Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 22, 1834, p. 2

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foreign news london fck 22 1834 hitherto the session has been very dull but hc debates have been intolerably stupid sir francis burdctt made a singular display in the committee rendering their report respecting shiel proving how thoroughly destitute of political morality he is the liberals mx6 long entertained a low opinion of him but they arc driven to dink their low esti mate yet lower- i almost wish for the caue of jio- litical morality and honesty the old man had cone to his grave before he made such an avowal and so saved his croy hairs from the injury his reputation ill experience in consequence the lea the bet ler that is said about sbciparase for the report is a disgrace to all panic concerned and i only won- tier how such a man as groto could be induced to eignit uih ought tu have been ashamed to have been cozened into statins hat vhich he known is not true before the committee and still mnl know that such ail enquiry is a mockery i know not if honest allhorp intended toetlcct ill the remarks he made on g votes bringing up the report but tin i know the report and the remark wee worthy of one another the ministers did themselves service in agreeing to qcoiinchs motion for enquiry into baron smiths conduct but it appears from last nights proceedings no enquiry will take place it is a curious proceeding but such as it is it will be useful as a check to any such displays as the baron made in uupoltlicat charge to the jury english men should m jealous on this subject for it affords one of the finest futures in english history that through the most frying of our political times the bench has most widely b ea maintained as a bonch ofjustiee and noi f p and surely it would be unwelcome to see u change made in the present day i am sorry that wi listers resisted an enqui ry into die grants on the pension list for had such been allowed 1 am inclined to believe it need not have been acted upon as immediately to save exposure those feeling they had no claim to be on that list would havereaisned thtdr incomes and then would the honest individuals whose names are on that list for actual services have been relieved from from die stigma to which they are subjected from unfortunately being in had company i wish the house would agree to the principle that no in dividual should be allowed to keep that which was gvantkif tflnasr tfte ignorance of the rouse and which could not be rhewn to exist for the benefit of the community this rule once admitted we should but rarely have individuals seeking that which is un just as it is with the present idea that once get a grant or act of parliament and you are certain h will not he taken away without com pensation a premium for the exercise of disho nest ingenuity is made to exist to the great detri ment of the country for it occasions a greatpart of the time of the house to be expended in watch ing against fraudulent attempts the division on this subject furnished the latgeat minority this sea- son last night excepted and so large that it will lead to a call of the houfe when another trial of strength on thia important principle will take place and as in the meantime discussion will be the consequence of this debate let us hope that the cause of political honesty and morality will then be successful the cases of cohen the brighton editor aod jtfr barrett of the pilot arc very op- ch tune and will i trust lead to alterations of the ibel law and stamp act it is a misfortune that the whig government does not go their way without persecuting the press for if weak we all iuiow each proceedings will not maintain them and if strong they may rest assured tbat strength will not be thereby added to their existing power a bui for the future regulation f die tone in which the post office in canada and for the application of its aurplua revenue has been introduced by mr stanley as yet its provisions arc not made public but from the right honorable gentleman introduced the subject i am led tohope they will be satisfactory to the public to the assembly and to the proprietor of newspapers 1 do not suppose the latter will thereby obtain bet ter terms than they are now in the possession of but the principle will be satisfactory and should it prove eo though they may actually suffer there by they are bound to give it a good word for tis pleasant to see men occasionally forget self in the public interest by the orders of yesterday you will perceive that w jfhitmore one of the provi sional committee has entered a motion on the sub ject o systematic colonization from which 1 am led to infer that mr stanley has declined granting a charter to the south australian company though the party concerned in that affair are highly res pectable and intelligent and proposed acting upnn the best of principles though they take all res- consibility to themselves yet i hardly wonder at is acting in this manner for if misfortune attended the undertaking lie would come in for n altar of like blame with ihtj public whu would be ignorant ot the detail of the affair i continue to make enquiries respecting emigration and from a good many learn that it will be large but they can give me no proof and considering that the poor arc less destitute than usual excepting the agricultural class i am iuclined to think the number who will at their own expense proceed to canada will he small- but if the poor law bill meet with little oppo sition then 1 think that to carry its provisions into effect emigration will be necessary and as all parlies concerned with that measure are clear headed men and understand its principles you may expect both a large and efficient body of the working class though not so efficient as we codd wish because the emigration of the poor law com mission would be not with a view to systematic emi gration but to save the necessity of building work houses which will not be required when the sys tem is in full operation consequently they will send families but with some discrimination- jldt jvallachia there is already a national army of 6000 men regularly disciplined and as fit for service as anv russian corps- his to be increased to 10000 or12000men when the russians give up the gov ernment to thtf llospodars- all these changes certainly diminish vcrv materi ally and indeed annihilate the authority of the sul tan over the two principalities but they do not on that account innease the facilities which the rus sian had ofinvadiug them when they choose- the restoration of the former system instead of the one which is established would have left lime niciliiie t law m precisely aagreut as they ever were awl wimltlbavclthcta between labour the cheapness ofthu sand and in the disuse uf vitriol in the progress of causing from tfe st ijcwia rifinbtrfan march 10 tn k mormon difficovftaa a late number of the enquirer a paper jusl started at liberty mo contains i military order frnu governor dunklin to the captain of the liiboil v blucs commanding him to hold himself and his men in renditions to assist the civil authorities hi apprehending and itrhliriits w trial the persons offending against the a tin p november hist in jackson county in coil- the mormons and a portion of the d would give ih reference to thai of ai nv oiher miifisp1lv on ncfoimt of pr inn over a- inmrniph- ical position of their priaiiiiality1ul renlh luvuuxe they feel how incomparably irrutur would he the advunuitroaofaustriaa civilization unmtc litem than those ot russian dominion aluotijjilltf many re markable chancu whirb have taken plane of late years in wallttcbia and moldavia is llmt uflhc dress of the men it was formerly rxirily siinlir irfl that whirh the 0 reek of the kannr wif ill con stantinople and therefore diii icd nidy in the head- drens from the tarhli cumomc tlitv have now who stated that a munberof mormons wished to le- liivbirforeihe grand j ur captain alkinson march ed hi company into independence on die day ap pointed fur holding court having a number of mor mon under his protection after a scav of about three hour it was concluded by judge h viand the circuit attorney and attorney general well that it was entirely uunouhuv to investigate the ub- jccl on the part of tha state ns tlie jury were final ly concerned in tilt ilttrtfortf not likely the canto tlnufi coniiiiiied and it at an bills would be foul was that anv urns wiuuu uu luuud in was therefore rted to return to li- d to discharge his men to see a civil representatives in the house of assembly the first class consists of the principal officers and many dependents on the executive a majority ofrath- tr more than twothirds of the numerical majority of the assembly are of the french catholic party and have refused the supplies for carrying on the gov ernment during the last two years and will not even legislate with the other two branches of the govern ment but have impeached both and even erased i the official despatches of the kings government from their journals thereby throwing oltthe very shuwof respect to the home government teeming desirous to create a collision with the parent state by which ail avowal of independence might obtain justification and popular buppolt with the majority of their constituency all the affairs of lower as well as upper canada now await the decision of in mijc8ty government christian guardian tin- briluli i in tin- scuttwi p adopted i w which is worrh hk pun of jjk3tj t 3s europe nd to mo j2zettsus wont at the full length was the external bade are imw jb1 lrnnr dlamw lib to bo hereafter distinguished bv embroidfrmi nut i and nh euir ctvd l ullaeh fonn to he used only on part from all this it may be exjv will make rapid prorew in jj via ji was formerly checked by th fluene of turkuh authority and it be stopped by romian civilization ivilixuiion wouui- t ibu und nut huelv z to axttooa the governor of tliin ibuid address ed die british govemmem in november hu at tho request of tin legislature for informition whctbci unconditional abolition of their slaves woum be per mitted in lieu of the gradual nyaicni pnividml by the act of parliament a reply was received mating that the wishes of the legislature were entirely ill accordance with the views of the government and the mini of the net of parliament the actof loulund uiicundrkiuai abolition wai accordingly paed by the asenbly on the 13th of february and in the council on the i5lh which is to take elfect throughout that island on and after flic first day of august uexi united states most serious disturbances have taken place in new yoak during the charter elections for mayor and other corporate officers the jackson candidate is cornelius w lawrence and the antijacksnus support gulian c- verplanck on tuesday the thsr of the election in the irsi subordinate officer to pwfoiin dutiw in the mild est manner possible li i certainly a new thin in ihi culintfy to ww sie milry called hi to protect ihu civil nudioritiein tlwcvrctsa of their juatputv- ers und oca kir to prove ow much we have rhtx- vd iimirtut and a regard fi the lawa which oujht to govern everv patriot must hope that the oc- catriou may seldom arise when it shall b necssary to urrooud u judicial tttbiial with such vtiard it is n pvnieiujs example but reiukred pvrliaps eeanafv bi die present or by we extraordinary by tue extraordi pj 0 i j- ciicumstances attending iheonthet i sit li n its siti statks tlit house of ig of the 4th instant ro ll k or tue representatives solved uu tjrt i rwd sgeg jqgfe np flfft u rocbnrtercdi hy the decisive fnajoity of fiftythree veas 135 nays v2 2d tbat die dcposhes ought not to be restored by a majorit of lilicen yci 119 nays 101 3d that an inquiry ough to be instituted into the alleged corruptions ofum bank asc b joriiy uf one hundred and fiftythree naysll mot vindicator by a ma- yeas 174 from ui ttmea it would appear by the last letters received here from wallachia iliat the evacuation of the two prin cipalities by thckussian troops has been filially de termined on though the precise day has not yet been fixed already die two native hoyars alex ander bhillpeake of wallachia nicholas stourd- fca of moldavia had been recommended as the fu ture hospodars or reigning princes of the two principalities some very important ninoliorations will secure from the new regime about tn he eatnh- lishcdin ftallachia and atoldaviii their depen dence on the porte which was real and extremely oppressive to the inhabitants until vt will irr fu ture be nominal each will have to payanaimitn tribute to the sultan of 1 000000 of piastres 10- 000 fterlingnnd no more instead of beinq- drained of all their produce nnd their cash as was systemat ically the case when they had the minfortiluc of beim ruled over by the rapacious and unprincipled fan- ariot greeks appointed by thesulum the kiupe- ror of russia is to be acknowledged protector of the two principalities and will see that no encroach ments of turkish authority ever occur every pro prietor of land yielding an annual income of 5000 piastres and upwards is entitled to vote in the elec tion ofauospodafi whose power is only to continue seven years thoreare to be two legislative cham- bar one the senate or divan the member of which will be composed of the archbishops bishops and holders of certain offices of state to which they will be appointed by the hospodar the others of dele gates elected by payers of contributions to the a- mountoflooo piasters a year and upwards the fortresseson the wollachian side ofthc danube are to be under the entire dependance of the hnpodur and garrisoned by wallachian troops instead of turkish as formerly each principality is to have the right ofmaintaininganarmoftti own comman ded by native generals and das wad commited upon the person of a young treilema who attempted to impose a misspelt ticket for mr verplanck upon a resolute elector iii the fourth ward there was some fighting though nnihiti of a very serious cearacter in the sixth ward the commiiee rooms of the independent republicans were assailed and their banners torn down hy the somnolency a most singular case of somnol ency attended on waking ftnhan almost incredi ble power of vision i has occurred in this town sun day bay the young man invariably fulls into a in tin evening from wntci it is impossible to waki- him and in which he continues unit m oclock the next morning when w suddenly awakes- during his sleep ha performs voyage he has formerly ucn iu sea in a vessel of which he supposes himill master ships and dis charcr ins various cargoes c upon awaking his vision is so acute that h cannot bear the light d violence j profound sleep at 6 oclock itch it is impossihlelo walk- iiicn company uf etlinburli have piiblislicrl tpctt iliitt uwy trc prepared lo issue letters of tfctfrt upon th bniik ufmuntfsd and notify intending cmi- rinl tbiil tin lioldcft of tllcw credits will icccivc llic bill inumit cccificd in them in amoricm currency with the benefit uf the mcdmigg at the time uf prcmuutioa n bill m lndoii at llic usual par date and free uf any charge in amorira for eommiirim r mhcwifc by which tbey wilt avoid all truulile rik and expense which attend the convoy ante of specie and tho drawing and mgoliutim bills in amc- rii a on the mother country if desired every facility will be given mi without nxpuuse by the dank of ftfontrcal to the traniniioii of the sums specified in the credit on montreal many place where the bank of montreal has agencies at anv of whi i the credit niay rendered available panieu hivlvitt kingston vorl cnhonr niagara belleville perth hamilton dunda pfhcotl and brockvillft tlien crediu will lnbo paidalquehec thi which u similar to exw tine ananemonls witli luudm 1iiiiker will prove of great utility tuthc emigrant ifcapiud whoiuvexpecttdout this sea- son from scotland won gmtitc wtrrday afternoon a labourer who ww employed in elean iogllfq vrlnrfofnow unfurlunalely slipncd upon an uiwmuild piccci nl wu precipitated into the water lie sustained liimidf by liollin to the ice for a finv tnitmtes when htfjtlnlt his body wtt recovered iii about 25 mimitca when life was of cofsextinct april is kingston mills and some other places which tht enemies of the ridcau canal works made such a noise about last year 1 have been informed are re moved ottavapril2 ism st lawrence canal we are informed that die commissioners ate to receive after the 1st of june 10000 monthly until lite sum of 70000 is expended this is a nuich as they asked for this season kiummc that amount will he expended the next air- june president of the board has one to york it is aid lor the purpose of making ar raugements with the ueeeiver tieticral for drawing the money as it may i e required the bngineer mr- jtfiltg has born srill fin and is expected in next week as snon as hi- itrrlvisk the nuiniissioners will meetaml mark mm llmi part uf the rum which they intend to imprmi ill the lirt iiiiukv and iidvcrtie ihi tami fur faiiitrnrt- we believe tin t iniitiumiihhn havr nut yet de termined which end uf ill- i iniwlu wdl rfunmence first we would thrrfurc hike thr iiiktiv f sug gesting the propriety nl rum pie t in tf tluii part between this place and milrnelii ill lln- first place furin that ease the prvtftfiil imviatinti will w be intumiv ted by looking over ihr rtlffineeis report it will be found that if the ijhiij csiiiiei i euuiiiieiied lirst the boats will liavi- tu inid olhn ithr rhnnnel for hi itihl if rniimiietl tn make ilicv will only be uble to as- urstinu then arim- bow are the goods and iiirrhiitdiftc in laws of the unifrd stilus will break bulk without rli piyinrut fore all must be ntritil ihiiti tin to illy head oftln fjniitf iith go up on tn altuliimll kiiim aurl head of the mw ml tn pto all thusc ililliculin tiriir n in the commijuntu iil aibim ntu they do so tliry will tltil no b o luif in ditrkig acciokst yemcrjiy afternoon asa large acr uf timber wu dftminc ulon notre dame itinmt irhm opoit the b9vw of jvilhipn biogkttui eg- a fine hov live yenrs f ifle pon ofstr john godfroy while plyia- wuh liu imrbh button mooped before the wheel to pick up one ot his but- ions ami before ho was al to attain his object the wheel pas- lea oer bfo hl wliich ww bruised m mich i way that no liope arc cntcraiiitd of hi recovery ho was immediately re moved to the hospital man herald ascending than our use of the south id eend empty tin be tint up the tlol lllhw wv to uf diitii s there unr of villituche tnd nil bcifs imist llmi rttttrn to the imu i llu la wr trust iii i- tim l ui mt ivuiun vpit ilt jackson party soon after the mftltho of the day the j am eyes are bandaged jacksonitcfl became riotous and ftcvwal violent j i state llg can perceive and describe objects auauttt were made upon the opposite committees i rhe street and even vessels ill the harbor at a clarkson crohn junr a young centlenmn of i di which renders them utmost indistinct to the espectability was assailed with bludcnn and j uncovered eyce of other persons lie can also i read the finest print and says the lettens appear 10 i him to be nearly as large aa his lingers this high- i ly excited state of the organs of sight continues a- covercd with wounds he was carried olf under the apprehension that be was lifeless his wounds however were washed and dressed and he resumed his station before the closeofthcpolls the jackson rioterst headed by an exalderman had possession ofthc ground and their opponents sent for reinforce ments to preserve the peace comparative order prevailed for time but before iiigiu about a hun dred of the jakson party armed whh bludgeons commenced their violence anew they tore down all the independent republican flags invadrd the committee rooms robbed them of the ballots and then commenced an assault upon the citizens who were vainly exerting themselves both by precept and example to keep the peace jackeou men were armed with knivea twenty citizens were knocked down 1ruiscd and some of them shockingly cut and mangled among those most severely injured was a mr inerson who was knocked down aud when supposed to be dead was held up by the hair of his head- the mayor could gie nt assistance as all the cn already engaged a public meeting wan called at the masonic hall that evening when jotkhmcuded and at uhicli it was resolved f lhal in order to preserve the peace of thecity tud especially n sixth wnri ilinfrieiulaof the constitution and flu iiihmm ul the tiutttfll fcuilld lepiiii lu the mmli wurd pull for the purpoo of keeping it open to all voters until such time aa the olbciol authorities might procure a sufficient number of special constables to preserve the public peace and that while at tin sixth ward pollf those who were u ot residents thereof would not kike any part in the election but simply act as con servators of the pence until such linns as the msijes- ty of the laws should be acknowledged mid respect ed a conference was iheti bod with the mayor who manifested every disposition to perform bis duty in an efficient manner a very general atten dance took place the next morning and many hundred peace officers selected from the citizens were actively engaged in mantaining order the mayor accompanied by the high constable and ins deputies he hatch the sheriff and bin mdfi- tutesi and the district attorney repaired to tin wxth ward and restored to tlie uepiniltcan party their committee rowrn jtfr- vvkhb of tho conner and enquirer office also raised n corps ofufht volunteer to preserve ordei- all ihesc arraiikemeiits hnw ever proved ol little avail for though imtny were ar rested for the disturbances thry created thuir friends armed witli bludgeons attempted their rceue and created courusiou but the pntiintlc ciiiens prevail ed and th ringleaders were conveyed to prison some arms were broken and many persomi more grievously assaulted one person we notice to have been stabbed ill the bowels and his life despaired uf on die third day another violent attack was made upon he cuivmxas ami a general litrht rntmedi in which several citizen were moi lnadfullv ntl dngitvusly injured livale account eeihcntiun ihui four persons bad been killed thr uutboririrs hail i sent a detachment ofirooms from govrrnois inland ami at the time the piwi lefi die military were or dered out and underarm an attempt had been made upon die arsenal for thceanunn and timtnuiti tion but ilit eitbwna ket the iosyesim of it auninsi the rioters air- uinor nflliu dmniran ofticc wm one of tlie sufferers of the third day jhwt ihmii thwo minutes when they gradually become less and less excited until they arc uble to perform their natural functions and he experiences no fur ther inconvenience from them during the day- when awake he has nut oven the faintest idea of any thing be imagines to inn occurred during his sleep we have conversed with u ncdical gentleman up on litis suhject who has seen lie man and inquired particularly into the cae am endeavored to ascer tain the cause- he sayshe cm account for this sin- ome of tbelj p 0 vision only in this way that the 1j0jt nervous energy of these organs is accumulated to such a remarkable degree by his profound and loiiff continued slurp this is certainly a most remarkable case und if not as wonderful as the famous tfpriuglield sum- umnbulbtis approaches very nearly to it she il force were he when awake a great dilfercnce it is true but both surprising and worthy of investgalion f c imbtuitd llmt there x io he a profos- siolial estuiiinaiion at which uiliiutih will he taken w hop rtb to proeurv uusta mites and f suoeessfuli shall lurnuh ouc tenders with all the par- ticulurs u c cullsue ire are requested to state in order to prevent any misconception or groundless aann among me distant parents of boarder at the college boarding house that the two youths who were unfortunately drowned in the bay on satur day last were not pupils of the establishment nor subject to the regulations of the boarding house hy which all boarders are prohibited from venturing on the water coutlkfti 7 wv are requested by the way or to state thai he will positively be a candidate lor the repre sentation of the toronto riding of this cuunty 01 the next general election the old story proposed by some of the newspapers that the mayor of a citv cannot sit in the house of assembly is mere nonsense toronto advocate brmti8ss li3s important tl kimivtkx wt thr litnrnet 1vr mm- 4vn rtntiy rivjihiuhjnmy a pqulg mimgnfifm vmtn iimt i rv trrt mmta d tin ewnwatew rrjicchi -s- ciuy ite ciwllds parliament cjiktir w t tnken si twrlw ivckv- a abauctae fj h mslitn vii cllrrtwcfc jnirk alklwq ditncn vtal3lin wm rjikr willie roirfc jtiii lhh rottl rt inrlo jlhl itlfu y vtto smith jartwi oijwl immknm i dsrns tiimum bsnctt p to uorttbtfpondbnta to htcr iki ti irwlvhl irn mr afljw cutkrmi iv knyv- m cicero ttfirrtkurr wiifiivinitalvrb parcially prruel il scon1 lm lvn fikii a there urr iff rprrrt in ihi- lawtt ihc ph- iots rfwmrt wilt itcsiii looihimlfrt ia pnmwl nnr sllulhmy tgtiom ho tfflg r h proprlw lt cuswrwi if reqpetfed tascud ki ra eotttnuqlcnilrw tu litem- wo an hppy tn otocrvq iii die irui tf adrttcv ivlrrh w pi iml uwtiy in ihc w wr shm rrrrlir rwn liim ir il riliiooh joct to utilise mtr lrwnk wrlr nrraartftwilly inlmitinj cwwlch iionoftbr nrinim ihwuprly rl itira ivor nil put ike bcvtvchlrtf for rctiio coirvrirs neftnll in flnm riittlyf iccltmlr ihrm kingston tuk8day erfxtxfs apittl 22 1831 dr rulphti letter resigning bis seat us nn alder man of st patricks wzri was addressed io the clerk of the council in the follaving form toronto llth jlprit 1931 sift i have the lionbur to acknowledge your truer inrtostntr the resotutton uf the city council and request you oflicially to infnrm the worship ful jtayor that i nltogeiher decline heintr sworn in is an aldermen the ward therefore ot sf patrick as far as i pui coucerned ia open to another elec- 1 wive c john rolph tion country bank bhokb- ks excountv da the vermont watchman of march 0lt wiya we are informed that the essex county bank lasclosed its doors if we are not nmtakeu the above mentioned bunk has only a capiil ol 40 and is one ol the safely fund hnsurutioiw piovjncial stkam boats tie canadian eagtama lady ofthc lake are the oily steamers as yet in port thfi canadian patriot came upon saturday from isiuicherville atul ktinted in the evening to the foot of the current where me is at present undergoing the necrnsary fitting up the steam ferry beat montreal commenced ply inff between longucu- and the foot of the current on saturday last tie horse boat is plying at the same place the unan cana die nut isunly waiting at her wharf at ijotufueuil to be laid down when ho will commence inr tripb between longuetlil and and the nv murkei the varnnc arrn in port ihis mornin on his fustirip from vantines deeply loaded fv vin a very important though a simple discovery is announced in some of the aturricau papers ii seems that hitherto the earth used in motofthe iron foundries in the utrmi ofwcw york has hrrn supplied by cunndu a ait awry- proprietor of bit extensive foundry in syracuse lii rerunlly una lyscd it ami found ihit it coulnnm a certain propor tion of blue clay following ibis up by a series of experiment he discovered that if cotnnianfinc mnd wu mixed with common man rlar in ih proportion of onetenth part ofcbiy io ninetenths ufsind it would cunstiuite the iwst powiblv composition for casting tbat he had ever hwtl even the most deli cate canting camo out perfectly free of sand and re quired no ort of elcansiug by vitriol hcdwiniwed ten ofhii cleanera on the spot mr a very ha ta- outa patent for his discovery and imtinibtcn q we have observed thai some of the news papers speak of the vwuyor of this city as the lord mayor and address him your hardship and so forth mr mackenzie has no greater claim to the title of lord jtiuyftrthan nny other inhabitant o the city- the af ft yore of quebec montreal and toronto are not fjord aayors nor tire there anv such ftuictionaries on the continent of america within our knowledge ife think it displays a xcry unbecoming aoeclatiou for aristocratic supremacy for any of our fellow citizens to uk high sounding tiiltm in public officers titles which the net of mcor portrtfon doca not warrant hour fi ovinrk tin mnminf a flnnst lumn of smuhe was observed to rise in the direction ot the court house and we regret to add that we have nincc learned that it was occasioned by the fail factory at amherst takiifgfirc which together with the saw vllilli ibc properly ofar iktn llartwell was wholly consumed the reformer- i rl thr hi n n trii3 lnojtl by a inn- tlic amnion huh from cflgbil foilrc cicnt vend i bt vcr rrniy rtn the g mrtrthtr thr 4lit r por fun eulfuath ittitc ujvjr tvnm lr of ihc iithf mrch w itayj hrtrr tini prcvhwamttkc tht- imcu ligcrtf bv ihrr wtttrf t- in of an impntfam chnmir r to lue a lottfcai rtajtr njiin inirr rrnni pnrtopil rrepi a rctot ihii ev nbwkri htfl1 blftllf nmeir ntlirv rti llni iv tfif4 irrnf 9 in vh h ihey wfns iv- pulmtj tc icoiihlv frmmlfcfriil mv io hr fth mic m liich prrrloj ihiil rnrtl urw cmtfufnvf visrltlllnl londvn mvrrh vr ffwh hir french papers im mobttlt i7lfc uim thr new pyrtcm ttt tftwwithf fhttlpb ifl deenw hwtfc ft l ocrinuny tluy ullu ras mtliavtly in ihe ijic caufcrrncr m man- chcocrau wt well 4 hip vtyftrf m vimn nml crm innnk l km ile nipoeiiion rf ihftptti urn tw wdup wu tin riniffficr hi ihc dectrints therein hrnnnt thr rrtiltrr roql at afgtvm liml bee oraena home in hmftjtfemc nf bc having epreito r uuicnn tfroih menj la c eonrne of fee tfebuta ml atfoshflp mwion iam paltverko elfrattmmci ie itwr m fninrc tli- rhinn- i uttr pirebeeiniitmniiuhr in i- in qfiil birv rmll cry day i mrl ii i- wuh nt atvavtlon iihii prui tlov i tu thai io 1 the ftet i have rrai tltlctl4i in iiiwlm lti wr ff rkl of ihn py jenlouiert which 1tm- fn otv xnftt ulweei ihe iwfjrreia naifon u 0m a well 6mm mrnfimp tan rnm up brwico tid which hiu ixrer3ij ai- ury mvc ktmwn c rich nuvr icuer isc prvwtll carhtim ofour allbnctt wiih lit- jftptrmpi trtwtefl frme anl fcij kei llmt h mn lower canada as w much inierf n is fell in tbeallkirs of lower cuikh1i we htll cntruvor according to the best t unr jiwlgnivnti to pncnt onr readers witli a briel mul impintinl internet of iheni there nppitrs to e ihrec parties and chilis of ncwsjkipers in lowft cnnadn ilu tirft i the ultrn or tuiinvform tun maintain wliatever io is right rilil sccm i i msiy be called constitution reformers that is ad ritix 11 r tin relbrni of ubwe which nrfi nllocii to m bin by meiiim provkled fur bv tlln coiiulituii n tiia tbinl clus mtiy be termed rcjittblieyn they do not nay ihey tluuiro i nkiratiun irim tire uritutn but they du not wish the liritih goveiimiojt to exercise any control over ihem they do not say they wish to ciulilh ajih n public but they wil to elect tiro branches of ttw tiovenmknil instead fone and thai he joint reso lutions ol these two ictal broncllcrof the tiovern- menl sliuubti suidciei r to n move the ollirers of tin ibirdor lxttiiiiveiiraot uftho uo vemment i hhich ufeounu virtuulh u republic the latter clas appenn tu embruecibe groat body of the french ouliitioitt who think an they eonstllate the nu merical majority ihev ought jo govern the se cond clatw seems to embrace the great body of the enirlib and american population who unitedly pre fer the pnftllutl control of the british crown to a french itrpitblie thin class comprises ierhan onetiliii or onesixth part ol the entire population ol the province but a majority of the intelligence i itn happy to be enabled to inform you that the uibiic woiksoli the hue ofthc canal iwtwecn caril- cii mul grcnville which have been so negligently and wttstefuily managed arc at last likely tn be so far completed early this spring as to allow such craft as can pass through the lacbine canal to be taken direct from montreal to kingston without transhipment much praise is due to captain llnvne ofthc itoyl engineers at present in charge ho is most indefatigable in exertion and is as stea dily attentive and laboriously engaged on the works from early in the morning until late in the evening as if he were a veteran contractor the change in the operation at chutc-qu-bloit- deaii is wonderful where for a length of time past thrctf 01 four hundred men were so crammed togclh- er and so badly managed that at times they were scarcely perceptible at a sdiort distance to be a ii- ximrinass and now under the superintendence of captain haynci all ore ascoutrmially in actixemo rion as a hue of bees in a sunny summers clay i niisi sincerely bebeve that bad tliosc works been from be commencement conducted with such skill ami industry as is now exhibited the whole would havr been completed ten years since ant at one fourth panoithc expense- it is ti be hoped that captain ilivn praisc- wunhy conduct will meet with a belter recompense iliau what has been awarded to col by who was one of the most able and indefatigable conductors of a mi la work and the most illused aud abused man that was probable cvet in ihe british service but surh men alrhougb jealousy may obscure for a iini their merits from a lib ruv ingratitude tunl imbeei characters and ii government ty may impugn their ytl they nave the consolation io know hat they trq awm honorably distinguished and a lively sensation r felt for their interests by all food men the steamboat and forwarding company on this rout have it appears sunk a heavy capital in coumlnicting lucks and providing other public cou- vcuicucics notwithstanding it is reported that they are determined to second the views of government m making ibis a principal route to the upper pro vince by conveying merchandise and produce cheap er than by the route of the st lawrence the peo ple of kingston by appreciating their own iuteret will undoubtedly use every exertion to meet the enterprising ottawa company halfway it ie ahto generally understood that sober industrious and civil men will be employed on rhjeau canal works miimollll the editor of die chronicle in published n account of tlw ioi ctiug u frakrvn nil tn it un hu rbe inipuilcncc to auo u of iumrctrcoititaliiiii tti ilo m wilh nuy ifrtfhttv ofpro- hniviriivv i i f i i vr amllocxainm imuw tplm- 4m tfdtlt oiwi ufa blhcparpaiioftlh prenmariitlo in tke frtt patct iys iliiii iherc nwe w many if not niantifllmhuhlenina llw wiiije rb- a n dm lory tlu xrnvn beartupmi lulfilh chi nfiwi an ftlword and pa paiilc labeltood that dt inite c nniri umiduienl ltintuleil setwuttjti lts nayi f llw mecfuig neemal oncatfy divi ded tint lhti cliiiirm hi wtllil mil iwiit tho rnnc wfc tlw nihmon wnn f al rtt omtv dhmil ws lnraom llic rlsir uirtii wh n jiuiy nun who ttofi ry nuht tllt ivry tnvial pfctih x im l if the nnnnurtreineiit lhit ins liicudn wer dc- fteitftl tliid ltfan miilhit in lii ttebuatf um of the circum- fuoco of a fiv inrlimiluals ttitrtttttf being fonttd nd lln mi- in llio icir of tlnir jnirtv to ituik h pnh1lir that pcroni were n the liberal fitlr tint til 1 mau oh g r k tfrinllo this lipid t intl ttjurtutlr rriilriiian uiu us that tlic muro cjulol cite uf tin pcmjilts im fvlilm attend public hireling arc on i nrtwrigbt sii tfiis be yas in ftcc of tho facu tbat ncirly fvcij ihvllludbft in bl9 livo coootlw will vtc ndnl uu iimh and llmt not nno in hn of iim elw df ibo freeholder was prencnl i di nei vvliotavm bojbt tin loflujt niijl have btd ujnm ik liriiit rof uichc ub jcctlfj jtodoubtcm llwy nitrtaiu ihw inti mr tiirtwriglrt lias bmti rmiviiatcil uflinvin asscrhul ilmil n mrthodist prcafbtirv m iihit fiurwl ind limit nur uig devjl nuirlmhwttl ine koij- ity the u ny tbr wirnb l thr king p- wir to tic i i i 1 1 b tin hronirfa if tmt tab on tlie eronnd wcrcpiv the h ui aiaho limber juif v and satiety irffll sflf ofthc tnitll bef rc in aiin vrnluri main v 6qf nport tlic word l v i lutvn in m pivt n ii llm fut account liod wtcliancnl tottavercdlcebnl f inttrmi ijin ring writ ten in pvnril and pavnally dfriti by fm itit k ctrofs became uuavonlabb fourthly mr vmf r r i rnlih is oiiiitit int dc r s wft filial r lrhi no- thing tjtatt ntth w mo dealt vilubo c u m wcyct did jusuce i mr ctwfthfrt -ntukui- im naltor wo rtton fpj ms tnn iml willblly prcuutinaainjiom- lrcon ami uv eaitilimlkntrrumr ivr diall with in an equal spirit uf nirjurti tlitj yaj in giving mi it count iifmn carlwriltt spewh in ha carefully loft out ilu- wladcoftlttil paituf it whm related to tin clergy ror lift tbr ity unnuiu thai particular rtprc- m wliicb would of twvlf nhnw d linn iho okviiun of a aufc mon popular cainlilalr vi dial lie mr t cmsidcrcd it nsnnich an act of noilnty bitufc lliw land fr ihirhurvb of icnjtbuiit and to apply dtrai lu llu iiuproi imnt f fxwu as a rmtldbntobdcn uwu pmliik fernilkmi bun and sl itbiforohh dh if mr faituuut m ilui wonband gloriutl in ibenntinirul wb u ik bpnutilpcvm a speech that uvidonity appear hi bavo mni rvued by llio fluotdkw and shuhtg mr camrunn dobvtnblc miioiw m indmlf of hi bomil friend nrii rnlirvlj ul ami h tunny uoievfft once nkiitioncfl i ivou pubir i uctbrnllio chronulr iun nvltisthn ji kij of nwn ution and winboa iin nmttoin lu ftwn tmtti luitaomqttinluii tt will be onrewtty m account r uiv bdmdnmijrt ami tmtfwm

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