constitution kingston mechanics institution object op the institution- i this association shall be called the kingston mechanics institution- ii lis object shall be to instruct its members in the principles of the arts and in the various branch es of science and useful knowledge iii a museum of machines models minerals and objects of natural history shall be collected and an experimental workshop and laboratory be established 4v an academy or school for teaching arith metic algebra geometry and other branches of jyat hematics shall be formed and lectures on the different sciences be given from time to time as the institution may direct institution how constituted v the institution shall consist first of those who have on or before the 10th day of april 1sm enrolled their name on the books opened for the purpose paid their initiation fee of two dollars to the managing committee and signed the following declaration i4 a b do hereby promise m observe and keep ail the laws and regulations of the kings ton mechanics institution and to promote its wel fare to the best of my ability- and second of those who may hereafter be duly admitted accor ding to the laws of the institution vl any person by paying the sum of six pounds five shillings currency may become a member for life officers ok the institution vii the officers of the institution shall he a president two vice presidents a recording secre tary a corresponding secretary a treasurer and eighteen committeemen makiughi the whole twen tyfour persons who together shall form a commit tee of management to whom the general govern- tnentefjhednstitulion shall be confided- viii twothirds at least of the committee of management shall be jlfechaiiics ix- all officers must be members of the institu tion and shall be elected by ballot if any two of the members demand it x- the annual election of officer shall take place vn the 10th of april in evdty year excep it fall on ndkpjhlljpntiim take place on the day following xi the 18 committeemen who arc not officer shall also be elected for one year with the exception of one half of those whoare voted in of the lirstelec- tton they shall retire at the end of the first half year afterwords at every halfyearly general meeting 9 of the is shall vacate their seats the committee themselves voting out iliis part of their number by lot and the institution supplying the vacancy xii wlien any nomination for officers is made he member or members making it must deliver to the secretary in writing the name of the candidate proposed and it must be conspicuously exhibited in one of the rooms of the institution for the space ol fourteen days immediately preceding that on which tlie election takes place admission or members and theift contributions xiii the members of this institution shall be divided into two classes isl ordinary to consist of those who reside in kingston atd its immediate vicinity and 2dly corresponding to consist of hose who reside at a distance the correspon ding members shall pay no subscription and whot- evrr monies they may give towards the funds ol the institution shall be considered as donations they shall have a right when in kingston to attend the meetings of the institution but not to vole littlest they have taken up their permanent residence in the town or its immediate vicinity in which case they will be subject to the same laws as ordinary mem ber xiv members shall be admitted by ballot ufier the 10th day of april 1834 and on admission eve ry ordinary member shall pay his subscription in advance and sign the declaration before men tioned xv after the 10th day of april 1831 every can didate for admission to the institution must he nom inated by two members in the following form 44 we the undersigned members of the kingston mechanics institution from our personal know ledge o of do hereby recom mend him a- a fit and proper person iu become it memberofthc kingston jhcchankv institution and this form must be delivered to the recording secretary that it may betiktl for future reference xvi every member on paying ins subscription shall receive from the recording ssvcrebtry u cop of the kules and orders of the institution and n carti whidi wrlfemttle him to stli tlie piiwhgct i the institution for the period for which he has paid xvii no member will at any time be admitted to any of the roorris of the institution unless lie pro duce his card the members cards are personal and not transferable it wilt contain adnrtistr oflllg the most interest favs uviiur lie receipts and expenditure xviii all monies received on account of the institution shall be paid to the recording secretary and by him to the committee of management xix no money shall ever be pw on account of the institution but by order of the committee ol management towers op the committee op management c xx the committee of management shall use ihe revenue or income of the institution as mnv be necessary in payment of rent wages repairs cur rent and incidental expends and in the purchase of books models apparata specimens instrument and whatever else maybe required for the use and purposes of the institution xxi the committee of management shall have the power of fining or expelling any member who raay conduct himself improperly but the person fined or expelled shall have a right of appeal to the lirst regular meeting of the institution thereafter xxji the comdnttee of management or any twelve of the members by requisition addressed to the president shall liavexjie power of calling spe cial meetings of the institution xxi it the committee of management shall have the pwer of makiog any bylaws for their own government that may not be repugnant to the constitution which bylaws shall he exposed in each a way that they may become known to all the members of the institution the committee shall also have the power of making any regulations they may deem necessary for the admission of isitors xxiv any alteration intended in the constitu tion and laws of this institution must be proposed two weeks before any general or special meeting as 4n article xii and no such attention can v oflco ed unless by the consent of tfcrv fourths of the members present at the meeting storage and wltarfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mcgtlirc at the foot of store street as to location they have not their equals in tomb those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavours of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favoured with in the above line of business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted for the reception of hug- gage barton philips kin april i lth 1834 wanted by a young englishman of good education some employment either as writer bookkeeper or clerk high salary not material letters pott piiil ad dressed to a b at the officcof tin- british wjhft pbosfecttts ok a semi wfgkly newspaper to be called the courier from ilic daily advertiser especially adapted for circulation inupper canada and the country generally early in may it is the intention of the proprietors of the daily jtthrrthcr to commence n semiweekly newspaper on he puinof lliow which are issued from the offices of the daily newspapers the city of new york it will be published every tuesday and friday mornius in time fur die mail to upper canada i and for the circulation ofcluebtrc and lower cana da ml evening edition will be published was to make the coruibit on all occasions the bearer ol ihe latest news ill die reading matter of the daily tlnv of publication together with itf portion of the two previous least quantity of reading contained in oncilufither will he two pases or twelve columns and generally much more the remainder of the pa prr will he made up of advertisements intended ibr the eye of die country as well as the town rea der and not ftucll a arc exclusively adapted to the town the courier will be found to be a paper of very miscellaneous information evincing however a pre ference for such subjects as tend io promote deve lope or illustrate the increasing resources and com merce of the canada and keepingespeoially aloof from those political contests f purely party and sometimes pergonal character which are occasionally permitted to occupy the pages of the press t dw abandonment of a lixed guiding principle in politics and to the limitation if not to the exclusion ol that which is useful while th agriculturist and merchant will find in the pages oi the courier a faithful record of facts in which they arc interested the general reader is re minded that the enlarged form ofthc daily adver tiser will allow u much greater space to he devoted to literature und science than the prcscut limited size of that paper permits and as arrangements are now making to secure efficient english correspon dents it is hoped that in point of general informa tion the courier will not be behind its contempo raries lings vercd in town for cash in advance a deduction ofl twentyfive per cent will be made thus reducing the price to eighteen shillings including postage when transmuted by mail and fifteen shillings delivered in town when ten copies arc transmitted to one address a still further reduction will be made for fliat number 8 will he charged which is only 16a to each subscriber postage included to a person calling at the offive ten copies will he delivered for one year for the sum of i6 5s being at the excremelv low rate ofl2s0d for each sub scrihnr montreal february 1831 ratcs of to tl on the erie canau at b mrtinfl ofihc ciiaa b m coinjrotfcr office in tf cjiy o albanyonihc iajanoary 1a ihcfouowlnf rate of toll were rmab- liabrd io lieu of all rate atttijfgj rtnbliabcd by ftoftrt prod oo flour sftlw bctnj p0fv bmcr m chf beer niri ew per 1000 pour u mll omhrnn ml iihip rtufl i1 mk 0c0 pounds prr fr mtwerai or e- cu m ft 0 4 s 4 3 new provision stove baker egan having recently commenced business in the above line respectfully inform the nublir that they keen on hand wholesale retail 3 on salt buuwfocturnl tu tjin rtow f tow pram er l 5 7 oil fann eah per 10c pr sfflf oil jryittrt roflbi p looopoonj4 per roile on brkk mft liror eb owt kncbol o- nwnurr thhj iron ftf prr loofl hniinl permit on pol nnt pesirl ftt etp nireml cl ttmrcmil ft o j s when sent hy mail and twenty shillings deli- j the tfuitecriber begs leave w inform lire gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity that he has opened his long room and is now ready to receive cotwigit ill parties willing to realirje immediate from men cash for lauded property merchandize house hold furniture t c his ahrhtly auetions will he continued hm usual at which every article in the dry good line may he purchased at tiiinrecedenily low prices hugh scanlan auctioneer and conimisrion merchant kingston fein fl ism- 1 not i ce in consequence of the number ofapplicutions to him concerning the eecounls of the spectator newspaper for the part year lr harker gives notice that he is not in any way accountable for their correcmew or incorrectness bij whigoffiei- march iflth is for dale in lfper canada the followinir aluable lots of laud are oflcred foriatle on very rcaknwtiile tenns dfhraeilshufph timhim ii district lot no 17 ill til 6th rnnressiim 30 acres good land in nn old uuti well settled touliip cleared on both sides near o ittillx anil lniid rnad in ftarg johnstown district lot no 24 in ihelihroneessioii 200 acre good land nud near the itideau uttllm in jitiirilmi midlaml district lot no 19 in the i lit eonccssion 200 acres land wild io he good in qro i tome dixtrirt broken lot no i first laoeand pari nf lot xn i iu second nue llml acres eeellen1 hhr mtl well mtualeil likewise in the mmn township lot 3 wraid rangorc 310 acres braiirifiillv iluaicd mi th- bank of lake si 10 ervnumior land adjoining excellent set tlements one of which in liruienanl udricitv in cittttlon hume tlitrtrr oast half of lot no 0 in the 5li conotndou met of lluromario street km acres very excellent land cleared tin three sides within mile ul llmiriitz niiil saw mills in ivmxi llmtie district lot no 20 on the pene mnguwuiuo road 200 ceres very excellent laud a river runniu through it and excellent mill eeats and will soon he very valuable and probably a ul lage laid out there in thuroh iliac nflteavcr town at ihc mouth of itfvyer rier htkr ftiwroe 100 fiiagt lota a nuniher nfwitr ini and mill prix ilcgcn when there is a dam ereried tur3 ueaver river and one of the hvst silimtiom tur munilhcwwh sntl mechanics in rppcr canaila the ieam boat landing i at this place n store opened and many bnilduur nrc jeo- inf wli this plaee will evcnlimtllv he iheconuect- iutr link between hire lake and lake siiueoe appiv to die propricitoi r a parkkr york or j parker kingston nffston january jo 1s3l i k wholesale harihva and retail i- toise ilmkr knil ok siokr stkeft kingston the subscriber respectfully informs his friends nud ihe public that he has lately received from kmrlnnd ml extensive assortment of ironmon gery cutlery- te which he now oirers for sale at very reduced prices consisting of anvils vices smitlltf iteltous wrought slid cut nails etltflishi swedes and russia iron cast steel sheet copper zinc and tin plates piteb tar rosin whitingi window glossi painty tnrpentine linseeil arul olive oils ilaxiers dimonds car- penfon toou ami files of every description flint and plircussioii tluns linud japannm plated nod polished uiits and slittumv single and dou ble bridles trace and ox chains fiun powder and shot chain cable white and tarred rope kulih and phihidelphiu mill saws cross cut and pit saws hand saws circular saws spades and shovel steelyards fire irons short and lnus handled frying pans cast and wrought iron hinges tea kettles sauce pans baking and sugm kdiles 3 legfrd round iron pots bar leadi single and llonhle sheet iron shoe makers thread russia hrislles and shoe sprics iron brass and copper wire gilt plated aiid horn buttons xeetjles thimbles ufttss candlesticks wire and brass fenders dlall cover iron ritn mortice und cabinet locks wood scrows cur riejv knives trowels plated soulier and trays pluted tahle and lea spoons cabinet li foundry unices suul btttu waggon boxes ja pan nm trays jraiu and bur tin c ac english cftcftftirc chrtc if 2 lb superfine isngua glue ulb pig iron brovf a etfhgg nn iron per 100u poni pcf iij 9 on rtuvr and nu iioirr t a ou wor from ujc wtfctvpcr 1000 pwh per mijr fl on copprnh nj isdqsqfitfr ptlfll lownu imk water per 1000 pound prr miu 10 on unr hid pig k4 tflfy wwarj udc whirr per iou0 ponnbpcrnik it onlgrfthdphcryvfcptrtrtnlnarhlmoowkina prr 1000 m in i per nil 14 on nmr imoalo atkd mr- siin pttf 1000 potiod per mile ix on ftheep kinndodf ra vfdosmsc ni maut urthe united nu prr 100 pounl- per mil it on impnrut raw hje f doencne and other tnimat per 1000 pounjfl per m frnitur e 15 on howhom garniture rc r bfi hi oetwnuy betongin io fiimlhen e migrating pr 1000 pound- per rnuv ii un enru wa-gon- ulrjhp jf whi nveennnio vii neeary ir uv owner- individcaal a- when aeeornpnted by ihe nwnr rmiraiin tor the ptirpo of wttlrtnent per 10ot tnuqhn per mile v i t 5re v- 17 on mute nud hie for ro-n- nnd wtonc wre per 1000 mn i i pr mik 46 on all klilm wrought oe unwroubi per 1000 pound- per inile fmhtr 4e 19 ou timber iqntrrd rnd rottftl prr tootuhfc feet pe mik nnwill bent- on th- njne iftrried r rafl- per 100 cuue fret per mtl 94 on uotrd- pmafcj ncmhng atijmweliitaberrtdneed to inrh itihh irr und mil wuinrif lulli itnd other tawed tufl le- ihn on ineh thick raftw tu boni- exeept ueh at t uumeratrd in rejutatnu iniifi and 32 per 1000 leei per cnle 01 on tlic aime iriranporlrrt in ran per iqoo fcoc per irwk zl on aawro tih ofl tl a fat ift hoop rwwin ooxa bn broom hind- per 1000 pnundp pet mil op tvjut he-din- wonported in boat per 1000 pntnvlfprr mil- on the aaiue if tranporw in mfln prr 1000 poond- perniil- on rittofkv per p aei carried in bnou onthr miti ircucivryctl inrnfta per m per mile on eplll pnnu- and rail- c f r per m pr mile- carried in bonl tin ihe tnr ifconvryeit in raft- per m per mite 3q on wood k fiel neept mtku a may he wo in he nnuaciurr of hall wfcvh hnh lirririnpi frtuntoh and tanlmrh int ofd prr tiiitr 3l on the mrifiranporinl innfl prr evd per mav 3fl on aawri rtoft cf window lilii1a t rirntit on frunhofn- inch in ihlthttnvp rr 1000 pofrl per nii1i 3x on rotton per 10o0 ptmrb prr mile 34- on luc cnlilr aherpatid hoc per 1000 poum prr mile j5- on hocara and each hore vrbrsvol wy to lie computed 000 pounttaj i i00o l- hmi ier mile 30 on raja per 1000 pouod prr mile 37 on hemp nod loweo oin- tonrif ilrwoter prr luflo i nm- prr mile 3 on hrmp going from tide- wntrr per 1000 pnonflper mile 30 on whrnt nn- nil otsrr nmroliuml prodniinn- of the iniw lhir not pnrueolarty nperined m not tnriof i tt kh r h per 1000 poomla per nite 10 oo oerchnndine artht net nnieai s 0 o o o 1 8 0 r in- i 1imili rooiu american inrk klmun vtmiisnn do mutton do- mess pork prime mess do prune do excellent ftfa bniurr do do- rhi do driid apples york bay oysleis him flour indian com meal ouis pttft sb heans fine llnvored teas anwrican chccvcv caikuliun do exctllent ft run beer bnjkiinr cyder hi bbls spicct of all kinds ilnscovado siijur rcfintxlt puultry of all kinds c do suit scolrli htrrius- imortli suorei digliy dniiuntil salmon ronl krnl cod all which armit wgvrfier wuli many others will be suld low for cipii in addiiion io ihe above baker egan have ihii in a i nssriment of drv imios iissvauk at crockery market square kington feb 10 1834 parker fc benson have on hand and are now oillring for sale at thoir store a very extensive and general assortment of dry good itnble for the season hardware crockery groceriwi wiiicassc- by wholesale and retail at very reduced prices particularly adapted for the country trade comprising evory article re quired by the farmers whether lor domestic ag ricultural building or other purpose and to which their attention iv reqnestrd they are now paying cash for all kiluhofmfer- chantahle produce kington jnnuarvfltlu 1831 1 i w 2 9 j o 4 0 7 i ft i iii i on tl nic- ootmumrratrj or rxch patios iwlr wrtir pr 100opocnirr milr 4i on all artkk- ikh numrratcj ir rippled r to- warj uk wtur prr i0c0 poainb prr tnllr 3 on bftut- n alfiv n irnnpiratfrm ofprron nmi mviaiio the brtf mww et brc a ttkit prmll 41 h mm n tuf hrthr tnnrpnnihm ofprw ud nftvtntin the vzrir il wn irilltnli t ik 45 on uw mri i tiht fr lf ainrfunt orpff m mrtqtit tur cfc ctampwh j lihi ennol per mil- thi tkmit ri emiy iha trnaiiwmi rprri am uax knuu thr onre f l nl on htmto imlrimy frnp -tp-t-iw- p-jldtftmth- cr m srnrn canal irf ini mol kom otrc- of f 0fmi per mir on bortw ol f itlrty ltlc vnlrtmim nf prrmw- ml okvlsntin- ili- jufi rniiat n1 imx vi with rrftdot lim ftnv f vutwm ofpfr- wn on ihr rrlf or chipl ranl- hr na- tin bout- ur1 chilly fi lit lf of prnprty prr mil- on rarh pn r khi imv s truponrd hi a mai wri rwlly tor thr lranprtli tptfrrh prr uan onmdi fettmmrtwtut jvbwi gr unlwth in lrt uj rlr4y for the tnuipnrtiiltnn l pnfi i 9 9 i h w a ii 0 j tll05c uwayi to the free and intkpkoent tixctoks op the town or klntisttw not having pumwjf antuniiirol my iitcnliun lr vufiftt jutir miltrastji it mrnur of mrliuin nt fiir lib town a uw turttoiiprauution 1 now htkav that itieomplu rtnre with die wvbc of n iah porliihi nf my imow uiwwtnrn a conveyed in nic in a niiihtmiy gnd fifrition i shall pnrnt mvfrlf hi your nittlfo n tli tlay of plwluw- mv lonjc crtdeikr rttnoit ym nlitltt in l r tlim my pritiipli s arc witii knwn ami py aunelimit to the crown hfldcimntiuhion of lift ji britain iiiitmiinildr in support of whirli i trut always m uftd prominently irward iriiboukl lnrtlic hottvrtolw niiuncd wyoor number i pledge myelftu itiptf a kill to iiirurporatc iho town of kintni a bill tn prevent the trovin ui petntcmi leitig an injury to mechanic a bill to repeal the siimman- ponwimmi act which de prive the british tmhjcct of hi ttural r tr i al- by jcry- my mt active exertions will be rd to rtwhi ihc cjergy reserves paving into the html- of a dniuin church mj private interest arc inepcrably boi up with ofihistown to promote ihr prosperity of jnch will he the chief object of lj ambilion i have the lionortob- gentlrtncn voiiroblii abraim trvax kinmon feb sii 1801 kingston buewbkv- the subscriber having taken this iwbthminl on his own account formerly managed v cormak v mortan would announce to the public generally thnt he is prepared to manufacture herb wbx8ke v of llie best quality which lie will im- tad to diiose of for cash or short approved credit h now on hand and oilers lor sale from 10 10000 gal lons excellent beer from 2 to 30rt gallons ffoud whiskey likewise aliuut600gilkiisimau whis key 60 head fat cattle a qutviuty of hops the ubecribcr will make it a bnituv through the course of the summer to biipv steam hoats private families c with excellent bottled ah all orders aem to tliu ofllec in twn qt the foot of clarence street or to the brewciv ill ito punct ually aueuded to robert dkummond kingston 8th march ism sthojvo i1eeh barrels oswego beec on rnnslcnmciit c hatch cf a i vm a k c r kingston upper canada tli jfoarriccirrkai james wads worth rrspccifully informs the iiihahitattts of kingston m he intends resuming the bnincsa of nursery seedsman and flo- ris1 upon un extensive scale as early this spring as ihe season will permit on ins nursery grounds iminediuiely attached to the union church burial ground whore he hopes to be favored with ili si til j w itlsa br leave to give notice tfwil hnvuig on haml a mnhmiwmhle quantity of the vrry licsl english garden seeds cfillsofidl persons who may wish to improve the ce of their pleasure grounds flower or kitchen rdetw v imttktkp am pali he will for public convenience expose them for talein thcjuarkwplaceeverv saturday and tursday inurnttiffh hetwwn lliellounof nine and uooiu kingston feb 23th 183 6 rkmovalt rilk subcrihcrs hive reniovtd to mr thomas smith premises adjoining jtfr noble palmers druggist shop one door south of the jllarket square joseph allen ss co auttwnccrh a quttrtd jjg hi 5 feb wih lfccr kingston the subscriber tenders his thanks tn the public for the liberal patronage he has received since he has been in business and takes this method to inform them that he krtps cnnfitantly on hmd tin unl slifl iron ware htirkskin mittens and gloves whips cigars combs buttons sewing silk and thread and many otlht articles too numerous for detail requisite for country merchants and pedlers inch can he had on advantageous terms by applying at the sign of the beak market square geese feathers paper rags old pewter cop per ami brass deer skins sheep skin bees wax tallow c- i11hu received u payment f highest prirr paid tt all times in cash for furs nb those who have unsettled accounts will please call to settle ihc same and by so iloitlff ihey will oblige bartonpiiillips kingwoiit feb 1 i8w 1 baker a bgak feb ii 1831 cash ivm fot tarfciii vir1rtrn fmn i119 nnd feathers by market place kingston fcfan ycz tyytc the srilscriurr offers for sai- t the albany tvp foundry no 3 liberty street on the most favorable terms every variety o printing tvpes meet her with cms brass rule cases gallevs chases composingsticks and printing ihciwite centrally also a new english script tf xvhich the caption and signature of ini icns ami a new great primer script cut are fpecin in sitnihir style these founts wensot up nith ereat care and ex pense and are beliewd tobc decidedly superior to any others cast in ibis country they were cut from tin latest london scripts and on the most ap proved nlan in thews fount the double letters a re complete exhibiting dw perfect connexion of the letters in imitation of writing which can be effected by no other method and completely avoiding that broken and disconnected appearance of script cast in the ordinary way which resembles italic letter rather than writings especially when it becomes a trifle worn the plan on which these founts are cut is so systematic that the composition and dis tribution are nearly or quite as simple as that of phiiii letter script itlis besides been very objectionable as to the body itjcinecast cither on a square body and most of the letters having of courm some pait of the face prfjcctinfi over the side and very liable to break orluiwrnn a plain inclined body and willi great difltcultv kept in line both thcb objections arc coinpkttlv obviated iu tlir prrsiut founts ihe letter being on an inclined body the face cannot break ofttike that on square htdy and the type being cst wiihanoich md shoulder in the sides is kept in line as easily a type of square bid these founts require a connnon pair of cases only with a few of the lower ea boxes divided each fuunt will be nccotnnicd villi a plan ofthc cases and the uevssary directions and cases of the fintttntnlity with the boxes divided iu ihe pro per manner will ik fund shed i wlwn nnlcrvd as no unnecessary sorts are put in the bunts 30 poiutda oflbe knl script is sullieicni br a mort- and about half that fpinniliy i scurrallv sul- lieieut for common jnbs of the treat primer about one quarter mure i rctjumil albany feb iktl w j7fe miss pisirirs millliipr drcxa iakor grateful rir iho filvow nilp has received re spcctfully inforrukthe inhabitants of kinjston that she continues to enrry nn the uhtivt business at iut iparlinenis over the nfliccoflllq bb1ti3ij wilio where she hoprs to be hivered with a continuance of their patrouuir or london line of packets to sail tmt first txjctii atw twestlrtb 1ach 0h with n view of creating new facilities in the iotr- course nu r niitins bdltoffl londn and new vofk ibepfo- rfs several pnokew 6j en aged tf t um t urrtlc n addmc to ihe number of ue ikcd i jjj of f new yofk on ihe ihroujiltotii ihc year momii inrouanju j the line shirs io tod ch othw nd mi follows f from new york feb 20slip canada thumw briiton mmter mar i shsp sovkrfion j kearney mlcr ms lship hannibal f h hetari mailer mar so ship thau ft k un ajinllosl fiiilahkiiiiia r k morgan mwm- april 20 ship samsun i cuadwkk ruutnr mv isiii president h-ry- fttwrk inaier mny 10new81lir uav 20 ship monilir 1 umplm imwter june 1 ship ontauio v s s1r wf- june 10ship samvlllkoltrlttson a honncou- from oyj0j 27 saml robertson leav pnmouih ie- j canada imviij porimituih decwnher io i7sbvkrehn hnvt p dec 20 27 hannibal wm pufttmmltb january i nov dec- iir dec jan jan jan feb feb fh mar mar iiae p iinn nil jan 10 feb i a firat clow about 00 lona burlheo iwrd iiiulnak nprcd and rppef 7 thames 17new ship hve purtmoulh jan u 27philadlllhilvcs portsmoulh 7 samson imvw iilmuth fib id 17 president lenviii pimouth fb so 27 new shu leave lrtmniilh hnfcn 1- 7 montre m i- porlsmrulb hwhw 17 ontarid laprrniniihmnrrh 20 thc shijis arc of i built inlhisvity of l a lorrttnorl and are naviall b able and eiperkjoeed rrs their accminhlhiw fi powligfl vrcy icgam and extcpme minhi whunbmb lierthm ofilicbet quality will nlv- u- prvilid for fteigh or passage apply lo eithr filimunaiidrs on board ihc ihtp or io john griswoid snh ircet grinnell minti rn 4 co 134 front irct geo wildes v cd no locolenua iondon n b rho ships ufllwabuvb line will continue tolouvb at portsmoulh as usual each way to land and p- senger and from whence rteemboott tun daily to ihe eonti nent and to different pari nf enland every information relative to lliilino of packet may be ohtjtncd by enuliealion at ttm office hip iceting lie fire jtsnrancc company at a meeci rmvmnl by public noticr he d t the court house ihc loji ul t ufk h tuesday ihe 4ih mrch hm the ikmoiable w ann being m to the clrir the uuonf resolutions were mlopied rpivm thatiu he opinion oi tins m ffcsti lch renders it wgs rv for he prutectin of the lobabitailw of this fro- ice agvnt calamities hich rise fron the loss of pny by fi c to etullih w fire assurance com- resolvl that an act of incorporation having ccn passed in the third j parliament of ibu provhl l 2ti incorporate a company under the of the british america fue and fe assurance company il is deemed expedient lhc a company sliond be established mthut little delay as posble ul he provisions of the sad of which shall in the frst insance be conlmed o eflewinn assurances ngoiusl los from t ire uesulvcckthat lor the accmunhidmieiii ol his ob ject and il a view to a compliance vth ihe pro visions of ihcsaid act a commtteersx person he now appointed to take the ncecssay measures ibr causing books of subsrnpion o he npenert at the several town tirouehouthe pfomuce named in the second clause of the said act resolved that the said conmiiee consist of ihe hon w allan ieorge monro wm i rotulfoo win h oaper wm jnmble and darcy boul- toii esquires resolved thai he said comnttce so soon as the said books of subscription arereiurnel toihem shall call a meeting of die subscribing stockholders at york for ihe purpose of taking such further measures as may be necessary for carrying into immediate eflecu- provisions of the said act of incorporation r stanton secretary york 4h muteh i83t this i a ram eh of ii smig caution i to fori i u any person or persons pur- voc of hand dran by me in favor wood or hearer lor the sum o four pounds three shillings dated december the 25th 1833 at ninety day the said nnie having been left with mr charles ileaili which was obtained of him by hiram wmd under false pretences and for it 1 ha rrreivrd no value mxt post office arranseme- thtpartvnlg tiik mnibi forthc offirtu m ward of ihi olhro mw duetf day tucsdav whwtnv or he du 1 t i tun wilton m m ire made up od ftud tizt a 6 oclock p m rthei oibccs wmfe r on monday and thun tmt maltf tin pftrt roiils to the uf- thursday kridv saturdiy- aiica uqd90dlrxcidi9il wkvwwn monday tuei dair wtdncmlay tloiwliy friday and bnwldltj theit mini- will cloc ii day nt ii ndacki the alniu fbmmfico itvvii bath and brighton on thr prince edwah dmity rmrtr arclowl ifrri wck ix on tu1av tliuimlav mid saturday 6 oock p tin sltuufirtchiihlin kb tuesday and friday il i the matin fir all llflwiii iltst of xnctmer closed hftec t wfcek vht on uotvhiv mid tlmrsdiiv the mails for n- winarkth otk arc close mrfrt a vck dav uovlork l i tlic mails liir olh sorfh vi v vyn p- c are at 6 oclock p m the mails fur hnnwvmmi closed once a week vix oft thursday at 0 oclock iv m tho hlails pr u oflivr on th route through beverly ratbfftc re clmd uttire vk vi on mtnidir tnd the mails fr ihn united slater are closed laree timm week vi on monday vodndav and fridy tt 3 oclock i 4 i arftlvat of thk im the eastern maik arrive 5tj timts a week via onmondar tuesday wedncttdy thumlay fridav and saturdir- ihe extern maiuamvo time wek via on monday tuwday wlneaiv ttmlh friday and saturday f ontrari hour orarnnl 4 clock f m the mniufruni officw ttm otancuttf will arrive mice on roesda and friday with the mail from york on saturday uli arrive thrte times a week f 11 friday at the same rime with jll tlrwfiffiw nil 111 innmiilc rod the prince edward mail on monday wednesday and tin other western main the southern or ivn maiu arrive carcc time a wwkj viz on monday wednesday and friday probable hour of arrival on an average through the year 5 oclock pm office hours the office willbeonemvnni 8 oclock a m till 7 oclock p m- every day eeet thi sabbath when lettera will he delivered oiily bciwi en the hour of h anil ft a m as to ikttrns going abroad the following regulation juiki he attended to otherwise thev will remain mil 1rwardrd and be lost to dl concerned lvuwl for the finid static nm be pot paid to cape vin cent and such a nm miuided to uihat way to kuropc murt bu port paid to nvw york latterti lor kurope intnh a n ik- sent by quebec must w pot paid le hu i i- aiul thoe it mini til be sent by halt- a per falmouth paikit imit be pot paid to halifax leriei ran only mth by wu ofhmher between k may ami lt november in 1 lehaut vttswls they may in lorwurdud bv the oilier tonh at any heaon foi ihe reulali riimive in p stride on irlfvra for iho continent of furo wmi indies ac ao the post metier enerittf adverti im ul pnl up in thi thfiei rttm of povbuti mi i mlulltf h in r inmi tliiit otfice tn capo ymcrnl bl 1 niw yotk lrf 31 to quebec 1 id mluticixi ni any newvtpopei iluii ufimvhl withmil being ponpafcl will ik ebarid wiih leltvt ufcrttv rate nf pom ru ola nvuwjuiper front ibis office to any pajt oftlm drilintl pftlvlliewi lit to tape vuieeul jdaud pol cape viueitl tn nlw ifk om ent ami halt jtilln mrkay m