at the expense of comnmu cuse and metre thus pope ensnare men iu their trammel and play like monkeys mi a camel hittltbrantl n the execution of our public duty wchad to notice last au- tumn 0 gross licentious poem nf tins mans publishm n poem win he hud hie eliroulcry lo fasten 011 a clergyman of the church uf m 1 r m it n been task to expose a production emially wtikcd nnd innnitcly more mischievous it is apparent lhat our good friml 1 i heitms to find that the nurse sirms ufliu frieiuk aul supporters arc not so freely drawn as he cxpccled at leat we judge m from ihc following w lririu in bi milirr tirril of itcnriiisnbuut the uafuinhmy of the ruviiiutimihtii- cuuiaiud with ftuuu ti uur ivinuls tliry nit priticch r lie maxiui ui tin nnricitu ww to do ns much limmi ns juksihlc lu iriiiuu uul m much evil as 110s kiible tu eueniies the piety of the modems hus cluuierd ill tint tiny itu gnnd to their enemies lnxiue the mvv irmuiu ut turtkis them tu do so lliej iirguxt ilnir i k ns lirins recutnmeutled to llirir niri only by nature uui eoticience illinml we u llic tumling elreiions support mr rnpincuu ttltd mr leslie liml inike ilieir luyul oi- hinents the uhjecis of mir lidtcule our irunv and our wrraim xv inufi lhat iitkirntl uf being blutmd loi hnviiichuittl oir jmiiniplcs ve may bepmised lor ikivintdupiril tlit kousuui iimst lushion- allle tuoile nf iimiiilimiuu tin ul ilinr nre u rom uim hulhv leilnvvs in llir winhl uv intend mhlll to miiji litem in tin- skin nnd in mmiirar ibeui uukeil thruuch tin world i nvfr vcin that ih t i ttrrnlfi h in im out d 11 ilu lcubl uf mm fbomm inubr ihr uuiuiriiuhl nf pre- acid ittitir nitil innn r i hi thuru tsnutfi hurt- mi uhalmllwilv uu klmw iijj fai flrthw ittlu isike plae in ihe sth june oriliefiroilpp uulfr the following list of steam vessels are now tra ding to kingmou ioike ilottts the great itritain united kingdom united states qstcego william iv st george cobonrg win avery and corrob uny isoats the kingston sir jatnc kempt mmd britannia kiveruouls black hawk and caro line on the canal the following boats are in rea diness lo start the toronto ridean thorna jvfc- kaf jljcrgantt and floterprize for the hcjbrmcr our elcrtion for tol ice 0 dicers fur the town of belleville took phice yesicrdny when the following persons were uniniunted n candidates fur the ward vora of bridge street 3 l samsung dr j kellogf jll iuvnmst for the ward smith of iridic street capt ii baldwin ihlla flint knkas iafokt n a few hourgtillri tin u niktiedi zimeas da- foe the leadine miitliilitus nud ii ituldwiii were re turned for the south wnnl h flint never cmie near the election 1 helievcj ihraurl the whole day and it is til might tiiat he lost his election in con- setiicnce of a njioii lliul was in cireulatton that he bail mii he would tax the town to the full extent i the hill which fa innr pence on the pound of as sessed property tdiould he he rcjurned a deep scheme after a hard trtnle which lasted till nearly dark ikiweeil kuyntihu antl aniison the hitter with dr kellog imv duly elected with tlie majority of one or two some sav the casting vote of the returning cmbeer it appears that famsnn thought he wasariiuu nmler the irih tnercion bill for he would have carried his return without even taking a poll and it was with some difficulty that the mure pcacimblc of the community succeeded in getttnnmr reynolds allowed a poll riotwithstand ing mr samson had said hut just before that if mr reynolds came forward he would withstand his nomination and give mr k all his interest i hi d how sweet is power though ever 80 brief well let him enjoy it ir we never will send him a- spiii 1 as a scottle to tye assembly or b ctirw to our selves if ihe lour elected split as to the fifth mem ber it will he for the town to decide and these for the poll or george n ridley is looked at as the tory candidate and i think he will take it for then is want of union mi the part of the liberals at any rate it will test tin decision of the next feoenil election so far as rotmrda the town of hiieville a voter belleville april sh i8 tories furfnnm iom sale or crown lands newcastle district notice is heivhy liven lhat a portion of tlie tin irktiivtteiwriw public auctioiv nt ilit goverim imii office poicrimwwpb on fri day uiesuth 01mhv next ai 10 oclock a m at tli c upset pricv uflw currency per acre on coii- dhi n of tctiiiil eulcmcni and upon ihe usual ictiiis of imvuifiic belmoa t h vlilamiil ybwetsqx ha h vic v mmthmzm ybnulam dvmmxr smith at the eainc lime mid iluv a portion of ihe towx lots ix peterborough nnd of the town hot rciemlv surveyed in ops ill also lie ottered lor side subject as here tofore to the conditions of luildiii iliurron flmift exluhiiiii- ihc situations of ihe lois may c sren iih mr mdokll the agent at i-u-r- loiouih coniiiiisiniiit ofcriwit limits ohrvc lrm aiillll lh s sale of crown lands v sym0 vtl notice is lurcliy ffivmi that a portion of ihe uogruntcd lhhis in lie luwdtlip of seymour n the newcastle ihirit will hi- oflered for sale bv public jiuctioa iii colhornc qpuinthtmii kcttliunis inn ontlutrit- duy the ltli of mu icxi ul 10 oclock a m at the upset price of 12 gl cunvitcy wt acre on coildilion of admit tettlcmrnt nnd upon the usual urnu ofpavtiicnt a phm cxllihiunlliusiiuataioil of the los may commiwioitvr ofcmun uind office tomnru a mil 38 ltfh- l rk 25 crown lands lu the eiosuc dlstetct- notice u hereby given that a portion of the unfffluitcd lands in the nnderinertioned township in the home district im he olveed for sale by rvduc a1kt1qs at ihc courthouse iu the city of 1 oromo on rinirs- dav ihe 16ih ifjwy mxi at 12 oclock noon at mil unset price nfs curniiey per acre upon con dition of actual settlement and on the usual term of piynienl collitigwood iionnirly altii si vinceul formerly zero nottawasuia bfuunidulv at the same lime nndjdnce will be oflered a valu able m ill site with ubout 400 of lund attached to it ftitunted in the 14th cocoion of the abovenamed town ship of nottawosaa which will be pu up at 5 currency per acre subject to tin condition of build ing a saw mill thereon within he year from the date of the purchaiv flhiw exhibiting the situation of the lots may be teen at the surveyor generals office toronto or with m hit in y hi the township of sunnidule commissiotht of crown lands office toronin- april 26th 1m s 25 nojlclii htwhypiven upon the stock hubverilicd ill t ihe remainder due the steamhnal now buildiiir at lrnnii tu plv beiweeii pitmoii and montreal is ittjiiiird to he paid into the hands of a junes kq jlvamtrer pivticolt in the following iiisuilineiit9 va 20 per cvwt on tin 5ib mav next 20 on tlu20tt 20 on ihc orb june h all stock now duo and remaiuii 20th may will in forfeited hy order of the huiltlinc committee 11 norton 8ty ivescott 2lli april igcij 25 n- r the papers thai bae heretofore inserted the advertimnunls npirding the boat are requested to insert the nhne t 20th june lr ii nil tlie llrriii siikin- h u sintll immlk lost ill- ililm ti i-iiir- en liief ivili relui r hiiuii last miait 1 ul store neei nut market iii itukri hook lied ith ji roiiliiunn a tuuulirr ill vulnn- bli tiirs wlmcver flic silisiiib kiiiiraim ii iii in- 1 ul 1 piiii him rtll 1 in iimh nfliee or 10 nul rcmmlrd s mooek9 renoval ik it iiuaht iepreifnll infnrnubufricfhuac i iii iullhniliinti l lunistiiii that he inn remrd i

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