Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 22, 1834, p. 3

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iqpu too timoi more foully hiriwclf aa tin lurica pretood to i ta highly eatufiud with ihn rciill of tlio day wo say let them woci for our part wo dwiro nobotror sport unto to defeat an tftur confident mid bragging faction let those laugh thai tose those will unit win on friday last wo copitrd into the whig a paragraph from f grciiviut qtttftlcm affecting the credit uf llic ncval depart- pnt in litis town it was our intention tu liavo oddc4 a rn- i likkoclwn believing the fiet cluugud inbfl true that of pbilrjctiiig without public notice to this bogt that this was t matter whiuh did nut concern the editor of tlio grcnriuc ga ppfc nor any one else in upper canada tti tin public money upended by the navj i department is not collected in thi pro- ioccnor paiil by any portion of its inhabitant and moreover vat a9 thegentlcmm at the head of that clnhliuhment being i above even the remote suspicion of any improper bias it might i fceaafcly inferred that the contract made with mr it drum- jjond although not advertised was still pcrlinly equitable- since friday we have been reminded by the chronicte that 10 far from this contract bciivj private it was transacted after bublicarlvcrtieemcnt we copy from that paper i have published the above artiele lioin the grenville i cazclte in order that wc may jrivc it a prompt contradiction f the editor will see by reference to the chronicles published i in february that the government contract for transport on i the st lawrence ridcau canal wa publicly advertised for some mefe we are oflkiallyiii formed that mr drummond tendered lor the contract in the customary manner and rcceiv- ed it because he gave in die loweft lender which tender may be rctfl bvaoy person who will lake the trouble to call at the otficc of the master shipwright k m it yard we are also informed that this worthy oflicrc intends prosecuting fjf the falsehood contained in llie grenville gttxctto as many of the freeholder of ilio county of frnirtcnac have been cltiisktl with the last meeting ar s merrills in consiitieik of sufficient noiicc not having been bftunktl it hw i seu deemed necgqsury ill order to reconcile ill parties to cull f another umcttngto take place it iitrloo on the i 8th may as will he seen hy refcninjrto advertise meiu under i he editorial hentl why docs notthc chronutc if it mean to disprove the irapu- talian qfiqinsf mr- ilii tahc smiii mom tangible steps towards effecting lu object bfeuilc that ofibnning the charge and copying anoshcr denial from the patriot does hie edi tor of the former paper know that iiis new coadjutor in bol stering up the reputation of the wouldbe representative of kingston iki many yst ago very gravely unused the man whom he now jhanvfully flatter of having prostituted his ofti i cvptor of ho customs to the pwpqm of securing his election we allude to the seven and sixpenny affair with rcfpc to the truth jf llttt faun charge wc know nothing but vft do knnv utnx it wa mh th- rimd wnrl of a proccu lioiiagahi i the pujlhn ii c i houitfoft and we altu know that ibc matt wll0 call blow hot aid cold with the same breath is not to w iicliovml tvini w hen he speaks the truth the accusation air tins mr llanniu like that against mr cai v i ji sltntu forth in strung relief time and place arc given and in both eam respectable names rue afforded and it will lake something more than he bare denial of the chront- cu and patriot to make the linnet electors of kingston and lenox and addiuglnn disbelieve them fare to the best of my ability and second oi those who may hereafter be duly admitted accor ding to the laws of the institution vi any person by paying the somof six pounds five shilling currency may become a member for life officers of the ixotttutton vii the officers of the institution shall be a president two vice presidents w recording secre tary a corresponding stjcfcutryi a treasurer and eighteen cnmmitrcciiki making in the whole twen- tytour pcr0iwp whoingethor hall form a commit tee of niuiiagetiicntt to whom the general govern- ment of the institution bhlttl be confided viii- twothirds at least of the committee ol management shall be mechanics ix all ollicere must he members of the institu lion and shall be elected by ballot if any twu of she members demand it x th annua clutlon of officer shall take place mi tuc 10th of april in every year cxoh it fait on sunday wbeil the election shall tuk place oil ili day followinif xi the lsrommitttnieu who arc not officers shall also be elected fur que year whll tiw exreptiou of one liulfof iluise who are voted in at the first elec tion they shall retire at the end of the first hall year afterwards at every halfyearly general meeting 9 of the is shall vacate their at die committee uumselvcb voting out iliia part of their number by lot and the institution supplying lite vacancy xii boieu any nomination for ofliccrs is made the member or members making it must deliver to the secretary in writing the name of die candidate proposed nnd it must be eonspiruooslv exhibited in one of the fourteen i the election tu adjiission ov x1u tile members of this iimtitaiion shall be divided into two classes 1st ordinary to constat of those who reside ill kingston and its immediate vicinity and 2dy corresponding to consist ol those who reside a a distance the correspon ding members shall pay no subscription and what ever monies they may give towards the funds of ill iihtitution shall be considered aw donations they shall have a right when in kingsion to attend the meetings of the institution but not to vote unless they have taken up their permanent residence in the tuwn or its immediate vicinity iu which case they will be subject to the same fawsas ordinary mem bers xiv members shall be admitted by ballot after iho ifttf day of april laftl um oh mtdmiwi g ry ordinary member shall pay his subscription iu advance and sign the declaration before men tioned xv after the 10th day of april 1s3 every can didate for admission to the institution must be nom inated by yvo members in the following form we the undersigned members of the kington roomj of the institution for the space oi iya inaiediufaly preceding diaton which cu place ilemansa al tukift contfitbwttorka i 1 1 1 ii did uot pruv tu lid au cxtkiijjuuhur to your dcircs an honorable man would have withdrawn all pretensions to the honor which you oapiro when bo saw that the majority was against him dm you as your hopes became desperate declared thai ycu felt more determined than ever to persevere in your undue taking your conduct on the 12th of april convinced the people thai your future canvas would not be iii honorable ono for to you i attribute the general proceeding of your friends on that day the pitiful attempt of yonr iloffflw friend cameron to interest the mtctirtg in mr- dv wnendittent firiletl you first ailowert yiiirsclfto be pinned to the sleeve of mr perry hoping dial by the popularity of that fouucmmi migh be walled by vctffm lateral current or sid wind into parliament hut in this yjti wcic deleatcl tjwn jw fullered yourself to he put in nomination with mr bidwvll and a similar dtfgricc awaited you your fiiond unwittily y their double vole ivo honor to whom honoris duo ftrtf tlirt mr perry was worthy of i vpresenllng on and kctvuyi llit mr didwcll was ecjtrdly eutitled m our esteem by a curtain ctw ofiudividual i am censured for calling tho name of your father in question but a firmer in enioat- town would diliin iho idea ofalltwims lc repositories of the dnd to kw ror nutter to upbraiduic living no jirl your father uiihl have still slept ftccun lfcn the tfhalu of malcvo- lenre with all his virtue and hu ics buried with him llftd not you ukeu kttcll uncommon pain porputuatchis memory when did yon hot on opportuotty m without lupins hu tnmc forwnrd to lubllduh the touwirt vrlucsof iiu sj t on what occwbn haw you nolspokwivf bla jjaity and of the geil wealth that he has left you in pscnoo ofl your friends declare that yoit nu v unbending taty and stand iiijii in the estimation of government that you aio a fa vorite of jiraulnn uoilou llajeruan and robillmn and a firm nippuitar of tho govimuiodt a iti now idininiflcrali your tm9mie imwttuiil you area foah nlymin artia tn existing nhitf a wppoimrof tbe a jerim act a omit that wil rnnlce aiurtlom aud revau ikm f an tc cuo of tm guttr- thn a declared enemy to all reliiaievccpt he cmrct of enshtld of mctdism puifjct dupe an tlio tool of a frty wade t3i3 mora rflwting partgiye you cre dit pjr die wiimivn your amju bomniiig familiar b these conntlmj the peo ple bvgln to know you with ueajog uf cod imta tetciiued ibuy shall know you suut name irw if late in creased wonderfully on piper at t discount ftible for men whose financed are desperate mdbonds tliot wvn ibrwitooj have been na5c valid by deeds ry pursuing ibis course you may make some interest but i tell vou that the majority of the electors of lenox and aldington ctruwcfl wtfi eruettown april 17 1934 a farmer ii wc precrt our renders 10day with an enlarged swet n promtctl niectibc lurgcai at present publisluml in tlji upper pnvincc- as we hnvc found it impvuciabit tt publish our paper earlv in be morning us m our original intention we shall make it an evening jonrnn and endeavor to have it distributed and limited by six oclock techni cal causes will induce us to wsue but half a sheet on fridays but wc trust that tic increased size of the whig win compensate for the loss of the full sheet our country friends arc requested to compare the qo amity of reading matter we furnish three entire jjagfcs in the wjcfkly whk with thai of any other paper published in upper canada and to recollect that the p iper is afforded llwfin for the small sum of twelve shillings and sixpence casli or fifteen fthllt tings credit a sum sn itiw that onlv a very idlsc circulation can cover the nccwftiifv dhuremcnts li te now ccruun ihul 110 uurtiou uiip jvr will uur place la ihe tiai- bcr dtic boi ns min utcrb have it in conical plttftoq tu lower he doucs tipon battic lomlcr aiul incncae hem upon caaadiaii in the xsion of 15 wc havr exiracted ftm a momrcal pr t annexe the following scale of the duties has been circu lated nnioig the ttnihcr trade and it is supposed that the intended equalization will commence from the first of april next at presnu foreign liitiber pays 50 shillings per load of 50 cubic feet avd aiucncnu colonial pays 10 tthilfiuq ner do by this now airuieinent foreign limber will pay a duty of 4li per load and american cottillku dft 2i7s do elsewhere be charged caleulatiot of duty in caii cuiiimnl all dejils whetlur from mitferttic lhiioiifun oi 1 1 nn of that limeuii in the the following cubical csv inches by 9 or h mcncs wide da urwi icik 2 tit mechanics ledffe of instituiiom of- ivoin our personal know- do hereby rccom- menh him as a fit and proper person to become a member of the kingston mechanics institution and this form must be delivered to the recording secretary that it may be filed for future reference xvi livery member on paying his subscription shall receive from the recording secretary a copy of the rules and orders of the institution nid a llarcl which will entitle him to all the privileges of the institution for the period for which he has paid xvii no member will at any time be admitted to any of the rooms of the institution unless he pro duce his card the members cards are personal and not transferable receirts and expkndituce xviii all monies received on account of the institution shall be paid to the recor secreta and ny nun to tiie coinnitttct 61 management xix no money shall ever be paid on account of the institution but by order ol the committee oi management powkus op the committed of management c xx the committee of management shall use the revenue or income of the institution as tiecessa ry m payment of rent wages rep may ne irs cur- 8 10 13 1 1 10 it is 19 2u 2i fit th i wiil fori ijii s ig canadian ii 1 i 13 o i s to 12 ii ao ui 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 5 6 7 7 s 8 9 9 0 11 ii s 10 12 3 1 ig 7 is f 0 ii 0 0 0 0 0 o d 0 0 0 0 0 all deals exceeding 3 inches in thickness now pay a double duty in futmc deals exceeding 3 inches m thiclines or 11 inelies in width will be charged atlllfi riieoilosnljiiiirs per hiiid and deals 2 inches thick will be charged on the following cu bical scale s feet 10 12 13 u 15 10 17 is 19 20 21 length foreign c7 s 0 11 11 12 3 0 is f 13 13 11 li 15 11 10 10 17 s is 6 i 5 s 4 0 4 s 0 t 0 4 8 0 canadian 3 13 4 4 11 5 10 4 i 6 8 6 17 7 6 7 15 10 5 5 0 8 14 2 9 3 4 9 12 6 rent and incidental expensts and in the purchase of books models apparata specimens instruments and whatever else maybe required for the use and purposes of the institution xx the committee of management shall have he power of lining or expelling any member who may conduct himself improperly but the person fined or expelled shall have a rujht of appeal to the xxil the committee of management or any twelve of the members by requisition addressed to the president shall have the power of calling spe cial meetings of the institution xxsii the committee of management shall hnvc the power of unking any uylaws for their own government that may not be repugnant to the constitution which bylaw shall be exposed iu nucha way that ihey may become known to all uv members of the institution the committee shall also have the power of making any regulations they may deem necessary fur the admission of visitors xxiv any alieratim intended in the constitu tion and laws of this institution uiuvt be proposed two weeks before any general or special meeting as in aiiiele xii and no such mention can be dice- ted unless by the consent of threefourths of the niembcis present at the meeting fori driifctiwlhg mr editor yen will scarcely safest die scvero cw- riflblw b rcciiivud trom lha kind lauil ot amicis in tliu list pttsftetof to be ajjryjjoj anin st umn by ir- my wound i kdi ut vin buuw ir iiut you may well mppae lhli lo cor- til tin iucic of all xvlio arc m rcct their hlovs to lvcu ry y l0 admin how fr they can with safety go i wbom us com tle huung irt to the poor smner mi lined to hay alive hence ir 1 rf uc mflw fi scrawl and nietapuor apal the fi off flom mofx cn in ulim way h to conftm tlut i am m fnav u iis laldv umx it preacln a mt fur uiu uritidu whig now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by iho aun of york tlio abovo quotation sir editor oppoorrto mo to bejiingu- isrly apt when applied to those advocates for liberty and good government who through the course of their lives have had principlo and courage to maintain and assert their opinions in defiance of the menaces of their enemies tothoso who have labored long and hard to stimulate tbeir countrymen to arouse from their lethargy and demand that tliey should be heard when laws arc to be enacted that will effect all that is near and dear to them to those it will ba no bmall consolation tu sedlieir c0wq triumphant to sec tlio man who in the lour of need stook boldly forward iho avowed champion of the peoples rights who bore the brunt of the contest who un i hat ocftuioo was repeatedly expelled tlio house of assembly i who was vilified abused and defamed in terms the most gross and foul now elected by the peoples vote to an of fice of the highest cimfuluucr and respon nihility now possessed of tl to rod of power whereby ho may vindicate the cause of the ojpie how no louder obliged to maintain his opinions by hs cition of tlor jtmtncss hut enabled lo smite the jaw bone of the 0pp7war anj phuk the spoil out of hu tcvtli 1 any that this victory olough pcrjjaps ho more conspicuous trom standing alum onht to u fiord heartfelt satisfaction to every well wither to im counlrv and encourage itiiniu tlio hope that iho day ii mt cirdtmettt when thctory aritocrat tfball no longer b peniued to rear his iicad as iti days of yore and say that such and stich tiungs bgn fir his interest such mwlbc the law allow me now mi editor to digress from tny tdsk of ad dressing you and say a few words to my fellow subjects brother electors the great day of trial approaches the time is at band when yon will be enabled to 1i10w your sincerity in the ood ciusc to shew that you ate really desirous of obtain ing representatives who will not seek to be independent of iou ieir constituents who will not desire from an interested consideration to fumtilf trust reposed in them but will be ever willing logivc au ear to your wishes and duly to consider eve iv subject thtit may be brouglir under their delibcraiion by the itlttof jtuuce the lny pry it sootus arc afraid to come before the people with all their sus fresh in their recollection and they have re- tfortaj to tltonifc of putting oifthe election in hopes that you may tngct their votes and acts til the last session but i sin cerely irui that your memories will not prove so treacherous you can never forget their contempt ol your expressed wishes nor can you blot from your recollection the fact that they mocked you when you asserted your right to bo heard by them you love seen that bulwark uf our glorious constitntion the privilege of a fie and unbiassed election repeatedly and violently brukofl qild l0 without llic least shadow ofjusj tioqi hor they have tilled up the ucaurc of their iniqui- tier and to them 1 cnvcivc may bo justly applied the saying ofjtapoi parapliiittod thc vvhl have many ftudtfj the tories have hut two a lltlrnd to a liberal government kingston april ig ibm olgtji plotttptj m indlim com o 3 3 1 3 t 0 0 0 0 0 barley do oaur do rye do potatoes ao hay per ion btxi per if mutton do veal do fork freh do hutlcr pork do 0 0 0 0 b ft 0 4 3 4 6 6 0 kingston uakhj 3 0 rgg perdro 3 fiop 0 p caodlomooldtfo do d ipi 0 j owtpercouptcs 3 turkeys coopte s c do ow 70 dft idc4p so e veetebti per lb 0 hod per ew j ort4do- so 7fcwaado is 10 voodproirt 8 0 a i 1 37 0 0 0 t 4 g 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 9 i 4 3 10 ii l 27 i a 10 fire wood- cord ktef lb kw dot cheese mutter lb d b d til v 0 i a 0 iv a 0 10 j t ploorfinebrl 20 o d 1 0 t momtkeal wholesale prices april 15uils34 liicly n fdd tidier people busntcsa may know and lie that meddles willi hiat so mueli could be said cx in reward 1 lad no fc occurrcd m on the s lhai amuvstako h tilm cii llt rteat nnmes could ju to u xv ir 2s r did it neither oitl i know oalon 1 word or as lettered people was ihe same us readme word for a a sermon o one sown or or would say rcrbuum it iteratiin m v me thattjiai praelico weson anotlier iiiiin s much less dtd inns- v m i remember now how- a level with reading lh scnptnrt a k memory often hut that must ever tlflt puu took uxs text ironi i n r oo since his divine alater have been a methodiattcalmnovatj l i i k before he began to preach did read the text hut lmt the ho c 77 z ir x w see for the convenience which he did undoubtedly as l no jm r t m ndhandilv before him ot lav in 2 his manuienpt decently t r ubecomrsrnc lh refure to cry i si uiftv or great prvmiinit rvrttmjiorailcc rfnd 0ia i have bv y tore induced to do this void linn aim nrroano and i am the i i i j- m accuimnoilatioh eom- the iuruiioii mat amicus vdi i iti i vwartto tnrnoao jo fitter in nhtclv tciverlcd the latin nroveih r a j l j 0llv sharpened the words re havinpsokcned the argument ai the venccofti strong am by iu ehosicmeni was inflicted bavina been completely r d b lc stle pim and clitwtiao temper by wlicl it accompn sinn die end wlmd amicus bad in irio s lms ev it ii tu be hoped thai to will now bc couipassonatc and the jj mrlly no- o uiu mdiicct will be 0 hc a fr0 io moro ol tiling iiinn april 10 ism suuscriner i aihes pot lstsort pe ti pearl rpead pilot cwt newfoundland cracker lb candles tallow sperm coals newcastle cliatdron liverpool scotch coffin jamaica lb inferior copper bolw lb sheet cordage russln cwt canadian fish coddrycwti herrings no 1 brl ko2brl smoked box maclcarel no 3 salmon pickled brl american super 19c il canadian dp fine middling tollards rye flour indian meal per 163 lbs- oat meal cwt fruit almonds ffoft shell lb currants zinto fi niilt i i 1 1 1 prunes french per lb raisins muscatel box it loom malaga b cask glass dollies beci gross wine window 71 x 84 100 iect- h 8 x 10 barley bushel 0 0 22 17 0 07 2 25 22 22 1 i i 1 35 35 12 0 12 4 20 0 0 0 0 w 4 d i d 0a22 0 0a23 0 6a25 0 6a 0 0 0a 0 0 9 u a 27 6a25 6a2s la 0 0a 0 6a 0 2a 1 0a 0 0a 0 6 a 17 0a22 6 a m 6a u a 22 0o55 0a27 u p 23 0a27 0a 0 0a22 oa 0 0a20 oa 12 ma 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 6 0 circular to iat collectors of the northern north jsttstth atufjvbrth western districts of the united states t trratiiiry drparirocnt cimfixtiihil tlflicca jair fl l31 j sir a communication received from the secretary of llie treasury dated the 5th inst he reqivjsts inc tt instruciyou that it appearing by in- ibrmnlion furnished to the secretary jfstatc by mr uankheadi hritih charge de affairs that no custom huav chargcb of any kind are levied in the ports of upper or lower canada upon any raft flat boat or vessel of the united states entering othir- wise than by sea no custom house charges of any kind ore in compliance with the provisions of the 2d section of 2d march 1831 to be exacted upon any british culonial raft fiat boat or ves sel enterin the foils of the united states other wise than bv sea rcspcctuhy jos- anderson comptroller baron s doty esq collector ogdensbnrgh 07 wudncsdiy morning 6 oclcnk owing to a pressure of job work ond tlic incteasod sizo afthc whio we am com polled to npologio fir ling belarul lime in puhlication aro you going to the 8 tl 2 4 6 s the nuunc passion meeting touilu saml said the youngest and blackest nf our satanic urchins to a stray devil from another office what meeting jack v was the reply jriiat meeting reechoed ilie imp why the ineehnr ol dav school the assistant teachers of the fihui- cl vvt aiu rualttistvd to state that he ikmlofit advertised by handbills tin evening ici mr davis the clown at the ckcus in conscqughcc of the wet ness of the evening is postponed until tomorrow wednesday night comkvkicataoh it is generally credited ihii the above stated alte ration will be carried into cfilct iliwr- dotty sldvrrtiser 1etteuiv to john solojioin cartwrtght bria conststjttoir of t1ik kingston mechaniry pstitution objkct of tub institution- l tins association sliall he called the ktnqton mecuanics institution ii its olyect shall be to instruct its members in the principles of the arts ami in the various branch es of science and useful knowledge iii a museum of machines models minerals and objects of natural history shall be collected and uu experimental workshop and laboratory be cstablislied iv- au academy or school for teaching arith metic algebra geometry and other branches of mathematics shall be formed and lw lures on the different sciences be given from time tu tune as the institution may direct institution how constituted v the institution shall consist first of those who have on or before the 10th day of april ism enrolled their name on the books opened for the purpose paid their initiation fee of two dollars to tlw managing committee and signed the following sir you arc so much in the hnuof hoauhirnf ymr lyd- hr integrity atul wealth lliat hmm 1 choose to tlry a ivonl lint censure cuhcr yuu would priuibly convlujc di it i toitdod to offer an insult to yxix viiacity you ai4 i ftiati ol nice pcreeptimf if i may venture to tone an i ntvwtt cu ractcr from tlio froquont rucitions tjit yoa iriki wliliti 5jt wardit vmititnl it virtuous aul bonflmblu t licuy ui m- tract i have wjhedacnudcrimeoriimctocttiia wumisra lionem ycoinanryot lenox ftlid addinttin wcm ravoftitilofa vouriatcrut ur were niclind i uienoflilkrul 5iu has kul i und if the liico i a miirir nrflom li 11m icel- 4l ii i l ings of llic licttttj your tulurci uw motttacfnii oven mr chamtuirluin sytitjmtliiwd with yu tears tlio ovhldtt parthuty bt tlc cliatrmail iu yur uwr the manner tu wbwll lie truvllrd out of all rccirl ialluotwti thotjutorvin yitlkihatf togtdiiw with wluii ibv mierablt- could l ulfocteh nyihing itiowi frhnda ofyoawtlnt av acquainted willi llieso coualiy trv uonsdiml tluit lli ltliaiko of your being elected i iioihj tlio impnwtvo ittahin tlia you learned at the napamv uulit tu have made a lusting im- predion on your hutuating miuj you iiad a glimpse of llic llopdbmaoat of your cause uidukaaniuorwliogrowdo perate with ins losses you trusted your popularity in the hand of ratn fiiiser and chambtjlaiu not a man escaped die vi- glhuico of those recruiting aqrjeub either pjrsonally by de puty or by littfr ibey nqthmted every ntivkltul tliai lavurei ior the rcf xnn uuh m aiihtn9 spy fbr stifbrn m the counties of lcnnx and addington on that day the adjourned meeting called by the tories for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent these counties in the nest provincial parliament was lud at the hustings nmr fraiicus inn at an early hour the hustings wax surrounded by a large body of the yeomanry of ihe counties and it was evident that the tories had done their utmost to ensure die election of john s cartw right esq the chairman a mapherson esq and the secretary j ii detlor esq tuning taken their placed mr a vandyck pioved in substance that the thanks of this meeting ere due to the old mem bcrw mcssrft bidwell and perry and that they be nomiuauhi for reelection to which the tories rlovehf an uneudment rhat the name of bidwcll he mrtiek out and that of lr- cortwriglit inserted previously io the vote beinj taken on the amend ment tile meeting was addressed by a mr came ron who avowed himself a stranger bat appeared very desirous of exhibitin his oratorical powers which exploded in a vjoteiu invective upon dr siarkrr whose jolly countenance was observed in the iustihgs fixed upon hi notes this explosion was noticed by the doctor only with a bow and a smile hut by the peopfc vith a hiss which drove the stranger from the huskies j s cartwright then in a candid manner ad dressed the meeting ad d not atwnpt to conceal his opinion that lite clergy reserves chnilld remain in possession of the chunji of england mrthrthe had expressed himself warmly against ihe political course of the christian thtardian iiis address marked by candor did hirn honor at the close ol addrc perryf vm ctlled in a shout which stntck terror into the tory ranks lie obeyed the call nid from the commencement to the conclu sion of his uddress a flow ir natural iloquenre and mvh cos15litltiotul dociti vfbeiormj and blighted ui ivndor hi u unwjtn iviumav id all ivmu i eve td hi delighted the friend hies nf the tories of iisf jvrnlon rvfiuee exhibit h ciiappoiiitment iiiiyiie dvuires below zero milmiiik under psbrx 1 icrmometer from sum piiton n ihe utneudmim tkrccd o fvev ktoutf li muj lh is lo the liwfciiry in mer j wi hvr i h ffs vt td lor t jvjrietfwiih tlfrir usual eimsicuc7 then moved tt f uineiutmcnt 7 the nuire of pfirry be slrih nil und cafttwrtoilt iiucrtixl but all will not tfu- ibi amendment fcharcd siiuiuir futi r hu ori ivsolutiun was hen put and cv7ly hv a divi lx i amendment had been lot iiii 7 iu1i tdud un tded tlil hopes nf tin a uf puwhnihiitmji 0 7irycainiidate mr ctvhht hiivuvcr u his intention of eomhg inward as a cnnd- it is to be limed he can disappointment for he will assuredly lose the hcetion the mujority of the people wishing no din ii fheirreprertntation- tliis in uig intended nieiiy y the glori ous result of the meeting a elrctimstauec inrchttion to mr cntwitights ad a p meeting as also a little aywj between the chair- jhst352 in ktaptfv on ihe 17 int tv archdeacon stuart mr john coun 10 mrs jane grey ll orkuiptoii- iiiihcsrijm ibtacvciililfl by arrfidcacon stuan mr g collin to mif gatfmij all ofiiiuii kuvoflnro circus thttrtday evening april 24tft is34 tme last night but two for the benefit of mr g sweet on which occasion in addition to die whole strength of the companv gim aw sa vat5cinrav have kindly volunteered their services ooon the performance to commence with the grand po a by race s after which itonsemaxswp on two horses by master illmo tcho trill go through a variety of puasimr feats hiding master mr jackson clown mr davis cordk blastiqce by mr sweet who will 0 through many truly astonishing feats in the course of which he will throw hackwards and forward umcrsets and nlizht on the rone over rihua rissiitpendtd 12 feet from the ground and throw a llncfcward somerset over them also he will sit i a chair placed upon the rope with perfect comfh3iiit and aftfirwanla stand upon it ic will also dance a hornpipe shoulder to conclude ward somerset from the rope still vaulting by tiie whole company wormtki8hp hifiylr g sweet who will go through xigutj plctisiw jeett among which he ttlt introduce the celrhratrd scrnc of the dying moor o htittfibark in fl fence of his flag songs and recitation by miss vaughan mr vaughan ami mw jackson the whole to conclude with the laughing philosophers tiw pcrlfamwrf to cn ihcimv m balfakmi tcvtu oclock ticvew o hdatttkm ux mra 2v tkl iii wiiu i 3j chxlilrcn uodcr loyeurd ofajc hpricc ttickcr to be had at the canal coflee house0 s 15 comfortable seats will be erected for the accommodation of ladies fhbe ra of land of 50 acres each will be given to actual settler in most of the new townships in the iovmet applieaiioiobemadeatthisooice kingston april iti 183 l tilr subscribers begs leave to jivcnoiice thai in addition u rficil biwiihm of carding the pulling stud dressing of cluili will be earned on in a neat and wurknmidikti manner first rate workmen with master wilmni on bin with throwing a lofty back- ku tim opnortmutx igaiixl lot lb season suhrribers take uhainne ofthe present to return tbeir sincere thanks to their rtcnds and the public in ireneral alt the liberal sup- non thev have received ttincethcir commencement en business it waters co jork done nt te lowest rait for cash jlest luuirhluirotmh april 22 is31 i 17- l r i a v o t s jg to ellitt formerly in the employ of allan mcpherson bsq of nnpaneo who is in possession of some land in the filth concession of huugerford m d should this advertisement leach his eyc and should he vfeh to dispose the said and he is re quested to communicate with the subscriber elliot was last heard of in toronto oscar f pool grajk sun s cora indiau imi oats pease boiling kyo wheat u cod pcf go lba alaed red- lc minot gfuowueb caniijmr lbl f 100 iba f f 100 lbs f f f iooibe indir bar english ton riuian0 8- s v i 1 1 tloop eojkr hates sheet iron potash coolers kettlw pots bellv ovens and covers lead pig- lkathkb canada per ibwii 23 0 oa 0 0 19 0a20 0 11 0 91 a 0 10 0 4 a 0 41 j do 1 0 4 a 0 0 0 0a 0 0 15 oil 8 9 6 a 10 0 0 34 a 0 6 30 0a32 0 30 0a35 0 30 0a 0 0 v0 44 30 1 0 0a30 0 33 6a3s 0 3 9a 4 0 3 6a 3 9 1 8a 9 0 4 6a 0 0 0 0a 0 0 0 0a 0 9 5 3a 6 4 5 la 6 fi t 0a 5 0 1 6a 1 8 75 0 a 80 0 85 0a90 0 0 k 100 0 11 0al2 22 1025 20 oa 0 ititfi 15 7 cwts17 15 17 16 18 18 21 upper side w i best gal- nails i i i oil x pi int ponxrn 4 14 8 0 0 50 40 32 25 motissts inferior cut common cwt- annealed wrought 6d m 14d spiktfl cwt florence 30 flasks box- ohvo gallod linseed boitcd single raw- codi m-u- whale black keg spanish brown blue fine lb green yellow a vhfft rnmt keir whito punt keg 7 load dry white cwt 32 rpddrj- a london r beet doz paovi3105s cheese am lb english beef mes brl prime mr- prime cargo butter salt lb hums am iard pork mesa banel prime mess prime caryo rice south car cwt- liverpool bubel lisbon patent cwt 1 enplishcomihon lb montreal 1 pepper pimento w i brandy bordeaux cal cognac 1 gio hollands montreal rum demomra jamaica whiskey scotch montreal a 2 english blister lb cot lb hoop l crawley barbadocs cwt 9 jamaica trinidad bengalwhite mauritius brown brazil refined glasgow single spado shovels doz tallow american lb russian y o teas twntikny lb bohea hysoa hyson skin younchyaon tim plates i c box225 ix i x x tuiutcn leaf u c lb u 3 plug v u c tobacco pipes tdp box vixkgak bourdcaux gal english champagne doz claret i hid fayal cargo pipe lisbon malaga 4 0 2 9 22 28 2 4 7 22 30 i 4 3 2 2 0al7 0a 7 6a 0 0al6 6 a 20 0a20 0a2s 6a 0 6a s 10 a 1 0j5 10a s 8a 0 6a25 0a 0 4a 3 oa 4 oa 7 6a25 ois t us o 6 10 8 i 0 6 0 i 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 a o 9 b 2 6 r 0 0 5 ca 6 p 0 11 a p 0 0 a i 3 6 8b 3 a 10 0 a34 oi 22 salt 6a 0 oa 1 0 r51 0a4t 6a 0 0a27 6 3 6 0 j 0 6 salt shot soap spices spirits 2 0 6 6 8 0 0 steel suc ah 8a 0 84 5a 0 0 51 a 0 6 80 6a 0 o 65 0ag7 6 56 3a57 51 3 a 52 0a23 1 6a i 1 10 a 22 6 a 3a 3j a 6j 0 7a 4 9a oa 6a 6a 6a 4a 6a 6a a 0 31 0 1 0 7 07j a 5 5 4 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 0 u 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 m 3u n wises 8a 6 a 0 ii 0a42 6 a 0 6 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 6 a 0 6 a36 0 7a g9a 2 94 a 2 loj 1 11a 2 4 4a 4 2 10 a 2 4 3a 4 45 0 a 47 55 6 a 57 62 ga6s 4a 0 oa 0 7j a 0 51 i 0 21 3 a 22 9a 2 8a 9 0a90 0 a 12 10 0a 0 0 oa 0 0a 0 s 0a80 oaoo oalo oa 8 1 1 60 8 1 4 0 g 6 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 0 40 35 8 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 0a 0ai7 mudcira tort spanish good red common sicilian tciwriffeca go sherry winu momet exchaoee at gqdaya bank do do privoic do 30 days gov 4a- 3d atg oer dollar at now york on london 1 2 j nt dct dnfun newyork 3daya 3 per eeot- 15 to 30 4 par oent

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