miscellaneous two husbands on liis head- thereupon ihc cleric of arraign pitched a heavy indictment ii liu cry tenth so tint it imvfflwj into thir teen separate counts stormed their convent and pill lasbecn received from madrij t general vvmtiz to been rem iilicd it no later infurmntton rij than the 231 illnniary removed lvim the romnmnd yf the i teen separate counts then the counsel forth crown heav v u- i jed a brtefoflbrtyfuuo into ihc pit ofuie stomach anon ooif j rmy of operative in ilic mflh k f cucladt nov 16 at the townhall of aberguvenny a mwt iko unib u when they exploded there flow out viceroy of navarre tlwnuif- extraorimary case w brought before rtc rev xhpm mm fillir muu nilie bull and tihmw win powell olwinaatti mid bench of magis- m twenty hojnd every ho hem weight in ev hint ijoi ihey of co pots lra in i i 1 11 i idence iipwnrdof itaciy alums wily the chief pitcher a tolerably goodlnokiiig woman genteelly oh higt wig d iu fiirgod uj tired and whose appeatonce indicated 8pecnibili m chai n hu ma md hi great iukand md fty appeared by warrant before the magistrates to luc k crown andthe lion and the unicorns ry thing answer the charge of maa named brooks- lhe nd lhod uking both liitnu he defendant gave her name eliza rossr and appear- j bcavctl mbim lho 3talm al urgd llot cullumll with which fed to be about 28 year of age- mr brooks who taok cxmo wllh pai y at once for has a gentlemanly deportment charged the said mm and hlljdkf n im a halter eliza rogers with marrying and hying with another u m ntm com a i t dying pccl elm wffin and last of all may i die of the pip the next time i cat orange iftw didnt capiat him the whufcttccplo r st- scpuldirc death bell and all as if it had been only a snow ball never was sl stephen so pvlled no wonder in hie world tint under such a huge heap ofnlbbwl he became ut terly dumbfounded bamboozled obfuscated miimazed if- fiicatcd ftumrnocfcst and flabbergasted teeing which the chief pitcher as usual inquired whether he had the infinitesi mal of a word to say tgainst being strangled imo a iiuickamonr with theverr eyes of iii head giving notice to pit ww i apt- and an man at the same time knowing him brooks her first husband to be in existence brooks then told she following explanatory tale he was a native of london and belonged to a regiment of lancers about 15 years ago the regiment was in the bar racks at brecon when he fell in love with the pri soner wbose maiden name was williams bite vas then not quite 15 years of rge he wooed and wqo her she coosented to be his wife the proposed mutch reached the ears of his officer who issued to complainant uu strict commands against it but tfetoncy limits cant hold love out neither can the commands of an officer enforce obedience from the disciplined soldier when love rilken bands leads its votary to another shrine brooks likt many a great man before him found that to be u and love exceeds mans imghi itt abort he married the defendant and although immediately afterwards pined in confinement his solitary moments wero cheeivd with the blissful thought that his eliza was near him he looked forward to a speedy release from his prison house end hoped- when the anger of his officer had passed away be should be returned to the society of his wife- bur alas day rolled on after day and yet poor brooks continued aprisonen henow became rery desponding and frarcd he was destined to be beparated from his eliza he felt with racines brit- tauicus that tonjours quefque crainte accompogne iarooar f the soldiers sad forebodings were rea lized orders arrived for the instant removal of the regiment to the east indies i and the young husband was hurried away being scarcely perfumed o take a parting kiss from his blooming and beautiful bride he embarked at bristol eliza uth a heavy heart attended him to the vessel but shfi was forbidden to accompany him the separation was affecting and tays feeling description in his sweet ballad found a living illustration in the parting of the young sol dier from his bride the boatswain gave the dreadful word the ftails their swelling bosobm spread no longer mot she stay aboard they kissd she sighd he hung his head her lesning boat unwilling rows to land ttafllcuj blfrohm uajitjuuiul wrtvcoheri hand years passed away and though brooks was many thousand miles from his wife yet he believed their hearts were linked in an indissoluble bond of oneness he corresponded and frequently remitted large sums of money to his wife in england who duly acknowledged them as tokens of undying love at length after an absence of 15 years brooks hav ing been awarded a pension of 5s a day received his discharge and returned to his native land on his arrival he flew on the wings of love to seek his eliza but o woman thy name is not fidelity the solder fonndhcr but alas although he had beee a faithful ulysses eliaa williams had nn prov fai hemlupe lie found her ii i true but not bis fond expecting wife but the mat ronly helpmate of a mr enejs holers who lived in wales and whom she had blessed with three chil dren brooks was astounded what his eliza the wifeof another man and the mother of three chil dren 1 with such proofs of her damning incon stancy yet he still loved her he remonstrated fint in vain he threatened still in vain and he now appeared before the rev vicar ofabctgaveu ny and his brother magistrates and iti the name o the laws of england claimed eliza as his lawful movement in his favor had token pluce i lis- fcc- vliis misled the miguclttcv ihiufeitig imi r small force to fight against marched full lidencc and in high spilfla against saldanha to onliinl iu tpaopa o retreat three miles until iuinlicru pionifiavc been clear i the mitfuclitn iid cfohkd r uh kflaen lcri ofwiiom hovo sou rcf be able to ddtod wfeh n n in navar olficcrs and mci wcrt acscrting the irstir was to scchreihim hchi rank md ipm w y lc ftufl rfrttoefc qmritiwuu ihm exepmei hvhis brareaj mtxioim boldiuni tlio ittoation otths vnitetu rf to tlio battle ihwurli ilu ir ftixo vns verv iafisriur the mi-uel- f uo iftb or january cnptuicnt uwuds of itvu toul for douw m and liwdo a viorous i one hundred md twenty ol stf jiic jrtcj u lutttv uilcouh tint fcialu n itict u liis ohjvct dir pedro ii iv the miliurj force of don s jjj y on la of j fubruary io consist or twenty ti l f hundred infantry two tliouind two iiundrcd wjl fiflv cava foriyiwo field nicies and ilii tysix iflttwlng r tjiat of donna maria at tlic fame hum was said tw coi oftliirlysix thousand eight iiundrcd and fifty inquiry oi- rhodnd four iiundrcd and uveniyfivc cavalry with a khrgu qinunhy uf artdlcry tlii computation was made prcvious batl s0 tn to don miguel tlictuleof repent ii omitted ji in offic of don pedro count sandallia ncuri fl ij wasa spanish tattil- ion liclorging in doncarlns in j j tattle from what we learn lw3rrj beinvoa elcilland and loatut tint tony had a in amble in lu ntmd that rc rcasoin j b arc likvly to ua hruuuliiu very soon to n favourable tcr- ii ike lilatkbcnics aud ripe otios loo w for ifflwnplc hat a l m colsium is to bftva cn nflimhur- 1rll rupe round tho fujiol i very hnd for the licalth and par- nill holland tint of ltncmlmrg the lefujal of the collateral icuhily when ones liojlh requires to take iills or even ik- the house of nasat w j a nouglu tiip iuic three limeaadjy i say he might have given a thousand regulation of the trade of llic sfeci nill llren be llu only re such rjoabe tuami against hanging hut the very mo- inainins pwrittolw deidc4 ty j jip stvcril im- rimiiiuui miimte of opening his mouth the chief pitcher au h- porwnl regulations relative to cgeroian affairs will it u expect- snonbe made knovngcrciii him m off hould wifo the magistrates bo hud listened with great nt icntinn to the romantic tale of the soldier called up- rm 4vtrra ftiyioks to answer the chaise which ua been made against her the lady pouted has sulky then hung her nether uoaud positivdy refused to answer to the name of jfheoldicriv33 flow asked if he would release her from the holy bonds of matrimony 1 not for worlds he exdaimed nothing shall separate us for i dearly love her mr eneas rogers was in attendance both he and brooka were asked if either woifld prefer a charge of bigamy against her but both declined for eliza had evidently built a citadel in the hearts ol brooks and eneas rogers the magistrate then decided that she must live witli brooks and if any person attempted to moles of separate them they enjoined hiin to have them tfcen into custody to this arrangement tlte hily appeared willing to accede the eyes of ifrdokti brightetied jind the brow of rogers wore a glojmy anger at length the stream of frt love sejined to gush from elizas hart her eyes glistened and ha her hand trembled a moments btruggle and ahe ve that hand to the soldier brooks pressed it in i most affectionately ad as he led her off lie appeared more proud of his triumph than if his brow had been just encircled with a wreath of military glory while poor eneas rogers troubled soul gave a deep sigh- he turned upon his heel and with a heavy heart and mournful face left the room to wend his way to the solitude of the welsh moun tains- hereford times e j iouihiin a prodigious great tmii as apt and cleverly as u lie bad played at nothing else but ouuckurihing und pitth id- tliohule even mucc he was fourteen so tlic mummy of i- leuce being preserved die mcrliciiiinfr began licy presto be- fore you could soy ilurmarv boaz uic big wig was turned into a black cap i after uiat you may tell liie world ihfll our jud ges aru no tonjurorh tlitutho trial oinlcd aud tonys n- kllce as laken in the hieroglytiiical shorthand ran tiu nammy that hcwa to be sent tin a dli k monday to the deaf and dumb school tluit is kept in a coffin well friday came and saturday and sunday and sun days night hewxi posting to eternity with four bolters i will bcithc whole national debt b would bate liven eightoeo- pence a mile and half a crown to tie boy to have been pos ting on any other road all the favour lite law allowed wa to have an ordinary at eight instead of an ordinary at qm a very ordinary favor to a man who was about to leave dining but the devil ought to have his due fend so s the lurd major and the sherilb as they had ngcted tony a ii t e oy not bung with the other gois at hiscluisteninp to uher him into ih world thoy tended veiy ceremoniouily to shew him out of it each in hu gilt coach and with regard to thd coachmen the footmen and even the very horses they were all malthusiari or couse the recorder brought ih hanging wa rant and if you would know what the hanging warrant was like it was like a map of clieshin with ihc ivcrsty left out i furgol to tell you that before u came to this pas the or- dinary came ultcmimcs to the cell where todj vi pray bcstjes whom there wasaa exttordinary whu examined him on hu points nf faith- and the points of kiith were thcc namely whether he believes tlio moon to be of green cheesy and 33 to the size of ihc mites thereon scondly ifho bclicv ed the puppetplay of punch and judy to be a type of the full of ninevelu and thirdly concerning the lions in pilgtim progress whether they were bred at mr womb wells mr crops or at the tower of london to all of wlmh tony givinc decidedly serious answers he w a pronounced fit to die and quite prepared to have his nwh stretched as long as the throttle of a claret bottle when 1i13 winn is ropy according ly on the morning of monday time laid his longhand upon tonys collar and gave hitn eight diiliuct hints that hu hour was come for bein- ornilhologised by sentence ofthe great law n enus blackcap in ilu jniubird bqntrt wrynrk jvever w there such a mobbing to see a hang ing- half the loiidoiurs that morning went with out their brfcikfasts to be time for the old bailey trot trot trot canter and full gallop away thro piccadilly push on tliore i the strand hey dowii kolbnm hill with n voicks ii cheapside and a iwrk forward in newgate street and u tally ho in vvcat smtlhfield- they all meant to be ill flt the death never was there such a nice to see a man whose fticfi wm nuilwiic it hy a neck and thcor- airrofilie running was thus the royal humane society got hi first at the drop and had an excellent front row the society for preventing cruelty to animals was a good sc- oqftt tya iny 1 die- if the law lie assurance hadirt the asburaucj to coitae thrrtx vejtcaiuutuc philanthropic society with the society of gjod samaritans barely a length behind and then the society for promoting christian knowledge neck and neck with the londoa uenjvolent society all racing till thev panted again to see tony put out of breath you never saw such a chevy luckily there was to anniversary at st- pauls so the sons ofthe clergy cantered ill with all the children of all ihc parishes that had any chari v to see an execu tion put in for the debt of nature alsn the me dical society came to see one die by the new drop sy and all the knights of the trailer with their or ders it being a cvltdrday wherefore they wore their gtttten rcwditwiotha tashiou of miss bailey and dfeantihw hvewr the isaue p speak ofthe march ing of belgian troops into luxcvcmburg u tlio amount nflokooo mr uarmii tlic bclgiiin otccr fftg i arrcsc y prussians his been set a liberl- brussels paper arc to it glhj of march all was quiet in the capital- there had heen mmc tumultuous prorccdins among the stuilents at gltenl nineteen wfrw ancstd in tin mffty one of whom was wotmdod but al have been iulttvcft some ofthe heavy enmmcrrial i houses and shipowners of ant werp arcotjiijiratingto hollnihd with their bip5 the emperor of austruhajlj been seriously ill but was re covering the german couniu qppcaar to he faarily engaxoi in regu- latin the affairs duties and regulation of their incrna1 coui- oiercc the harclii of ahalbh eelifta the defender of aer arricj onlhe26lb of january in an eliypti in corvette al consmntinn plo- itcportsays that abdullauhhas already been appointed to a pacholik in asia some naitvne baglad lie certainty de serves some reward from ihc ivorte for his obitinatc devotion to her caustiin acre m twothschild ha finally conme to on atrangement with the porto regarding the payment off lie indemnity- an he will con sequently remain at coatiiitiiinuplu for nie months the winter up to the 2sih of january had been unusually mild the weather resembled tbtiht of may rather than of janu ary this u much in favor ep the next crnp or riltc which bv thftso papers fl are made acqwmtcd with the result ofthe enquiry into the conduct of mr bfceu- o11 the niotioii ocmft oconncll a cointuittet was appointed to examine witnesses and report 10 the house- two gentlemen it seems appeared one of them not only did not support the accusation hu actually deposed to the fact of mr shcil4 having in private conversation expressed his disapprobatimi ofthe coercion liul tfw supposed to be mr b macaulay refused to give any evidence at all oi the subject mr hill hen admitted ui the mui handsome manner ihrithc mutt have been deceived begged mr shells tfrdon which was readily ac- oordoj nnj th oifr- rc that ffhthnnmi to be entirely bluineftfb- a sooi- deal of ducusioi ensued in uiliousc wc think it only r ecetfucy to quote a small poron of lord vuhorp aid mr shells speeches ftp former mated wo man howevefj rejoiced at the contents of the report more thuti he did he then state his reasons for goin furtll in his answer to mr sluiiv rtiuji than mitthi appear nccewury- u iiad mes of sharpshooters to cutoff their retreat by the bridge which got there before the enemy and open ed a most mirdcfovs fire- upon ihctllv aud forced dlbiw to throw themselves into the stream which tfovh wtct fill of daad bodies night prevented a continuation of this scene of slaughter but the gen eral asserts that he never witnessed so fatal an issue in proportion to the numbers of the two armies our loss in killed aud wouuded amounted to 370 that ofthe demy vae 230 prisoners 80 deserters and killed hilled and wounded not mentioned it u cnontlqtife accounts from suntarcm itinko loiiiil to nearly the whole of 4000 ny of the soldiers availed fteuwch to desert to ificir hemes last month a riuisioaof pedro conunand ofsalhn able town on the lug in the garrison and swer tovodt i did not charge the gun for it least throe qu attars of year before i discharged it at lane anutio solemnly declare that i do not know who putlfrc charge which i 6red on the melancholy occasion signed wtj mw i fun her declare as n dying man that the bay onet fixed on the slick which y brother junes had in his hand was brought from ireland and fixed nil the very same stick to lie best of my knowledge after our going to the hush the people having per suitded us that ir was dangerous to go in the woods mal the impel- without some weapon to defend ou rat ives in case of meeting with wild beasts signed william suitor fore wed thtrm to font and 13 tit yoancr given m of otr td retreated in lliegivutcsle meanwhile tianjalha had scut two coinpa men s tna- csof the darkns s artnyj uftder the da hod taken laia a consider- sitty uf coitnba after defeat- t torres novas u6 defeated two squadrons of cavalry which were almost entire y cm to pieces or taken prisoners trade of cirse is inosly at a stand an admis sion has been allowed of 3iu20 movs of ivird mhal iililmn cor 1i1 1c00 ditto of koh dlllo- iiiili ditto u begin lai mitxii aud to btop ihe moment tiat tity is fulfilled a great deal has already arrived and the above quantity i expected thurtly to be to uim completed- the cdttiittttni i oil y allowed tol is- stugti i fr tht non no foreign snlliers were engaged in saldanhns divion lun lvdni has received tame reinforce ments of 1100 and ih horses purcluisuj in england eft the meantime miguel sill hohu our and the country is ravaged by bands of royalists ahd robbers ttlia unimit the grentit cruelties and de redatious 1 te pen ustoflilndinfr i the a that has showed much uiii diabitaut ips the most regular hve bank i k bii fbuglit and in which both parties rrcvincial- vkwpfcl qouc cuzcttc or fiijoy ttr4iiinl execution ov wiluam sltutbr one ofthe three criminals 1 jainas sautcr the ather and the two sons viiliath and jms conicted of the iutr read in the uewiaw itacks upon mir uill and waa certain that they were about w be followed up in the hoiue and fell that if he snipped short at the simple answer hr sheira inquiry he shouldcncouagc thflsfl attacks ue ftdmiutd that he had acted imprudpntly u a miiiotor and as t mm bin he felt ah character us a miiilei was puru competiuon wihl vj mwiwmmrtfcfi jemaii and how could he liwwlc to prefer the lat ter 1 he was ready to apolol to mr shlmi but he wished to know having rtfieivcd his infurmation from apeison on whose wode relied whether mr slieil mcat to deny that he m used language re specting the coercion bill in fcrivate different from that which he ooed in the hotf u fell bound to say that after conversing ww h informant on the subject he found thai allhorih his words wttrj htc- rally true thcinipressim priced on his mind aud which he conveved to thehoil wm not home ov mr bheil aid the bdbm learned member fur hull in committee that mining after the exam ination ol lo witiewesfiv committee left to him the conduct of u hat raigll be tcrined a prosccu- mardur of living lane by shouting bun on his own reuc the drop in ftvnl of the jail at uw iws iorennon- the father and th c other sou have been twpited i he sutlere was abjut 24 years of age and the eldest son the crowd presen- at the execution was extraor- diiiary aud was more infiucuced by mere cutiosity and felt more sympathy fur the ciiimiul than ho ror for the ennte tito suitors nut suulcr as pronoucvd and hlth- erto wrongly spelled ra ivebyteriaus and vfu liuru has bcn attended eiuoe coawction by the uev- j uarkness d wluauo p jrfonned at the escj cdtion the lut painful religiousixreiiionierf and read from tlu platform lbs coiilvston imwscd belo- thev originally emigrated from the notih w ire- land being naiivcsofthrprnperty called uartena moyagh tuu unies from uairagh and leu from co ier in the country oldcrry copy of the confession ol iuiam suitor ex- ecuej tnisday the 4th aphu 1 do hereby solemn- ly declare in the immethute prospect ofdoatli and as 1 have tu answer to vhiigty god at the greui diy uf jttdguioii lihit on tile tyomiiig of the 6th day vt december 1 my mo lur called on mc while m bej and desired uie lb go after my father as he hacf gjie to ti clearance ouid cjncerutng which lie and livug lsnewera duiotiitg iuurdmr to endear vourto j revail upon luntj io desist fo jroceedi in batldiira luchouhc on it uud to lave liie luu dvmiiiaiy rhm rtjnctrroyr all the foreign ambassadors seeing which tony put on agootl face aud walked stoutlyupthcludder i t himself siatcd i mah cilculated to make saying softly to hunsclf the eyes cf europe are h fhc uuest 00 ndionly that the charge opoiit 9 m 1 was not true but that ii w uikrly duti ow ol atl bemg my gart in niy hand as 1 iidd btun to lire inibii doing when going into the hush and proceeded tow ards the clearance and thatou my way thiiher l culled at my brother jamvs shaniy and requester him to accompany me which he readily did we dtd not come up vith my jaiircr ull he hd actually entered ujiou the clearuuce shortly uitciwards a guud deal of alteration took place bctvecu my fath er and larri my father iusiatsd upon hie right to uie land and lanfe declaring bat he would not leave it hut keep poscttoijii of iu aui half ail hour or of tin hour alw we ardved on tin u uante forward on te log whlh had been piled fpw the connieiicomont of ihe mltiudud log uuse andj placed his let f ut on the top of tiuin in a nieiia- lumdi in sj tlte officere of his majestys customs we under stand have irecelved instmctibwe to levy an addi tional duty of three pence per gallon on rum im ported into quebec from the british colonic and which goes into immediate operation some doubt existing respecting the correct interpretation ofthe rtcem act of the imperial parliament on this point the attention of his imajcsty government has been railed to the subject in the mean time bonds for the payment of extra duties will be taken at que- bec jtitums gzzettt with reference to the foregoing paragraph wc are authorised to make the following statement the duty on win inporwd into canada fr m the worth american provinces is 9d per gallon leviable under the ant 14 geo 31 cap 83 by on uctof rtie51 get5dctp tfrniatba produce of the british west indies wais permitted 10 he iniported from the n a proviiiceai g j per aalmt if accompanied hy a cerii5cawef its pro duction litis act while in force operated as a sus pension ofthe additional 9d per gallon by the general custom repeal act 6 geo 5th 103 the act of 5l geo 3d cap 47 vas a- or and after the 5th july 16jwen ruin n a province again became ii the duty ofdd per gallon under the 14th qeftssd rap 83 but as it was not intended by tbe gentry re peal act to make any change in die w n rum an ordar wm given to suspend du colhc6a of the additional 3d per gallon and subsoquedtlydieextn duty that had been paid was returned- 1 by the 7ih and 6th geo 4lh ba kb riuty en rum wau equalized at 6d per ganon itesier in ported from the b w indtwdkcpt or f he n a provinces j3s by the repeal act 3 and 4 wm 4th istipiso tba act 7 and s geo 4th cap6 ims beun repealed aud consequently the quesrjob ia arisen a whether rum frotii uie n aovinces again become liable to the duty of mper der the 14ih geo 3d cap 8a under sirailtir circuiuflaucos u change in the duty was intended it is sumed utat no change is now cc question has been submitted to 10 the reference made no inatructions have been received to levv an ditional 3d as stated in the gazette ofthe 4th i m f quebec mercurj vnksccyrr april 9 rnkctfrr policb election at 10 oclt yesterday morning the election commerced 11 it closed when alexander afcwillau esq a mr thomas praser wee declared duly elected the east ward and messrs moses murphy 1 timothy buckley for the west ward first u ing ofthe corporation to be liolden ion wediir the 16h ins at h a at at the court boom donald cameron a true blou rcfonntr is a didute for the county of glenjjrry we wish ucccs grtnwilu qazcttt the worthy citizens of toronto are per more heartily disposed titan any other sampleofii creatures to be on aoo w d trrms with theim umiut this vanity arises fto the natural mir hoirmatchlrasharhoitn we cannot pretead to cuijj uu t read i was not true bul that r with the ordinary on the right f the h cr uii a uao m ins 1 a way as led rue tu throw it at my lather tid member turned ther retire or duw hack 1 that he iucided und ou arcing my the rope dancer an eitroci irom 1 1 n j comic annual or ism may i transmignuc wlieii bralima pupscs my froiil into die piriieofst brute mav i tranraigratc i ay inioa botdltr daughter pctlamjjit not a piteous vighll0 tc tonio teifg offiiic5irthe twoawtfrttcsratfevn hours wl- tng6frmiastcrvat wliiub never goes to a lauadrs but al- id and ilu extraordinary on the lcit and the lo w a countenance expressive of strong of what migi happen 1 iu1 to fa- s u ibouu iu led lately dichaied great coisrrictor a littlfi behind tony who bad e and begged he wnll4 forgive him for the my gun with the intent of maiming the leg on thd his whim with him was asked how he felt imihcif u which he had done hilh the moineni those log and saving my fathers liie but with no other and how his fnjier and mother did and all his little worf passed his lips he tlw l whatever intent whatever neither harboring malice against the brothers and titters i which he answered dunk- is f m follies might hb resentment was not deceased iu my heart nor having any pretneditated fully that they were all v and thai for his atldhna had ti not been for david part he fell very comfortably aiid dntd in the faith xliat gemleman had been i hi putting in- falkur and mr wlcitotevdi 1 should not now be in of st vitus now the faith of st vitus ts not exj l0 circulation r rc which admitted to be acly the faith ofthe church of england nor without foundaumi he harim to establish faith do i well know what faith ii is bul the ordi nary took no objections to it for he wus a man in favour of universal toleration remembering the say- way haoga upon a line of it own it must be owned tlial her bs his whim but for all the wlrims dun ever were wliiumiod tnj of ihe heathen priest of apollo to the bishop o magnum bonum you have your tholoyy and let i uc utsve taylbologjv wo the ordinary held his j ptttce but the extraordinary would lain have argued th point regularly and methodically according to lie dognraticiil mapper of ccrbeius namely iu a dhrct the charge and he failed lle edmitied l a manner which in his hnnrljldgnt i on him the greatest pi cheers admitted tu be 1 my present awful situation bull freely forgive thm and all others who have injured me and pray iicknowlcdgj the ju itisitdthul hiiud may also forgive i lieu of my sentence and 1 am perfectly die judge aud jury did me justice though 1 inusf cide hut unless to hen the eulogists of tor descend from barren generalities to exact panicul that city is blade 10 outstrip rome ad jerusalf oonstatititiflpie and debit london anrf pc such litjujeg such streets such boats such bar ffwoj su h srliootks such strainets sucli learning so tovij suchcoiibtellations toere never mefi or bea ui anv other place or any other twenty places tf the present hobby of he umrivallfcd jowialal toronto is to proportion uie ivuyocfl wtory importance and dignity of his dominions the mayors 1 quebec audhunircal have tivel a hundred pounds each aod while nors of two of the sovereign states of tlui vermont and rhode island have betwqsi something less than three hundred pounds y lantf writers wlluded to seriously propose tontisej 1 mayor of toronto to the peerage with ao aup salary of four hundred pounds mckenzie is perfectly in the right to licofl if sibk the mayors salary to a hundred poum viewed not as n remuneration for services hu means of defraying official expenses it iaa cious aud we bekfve a new principle to make olhce of mayor an object of mercenafy ambi ffhioh would be more likely to gain its ends popular arts of the demagogue than by fearless charge of publicduties the danger is the imminent as the mob if we may judge mckenzics return as a member of assembly as an alderman bears the bell both in the city the county the mayors salary should have been limit the legislature aton settler pomcs ijlectiom the election of four onlhmthercatesiprusev i iua ai u jury am me justice though 1 rnu lice officers for this town waa cosed on tu we rijoire sincerely at r homoranlc acquutal lu dttlng uh my dyng breath that i hcnrv jones and george malloch esq which mr sheilhaamiwitlt iwl killing lane 1 rqpent bmcrl were dlarl duly elected for the east wan stibstantiatcd his public kjs or i r j j ft m monday nfwrnvom f pnl for uto wet i lathcli continu d open till tuesday when jan much jj murphy eqnivs were dam i ay stand at an end hi eloquent pen tf linvu bccn whmieod for ever and through life hu have been shun ned asa contemptible and 96t mun whodioscfor a tempororv purpose to saw honor and cstccm- iiod crime my lor oath whether the other rupe might have been to this daw se with thfetwadand it he had once be gan to spin thv triples yarn of controversy ruajtivr sy and vicevuisy intp a cable tbeitt is no saying ar xhe ship dchndera cnph hill arrived at bal timore sitlmnil ni apiglcltsr uhcs 01 the evuhiiig of the feth feisty- w american tfjuing therefore how matters stood master consul who cam over froit on the previous strangulator pushed in with an elbowing manner f furnished cant hill wl bc tbliowing intclli- aud began begging pardon of tony lur the part he rmtoe i was about to perform who forgave him very readily 1 y 4 srill occupied strong place of san- j requesting him moreover to shake bauds and by toreuii distant 12 leagues ik lisbon where ha v- iog and magog nucll a shake wus never shaked- j united his forces from br pwvincoh lit colli c- miice the shak became a sect 1 ted about 0000 to 12000 in mostly uoyalistl uuiecra militia on the v ordered icneral foifeslt new l luke 50ijl ueil ol best roups and di rected an attack upo i wouldnt have had hit trick i thenocje let mo od tena firma im content with tlic look out i have oflifc without cocrtiog a birjvcjc view old llanian when he was forty cubita high had not a better prospect of this than 1 five from the ground 6uor poor tonio 1 it wa a soriy ight and if 1 didnt pity htm from my boui may i be an hour be iunii time fursvciiig the ncxthaninghout and all through get- 6ag by niislakc tnui a blundcrbu0 a blundoibus my inas- teri ii bi the wrong omnibu il nw took iu courbo as ujuji lhaiialoay liko a greyhound after hare tony wo put up minn run after run over run before turned ii bledond tsumbled ncud and wut anil gripped by the jugu lar but thats a scurvy simile toanuther lhave lapped up in pancaka aagivtht calendar a shove backwards uud cop- pote it shrovclcdo aud poor tony stuck up in dock by way of a thycock for the hw limbs to aliy at you never saw iiuch polling in yur life no not even wlicn sl s within look itintobcrwaleryhcudtoiaincauanddogil firt the fore- th intentions touk to anna jitiaekedthe mukrftid pullheiu cu smidulhu the man ofthfl grand juryjerks a true bill at him that took efli totbgrouto killing uiratntimbcrofihom thovaiuirwrds 5 previously amvwwwj the v neii oibu letter- from madrid slato iut the tfionki of salamanca have nllick i ki apenlydtictafcdbgairiaitlie ftuocd bcveral ofwhnn havobecn illlil llm al c w biblle rrctcd the other monk who woro informed ofthi- act of i oi 9w pww almaiktt- n the government assembled nnd proceeded tn lho pfaon to re s sv to one nuolhcr wgd mrh iimm t- j a un then but hu student of salamaiim wing informci tf w ulpll inched uff ilo po tinil xcu led uud the nrpihtn nll iind a friend in und bruihor are iunoveut of the lltev were condemned to toiler publicly cuidlm that 1 have been a grcot sin ner and too ofteu neglected my rdigioudutiea lut till crime tor which 1 am about lo sutler is the only one of a deep dc of which 1 feel conscious 1 re turn my thanks to the clergy the sheriff and garj- nbteto j 6 y which they iiav bewn ihesanit ft particulaily grateful to our gcjuttbx i mr aylwin for his exci tiois in our cause i recommend my mofhei and ull my dear relations tu thi mercy and kwpiug of itu and 1 trust thai my untiiih ihtc will be a wnruing tlhpm and all oibcrs to guutd iigiutmtand rcsiruin the aral ridings ufpnaston which too often leade iihfiuticir to futnl ctiaiaeqttciices the ibllii w ma lsc wis the stuic oi james fl red tho poll east wailb henry jone george malloch samuel reynolds mm uuo witii uwj lord iu itt jcus only hope of pardon the merits uud jurist who is my ougil 111 chief 1uii to his bohhersi i ciiuuiy mu all aiid icccance kditntion of ih ueuyui und my tiedcuujef ij william suitou iml april itiul i du hereby further declare that ns 1 have to bo west wajux jamoshall john mtirpll mm samuel pennock a meeting of tin members elected took pi 3 oclock tm tuesday for the purpose of 8 as in the presemi fifth mimber but net agreeing an afcn i die in peace rua took plucu till the evening when not coqlkl it er feu fit i of tit aw ugolmfw llio tjucation wus idvried to tht ihe electron lo take plncc mi flic 17th insl jones ei u mulorstoud to be a candidal will oiosc him ia not yet known a short time lnfwe uie close of the poll west waul mr ietmockwoa three nhend murphy mui wuuul hau he desired it tevt