lamlla tomttceh published semiweekly opiper phr ok8em dicort vmlume 1 by e j barker m b the british whig a semmveekly journal cluvotrd to commercial and political infoimation if published cvorv tuesday and friday mornings by doctor barker editor and proprietor at his of- 6ce in rear street next door lothe cotnmercil hotel for country circulation only the british whig is eubtishcd every tuesday afternoon in a weekly form and will s found to contain the nmst important matter of tlie semi- weekly paper terms for the svmi weekly paper one pound per annum t paid in advance or within three mouths from the receipt of the in number and one pound live lulling if collected at the end of the year exclusive of potafie for the country pper twelve shillings and sixpence per mnnum if paid in advance or within thtee months from the receipt of the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at the end of the year exclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in the country and who may prefer to send to the otlicu for their papers may have them supplied at ten shillings per copy per annum prompt pay no subscription rereived fof loss than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid up except at the option of the publisher sntotttlsemcnts six line and under 3ft 6d finrtinsertion and 7d each subseouent insertion tun lines and under 3s 4d firrt insertion and lod caeli subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the nrt insertion and id per line for even subsequent insertion advertisements without written direction are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ordcts for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment letters taken in except from agents unless post rirfgstoiuc tcksdav april is 18341 1834 lake ontario the steam boat no 20 pi id letter press printing doctor barker bavin obtained a most superior press and an excellent assortment of job typk is enabled to execute every description of job pk1ntlng with neatness and ex pedition upon terms liilliertu n n precede ntly low in upper canada sale of crown lands the undermemioned crown lands in thetown- ahip of tvfitfiinnirn will h nxposntl m mtle by public auction at mr applebys inn haimonville in tlie mid land district on tuesday llie 15th day of april next at 10 oclock a- m at the upset price of 15s currency per acre the conditions actual settlement and onefourth of the purchase money to he paid dmvn and the re mainder in three equal annual instalments payable uih interest at six per cent on each instalment with the instalment first concession south of street no i 8 13 14 16 is 21 23 24 33 35 first concession south range nos 10 14 20 22 25 3g first concession north range nos 13 14 19 20 2224 30 32 34 second concession south range nos 1 1 21 24 26 23 30 31 32 35 second concession north range nos i 2 2 j 24 25 26 23 30 32 third concession south range no 5 6 24 27 29 30 31 37 third concession north ransre- nos 6 7 s 12 24 23 29 30 31 34 37 39 fourth concession no 7 north part s containing 96 acres 2123 24 25 north part 30 containing sg acres 31 32333536373840 n commissioner of crown lands office toronto 24th march 1834 j for sale acres of excellent lands in the 5th concession of the township of kingston about five miles from the town for particulars papply to lttj jtihjj ftwllll l hi -iw- m fc le subscriber lewis day f kingston april 3d 1834 ithe undersigned begs leave to inform his wvieiub and the public generally that he has com- neuced the business of rm auctioneer and commission merchant ji all its various branches at the old stand of the ite michael moran in king street qui merchants and others forwarding their commands r depend upon the utmost punctuality and dis- itch being used lmul horses cattle and household furniture id in town and country cash advanced on goods james linton united states propelled bt two powerful lowpressure engines capl j it van dewateb having had her cabins and accommodations for passengers enlarged and improved will start from ogdensburgh on her regular trips fortheseason on the 13th of april next- the proprietors deter mined that nothing shall be wanting to promote the comfort and convenience of passengers have omit ted appointing agents authorized to contract for freight although they will be desirous of carrying it whenever they can do po consistently with a due regard to the accommodation of passengers going up will leave ogdens burgh on sunday at 5 oclock p 1 kingston u c monday 6 a m she 4 ii u 100 rtor flirt kingston april 4ih 1934 sackets harbor monday j2 m oswego 10 p m rochester landing tuesday s a m toronto york u c 9 p m arriving at lewiston early on wednesday morning giving passen gers all the day to visit the falls and return by the boat treal on saturday t i t 4 comixg down she will leave lewiston every wednesday at 8 ocloek p m rochester landing thursday 8 a m oswego 5 p m sackets harbor 11pm kingston 17 c friday 7 a m touching at french creek alexandriiibiock- rille and morrisiown and irriving at ogdensburgh on friday evening ena bling passengers leaving niagara on wednesday evening lo arrive at mon- visning on the route rochester 2s 6d 5 0 notice the public arr hereby informed hat thr- subscriber will continue to hire out the hearse as usual on the following terms for a member of st georges church for a member of an other church who is not a subscribe horse and driver provided to labouring people he will also hen required undertake agement of funerals w p cook april ilth 1s34 5 0 2 6 the man- oswego sackets harbor kingston brockvilleand ogdensburgh passing that most interesting part of the scenery on the river st lawrence from tin- lake to ogdensburgh by dav light march zjth 183ft 07 owmt 0 tuscany straw fit panctt stxmmeb bojvjyets wholesale retail david williamson has just opened an extensive and fashionable assortment of bonnets of the above descrip tion to which he begs leave to call the attention oi the ladies of kingston he also solicits the orders of merchants whom he engages to supply on liberal terms with any new harp tavern david leally begs leave to inform bis friends and the public fienerally thai he has leased that newly erected stone building belonging to mr watkins next dcor to dr bakers and near the chronicle office corner where lie has opened a tavern and inn for general entertainment he will at all times keep on hand an assortment of the best lxquobs amd wines in rear of the house are excellent sheds and stabling kingston 11th april 1834 beutleys ferry and tavern stand thomas bentley having taken the ferry and tavern stand formerly known by the name ol wessells ferry begs leave to inform the public that he has engaged a canadian as ferrymm to attend the ferry and to convey passengers to and from he steam boats and that the utmost attention will in future be paid to this part of his business he his also made arrangements at the tavern for the accommodation oftf whw refresh ments may be obtained at ilu- shortest notice and hopes by a strict attention f hxs otlttnew to ob tain a share of public patronaa n b t b will also ketf sorlment of groceries a d it 1w4- hand a small as- sophiasburgh april 10th 19 quantity during the season d w takes the present opportunity of in forming his friends that he will in a few days remove to brock street where he solicits a contin uance of their favors kingston april 8th 1834 marble works the undersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he keeps on band a large assortment of marble chimney pieces tombs 4 headstones of all descriptions finished in the best manner he trusts from his long experience in the b isiness and from the anaugements he has made to recei ve a regular supply of different kinds of marble to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage orders executed on the shortest notice john cullen quarrsr kingston feb 7th 1831 tf i a t for jfcfjjr u k lkihts of window sashes vf which will be sole cheap for cash phtfnqmre of j m rorison or h kingston april 4 1834 j sarjent for sale by the subscriber superfine flour by the bbl prime mess pork do butter y the quantity cheese do do- s r caldwell larket place kingston feb 7th 1834 1 s lamp oil paint oil paints globe lan- s c for sale bv arch 21st 1831 parker benson ff notice 0 2 subscriber having relinquished business in stou requests all those indebted to hiin either ote or account to settle the same between jate and the first of may next as all remain- ihen unsettled will be given into the hands of ttorney for collection robert glendinn1ng igston 29th march 1831 16 boot and shoe manufactory jsite the chiwnhxe office brock stkeet illiam p gibson returns thanks to his i and the public for past favors and begs leave tm them that he has now on hand a general neul of gentlemens ladies and childrens tfid shoes to answer the season manufactured his immediate superintendence which he pfidently recommend for durability all orders punctually attended to on the short- e ice ston april 1st 183t the subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston that he has just opened for sale a splendid assortment of the most modern shaped bonnets consisting of tuscany dunstable and split straw ladies riding hats and a case of christys make gents best beaver hats also gems black and white leghorns and a trunk of the newest pattern printed muslins n b- country merchants may be supplied with straw and leghorn bonnets on the most rea sonable terms also on hand an excellent assortment of goods suitable to the approaching season wm wilson k march 27th is34 the subscriber being about to close business in kingston re quests all those who are indebted to him to settle their accounts immediately otherwise they will be given into the hands of an attorney for collection and all those having claims against him will bring them forward for a settlement john mcleod kingston 21st march 1834 13 kingston foundry- the inhabitants of kingston and the public generally are respect- 1 fully informed that this foundry is again in full operation iron and brass castings of every description made to order on the shortest notice including mill costings clothiers and other screws mill pinions gearings also trimming and finishing all kinds of iron work c smaller castings of every kind will be made to or der in the course of a few weeks ploughs and plough castings will be kept for sale at the foundry wholesale and retail xjfor sale a small steamengine of 4horse power is offered for sale cheap for cash kingston 24ih january 1834 alliance british foreign life and fire a8surwce company catital five mlltltf sterling the office of this cnmpw for kingstox and the midland prince edwv and newcastle districts is held at the p of business of the sub scribers corner of king and brock streets where property will he insured agarr ftrc aa heretofore personal applications from til country ill be pre ferred office hours from j p m james macfarre co agents n b 8ieam boats assuf- kingston april 2 1s34 noticw- i the subscriber do herel n person or persons trusting or harbou y wife polhann noble on mv accounr m horatio noble emcstown april th 163- twenty poujyjfx reward will be paid to any person whowsii give such infoimation of moses walgh as shall lead to the recovery of the property w e was entrusted april 4 is34 information wanted of moses waugh perm who left kingston in july last for the upper coorry and who was last heard of in brantford gore pstrict any person having kuowlelge of the above will confer an obligation on the unersigned by commu nicating with him by letter j a corbett kingston feb 13th 1934 4 for sale by the subscriber 100 boxes window gloat 7jx8j 79 8x10 10i2 raw linseed oil 4s 9d pr gallon douhlo boiled linseed oil 5s per do best dry white lead 40s percwl venetian red spanish brown red lead yellow ochre lamp black spirits turpentine c e a complete assortment of painters brushes whiting 10 percwl london puny 4d per lb best quality white paints in kegs of 28 lbs each thomas hardy upper end of store street kingston march 31st 1834 16 100 for sale acres of very excellent land in the 4th concession of fredericksburg about 60 acres of which are improved with a frame house on the premises and a never failing stream of water crosses the lot the situation ofthe place isagreeable and healthy near excellent mills surrounded by rich and flou rishing settlements and possessing every advantage calculated to meet the eye ofthe enterprising farmer apply to a truax esq kingston or to the subscriber jos nb1lson emestown 4th march 1831 9 new store william macgruer respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business in the store formerly occupied by mr william mckeuzie junr directly opposite the hardware stoic of mr john watkins store street where he intends to keep constantly on hand a well selected assortment of dry goods groceties wines spirituous liquors crockery iahnure aic ac v m g trusts that his assiduity and close at tention to business will recommend him to a fair pjiiiitpuiftjlmlilmltluffipirmft notice a meeting ofthe creditors of the late wit- ltam adzt of the township of kingston oecoujo p m at mr beryamin olcotts tavern on account of a fraudulent transacuoo thoee intereets pitrticularly requested to attend april 5 1834 w k cook creditor are kingston feb 7th ib34 1 deeds of assignments mortgages memorials bonds wills testaments protests contracts agreements powers of attorney charter parties and all commercial instruments prepared engros sed and attested upon the shortest notice books posted accounts collected and lands bought and sold at the office of wm t kennedy notary public land agest general accountant store street kingston feby 6th 1834 1 veterinary surgeon the subscriber takes the liberty of informing the inhabitants of kingston and the adjacent country that he has commenced business in the above line at chesnuts old stand near the scotch kirk an infirmary for sick hors9 edmund smith horses shod upon professor colmans im proved principle kingston march 10th 1834 10 noticfi in the press and will soocbe published re marks on doctor stracbansliiniphlei against the catholic doctrine of the ren presence of christ- body and blood in the euciarist addressed by him to his congregation it st james church in york upper canada aid occasioned by the honourable john elmsleyv publication of the bishop of strasbourgs obsei on the sixth chapter of st johns gospih by the kev wm p macdonald vicar genial kingston audi alteram partem kingston 10th march isol 10 r o if mj sf f o o v john beloxge in retorting his sincere thanks to the gentry and other inhalmants of kingston for the many favors conferred upmi him during the lasi thirteen years respectfully wg leave to acquaint them that he has taken the house situated at the coi ner of king queen streets which he has fitted in a superior manner and where he will prepare a formerly suppers slurtcrjrs soups c to tltoso gentlemen who limy lie pleased to palruuie him he takes the present opponuiiity also to inform the public that he is now manufacturing and intends to keep constantly on hand wholesale and retail all kinds of liquor tordialk coiilrclioonrr pairy at large or small dinner parties attended to upon the shortest notice no york a superior as- ejust received from sortmeni of the finest east india kingston feb u3th preserves take notice the subscriber being about to business in kingston requests all peisoi to him by xoteor hook account to call and settle the same without delav kingston feb 7th 1s31 t a relinquish s indebted corbett forsvle ry the uiscui bek oft hundred weight mi- green cnflee xv mcgruer kingston march 25th 1j1 i 11 to tiik free and independent electors of the town of kingston gentlemen not having publicly announced my intention lo solicit your suffrage as member of parliament for this town at tlie next general ilcction i now licg leave to say that in compli anc with the wishes of a large portion of my fellow townsmen as conveyed to inu in a numerously signed requbiiion i shall i ii riywlf to your notice on the day of election my long residence among you entitle me say iliat my principles arc well known and iny attachment to the crown and constitution of great britain unquestionable in support of w liivh i tnil atway to sttuntf prominentty ftrwanf if should have the honor to be returned asyour member i pledge myself to stippoit a bill to incorporate the town of kingston a bill in prevent the provincial penitentiary being an injury to mechanics a bill to repeal the summary punishment act which de prives the british subject of hid dearest right trial by jury my most active exertions will be used to prevent the clergy reserves passing into the hands of a dominant church my private interests are inseperably bound up with those uf ibis town to promote the prosperity of which will always be the chief object of my ambition i have the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant abraham truax kingston feb 28lu1st4 fob sale by the subscriber 500 sides of sole leather 50 do of skirting 200 do of upper leather a ht ne quantity of calf kidd and hog skins also 200 bbls of salt at lis 3d s r caldwell kingston feb 25th 183 e lesslie sons in addition to their supply of books station ery drugs patent medicines have for sale 200 r wrapping paper english german tovs 2cwt green yellow white shoe thread curriers oil in jars bbls leather wood transfer varnish seine sail twine c c c kingston feb 1831 1 3m william shaw the sheffield cutlkb most respectfully begs leave to acquainting numer ous friends and patrons that in obedience to their wishes he has taken out letters of licence authori sing him legally to carry on the business of auctioneer and r om w ission bobrgelant and humbly trusts that the assiduous amotion which he intends to pay to hid new profession will enable him to command a fair share of public patronage w s takes the liberty to say that for more than twenty years he has been a travelling cutler in england where at most of the fairs in the king dom he has had ample opportunity to improve him self in the gift ofthe tongue and therefore hopes that on future occasions in this country he shall not forfeit the small degree of reputation which bis ex ertions enabled him there to maintain merchants and traders auctions attended horsefl and cattle sold and good prices procured jyigut auctions every evening at seven oclock at his auction room n the market square next door to garratt whiskey store kingston april 4th 1834 to let with possession on the 15th of april next that excellent stand for ifemvirmattbffls g w yarkera hardware establish- twtowl ment at present in the occupation of the subscriber also to let of which possession will likewise be given on the same day that desirable and pleasant family resi dence with an excellent garden orchard attached comprising three fifths of an acre and an excellent well of water situated at the top of grave street now occupied by t a corbett kingston feb 7th 1s34 1 the subscriber begs leave to inform the gentry and public of kingston and its vicinity that he has opened his long room and is now ready to receive consign ment from all parties willing to realize irm rah for landed property merchanfize house hold furniture c c his nightly auctions will be continued as usual at which every article in the dry good line may be purchased at unprecedently low prices hugh scanlan auctioneer and commission merchant kingston feb 6 1834 j to let one house and sundry rooms in other houses apply to abner ives kingston march 21st 1834 cheap grocery store the subscriber begs leave to tender his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the support he has received since he commenced business in kingston also to inform them he has received by the late arrivals a large assortment of wines jamaica spihits spanish cognac lirasuv hollano itn prtptrmtnt shbub worthy the notice of tivern keepers also groceries earthenware glass and a large quan tity of west india ruc the first quality a large assortment of salt water fish table salt cheese duller oatmesl corn meal honey flour pork oats sole upper leather constantly for sale w p cook stort street kingston january 9th 1831 1 x0twf p1 pi eb u ven hat une88 mark mans- r ibljj or his hers do make good any claim thev jsams lot no l in lhe 2nd concession of thetoynship of portland in e mid- land district wuhm three months from this date the said lot will be disposed op peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office toronto 17th march 1834 notice in consequence ofthe number ofapplicationstohim concerning ihe accounts ofthe spectator newspaper for the past year dr barker gives notice that he is not in any way accountable for their correctness or incorrectness british whig office march 18th 1834 wanted by a young englishman of good education some employment either as writer bookkeeper or clerk high salary not material letters post paid ad dressed to a b at the office of the british whig will be attended to kingston march 18th 1834 wanted as an apprentice by the subscriber a lad about four teen or fifteen years old edward down kingston march 18 1834 painter f glazier notice the undersigned rive notice aalt pejsons in debted to him either by note or book account wmp- y and settle or arrange the same previous to the fiist day of april next as on that day all his sccoants will be put into the hands of his attorney for collec tion john mekay store pt kingston march 4th lft34 8 to let possession given on the 1st may next that three story brick building easterly of mr b olcotts and now occupied by messrs rose cameron as a dry goods and grocery store the above is an excellent stand for business application to be made to a thibodo kingston march 21st 1834 oats 2000 bushels oats for sale by parker benson march 30 834